For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
This is not a conventional “marsia” mourning the death of Husain but a celebratory composition in the style of a marsia. The celebration is the “birth of reason” equated by Josh to the “birth of Ali” probably because Shia tradition has it that Mohammed called Ali “the door to knowledge/learning”.
The language and the metaphors in this “marsia” are too awesome to pass up even if some of the content is somewhat conventionally religious. I think that the composition can be enjoyed universally.
subah 1-16 and 17-32: Josh describes the dawn of reason, but he uses, the same “regular, everyday dawn” that you and I see and uses it as a metaphor. It is amazing to see the beauty of dawn that he is able to observe that escapes our eyes. He takes 32 stanzas to describe the beauty of dawn. They are simply marvelous for the range of metaphors, vocabulary, musicality and most of all for their sensuality. They are completely secular and one wonders how they belong in a “marsia”. But they are a pleasure to read and to read again and again. You marvel at the many ways in which dawn can be described. I have posted these in two tabs subah 1-16 and subah 17-32 for easy readability.
viladat 33-38: The next five stanzas make a transition. They say that just like this beautiful dawn there was another. A bright sun rose … the climax of this set of stanzas is the birth of Ali described in stanza 38.
mohim 39-52 and 53-64: Stanzas 39 through 64 are purportedly a mission statement for Ali. “rooh-e irteqa” – the spirit of progress is asking Ali to perform this mission. Alternatively “rooh-e irteqa” may be making a prediciton that Ali will do this. I have posted these in two parts for readablity, mohim 39-52 and mohim 53-64.
jashn 65-82 and 83-103: Stanzas 65-103 are an extremely beautiful and powerful description of the good things that happened to this world with the birth of Ali. They represent a powerful celebration and include poetic exaggeration that can be enjoyed for its lovely imagery and metaphors. Josh uses “wine” as a metaphor for the “wine of love of Ali” and describes the celebration in terms of saaqi, Khum, jaam and the like. The content is redolent with Sufi concepts that pleasurable metaphors are necessary to understand/feel spirituality – simple words are not enough. The language and musicality can be enjoyed fully in a secular spirit. I have posted these as jashn 65-82 and jashn 83-103.
tahseen 104-110: Stanzas 104-110 take a turn towards Karbala with a passionate tribute. I have posted these as tahseen 104-110.
جوشؔ ملیح آبادی ۔ طلوعِ فکر ۔ صبٖح ۔ بند ۱۷۔۳۲
بجتی ہوی ہواؤں میں پھبکے ہوے بدن
آنکھوں میں فرشِ خواب کی غلطیدہ ہر شکن
ڈوروں کی سرخیوں میں یمِ بادہ موج زن
چہروں پہ اینڈ اینڈ کے سونے کا بانکپن
رؤندے ہوۓ تمام دوشالے پڑے ہوۓ
ٹوٹے ہوئے زمین پہ مالے پڑے ہوۓ
ڈوبے لٹوں کے سائے جبینوں کے ماہ میں
جیسے یقین کش مکشِ اِشتباہ میں
راتوں کی پینگ سایۂ زلفِ سیاہ میں
بوجھی نہ جائے جو وہ پہیلی نگاہ میں
لب، طعنہ زن مہارتِ بربت نواز پر
مکھڑے، وہ گیت بج نہیں سکتے جو ساز پر
اعضاؑ کے پیچ و تاب میں خوابِ گراں کی رو
انفاسِ مُشک بار میں سوزِ نہاں کی رو
رنگیں لبوں پہ آتشِ آبِ مغاں کی رو
آنکھوں کی سطِح سرخ پہ اک داستاں کی رو
غلطیدہ فصلِ گل کی گھٹا چشمِ ناز میں
رودادِ شب تموّجِ زلفِ دراز میں
انگڑایاں جو آئیں تو آنکھیں چھلک گئیں
رگ رگ میں ولولوں کی کمانیں کڑک گئیں
رخسار پر شباب کی کلیاں چِٹک گئیں
جو چوڑیاں خموش پڑی تھیں کھنک گئیں
موباف میں اسیر شبِ تار ہو گئی
جوڑا بندھا تو صبح نمُودار ہو گئی
موجِ نسیم تان اُڑاتی ہوی چلی
مرغانِ خوش نوا کو جگاتی ہوی چلی
تتلی مکر کا لوچ دکھاتی ہوی چلی
ذرّیں چھڑا کڑے سے بجاتی ہوی چلی
کروٹ فضا پہ لی چمنِ روزگار نے
گُل ہنس پڑے نقاب اُلٹ دی بہار نے
گھر سے چلے تو گِھر گئے کرنوں میں سیم تن
سونا ہوا شباب کی چاندی پہ ضو فِگن
گرمی سے بڑھ گئی لب و رخسار کی پھبن
ہیرے کی تختیوں پہ مچلنے لگی کرن
چہروں کی آب و تاب جنوں خیز روپ میں
یا چاندنی کھلی ہوی نو عمر دھوپ میں
الوان کا جلوس چلا کوہ سار سے
جھانکا کسی نے گوشۂ سرو و چِنار سے
آنے لگی ہوائے فسوں لالہ زار سے
اُٹھنے لگی دھویں کی گھٹا جوئے بار سے
لکےّ بڑھے تو نور کی فوجیں ٹِھٹک گئیں
گویا ہوا پہ سیکڑوں پلکیں جھپک گئیں
ٹھٹکی مُڑی روانہ ہوی نور کی سپاہ
دمکے کلس، اُٹھائی در و بام نے نگاہ
ماتھے پہ آسمان کی کج ہو گئی کلاہ
رکھ لی فضا نے سرخ شلوکے میں قرزِ ماہ
سبزے کی روح مست ہوی جھومنے لگی
شبنم کی موتیوں کو کرن چومنے لگی
چلنے لگیں ہوائیں چہکنے لگے طُیور
رنگیں بلندیوں پہ پُھنکا ولولوں کا صُور
ذرّات کی جبیں سے اُبلنے لگا سرور
پر پھڑپھڑائے جاگ اُٹھا خاک کا غرور
جھونکوں نے حوصلوں کو چڑھایا جو سان پر
