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قلم نثارِ علی ۔ آنند موہن گُلزارؔ دہلوی
اُٹھا حرم سے خمیرِ رُخِ وقارِ علی
نسیمِ کعبہ سے نکھری ہے نو بہارِ علی
وہ قبلہ آلِ نبی کا، وہ جانِ ختمِ رسل
زباں ثنائے علی ہے، قلم نثارِ علی
وہ شہرِ علم کا دروازہ اور شجاعت کا
حسیں شعورِ علی ہے، حسیں شعارِ علی
وہ خاکِ کعبہ سے اُبھرا اِمامِ دیں ہو کر
شریکِ مسجدِ کوفہ ہوا غبارِ علی
وہ بو تراب، وہ شیرِ خدا، حرم مولود
کہ بابِ علم و شجاعت ہے افتخارِ علی
نقوشِ پائے مُزیّن ہیں خندق و خیبر
قدم قدم پہ ملیں گے تمہیں نگارِ علی
نبی نے دُختِ مطہر اِدھر نکاح میں دی
اُدھر خدا نے عطا کی ہے ذوالفقارِ علی
قلندری کو مقامِ خدا رسی بخشا
ولی و غوث و قطب ہے دلِ قرارِ علی
نبی کے کاندھے پہ اُس کے عروج کا منبر
قیامِ دین پہ قربان دلِ فگارِ علی
ہزار لشکرِ کُفّار حملہ آور ہوں
تمام راہ میں پیکر ہیں کوہسارِ علی
احد میں، خندق و خیبر میں بدر و کوفہ میں
نہ جانے کتنے ہیں مشکور واں شکارِ علی
تمام سلسلہ ہائے تصوّف و تقویٰ
ازل سے تا بہ قیامت ہیں زیرِ بارِ علی
وہی ہے پہلا بھی چوتھا بھی اول و آخر
کہ عرش و فرش میں ہر طرح ہے شمارِ علی
ہمیں ہیں چشتی نظامی و وارثی از بس
ہمارے دل میں مُزیّن ہوا شرارِ علی
پلائے ہم کو طہورا وہ ساقیِ کوثر
ہمارے سر سے نہ اُترے کبھی خمارِ علی
ہمیں بہ صدقۂ حسنین قُرب حاصل ہے
نہ چھوڑیں تا بہ قیامت کبھی جوارِ علی
وہ آمنہ ہوں، خدیجہ کہ فاطمہ زہرا
کسی نظر سے بھی دیکھو رخِ وقارِ علی
نہیں ملے گا پیامِ نشانِ خُلدِ بریں
تمام عمر رہیں گے جو سوگوارِ علی
ہزار پھول ہوں گُلزار تیرے دامن میں
تمام ہیچ گلستاں بہ پیشِ خارِ علی
क़लम निसार-ए अली – आनंद मोहन गुल्ज़ार देहलवी
उठा हरम से ख़मीर-ए रुख़-ए वक़ार-ए अली
नसीम-ए का’बा से निख्री है नौ बहार-ए अली
वो क़िब्ला आल-ए नबी का, वो जान-ए ख़त्म-ए रुसुल
ज़बां सना-ए अली है, क़लम निसार-ए अली
वो शहर-ए इल्म का दरवाज़ा और शुजा’अत का
हसीं श’ऊर-ए अली है, हसीं शे’आर-ए अली
वो ख़ाक-ए का’बा से उभ्रा इमाम-ए दीं हो कर
शरीक-ए मस्जिद-ए कूफ़ा हुआ ग़ुबार-ए अली
वो बू-तुराब, वो शेर-ए ख़ुदा, हरम मौलूद
के बाब-ए इल्म ओ शुजा’अत है इफ़्तख़ार-ए अली
नुक़ूश-ए पा-ए मुज़य्यन हैं ख़ंदक़ ओ ख़ैबर
क़दम क़दम पे मिलेंगे तुम्हें निगार-ए अली
नबी ने दुख़्त-ए मुतह्हर इधर निकाह में दी
उधर ख़ुदा ने अता की है ज़ुल्फ़क़ार-ए अली
क़लन्दरी को मक़ाम-ए ख़ुदा-रसी बख़्शा
वली ओ ग़ौस ओ क़ुतुब है दिल-ए क़रार-ए अली
नबी कांधे पे उस के उरूज का मिम्बर
क़याम-ए दीन पे क़ुर्बां दिल-ए फ़िगार-ए अली
हज़ार लश्कर-ए कुफ़्फ़ार हम्लो आवर हों
तमाम राह में पैकर हैं कोहसार-ए अली
ओहद में, ख़ंदक़ ओ ख़ैबर में बद्र ओ कूफ़ा में
न जाने कितने हैं मश्कूर वां शिकार-ए अली
तमाम सिल्सिला-हा-ए तसव्वुफ़ ओ तक़्वा
अज़ल से ता ब क़यामत ज़ेर-ए बार-ए अली
वही है पहला भी चौथा भी अव्वल ओ आख़र
के अर्श ओ फ़र्श में हर तरह है शुमार-ए अली
हमीं हैं चिश्ती निज़ामी ओ वारसी अज़-बस
हमारे दिल में मुज़्ज़यन हुआ शरार-ए अली
पिलाए हम को तहूरा वो साक़ी-ए कौसर
हमारे सर से न उत्रे कभी ख़ुमार-ए अली
