For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
This is not a conventional “marsia” mourning the death of Husain but a celebratory composition in the style of a marsia. The celebration is the “birth of reason” equated by Josh to the “birth of Ali” probably because Shia tradition has it that Mohammed called Ali “the door to knowledge/learning”.
The language and the metaphors in this “marsia” are too awesome to pass up even if some of the content is somewhat conventionally religious. I think that the composition can be enjoyed universally.
subah 1-16 and 17-32: Josh describes the dawn of reason, but he uses, the same “regular, everyday dawn” that you and I see and uses it as a metaphor. It is amazing to see the beauty of dawn that he is able to observe that escapes our eyes. He takes 32 stanzas to describe the beauty of dawn. They are simply marvelous for the range of metaphors, vocabulary, musicality and most of all for their sensuality. They are completely secular and one wonders how they belong in a “marsia”. But they are a pleasure to read and to read again and again. You marvel at the many ways in which dawn can be described. I have posted these in two tabs subah 1-16 and subah 17-32 for easy readability.
viladat 33-38: The next five stanzas make a transition. They say that just like this beautiful dawn there was another. A bright sun rose … the climax of this set of stanzas is the birth of Ali described in stanza 38.
mohim 39-52 and 53-64: Stanzas 39 through 64 are purportedly a mission statement for Ali. “rooh-e irteqa” – the spirit of progress is asking Ali to perform this mission. Alternatively “rooh-e irteqa” may be making a prediciton that Ali will do this. I have posted these in two parts for readablity, mohim 39-52 and mohim 53-64.
jashn 65-82 and 83-103: Stanzas 65-103 are an extremely beautiful and powerful description of the good things that happened to this world with the birth of Ali. They represent a powerful celebration and include poetic exaggeration that can be enjoyed for its lovely imagery and metaphors. Josh uses “wine” as a metaphor for the “wine of love of Ali” and describes the celebration in terms of saaqi, Khum, jaam and the like. The content is redolent with Sufi concepts that pleasurable metaphors are necessary to understand/feel spirituality – simple words are not enough. The language and musicality can be enjoyed fully in a secular spirit. I have posted these as jashn 65-82 and jashn 83-103.
tahseen 104-110: Stanzas 104-110 take a turn towards Karbala with a passionate tribute. I have posted these as tahseen 104-110.
طلوعِ فکر ۔ صبح ۱۔۱۶
جوشؔ ملیح آبادی
جب چہرہ اُفق سے اُٹھی سرمئی نقاب
کانپے نجوم زرد ہوا روۓ ماہ تاب
کھنکے فلک کے جام، کھلے سرخیوں کے باب
اُڑنے لگا ابیر برسنے لگی شراب
رنگوں کی آب و تاب چرانے لگی فضا
آہستگی سے ہوش میں آنے لگی فضا
چونکی زمیں تبسُّمِ پِنہاں لئے ہوئے
افسانۂ شباب کا عنواں لئے ہوئے
روۓ خُنک پہ رنگِ شبستاں لئے ہوئے
آنکھوں کے جھٹپٹے میں چراغاں لئے ہوئے
تاروں کی چھاؤں جذب کئے بھیرویں اُٹھی
گویا بڑی لٹک سے کوئی نازنیں اُٹھی
گردوں سیاہ ابر کے پارے لئے ہوئے
پاروں کی جھلملی میں شرارے لئے ہوئے
کاجل میں انکھڑیوں کے اشارے لئے ہوئے
چلمن میں بادلے کے کنارے لئے ہوئے
طوفان بادلے میں عجب پیچ و تاب کے
اور موجِ پیچ و تاب میں تختے گلاب کے
بیچین ظلمتوں میں بہکتی ہوئی فضا
نوکار ضو کے سر سے ڈھلکتی ہوئی رِدا
کہرے کی وادیوں سے جھلکتی ہوئی ضیا
جس طور سے کہ بھاپ کی چادر میں آئینہ
گویا نقاب جلوۂ جاناں لئے ہوئے
یا شمع ہے کوئی تہ داماں لئے ہوئے
نو خاستہ فضاوٗں میں اِک طرفہ پیش و پس
بجتا ہوا ندی میں ملائیم نوائے جرس
کُھلتی ہوئی زمیں کی کمانی بہ ہر نفس
شبنم کے آب و رنگ میں پچھلے پہر کا رس
گُل چہرہ پتیوں پہ نگینے جڑے ہوے
گوشِ چمن میں اوس کے بندُے پڑے ہوے
ہِلتی سی ٹہنیوں میں زرافشاں سے برگ و بار
اُٹھتی سی چلمنوں سے جھلکتا سا روئے یار
جنباں سی تیرگی میں سلونے سے مرغزار
رقصاں سی روشنی میں سہانا سا روزگار
دِن ہے کہ رات، ایک تزلزل سا رائے میں
طفلی کا اِضطراب جوانی کے سائے میں
گردوں اِدھر طِلائی تو اُس سمت نقرئی
یہ پارہ سردئی ہے تو وہ پارہ سرمئی
اک گوشہ کتھئی ہے تو اک گوشہ پستئی
مغرب جو اگرئی ہے تو مشرق ہے چمپئی
کانٹے پہ دلبری کے فضایں تُلی ہوی
تا دور زلف و رُخ کی دکانیں کھلی ہوی
سوۓ اُفق بڑھی جو بھٹکتی ہوئی ضیا
دوشیزۂ فضا کی مسکنے لگی قبا
آہستگی سے مہرِ تنک ضو اُبھر چلا
بجنے لگا خیال میں سونے کا دائرہ
برسا گلال ذہن پہ کندن خیال پر
نوبت بجی منارۂ ذوق جمال پر
کچھ ملگجے سے نور میں سرُخی گندھی ہوئی
تھرّا کے آسماں سے زمیں پر مچل گئی
پودوں نے سر اٹھائے گلستاں نے سانس لی
سبزے پہ کنمنائی سیاہ چشم روشنی
ہر پنکھڑی میں دفترِ افسانہ کھل گیا
دوشِ فضا پر ایک صنم خانہ کھل گیا
بڑھنے لگا شِکوہ سے پھر کندنی طبق
رہ رہ کے کروٹیں سی بدلنے لگی شفق
