insaani darinde-panDit anand narain mulla

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

اِنسانی  درِندے  ۔  پنڈت  آنند  نرائن  مُلّا


غارتِ  قتل  کی  ہے  گرمیِ  بازار  وہی

ابھی  اِنسان  کی  ہے  فطرتِ  خونخوار  وہی


رائگاں  سعیِ  خِرد،  علم  کی  دولت  بے  سود

جہلِ  آدم  کا  جو  تھا  ہے  ابھی  معیار  وہی


سب  سے  قانون  بڑا  آج  بھی  قانونِ  قصاص

سب  میں  مضبوط  دلیل  آج  بھی  تلوار  وہی


سطحی  ہے  فقط  اِخلاص  و  محبت  کی  چمک

زیرِ  آئینہ  ابھی  ہے  تہہِ  زنگار  وہی


دیکھنے  کے  لیے  ہیں  یہ  خد  و  خالِ  بشر

دل  میں  آباد  ہے  عفریتِ  سیہ  کار  وہی


اُڑی  چہرے  سے  جہاں  رنگِ  تمدُّن  کی  نقاب

ہے  نگاہوں  کے  دریچوں  سے  شرر  بار  وہی


ٹُوٹی  پَتلی  سی  جہاں  کھوکھلی  تہذیب  کی  آڑ

نظر  آتا  ہے  درِندہ  پسِ  دیوار  وہی


ایک  سے  ایک  سوا  کون  کہے  کس  سے  کہے

اہلِ  تسبیح  وہی  صاحبِ  زُنّار  وہی


کس  کو  مظلوم  کہیں  کس  کو  ستمگار  کہیں

آج  مظلوم  وہی  کل  ہے  ستمگار  وہی


جِتنا  ہی  جو  تھا  روادار  کبھی  اُتنا  ہی

آج  ہم  کیش  لٹیروں  کا  طرفدار  وہی


آج  کس  سطح  پہ  ہے  ذہنیتِ  عام  افسوس

روکتا  ہے  جو  خطاؤں  سے،  خطاوار  وہی


جو  تشدّد  کا  کرے  ذکر  وہی  قوم  پرست

نام  بُھولے  سے  جو  لے  امن  کا  غدّار  وہی


فرقہ  وارانہ  حکیموں  کی  دوا  سے  ہوشیار

بھیس  میں  آج  معالج  کے  ہے  بیمار  وہی


وطن!  اے  میرے  وطن!  یوں  مجھے  مایوس  نہ  کر

شُبھ  گھڑی  آئی  ہے  تیری  اُسے  منحوس  نہ  کر

इंसानी दरिंदे – पंडित आनंद नरायण मुल्ला

ग़ारत-ए क़त्ल की है गर्मी-ए बाज़ार वही
अभी इंसान की है फ़ितरत-ए खूंखार वही

राएगाँ सई-ए ख़िरद, इल्म की दौलत बे-सूद
जिहल-ए आदम का जो था है अभी मियार वही

सब से क़ानून बड़ा आज भी क़ानून-ए क़सास
सब में मज़बूत दलील आज भी तलवार वही

सतही है फ़क़त इख़लास ओ मोहब्बत की चमक
ज़ेरे आईना अभी है तह-ए ज़ंगार वही

देखने के लिए हैं ये ख़द ओ ख़ाल-ए बशर
दिल में आबाद है अफ़रीत-ए सियह-कार वही

उड़ी चेहरे से जहाँ रंग-ए तमद्दुन की नक़ाब
है निगाहों के दरीचों से शरर-बार वही

टूटी पत्तली सी जहाँ खोखली तहज़ीब की आड़
नज़र आता है दरिंदा पस-ए दीवार वही

एक से एक सवा कौन कहे किस से कहे
अहल-ए तस्बीह वही साहिब-ए ज़ुन्नार वही

किस को मज़लूम कहें किस को सितमगार कहें
आज मज़लूम वही कल है सितमगार वही

जितना ही जो था रवादार कभी उतना ही
आज हम कीश लुटेरों का तरफ़दार वही

आज किस सतह पे है ज़हनियत-ए आम अफ़सोस
रोकता है जो ख़ताओ से, ख़तावार वही

जो तशद्दुद का करे ज़िक्र वही क़ौम-परस्त
नाम भूले से जो ले अमन का ग़द्दार वही

फ़िरक़ावाराना हकीमों की दवा से होशियार
भेस में आज जालज के है बीमार वही

वतन! ऐ मेरे वतन! यूँ मुझे मायूस न कर
शुभ घड़ी आई है तेरी उसे मनहूस न कर


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997), lukhnow, thoughtful and thoughtprovoking shaa’er. MA English Literature. Learnt urdu and faarsi at home. First venture into poetry translation of parts of iqbal’s ‘payaam-e mashriq’ into English. First urdu nazm published 1925. Ardent urdu lover as a language of the people. High court justice, parliamentarian and strong secularist and rationalist/atheist. This was composed in October 1947 and probably addresses massacres at the border and inside the country. The last she’r in particular is aimed at the homeland. This nazm is linked to ‘Independence-Partition’ on the Theme Index Page.