हमें ब सद्क़ा-ए हस्नैन क़ुर्ब हासिल है
न छोड़ें ता ब क़यामत कभी जवार-ए अली
वो आमेना हों, ख़दीजा के फ़ातमा ज़हरा
किसी नज़र से भी देखो रुख़-ए वक़ार-ए अली
नहीं मिलेगा पयाम-ए निशान-ए ख़ुल्द-ए बरीं
तमाम उम्र रहेंगे जो सोगवार-ए अली
हज़ार फूल हों गुल्ज़ार तेरे दामन में
तमाम हेच गुलिस्तां ब पेश-ए ख़ार-ए अली
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-2020), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu and totally committed to communal harmony. Over his long and fruitful life has written with much love and admiration about many illustrious figures – political, religious and literary. This is a heartfelt tribute to ali ibn-e abi taalib, and shows his intimate knowledge of islamic history and folklore.
uTha haram1 se Khamiir2-e ruKh3-e veqaar4-e ali
naseem5-e kaa’ba se nikhri6 hai nau-bahaar7-e ali 1.the sanctuary of the kaa’ba 2.ingredients, clay, origins 3.face 4.dignity 5.breeze 6.freshened, cleaned spring
It is believed that ali was born inside the sanctuary of the kaa’ba, because his mother happened to be cleaning around it at the time. Thus, the glory of the face of ali comes from the clay of kaa’ba of which he is made i.e. his ‘Khamiir’ is of the k’aaba. It is the breeze of the kaa’ba that makes the spring of ali forever fresh.
vo qibla1 aal-e-nabi2 ka, vo jaan3-e Khatm-e-rusul4
zabaaN sanaa5-e ali hai, qalam6 nisaar7-e ali 1.direction setter 2.progeny of mohammed 3.soul 4.end of the line of prophets i.e. mohammed 5.praise 6.pen 7.homage
He set the direction for the progeny/successors of mohammed to follow. He was the soul of the message of mohammed. My words are in praise of ali and my pen pays homage to him.
vo shahr-e ilm1 ka darvaaza aur shujaa’at2 ka
hasiiN3 sha’oor4-e ali, hasiiN she’aar5-e ali 1.knowledge 2.courage 3.beautiful, virtuous 4.knowledge 5.nature
ali’s courage and his knowledge are both legendary. It is believed that mohammed called him the door from which knowledge can be received. It is also said that in the battle of Khaibar he brought down the door to the heavily defended fortress. Thus, ‘shahr-e ilm ka darvaaza’ and that of courage refer to both. His knowledge and his nature, both beautiful/pleasant and virtuous.
vo Khaak1-e kaa’ba se ubhra2 imaam-e-diiN3 ho kar
shariik4-e masjid-e kuufa hua Ghubaar5-e ali 1.dust 2.emerged, rose 3.leader of the faithful 4.admitted to, mixed in 5.dust, clay
Born inside the sanctuary of the kaa’ba, ali was killed while leading prayers in the masjid of kuufa. Thus, he rose from the clay of the kaa’ba to become the leader of the faithful and finally his dust mingled with the masjid of kufa.