کُھلنے لگا فضاۓ خنک پر نِشانِ حق
گردوں کتابِ زر کے الٹنے لگا ورق
موتی گرے زمین پے شاخیں لچک گیئں
بوسے لئے صبا نے تو کلیاں چٹک گیئں
دِل نے نویدِ آمدِ فصلِ بہار دی
موجِ صبا نے دعوتِ چنگ و ستار دی
انوار نے وہ کِسوتِ نقش و نگار دی
سلمی کی آسماں نے دُلائی اُتار دی
بالاۓ چرخ صبح کا تارا چمک اُٹھا
جیسے کسی بُلاق میں موتی جھلک اُٹھا
خورشید کی جبیں جو ذرا سی چمک گئی
لیلاۓ تیرگی کی کلائی مُڑک گئی
پھر ایک ضو جو درزِ شفق سے جھلک گئی
گویا شرابِ تُند سے مینا درک گئی
بنت عنب نے ہنس کے جو گُھونگٹ اُٹھا دیا
مشرق نے اک شراب کا دریا بہا دیا
منھ گلسِتاں میں لیلیِ شب کا اُتر گیا
بھنورا فضاۓ باغ سے پرواز کر گیا
ہمکی زمین سطح سے بستاں اُبھر گیا
بہرِ نظارہ وقتِ گرُیزاں ٹھہر گیا
آیا جو لالہ زار میں جھونکا نسیم کا
اُترا غنودہ کنج میں ڈولا شمیم کا
پھوٹی کرن زمیں کی گھُٹن دور ہو گئی
شبنم کی بُوند بُوند خُمِ نور ہو گئی
دنیا تمام جلوہ گہ طور ہو گئی
ہر پنکھڑی جوان ہوئی حور ہو گئی
تابش نوید شرح پئے صدر ہو گئی
گویا جہاں میں صبح شب قدر ہو گئی
ٹھنڈی ہوا دلوں کو جگاتی ہوئی چلی
پچھلے پہر کے گیت سناتی ہوئی چلی
ہر خواب گاہِ ناز میں گاتی ہوئی چلی
مکھڑوں پہ کاکلوں کو ہلاتی ہوئی چلی
دودِ چراغ کشتہ کی زلفیں بکھر گیئں
غرفے ہلے بھووں کی کمانیں اتر گیئں
چونکے نگار ذہن میں جیسے کوئی قیاس
ناشستہ عارضوں میں لۓ صبح کی مٹھاس
پنڈوں کی گرم بھاپ میں باسی گُلوں کی باس
آنکھوں میں رنگ، رنگ میں خوابوں کا انعکاس
خوابوں کا انعکاس کہانی لۓ ہوے
انگڑایوں میں کیفِ جوانی لۓ ہوے
तुलू-ए फ़िक्र – सुबह १-१६
जोश मलीहाबादी
जब चेहरा-ए उफ़क़ से उठी सुरमई नक़ाब
कांपे नुजूम ज़र्द हुआ रू-ए माहताब
खनके फ़लक के जाम खुले सुर्ख़ियों के बाब
उड़ने लगा अबीर बरसने लगी शराब
रंगों की आब-ओ-ताब चुराने लगी फ़िज़ा
आह्स्तागी से होश में आने लगी फ़िज़ा
चौंकी ज़मीं तबस्सुम-ए पिन्हाँ लिए हुए
अफ़्साना-ए शबाब का उन्वां लिए हुए
रू-ए-ख़ुनक पे रंग-ए-शबिस्तां लिए हुए
आँखों के झुटपुटे में चिराग़ां लिए हुए
तारों की छाओं जज़्ब किए भैरवी उठी
गोया बड़ी लटक से कोई नाज़नीं उठी
गर्दूँ सियाह अब्र के पारे लिए हुए
पारों की झिलमिली में शरारे लिए हुए
काजल में अंखड़ियों के इशारे लिए हुए
चिलमन में बादले के किनारे लिए हुए
तूफ़ान बादले में अजब पेच-ओ-ताब के
और मौज-ए पेच ओ ताब में तख़्ते गुलाब के
बेचैन ज़ुल्मतों में बहकती हुई फ़िज़ा
नौकार ज़ौ कि सर से ढलकती हुई रिदा
कोहरे कि वादियों से झलकती हुई ज़िया
जिस तौर से के भाप कि चादर में आईना
गोया नक़ाब जलवा-ए जानां लिए हुए
या शमा है कोई तह-ए दामां लिए हुए
नौख़ास्ता फ़िज़ाओं में एक तुर्फ़ा पेश ओ पस
बजता हुआ नदी में मुलाएम नवा-ए जर्स
खुलती हुई ज़मीं की कमानी ब हर नफ़स
शबनम के आब ओ रंग में पिछले पहर का रस
गुल चेहरा पत्तियों पे नगीने जड़े हुए
गोश-ए चमन में ओस के बुँदे पड़े हुए
हिलती सी टहनियों में ज़रफ़्शां से बर्ग ओ बार
उठती सी चिलमनों से झलकता सा रू-ए यार
जुंबां सी तीरगी में सलोने से मरग़ज़ार
रक़्सां सी रौशनी में सुहाना सा रोज़गार
दिन है के रात, एक तज़ल्ज़ुल सा राए में
तिफ़्ली का इज़्तेराब जवानी के साए में
गर्दूं इधर तिलाई तो उस सिम्त नक़्रई
ये पारा सरदई है तो वो पारा सुरमई
एक गोशा कत्थई है तो एक गोशा पिस्तई
मग़रिब जो अग्रई है तो मशरिक़ है चम्पई
कांटे पे दिलबरी के फ़िज़ाएं तुली हुई
ता दूर ज़ुल्फ़ ओ रुख़ की दुकानें खुली हुई
सू-ए उफ़क़ बढ़ी जो भटकती हुई ज़िया
दोशीज़ा-ए फ़िज़ा की मसकने लगी क़बा
आहस्तगी से महर-ए तुनक ज़औ उभर चला
बजने लगा ख़्याल में सोने का दाएरा
बरसा गुलाल ज़हन पे कुंदन ख़्याल पर
नौबत बजी मीनार-ए जौक़-ए जमाल पर
कुछ मल्गजे से नूर में सुर्ख़ी गुन्धी हुई
थर्रा के आसमां से ज़मीं पर मचल गई
पौदों ने सर उठाये गुलिस्तां ने सांस ली
सब्ज़े पे कुनमुनाई स्याह चश्म रौशनी
हर पंखड़ी में दफ़्तर-ए-अफ़साना खुल गया
दोष-ए-फ़िज़ा पर एक सनम ख़ाना खुल गया
बढ़ने लगा शिकोह से फिर कुन्दनी तबक़
रह रह के करवटें सी बदलने लगी शफ़क़
खुलने लगा फ़िज़ा-ए ख़ुनक पर निशान-ए हक़
गर्दूं किताब-ए ज़र के उलटने लगा वरक़
मोती गिरे ज़मीन पे शाख़ें लचक गईं
बोसे लिए सबा ने तो कलियाँ चिटक गईं
दिल ने नवीद-ए आमद-ए फ़सल-ए बहार दी
मौज-ए सबा ने दावत-ए चंग ओ सितार दी
अनवार ने वो किस्वत-ए नक़्श ओ निगार दी
सलमा ने आसमां कि दुलाई उतार दी
बाला-ए चर्ख़ सुबह का तारा चमक उठा
जैसे किसी बुलाक़ का मोती झलक उठा
ख़ुर्शीद की जबीं जो ज़रा सी चमक गई
लैला-ए तीरगी कि कलाई मुड़क गई
फिर एक ज़ौ जो दर्ज़-ए शफ़क़ से झलक गई
गोया शराब-ए तुन्द से मीना दरक गई
बिन्त-ए अनब ने हंस के जो घूंगट उठा दिया
मशरिक़ ने एक शराब का दरया बहा दिया
मुंह गुल सितां में लैली-ए शब का उतर गया
भंवरा फ़िज़ा-ए बाग़ से परवाज़ कर गया
हुमकी ज़मीन, सतह से बुस्तां उभर गया
बहर-ए नज़ारा वक़्त-ए गुरेज़ाँ टहर गया
आया जो लालाज़ार में झोंका नसीम का
उतरा ग़ुनूदा कुंज में डोला शमीम का
फूटी किरन ज़मीं की घुटन दूर हो गई
शबनम की बूँद बूँद ख़ुम-ए नूर हो गई
दुनिया तमाम जलवा गह-ए तूर हो गई
हर पंखडी जवान हुई, हूर हो गई
ताबिश नवीद-ए शरह पेए सद्र हो गई
गोया जहाँ में सुबह शब-ए क़द्र हो गई
ठंडी हवा दिलों को जगाती हुई चली
पिछले पहर के गीत सुनाती हुई चली
हर ख़्वाब गाह-ए नाज़ में गाती हुई चली
मुखड़ों पे काकुलों को हिलाती हुई चली
