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آئینہ گر کو میں ۔ سادھو رام آرزوؔ سہارن پوری
حیراں ہوں دیکھ دیکھ کے اُن کی نظر کو میں
آئینہ دیکھتا ہوں کہ آئینہ گر کو میں
سب جذب کر چکا ہوں محبت کے جزو و کل
رگ رگ میں دیکھتا ہوں اب اُن کی نظر کو میں
رکھ دوں اُلٹ کے پردۂ اسرارِ مرگ و زیست
جنبش جو دوں نگاہِ حقیقت نِگر کو میں
کرتا ہوں روز سیرِ تماشائے حسنِ قدس
پردہ بنا کے جلوۂ شام و سحر کو میں
میرے مذاقِ دید کی قُدُّوسیت نہ پوچھ
اشکوں سے پاک کر کے چلا ہوں نظر کو میں
کیا فرصتِ دعا نہ ملے گی کبھی مجھے
اللہ کب سے ڈھونڈ رہا ہوں اثر کو میں
افشا ہے مجھ پہ آرزوؔ ہر سِرّ کائنات
ایک کھیل جانتا ہوں قضا و قدر کو میں
आईना-गर को मैं – साधु राम आर्ज़ू सहारनपूरी
हैरां हुं देख देख के उन की नज़र को मैं
आईना देखता हूं के आईना-गर को मैं
सब जज़्ब कर चुका हूँ मोहब्बत के जुज़्व-ओ-कुल
रग रग में देखता हूँ अब उन की नज़र को मैं
रख दूं उलट के पर्दा-ए अस्रार-ए मर्ग ओ ज़ीस्त
जुंबिश जो दूं निगाह-ए हक़ीक़त निगर को मैं
करता हुं रोज़ सैर-ए तमाशा-ए हुस्न-ए क़ुद्स
पर्दा बना के जलवा-ए शाम ओ सहर को मैं
मेरे मज़ाक़-ए दीद की क़ुद्दुसियत न पूछ
अश्कों से पाक कर चला हूं नज़र को मैं
क्या फ़ुर्सत-ए दुआ न मिलेगी कभी मुझे
अल्लाह कब से ड़ूंड रहा हूं असर को मैं
अफ़्शा है मुझ पे आऱज़ू हर सिर्र-ए का’एनात
एक खेल जानता हूं क़ज़ा ओ क़दर को मैं
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. saadhu ram aarzu saharanpuri (1901-1983) saharanpur and kolkata. He was a shaagird of faani badayuni. There are at least two collections of Ghazal and nazm. There is precious little by way of biographical information but it seems that he was associated with teaching (perhaps urdu) in some college in kolkata. This Ghazal is linked to Ghalib naqsh-e qadam, jaauN kidhar ko maiN.
hairaaN1 huN dekh dekh ke unn ki nazar ko maiN
aaina2 dekhta huN keh aaina-gar3 ko maiN 1.puzzled 2.image, reflection 3.mirror maker
The poet is puzzled looking at the beauty of the beloved. Is he seeing a divine image or is he seeing the image-maker (god) himself, such is her ethereal beauty.
sab jazb1 kar chuka huN mohabbat ke juzv-o-kul2
rugg-rugg3 meN dekhta huN ab unn ki nazar ko maiN 1.absorb, understand 2.part and whole 3.every fibre/vein
I have absorbed all the parts and the whole of love. As a consequence, every fibre of my body sees only the beloved’s image. This could also have mystical dimensions … looking at divine beauty.
rakh duuN ulaT ke parda-e asaraar1-e marg2 o zeest3
junbish4 jo duN nigaah5-e haqeeqat-nigar6 ko maiN 1.mysteries 2.death 4.movement 5.sight, eyes 6.truth seeing/discerning
If I turn my truth-discerning eyes towards it, I would lift back the veil over mysteries of life and death – such is the power of observation of poets.
karta huN roz1 sair2-e tamaasha3-e husn4-e quds5
parda6 bana ke jalva7-e shaam8 o sah’r9 ko maiN 1.every day 2.sightseeing, see/observe 3.display, scene 5.sacred 6.veil, screen 7.glory 8.night 9.dawn, day
Every day I see the display of divine beauty using day and night as a screen of its glory i.e., divine beauty is displayed all around us day and night.
meray mazaaq1-e diid2 ki quddusiyat3 nah poochh
ashkoN se paak4 kar ke chala huN nazar5 ko maiN 1.taste, perception 2.sight 3.virtue, holiness 4.purify 5.eyes, sight
The poet has a discerning sight – mazaaq-e diid. His discerning eye is holy/virtuous. Here the ‘nah poochh – do not ask’ implies that this quality is in abundance in his sight. This is so because he has washed his eyes with his tears i.e., he has repented, cried tears asking for forgiveness and his sight has become discerning so that he can see divinity all around him.