اُڑنے لگا زمیں کا طبق آسمان پر
صحرا و دشت و وادی و گلزار و گلچکاں
گنگ و ترنگ و رنگ و گہر بار و مے فشاں
درّاج و کبک و قُمری و طاؤس نغمہ خواں
ملّاح و موج و قلزم و کشتی رواں دواں
ساحل کے موڑ سرخ کمانیں لئے ہوے
موجیں تمام مُنھ میں زبانیں لئے ہوے
اؤجِ فضا پہ رائیتِ زردار گاڑ کر
نکلی ضیا اُفق کا گریبان پھاڑ کر
ذرّے بسائے خاک نے تارے اُجاڑ کر
انگڑائی لی حیات نے افشاں کو جھاڑ کر
مستی چُھٹی لبوں کی چمک دور تک گئی
کنگن گھما دیا تو کلائی دمک گئی
اُبٹن ہوا کی موج پہ گلزار نے ملا
کنگنا کلائی میں جو بندھا کِھل گئی فضا
کنجوں کو دھوپ چھاوں کا جوڑا عطا ہوا
بدّھی پڑی گلے میں تو گلزار جھوم اُٹھا
اُترا گلاب و قند جماد و نبات پر
سہرا بندھا جبینِ عروسِ حیات پر
جلوؤں کا سیل سوئے گُل و یاسمن بڑھا
ضو کا جلوس جانبِ گنگ و جمن چلا
ذرّوں کی سمت ناقۂ لعلِ یمن مُڑا
دریاۓ سور ظن طرفِ حسنِ ظن مُڑا
لَے نے کیا سنگھار ترانوں کی چھاوں میں
گھنگرو بندھے نگارِ خموشی کے پاؤں میں
سرخی بڑھی فضاوں پہ تابندگی کے ساتھ
تابندگی جمال کی رخشندگی کے ساتھ
رخشندگی شمیم کی بافندگی کے ساتھ
بافندگی رباب و دفِ زندگی کے ساتھ
اور زندگی تصوّرِ مطلق لئے ہوے
انفاس میں خروشِ انالحق لئے ہوے
دھومیں لئے زمیں کی طرف سرخوشی چلی
احساس کی ترنگ سوئے بے حِسی چلی
غفلت کی سمت از سرِ نو آگہی چلی
سونے کا تھال سر پہ لئے زندگی چلی
سارنگیاں چِھڑیں چمنِ روزگار میں
حق سِرّہو کی گونج اُٹھی لالہ زار میں
نازل ہوے دلوں پہ بلوریں تصورات
پائی خیامِ ذہن نے زربفت کی قنات
کولہے پہ ہاتھ رکھ کے تھرکنے لگی حیات
چومک لئے ہوے حرکت کی چلی برات
خورشید کے ورود سے گلزار جاگ اُٹھا
یوسف جو آے مصر کا بازار جاگ اُٹھا
जोश मलीहाबादी-तुलू-ए फ़िक्र-सुब्ह-बन्द १७-३२
बजती हुई हवाओं में फबके हुए बदन
आँखों में फ़र्श-ए ख़्वाब की गलतीदा हर शिकन
डोरों की सुर्ख़ियों में यम-ए बादा मौज ज़न
चेहरों पे ऐण्ड, ऐण्ड के सोने का बांकपन
रौंदे हुए तमाम दोशाले पड़े हुए
टूटे हुए ज़मीन पे माले पड़े हुए
डूबे लटों के साए जबीनों के माह में
जैसे यक़ीन कशमकश-ए इश्तेबाह में
रातों की पैंग साया-ए ज़ुल्फ़-ए सियाह में
बूझी न जाए जो वो पहेली निगाह में
लब, ताना ज़न महारत-ए बर्बत नवाज़ पर
मुखड़े, वो गीत बज नहीं सकते जो साज़ पर
आज़ा के पेच ओ ताब में ख़्वाब-ए गिरां की रौ
अन्फ़ास-ए मुश्क बार में सोज़-ए निहाँ की रौ
रंगीं लबों पे आतिश-ए आब- ए मुग़ां की रौ
आँखों की सतह सुर्ख़ पे एक दास्ताँ की रौ
ग़लतीदा फ़स्ल-ए गुल की घटा चश्म-ए नाज़ में
रूदाद-ए शब तमव्वुज-ए ज़ुल्फ़-ए दराज़ में
अंगड़ायां जो आईं तो आँखें झलक गईं
रग रग में वल्वलों की कमानें कड़क गईं
रुख़्सार पर शबाब की कलियाँ चिटक गईं
जो चूड़ियाँ ख़मोश पडी थीं खनक गईं
मोबाफ़ में असीर शब-ए तार हो गई
जूड़ा बंधा तो सुबह नमूदार हो गई
मौज-ए नसीम तान उड़ाती हुई चली
मुर्ग़ान-ए ख़ुश नवा को जगाती हुई चली
तितली मकर का लोच दिखाती हुई चली
ज़र्रीं छड़ा कड़े से बजाती हुई चली
करवट फ़िज़ा पे ली चमन ए रोज़गार ने
गुल हंस पड़े नक़ाब उलट दी बहार ने
घर से चले तो घिर गए किरनों में सीम तन
सोना हुआ शबाब की चांदी पे ज़ौ फ़िगन
गर्मी से बढ़ गई लब ओ रुख़्सार की फबन
हीरे की तख़्तियौं पे मचलने लगी किरन
चेहरों की आब ओ ताब जुनूं ख़ेज़ रूप में
या चांदनी खिली हुई नौ उम्र धूप में
अलवान का जुलूस चला कोह सार से
झाँका किसी ने गोशा-ए सर्व ओ चिनार से
आने लगी हवा-ए फ़ुसूं लाला ज़ार से
उठने लगी धुंए की घटा जू-ए बार से
लक्के बढे तो नूर की फ़ौजें ठिटक गईं
गोया हवा पे सैकड़ों पलकें झपक गईं
ठिटकी, मुड़ी, रवाना हुई नूर की सिपाह
दमके कलस उठाई दर ओ बाम ने निगाह
माथे पे आसमान के कज हो गई कुलाह
रख ली फ़िज़ा ने सुर्ख़ शलोके में क़ुर्ज़-ए माह
सब्ज़े की रूह मस्त हुई झूमने लगी
शब्नम की मोतियों को किरन चूमने लगी
चलने लगी हवाएं चहकने लगे तुयूर
रंगीं बुलंदियों पे फुंका वल्वलों का सूर
ज़र्रात की जबीं से उबलने लगा सुरूर
पर फड़फडाए जाग उठा ख़ाक का ग़ुरूर
झोंकों ने हौसलों को चढ़ाया जो सान पर
उड़ने लगा ज़मीं का तबक़ आसमान पर
सहरा ओ दश्त ओ वादी ओ गुलज़ार ओ गुल्चकां
गंग ओ तरंग ओ रंग ओ गोहर बार ओ मै फ़शां
दर्राज ओ कब्क ओ क़ुम्री ओ ताऊस नग़मा ख़्वाँ
मल्लाह ओ मौज ओ क़ुल्ज़ुम ओ किश्ती रवां दवां
साहेल के मोड़ सुर्ख़ कमानें लिए हुए
मौजें तमाम मूं में ज़बानें लिए हुए
औज ए फ़िज़ा पे रायेत-ए ज़रदार गाड़ कर
निकली ज़िया उफ़क़ का गरेबान फाड़ कर
ज़र्रे बसाए ख़ाक ने तारे उजाड़ कर
अंगड़ाई ली हयात ने अफ़्शां को झाड़ कर
मस्ती छुटी लबों की चमक दूर तक गई
कंगन घुमा दिया तो कलाई दमक गई
उब्टन हवा की मोज पे गुलज़ार ने मला
कंगना कलाई में जो बंधा, खिल गई फ़िज़ा
कुंजों को धूप छाओं का जोड़ा अता हुआ
बद्धी पड़ी गले में तो गुलज़ार झूम उठा
उतरा गुलाब ओ क़न्द जमाद ओ नबात पर
सेहरा बंधा जबीन-ए उरूस-ए हयात पर
जलवों का सैल सू-ए गुल ओ यास्मन बढ़ा
ज़ौ का जुलूस जानिब-ए गंग ओ जमन बढ़ा
ज़र्रों की सिम्त नाक़ा-ए लाल-ए यमन मुड़ा
दरया-ए सूर ज़न तरफ़-ए हुस्न ज़न मुड़ा
लै ने किया सिंघार तरानों की छाओं में
घुंघरू बंधे निगार ए ख़मोशी के पाऊँ में
सुर्ख़ी बढ़ी फ़िज़ाओं पे ताबंदगी के साथ
ताबंदगी जमाल की रख़्शंदगी के साथ
रख़्शंदगी शमीम की बाफ़न्दगी के साथ
बाफ़न्दगी रबाब ओ दफ़-ए ज़िन्दगी के साथ