दूद-ए चिराग़-ए कुश्ता की ज़ुल्फ़ें बिखर गईं
ग़ुर्फ़े हिले भंवों की कमानें उतर गईं
चौंके निगार, ज़हन में जैसे कोई क़्यास
नाशुस्ता आरिज़ों में लिए सुबह की मिठास
पिंडों की गर्म भाप में बासी गुलों की बास
आँखों में रंग, रंग में ख़्वाबों का इनएकास
ख़्वाबों का इनएकास कहानी लिए हुए
अंगड़ायौं में कैफ़ ए जवानी लिए हुए
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. This is a long musaddas of 110 stanzas posted in 8 thematic sections for easy reading. Please see the Overview tab for an overall description. In this section josh describes the dawn of civilization using dawn as a metaphor for the awakening of reason and the spread of knowledge/light. The description of dawn is itself done using delicate, sensuous imagery.
jab chehra-e ufaq1 se uThi surmaee2 naqaab3
kaaNpe4 nujoom5 zard6 hua roo-e maahtaab7
khanke8 falak9 ke jaam10 khule surKhiyauN11 ke baab12
uRne laga abeer13 barasne lagi sharaab14
raNgoN ki aab o taab15 churaane lagi fiza16
aahastagi se17 hosh meN aane18 lagi fiza 1.face of horizon 2.grey 3.veil 4.shivered/trembled 5.stars 6.pale 7.face of the moon 8.tinkled cup 11.redness 12.doors 13.fragrant grey powder usually used during Holi celebrations (red) 15.grandeur 16. breeze/air/atmosphere 17.slowly, gently 18.wake up, getting sober
A grey veil lifts from the face of the horizon. Josh describes the twinkling and shimmering of stars as “trembling” with fear at the increasing light of the rising sun. The face of the moon too has gone pale with fear. Horizons tinkle their cups of red wine, spilling it all over and opening doors of redness. Layers of grey (abeer) rise to meet red wine raining down. The ambience (of the morning) steals this colour and displays it as its own, slowly coming to its senses (waking up).
chauNki1 zamiN tabassum e pinhaaN2 liye hue
afasaana e shabaab3 ka unwaaN4 liye hue
roo e Khunak5 pe rang e shabistaaN6 liye hue
aankhoN ke jhuTpuTe7 me chiraaGhaN8 liye hue
taarauN ki chhaaoN9 jazb10 kiye bhairavi11 uThhi
goya12 baRi laTak13 se koi naazniN14 uThi 1.startled, woke up 2.hidden/mysterious smile 3.story of youth 4.theme face 6.colour/signs of the bedchamber 7.half open eyes 8.lamps, brightness 9.shadow/image/beauty of stars 10.absorb 11.morning raag if 13.a sensuous swinging motion 14.damsel
Earth is now a young damsel waking up with a mysterious smile on her lips and very suggestively carrying the theme of riotous stories of youth. The cool morning face of Earth carries the colour (signs) of the bedchamber (sleep). Her half-open eyes carry the twinkle of stars as she sings the bhairavi (morning raag) and gets up with a graceful, sensuous gait.
gardooN1 siyah abr ke paare2 liye hue
paarauN ki jhilmili3 meN sharaare4 liye hue
kaajal5 meN aNkhRiyon ke ishaare6 liye hue
chilman7 meN baadale8 ke kinaare liye hue
toofan9 baadale men ajab10 pech o taab11 ke
aur mauj-e pech o taab meN taKhte12 gulaab ke 2.pieces (scattered clouds) 3.shimmering 4.sparks 5.eye mascara 6.suggestions, suggestive glances 7.screen 8.brocade 9.storm 10.strange, puzzling 11.eagerness, anticipation 12. plots, fields
The sky carries scattered clouds interwoven with the sparkle of sunlight shining through looking like suggestive mischievous (bright) glances of kohl darkened eyes.The sky looks like a hazy curtain of light and dark with brocade borders (silver lining of clouds)with enchanting storms of eagerness/anticipation in them. This is the struggle between light and dark – a time which cannot be described as day or night, a time with ripples, like waves in fields of roses blowing in the wind.
bechain1 zulmatauN2 meN bahakti3 hui fiza4
naukaar5 zau6 ke sar se Dhalakti7 hui rida8
kohre9 ki vaadiyauN10 meN jhalakti11 hui zia12
jis taur13 se ke bhaap14 ki chaadar15 meN aaiina16
goya17 naqab18 jalwa-e-jaanaN19 liye hue
ya shama’a20 hai koi tah-e daamaN21 liye hue 1.restless 2.darkness 3.lots, drunk, wandering 4.breeze 5.newly formed 6.light 7.slipping 8.head covering, veil 9.fog, mist 10.valleys 11.shimmering 12.light 13.just like, as if 14.steam 15. sheet 16.mirror if 18.veil 19.face of the beloved 20.lamp 21.under the apron
The morning breeze is restless as if drunk and stumbling in in the darkness. Newly created rays of light are like a young maiden with her head covered but the covering mischeivously slipping on and off. The valleys filled with mist shimmer in the early morning sun like a mirror shining through a sheet of steam flowing over it as if the face of the beloved is playing hide and seek behind a veil or someone hiding a lamp under her hem.