Ghaarat1-e qatl2 ki hai garmi3-e baazaar vohi
abhi insaan ki hai fitrat4-e KhoonKhwaar5 vohi    
1.devastation 2.killings 3.activity 4.nature, character 5.blood-thristy
The bazaar of devastation and killing is still active. Human nature is still blood-thirsty.

raa’egaaN1 sa’ii2-e Khirad3, ilm4 ki daulat5 be-suud6
jahl7-e aadam8 ka jo tha hai abhi me’aar9 vohi   
1.wasted 2.effort 3.wisdom 4.knowledge 5.wealth 6.profitless, useless 7.ignorance, barbarism 8.human 9.standard, measure
All the effort at wisdom is wasted, the wealth of learning is lost. The standards of barbarism of the human species is still the same as in pre-civilization times.

sab se qaanoon1 baRa aaj bhi qaanoon-e qisaas2
sab meN mazboot3 daliil4 aaj bhi talvaar5 vohi, rule 2.revenge 3.strong 4.logic, proof 5.sword
The highest law is still the law of revenge. The strongest logic is the logic of the sword.

satah’ii1 hai faqat2 eKhlaas3 o mohabbat ki chamak
zer4-e aaina abhi hai tah5-e zaNgaar6 vohi   
1.superficial 2.only, consideration 4.behind 5.layer 6.rust, vitriol, chemical layering behind mirrors (usually toxic before modern silvering)
The shine of mutual respect and love is only superficial. Behind the mirror is still that toxic layer.

dekhne ke liye haiN ye Khad-o-Khaal1-e bashar2
dil meN aabaad3 hai ifriit4-e siy’h-kaar5 vohi   
1.shape and appearance 2.human 3.prospering 4.evil spirit, devil 5.evil working, wicked
The gentle shape and appearance of the human is just for show. The wicked devil is alive and prospering in the heart.

uRi chehre se jahaaN1 raNg-e tamaddun2 ki naqaab3
hai nigaahoN4 ke dareechoN5 se sharar-baar6 vohi    
1.used here to mean when, as soon as 2.civilization 3.veil 4.eyes 6.raining sparks, fiery
As soon as the pretense/veil of civilization was removed from the face, the devil inside could be seen raining sparks through the windows of the eyes.

TooTi patli1 si jahaaN2 khokhli3 tahziib4 ki aaR5
nazar6 aata hai darinda7 pas8-e diivaar vohi   
1.thin 2.when, as soon as 3.hollow 4.civilization, culture 5.screen, fence 6.visible 7.carnivore, killer 8.behind
As soon and the hollow, thin wall of culture crashed, the screen was gone. From behind the wall emerged the killer.

ek se ek sivaa1 kaun kahe kis se kahe
ahl2-e tasbiih3 vohi saahib4-e zunnar5 vohi    
1.beyond, more than 2.people of 3.islamic prayer beads 4.owners, lords 5.hindu sacred thread, janev
Each goes beyond the other. Who can we blame, how can we blame. The people of tasbiih (muslims, clerics) are the same and the people of janev remain the same.