kya fursat1-e dua nah milegi kabhi mujhe
allah kab se DhoonD raha huN asar2 ko maiN 1.opportunity, time, permission 2.effect
It is a common trope that prayer/dua goes unanswered and is ineffective. Here the poet/supplicant has been searching for ‘effect’ so that his dua might be anwered but he has not found it. Thus, will I ever get an opportunity to pray i.e., he doesn’t really want to do it until after he has found what it takes to make his prayer effective.
afsha1 hai mujh pay aarzu2 har sirr3-e kaa’enaat4
ek khel jaanta huN qaza-o-qadar5 ko maiN 1.revealed, divulged 2.pen-name of the poet 3.secret, mystery 4.universe 5.pre-destiny, fate
O aarzu, every secret of the universe has been revealed to me. I understand presdestiny to be a game. This can be interpreted as energetic and in control. The poet understands the secrets of the universe … the secret is that our life is in our control that he knows that talk about fate and pre-destiny is nothing but a diversionary game.
saadhu ram aarzu saharanpuri (1901-1983) saharanpur and kolkata. He was a shaagird of faani badayuni. There are at least two collections of Ghazal and nazm. There is precious little by way of biographical information but it seems that he was associated with teaching (perhaps urdu) in some college in kolkata. This Ghazal is linked to Ghalib naqsh-e qadam, jaauN kidhar ko maiN.
hairaaN1 huN dekh dekh ke unn ki nazar2 ko maiN
aaina dekhta huN keh aaina-gar3 ko maiN
1.puzzled, amazed 2.image, reflection 3.mirror maker
The poet/lover observes the beloved gazing at her own image in the mirror. He is amazed, looking at the beauty/gaze of the beloved and at the reflection in the mirror at the same time. He cannot decide whether he is looking at her beauty/reflection or through this beauty he is observing the mirror/image-maker (god) himself, such is her ethereal beauty.
sab jazb1 kar chuka huN mohabbat ke juzv-o-kul2
rugg-rugg3 meN dekhta huN ab unn ki nazar ko maiN
1.absorb, understand 2.part and whole 3.every fibre/vein
I have absorbed all the parts and the whole of love. As a consequence, every fibre of my body sees only the beloved’s image. This could also have mystical dimensions … looking at divine beauty.
rakh duuN ulaT ke parda-e asaraar1-e marg2 o zeest3
junbish4 jo duN nigaah5-e haqeeqat-nigar6 ko maiN
1.mysteries 2.death 4.movement 5.sight, eyes 6.truth seeing/discerning
If I turn my truth-discerning eyes towards it, I would lift back the veil over mysteries of life and death – such is the power of observation of poets.
karta huN roz1 sair2-e tamaasha3-e husn4-e quds5
parda6 bana ke jalva7-e shaam8 o sah’r9 ko maiN
1.every day 2.sightseeing, see/observe 3.display, scene 5.sacred 6.veil, screen 7.glory 8.night 9.dawn, day
Every day I see the display of divine beauty using day and night as a screen of its glory i.e., divine beauty is displayed all around us day and night.
meray mazaaq1-e diid2 ki quddusiyat3 nah poochh
ashkoN se paak4 kar ke chala huN nazar5 ko maiN
1.taste, perception 2.sight 3.virtue, holiness 4.purify 5.eyes, sight
The poet has a discerning sight – mazaaq-e diid. His discerning eye is holy/virtuous. Here the ‘nah poochh – do not ask’ implies that this quality is in abundance in his sight. This is so because he has washed his eyes with his tears i.e., he has repented, cried tears asking for forgiveness and his sight has become discerning so that he can see divinity all around him.
kya fursat1-e dua nah milegi kabhi mujhe
allah kab se DhoonD raha huN asar2 ko maiN
1.opportunity, time, permission 2.effect
It is a common trope that prayer/dua goes unanswered and is ineffective. Here the poet/supplicant has been searching for ‘effect’ so that his dua might be anwered but he has not found it. Thus, will I ever get an opportunity to pray i.e., he doesn’t really want to do it until after he has found what it takes to make his prayer effective.
afsha1 hai mujh pay aarzu2 har sirr3-e kaa’enaat4
ek khel jaanta huN qaza-o-qadar5 ko maiN
1.revealed, divulged 2.pen-name of the poet 3.secret, mystery 4.universe 5.pre-destiny, fate
O aarzu, every secret of the universe has been revealed to me. I understand presdestiny to be a game. This can be interpreted as energetic and in control. The poet understands the secrets of the universe … the secret is that our life is in our control that he knows that talk about fate and pre-destiny is nothing but a diversionary game.