nauKhaasta1 fizaauN2 meN ek turfa3 pesh o pas4
bajta hua nadi meN mulaaem nava5-e jars6
khulti hui zamiN ki kamani7 ba har nafas8
shabnam ke aab o raNg9 meN pichhle pahar ka ras10
gul chehra pattiyauN pe nagine jaRe hue
gosh11-e chaman meN oas ke bunde12 paRey hue 1.newly formed, fresh 2.breeze 3.strange, enchanting 4.backward and forward, hesitation 5.sound 6.bells 7.spring 8.with every breath, or moment 9.shine and colour, beauty 10.juice (metaphor for pleasure or pleasant memories of pleasure) 11.ear 12.earbobs, pearls
There is an enchanting hesitation (gusts) in the fresh breeze and the gentle ripples in the river sound like a soft bell. The earth is like a wound up spring, unwinding moment by moment. Dew drops still carry memories of the pleasures of the night gone by. They look like jewels embroidered on to leaves that are beautiful as petals. It is as if they are pearly studs in the ear lobes of the garden.
hilti si TahniyauN meN zarafshaN1 se barg o baar2
uThti si chilmanoN se jhalakta3 sa roo-e yaar4
junmbaN5 si tiragi6 meN salone7 se marGhzar8
raqsaaN9 si raushni meN suhana10 sa rozgar11
din hai ke raat, ek tazalzul12 sa rae13 meN
tifli14 ka izteraab15 javani ke saaye meN glitter 2.leaves and fruits 3.reflecting, peeping 4.face of the beloved 5.moving, shivering, pulsating 6.darkness 7.pleasant 8.meadows 9.dancing 10.pleasant 11.daily routine used for the present 12.wavering, confusion 13.opinion, thought 14.childhood 15.nervousness, restlessness
josh by using phrases like “hilti si …” and “uThti si …” adds musical rhythm but more importantly a sense of illusion and a fleeting/temporal nature to the scene. Fruits and leaves look like glitter on swaying boughs. Brilliance peeping through holes in the darkness looks like the beloved peeping out from behind the curtain. Enchanting/pleasing meadows are spread out in changing light/dark patterns. Light dances, making the prospects of the coming day pleasant. There is a strange confusion in the mind of whether it is day or night as if budding youth knocking at the door of childhood.
gardooN1 idhar tilaai2 to us simt3 naqraee4
ye paara5 sardaee6 hai to vo paara surmaee7
ek gosha8 kathhaee9 hai to ek gosha pistaee10
maGhrib11 jo agraee12 hai mashriq13 hai champaee14
kaaNTe15 pe dilbari16 ke fizaaen17 tuli hui18
ta duur zulf o ruKh19 ki dukaaneN20 lagi hui 2.golden 3.direction 4.silver 5.part 6.yellowish 7.grey 8.corner 9.brownish black 10.greenish blue, light 11.west 12.dark 13.east 14.bright white 15.balance 16.pleasing to the heart, metaphor for beauty 17.breeze, used as sense of ambience 18.weighed, tried and tested 19.tresses and bright faces metaphor for light and dark patterns of dawn 20.stores, exhibition
The sky changes colour in every direction from gold to silver, grey and dark, from a bright yellow to a green/blue. If the west is a light grey, the east is a silvery white. It is as if the ambience is being weighed in the fine/delicate balance of beauty. For as far as the eye can see it looks as if the beauty of the beloved is on display.
soo-e-ufaq1 baRhi jo bhaTakti2 hui zia3
doshiza4-e-fiza5 ki masakne6 lagi qaba7
aahastagi se mehr8-e-tunak zau9 ubhar chala
bajne laga Khyaal meN sone ka daa’era10
barsa gulaal11 zahan pe, kundan12 Khyaal par
naubat13 baji minaara14-e-zauq15-e jamaal16 par 1.towards the horizon 2.lost, wandering 3.rays of light 4.damsel 5.breeze (ambience of the morning) 6.slipping 7.robe, dress 8.sun 9.strong light 10.golden circle, tambourine 11.fragrance 12.silver 13.orchestra 14.minaret, figuratively, height, apex 15.taste, ability to judge, critic 16.face (of the beloved)
As the lost/wandering early rays of light move towards the horizon and fill out the ambience we begin to see the beauty of dawn. Dawn is a maiden whose robe is slipping to display her beauty, an enticing sensuous metaphor for uncovering early morning sights by emerging light. The sun with its bright light (tunak zau) began to emerge looking like a golden tambourine filling our thoughts with music. We become aware of the fragrances of the morning raining down on us and the spreading silver light. Zauq e jamal ka minara is the apex of taste for beauty … the apex of the ability to judge beauty, the best critic of beauty. Even the best critic of beauty began to play the naubat! Naubat bajna is a marking of time and an announcement of good tidings.
kuchh malgaje1 se noor2 meN surKhi3 gundhi4 hui
tharra ke aasmaN se zamiN par machal gaee
paudoN5 ne sar uThaae gulistaaN ne saaNs li
sabze pe kunmunaai6 siyah chashm7 raushni
har paNkhaRi8 meN daftar-e-afsaana9 khul gaya
dosh-e fiza10 par ek sanam Khaana11 khul gaya 1.grey 2.light 3.redness 4.woven (as in hair) 5.sapling 6.reaching up like an infant does asking to be picked up 7.dark eyed 8.petal 9.treasure of fables 10.the shoulder of, on the back of the morning (fiza = ambience, morning) of beauties
The grey diffuse light of the night and the redness of dawn appear woven like the tresses of the beloved and (shivering) hesitantly descend from the sky to the earth. Saplings raise their heads and the garden begins to breathe. Dark eyed light (siyah chashm raushni) is the still light and dark mixture of early dawn. As this light plays on greenery it seems like an infant is reaching out to be picked up. Every petal lights up, displaying its storehouse of fables (of riotous celebration of the night). Dawn emerged carrying a storehouse of beauties on its shoulder.
