For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
رقص کناں ہے زندگی ۔ جوشؔ ملیح آبادی
راہ میں گُرگ و مار ہیں، غار ہیں خارزار ہیں
قعر ہیں کوہسار ہیں، پھر بھی دواں ہے زندگی
عرصۂ گیر و دار میں، حلقۂ برق و نار میں
دوزخِ روزگار میں، باغِ جناں ہے زندگی
خستۂ جورِ آسماں، بستۂ مرگِ ناگہاں
پھر بھی محیط و جاوداں، مست و جواں ہے زندگی
پوچھ کہ کیوں ہے یوں حسیں، زیست کی رو کہاں نہیں
پوچھ نہ یارِ سطح بیں، کیا ہے کہاں ہے زندگی
ہر خمِ لب میں داستاں، ہر بُنِ مُو میں اک جہاں
صدرِ مکان و لامکاں، میرِ زماں ہے زندگی
چرخِ تعینات پر، اوجِ صفات و ذات پر
شمسۂ کائنات پر، کاہکشاں ہے زندگی
جامہ بہ جامہ، بر بہ بر، خانہ بہ خانہ در بہ در
خیر بہ خیر، شر بہ شر، سِرّ نہاں ہے زندگی
قصر بہ قصر، تہہ بہ تہہ، مہر بہ مہر، مہ بہ مہ
کوچہ بہ کوچہ، رہ بہ رہ، نور فشاں ہے زندگی
موج بہ موج تب بہ تب، روز بہ روز، شب بہ شب
نطق بہ نطق لب بہ لب حرفِ تپاں ہے زندگی
آب بہ آب، گُل بہ گُل، نور بہ نور، ظِل بہ ظِل
سینہ بہ سینہ دل بہ دل، زمزمہ خواں ہے زندگی
حسن بہ حسن، ذم بہ ذم، پیچ بہ پیچ، خم بہ خم
دجلہ بہ دجلہ، یم بہ یم، گرمِ عناں ہے زندگی
کوہ بہ کوہ، جُو بہ جُو، قریہ بہ قریہ کُو بہ کُو
رنگ بہ رنگ و بُو بہ بُو، ذوقِ بیاں ہے زندگی
جُزو بہ جُزو، کُل بہ کُل، خار بہ خار، گُل بہ گُل
شیشہ بہ شیشہ، مُل بہ مُل بادہ فشاں ہے زندگی
جرعہ بہ جرعہ دم بہ دم، نوش بہ نوش، سم بہ سم
جام بہ جام، جم بہ جم، پیرِ مغاں ہے زندگی
جوشؔ کا دم ہے واپسیں، لا بھی ستار و ساتگیں
دیر نہ کر کہ ہم نشیں، آبِ رواں ہے زندگی
रक़्स कुनां है ज़िंदगी – जोश मलीहाबादी
राह में गुर्ग ओ मार हैं, ग़ार हैं ख़ारज़ार हैं
क़’आर हैं कोहसार हैं, फिर भी दवां है ज़िंदगी
अर्सा-ए गीर ओ दार में, हल्क़ा-ए बर्क़ ओ नार में
दोज़ख़-ए रोज़्गार में, बाग़-ए जिनां है ज़िंदगी
ख़स्ता-ए जौर-ए आस्मां, बस्ता-ए मर्ग-ए नागहां
फिर भी मोहीत ओ जावदां, मस्त ओ जवां है ज़िंदगी
पूछ के क्यूं है यूं हसीं, ज़ीस्त की रौ कहा नहीं
पूछ न यार-ए सतह-बीं, क्या है कहां है ज़िंदगी
हर ख़म-ए लब में दास्तां, हर बुन-ए मू में एक जहां
सद्र-ए मकां ओ लामकां, मीर-ए ज़मां है ज़िंदगी
चर्ख़-ए तय्युनात पर, औज-ए सिफ़ात ओ ज़ात पर
शम्सा-ए काएनात पर, काहकशां है ज़िंदगी
जामा ब जामा, बर ब बर, ख़ाना ब ख़ाना दर ब दर
ख़ैर ब ख़ैर, शर ब शर, सिर्र-ए नेहां है ज़िंदगी
क़स्र ब क़स्र, तह ब तह, महर ब महर, मह ब मह
कूचा ब कूचा, रह ब रह, नूर फ़शां है ज़िंदगी
मौज ब मौज, तब ब तब, रोज़ ब रोज़, शब ब शब
नुत्क़ ब नुत्क़, लब ब लब, हर्फ़-ए तपां है ज़िंदगी
आब ब आब, गुल ब गुल, नूर ब नूर, ज़िल ब ज़िल
सीना ब सीना, दिल ब दिल, ज़म्ज़मा ख़्वां है ज़िंदगी
हुस्न ब हुस्न, ज़म ब ज़म, पेच ब पेच, ख़म ब ख़म
दज्ला ब दज्ला, यम ब यम, गर्म-ए अनां है ज़िंदगी
कोह ब कोह, जू ब जू, क़र्या ब क़र्या, कू ब कू
रंग ब रंग ओ बू ब बू, ज़ौक़-ए बयां है ज़िंदगी
जुज़्व ब जुज़्व, कुल ब कुल, ख़ार ब ख़ार, गुल ब गुल
शीशा ब शीशा, मुल ब मुल, बादा फ़शां है ज़िंदगी
जुर’अ ब जुर’अ, दम ब दम, नोश ब नोश, सम ब सम
जाम ब जाम, जम ब जम, पीर-ए मुग़ां है ज़िंदगी
जोश का दम है वापसीं, ला भी सितार ओ सातगीं
देर न कर के हमनशीं, आब-ए रवां है ज़िंदगी
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. Typically, josh’s compositions throb and overflow with energy and ‘josh/passion’. Here josh celebrates life because it is finite and circumscribed, but still enjoyable. In this celebration, josh defies the rather morose convention that ‘real life begins after death’. He would much rather enjoy what he has. This is a long Ghazal-numa nazm, posted in two parts for easy reading. This is part two.