kis ko mazluum1 kaheN kis ko sitamgaar2 kaheN
aaj mazluum vohi kal hai sitamgaar vohi    
1.oppressed, trodden 2.oppressor, tyrant
Who can we call the oppressed and who the oppressor. The oppressed of today becomes the oppressor of tomorrow.

jitna hi jo tha ravaadaar1 kabhi, utna hi
aaj ham-kesh2 luTeron3 ka tarafdaar4 vohi   
1.tolerant, good-natured 2.same/similar nature/character 3.plunderer, robber 4.partisan
Yesterday, as much as they were civilized, to the same extent, today they are partisans of plunders with whom they share their character.

aaj kis sat’h1 pe hai zahniyat2-e ‘aam3 afsos4
rokta hai jo KhataaoN5 se, Khatavaar6 vohi    
1.layer, level 2.mentality 3.common, popular 4.alas 5.transgressions 6.transgressor
Alas, look at the (low) level that common mentality has reached today. The one who tries to stop them from transgression is himself considered the transgressor.

jo tashaddud1 ka kare zikr2 vohi qaum-parast3
naam bhoole4 se jo le am’n5 ka Ghaddaar6 vohi    
1.oppression 2.narrative, talk about 3.patriot, homeland lover 4.casually, in passing 5.peace 6.traitor
They who talk about oppression (oppressing the ‘other’) are considered patriots/nationalists and the one who even casually talks of peace is considered a traitor.

firqa-vaaraana1 hakiimoN2 ki davaa3 se hoshiyaar4
bhes5 meN aaj mu’aalij6 ke hai biimaar vohi    
1.bigoted, communal 2.healers 3.remedy 4.careful, beware 5.disguised 6.physician
Beware of the remedy dispensed by bigots posing as healers. They are the same old sick and distorted people in the guise of physicians.

vatan! aye mere vatan! yuN mujhe mayoos1 na kar
shubh2 ghaRi3 aa’ii hai teri usay man’hoos4 na kar    
1.disappoint 2.auspicious 3.moment, time 4.inauspicious
O homeland, O my homeland, do not disappoint me. This is an inauspicious time for you, do not turn it into a curse.

panDit anand narain mulla (1901-1997), lukhnow, thoughtful and thoughtprovoking shaa’er.  MA English Literature.  Learnt urdu and faarsi at home.  First venture into poetry translation of parts of iqbal’s ‘payaam-e mashriq’ into English.  First urdu nazm published 1925.  Ardent urdu lover as a language of the people.  High court justice, parliamentarian and strong secularist and rationalist/atheist.  This was composed in October 1947 and probably addresses massacres at the border and inside the country.  The last she’r in particular is aimed at the homeland.  This nazm is linked to ‘Independence-Partition’ on the Theme Index Page.
Ghaarat1-e qatl2 ki hai garmi3-e baazaar vohi
abhi insaan ki hai fitrat4-e KhoonKhwaar5 vohi

1.devastation 2.killings 3.activity 4.nature, character 5.blood-thristy

The bazaar of devastation and killing is still active.  Human nature is still blood-thirsty.
raa’egaaN1 sa’ii2-e Khirad3, ilm4 ki daulat5 be-suud6
jahl7-e aadam8 ka jo tha hai abhi me’aar9 vohi

1.wasted 2.effort 3.wisdom 4.knowledge 5.wealth 6.profitless, useless 7.ignorance, barbarism 8.human 9.standard, measure

All the effort at wisdom is wasted, the wealth of learning is lost.  The standards of barbarism of the human species is still the same as in pre-civilization times.
sab se qaanoon1 baRa aaj bhi qaanoon-e qisaas2
sab meN mazboot3 daliil4 aaj bhi talvaar5 vohi, rule 2.revenge 3.strong 4.logic, proof 5.sword

The highest law is still the law of revenge.  The strongest logic is the logic of the sword.
satah’ii1 hai faqat2 eKhlaas3 o mohabbat ki chamak
zer4-e aaina abhi hai tah5-e zaNgaar6 vohi