baRhne laga shikoh1 se phir kundani tabaq2
rah rah ke3 karvaTeN si badalne4 lagi shafaq5
khulne laga fiza-e-Khunak6 par nishaan-e haq7
gardooN8 kitab-e-zar9 ke ulaTne laga varaq10
moti gire zameen pe shaKheN lachak gayeeN
bose11 liye saba12 ne to kaliyaN chiTak13 gayeeN 1.majesty 2.large silver platter, sun 3.minute by minute 4.changing sides while lying down, here changing colors 5.redness at dawn (also sunset) breeze 7.sign of truth, sign of god 8. sky 9. book of gold colour pages 11.kiss 12.morning breeze 13.buds blossoming into flowers
The sun now begins to advance majestically. The twilight is changing sides (changing colours) restlessly displaying the grandeur of nature in the cool air. With the advancing day, the sky is turning pages (picking up the pace of daily activity). Droplets of mist falling to the ground are like pearls. And as the morning breeze caresses, kisses buds, they begin to bloom (also see “kaliyauN ki bedaari” under josh malihabadi).
dil ne naveed1-e aamad2-e-fasl3-e bahaar4 di
mauj-e saba5 ne daavat-e chaNg o sitaar6 di
anwaar7 ne vo kiswat8-e naqsh o nigaar9 di
salma10 ki aasmaN ne dulaai11 utaar di
baala-e charKh12 sub’h ka taara chamak uTha
jaise kisi bulaaq13 ka moti jhalak14 uTha 1.good tidings 2.arrival 3.season 4.spring 5.gust of morning breeze 6.invitation 7.rays of light 8.dress, robe and beauty and silver thread 11.shawl 12.on top of the sky (nose ring) 14.sparkle
The heart rejoices at the good tidings of the arrival of spring. The whistling sounds of gusts of morning breeze turn into music of chang and sitar in the poet’s description. The rays of light of dawn wove a dress of such beautiful embroidery, done with gold and silver thread (the redness of dawn and whiteness of the rising sun) that the sky shed is its dark shawl to put on this beautiful robe. And as the morning star twinkled high above, it looked as if a pearl was sparkling in the nose piece of the sky.
Khursheed1 ki jabiN jo zara si chamak2 gayee
laila-e-teeragi3 ki kalaai muRak4 gayee
phir ek zau5 jo darz-e shafaq6 se jhalak7 gayee
goya8 sharaab-e tund9 se meena10 darak gayee11
bint-e anab12 ne haNs ke jo ghoongaT uTha diya
mashriq13 ne ek sharaab ka darya14 baha diya 1.sun 2.flashing forehead (in anger) 3.laila of darkness (personified as young damsel laila, a beauty) 4.wrist getting twisted (often a expression for taking offence, getting annoyed) 5.ray of light 6.rift/tear in the twilight 7.shine if 9.pure/strong red wine 10.flask drunk 12.daughter of grape, wine 13.east 14.river of wine/redness
As dawn progressed the sun got brighter as if “flashing forehead” in anger/annoyance. At this annoyance Laila of the Night, takes offence withdrawing in a huff. The horizon is described as a “rift” (a line of separation between the sky and the earth). A ray of light shone on the horizon/twilight spreading redness as if the flask got drunk and spilled red wine. When Wine, the daughter of grape, took off her veil, the east let flow a river of redness.
muNh1 gulsitaN meN laili-e-shab2 ka utar gaya
bhanwra fiza-e-baaGh3 se parvaaz4 kar gaya
humki5 zameen, satah6 se bustaaN7 ubhar gaya8
bahr-e nazaara9 vaqt-e gurezaaN10 Tahar gaya11
aaya jo lalazaar12 meN jhonka13 naseem14 ka
utra Ghunooda15 kunj16 meN Dola17 shameem18 ka 1.mouth, face – muNh utarna is to be crestfallen, disappointed 2.Laila of the night (night is personified as beautiful and beloved Laila) 3.breeze of the garden 4.flight 5.gurgle like an infant 6.surface 8.emerged 9.for sightseeing 10.running time 11.stopped of tulips 13.gust 14.morning breeze 15.sleepy 16.cove 17.bridal palanquin 18.fragrance – spreading of fragrance is metaphorically described as the coming of the bridal palanquin of shameem.
Laila of Night was crestfallen as the sun rose. The droning beetle flies off in a huff but the earth emerges like a garden from the surface of darkness. Even fast moving Time stood still to enjoy the scene. And as a gust of morning breeze blew into the “garden of tulips” it was as if the palanquin of fragrance descended into that sleepy corner.
phooTi kiran, zamiN ki ghuTan1 duur ho gayee
shabnam ki boond boond Khum-e noor2 ho gayee
duniya tamaam jalva gah-e-toor3 ho gayee
har pankhaRi4 javaan hui, hoor5 ho gayee
taabish6 naveed-e sharah7 pae sadr8 ho gayee
goya jahaaN meN subah-e shab-e qadr9 ho gayee 1.suffocation flask of light 3.the place of display like Toor 4.petal 5.fairy, angel 6.light 7.bearer of good news of sharah (knowledge-as light spreads) open the chest (of darkness) be able to see 9.morning after the night of revelation of the Quran i.e.a morning of “enlightenment”
As sunrays broke through, the suffocation of earth ended. Josh doesn’t simply say that dew drops were sparkling. He says that rays of light reflected off drops of dew making it look like each drop was a flask, full of the wine of light. Toor was the peak where Moses went to ask to see god and ended up seeing the burning bush (a manifestation of god). Jalva gaah is a place of display. When the earth lit up in the morning light it was as if the whole world was a display of the glory of “toor” (divine light). Each petal, beautiful in its youth (full bloom) looked like an angel.Light brought good tidings of knowledge saying that the chest of darkness has been opened up and filled with light. This may have reference to a Quranic tale that Gabriel came and opened up Mohammed’s chest to fill it with the light of knowledge (of the Quran). It was as if this dawn was the dawn following the night of revelation (of the Quran).
ThanDi havaa dilauN ko jagaati hui chali
pichhle pahar1 ke geet sunaati hui chali
har Khwaabgah-e naaz2 meN gaati hui chali
mukhRon3 pe kaakulauN4 ko hilaati hui chali
dood-e chiraaGh-e kushta5 ki zulfeN6 bikhar gayeeN
Ghurfe7 hile, bhavaun ki kamaaneN8 utar gayeeN9 1.period of day (about 3 hours)2.bedchamber of stylish, flirtatious beauties 3.faces curls on the forehead, forelocks 5.smoke of the extinguished lamp 6.tresses, hair (smoke rising from an extinguished lamp is like hair being blown by the wind) 7.curtains 8.arches of the eyebrows 9.straightened out i.e.eyebrows no longer arched as if in surprise/suspense because there is light everywhere.