raah1 meN gurg2 o maar3 haiN, Ghaar4 haiN Khaarzaar5 haiN
q’aar6 haiN kohsaar7 haiN, phir bhi davaaN8 hai zindagi 1.path 2.wolf 3.serpent 4.cave, shelter 5.field of thorns 6.deep ravine 7.hills 8.running, galloping
Wolf and serpent along the way, field of thorns even in shelters
Deep ravines and high hills, still galloping to the goal is Life
arsa1-e giir-o-daar2 meN, halqa3-e barq4 o naar5 meN
dozaKh6-e rozgaar7 meN, baaGh-e jinaaN8 hai zindagi 1.times, age, era 2.conflict and struggle 4.lightning 6.hell 7.daily life 8.heaven
In times of conflict and struggle, in a circle of thunder and fire
Confronting hellish daily survival, a heavenly garden of pleasure is Life
Khasta1-e jaur2-e aasmaaN, basta3-e marg4-e naagahaaN5
phir bhi mohiit6 o jaavedaaN7, mast8 o javaaN hai zindagi 1.broken 2.cruelty, oppression 3.confined 4.death 5.sudden, unpredictable 6.covering, shetering 7.immortal 8.carefree
Broken by cruel fate, bound an unpredictable death
Still protecting and preserving, carefree and youthful is Life
poochh keh kyuN hai yuN hasiiN1, ziist2 ki rau3 kahaaN nahiN
poochh na yaar4-e satah-biiN5, kya hai kahaaN hai zindagi 1.beautiful 3.flow 4.friend 5.of superficial sight
Ask what makes it so beautiful, the flow of life all around
Ask not O friend of casual glance, what and why there is Life
har Kham1-e lab2 meN daastaaN3, har bun-e-muu4 meN ek jahaaN
sadr5-e makaan6 o laamakaaN7, miir8-e zamaaN9 hai zindagi 1.curve 2.lip 3.story follicle, fibre 5.centre 7.void 8.leader, king 9.time
The curve of every lip a story tells, every fibre holds a world
The focus of space and of the void, the king of time is Life
charKh1-e t’ayyunaat2 par, auj3-e sifaat4 o zaat5 par
shamsa6-e kaa’enaat7 par, kaahkashaaN8 hai zindagi 2.pre-destination, fate 3.apex, climax 4.attributes, characteristics 5.(divine) being 6.embellishment, decoration 7.universe, cosmos 8.constellation
On the sky that determines our fate, the climax of the divine creation
On the cosmic panorama, the decoration of the star studded sky is Life
jaama1 ba jaama, bar2 ba bar, Khaana3 ba Khaana, dar4 ba dar
Khair5 ba Khair, shar6 ba shar, sirr-e-nehaaN7 hai zindagi 1.clothes, dress 2.width/spread of cloth, shelter 4.door, domain 5.good 6.bad 7.hidden secret
The cloth that covers, the dwelling that shelters, the domain that sustains
All the good and all the bad, the secret behind them all, is Life
qasr1 ba qasr, tah2 ba tah, mahr3 ba mahr, mah4 ba mah
koocha5 ba koocha, rah6 ba rah, noor-fashaaN7 hai zindagi 1.palace, mansion, settlements 2.layer 3.sun, year 4.moon, month 5.lane 6.path 7.light spreading
Palaces and forts, layer by layer, over months and years
Pathway by pathway, lane by lane spreading light is Life
mauj1 ba mauj, tab2 ba tab, roz3 ba roz, shab4 ba shab
nutq5 ba nutq, lab6 ba lab, harf-e-tapaaN7 hai zindagi 1.wave 2.moment 4.night 5.speech 6.lip 7.restless/burning words
Wave after wave, moment by moment, day by day, night after night
With speech on its lips, restlessly calling out to us is Life
aab1 ba aab, gul ba gul, noor2 ba noor, zil3 ba zil
siina ba siina, dil ba dil, zamzama-KhwaaN4 hai zindagi 1.water/life, lustre 2.light 3.shadow 4.singer
In everything living and blossoming, in light and in shade
In every bosom and throbbing heart, singing melodies is Life
husn1 ba husn, zam2 ba zam, pech3 ba pech, Kham4 ba Kham
dajla5 ba dajla, yum6 ba yum, garm-e anaaN7 hai zindagi, praise 2.blame 3.twist 4.curve, turn 5.river Tigris 6.brook, river 7.reins