और ज़िन्दगी तसव्वुर-ए मुतलक़ लिए हुए
अन्फ़ास में ख़रोश-ए अन-अल-हक़ लिए हुए
धूमें लिए ज़मीं की तरफ़ सरख़ुशी चली
अहसास की तरंग सू-ए बेहिसी चली
ग़फ़लत की सिम्त अज़-सर-ए नौ आगही चली
सोने का थाल सर पे लिए ज़िन्दगी चली
सारंगियां छिड़ी चमन-ए रोज़गार में
हक़ सिर्रहू की गूँज उठी लाला ज़ार में
नाज़िल हुए दिलों पे बिलोरीं तसव्वुरात
पाई ख़याम-ए ज़हन ने ज़रबफ़्त की क़िनात
कूल्हे पे हात रख के थिरकने लगी हयात
चौमक लिए हुए हरकत की चली बरात
ख़ुर्शीद के वुरूद से गुलज़ार जाग उठा
यूसुफ़ जो आये, मिस्र का बाज़ार जाग उठा
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. This is a long musaddas of 110 stanzas posted in 8 thematic sections for easy reading. Please see the Overview tab for an overall description. This section is the second of two in which josh describes the dawn of civilization using dawn as a metaphor for the awakening of reason and the spread of knowledge/light. The description of dawn is itself done using delicate, sensuous imagery.
bajti hui havaaoN meN phabke1 hue badan
aaNkhoN meN farsh e Khwaab2 ki Ghalteeda3 har shikan4
DoroN5 ki surKhiyoN6 meN yam-e baada7 mauj zan8
chehroN pe aiND9, aiND ke sone ka baNkpan10
raunde hue11 tamaam doshale12 paRe hue
TooTe hue zameen pe maale paRe hue 1.adorned, decorated 2.floor of dream or bed 3.drowned 4.wrinkle, fold 5.threads, lines 6.redness 7.river of wine 8.making waves 9.incomplete (sleeplessness) 10.youth 11.trampled 12.shawls
josh draws upon rural scenes with young maidens out early in the morning on their chores. The whistling of the early morning breeze making music around well adorned bodies. Their eyes lined like the trampled beds that they just got out of. The red lines in their eyes look like rivers of red wine. Their faces show that they have just woken up and are rebellious about this rude disturbance. Their crumpled shawls lying all around and tattered garlands strewn about.
Doobe laTauN1 ke saaye jabeenoN ke maah2 meN
jaise yaqeen3 kashmakash4-e ishtebaah5 meN
raatoN ki paing6 saya-e zulf-e siyah7 meN
boojhi8 na jaaye jo vo paheli9 nigaah10 meN
lab11 taana zan12 mahaarat13-e barbat navaz14 par
mukhRe, vo geet baj nahiN sakte jo saaz par locks 2.foreheads shining like moon 3.certainty (knowledge) 4.struggle 5.uncertainty, anxiety, 6.swing 7.dark tresses solve 9.puzzle, mystery 10.sight, eye 11.lips 12.critical 13.expertise 14.musician
josh’s beautiful poetic stretch continues unabated. The beauty of dawn and the spreading of light is used as a metaphor for the dawn of civilization. And the beauty of dawn is described in very sensuous, delicate images. The young damsel is out and her forelocks hang on her brow. The brow is bright and forelocks cast a shadow on it. The “struggle” between the brightness of her brow and the darkness of her locks is the struggle between knowledge and ignorance, light and dark at dawn. The swing of the past night is reflected in the curls of her tresses. There is a mysterious look in her eyes (puzzle that cannot be solved). “barbat navaz” is the orchestrator who has arranged the morning music. The damsels’ lips are critical of the expertise of the barbat navaz. Their beautiful faces are like songs that do not yield to his music.
aaza1 ke pech o taab2 meN Khwaab3-e giraaN4 ki rau5
anfaas6-e mushk baar7 meN soz8-e nihaN9 ki rau
rangeeN labauN10 pe aatish11-e aab-e muGhaN12 ki rau
aankhoN ki satah13 surKh14 pe ek daastaN15 ki rau
Ghalteeda16 fasl-e gul17 ki ghaTa18 chashm-e naaz19 meN
roodad20-e shab21 tamavvuj22-e zulf23-e daraaz24 meN 1.limbs/body 2.restlessness 3.dream 4.heavy (deep) 5.flow 6.breath 7.carrying musk (frangrance) 9.hidden 10.lips is the tavern keeper/winemaker 13.surface 15.story 16.drowned/prostrated 17.season of flower=spring 19.flirtatious eyes 20.story 21.night 22. mauj=waves 23.tresses (hair) 24.long
“aaza ka pech o taab” – restlessness of the body is used as a metaphor for changing light and dark shades. This restlessness carries the flow (mood) of the dreams of the night. “anfaas a mushk baar” refers to the sweet fragrances of early morning and they show the hidden fire of desire. The redness of her lips, redness of wine and redness of the rising sun are juxtaposed beautifully. The red lines of her eyes are portrayed as a river of wine (redness) telling a story of the celebrations of the previous night. Dawn’s flirtatious eyes look like spring clouds are dissolved/floating in them. The wavy long curls carry the same waviness (subtleties) of last night’s celebrations.