josh shifts to a sensuous, playful tone. The cool breeze wakes up the heart (raises passion), singing as it blows and making its way into the bedchambers of flirtatious damsels, blowing their curly forelocks across their brows. At dawn, the night lamp is put out. As the flame is extinguished filaments of smoke rise. This appears to the poet as dark tresses blowing in the wind and akin to layered light and dark of dawn. It was as if curtains of darkness were removed and eyebrows raised in suspense (because of the darkness) were straightened (because they could now see).
chauNke1 nigaar2-e zahn meN jaise koi qyaas3
nashusta4 aarizauN5 meN liye subah ki miThaas
pinDauN6 ki garm bhaap meN baasi gulauN ki baas
aankhauN meN raNg, raNg meN KhwaabauN ka in’ekaas7
KhwaabauN ka in’ekaas7 kahani liye hue
angRaayauN meN kaif8-e jawani liye hue 1.startled, woke up, beautiful maidens 3.foreboding, anxiety, suspicion 4.unwashed 5.face 6.bodies 7.reflection 8.pleasure, comfort
josh continues his playful, sensuous theme. Beautiful young maidens startled out of their dreams as if suspecting something, their unwashed faces still carrying that unique sweetness of the morning, their warm steamy bodies fragrant with ripe roses. Their eyes red and redness of their eyes reflecting dreams of the night gone by. That reflection of the dreams carries a story of its own. When they wake up and stretch and yawn it shows the joy of youth.
josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. This is a long musaddas of 110 stanzas posted in 8 thematic sections for easy reading. Please see the Overview tab for an overall description. In this section josh describes the dawn of civilization using dawn as a metaphor for the awakening of reason and the spread of knowledge/light. The description of dawn is itself done using delicate, sensuous imagery.
jab chehra-e ufaq1 se uThi surmaee2 naqaab3
kaaNpe4 nujoom5 zard6 hua roo-e maahtaab7
khanke8 falak9 ke jaam10 khule surKhiyauN11 ke baab12
uRne laga abeer13 barasne lagi sharaab14
raNgoN ki aab o taab15 churaane lagi fiza16
aahastagi se17 hosh meN aane18 lagi fiza
1.face of horizon 2.grey 3.veil 4.shivered/trembled 5.stars 6.pale 7.face of the moon 8.tinkled cup 11.redness 12.doors 13.fragrant grey powder usually used during Holi celebrations (red) 15.grandeur 16. breeze/air/atmosphere 17.slowly, gently 18.wake up, getting sober
A grey veil lifts from the face of the horizon. Josh describes the twinkling and shimmering of stars as “trembling” with fear at the increasing light of the rising sun. The face of the moon too has gone pale with fear. Horizons tinkle their cups of red wine, spilling it all over and opening doors of redness. Layers of grey (abeer) rise to meet red wine raining down. The ambience (of the morning) steals this colour and displays it as its own, slowly coming to its senses (waking up).
chauNki1 zamiN tabassum e pinhaaN2 liye hue
afasaana e shabaab3 ka unwaaN4 liye hue
roo e Khunak5 pe rang e shabistaaN6 liye hue
aankhoN ke jhuTpuTe7 me chiraaGhaN8 liye hue
taarauN ki chhaaoN9 jazb10 kiye bhairavi11 uThhi
goya12 baRi laTak13 se koi naazniN14 uThi
1.startled, woke up 2.hidden/mysterious smile 3.story of youth 4.theme face 6.colour/signs of the bedchamber 7.half open eyes 8.lamps, brightness 9.shadow/image/beauty of stars 10.absorb 11.morning raag if 13.a sensuous swinging motion 14.damsel
Earth is now a young damsel waking up with a mysterious smile on her lips and very suggestively carrying the theme of riotous stories of youth. The cool morning face of Earth carries the colour (signs) of the bedchamber (sleep). Her half-open eyes carry the twinkle of stars as she sings the bhairavi (morning raag) and gets up with a graceful, sensuous gait.
gardooN1 siyah abr ke paare2 liye hue
paarauN ki jhilmili3 meN sharaare4 liye hue
kaajal5 meN aNkhRiyon ke ishaare6 liye hue
chilman7 meN baadale8 ke kinaare liye hue
toofan9 baadale men ajab10 pech o taab11 ke
aur mauj-e pech o taab meN taKhte12 gulaab ke 2.pieces (scattered clouds) 3.shimmering 4.sparks 5.eye mascara 6.suggestions, suggestive glances 7.screen 8.brocade 9.storm 10.strange, puzzling 11.eagerness, anticipation 12. plots, fields
The sky carries scattered clouds interwoven with the sparkle of sunlight shining through looking like suggestive mischievous (bright) glances of kohl darkened eyes.The sky looks like a hazy curtain of light and dark with brocade borders (silver lining of clouds)with enchanting storms of eagerness/anticipation in them. This is the struggle between light and dark – a time which cannot be described as day or night, a time with ripples, like waves in fields of roses blowing in the wind.
bechain1 zulmatauN2 meN bahakti3 hui fiza4
naukaar5 zau6 ke sar se Dhalakti7 hui rida8
kohre9 ki vaadiyauN10 meN jhalakti11 hui zia12
jis taur13 se ke bhaap14 ki chaadar15 meN aaiina16
goya17 naqab18 jalwa-e-jaanaN19 liye hue
ya shama’a20 hai koi tah-e daamaN21 liye hue
1.restless 2.darkness 3.lots, drunk, wandering 4.breeze 5.newly formed 6.light 7.slipping 8.head covering, veil 9.fog, mist 10.valleys 11.shimmering 12.light 13.just like, as if 14.steam 15. sheet 16.mirror if 18.veil 19.face of the beloved 20.lamp 21.under the apron
The morning breeze is restless as if drunk and stumbling in in the darkness. Newly created rays of light are like a young maiden with her head covered but the covering mischeivously slipping on and off. The valleys filled with mist shimmer in the early morning sun like a mirror shining through a sheet of steam flowing over it as if the face of the beloved is playing hide and seek behind a veil or someone hiding a lamp under her hem.
nauKhaasta1 fizaauN2 meN ek turfa3 pesh o pas4
bajta hua nadi meN mulaaem nava5-e jars6
khulti hui zamiN ki kamani7 ba har nafas8
shabnam ke aab o raNg9 meN pichhle pahar ka ras10
gul chehra pattiyauN pe nagine jaRe hue
gosh11-e chaman meN oas ke bunde12 paRey hue
1.newly formed, fresh 2.breeze 3.strange, enchanting 4.backward and forward, hesitation 5.sound 6.bells 7.spring 8.with every breath, or moment 9.shine and colour, beauty 10.juice (metaphor for pleasure or pleasant memories of pleasure) 11.ear 12.earbobs, pearls
There is an enchanting hesitation (gusts) in the fresh breeze and the gentle ripples in the river sound like a soft bell. The earth is like a wound up spring, unwinding moment by moment. Dew drops still carry memories of the pleasures of the night gone by. They look like jewels embroidered on to leaves that are beautiful as petals. It is as if they are pearly studs in the ear lobes of the garden.
