iimaan o kufr ki tafriiq – saadhu raam aarzu saharanpuri

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

ایمان  و  کفر  کی  تفریق  ۔  سادھو  رام  آرزوؔ  سہارنپوری


فقط  یہی  کہ  سمجھ  لے  تو  ہست  و  بود  کا  راز

وگرنہ  اس  کے  سوا  کیا  ہے  مقصدِ  تخلیق


رمُوزِ  سینۂ  آدم  سے  واقفیت  ہو

تو  سہل  تر  ہیں  حقیقت  کے  نکتہ  ہائے  دقیق


شعاعِ  نورِ  یقیں  ہو  اگر  ترے  دل  میں

قدم  قدم  پہ  نظر  آئے  مرکزِ  تحقیق


خبر  نہیں  تو  کسی  درد  مندِ  عشق  سے  پوچھ

کہ  یادِ  دوست  سے  بہتر  نہیں  ہے  کوئی  رفیق


خدا  کرے  تو  کبھی  اُس  مقام  سے  گزرے

جہاں  نہیں  ہے  کچھ  ایمان  و  کفر  کی  تفریق


ہر  ایک  طبقۂ  اِنساں  کی  خدمتِ  بے  لوث

یہی  رہا  ہے  ہمیشہ  سے  اہلِ  دل  کا  طریق


عزیز  و  دوست  ہوں  اپنے  کہ  دشمنِ  جاں  ہوں

الٰہی  سب  کو  دے  اعمالِ  نیک  کی  توفیق

ईमान ओ कुफ़्र की तफ़्रीक़ – साधु राम आर्ज़ू सहारनपूरी

फ़क़त यही के समझ ले तू हस्त-ओ-बूद का राज़
वगरना इसके सिवा क्या है मक़्सद-ए तख़्लीक़

रमूज़-ए सीना-ए आदम से वाक़ेफ़ियत हो
तो सहल-तर हैं हक़ीक़त के नुक्ता-हा-ए दक़ीक़

शु’आ-ए नूर-ए यक़ीं हो अगर तेरे दिल में
क़दम क़दम पे नज़र आए मरकज़-ए तहक़ीक़

ख़बर नहीं तो किसी दर्द-मंद-ए इश्क़ से पूछ
के याद-ए दोस्त से बेहतर नहीं है कोई रफ़ीक़

ख़ुदा करे तू कभी उस मक़ाम से गुज़रे
जहाँ नहीं है कुछ ईमान ओ कुफ्र की तफ़्रीक़

हर एक तबक़ा-ए इंसाँ की ख़िदमत-ए बे-लौस
यही रहा है हमेशा से अहल-ए दिल का तरीक़

अज़ीज़-ओ दोस्त हों अपने के दुश्मन-ए जाँ हों
इलाही सब को दे आमाल-ए नेक की तौफ़ीक़


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. saadhu ram aarzu saharanpuri (1901-1983) saharanpur and kolkata. He was a shaagird of faani badayuni. There are at least two collections of Ghazal and nazm. There is precious little by way of biographical information but it seems that he was associated with teaching (perhaps urdu) in some college in kolkata.
faqat1 yahii keh samajh2 le tu hast-o-buud3 kaa raaz4
vagarna5 iske sivaa6 kyaa hai maqsad7-e taKhliiq8    
1.only 2.understand, know 3.present and past, all existence 4.secret, mystery, reason 5.otherwise 6.except for 7.purpose 8.creation
Only this, that you understand the true essence/purpose of existence/life, otherwise what else can be the purpose of creation i.e., god created the cosmos and life in it so that you understand the ‘meaning of life’. Editorial comment – this appears to be a circular argument. Here is another explanation of the purpose of life … dwarka das sho’la …
tu bhi mohtaaj hai Khushaamad ka
aye Khuda varna bandagi kya hai

ramuuz1-e siina2-e aadam3 se vaaqifiyat4 ho
to sahl-tar5 haiN haqiiqat6 ke nukta-haa7-e daqiiq8    
1.secrets 2.bosom, heart 3.Adam, human 4.knowledge, understanding 5.easier than easy 6.truth 7.plural of nukta, points, views, meanings 8.difficult, subtle
If you can understand the inner secrets of the human heart, then it becomes much easier to understand the all the subtle meanings of (external) truths i.e., in order to understand the world, understand yourself first.

shuu’aa1-e nuur2-e yaqiiN3 ho agar tere dil me
qadam-qadam4 pe nazar5 aaye markaz6-e tahqiiq7    
1.ray 2.light 3.certainty, faith 4.every step 5.visible 6.focus 7.search
If you have the ray of light of faith in your heart, then at every step of the journey, the focus of your search will appear i.e., you will see god in everything if you have faith. Editorial comment – once again a circular argument if ever there was one.

Khabar1 nahiiN to kisii dard-mand2-e ishq se puuchh
keh yaad-e-dost3 se behtar4 nahiiN hai koii rafiiq5    
1.awareness, knowledge 2.wounded 3.rememberance of the friend/beloved/god 4.better 5.friend, companion
If you do not know, then ask anyone who has been wounded by/stricken with love (this could be love of god or love of humanity and it would be someone who has experienced the pain of love and separation). They will tell you that there nothing better than the rememberance of the friend/beloved/god.

