For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
mojid o mufakkir is “inventor and thinker/philosopher” … josh makes an argument that technology has made life easier for human kind but the philosopher/thinker has raised mankind to new heights of an amorphous combination of “values, culture, ethics, humanity”. The rigor of the argument aside, the language is so awesome, powerful and beautiful that (especially if you allow yourselves to be seduced by josh) you forget about the argument but simply get lost in admiring the composition. I invite you to that journey …
tamaddun 1-10 In 10 stanzas josh describes how sophistication and culture developed among human beings. Please remind yourselves that there is no anthropological rigour in this. The development of civilization/settlements, of speech and writing, of social behaviour is described in the most lyrical and beautiful phrases.
iijadaat 11-18 In stanzas 11-18 josh describes the inventions of technology. It is joyful to read his description of the timepiece or of the satellite or cinema/TV and of sentient machines. The metaphors and the language are incomparably beautiful. I have reordered a couple of stanza from josh’s original marsia to keep the keep the theme compatible in this set of stanzas.
shaa’estagi 19-29 In stanzas 19-29 humans become sensitive to inherited culture, indulge in archeological discoveries and refine culture further.
ehsaan 30-42 josh takes 13 stanzas to pay tribute to scientists and inventors in very beautiful and powerful language and then begins to wonder why humanity is not beholden to them. He goes on to answer that it is one thing to take us to the “dome of the skies” but another to make us understand the meaning of life.
mufakkir 43-53 Explaining the meaning of life is what a mufakkir does and josh goes on to re-affirm why the mufakkir is foremost in human thought, not the mojid.
sifaat-e husain 54-60 Having described the qualities and contributions of the mufakkir josh proceeds to say that husain ibn-e ali is an exemplary mufakkir who rose to do all this for humanity … he rose carrying a flask of his own blood on his shoulder i.e., ready to sacrifice his own life.
haalaat-e daur-e yaziid 61-68 A few stanzas describing in musical language the changing order from principled governance to hubristic power grab and personal enrichment.
Khoon 69-74 These stanzas are an unadulterated, highly emotional praise of husain. The terminology of “Khoon” is used not only to say that Husain was ready to sacrifice his own blood but also in the sense that in common parlance the word “Khoon” is used to imply character, heritage and the like. Even if you are not inclined to shii belief, you will find this composition extremely enjoyable and emotionally charged.
karbala 75-84 josh uses these few stanzas to describe the prevailing conditions before the battle of karbala which led husain to lay down his life in principled resistance.
tarGheeb 85-90 This comes close to incitement and calls upon the audience to resist injustice.
Khiraaj 91-107 Unadulterated tribute to husain. It is beautiful and powerful composition with rich metaphors. Enjoyable even when read with a completely secular viewpoint.
almadad 108-116 A resounding call for help from the spirit of husain while calling upon the audience to act on the principles that impelled husain, to resist present day injustice. His call on husain for water is a most dramatic and ironic climax to this marsia.
موجد و مفکر ۔ منتخب بند ۔ جوشؔ ملیح آبادی
مسکرا کر جب ہوی طالع تمدّن کی سحر
جنگلوں سے شہر کی جانب بڑھی فکرِ بشر
رسمسائی آرزوئے بام چونکا ذوقِ در
کِشتِ خاکِ تار میں اُگنے لگے شمس و قمر
خوشۂ حُسنِ زمیں یوں ناز سے پکنے لگا
داب کر دانتوں میں اُنگلی آسماں تکنے لگا
جب اِشاروں کو صدا بن کر نکھرنا آ گیا
اور صدا کو لفظ میں ڈھل کر اُبھرنا آ گیا
لفظ کو پھر حرف بن کر گُل کترنا آ گیا
خاکِ صامت کو باِلآخر بات کرنا آ گیا
لب ہلے تو کشتیاں چلنے لگیں اعجاز کی
فکرِ اِنساں کو سواری مل گئی آواز کی
شاہراہِ عام ترشی، مانگ نکلی شہر کی
روشنی کی موج نے اِس مانگ میں افشاں بھری
تابِ افشاں جدولِ مقیش میں ڈھل کر بہی
زندگی کی نبضِ ذوقِ شب روی چلنے لگی
سازِ شب سے نغمہ ہائے صبح دم پیدا ہوئے
بستیاں مڑنے لگیں گلیوں میں خم پیدا ہوئے
ساعتوں کو کوک بھرتے ہی روانی مل گئی
ہر دقیقے کو منظم پرفشانی مل گئی
گنگ لحظوں کو گجر کی نغمہ خوانی مل گئی
عمر کے دھارے کو لوہے کی کمانی مل گئی
سوئیوں کی رو میں لمحوں کو چٹکنا آ گیا
وقت کو آغوشِ آہن میں چہکنا آ گیا
ذوق نکھرا کہکشانی بام و در بننے لگے
سنگریزے آئینے، قطرے گہر بننے لگے
برق پارے مرغ ہائے نامہ بر بننے لگے
آہنی اعصاب ڈھل کر بال و پر بننے لگے
زندگی روحِ ثریا کی طرف جانے لگی
قلبِ انجم کے دھڑکنے کی صدا آنے لگی
سینۂ آہن سے اُٹھی موجِ شمشیر و قلم
خاک میں جاگے نقوشِ دیر و ایوانِ حرم
ولولوں میں جھن جھنایا زمزموں کا زیر و بم
کروٹیں لینے لگے پتھر میں بے ترشے سنم
قلبِ زر میں بستہ کنگن چٹکیاں لینے لگے
موتیوں کو ریشمی ڈورے صدا دینے لگے
پھر درخشاں فکر کی یوں خاک پر برسی شراب
ظلمتوں کی کوکھ سے پیدا ہوے سو ماہ تاب
پھر اُڑایا عِلم نے وہ کوکبِ اجرام یاب
جس کی رو میں اُٹھ رہی ہے ماہِ تاباں کی نقاب
شور برپا ہے کہ میرِ آگہی آنے کو ہے
آسماں پر غلغلے ہیں آدمی آنے کو ہے
شکریہ کیونکر ادا ہو اہلِ ایجادات کا
ایک دریا بہہ رہا ہے طُرفہ مصنوعات کا
جگمگا اُٹھا ہے دن کی طرح مکھڑا رات کا
جسمِ آہن میں دواں ہے خون احساسات کا
یوں اُنھوں نے جزوِ خاک اپنا پسینہ کر دیا
دھات کے آلات کو دانا و بینا کر دیا
دِل کو لیکن سخت اِستعجاب ہے اے ہم نشیں
اتنے احسانات کے باوصف یہ روشن جبیں
بن نہ پائے زیرِ سقفِ آسماں صدرِ زمیں
اور تو اور آدمی کے حافظے تک میں نہیں