hilti si TahniyauN meN zarafshaN1 se barg o baar2
uThti si chilmanoN se jhalakta3 sa roo-e yaar4
junmbaN5 si tiragi6 meN salone7 se marGhzar8
raqsaaN9 si raushni meN suhana10 sa rozgar11
din hai ke raat, ek tazalzul12 sa rae13 meN
tifli14 ka izteraab15 javani ke saaye meN glitter 2.leaves and fruits 3.reflecting, peeping 4.face of the beloved 5.moving, shivering, pulsating 6.darkness 7.pleasant 8.meadows 9.dancing 10.pleasant 11.daily routine used for the present 12.wavering, confusion 13.opinion, thought 14.childhood 15.nervousness, restlessness
josh by using phrases like “hilti si …” and “uThti si …” adds musical rhythm but more importantly a sense of illusion and a fleeting/temporal nature to the scene. Fruits and leaves look like glitter on swaying boughs. Brilliance peeping through holes in the darkness looks like the beloved peeping out from behind the curtain. Enchanting/pleasing meadows are spread out in changing light/dark patterns. Light dances, making the prospects of the coming day pleasant. There is a strange confusion in the mind of whether it is day or night as if budding youth knocking at the door of childhood.
gardooN1 idhar tilaai2 to us simt3 naqraee4
ye paara5 sardaee6 hai to vo paara surmaee7
ek gosha8 kathhaee9 hai to ek gosha pistaee10
maGhrib11 jo agraee12 hai mashriq13 hai champaee14
kaaNTe15 pe dilbari16 ke fizaaen17 tuli hui18
ta duur zulf o ruKh19 ki dukaaneN20 lagi hui 2.golden 3.direction 4.silver 5.part 6.yellowish 7.grey 8.corner 9.brownish black 10.greenish blue, light 11.west 12.dark 13.east 14.bright white 15.balance 16.pleasing to the heart, metaphor for beauty 17.breeze, used as sense of ambience 18.weighed, tried and tested 19.tresses and bright faces metaphor for light and dark patterns of dawn 20.stores, exhibition
The sky changes colour in every direction from gold to silver, grey and dark, from a bright yellow to a green/blue. If the west is a light grey, the east is a silvery white. It is as if the ambience is being weighed in the fine/delicate balance of beauty. For as far as the eye can see it looks as if the beauty of the beloved is on display.
soo-e-ufaq1 baRhi jo bhaTakti2 hui zia3
doshiza4-e-fiza5 ki masakne6 lagi qaba7
aahastagi se mehr8-e-tunak zau9 ubhar chala
bajne laga Khyaal meN sone ka daa’era10
barsa gulaal11 zahan pe, kundan12 Khyaal par
naubat13 baji minaara14-e-zauq15-e jamaal16 par
1.towards the horizon 2.lost, wandering 3.rays of light 4.damsel 5.breeze (ambience of the morning) 6.slipping 7.robe, dress 8.sun 9.strong light 10.golden circle, tambourine 11.fragrance 12.silver 13.orchestra 14.minaret, figuratively, height, apex 15.taste, ability to judge, critic 16.face (of the beloved)
As the lost/wandering early rays of light move towards the horizon and fill out the ambience we begin to see the beauty of dawn. Dawn is a maiden whose robe is slipping to display her beauty, an enticing sensuous metaphor for uncovering early morning sights by emerging light. The sun with its bright light (tunak zau) began to emerge looking like a golden tambourine filling our thoughts with music. We become aware of the fragrances of the morning raining down on us and the spreading silver light. Zauq e jamal ka minara is the apex of taste for beauty … the apex of the ability to judge beauty, the best critic of beauty. Even the best critic of beauty began to play the naubat! Naubat bajna is a marking of time and an announcement of good tidings.
kuchh malgaje1 se noor2 meN surKhi3 gundhi4 hui
tharra ke aasmaN se zamiN par machal gaee
paudoN5 ne sar uThaae gulistaaN ne saaNs li
sabze pe kunmunaai6 siyah chashm7 raushni
har paNkhaRi8 meN daftar-e-afsaana9 khul gaya
dosh-e fiza10 par ek sanam Khaana11 khul gaya
1.grey 2.light 3.redness 4.woven (as in hair) 5.sapling 6.reaching up like an infant does asking to be picked up 7.dark eyed 8.petal 9.treasure of fables 10.the shoulder of, on the back of the morning (fiza = ambience, morning) of beauties
The grey diffuse light of the night and the redness of dawn appear woven like the tresses of the beloved and (shivering) hesitantly descend from the sky to the earth. Saplings raise their heads and the garden begins to breathe. Dark eyed light (siyah chashm raushni) is the still light and dark mixture of early dawn. As this light plays on greenery it seems like an infant is reaching out to be picked up. Every petal lights up, displaying its storehouse of fables (of riotous celebration of the night). Dawn emerged carrying a storehouse of beauties on its shoulder.
baRhne laga shikoh1 se phir kundani tabaq2
rah rah ke3 karvaTeN si badalne4 lagi shafaq5
khulne laga fiza-e-Khunak6 par nishaan-e haq7
gardooN8 kitab-e-zar9 ke ulaTne laga varaq10
moti gire zameen pe shaKheN lachak gayeeN
bose11 liye saba12 ne to kaliyaN chiTak13 gayeeN
1.majesty 2.large silver platter, sun 3.minute by minute 4.changing sides while lying down, here changing colors 5.redness at dawn (also sunset) breeze 7.sign of truth, sign of god 8. sky 9. book of gold colour pages 11.kiss 12.morning breeze 13.buds blossoming into flowers
The sun now begins to advance majestically. The twilight is changing sides (changing colours) restlessly displaying the grandeur of nature in the cool air. With the advancing day, the sky is turning pages (picking up the pace of daily activity). Droplets of mist falling to the ground are like pearls. And as the morning breeze caresses, kisses buds, they begin to bloom (also see “kaliyauN ki bedaari” under josh malihabadi).
dil ne naveed1-e aamad2-e-fasl3-e bahaar4 di
mauj-e saba5 ne daavat-e chaNg o sitaar6 di
anwaar7 ne vo kiswat8-e naqsh o nigaar9 di
salma10 ki aasmaN ne dulaai11 utaar di
baala-e charKh12 sub’h ka taara chamak uTha
jaise kisi bulaaq13 ka moti jhalak14 uTha
1.good tidings 2.arrival 3.season 4.spring 5.gust of morning breeze 6.invitation 7.rays of light 8.dress, robe and beauty and silver thread 11.shawl 12.on top of the sky (nose ring) 14.sparkle
The heart rejoices at the good tidings of the arrival of spring. The whistling sounds of gusts of morning breeze turn into music of chang and sitar in the poet’s description. The rays of light of dawn wove a dress of such beautiful embroidery, done with gold and silver thread (the redness of dawn and whiteness of the rising sun) that the sky shed is its dark shawl to put on this beautiful robe. And as the morning star twinkled high above, it looked as if a pearl was sparkling in the nose piece of the sky.