In everything praiseworthy or to be blamed, in every twist and turn
In every river that flows and brook that gurgles, holding reins is Life
koh1 ba koh, juu2 ba juu, qarya3 ba qarya, kuu4 ba kuu
raNg ba raNg o buu5 ba buu, zauq6-e bayaaN7 hai zindagi 1.hill 2.river 3.region, settlement 4.street 5.fragrance 6.taste, desire 7.expression
Hill by hill, river after river, village by village, street after street
In every colour and in every fragrance, the taste for expression is Life
juzv1 ba juzv, kul2 ba kul, Khaar3 ba Khaar, gul4 ba gul
shiisha5 ba shiisha, mul6 ba mul, baada-fashaaN7 hai zindagi 1.part 2.whole 3.thorn 4.rose 5.bottle, cup of wine showering
In every part and in the whole, in every thorn and in the rose
In every cup and every drink, the freely flowing wine is Life
jur’a1 ba jur’a, dam2 ba dam, nosh3 na nosh, sam4 ba sam
jaam5 ba jaam, jam6 ba jam, piir-e-muGhaaN7 hai zindagi 1.sip 2.breath 3.mouthful 4.together 5.cup 6.jamshed, Persian emperor whose magical cup could divine the future 7.head priest/wine maker, saaqi
In every sip, in every breath, in every bite shared together
With every cup and every tale of the tavern, the saaqi is Life
josh1 ka dam2 hai vaapasiiN3, laa bhi sitaar o saatgiiN4
der na kar keh humnashiiN5, aab-e-ravaaN6 hai zindagi 1.pen-name of poet 2.breath, life 3.returning, departing 4.cup 5.friend 6.flowing water
josh’s breath is fleeting, bring out the sitar and goblet
Do not delay my friend, like flowing water is Life
josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. Typically, josh’s compositions throb and overflow with energy and ‘josh/passion’. Here josh celebrates life because it is finite and circumscribed, but still enjoyable. In this celebration, josh defies the rather morose convention that ‘real life begins after death’. He would much rather enjoy what he has. This is a long Ghazal-numa nazm, posted in two parts for easy reading. This is part two.
raah1 meN gurg2 o maar3 haiN, Ghaar4 haiN Khaarzaar5 haiN
q’aar6 haiN kohsaar7 haiN, phir bhi davaaN8 hai zindagi
1.path 2.wolf 3.serpent 4.cave, shelter 5.field of thorns 6.deep ravine 7.hills 8.running, galloping
Wolf and serpent along the way, field of thorns even in shelters
Deep ravines and high hills, still galloping to the goal is Life
arsa1-e giir-o-daar2 meN, halqa3-e barq4 o naar5 meN
dozaKh6-e rozgaar7 meN, baaGh-e jinaaN8 hai zindagi
1.times, age, era 2.conflict and struggle 4.lightning 6.hell 7.daily life 8.heaven
In times of conflict and struggle, in a circle of thunder and fire
Confronting hellish daily survival, a heavenly garden of pleasure is Life
Khasta1-e jaur2-e aasmaaN, basta3-e marg4-e naagahaaN5
phir bhi mohiit6 o jaavedaaN7, mast8 o javaaN hai zindagi
1.broken 2.cruelty, oppression 3.confined 4.death 5.sudden, unpredictable 6.covering, shetering 7.immortal 8.carefree
Broken by cruel fate, bound an unpredictable death
Still protecting and preserving, carefree and youthful is Life
poochh keh kyuN hai yuN hasiiN1, ziist2 ki rau3 kahaaN nahiN
poochh na yaar4-e satah-biiN5, kya hai kahaaN hai zindagi
1.beautiful 3.flow 4.friend 5.of superficial sight
Ask what makes it so beautiful, the flow of life all around
Ask not O friend of casual glance, what and why there is Life
har Kham1-e lab2 meN daastaaN3, har bun-e-muu4 meN ek jahaaN
sadr5-e makaan6 o laamakaaN7, miir8-e zamaaN9 hai zindagi
1.curve 2.lip 3.story follicle, fibre 5.centre 7.void 8.leader, king 9.time