angRaaiyaN1 jo aayeeN to aaNkheN chhalak2 gayeeN
rag rag3 meN valvaloN4 ki kamaaneN5 kaRak6 gayeeN
ruKhsaar7 par shabaab8 ki kalyaN9 chiTak10 gayeeN
jo chuRiyan11 Khamosh12 paRee theeN khanak13 gayeeN
mobaf14 meN aseer15 shab e taar16 ho gayee
jooRa bandha17 to subah18 namoodar19 ho gayee 1.yawn/stretching 2.overflow 3.veins 4.passion 5.springs (wound up spring) 6.sound of unwinding 7. cheeks 8.youth 9.buds up into flowers 11.bangles 12.silent 13.tinkle 14.tie used to tie hair 15.imprisoned 16.dark night tied into a bun 18.morning 19.emerge
Dawn is waking up, yawning and stretching. This causes her eyes to water – a titillating metaphor for dew drops. Dawn’s veins are taut like drawn bows ready to let arrows fly. The coming of dawn is like the blossoming of flowers, flushing of youthful cheeks, or the jangling of bangles (not the honking of horns). Her dark hair are like the night which gets bound in braids and is put away at dawn.
mauj1-e naseem2 taan3 uRaati4 hui chali
murGhaan5-e Khush nava6 ko jagaati7 hui chali
titli8 makar9 ka loch10 dikhati hui chali
zarriN11 chhaRa12 kaRe13 se bajati hui chali
karvaT14 fiza15 pe li chaman16-e rozgaar17 ne
gul hans paRe naqab18 ulaT19 di bahar20 ne 1.wave breeze 3.melody 4.spreading of murGh=birds 6.sweet voiced 7.waking up 8.butterfly 9.deception 10.sweetness 11.golden 12.twig, stamen of the flower 13. bangle, ring – the ringed body of the butterfly 14.turn over 15.breeze, daily 18.veil (unveil) 20.spring
Waves of cool breeze blew along, making music, waking up melodious birds along the way. The butterfly is deceptive, it fakes love towards the flower only to steal nectar. Displaying her art of deception, she plays music on stamens and flies away. The “daily garden” stirs/turns over to wake up and flowers smiled and Spring lifted her veil.
ghar se chale to ghir gaye kirnauN meN seem tan1
sona hua shabab2 ki chandi pe zau figan3
garmi4 se baRh gayee lab o ruKhsaar5 ki phaban6
heere ki taKhtiyoN7 pe machalne lagi8 kiran
chehroN ki aab o taab9 junooN Khez10 roop meN
ya chandni khili hui11 nau umr12 dhoop meN 1.silver bodied, fair damsels 2.youth 3.overcome with light 4.heat, used for activity 5.lips and cheeks 6.endowed with beauty 7.fields 8.became restless 10.passion arousing 11.moonlight spread out 12.newborn
Silver bodied/fair skinned damsels are surrounded by rays of light as they leave home. Golden light reflected off youthful silver bodies. Their lips and cheeks flush with the heat of activity enhancing their beauty.Sunrays reflecting off dew drops look like a field of diamonds.Is this moonlight blossoming on top of freshly breaking rays of the sun or is it the Beauty and Passion manifesting themselves in the beauty of these damsels.
alvaan1 ka juloos2 chala kohsaar3 se
jhaaNka4 kisi ne gosha5 e sarv o chinaar6 se
aane lagi hava e fusooN7 lala zar8 se
uThne lagi dhueN9 ki ghaTa10 joo e bar11 se
lakke12 baDhe to noor ki faujeN13 ThiTak14 gayeeN
goya hava pe saikRoN15 palkeN16 jhapak17 gayeeN 1.rays of light 2.parade/celebration 3.hills 4.peeped 5.corner 6.cypress and pine 7.magic, enchantment 8. garden of tulips 9.fog/steam 11.full or flowing river 12.clouds 13.armies 14. hestitated 15.thousands 16.eyebrows 17.batting eyes
The scene is that of a valley surrounded by hills. The sun rising behind the hill sends forth its rays that come down like a celebratory parade. The sun shining through trees looks as if the beloved is peeping from behind the trees. An enchanting breeze blows from field of flowers and a misty cloud rises rises from the flowing river. The rising mist as clouds, stops the army of sunrays and it looked as if the beloved was batting her eyes.
ThiTki1, muRi2, ravana hui3 noor ki sipah4
damke5 kalas6 uThaai dar o baam7 ne nigah8
maathe9 pe aasman ke kaj ho gayee kulah10
rakh li fiza11 ne surKh shaloke12 meN qurz13 e maah14
sabze ki rooh15 mast16 hui jhoomne lagi
shabnam ki motiyauN ko kiran choomne lagi 1.hesitated 2.turned 3.proceeded 5.shone 6.crowns of temple domes 7.doors and rooftops, houses 8.woke up,became visible 9.forehead 10.crooked cap, metaphor for defiance 11.breeze, ambience waistcoat 13.disc 14.moon 15.the spirit of greenery 16.overjoyed
The army of light proceeds after initial hesitation and turns. And as the light shines over the town, temple tops and roof tops come into view. “kaj kulahi” is a sign of defiance – wearing cap at a defiant/slanted angle. The sky is personified and on it wears its cap defiantly on its brow (because it is triumphant over darkness). Time/Ambience (personified) puts away the disc of the moon in the pocket of its red (colour of dawn) coat. The spirit of vegetation came into its own and was swaying with joy. The ray of light kissed the pearls of dewdrops.
chalne lagi havaaeN chahakne lage tuyoor1
rangeeN bulandiyoN2 pe phuNka3 valvaloN4 ka soor5
zarraat6 ki jabeeN7 se ubalne8 laga suroor9
par phaRphaRaae10 jaag uTha Khaak11 ka Ghuroor12
jhonkoN13 ne hausloN14 ko chaRhaya jo saan15 par
uRne laga zamiN ka tabaq16 aasmaan par 1.birds 2.height 3.blown 4.enthusiasms 5.shankh, conch shell 6.particles, elements 7.forehead 8.boiling, overflowing 10.wings flapped, is an expression for getting ready, gathering courage 11.dust, earth 12.pride 13.gusts 14.determination 15.whetstone (putting something to the whetstone is to put it to trial, to sharpen it 16.platter, earth
As dawn advances, breeze picks up and birds beging to twitter. The shankh sounded on the colourful heights of (the red) horizon. Light reflected from the brows of particles looked like joy of life boiling over. Even lowly Earth flapped her wings with pride as if getting ready to take off. Gusts of winds sharpened desire (to get on with daily life) and Earth took to the skies with great determination.
sahra1 o dasht2 o vaadi3 o gulzar4 o gulchakaaN5
gang6 o tarang7 o rang o guhar baar8 o mai fashaN9
darraj o kabk o qumri o taaoos10 naGhma KhwaN11
mallah12 o mauj13 o qulzum14 o kishti15 ravaN davaN16
sahel17 ke moR18 surKh kamaaneN19 liye hue
maujeN tamam muNh meN zabaaneN liye hue 1.desert 2.wilderness/barren 3.valley 5.plucked flowers 6.river ganga 8.pearl bearing wine spreading 10. darraj, kabk, qumri, taoos are different birds 11.singing songs 12.boatsman 13.wave 14.sea 15.boat 16.on their way/in motion 17.river banks 18.bend 19. arches/bows
The musicality of the verse, the beauty of the description and the happiness and energy of the poet are to be fully enjoyed by repetition. “gulchakaaN” is flower petals, spread all over. Before your eyes is the wilderness, the valley and the garden strewn with flower petals. You can hear the rippling river and its rhythmic music, hear the birds picking up their various songs and the day coming to life with boatsmen getting ready to launch their boats. Imagine red rays of light striking at a low angle and making bends of rivers look like golden bows/arches, or the ripples in the river reflecting light looking like a myriad tongues!