1.superficial 2.only, consideration 4.behind 5.layer 6.rust, vitriol, chemical layering behind mirrors (usually toxic before modern silvering)

The shine of mutual respect and love is only superficial.  Behind the mirror is still that toxic layer.
dekhne ke liye haiN ye Khad-o-Khaal1-e bashar2
dil meN aabaad3 hai ifriit4-e siy’h-kaar5 vohi

1.shape and appearance 2.human 3.prospering 4.evil spirit, devil 5.evil working, wicked

The gentle shape and appearance of the human is just for show.  The wicked devil is alive and prospering in the heart.
uRi chehre se jahaaN1 raNg-e tamaddun2 ki naqaab3
hai nigaahoN4 ke dareechoN5 se sharar-baar6 vohi

1.used here to mean when, as soon as 2.civilization 3.veil 4.eyes 6.raining sparks, fiery

As soon as the pretense/veil of civilization was removed from the face, the devil inside could be seen raining sparks through the windows of the eyes.
TooTi patli1 si jahaaN2 khokhli3 tahziib4 ki aaR5
nazar6 aata hai darinda7 pas8-e diivaar vohi

1.thin 2.when, as soon as 3.hollow 4.civilization, culture 5.screen, fence 6.visible 7.carnivore, killer 8.behind

As soon and the hollow, thin wall of culture crashed, the screen was gone.  From behind the wall emerged the killer.
ek se ek sivaa1 kaun kahe kis se kahe
ahl2-e tasbiih3 vohi saahib4-e zunnar5 vohi

1.beyond, more than 2.people of 3.islamic prayer beads 4.owners, lords 5.hindu sacred thread, janev

Each goes beyond the other.  Who can we blame, how can we blame.  The people of tasbiih (muslims, clerics) are the same and the people of janev remain the same.
kis ko mazluum1 kaheN kis ko sitamgaar2 kaheN
aaj mazluum vohi kal hai sitamgaar vohi

1.oppressed, trodden 2.oppressor, tyrant

Who can we call the oppressed and who the oppressor.  The oppressed of today becomes the oppressor of tomorrow.
jitna hi jo tha ravaadaar1 kabhi, utna hi
aaj ham-kesh2 luTeron3 ka tarafdaar4 vohi

1.tolerant, good-natured 2.same/similar nature/character 3.plunderer, robber 4.partisan

Yesterday, as much as they were civilized, to the same extent, today they are partisans of plunders with whom they share their character.
aaj kis sat’h1 pe hai zahniyat2-e ‘aam3 afsos4
rokta hai jo KhataaoN5 se, Khatavaar6 vohi

1.layer, level 2.mentality 3.common, popular 4.alas 5.transgressions 6.transgressor

Alas, look at the (low) level that common mentality has reached today.  The one who tries to stop them from transgression is himself considered the transgressor.
jo tashaddud1 ka kare zikr2 vohi qaum-parast3
naam bhoole4 se jo le am’n5 ka Ghaddaar6 vohi

1.oppression 2.narrative, talk about 3.patriot, homeland lover 4.casually, in passing 5.peace 6.traitor

They who talk about oppression (oppressing the ‘other’) are considered patriots/nationalists and the one who even casually talks of peace is considered a traitor.
firqa-vaaraana1 hakiimoN2 ki davaa3 se hoshiyaar4
bhes5 meN aaj mu’aalij6 ke hai biimaar vohi

1.bigoted, communal 2.healers 3.remedy 4.careful, beware 5.disguised 6.physician

Beware of the remedy dispensed by bigots posing as healers.  They are the same old sick and distorted people in the guise of physicians.
vatan! aye mere vatan! yuN mujhe mayoos1 na kar
shubh2 ghaRi3 aa’ii hai teri usay man’hoos4 na kar

1.disappoint 2.auspicious 3.moment, time 4.inauspicious

O homeland, O my homeland, do not disappoint me.  This is an inauspicious time for you, do not turn it into a curse.