نام اِن کا دہر کے آفاق بینوں میں نہیں
یہ سفینوں میں تو ہیں موجود سینوں میں نہیں
طبع اِنسانی کو دے سکتا نہیں جو روشنی
نوعِ اِنسانی کا آقا وہ نہیں بنتا کبھی
آدمی کو جو غذا دیتا نہیں اِخلاص کی
اُمتوں کا مقتدیٰ بنتا نہیں وہ آدمی
قبلہ گاہ اُس شخص کو اِنساں بنا سکتا نہیں
جو بشر کے ذہن کو آگے بڑھا سکتا نہیں
کاہ کی رگ میں جو دوڑاتا ہے خونِ کہکشاں
کھولتا ہے خار کے دِل میں جو بابِ گلستاں
گونج اُٹھتی ہے رگِ گردن میں جس کی داستاں
نعرہ بنتا ہے اُسی کا نام زیرِ آسماں
شمع رکھتا ہے جو وقتِ پرفشاں کے تاق میں
تا قیامت گونجتا ہے گنبدِ آفاق میں
ولولوں کی سطح کو دیتا ہے جو آبِ گہر
جس کے روشن سائے میں پروان چڑھتی ہے نظر
جس کے لہجے میں گندھے ہوتے ہیں سو شمس و قمر
جس کے لفظوں کے اُفق پر جگمگاتی ہے سحر
نام رہتا ہے اُسی کا خاطرِ ممنون میں
جس کے فقرے دوڑتے ہیں آدمی کے خون میں
تھا اُنھیں آبائے اِنسانی میں اک مردِ جلیل
قبلۂ عالم، امامِ عصر، امیرِ بے عدیل
اعتبارِ موجِ کوثر، آبروئے سلسبیل
فخرِ اِسمعیل، جانِ مصطفےٰ، نازِ خلیل
محورِ گیتی و گردوں، مرکزِ دنیا و دیں
مہبطِ آوازِ حق، مخدومِ جبریلِ امیں
ہاں اُسی کے دور میں گیتی پہ چھایا تھا جنوں
آدمی پر چل گیا تھا حبّ دولت کا فسوں
بج رہے تھے ممبروں پہ سیم و زر کے ارغنوں
حملہ آور ہوگئی تھی دین پر دُنیائے دوں
ظلمتوں کے ٹھٹ لگے تھے روشنی کے سامنے
موت منہ کھولے کھڑی تھی زندگی کے سامنے
تیرگی کی جیب میں تھی دولتِ شمس و قمر
جل رہا تھا خانۂ دیرینۂ فکر و نظر
زندگی پر یوں جہنم کا تسلط دیکھ کر
اِک عظیم اِنسان بہرِ خدمتِ نوعِ بشر
رنگ بھرنے زندگی کے نقش میں قانون کا
دوش پر لے کر سبُو آیا خود اپنے خون کا
جِس کے ہر قطرے میں تھی قلزم کی طغیانی وہ خون
کاہ جس کی راہ میں تھا کوہِ سُلطانی وہ خون
جس کے آگے خسروی کی آگ تھی پانی وہ خون
غرق ہوکر رہ گئی جس میں جہانبانی وہ خون
جس کی موجوں میں خمِ تیغ و مزاجِ سنگ تھا
نوح کا طوفان جس کے دبدبے سے دنگ تھا
جو طبیب و چارہ سازِ نوعِ اِنساں تھا وہ خون
گردنِ قاتل پہ جو شمشیرِ بُرّاں تھا وہ خون
ساغرِ مقتول میں جو آبِ حیواں تھا وہ خون
جو نبوت کے اِدارے کا نگہباں تھا وہ خون
عرصۂ آفاق جس کی وُسعتوں پر تنگ تھا
جس کی پرتو سے رُخِ پیغمبری گل رنگ تھا
اہلِ دل سے کہہ رہی ہے یہ موُرِخ کی زباں
بعدِ پیغمبر ہوی تھیں کس قدر سرگوشیاں
چھا گیا تھا ہر طرف کس طرح دولت کا دھواں
کیا دبے پاؤں چلے تھے سازشوں کے کارواں
اب بھی اِن امواج میں ڈوبی پڑی ہے کربلا
ہاں اُنھیں کی ایک تاریخی کڑی ہے کربلا
خانہ بربادی پہ اِتراو تو لو نامِ حسین
بیکسی پر ناز فرماو تو لو نامِ حسین
چاند سے ٹکڑوں کو گہناو تو لو نامِ حسین
رن میں اک بے شیر کو لاو تو لو نامِ حسین
بیکسی کی موت نعمت ہو تو لو نامِ حسین
دھوپ میں سونے کی ہمت ہو تو لو نامِ حسین
کر دیا تو نے یہ ثابت اے دلاور آدمی
زندگی کیا موت سے لیتا ہے ٹکر آدمی
کاٹ سکتا ہے رگِ گردن سے خنجر آدمی
لشکروں کو روند سکتے ہیں بہتر آدمی
ضعف ڈھا سکتا ہے قصرِ افسر و اورنگ کو
آبگینے توڑ سکتے ہیں حصارِ سنگ کو
دیکھ پھر قصرِ جہنّم بن چکا ہے روزگار
آنچ میں غلطیدہ ہے پھر خیمۂ لیل و نہار
سر زمیں پر حکمراں ہیں باہزاراں اقتدار
آتش و دود و دُخان و شعلہ و برق و شرار
زندگی ہے برسرِ آتش فشانی یا حسین
آگ دنیا میں لگی ہے آگ، پانی یا حسین
मोजिद ओ मुफ़क्किर-मुंतख़ब बंद-जोश मलीहाबादी
मुस्कुरा कर जब हुई ताल’अ तमद्दुन की सहर
जंगलों से शहर की जानिब बढ़ी फ़िक्र-ए बशर
रस्मसाई आरज़ू-ए बाम चौंका ज़ौक-ए दर
किश्त-ए ख़ाक-ए तार में उगने लगे शम्स ओ क़मर
ख़ोशा-ए हुस्न-ए ज़मीं यूँ नाज़ से पकने लगा
गुंग इशारों को सदा बन कर निखरना आ गया
और सदा को लफ़्ज़ में ढल कर उभरना आ गया
लफ़्ज़ को फिर हर्फ़ बन कर गुल कतरना आ गया
ख़ाक-ए सामत को बिल-आख़ेर बात करना आ गया
लब हिले तो किश्तियाँ चलने लगीं एजाज़ की
फ़िक्र-ए इन्सां को सवारी मिल गई आवाज़ की
शाहराह-ए आम तर्शी मांग निकली शहर की
रौशनी की मौज ने इस मांग में अफ़्शां भरी
ताब-ए अफ़्शां जद्वल-ए मुक़ैश में ढल कर बही
ज़िन्दगी की नब्ज़-ए ज़ौक-ए शबरवी चलने लगी
साज़-ए शब से नग़्मा-हा-ए सुबह दम पैदा हुए
बस्तिया मुढने लगीं गलियों में ख़म पैदा हुए
सा’अतों को कूक भरते ही रवानी मिल गई
हर दक़ीक़े को मुनज़्ज़िम पर फ़शानी मिल गई
गुंग लह्ज़ों को गजर की नग़्मा-ख़्वानी मिल गई
उम्र के धारे को लोहे की कमानी मिल गई
सूईओं की रौ में लम्हों को चिटकना आ गया
वक़्त को आग़ोश-ए आहन में चहकना आ गया
ज़ौक़ निखरा कह्कशानी बाम ओ दर बन’ने लगे
संग्रेज़े आईने, क़तरे गुहर बन’ने लगे
बर्क़ पारे मुर्ग़-हा-ए नामा-बर बन’ने लगे
आहनी आसाब ढल कर बाल ओ पर बन’ने लगे
ज़िन्दगी रूह-ए सुरय्या की तरफ़ जाने लगी
क़ल्ब-ए अंजुम के धढकने की सदा आने लगी
सीना-ए आहन से उठी मौज-ए शमशीर ओ क़लम
ख़ाक में जागे नुक़ूश-ए दैर ओ ऐवान-ए हरम
वल्वलों में झनझनाया ज़म्ज़मों का ज़ेर ओ बम
करवटें लेने लगे पत्थर में बे-तर्शे सनम
क़ल्ब-ए ज़र में बस्ता कंगन चुटकियाँ लेने लगे
मोतियों को रेशमी डोरे सदा देने लगे
फिर दरख़्शां फ़िक्र की यूँ ख़ाक पर बरसी शराब
ज़ुल्मतों की कोख से पैदा हुए सौ महताब
फिर उढाया इल्म ने वो कौकब-ए अज्राम याब
जिसकी रौ में उठ रही है माह-ए ताबां की नक़ाब
शोर बरपा है के मीर-ए आगाही आने को है
आसमां पर ग़ुलग़ुले हैं आदमी आने को है
शुक्रिया क्यूँकर अदा हो अहल-ए ईजादात का
एक दर्या बह रहा है तुर्फ़ा मस्नू’आत का
जगमगा उठा है दिन की तरह मुखढा रात का
जिस्म-ए आहन में दवां है ख़ून एहसासात का
यूँ उन्हों ने जुज़्व-ए ख़ाक अपना पसीना कर दिया
धात के आलात को दाना ओ बीना कर दिया
दिल को लैकिन सख़्त इस्ते’जाब है अए हम नशीं
इतने एहसानात के बा-वस्फ़ ये रौशन जबीं
बन न पाए ज़ेर-ए सक़्फ़-ए आसमां सद्र-ए ज़मीं
और तो और आदमी के हाफ़ेज़े तक में नहीं
नाम इन का दहर के आफ़ाक़ बीनों में नहीं
ये सफ़ीनों में तो हैं मौजूद सीनों में नहीं
तब’अ इंसानी को दे सकता नहीं जो रौशनी
नौ-ए इंसानी का आक़ा वो नहीं बनता कभी
आदमी को जो ग़िज़ा देता नहीं एख़्लास की
उम्मतों का मुक़्तदा बनता नहीं वो आदमी
क़िब्ला-गह उस शख़्स को इन्सां बना सकता नहीं
जो बशर के ज़हन को आगे बढ़ा सकता नहीं
काह की रग में जो दौढाता है ख़ून-ए कहकशां
खोलता है ख़ार के दिल में जो बाब-ए गुल्सितां
गूँज उठती है रग-ए गर्दन में जिस की दास्ताँ
ना’रा बनता है उसी का नाम ज़ेर-ए आसमां
शम’अ रख्ता है जो वक़्त-ए पर-फ़शां के ताक़ में