vo buu-turaab1, vo sher-e-Khuda2, haram-maulood3
ke baab-e-ilm4 o shujaa’at5 hai ifteKhaar6-e ali 1.a title given to ali (it means father of the earth) 2.lion of god (title because of his bravery) 3.born in the sanctuary 4.door of knowledge i.e. dispenser/teacher 5.bravery 6.dignity, honour
Among the honourific titles of ali – buu-turaab, sher-e Khuda, haram-maulood, baab-e ilm and baab-e shujaa’at. The only explanation to add is that the title ‘buu-turaab’ comes from the story that once mohammed saw him covered in dust and lovingly called him ‘buu-turaab – father of the earth’.
nuqoosh-e-paa1-e muzayyan2 haiN Khandaq3 o Khaibar4
qadam qadam5 pe mileNge tumheN nigaar6-e ali 1.foot-prints 2.decorative, beautification 3.trench of a fort 5.every step 6.images, marks
“Khandaq” was the battle of the trench in which ali devised a strategy of digging a trench into which enemy combatants fell. Khaibar was a fortress and another battle in which ali was victorious. Thus in these (and other) battles ali’s footprints can be seen. At every step you will see the marks/impressions of ali’s valour.
nabi1 ne duKht2-e mutahhar3 idhar nikaah4 meN dii
udhar Khuda ne ata5 ki hai zulfiqaar6-e ali 1.prophet, mohammed 2.daughter 3.pure, holy, virtuous 4.marriage 5.granted of the sword of ali
It is said that at the start of one of the more difficult battles, mohammed presented ali with a sword (famous swords have names – in this case, zulfiqaar), saying that it was granted by god. Thus, mohammed gave his virtuous daughter in marriage and god granted the zulfiqaar to ali.
qalandari1 ko maqaam2-e Khuda-rasi3 baKhsha4
vali5 o Ghaus5 o qutub5 dil-e qaraar6-e ali 1.poverty, no accumulation of wealth 2.status 3.reaching god 4.granted 5.these are all offices of the sufi order – representative, helper, direction setter 6.comfort
This was probably composed specifically for and recited at the tomb of nizamuddin chishti of the sufi order of chishti. gulzar dehlavi was on the Board of Trustees of the nizamuddin Trust. It is reputed that ali gave away his wealth and earnings, using only the minimum necessary for survival. Thus, the poet says, ali showed this (qalandari) to be way to reach god. He was the inspiration of all sufi orders and comfort of all sufi leaders (vali, Ghaus and qutub).
nabi1 ke kaandhe pe us ke urooj2 ka mimbar3
qayaam4-e diin5 pe qurbaaN6 dil-e figaar7-e ali 1.mohammed 2.apex, height 3.pulpit, declaration 4.establishment 6.offering 7.wounded, sad
The people of makkah were threatened by mohammed’s teachings and persecuted him so much that he had to flee and seek refuge in medinah. Later, after having lost a few battles the makkans invited him back as their leader and accepted islam. They agreed for him to remove and destroy idols from the kaa’ba. It is said that ali stood on mohammed’s shoulders to reach some of the idols that were placed high. This is considered a declaration of the high status of ali that he was elevated on the shoulders of mohammed. This was also an act of establishing the faith in makkah. The poet offers his heart in homage to ali.
hazaar lashkar1-e kuffaar2 hamla-aavar3 hoN
tamaam4 raah5 meN paikar6 haiN kohsaar7-e ali 1.armies 2.used here to mean non-believing forces opposing mohammed, opponents 3.attack 4.all 5.path 6.manifest, visible 7.mountains, obstacles
The armies of the unbelievers may attack a thousand times, but all along the path they will find images of ali looming over them as insurmountable mountains.
ohad1 meN, Khandaq2 o Khaibar3 meN badr4 o kuufa5 meN
na jaane kitne haiN mashkoor6 vaaN shikaar7-e ali of battlefield 2.trench, battle of the trench of a fort, battle to capture the fort, battlefield 6.thankful
Khandaq, Khaibar, badar and kufa are all famous battles in which ali was the main reason why mohammed’s newly declared faith prevailed. gulzar seems to say that it is an honour to be defeated (or even killed) by ali. Thus, many who were defeated in these battles must have been thankful to ali.
tamaam1 silsila-haa2-e tasavvuf3 o taqva4
azal5 se ta-ba6 qayaamat7 zer8-e baar9-e ali, all 2.lines, schools (of mystic sufism) 3.mysticism 4.strengthening/enhancing belief 5.beginning 6.until 7.doomsday, end 8.under 9.weight, obligation
All the schools of sufi mysticism and faith are under an obligation to ali from the beginning until doomsday.