Khudaa kare tu kabhii us maqaam1 se guzre2
jahaaN3 nahiiN hai kuchh imaan4 o kufr5 kii tafriiq6    
1.place, stage, condition 2.pass through 3.where 4.belief, faith 5.other belief, disbelief 6.difference, distinction
May god that you sometime experience/pass through the stage where there is no distinction with one faith and another i.e., all faiths lead to the same end and there should be not distinction between them.

har ek tabqa1-e insaaN2 kii Khidmat3-e be-laus4
yahii rahaa hai hamesha5 se ahl-e-dil6 kaa tariiq7    
1.class, group 2.humanity 3.service 4.self-less, without any selfish motive 5.always 6.people of heart/love/compassion 7.way, method, path
Self-less/unselfish service of humanity regardless of group/class/community has always been the way of people of love.

aziiz1 o dost hoN apne keh dushman-e jaaN hoN
ilaahii2 sab ko de aa’maal3-e nek4 kii taufiiq5    
1.loved ones 2.god 3.actions 4.virtuous 5.ability, character
O god, whether they be dear friends and loved ones or sworn enemies, grant them all the ability/character to stay on the path of virtue – perform virtuous deeds.

saadhu ram aarzu saharanpuri (1901-1983) saharanpur and kolkata.  He was a shaagird of faani badayuni.  There are at least two collections of Ghazal and nazm.  There is precious little by way of biographical information but it seems that he was associated with teaching (perhaps urdu) in some college in kolkata.
faqat1 yahii keh samajh2 le tu hast-o-buud3 kaa raaz4
vagarna5 iske sivaa6 kyaa hai maqsad7-e taKhliiq8

1.only 2.understand, know 3.present and past, all existence 4.secret, mystery, reason 5.otherwise 6.except for 7.purpose 8.creation

Only this, that you understand the true essence/purpose of existence/life, otherwise what else can be the purpose of creation i.e., god created the cosmos and life in it so that you understand the ‘meaning of life’.  Editorial comment – this appears to be a circular argument.  Here is another explanation of the purpose of life … dwarka das sho’la …
tu bhi mohtaaj hai Khushaamad ka
aye Khuda varna bandagi kya hai
ramuuz1-e siina2-e aadam3 se vaaqifiyat4 ho
to sahl-tar5 haiN haqiiqat6 ke nukta-haa7-e daqiiq8

1.secrets 2.bosom, heart 3.Adam, human 4.knowledge, understanding 5.easier than easy 6.truth 7.plural of nukta, points, views, meanings 8.difficult, subtle

If you can understand the inner secrets of the human heart, then it becomes much easier to understand the all the subtle meanings of (external) truths i.e., in order to understand the world, understand yourself first.
shuu’aa1-e nuur2-e yaqiiN3 ho agar tere dil me
qadam-qadam4 pe nazar5 aaye markaz6-e tahqiiq7

1.ray 2.light 3.certainty, faith 4.every step 5.visible 6.focus 7.search

If you have the ray of light of faith in your heart, then at every step of the journey, the focus of your search will appear i.e., you will see god in everything if you have faith.  Editorial comment – once again a circular argument if ever there was one.
Khabar1 nahiiN to kisii dard-mand2-e ishq se puuchh
keh yaad-e-dost3 se behtar4 nahiiN hai koii rafiiq5

1.awareness, knowledge 2.wounded 3.rememberance of the friend/beloved/god 4.better 5.friend, companion

If you do not know, then ask anyone who has been wounded by/stricken with love (this could be love of god or love of humanity and it would be someone who has experienced the pain of love and separation).  They will tell you that there nothing better than the rememberance of the friend/beloved/god.
Khudaa kare tu kabhii us maqaam1 se guzre2
jahaaN3 nahiiN hai kuchh imaan4 o kufr5 kii tafriiq6

1.place, stage, condition 2.pass through 3.where 4.belief, faith 5.other belief, disbelief 6.difference, distinction

May god that you sometime experience/pass through the stage where there is no distinction with one faith and another i.e., all faiths lead to the same end and there should be not distinction between them.
har ek tabqa1-e insaaN2 kii Khidmat3-e be-laus4
yahii rahaa hai hamesha5 se ahl-e-dil6 kaa tariiq7

1.class, group 2.humanity 3.service 4.self-less, without any selfish motive 5.always 6.people of heart/love/compassion 7.way, method, path

Self-less/unselfish service of humanity regardless of group/class/community has always been the way of people of love.
aziiz1 o dost hoN apne keh dushman-e jaaN hoN
ilaahii2 sab ko de aa’maal3-e nek4 kii taufiiq5

1.loved ones 2.god 3.actions 4.virtuous 5.ability, character

O god, whether they be dear friends and loved ones or sworn enemies, grant them all the ability/character to stay on the path of virtue – perform virtuous deeds.