ता क़यामत गूंजता है गुंबद-ए आफ़ाक़ में
वल्वलों की सतह को देता है जो आब-ए गुहर
जिसके रौशन साए में परवान चढ़ती है नज़र
जिसके लहजे में गुंधे होते हैं सौ शम्स ओ क़मर
जिसके लफ़्ज़ों के उफ़क़ पर जगमगाती है सहर
नाम रहता है उसी का ख़ातेर-ए ममनून में
जिसके फ़िक़्रे दौढते हैं आदमी के ख़ून में
था उन्हीं आबा-ए इंसानी में एक मर्द-ए जलील
क़िब्ला-ए आलम, इमाम-ए अस्र, अमीर-ए बे अदील
ए’तेबार-ए मौज-ए कौसर, आब्रू-ए सल्सबील
फ़ख़्र-ए इस्माईल, जान-ए मुस्तफ़ा, नाज़-ए ख़लील
महवर-ए गेती ओ गर्दूं, मरकज़-ए दुनिया ओ दीं
महबत-ए आवाज़-ए हक़, मख़्दूम-ए जिब्रील-ए अमीं
हाँ उसी के दौर में गेती पे छाया था जुनूं
आदमी पर चल गया था हुब्ब-ए दौलत का फ़ुसूं
बज रहे थे मिम्बरों पे सीम ओ ज़र के अरग़ुनूं
हम्ला आवर हो गई थी दीन पर दुनिया-ए दूँ
ज़ुल्मतों के ठट लगे थे रौशनी के सामने
मौत मुंह खोले खढी थी ज़िन्दगी के सामने
तीरगी की जेब में थी दौलत-ए शम्स ओ क़मर
जल रहा था ख़ाना-ए देरीना-ए फ़िक्र ओ नज़र
ज़िन्दगी पर यूँ जहन्नुम का तस्सलुत देख कर
एक अज़ीम इन्सान बहर-ए ख़िद्मत-ए नौ-ए बशर
रंग भरने ज़िन्दगी के नक़्श में क़ानून का
दोश पर लेकर सुबू आया ख़ुद अपने ख़ून का
जिस के हर क़त्रे में थी क़ुल्ज़ुम की तुग़ियानी वो ख़ून
काह जिस की राह में था कोह-ए सुल्तानी वो ख़ून
जिसके आगे ख़ुस्रवी की आग थी पानी वो ख़ून
ग़र्क़ हो कर रह गई जिस में जहांबानी वो ख़ून
जिसकी मोजों में ख़म-ए तेग़ ओ मिज़ाज-ए संग था
नूह का तूफ़ान जिस के दबदबे से दंग था
जो तबीब ओ चारा साज़-ए नौ-ए इन्सां था वो ख़ून
गर्दन-ए क़ातिल पे जो शम्शीर-ए बुर्रां था वो ख़ून
साग़र-ए मक़्तूल में जो आब-ए हैवां था वो ख़ून
जो नुबुव्वत के इदारे का निगहबां था वो ख़ून
अर्सा-ए आफ़ाक़ जिस की वुस’अतों पर तंग था
जिस के परतौ से रुख़-ए पैग़म्बरी गुल रंग था
अहल-ए दिल से कह रही है ये मो’अरिख़ की ज़बां
बाद-ए पैग़म्बर हुई थीं किस क़दर सरगोशियाँ
छा गया था हर तरफ़ किस तरह दौलत का धुआं
क्या दबे पाओं चले थे साज़िशों के कारवां
अब भी इन अमवाज में डूबी पढी है करबला
हाँ उन्हीं की एक तारीख़ी कढी है करबला
ख़ाना-बर्बादी पे इतराओ तो लो नाम-ए हुसैन
बेकसी पर नाज़ फ़रमाओ तो लो नाम-ए हुसैन
चाँद से टुकढौं को गहनाओ तो लो नाम-ए हुसैन
रन में एक बे-शीर को लाओ तो लो नाम-ए हुसैन
बेकसी की मौत ने’अमत हो तो लो नाम-ए हुसैन
धूप में सोने की हिम्मत हो तो लो नाम-ए हुसैन
कर दिया तू ने ये साबित अए दिलावर आदमी
ज़िन्दगी क्या मौत से लेता है टक्कर आदमी
काट सकता है रग-ए गर्दन से ख़ंजर आदमी
लश्करों को रौंद सकते हैं बहत्तर आदमी
ज़ो’फ़ ढा सकता है क़स्र-ए अफ़्सर ओ औरंग को
आबगीने तोढ सकते हैं हिसार-ए संग को
देख फिर क़स्र-ए जहन्नुम बन चुका है रोज़गार
आंच में ग़ल्तीदा है फिर ख़ैमा-ए लैल ओ निहार
सरज़मीं पर हुक्मरां हैं बा हज़ारां एक़्तेदार
आतिश ओ दूद ओ दुख़ान ओ शोला ओ बर्क़ ओ शरार
ज़िन्दगी है बरसर-ए आतिश फ़िशानी या हुसैन
आग दुनिया में लगी है आग, पानी या हुसैन
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
muskura kar jab hui taal’a1 tamaddun2 ki sahr
jaNgaloN se shahr ki jaanib baRhi fikr-e bashar3
rasmasaai4 aarzu-e baam5 chauNka6 zauq-e dar7
kisht8-e Khaak-e taar9 meN ugne lage shams o qamar10
Khosha11-e husn-e zamiN yuN naaz se pakne laga
daab kar daaNtoN meN uNgli12 aasmaaN takne laga 1.emerge 2.civilization, culture 3.human thinking 4.woke up (restlessness of an infant to be picked up) 5.desire of a roof 6.woke up 7.taste for a door 8.fields 9.dark dust (a metaphor for yet unexplored earth/land 10.sun and moon (a metaphor for landmarks) 11.bunch (of grapes)12. an expression for surprise and envy
As the morning of civilization/culture dawned smiling, human thought moved from the nomadic jungle towards settlement. The desire for a roof over his head awoke in man. In the (dark) unexplored fields of the earth, he found recognizable landmarks (sun and moon). The fruit of the beauty of earth began to ripen in great style, so much so that the sky began to look on with surprise and envy.
guNg ishaaroN ko sada1 ban kar nikharna2 aa gaya
aur sada ko lafz3 meN Dhal4 kar ubharna5 aa gaya
lafz ko phir harf6 ban kar gul-katarna7 aa gaya
Khaak-e saamat8 ko bil-aaKhir9 baat karna aa gaya
lab hile to kishtiyaN chalne lagiN ejaz10 ki
fikr-e-insaaN ko savari mil gayi avaaz k 1.sound 2.become fresh/clean 3.word 4.cast 5.emerge 6.alphabet/writing 7.pick flowers, make fine/subtle points 8.dumb clay=man (lore that humans were made from clay and water) last 10.miracles
As sign language blossomed into sound, and sound was cast into words and emerged as meaningful and words found expression and subtlety through writing, finally this dumb clay learnt to speak. And as he spoke, he launched ships of miraculous achievement. Human reasoning found a vehicle (expression) in speech.
shaahraah-e aam1 tarshi2 maaNg nikli shahr ki
raushni ki mauj ne is maaNg meN afshaaN3 bhari
taab4-e afshaaN jadval-e-muqaysh5 meN Dhal kar bahi
zindagi ki nabz5-e zauq-e-shabravi6 chalne lagi
saaz7-e shab se naGhma-ha-e-subah-dam8 paida hue
bastiaaN muRne lagiN galiyoN meN Kham9 paida hue 1.public highway carved 3.glitter 4.brightness 5.decorated line 6.pulse of the taste for night life 7.musical instrument 8.songs of dawn 9.curves
The highway appeared as a ‘maaNg’ in the hair of the bride (the settlement is personified as a bride). Waves of lamps lit the ‘maaNg’ like glitter. The brightness of glitter flowed as an adorned line. The taste for night life came alive as the throbbing pulse of life itself. The music of the night gave birth to songs of dawn. The highway branched into curving streets pulsating with life! Urbanization and night life clearly plays a large role in josh’s view of the development of cultural refinement. The city is described as a damsel and the bright highway is a ‘maaNg’ or middle parting of her hair.