vahi hai pahla1 bhi chautha2 bhi avval-o-aaKhir3
keh arsh-o-farsh4 meN har tarah5 hai shumaar6-e ali 1.first 2.fourth 3.from beginning to end and earth 5.way, method 6.counting
ali is variously considered to be the first or the fourth Khalifa (representative of mohammed, after his death). Also, “avval-o-aaKhir” may imply the totality of the faith. Thus, on earth and in heaven ali is counted all different ways.
hamiiN haiN chishti1, nizaami1 o vaarisi1 az-bas2
hamaare dil meN muzayyan3 hua sharaar4-e ali 1.names of sufi schools 2.many, all 3.embellishing 4.spark, light
All sufi schools/orders derive their inspiration from the light of ali.
pilaaye hum ko tahoora1 vo saaqi-e-kausar2
hamaare sar se na utre kabhi Khumaar3-e ali 1.blessed/heavenly wine 2.dispense of the wine of river kauser of heaven 3.intoxication
It is believed that on judgement day ali will welcome those rewarded with heaven and offer them wine of the river kauser (called tahoora). Because of this, ali is also know as “saaqi-e kausar”. Thus, gulzar would like the intoxication/pleasure/trance of the tahoora to never end.
hameN ba-sadqa1-e hasnain2 qurb3 haasil4 hai
na chhoReN ta-ba5 qayaamat6 kabhi jawaar7-e ali the grace of 2.the two sons of ali, hasan and husain together hasnain 3.nearness, access 4.available 5.until 6.doomsday
By the grace of hasnain we have been able to get access to ali. Even until doomsday we will not give up his protection.
vo aamina1 hoN, Khadiija2 keh faatima-zahra3
kisi nazar4 se bhi dekho ruKh5-e veqaar6-e ali 1.mohammed’s mother and 2.wife and 3.daughter 4.point of view 5.face 6.glory, dignity
From whichever point of view one looks at ali, they are able to see his glorious face.
nahiN milega payaam1-e nishaan2-e Khuld-e-bariiN3
tamaam4 umr raheNge jo sogvaar5-e ali 1.message, direction 2.marker 3.high heaven 4.all 5.mourner
I have great difficulty in interpreting this and am on shaky grounds on both possibilities that I speculate on. If you have any ideas, please help. (a) gulzar might be saying – don’t be a sogvaar, celebrate the life of ali, don’t just mourn his passing or (b) sogvaar may be one who is mourning (or is jealous) about the status of ali. In either case, don’t be a sogvaar or you will miss receiving directions to heaven.
hazaar phool hoN gulzaar1 tere daaman2 meN
tamaam3 hech4 gulistaaN ba pesh5-e Khaar6-e ali 1.pen-name of poet 2.robe 3.all 4.nothing, of no value front of, compared to 6.thorn
O gulzaar, you may have collected a thousand flowers in your lap but they are all nothing compared to single thorn of ali.
anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-2020), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu and totally committed to communal harmony. Over his long and fruitful life has written with much love and admiration about many illustrious figures – political, religious and literary. This is a heartfelt tribute to ali ibn-e abi taalib, and shows his intimate knowledge of islamic history and folklore.
uTha haram1 se Khamiir2-e ruKh3-e veqaar4-e ali
naseem5-e kaa’ba se nikhri6 hai nau-bahaar7-e ali
1.the sanctuary of the kaa’ba 2.ingredients, clay, origins 3.face 4.dignity 5.breeze 6.freshened, cleaned spring
It is believed that ali was born inside the sanctuary of the kaa’ba, because his mother happened to be cleaning around it at the time. Thus, the glory of the face of ali comes from the clay of kaa’ba of which he is made i.e. his ‘Khamiir’ is of the k’aaba. It is the breeze of the kaa’ba that makes the spring of ali forever fresh.
vo qibla1 aal-e-nabi2 ka, vo jaan3-e Khatm-e-rusul4
zabaaN sanaa5-e ali hai, qalam6 nisaar7-e ali
1.direction setter 2.progeny of mohammed 3.soul 4.end of the line of prophets i.e. mohammed 5.praise 6.pen 7.homage
He set the direction for the progeny/successors of mohammed to follow. He was the soul of the message of mohammed. My words are in praise of ali and my pen pays homage to him.