auj1 e fiza pe raayet2 e zardaar3 gaaR kar
nikli zia4 ufaq5 ka garebaan6 phaaR kar
zarre7 basaae8 Khaak9 ne taare10 ujaaR11 kar
angRaai12 li hayat13 ne afshaaN14 ko jhaaR15 kar
masti chhuTi16 laboN17 ki chamak18 duur tak gayee
kangan19 ghuma diya to kalaai20 damak21 gayee 1.peak 2.flag 3.golden 4.light 5.horizon 6.collar 7.particles 8.nurtured 9.dust 10.stars 11.destroy 12.yawn/stretch/wake up 14.glitter 15.shake off released 17.lips 18.brightness 19.bangle 20.wrist 21.brightened
“raayet gaaRna”=”jhanDa gaaRna”=becoming triumphant. Thus light emerged, tearing open the collar of the horizon and raising its flag in triumph. At early morning light “taare ujaRna” is the disappearance of stars but as a compensation Earth has nurtured bright dust particles and dew drops shining like diamonds! It was as if life woke up dusting off “afshaaN” – glitter, left over on her apron/or in her hair from last night’s celebrations (dusting off afshaaN is like stars disappearing). Imagine the horizon as the line between lips. The red upper lip of the sky and the equally red lower lip of the earth. The horizon is described as the line between lips and light (happiness) spreading far along it. Yet again, in another metaphor, bracelet turning around the wrist causing it to shine, – the horizon is the bracelet, the earth being the wrist.
ubTan1 hava ki mauj pe gulzaar2 ne mala
kaNgna kalaai meN jo bandha, khil gayee3 fiza
kunjoN4 ko dhoop chhauN ka joRa ata hua5
baddhi6 paRi gale meN to gulzaar jhoom uTha
utra7 gulaab8 o qand9 jamaad10 o nabaat11 par
sehra12 bandha jabeen13-e uroos14-e hayat15 par 1.herbal paste 3.blossomed, rejoiced 4.cove 5.granted 6.garland 7.descended 8. rose water 9.honey/syrup 10.still life (growing) 12.bridal garland 13.forehead 14.bride
josh uses wedding metaphors here, describing the bride getting ready.Both Breeze and Earth are portrayed in different misras as brides.ubTan is fragrant herbal paste usually applied to bride’s bodies. The garden spreads early morning fragrance. To Josh this appears as if the garden is applying ubTan to Breeze (the bride). The encircling light of dawn is compared to the “kaNgna” where Earth is the bride. Thus spreading light around the horizon is as if a “kaNgna” has been tied to the wrist of the bride – Earth. Groves of trees have layers of dark and light – by calling this a “pair – joRa”, Josh reinforces the image of bride and groom. And of course the garland around the neck makes the whole garden celebrate with joy. In all cases the “garland” is the white line of dawn curving around the horizon. Rosewater and syrup also traditionally used for festivities, have descended on everything, moving or otherwise. And in the final misra Life herself is the bride and has been garlanded.
jalvauN1 ka sael2 soo3-e gul o yasman4 baRha
zau5 ka juloos6 jaanib7-e gang o jaman8 baRha
zarroN ki simt9 naaqa10-e laal-e yemen11 muRa12
darya-e soor zan13 taraf14-e husn-e zan15 muRa
lae16 ne kiya siNghaar taraanoN17 ki chhaaoN18 meN
ghungroo bandhe nigaar19-e Khamoshi20 ke paaoN meN 1.faces, beauty 2.flood 3.towards 4.rose and jasmine 5.ray 6.parade 7.towards 8.river Ganga and Jamna the direction of 10.camel (caravan) 11.ruby of Yemen 12.turned 13.(presumed) river of (sun) light 14.towards 15.presumption of beauty score 17.rhythms 18.shade, nurturing 20.silence
The imagery is of the flood of beauty (light) advancing towards the valleys – towards the fields of rose and jasmine and towards the river in the valleys. The caravan or rubies of Yemen turns towards the valley making even particles of dust appear beautiful. The sun is not quite visible from the valley except the light over the hills, “soor zan” – allowing you to presume that there is a sun behind it and it is flowing like a river (darya-e soor zan) towards “husn-e zan” – the beautiful valley (it is there, you cannot see it because it is still not light enough – so it is a presumption of beauty).The “lae”, musical score adorns itself under the nurturing eye of the rhythm of the river. “nigaar-e Khamoshi” – the beauty of the silent night is waking up to become the day and has ankle bells tied to it, creating a “lae”, a rhythm.
surKhi1 baRhi fizaaauN pe tabandagi2 ke saath
taabandagi jamaal3 ki raKhshandagi4 ke saath
raKhshandagi shamim5 ki bafandagi6 ke saath
bafandagi rabab o daf7-e zindagi ke saath
aur zindagi tasavvur8-e mutlaq9 liye hue
anfaas10 meN Kharosh11-e an-al-haq12 liye hue 1.redness 2.brightness, used here to mean joy 3.face (beauty) 4.brightness, grandeur 5.fragrance 6.woven tresses 7.musical instruments 8.concept 9.absolute (god) 10.(pl of nafas), breath 11.declaration 12.I am truth
Glowing redness of the rising sun increasing the joy of the ambience and this joy carries with it the grandeur of the face (of the beloved? of god?). Grandeur captures the fragrance of the morning in the woven tresses of light and dark and the woven tresses carry pulsating/throbbing music of life. Life carrying its own concept of the absolute declares its defiance, “I am the Truth” with every breath. “an al haq” – “I am the truth”, refers to a sufi scholar Mansur al Hallaj (traveled to and studied in India) and declared, “I am the Truth” (parallel to Aham Brahmasmi), was pronounced a heretic and put to death by Islamic orthodoxy 922 AD. “an-al-haq” is used a metaphor for declaration of resistance to orthodoxy and power.
dhoomeN1 liye zamiN ki taraf sarKhushi2 chali
ahsaas3 ki tarang4 su-e behisi5 chali
Ghaflat6 ki simt az sar-e nau7 aagahi8 chali
sone ka thaal sar pe liye zindagi chali
saaraNgiyan chhiRiiN chaman e rozgaar meN
haq sirrahu9 ki gooNj10 uThi laala zaar11 meN 1.celebrations 2.great joy, intoxication 3.sensation sensation, inability to feel, inanimate 6.ignorance 7.all over again 8.knowledge 9.the secret of truth (god)10.loud sound of tulips
With great celebration Joy (personified) descended on earth so that even inanimate things acquired the melody of feeling.Knowledge (light) marched towards ignorance (darkness). Life went forward carrying a gold platter on her head as an offering, with music playing in the garden of life.“We have discovered Truth (god)” was the shout/declaration in the garden.