saa’atoN1 ko kook bharte2 hi ravaani mil gayi
har daqiiqe3 ko munazzim4 par fashaani5 mil gayi
gung6 lahzoN7 ko gajar8 ki naGhma Khwaani9 mil gayi
umr ke dhaare ko lohe ki kamaani10 mil gayi
suyioN ki11 rau meN lamhoN12 ko chiTakna13 aa gaya
vaqt ko aGhosh-e aahan14 meN chahakna15 aa gaya 1.time, moment 2.wind a spring 3.moment 4.organized fly 6. silent, dumb 7.moment 8.chime 9.singing 10. steel spring 11.movement of needles (pointers) 12.second 13.bloom 14.metallic lap 15.twitter
Describing the invention of time-keeping. Time acquired the ability to flow as the spring (of the clock) was wound up. Every moment began to fly/flow in an organized way. Dumb/silent moments acquired the song of chimes. The flow of life acquired a bow of steel. Steel bow is used as a stand-in for the clock spring and as a metaphor for a strong back which is an expression of human strength. And so in this delicate and subtle way the flow of life is described as acquiring great strength. With the movement of pointers, moments learnt to blossom. Time learnt to twitter in the lap of iron. “chiTakna” is the gentle sound when the bud blooms. The movement of the needles is the blooming (chiTakna) of minutes with its “tick tock”, hence the twittering of time in the lap of iron.
zauq1 nikhra2 kahkashaani3 baam o dar4 ban’ne lage
saNgreze5 aaiine, qatre6 guhar7 ban’ne lage
barq paare8 murGh-ha-e naama-bar9 ban’ne lage
aahani10 aasab11 Dhal12 kar baal o par13 ban’ne lage
zindagi rooh-e surayya14 ki taraf jaane lagi
qalb-e anjum15 ke dhaRakne ki sada aane lag 1.taste 2.became refined 3.constellations 4.roof and door, home 5.pebbles 6.drops 7.pearl 8.particles of lightning 9.messenger pigeons 10.metallic 11.nerves and muscles 12.cast 13.feathers and wings 14.spirit of constellations 15.heart of stars
Tastes got refined (increased desires) making stations/homes beyond the stars. Pebbles were ground into mirrors and droplets into pearls. Bits of electricity were fashioned into messenger pigeons (telegraph). Metallic nerves/muscles got cast into feathers and wings (airplane). Life began to fly towards the constellations and the heartbeat of stars began to be heard. The first misra reminds me of Ghalib …
manzar ek balandi par aur ham bana lete
arsh se udhar hota kash ke makaN apna
We could have created a vision at even greater heights
O that our station had been on the other side of heavens.
siina-e aahan1 se uThi mauj-e shamshir2 o qalam3
Khaak meN jaage nuqoosh4-e dair5 o aivan6-e haram7
valvaloN8 meN jhanjhanaya zamzamoN9 ka zer o bam10
karvaTeN lene lage pathar meN be-tarshe11 sanam12
qalb13-e zar14 meN basta15 kangan16 chuTkiyaN lene lage
motiyoN ko reshmi dore sada17 dene lage 1.steel 2.sword 3.pen 4.markings, images 5.temple 6.halls 7.mosque 8.passion 9. music 10.ripples 11.not (yet) carved 12.idols 13.heart 15.tied up, hidden 16.bracelet
From the heart of steel, emerged waves of sword and pen. Hidden images of ancient temples and mosques were revealed. The music of man’s passion rang out like the ripples of a brook. Even rocks, not yet carved told the story of hidden idols waiting to be carved. Hidden gold bracelets yet to be shaped, tinkled to tell their story. Silk thread gave a call to pearls to be strung into necklaces.
phir daraKhshaaN1 fikr2 ki yuN Khaak par barsi sharaab
zulmatoN3 ki kokh4 se paida hue sau mahtaab5
phir uRaya ilm ne vo kaukab-e-ajraam-yaab6
jiski rau meN uTh rahi hai mah-e taabaN7 ki naqaab
shor barpa hai ke mir8-e aagahi9 aane ko hai
aasmaN par GhulGhule10 haiN aadmi aane ko hai 1.bright 2.reason 3.darkness, ignorance 4.womb 5.full moon 6. star that discovers celestial bodies 7.full moon 8.leader, lord 9.knowledge 10.chatter, talk of the town
josh composed this marsia in 1956 celebrating the emergence of knowledge then modified it to celebrate launch of Sputnik in 1957. Brightness of Knowledge shone on earth like blessed rain of wine and from the womb of ignorance were born hundreds of bright moons. Knowledge launched forth a star – discoverer of celestial bodies which removed the veil from the face of many bright moons. The chatter in heaven speaks of arrival of the lord of knowledge. They are preparing a tumultuous welcome for the arrival of man.
shukriya1 kyuNkar2 ada ho ahl-e eejadat3 ka
ek darya bah raha hai turfa4 masnuaat5 ka
jagmaga uTha hai din ki tarah mukhRa raat ka
jism-e aahan6 meN davaN7 hai Khoon ehsasat8 ka
yuN unhoN ne juzv-e Khaak9 apna pasina kar diya
dhaat10 ke aalaat11 ko dana12 o beena13 kar diya 1.thanks 3.inventors 4.fascinating, new 5.products/creativity 6.metal 7.running 8.feelings, sensation 9.part of the dust – to make one’s sweat a part of the dust is to work hard 10.metal 11.instruments, machines 12.knowing 13.seeing
How can we thank these inventors who have caused a constant river of creativity to flow. They have made the face of the night shine like day. They have made metallic machines sense and feel. They have worked so hard and sweated to make inanimate machines know and see.
dil ko laikin saKht1 iste’jaab2 hai aye ham-nashiN3
itne ehsaanaat4 ke ba-vasf5 ye raushan-jabiN6
ban na paaye zer7-e saqf8-e aasmaN sadr9-e zamiN
aur to aur aadmi ke haafeze10 tak meN nahiN
naam in ka dahr11 ke aafaaq-binoN12 meN nahiN
ye safiinoN13 meN to haiN maujood14 siinoN15 meN nahiN 1.strong, much 2.amazement 3.contempararies, friends 4.beneficence, kindnesses spite of 6.bright faced 7.under 8.roof 9.leader 10.memory 12.horizon seeing, farsighted 14.present 15.bosom, heart
I am full of amazememt, O my contemporaries, that in spite of all their beneficence, these brilliant ones have not been recognized as lords of the earth. And not just that, they are not even in the forefront of memory. They are not counted among the far seeing. They may be with us (in our minds) but are not in our hearts. ‘Far seeing’ needs further qualification – ‘aafaq biiN=looking beyond the horizon – presumably josh means looking beyond this world into the next – ‘spirituality’. He is not accusing scientists of being shortsighted, only of being focused on the ‘here’ not the ‘hereafter’.
tab’a1 insaani ko de sakta nahiN jo raushni
nau-e-insaani2 ka aaqa3 vo nahiN banta kabhi
aadmi ko jo Ghiza4 deta nahiN iKhlaas5 ki
ummatoN6 ka muqtada7 banta nahiN vo aadmi
qibla-gah8 us shaKhs9 ko insaaN bana sakta nahiN
jo bashar10 ke zahn ko aage baRha sakta nahiN 1.nature, spirit 2.humanity 3.leader 4.nourishment of the other 6.communities 7.leader of worship, respected 9.person
He who cannot give light to (awaken) the human spirit, cannot become a leader of humanity. He who cannot nourish love of the other in human beings, cannot become a leader of communities. He cannot be given the place of leadership, who cannot strengthen the human spirit.
kaah ki rag1 meN jo dauRaata hai Khoon-e kahkashaaN2
kholta hai Khaar3 ke dil meN jo baab4-e gulsitaaN5
goonj uThti hai rag-e gardan meN jis ki dastaaN6
na’ara7 banta hai isi ka naam zer8-e aasmaaN
sham’a rakhta hai jo vaqt-e par-fashaaN9 ke taaq10 meN
ta qayamat11 goonjta hai gunbad12-e aafaq13 meN 1.vein of a sapling i.e., the vein of life 2.blood of constellations i.e., the spirit of the universe 3.thorn 4.door 6.story 7.cry, slogan 8.under 9.flying time 10.alcove 11.doomsday 12.dome 13.skies
He who makes the spirit of the universe flow through the vein of life. He who opens the heart of sharp thorns to the garden of love. He whose story reverberates through the jugular vein i.e., through the essence of life. Only his name becomes a rallying cry for humanity. He who places the lamp of spirituality in the alcove of time. His name reverberates under the dome of the sky until doomsday.
valvaloN1 ki satah2 ko deta hai jo aab-e guhar3
jiske raushan saa’e4 meN parvaan chaRhti5 hai nazar6
jiske lahje7 meN gundhe hote hain sau shams o qamar8
jiske lafzoN ke ufaq9 par jagmagaati hai sahr10
naam rahta hai usi ka Khaatir11-e mamnoon12 meN
jiske fiqre13 dauRte haiN aadmi ke Khoon meN 1.passions 2.surface, face 3.the brilliance of pearls (literally, shadow) come to fruition, climax 6.sight, ability to see (right from wrong) 7.accent, words 8.suns and moons 9.horizon 10.dawn, hope 11.heart 12.grateful 13.sayings
He who gives the brilliance of pearls to the face of passion (for righteousness), under whose protection/teaching the discerning eye (between right and wrong) reaches its climax, in whose words is woven the brilliance of a hundred suns and moons, on the horizon of whose words there is the brightness of dawn – it is his name that resides in the hearts of the grateful. It is his words that flow through the veins of humanity.