vo shahr-e ilm1 ka darvaaza aur shujaa’at2 ka
hasiiN3 sha’oor4-e ali, hasiiN she’aar5-e ali
1.knowledge 2.courage 3.beautiful, virtuous 4.knowledge 5.nature
ali’s courage and his knowledge are both legendary. It is believed that mohammed called him the door from which knowledge can be received. It is also said that in the battle of Khaibar he brought down the door to the heavily defended fortress. Thus, ‘shahr-e ilm ka darvaaza’ and that of courage refer to both. His knowledge and his nature, both beautiful/pleasant and virtuous.
vo Khaak1-e kaa’ba se ubhra2 imaam-e-diiN3 ho kar
shariik4-e masjid-e kuufa hua Ghubaar5-e ali
1.dust 2.emerged, rose 3.leader of the faithful 4.admitted to, mixed in 5.dust, clay
Born inside the sanctuary of the kaa’ba, ali was killed while leading prayers in the masjid of kuufa. Thus, he rose from the clay of the kaa’ba to become the leader of the faithful and finally his dust mingled with the masjid of kufa.
vo buu-turaab1, vo sher-e-Khuda2, haram-maulood3
ke baab-e-ilm4 o shujaa’at5 hai ifteKhaar6-e ali
1.a title given to ali (it means father of the earth) 2.lion of god (title because of his bravery) 3.born in the sanctuary 4.door of knowledge i.e. dispenser/teacher 5.bravery 6.dignity, honour
Among the honourific titles of ali – buu-turaab, sher-e Khuda, haram-maulood, baab-e ilm and baab-e shujaa’at. The only explanation to add is that the title ‘buu-turaab’ comes from the story that once mohammed saw him covered in dust and lovingly called him ‘buu-turaab – father of the earth’.
nuqoosh-e-paa1-e muzayyan2 haiN Khandaq3 o Khaibar4
qadam qadam5 pe mileNge tumheN nigaar6-e ali
1.foot-prints 2.decorative, beautification 3.trench of a fort 5.every step 6.images, marks
“Khandaq” was the battle of the trench in which ali devised a strategy of digging a trench into which enemy combatants fell. Khaibar was a fortress and another battle in which ali was victorious. Thus in these (and other) battles ali’s footprints can be seen. At every step you will see the marks/impressions of ali’s valour.
nabi1 ne duKht2-e mutahhar3 idhar nikaah4 meN dii
udhar Khuda ne ata5 ki hai zulfiqaar6-e ali
1.prophet, mohammed 2.daughter 3.pure, holy, virtuous 4.marriage 5.granted of the sword of ali
It is said that at the start of one of the more difficult battles, mohammed presented ali with a sword (famous swords have names – in this case, zulfiqaar), saying that it was granted by god. Thus, mohammed gave his virtuous daughter in marriage and god granted the zulfiqaar to ali.
qalandari1 ko maqaam2-e Khuda-rasi3 baKhsha4
vali5 o Ghaus5 o qutub5 dil-e qaraar6-e ali
1.poverty, no accumulation of wealth 2.status 3.reaching god 4.granted 5.these are all offices of the sufi order – representative, helper, direction setter 6.comfort
This was probably composed specifically for and recited at the tomb of nizamuddin chishti of the sufi order of chishti. gulzar dehlavi was on the Board of Trustees of the nizamuddin Trust. It is reputed that ali gave away his wealth and earnings, using only the minimum necessary for survival. Thus, the poet says, ali showed this (qalandari) to be way to reach god. He was the inspiration of all sufi orders and comfort of all sufi leaders (vali, Ghaus and qutub).
nabi1 ke kaandhe pe us ke urooj2 ka mimbar3
qayaam4-e diin5 pe qurbaaN6 dil-e figaar7-e ali
1.mohammed 2.apex, height 3.pulpit, declaration 4.establishment 6.offering 7.wounded, sad
The people of makkah were threatened by mohammed’s teachings and persecuted him so much that he had to flee and seek refuge in medinah. Later, after having lost a few battles the makkans invited him back as their leader and accepted islam. They agreed for him to remove and destroy idols from the kaa’ba. It is said that ali stood on mohammed’s shoulders to reach some of the idols that were placed high. This is considered a declaration of the high status of ali that he was elevated on the shoulders of mohammed. This was also an act of establishing the faith in makkah. The poet offers his heart in homage to ali.