Khursheed1 ki jabiN jo zara si chamak2 gayee
laila-e-teeragi3 ki kalaai muRak4 gayee
phir ek zau5 jo darz-e shafaq6 se jhalak7 gayee
goya8 sharaab-e tund9 se meena10 darak gayee11
bint-e anab12 ne haNs ke jo ghoongaT uTha diya
mashriq13 ne ek sharaab ka darya14 baha diya
1.sun 2.flashing forehead (in anger) 3.laila of darkness (personified as young damsel laila, a beauty) 4.wrist getting twisted (often a expression for taking offence, getting annoyed) 5.ray of light 6.rift/tear in the twilight 7.shine if 9.pure/strong red wine 10.flask drunk 12.daughter of grape, wine 13.east 14.river of wine/redness
As dawn progressed the sun got brighter as if “flashing forehead” in anger/annoyance. At this annoyance Laila of the Night, takes offence withdrawing in a huff. The horizon is described as a “rift” (a line of separation between the sky and the earth). A ray of light shone on the horizon/twilight spreading redness as if the flask got drunk and spilled red wine. When Wine, the daughter of grape, took off her veil, the east let flow a river of redness.
muNh1 gulsitaN meN laili-e-shab2 ka utar gaya
bhanwra fiza-e-baaGh3 se parvaaz4 kar gaya
humki5 zameen, satah6 se bustaaN7 ubhar gaya8
bahr-e nazaara9 vaqt-e gurezaaN10 Tahar gaya11
aaya jo lalazaar12 meN jhonka13 naseem14 ka
utra Ghunooda15 kunj16 meN Dola17 shameem18 ka
1.mouth, face – muNh utarna is to be crestfallen, disappointed 2.Laila of the night (night is personified as beautiful and beloved Laila) 3.breeze of the garden 4.flight 5.gurgle like an infant 6.surface 8.emerged 9.for sightseeing 10.running time 11.stopped of tulips 13.gust 14.morning breeze 15.sleepy 16.cove 17.bridal palanquin 18.fragrance – spreading of fragrance is metaphorically described as the coming of the bridal palanquin of shameem.
Laila of Night was crestfallen as the sun rose. The droning beetle flies off in a huff but the earth emerges like a garden from the surface of darkness. Even fast moving Time stood still to enjoy the scene. And as a gust of morning breeze blew into the “garden of tulips” it was as if the palanquin of fragrance descended into that sleepy corner.
phooTi kiran, zamiN ki ghuTan1 duur ho gayee
shabnam ki boond boond Khum-e noor2 ho gayee
duniya tamaam jalva gah-e-toor3 ho gayee
har pankhaRi4 javaan hui, hoor5 ho gayee
taabish6 naveed-e sharah7 pae sadr8 ho gayee
goya jahaaN meN subah-e shab-e qadr9 ho gayee
1.suffocation flask of light 3.the place of display like Toor 4.petal 5.fairy, angel 6.light 7.bearer of good news of sharah (knowledge-as light spreads) open the chest (of darkness) be able to see 9.morning after the night of revelation of the Quran i.e.a morning of “enlightenment”
As sunrays broke through, the suffocation of earth ended. Josh doesn’t simply say that dew drops were sparkling. He says that rays of light reflected off drops of dew making it look like each drop was a flask, full of the wine of light. Toor was the peak where Moses went to ask to see god and ended up seeing the burning bush (a manifestation of god). Jalva gaah is a place of display. When the earth lit up in the morning light it was as if the whole world was a display of the glory of “toor” (divine light). Each petal, beautiful in its youth (full bloom) looked like an angel.Light brought good tidings of knowledge saying that the chest of darkness has been opened up and filled with light. This may have reference to a Quranic tale that Gabriel came and opened up Mohammed’s chest to fill it with the light of knowledge (of the Quran). It was as if this dawn was the dawn following the night of revelation (of the Quran).
ThanDi havaa dilauN ko jagaati hui chali
pichhle pahar1 ke geet sunaati hui chali
har Khwaabgah-e naaz2 meN gaati hui chali
mukhRon3 pe kaakulauN4 ko hilaati hui chali
dood-e chiraaGh-e kushta5 ki zulfeN6 bikhar gayeeN
Ghurfe7 hile, bhavaun ki kamaaneN8 utar gayeeN9
1.period of day (about 3 hours)2.bedchamber of stylish, flirtatious beauties 3.faces curls on the forehead, forelocks 5.smoke of the extinguished lamp 6.tresses, hair (smoke rising from an extinguished lamp is like hair being blown by the wind) 7.curtains 8.arches of the eyebrows 9.straightened out i.e.eyebrows no longer arched as if in surprise/suspense because there is light everywhere.
Josh shifts to a sensuous, playful tone. The cool breeze wakes up the heart (raises passion), singing as it blows and making its way into the bedchambers of flirtatious damsels, blowing their curly forelocks across their brows. At dawn, the night lamp is put out. As the flame is extinguished filaments of smoke rise. This appears to the poet as dark tresses blowing in the wind and akin to layered light and dark of dawn. It was as if curtains of darkness were removed and eyebrows raised in suspense (because of the darkness) were straightened (because they could now see).
chauNke1 nigaar2-e zahn meN jaise koi qyaas3
nashusta4 aarizauN5 meN liye subah ki miThaas
pinDauN6 ki garm bhaap meN baasi gulauN ki baas
aankhauN meN raNg, raNg meN KhwaabauN ka in’ekaas7
KhwaabauN ka in’ekaas7 kahani liye hue
angRaayauN meN kaif8-e jawani liye hue
1.startled, woke up, beautiful maidens 3.foreboding, anxiety, suspicion 4.unwashed 5.face 6.bodies 7.reflection 8.pleasure, comfort
Josh continues his playful, sensuous theme. Beautiful young maidens startled out of their dreams as if suspecting something, their unwashed faces still carrying that unique sweetness of the morning, their warm steamy bodies fragrant with ripe roses. Their eyes red and redness of their eyes reflecting dreams of the night gone by. That reflection of the dreams carries a story of its own. When they wake up and stretch and yawn it shows the joy of youth.