thaa unhiN aaba-e insaani1 meN ek mard-e jaleel2
qibla-e a’alam3, imaam-e asr4, amiir-e be adeel5
e’tebar-e mauj-e kausar6, aabroo-e salsabeel7
faKhr8-e ismail, jan9-e mustafa, naaz10-e Khaleel
mahvar11-e geti o garduN12, markaz13-e duniya o diiN14
mahbat15-e aavaaz-e haq16, maKhdoom17-e jibriil-e amiiN18 1.ancestors of humanity/humanism of high status 3.focus of the world 4.leader of all times 5. leader without equal 6.waves of kauser depend on him 7.honor of salsabiil – kausar and salsabiil are springs in paradise 8.pride 9.beloved 10.pride 11.axis of rotation and sky 15.origin 16.voice of truth 17.served by 18.Gabriel
Among the leading lights of humanism was a man of high status. The qibla/focal point of the world, leader of all time, lord without equal. The basis of the waves of kausar, the honor of salsabiil. The pride of ismail, the beloved of mohammed, the joy of ibrahim. The axis of rotation of the earth and sky, the centre of the universe. The author of the word of truth, righteousness, served by jibra’iil. husain, in karbala was denied access to water. Legend has it that to illustrate principles he intentionally did not force his way to water. josh implies that by giving up water in karbala, husain is the lord of the water (kauser and salsabiil) in paradise. ismail, mustafa and Khaliil (ibrahim) are all prophets in the Judeo-Islamic tradition. josh choses these three because, (and I speculate) – the ‘beloved of mustafa’ is obvious, both as grandson and the ‘consolidator of mustafa’s message’. The pride of ismail- because ismail agreed to be ‘sacrificed’ by his father following god‘s command, and husain sacrificed himself to ‘consolidate’ mohammed’s message. ‘pride of Khaliil/ibrahim’ probably because ibrahim sacrificed his son and husain sent out his son to battle and certain death.
haaN usi ke daur1 meN geti pe chhaaya tha junooN2
aadmi par chal gaya tha hubb-e daulat3 ka fusooN4
baj rahe the mimbaroN5 pe seem o zar6 ke arGhunooN7
hamla aavar ho gayi thi diin par duniya-e dooN8
zulmatoN9 ke ThaT10 lage the raushni ke saamne
maut muNh khole khaRi thi zindagi ke saamne 1.period, time 2.obsession of wealth 4.magic, spell 5.platform for sermon 6.silver and gold 7.organ (music) 8.unfaith, opposite of deen (faith) 9.darkness 10.layers, curtains
Yes, it was during his life that a mad passion engulfed the world. Love of wealth cast its magical spell on everyone. Even from the pulpit all talk was of wealth and power. The world of faith was under attack by ‘unfaith’. The light of reason was hidden behind layers of darkness. And Death was standing ready to gobble up life itself.
tiiragi1 ki jeb meN2 thi daulat-e shams o qamar3
jal raha tha Khaana4-e deriina5-e fikr o nazar6
zindagi par yuN jahannum7 ka tassalut8 dekh kar
ek aziim9 insaan bahr-e Khidmat10-e nau-e bashar11
rang bharne zindagi ke naqsh12 meN qanuun ka
dosh13 par lekar subu14 aaya Khud apne Khuun ka 1.darkness, evil possession, in control 3.wealth of sun and moon(light, truth, goodness) 5.old, well established 6.thought and discrimination (between good and evil) 7.hell, evil 8.power, dominance 9.great 10.for the service of 11.human species,humanity, scheme, picture 13. shoulder 14.flask
The forces of evil had the forces of truth and virtue in their pocket. Well established traditions of thought and discrimination were aflame. Seeing this dominance of evil over life. A great man came forward in the service of humanity. To fill color into the framework of righteousness, carrying on his shoulder a flask of his own blood
jis ke har qatre1 meN thi qulzum2 ki 3 tuGhiyaani vo Khoon
kaah4 jis ki raah meN tha koh5-e sultaani6 vo Khoon
jiske aage Khusravi7 ki aag thi paani vo Khoon
Gharq8 ho kar rah gayi jis meN jahaNbaani9 vo Khoon
jiski maujoN meN Kham-e teGh10 o mizaaj-e saNg11 tha
nooh12 ka toofan13 jis ke dabdabe14 se daNg15 tha 1.drop 2.ocean 3.flood, flow 4.level plain (low status) 5.mountain 6.monarchy 7.royalty 8.drowned to worldly needs 10.curve of a sword 11.determination like a rock 12.Noah 13.storm 14.majesty, greatness 15.amazed
‘Blood’ is also used metaphorically to mean heritage. Thus, husain was literally offering his blood but also carrying with him the heritage received from ali and mohammed. The attributes of this blood so poetically described are to be viewed in that light. The blood every drop of which had the power of stormy seas. The blood which could reduce the grand mountain of royalty to a dusty plain. The blood which could douse the fire of royalty into extinction. The blood which could drown worldly hedonism. Blood with waves rippling like a curved sword and determination like a rock. Blood whose power amazed even Noah’s storm.
jo tabiib1 o chaara saaz2-e nau-e insaaN3 tha vo Khoon
gardan-e qaatil4 pe jo shamshiir-e burraN5 tha vo Khoon
saaGhar6-e maqtuul7 meN jo aab-e haivaaN8 tha vo Khoon
jo nubuvvat9 ke idaare10 ka nigahbaaN11 tha vo Khoon
arsa-e aafaaq12 jis ki vus’atoN13 par taNg14 tha
jis ki partau15 se ruKh-e paiGhambari16 gul-raNg17 tha 1.physician, hakiim 2.healer 3.humanity 4.killer sword 6.flask 7.victim, murdered 8. water of life 9. prophethood, particularly of mohammed, institution, system 11.protector, guide, savior 12.spread of the horizons 13.expanse 14.narrow 15.reflection 16.prophethood 17.colour of rose, beautiful
Blood, which healed and nurtured humanity (Shia’s believe that ‘Khaak-e shifa’ – clay of Karbala – has curative powers). Blood which became a sword for the throat of the killer (husain’s throat was slit and his head was cut off, so the shamshiir (sword) prevailed over the gardan (neck, throat), josh turns this on its head to say that the spilled blood of husain prevailed over the power of the killer i.e. the message of husain prevailed over the evil actions of yazid). Blood that was the water/elixir of life carried in the flask of the martyr. Blood that was the savior of the message/institution mohammed. Blood with a message more vast that the expanse of the horizons. Blood in whose reflection the face of mohammed shone bright.
ahl-e-dil1 se kah rahi hai ye mu’ariKh2 ki zabaN
baad-e-paiGhambar3 hui thiiN kis qadar4 sargoshiaN5
chhaa gaya tha har taraf kis tarah daulat ka dhuaN
kya dabe paoN chale the saazishoN6 ke karvaaN
ab bhi in amvaj7 meN Doobi paRi hai karbala
haaN unhiN ki ek tariKhi7 kaRi8 hai karbala 1.people of feeling (the audience) 2.historian (the poet) 3.after the prophet much 5.whisper 6.conspiracies 7.waves 8.of history (in the chain of history)
At first reading this might sound like a narrow chain of thoughts, specific to post-mohammed intrigues. It might even sound sectarian. But if you will allow yourselves to be seduced into thinking that josh is using these as metaphors for conspiracies and intrigues in the halls of power and is about to lead his audience to (his) present times, making the point that such intrigues are still going on … if you think of this as a metaphor for intrigues of power for all time, then you will enjoy the composition much more. O, people of feeling, the tongue of the historian/poet says to you that after mohammed too there were whisperings. The fog of wealth dominated everything. Caravaans of conspiracy came in with stealthy steps. Even now karbala is drowned in the same waves. Yes, karbala is a link in the same chain of history.