naazil1 hue dilauN pe biloriN2 tasavvuraat3
paaii Khayam4-e zahn ne zarbaft5 ki qinaat6
koolhe pe haat rakh ke thirakne lagi hayaat
chaumak7 liye hue harakat8 ki chali baraat
Khursheed9 ke vurood10 se gulzaar jaag uTha
yusuf11 jo aaye, misr12 ka bazaar jaag uTha 1.descend 2.brilliant 3.concepts 4.tent 5.brocade (beautiful) 6.tent pole 8.movement/progress 9.sun 10.appearance 11.Joseph 12.Egypt
Crystal clear reason/knowledge descended on hearts and minds. The imagery of the “tent of mind” obtaining “a tentpole decorated with brocade” is to say that the mind found a beautiful place, a shelter and nurturing. So life began to dance placing her hands on her hips. The wedding procession of Progress proceded conquering everything in its path with its club/mace. Josh gives joyful expression to the dawn of civilization.Legend has it that when Joseph (considered a person of great beauty) came out to the bazar of Egypt, everyone turned to look at him. When Josh writes “the garden woke up with the appearance of the sun” he is saying that life on earth came alive with the acquisition of light/knowledge just like the bazar of Egypt came alive when Yusuf appeared there. It is also possible that by “sun” he is implying Ali – see the following verses viladat 33-38.
josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. This is a long musaddas of 110 stanzas posted in 8 thematic sections for easy reading. Please see the Overview tab for an overall description. This section is the second of two in which josh describes the dawn of civilization using dawn as a metaphor for the awakening of reason and the spread of knowledge/light. The description of dawn is itself done using delicate, sensuous imagery.
bajti hui havaaoN meN phabke1 hue badan
aaNkhoN meN farsh e Khwaab2 ki Ghalteeda3 har shikan4
DoroN5 ki surKhiyoN6 meN yam-e baada7 mauj zan8
chehroN pe aiND9, aiND ke sone ka baNkpan10
raunde hue11 tamaam doshale12 paRe hue
TooTe hue zameen pe maale paRe hue
1.adorned, decorated 2.floor of dream or bed 3.drowned 4.wrinkle, fold 5.threads, lines 6.redness 7.river of wine 8.making waves 9.incomplete (sleeplessness) 10.youth 11.trampled 12.shawls
josh draws upon rural scenes with young maidens out early in the morning on their chores. The whistling of the early morning breeze making music around well adorned bodies. Their eyes lined like the trampled beds that they just got out of. The red lines in their eyes look like rivers of red wine. Their faces show that they have just woken up and are rebellious about this rude disturbance. Their crumpled shawls lying all around and tattered garlands strewn about.
Doobe laTauN1 ke saaye jabeenoN ke maah2 meN
jaise yaqeen3 kashmakash4-e ishtebaah5 meN
raatoN ki paing6 saya-e zulf-e siyah7 meN
boojhi8 na jaaye jo vo paheli9 nigaah10 meN
lab11 taana zan12 mahaarat13-e barbat navaz14 par
mukhRe, vo geet baj nahiN sakte jo saaz par locks 2.foreheads shining like moon 3.certainty (knowledge) 4.struggle 5.uncertainty, anxiety, 6.swing 7.dark tresses solve 9.puzzle, mystery 10.sight, eye 11.lips 12.critical 13.expertise 14.musician
josh’s beautiful poetic stretch continues unabated. The beauty of dawn and the spreading of light is used as a metaphor for the dawn of civilization. And the beauty of dawn is described in very sensuous, delicate images. The young damsel is out and her forelocks hang on her brow. The brow is bright and forelocks cast a shadow on it. The “struggle” between the brightness of her brow and the darkness of her locks is the struggle between knowledge and ignorance, light and dark at dawn. The swing of the past night is reflected in the curls of her tresses. There is a mysterious look in her eyes (puzzle that cannot be solved). “barbat navaz” is the orchestrator who has arranged the morning music. The damsels’ lips are critical of the expertise of the barbat navaz. Their beautiful faces are like songs that do not yield to his music.
aaza1 ke pech o taab2 meN Khwaab3-e giraaN4 ki rau5
anfaas6-e mushk baar7 meN soz8-e nihaN9 ki rau
rangeeN labauN10 pe aatish11-e aab-e muGhaN12 ki rau
aankhoN ki satah13 surKh14 pe ek daastaN15 ki rau
Ghalteeda16 fasl-e gul17 ki ghaTa18 chashm-e naaz19 meN
roodad20-e shab21 tamavvuj22-e zulf23-e daraaz24 meN
1.limbs/body 2.restlessness 3.dream 4.heavy (deep) 5.flow 6.breath 7.carrying musk (frangrance) 9.hidden 10.lips is the tavern keeper/winemaker 13.surface 15.story 16.drowned/prostrated 17.season of flower=spring 19.flirtatious eyes 20.story 21.night 22. mauj=waves 23.tresses (hair) 24.long
“aaza ka pech o taab” – restlessness of the body is used as a metaphor for changing light and dark shades. This restlessness carries the flow (mood) of the dreams of the night. “anfaas a mushk baar” refers to the sweet fragrances of early morning and they show the hidden fire of desire. The redness of her lips, redness of wine and redness of the rising sun are juxtaposed beautifully. The red lines of her eyes are portrayed as a river of wine (redness) telling a story of the celebrations of the previous night. Dawn’s flirtatious eyes look like spring clouds are dissolved/floating in them. The wavy long curls carry the same waviness (subtleties) of last night’s celebrations.
angRaaiyaN1 jo aayeeN to aaNkheN chhalak2 gayeeN
rag rag3 meN valvaloN4 ki kamaaneN5 kaRak6 gayeeN
ruKhsaar7 par shabaab8 ki kalyaN9 chiTak10 gayeeN
jo chuRiyan11 Khamosh12 paRee theeN khanak13 gayeeN
mobaf14 meN aseer15 shab e taar16 ho gayee
jooRa bandha17 to subah18 namoodar19 ho gayee
1.yawn/stretching 2.overflow 3.veins 4.passion 5.springs (wound up spring) 6.sound of unwinding 7. cheeks 8.youth 9.buds up into flowers 11.bangles 12.silent 13.tinkle 14.tie used to tie hair 15.imprisoned 16.dark night tied into a bun 18.morning 19.emerge
Dawn is waking up, yawning and stretching. This causes her eyes to water – a titillating metaphor for dew drops. Dawn’s veins are taut like drawn bows ready to let arrows fly. The coming of dawn is like the blossoming of flowers, flushing of youthful cheeks, or the jangling of bangles (not the honking of horns). Her dark hair are like the night which gets bound in braids and is put away at dawn.