The curve of every lip a story tells, every fibre holds a world
The focus of space and of the void, the king of time is Life
charKh1-e t’ayyunaat2 par, auj3-e sifaat4 o zaat5 par
shamsa6-e kaa’enaat7 par, kaahkashaaN8 hai zindagi 2.pre-destination, fate 3.apex, climax 4.attributes, characteristics 5.(divine) being 6.embellishment, decoration 7.universe, cosmos 8.constellation
On the sky that determines our fate, the climax of the divine creation
On the cosmic panorama, the decoration of the star studded sky is Life
jaama1 ba jaama, bar2 ba bar, Khaana3 ba Khaana, dar4 ba dar
Khair5 ba Khair, shar6 ba shar, sirr-e-nehaaN7 hai zindagi
1.clothes, dress 2.width/spread of cloth, shelter 4.door, domain 5.good 6.bad 7.hidden secret
The cloth that covers, the dwelling that shelters, the domain that sustains
All the good and all the bad, the secret behind them all, is Life
qasr1 ba qasr, tah2 ba tah, mahr3 ba mahr, mah4 ba mah
koocha5 ba koocha, rah6 ba rah, noor-fashaaN7 hai zindagi
1.palace, mansion, settlements 2.layer 3.sun, year 4.moon, month 5.lane 6.path 7.light spreading
Palaces and forts, layer by layer, over months and years
Pathway by pathway, lane by lane spreading light is Life
mauj1 ba mauj, tab2 ba tab, roz3 ba roz, shab4 ba shab
nutq5 ba nutq, lab6 ba lab, harf-e-tapaaN7 hai zindagi
1.wave 2.moment 4.night 5.speech 6.lip 7.restless/burning words
Wave after wave, moment by moment, day by day, night after night
With speech on its lips, restlessly calling out to us is Life
aab1 ba aab, gul ba gul, noor2 ba noor, zil3 ba zil
siina ba siina, dil ba dil, zamzama-KhwaaN4 hai zindagi
1.water/life, lustre 2.light 3.shadow 4.singer
In everything living and blossoming, in light and in shade
In every bosom and throbbing heart, singing melodies is Life
husn1 ba husn, zam2 ba zam, pech3 ba pech, Kham4 ba Kham
dajla5 ba dajla, yum6 ba yum, garm-e anaaN7 hai zindagi, praise 2.blame 3.twist 4.curve, turn 5.river Tigris 6.brook, river 7.reins
In everything praiseworthy or to be blamed, in every twist and turn
In every river that flows and brook that gurgles, holding reins is Life
koh1 ba koh, juu2 ba juu, qarya3 ba qarya, kuu4 ba kuu
raNg ba raNg o buu5 ba buu, zauq6-e bayaaN7 hai zindagi
1.hill 2.river 3.region, settlement 4.street 5.fragrance 6.taste, desire 7.expression
Hill by hill, river after river, village by village, street after street
In every colour and in every fragrance, the taste for expression is Life
juzv1 ba juzv, kul2 ba kul, Khaar3 ba Khaar, gul4 ba gul
shiisha5 ba shiisha, mul6 ba mul, baada-fashaaN7 hai zindagi
1.part 2.whole 3.thorn 4.rose 5.bottle, cup of wine showering
In every part and in the whole, in every thorn and in the rose
In every cup and every drink, the freely flowing wine is Life
jur’a1 ba jur’a, dam2 ba dam, nosh3 na nosh, sam4 ba sam
jaam5 ba jaam, jam6 ba jam, piir-e-muGhaaN7 hai zindagi
1.sip 2.breath 3.mouthful 4.together 5.cup 6.jamshed, Persian emperor whose magical cup could divine the future 7.head priest/wine maker, saaqi
In every sip, in every breath, in every bite shared together
With every cup and every tale of the tavern, the saaqi is Life
josh1 ka dam2 hai vaapasiiN3, laa bhi sitaar o saatgiiN4
der na kar keh humnashiiN5, aab-e-ravaaN6 hai zindagi
1.pen-name of poet 2.breath, life 3.returning, departing 4.cup 5.friend 6.flowing water
josh’s breath is fleeting, bring out the sitar and goblet
Do not delay my friend, like flowing water is Life