Khaana-barbaadi1 pe itraao2 to lo naam-e husain
bekasi3 par naz farmaao4 to lo naam-e husain
chand se TukRoN5 ko gahnaao6 to lo naam-e husain
run7 meN ek be-shiir8 ko laao to lo naam-e husain
bekasi ki maut ne’amat9 ho to lo naam-e husain
dhoop meN sone ki himmat ho to lo naam-e husain 1.destruction of family proud of 3.helplessness proud of 5.loved ones 6.eclipsed 7.war 8. infant (breastfeeding) whose mother can no longer nurse him 9.blessing
If you can proudly sacrifice even your family for Truth, if you can stand firm even when friendless, if you are prepared to lose your loved ones, if you have the courage to bring an infant out in the field of war, if you can consider death to be a blessing, if you can sleep peacefully in burning sun, only then can you acclaim husain. ‘dhoop meN sone ki himmat’, refers to another karbla story – husain’s young daughter, reputedly often slept on his bosom. She wanted to do this before he went for his final encounter, and death. It is said that he lay down on the burning sand for her.
kar diya tu ne ye saabit1 aye dilaavar2 aadmi
zindagi kya maut se leta hai Takkar aadmi
kaaT sakta hai rag-e-gardan3 se Khanjar4 aadmi
lashkaroN ko raund5 sakte haiN bahattar6 aadmi
zo’f7 Dhaa sakta8 hai qasr9-e afsar o auraNg10 ko
aabgiine11 toR sakte haiN hisaar12-e sang13 ko prove 2.brave 3.jugular vein 4.dagger 5.trample, conquer 6. seventy two 7.weakness, old age 8. destroy 9.palace, castle 10.throne, king 11.crystals 12.parapet, wall 13.rock
You have proved, O brave man that man can overcome not only the difficulties of Life but also face down Death. You have proved that the jugular can cut through a dagger. You have proved that seventy two can prevail upon vast armies. Truth, even without arms can destroy castles and armies. You have proved that crystal can break walls of stone.
dekh phir qasr-e jahannum1 ban chuka hai rozgaar2
aanch meN Ghaltida3 hai phir Khaima-e lail o nihaar4
sarzamiN5 par hukmraN haiN ba hazaraN6 iqtedaar7
aatish8 o dood9 o duKhan10 o shola11 o barq12 o sharaar13
zindagi hai barsar14-e aatish fishaani15 ya husain
aag duniya meN lagi hai aag, paani ya husain of hell 2.daily life 3.drowned in, covered by of night and day (place of living, life) 5.homeland the thousands 7.powers (of evil) 9.steam 10.heat 11.flame 12.lightning 13.sparks the head of, at the door of, about to be 15.spreading flame, showering flame
Once again daily life has become a house of hell. Life is surrounded by burning fires. A thousand injustices rule in place of righteous law. Fire, steam, heat, flame, lightning and sparks! Life is at the point of being completely consumed by fire. The world is on fire, on fire – water! O husain. The plea for water is full of pathos and is very ironic because the defining feature of the death of husain is thirst – lack of water. josh turns it on its head so beautifully and powerfully as a climax to his marsia … asking for water of a person who was killed thirsty.
josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
muskura kar jab hui taal’a1 tamaddun2 ki sahr
jaNgaloN se shahr ki jaanib baRhi fikr-e bashar3
rasmasaai4 aarzu-e baam5 chauNka6 zauq-e dar7
kisht8-e Khaak-e taar9 meN ugne lage shams o qamar10
Khosha11-e husn-e zamiN yuN naaz se pakne laga
daab kar daaNtoN meN uNgli12 aasmaaN takne laga
1.emerge 2.civilization, culture 3.human thinking 4.woke up (restlessness of an infant to be picked up) 5.desire of a roof 6.woke up 7.taste for a door 8.fields 9.dark dust (a metaphor for yet unexplored earth/land 10.sun and moon (a metaphor for landmarks) 11.bunch (of grapes)12. an expression for surprise and envy
As the morning of civilization/culture dawned smiling, human thought moved from the nomadic jungle towards settlement. The desire for a roof over his head awoke in man. In the (dark) unexplored fields of the earth, he found recognizable landmarks (sun and moon). The fruit of the beauty of earth began to ripen in great style, so much so that the sky began to look on with surprise and envy.
guNg ishaaroN ko sada1 ban kar nikharna2 aa gaya
aur sada ko lafz3 meN Dhal4 kar ubharna5 aa gaya
lafz ko phir harf6 ban kar gul-katarna7 aa gaya
Khaak-e saamat8 ko bil-aaKhir9 baat karna aa gaya
lab hile to kishtiyaN chalne lagiN ejaz10 ki
fikr-e-insaaN ko savari mil gayi avaaz ki
1.sound 2.become fresh/clean 3.word 4.cast 5.emerge 6.alphabet/writing 7.pick flowers, make fine/subtle points 8.dumb clay=man (lore that humans were made from clay and water) last 10.miracles
As sign language blossomed into sound, and sound was cast into words and emerged as meaningful and words found expression and subtlety through writing, finally this dumb clay learnt to speak. And as he spoke, he launched ships of miraculous achievement. Human reasoning found a vehicle (expression) in speech.
shaahraah-e aam1 tarshi2 maaNg nikli shahr ki
raushni ki mauj ne is maaNg meN afshaaN3 bhari
taab4-e afshaaN jadval-e-muqaysh5 meN Dhal kar bahi
zindagi ki nabz5-e zauq-e-shabravi6 chalne lagi
saaz7-e shab se naGhma-ha-e-subah-dam8 paida hue
bastiaaN muRne lagiN galiyoN meN Kham9 paida hue
1.public highway carved 3.glitter 4.brightness 5.decorated line 6.pulse of the taste for night life 7.musical instrument 8.songs of dawn 9.curves
The highway appeared as a ‘maaNg’ in the hair of the bride (the settlement is personified as a bride). Waves of lamps lit the ‘maaNg’ like glitter. The brightness of glitter flowed as an adorned line. The taste for night life came alive as the throbbing pulse of life itself. The music of the night gave birth to songs of dawn. The highway branched into curving streets pulsating with life! Urbanization and night life clearly plays a large role in josh’s view of the development of cultural refinement. The city is described as a damsel and the bright highway is a ‘maaNg’ or middle parting of her hair.
saa’atoN1 ko kook bharte2 hi ravaani mil gayi
har daqiiqe3 ko munazzim4 par fashaani5 mil gayi
gung6 lahzoN7 ko gajar8 ki naGhma Khwaani9 mil gayi
umr ke dhaare ko lohe ki kamaani10 mil gayi
suyioN ki11 rau meN lamhoN12 ko chiTakna13 aa gaya
vaqt ko aGhosh-e aahan14 meN chahakna15 aa gaya
1.time, moment 2.wind a spring 3.moment 4.organized fly 6. silent, dumb 7.moment 8.chime 9.singing 10. steel spring 11.movement of needles (pointers) 12.second 13.bloom 14.metallic lap 15.twitter
Describing the invention of time-keeping. Time acquired the ability to flow as the spring (of the clock) was wound up. Every moment began to fly/flow in an organized way. Dumb/silent moments acquired the song of chimes. The flow of life acquired a bow of steel. Steel bow is used as a stand-in for the clock spring and as a metaphor for a strong back which is an expression of human strength. And so in this delicate and subtle way the flow of life is described as acquiring great strength. With the movement of pointers, moments learnt to blossom. Time learnt to twitter in the lap of iron. “chiTakna” is the gentle sound when the bud blooms. The movement of the needles is the blooming (chiTakna) of minutes with its “tick tock”, hence the twittering of time in the lap of iron.
zauq1 nikhra2 kahkashaani3 baam o dar4 ban’ne lage
saNgreze5 aaiine, qatre6 guhar7 ban’ne lage
barq paare8 murGh-ha-e naama-bar9 ban’ne lage
aahani10 aasab11 Dhal12 kar baal o par13 ban’ne lage
zindagi rooh-e surayya14 ki taraf jaane lagi
qalb-e anjum15 ke dhaRakne ki sada aane lagi
1.taste 2.became refined 3.constellations 4.roof and door, home 5.pebbles 6.drops 7.pearl 8.particles of lightning 9.messenger pigeons 10.metallic 11.nerves and muscles 12.cast 13.feathers and wings 14.spirit of constellations 15.heart of stars
Tastes got refined (increased desires) making stations/homes beyond the stars. Pebbles were ground into mirrors and droplets into pearls. Bits of electricity were fashioned into messenger pigeons (telegraph). Metallic nerves/muscles got cast into feathers and wings (airplane). Life began to fly towards the constellations and the heartbeat of stars began to be heard. The first misra reminds me of Ghalib …
manzar ek balandi par aur ham bana lete
arsh se udhar hota kash ke makaN apna
We could have created a vision at even greater heights
O that our station had been on the other side of heavens.