mauj1-e naseem2 taan3 uRaati4 hui chali
murGhaan5-e Khush nava6 ko jagaati7 hui chali
titli8 makar9 ka loch10 dikhati hui chali
zarriN11 chhaRa12 kaRe13 se bajati hui chali
karvaT14 fiza15 pe li chaman16-e rozgaar17 ne
gul hans paRe naqab18 ulaT19 di bahar20 ne
1.wave breeze 3.melody 4.spreading of murGh=birds 6.sweet voiced 7.waking up 8.butterfly 9.deception 10.sweetness 11.golden 12.twig, stamen of the flower 13. bangle, ring – the ringed body of the butterfly 14.turn over 15.breeze, daily 18.veil (unveil) 20.spring
Waves of cool breeze blew along, making music, waking up melodious birds along the way. The butterfly is deceptive, it fakes love towards the flower only to steal nectar. Displaying her art of deception, she plays music on stamens and flies away. The “daily garden” stirs/turns over to wake up and flowers smiled and Spring lifted her veil.
ghar se chale to ghir gaye kirnauN meN seem tan1
sona hua shabab2 ki chandi pe zau figan3
garmi4 se baRh gayee lab o ruKhsaar5 ki phaban6
heere ki taKhtiyoN7 pe machalne lagi8 kiran
chehroN ki aab o taab9 junooN Khez10 roop meN
ya chandni khili hui11 nau umr12 dhoop meN
1.silver bodied, fair damsels 2.youth 3.overcome with light 4.heat, used for activity 5.lips and cheeks 6.endowed with beauty 7.fields 8.became restless 10.passion arousing 11.moonlight spread out 12.newborn
Silver bodied/fair skinned damsels are surrounded by rays of light as they leave home. Golden light reflected off youthful silver bodies. Their lips and cheeks flush with the heat of activity enhancing their beauty.Sunrays reflecting off dew drops look like a field of diamonds.Is this moonlight blossoming on top of freshly breaking rays of the sun or is it the Beauty and Passion manifesting themselves in the beauty of these damsels.
alvaan1 ka juloos2 chala kohsaar3 se
jhaaNka4 kisi ne gosha5 e sarv o chinaar6 se
aane lagi hava e fusooN7 lala zar8 se
uThne lagi dhueN9 ki ghaTa10 joo e bar11 se
lakke12 baDhe to noor ki faujeN13 ThiTak14 gayeeN
goya hava pe saikRoN15 palkeN16 jhapak17 gayeeN
1.rays of light 2.parade/celebration 3.hills 4.peeped 5.corner 6.cypress and pine 7.magic, enchantment 8. garden of tulips 9.fog/steam 11.full or flowing river 12.clouds 13.armies 14. hestitated 15.thousands 16.eyebrows 17.batting eyes
The scene is that of a valley surrounded by hills. The sun rising behind the hill sends forth its rays that come down like a celebratory parade. The sun shining through trees looks as if the beloved is peeping from behind the trees. An enchanting breeze blows from field of flowers and a misty cloud rises rises from the flowing river. The rising mist as clouds, stops the army of sunrays and it looked as if the beloved was batting her eyes.
ThiTki1, muRi2, ravana hui3 noor ki sipah4
damke5 kalas6 uThaai dar o baam7 ne nigah8
maathe9 pe aasman ke kaj ho gayee kulah10
rakh li fiza11 ne surKh shaloke12 meN qurz13 e maah14
sabze ki rooh15 mast16 hui jhoomne lagi
shabnam ki motiyauN ko kiran choomne lagi
1.hesitated 2.turned 3.proceeded 5.shone 6.crowns of temple domes 7.doors and rooftops, houses 8.woke up,became visible 9.forehead 10.crooked cap, metaphor for defiance 11.breeze, ambience waistcoat 13.disc 14.moon 15.the spirit of greenery 16.overjoyed
The army of light proceeds after initial hesitation and turns. And as the light shines over the town, temple tops and roof tops come into view. “kaj kulahi” is a sign of defiance – wearing cap at a defiant/slanted angle. The sky is personified and on it wears its cap defiantly on its brow (because it is triumphant over darkness). Time/Ambience (personified) puts away the disc of the moon in the pocket of its red (colour of dawn) coat. The spirit of vegetation came into its own and was swaying with joy. The ray of light kissed the pearls of dewdrops.
chalne lagi havaaeN chahakne lage tuyoor1
rangeeN bulandiyoN2 pe phuNka3 valvaloN4 ka soor5
zarraat6 ki jabeeN7 se ubalne8 laga suroor9
par phaRphaRaae10 jaag uTha Khaak11 ka Ghuroor12
jhonkoN13 ne hausloN14 ko chaRhaya jo saan15 par
uRne laga zamiN ka tabaq16 aasmaan par
1.birds 2.height 3.blown 4.enthusiasms 5.shankh, conch shell 6.particles, elements 7.forehead 8.boiling, overflowing 10.wings flapped, is an expression for getting ready, gathering courage 11.dust, earth 12.pride 13.gusts 14.determination 15.whetstone (putting something to the whetstone is to put it to trial, to sharpen it 16.platter, earth
As dawn advances, breeze picks up and birds beging to twitter. The shankh sounded on the colourful heights of (the red) horizon. Light reflected from the brows of particles looked like joy of life boiling over. Even lowly Earth flapped her wings with pride as if getting ready to take off. Gusts of winds sharpened desire (to get on with daily life) and Earth took to the skies with great determination.
sahra1 o dasht2 o vaadi3 o gulzar4 o gulchakaaN5
gang6 o tarang7 o rang o guhar baar8 o mai fashaN9
darraj o kabk o qumri o taaoos10 naGhma KhwaN11
mallah12 o mauj13 o qulzum14 o kishti15 ravaN davaN16
sahel17 ke moR18 surKh kamaaneN19 liye hue
maujeN tamam muNh meN zabaaneN liye hue
1.desert 2.wilderness/barren 3.valley 5.plucked flowers 6.river ganga 8.pearl bearing wine spreading 10. darraj, kabk, qumri, taoos are different birds 11.singing songs 12.boatsman 13.wave 14.sea 15.boat 16.on their way/in motion 17.river banks 18.bend 19. arches/bows
The musicality of the verse, the beauty of the description and the happiness and energy of the poet are to be fully enjoyed by repetition. “gulchakaaN” is flower petals, spread all over. Before your eyes is the wilderness, the valley and the garden strewn with flower petals. You can hear the rippling river and its rhythmic music, hear the birds picking up their various songs and the day coming to life with boatsmen getting ready to launch their boats. Imagine red rays of light striking at a low angle and making bends of rivers look like golden bows/arches, or the ripples in the river reflecting light looking like a myriad tongues!