hazaar lashkar1-e kuffaar2 hamla-aavar3 hoN
tamaam4 raah5 meN paikar6 haiN kohsaar7-e ali
1.armies 2.used here to mean non-believing forces opposing mohammed, opponents 3.attack 4.all 5.path 6.manifest, visible 7.mountains, obstacles
The armies of the unbelievers may attack a thousand times, but all along the path they will find images of ali looming over them as insurmountable mountains.
ohad1 meN, Khandaq2 o Khaibar3 meN badr4 o kuufa5 meN
na jaane kitne haiN mashkoor6 vaaN shikaar7-e ali of battlefield 2.trench, battle of the trench of a fort, battle to capture the fort, battlefield 6.thankful
Khandaq, Khaibar, badar and kufa are all famous battles in which ali was the main reason why mohammed’s newly declared faith prevailed. gulzar seems to say that it is an honour to be defeated (or even killed) by ali. Thus, many who were defeated in these battles must have been thankful to ali.
tamaam1 silsila-haa2-e tasavvuf3 o taqva4
azal5 se ta-ba6 qayaamat7 zer8-e baar9-e ali, all 2.lines, schools (of mystic sufism) 3.mysticism 4.strengthening/enhancing belief 5.beginning 6.until 7.doomsday, end 8.under 9.weight, obligation
All the schools of sufi mysticism and faith are under an obligation to ali from the beginning until doomsday.
vahi hai pahla1 bhi chautha2 bhi avval-o-aaKhir3
keh arsh-o-farsh4 meN har tarah5 hai shumaar6-e ali
1.first 2.fourth 3.from beginning to end and earth 5.way, method 6.counting
ali is variously considered to be the first or the fourth Khalifa (representative of mohammed, after his death). Also, “avval-o-aaKhir” may imply the totality of the faith. Thus, on earth and in heaven ali is counted all different ways.
hamiiN haiN chishti1, nizaami1 o vaarisi1 az-bas2
hamaare dil meN muzayyan3 hua sharaar4-e ali
1.names of sufi schools 2.many, all 3.embellishing 4.spark, light
All sufi schools/orders derive their inspiration from the light of ali.
pilaaye hum ko tahoora1 vo saaqi-e-kausar2
hamaare sar se na utre kabhi Khumaar3-e ali
1.blessed/heavenly wine 2.dispense of the wine of river kauser of heaven 3.intoxication
It is believed that on judgement day ali will welcome those rewarded with heaven and offer them wine of the river kauser (called tahoora). Because of this, ali is also know as “saaqi-e kausar”. Thus, gulzar would like the intoxication/pleasure/trance of the tahoora to never end.
hameN ba-sadqa1-e hasnain2 qurb3 haasil4 hai
na chhoReN ta-ba5 qayaamat6 kabhi jawaar7-e ali the grace of 2.the two sons of ali, hasan and husain together hasnain 3.nearness, access 4.available 5.until 6.doomsday
By the grace of hasnain we have been able to get access to ali. Even until doomsday we will not give up his protection.
vo aamina1 hoN, Khadiija2 keh faatima-zahra3
kisi nazar4 se bhi dekho ruKh5-e veqaar6-e ali
1.mohammed’s mother and 2.wife and 3.daughter 4.point of view 5.face 6.glory, dignity
From whichever point of view one looks at ali, they are able to see his glorious face.
nahiN milega payaam1-e nishaan2-e Khuld-e-bariiN3
tamaam4 umr raheNge jo sogvaar5-e ali
1.message, direction 2.marker 3.high heaven 4.all 5.mourner
I have great difficulty in interpreting this and am on shaky grounds on both possibilities that I speculate on. If you have any ideas, please help. (a) gulzar might be saying – don’t be a sogvaar, celebrate the life of ali, don’t just mourn his passing or (b) sogvaar may be one who is mourning (or is jealous) about the status of ali. In either case, don’t be a sogvaar or you will miss receiving directions to heaven.
hazaar phool hoN gulzaar1 tere daaman2 meN
tamaam3 hech4 gulistaaN ba pesh5-e Khaar6-e ali
1.pen-name of poet 2.robe 3.all 4.nothing, of no value front of, compared to 6.thorn
O gulzaar, you may have collected a thousand flowers in your lap but they are all nothing compared to single thorn of ali.