siina-e aahan1 se uThi mauj-e shamshir2 o qalam3
Khaak meN jaage nuqoosh4-e dair5 o aivan6-e haram7
valvaloN8 meN jhanjhanaya zamzamoN9 ka zer o bam10
karvaTeN lene lage pathar meN be-tarshe11 sanam12
qalb13-e zar14 meN basta15 kangan16 chuTkiyaN lene lage
motiyoN ko reshmi dore sada17 dene lage
1.steel 2.sword 3.pen 4.markings, images 5.temple 6.halls 7.mosque 8.passion 9. music 10.ripples 11.not (yet) carved 12.idols 13.heart 15.tied up, hidden 16.bracelet
From the heart of steel, emerged waves of sword and pen. Hidden images of ancient temples and mosques were revealed. The music of man’s passion rang out like the ripples of a brook. Even rocks, not yet carved told the story of hidden idols waiting to be carved. Hidden gold bracelets yet to be shaped, tinkled to tell their story. Silk thread gave a call to pearls to be strung into necklaces.
phir daraKhshaaN1 fikr2 ki yuN Khaak par barsi sharaab
zulmatoN3 ki kokh4 se paida hue sau mahtaab5
phir uRaya ilm ne vo kaukab-e-ajraam-yaab6
jiski rau meN uTh rahi hai mah-e taabaN7 ki naqaab
shor barpa hai ke mir8-e aagahi9 aane ko hai
aasmaN par GhulGhule10 haiN aadmi aane ko hai
1.bright 2.reason 3.darkness, ignorance 4.womb 5.full moon 6. star that discovers celestial bodies 7.full moon 8.leader, lord 9.knowledge 10.chatter, talk of the town
josh composed this marsia in 1956 celebrating the emergence of knowledge then modified it to celebrate launch of Sputnik in 1957. Brightness of Knowledge shone on earth like blessed rain of wine and from the womb of ignorance were born hundreds of bright moons. Knowledge launched forth a star – discoverer of celestial bodies which removed the veil from the face of many bright moons. The chatter in heaven speaks of arrival of the lord of knowledge. They are preparing a tumultuous welcome for the arrival of man.
shukriya1 kyuNkar2 ada ho ahl-e eejadat3 ka
ek darya bah raha hai turfa4 masnuaat5 ka
jagmaga uTha hai din ki tarah mukhRa raat ka
jism-e aahan6 meN davaN7 hai Khoon ehsasat8 ka
yuN unhoN ne juzv-e Khaak9 apna pasina kar diya
dhaat10 ke aalaat11 ko dana12 o beena13 kar diya
1.thanks 3.inventors 4.fascinating, new 5.products/creativity 6.metal 7.running 8.feelings, sensation 9.part of the dust – to make one’s sweat a part of the dust is to work hard 10.metal 11.instruments, machines 12.knowing 13.seeing
How can we thank these inventors who have caused a constant river of creativity to flow. They have made the face of the night shine like day. They have made metallic machines sense and feel. They have worked so hard and sweated to make inanimate machines know and see.
dil ko laikin saKht1 iste’jaab2 hai aye ham-nashiN3
itne ehsaanaat4 ke ba-vasf5 ye raushan-jabiN6
ban na paaye zer7-e saqf8-e aasmaN sadr9-e zamiN
aur to aur aadmi ke haafeze10 tak meN nahiN
naam in ka dahr11 ke aafaaq-binoN12 meN nahiN
ye safiinoN13 meN to haiN maujood14 siinoN15 meN nahiN
1.strong, much 2.amazement 3.contempararies, friends 4.beneficence, kindnesses spite of 6.bright faced 7.under 8.roof 9.leader 10.memory 12.horizon seeing, farsighted 14.present 15.bosom, heart
I am full of amazememt, O my contemporaries, that in spite of all their beneficence, these brilliant ones have not been recognized as lords of the earth. And not just that, they are not even in the forefront of memory. They are not counted among the far seeing. They may be with us (in our minds) but are not in our hearts. ‘Far seeing’ needs further qualification – ‘aafaq biiN=looking beyond the horizon – presumably josh means looking beyond this world into the next – ‘spirituality’. He is not accusing scientists of being shortsighted, only of being focused on the ‘here’ not the ‘hereafter’.
tab’a1 insaani ko de sakta nahiN jo raushni
nau-e-insaani2 ka aaqa3 vo nahiN banta kabhi
aadmi ko jo Ghiza4 deta nahiN iKhlaas5 ki
ummatoN6 ka muqtada7 banta nahiN vo aadmi
qibla-gah8 us shaKhs9 ko insaaN bana sakta nahiN
jo bashar10 ke zahn ko aage baRha sakta nahiN
1.nature, spirit 2.humanity 3.leader 4.nourishment of the other 6.communities 7.leader of worship, respected 9.person
He who cannot give light to (awaken) the human spirit, cannot become a leader of humanity. He who cannot nourish love of the other in human beings, cannot become a leader of communities. He cannot be given the place of leadership, who cannot strengthen the human spirit.
kaah ki rag1 meN jo dauRaata hai Khoon-e kahkashaaN2
kholta hai Khaar3 ke dil meN jo baab4-e gulsitaaN5
goonj uThti hai rag-e gardan meN jis ki dastaaN6
na’ara7 banta hai isi ka naam zer8-e aasmaaN
sham’a rakhta hai jo vaqt-e par-fashaaN9 ke taaq10 meN
ta qayamat11 goonjta hai gunbad12-e aafaq13 meN
1.vein of a sapling i.e., the vein of life 2.blood of constellations i.e., the spirit of the universe 3.thorn 4.door 6.story 7.cry, slogan 8.under 9.flying time 10.alcove 11.doomsday 12.dome 13.skies
He who makes the spirit of the universe flow through the vein of life. He who opens the heart of sharp thorns to the garden of love. He whose story reverberates through the jugular vein i.e., through the essence of life. Only his name becomes a rallying cry for humanity. He who places the lamp of spirituality in the alcove of time. His name reverberates under the dome of the sky until doomsday.
valvaloN1 ki satah2 ko deta hai jo aab-e guhar3
jiske raushan saa’e4 meN parvaan chaRhti5 hai nazar6
jiske lahje7 meN gundhe hote hain sau shams o qamar8
jiske lafzoN ke ufaq9 par jagmagaati hai sahr10
naam rahta hai usi ka Khaatir11-e mamnoon12 meN
jiske fiqre13 dauRte haiN aadmi ke Khoon meN
1.passions 2.surface, face 3.the brilliance of pearls (literally, shadow) come to fruition, climax 6.sight, ability to see (right from wrong) 7.accent, words 8.suns and moons 9.horizon 10.dawn, hope 11.heart 12.grateful 13.sayings
He who gives the brilliance of pearls to the face of passion (for righteousness), under whose protection/teaching the discerning eye (between right and wrong) reaches its climax, in whose words is woven the brilliance of a hundred suns and moons, on the horizon of whose words there is the brightness of dawn – it is his name that resides in the hearts of the grateful. It is his words that flow through the veins of humanity.
thaa unhiN aaba-e insaani1 meN ek mard-e jaleel2
qibla-e a’alam3, imaam-e asr4, amiir-e be adeel5
e’tebar-e mauj-e kausar6, aabroo-e salsabeel7
faKhr8-e ismail, jan9-e mustafa, naaz10-e Khaleel
mahvar11-e geti o garduN12, markaz13-e duniya o diiN14
mahbat15-e aavaaz-e haq16, maKhdoom17-e jibriil-e amiiN18
1.ancestors of humanity/humanism of high status 3.focus of the world 4.leader of all times 5. leader without equal 6.waves of kauser depend on him 7.honor of salsabiil – kausar and salsabiil are springs in paradise 8.pride 9.beloved 10.pride 11.axis of rotation and sky 15.origin 16.voice of truth 17.served by 18.Gabriel
Among the leading lights of humanism was a man of high status. The qibla/focal point of the world, leader of all time, lord without equal. The basis of the waves of kausar, the honor of salsabiil. The pride of ismail, the beloved of mohammed, the joy of ibrahim. The axis of rotation of the earth and sky, the centre of the universe. The author of the word of truth, righteousness, served by jibra’iil. husain, in karbala was denied access to water. Legend has it that to illustrate principles he intentionally did not force his way to water. josh implies that by giving up water in karbala, husain is the lord of the water (kauser and salsabiil) in paradise. ismail, mustafa and Khaliil (ibrahim) are all prophets in the Judeo-Islamic tradition. josh choses these three because, (and I speculate) – the ‘beloved of mustafa’ is obvious, both as grandson and the ‘consolidator of mustafa’s message’. The pride of ismail- because ismail agreed to be ‘sacrificed’ by his father following god‘s command, and husain sacrificed himself to ‘consolidate’ mohammed’s message. ‘pride of Khaliil/ibrahim’ probably because ibrahim sacrificed his son and husain sent out his son to battle and certain death.
haaN usi ke daur1 meN geti pe chhaaya tha junooN2
aadmi par chal gaya tha hubb-e daulat3 ka fusooN4
baj rahe the mimbaroN5 pe seem o zar6 ke arGhunooN7
hamla aavar ho gayi thi diin par duniya-e dooN8
zulmatoN9 ke ThaT10 lage the raushni ke saamne
maut muNh khole khaRi thi zindagi ke saamne
1.period, time 2.obsession of wealth 4.magic, spell 5.platform for sermon 6.silver and gold 7.organ (music) 8.unfaith, opposite of deen (faith) 9.darkness 10.layers, curtains
Yes, it was during his life that a mad passion engulfed the world. Love of wealth cast its magical spell on everyone. Even from the pulpit all talk was of wealth and power. The world of faith was under attack by ‘unfaith’. The light of reason was hidden behind layers of darkness. And Death was standing ready to gobble up life itself.
tiiragi1 ki jeb meN2 thi daulat-e shams o qamar3
jal raha tha Khaana4-e deriina5-e fikr o nazar6
zindagi par yuN jahannum7 ka tassalut8 dekh kar
ek aziim9 insaan bahr-e Khidmat10-e nau-e bashar11
rang bharne zindagi ke naqsh12 meN qanuun ka
dosh13 par lekar subu14 aaya Khud apne Khuun ka
1.darkness, evil possession, in control 3.wealth of sun and moon(light, truth, goodness) 5.old, well established 6.thought and discrimination (between good and evil) 7.hell, evil 8.power, dominance 9.great 10.for the service of 11.human species,humanity, scheme, picture 13. shoulder 14.flask
The forces of evil had the forces of truth and virtue in their pocket. Well established traditions of thought and discrimination were aflame. Seeing this dominance of evil over life. A great man came forward in the service of humanity. To fill color into the framework of righteousness, carrying on his shoulder a flask of his own blood
jis ke har qatre1 meN thi qulzum2 ki 3 tuGhiyaani vo Khoon
kaah4 jis ki raah meN tha koh5-e sultaani6 vo Khoon
jiske aage Khusravi7 ki aag thi paani vo Khoon
Gharq8 ho kar rah gayi jis meN jahaNbaani9 vo Khoon
jiski maujoN meN Kham-e teGh10 o mizaaj-e saNg11 tha
nooh12 ka toofan13 jis ke dabdabe14 se daNg15 tha
1.drop 2.ocean 3.flood, flow 4.level plain (low status) 5.mountain 6.monarchy 7.royalty 8.drowned to worldly needs 10.curve of a sword 11.determination like a rock 12.Noah 13.storm 14.majesty, greatness 15.amazed
‘Blood’ is also used metaphorically to mean heritage. Thus, husain was literally offering his blood but also carrying with him the heritage received from ali and mohammed. The attributes of this blood so poetically described are to be viewed in that light. The blood every drop of which had the power of stormy seas. The blood which could reduce the grand mountain of royalty to a dusty plain. The blood which could douse the fire of royalty into extinction. The blood which could drown worldly hedonism. Blood with waves rippling like a curved sword and determination like a rock. Blood whose power amazed even Noah’s storm.
jo tabiib1 o chaara saaz2-e nau-e insaaN3 tha vo Khoon
gardan-e qaatil4 pe jo shamshiir-e burraN5 tha vo Khoon
saaGhar6-e maqtuul7 meN jo aab-e haivaaN8 tha vo Khoon
jo nubuvvat9 ke idaare10 ka nigahbaaN11 tha vo Khoon
arsa-e aafaaq12 jis ki vus’atoN13 par taNg14 tha
jis ki partau15 se ruKh-e paiGhambari16 gul-raNg17 tha
1.physician, hakiim 2.healer 3.humanity 4.killer sword 6.flask 7.victim, murdered 8. water of life 9. prophethood, particularly of mohammed, institution, system 11.protector, guide, savior 12.spread of the horizons 13.expanse 14.narrow 15.reflection 16.prophethood 17.colour of rose, beautiful
Blood, which healed and nurtured humanity (Shia’s believe that ‘Khaak-e shifa’ – clay of Karbala – has curative powers). Blood which became a sword for the throat of the killer (husain’s throat was slit and his head was cut off, so the shamshiir (sword) prevailed over the gardan (neck, throat), josh turns this on its head to say that the spilled blood of husain prevailed over the power of the killer i.e. the message of husain prevailed over the evil actions of yazid). Blood that was the water/elixir of life carried in the flask of the martyr. Blood that was the savior of the message/institution mohammed. Blood with a message more vast that the expanse of the horizons. Blood in whose reflection the face of mohammed shone bright.
ahl-e-dil1 se kah rahi hai ye mu’ariKh2 ki zabaN
baad-e-paiGhambar3 hui thiiN kis qadar4 sargoshiaN5
chhaa gaya tha har taraf kis tarah daulat ka dhuaN
kya dabe paoN chale the saazishoN6 ke karvaaN
ab bhi in amvaj7 meN Doobi paRi hai Karbala
haaN unhiN ki ek tariKhi7 kaRi8 hai Karbala
1.people of feeling (the audience) 2.historian (the poet) 3.after the prophet much 5.whisper 6.conspiracies 7.waves 8.of history (in the chain of history)
At first reading this might sound like a narrow chain of thoughts, specific to post-mohammed intrigues. It might even sound sectarian. But if you will allow yourselves to be seduced into thinking that josh is using these as metaphors for conspiracies and intrigues in the halls of power and is about to lead his audience to (his) present times, making the point that such intrigues are still going on … if you think of this as a metaphor for intrigues of power for all time, then you will enjoy the composition much more. O, people of feeling, the tongue of the historian/poet says to you that after mohammed too there were whisperings. The fog of wealth dominated everything. Caravaans of conspiracy came in with stealthy steps. Even now karbala is drowned in the same waves. Yes, karbala is a link in the same chain of history.
Khaana-barbaadi1 pe itraao2 to lo naam-e husain
bekasi3 par naz farmaao4 to lo naam-e husain
chand se TukRoN5 ko gahnaao6 to lo naam-e husain
run7 meN ek be-shiir8 ko laao to lo naam-e husain
bekasi ki maut ne’amat9 ho to lo naam-e husain
dhoop meN sone ki himmat ho to lo naam-e husain
1.destruction of family proud of 3.helplessness proud of 5.loved ones 6.eclipsed 7.war 8. infant (breastfeeding) whose mother can no longer nurse him 9.blessing
If you can proudly sacrifice even your family for Truth, if you can stand firm even when friendless, if you are prepared to lose your loved ones, if you have the courage to bring an infant out in the field of war, if you can consider death to be a blessing, if you can sleep peacefully in burning sun, only then can you acclaim husain. ‘dhoop meN sone ki himmat’, refers to another karbla story – husain’s young daughter, reputedly often slept on his bosom. She wanted to do this before he went for his final encounter, and death. It is said that he lay down on the burning sand for her.
kar diya tu ne ye saabit1 aye dilaavar2 aadmi
zindagi kya maut se leta hai Takkar aadmi
kaaT sakta hai rag-e-gardan3 se Khanjar4 aadmi
lashkaroN ko raund5 sakte haiN bahattar6 aadmi
zo’f7 Dhaa sakta8 hai qasr9-e afsar o auraNg10 ko
aabgiine11 toR sakte haiN hisaar12-e sang13 ko prove 2.brave 3.jugular vein 4.dagger 5.trample, conquer 6. seventy two 7.weakness, old age 8. destroy 9.palace, castle 10.throne, king 11.crystals 12.parapet, wall 13.rock
You have proved, O brave man that man can overcome not only the difficulties of Life but also face down Death. You have proved that the jugular can cut through a dagger. You have proved that seventy two can prevail upon vast armies. Truth, even without arms can destroy castles and armies. You have proved that crystal can break walls of stone.
dekh phir qasr-e jahannum1 ban chuka hai rozgaar2
aanch meN Ghaltida3 hai phir Khaima-e lail o nihaar4
sarzamiN5 par hukmraN haiN ba hazaraN6 iqtedaar7
aatish8 o dood9 o duKhan10 o shola11 o barq12 o sharaar13
zindagi hai barsar14-e aatish fishaani15 ya husain
aag duniya meN lagi hai aag, paani ya husain of hell 2.daily life 3.drowned in, covered by of night and day (place of living, life) 5.homeland the thousands 7.powers (of evil) 9.steam 10.heat 11.flame 12.lightning 13.sparks the head of, at the door of, about to be 15.spreading flame, showering flame
Once again daily life has become a house of hell. Life is surrounded by burning fires. A thousand injustices rule in place of righteous law. Fire, steam, heat, flame, lightning and sparks! Life is at the point of being completely consumed by fire. The world is on fire, on fire – water! O husain. The plea for water is full of pathos and is very ironic because the defining feature of the death of husain is thirst – lack of water. josh turns it on its head so beautifully and powerfully as a climax to his marsia … asking for water of a person who was killed thirsty.