auj1 e fiza pe raayet2 e zardaar3 gaaR kar
nikli zia4 ufaq5 ka garebaan6 phaaR kar
zarre7 basaae8 Khaak9 ne taare10 ujaaR11 kar
angRaai12 li hayat13 ne afshaaN14 ko jhaaR15 kar
masti chhuTi16 laboN17 ki chamak18 duur tak gayee
kangan19 ghuma diya to kalaai20 damak21 gayee
1.peak 2.flag 3.golden 4.light 5.horizon 6.collar 7.particles 8.nurtured 9.dust 10.stars 11.destroy 12.yawn/stretch/wake up 14.glitter 15.shake off released 17.lips 18.brightness 19.bangle 20.wrist 21.brightened
“raayet gaaRna”=”jhanDa gaaRna”=becoming triumphant. Thus light emerged, tearing open the collar of the horizon and raising its flag in triumph. At early morning light “taare ujaRna” is the disappearance of stars but as a compensation Earth has nurtured bright dust particles and dew drops shining like diamonds! It was as if life woke up dusting off “afshaaN” – glitter, left over on her apron/or in her hair from last night’s celebrations (dusting off afshaaN is like stars disappearing). Imagine the horizon as the line between lips. The red upper lip of the sky and the equally red lower lip of the earth. The horizon is described as the line between lips and light (happiness) spreading far along it. Yet again, in another metaphor, bracelet turning around the wrist causing it to shine, – the horizon is the bracelet, the earth being the wrist.
ubTan1 hava ki mauj pe gulzaar2 ne mala
kaNgna kalaai meN jo bandha, khil gayee3 fiza
kunjoN4 ko dhoop chhauN ka joRa ata hua5
baddhi6 paRi gale meN to gulzaar jhoom uTha
utra7 gulaab8 o qand9 jamaad10 o nabaat11 par
sehra12 bandha jabeen13-e uroos14-e hayat15 par
1.herbal paste 3.blossomed, rejoiced 4.cove 5.granted 6.garland 7.descended 8. rose water 9.honey/syrup 10.still life (growing) 12.bridal garland 13.forehead 14.bride
josh uses wedding metaphors here, describing the bride getting ready.Both Breeze and Earth are portrayed in different misras as brides.ubTan is fragrant herbal paste usually applied to bride’s bodies. The garden spreads early morning fragrance. To Josh this appears as if the garden is applying ubTan to Breeze (the bride). The encircling light of dawn is compared to the “kaNgna” where Earth is the bride. Thus spreading light around the horizon is as if a “kaNgna” has been tied to the wrist of the bride – Earth. Groves of trees have layers of dark and light – by calling this a “pair – joRa”, Josh reinforces the image of bride and groom. And of course the garland around the neck makes the whole garden celebrate with joy. In all cases the “garland” is the white line of dawn curving around the horizon. Rosewater and syrup also traditionally used for festivities, have descended on everything, moving or otherwise. And in the final misra Life herself is the bride and has been garlanded.
jalvauN1 ka sael2 soo3-e gul o yasman4 baRha
zau5 ka juloos6 jaanib7-e gang o jaman8 baRha
zarroN ki simt9 naaqa10-e laal-e yemen11 muRa12
darya-e soor zan13 taraf14-e husn-e zan15 muRa
lae16 ne kiya siNghaar taraanoN17 ki chhaaoN18 meN
ghungroo bandhe nigaar19-e Khamoshi20 ke paaoN meN
1.faces, beauty 2.flood 3.towards 4.rose and jasmine 5.ray 6.parade 7.towards 8.river Ganga and Jamna the direction of 10.camel (caravan) 11.ruby of Yemen 12.turned 13.(presumed) river of (sun) light 14.towards 15.presumption of beauty score 17.rhythms 18.shade, nurturing 20.silence
The imagery is of the flood of beauty (light) advancing towards the valleys – towards the fields of rose and jasmine and towards the river in the valleys. The caravan or rubies of Yemen turns towards the valley making even particles of dust appear beautiful. The sun is not quite visible from the valley except the light over the hills, “soor zan” – allowing you to presume that there is a sun behind it and it is flowing like a river (darya-e soor zan) towards “husn-e zan” – the beautiful valley (it is there, you cannot see it because it is still not light enough – so it is a presumption of beauty).The “lae”, musical score adorns itself under the nurturing eye of the rhythm of the river. “nigaar-e Khamoshi” – the beauty of the silent night is waking up to become the day and has ankle bells tied to it, creating a “lae”, a rhythm.
surKhi1 baRhi fizaaauN pe tabandagi2 ke saath
taabandagi jamaal3 ki raKhshandagi4 ke saath
raKhshandagi shamim5 ki bafandagi6 ke saath
bafandagi rabab o daf7-e zindagi ke saath
aur zindagi tasavvur8-e mutlaq9 liye hue
anfaas10 meN Kharosh11-e an-al-haq12 liye hue
1.redness 2.brightness, used here to mean joy 3.face (beauty) 4.brightness, grandeur 5.fragrance 6.woven tresses 7.musical instruments 8.concept 9.absolute (god) 10.(pl of nafas), breath 11.declaration 12.”I am truth”
Glowing redness of the rising sun increasing the joy of the ambience and this joy carries with it the grandeur of the face (of the beloved? of god?). Grandeur captures the fragrance of the morning in the woven tresses of light and dark and the woven tresses carry pulsating/throbbing music of life. Life carrying its own concept of the absolute declares its defiance, “I am the Truth” with every breath. “an al haq” – “I am the truth”, refers to a sufi scholar Mansur al Hallaj (traveled to and studied in India) and declared, “I am the Truth” (parallel to Aham Brahmasmi), was pronounced a heretic and put to death by Islamic orthodoxy 922 AD. “an-al-haq” is used a metaphor for declaration of resistance to orthodoxy and power.
dhoomeN1 liye zamiN ki taraf sarKhushi2 chali
ahsaas3 ki tarang4 su-e behisi5 chali
Ghaflat6 ki simt az sar-e nau7 aagahi8 chali
sone ka thaal sar pe liye zindagi chali
saaraNgiyan chhiRiiN chaman e rozgaar meN
haq sirrahu9 ki gooNj10 uThi laala zaar11 meN
1.celebrations 2.great joy, intoxication 3.sensation sensation, inability to feel, inanimate 6.ignorance 7.all over again 8.knowledge 9.the secret of truth (god)10.loud sound of tulips
With great celebration Joy (personified) descended on earth so that even inanimate things acquired the melody of feeling.Knowledge (light) marched towards ignorance (darkness). Life went forward carrying a gold platter on her head as an offering, with music playing in the garden of life.“We have discovered Truth (god)” was the shout/declaration in the garden.
naazil1 hue dilauN pe biloriN2 tasavvuraat3
paaii Khayam4-e zahn ne zarbaft5 ki qinaat6
koolhe pe haat rakh ke thirakne lagi hayaat
chaumak7 liye hue harakat8 ki chali baraat
Khursheed9 ke vurood10 se gulzaar jaag uTha
yusuf11 jo aaye, misr12 ka bazaar jaag uTha
1.descend 2.brilliant 3.concepts 4.tent 5.brocade (beautiful) 6.tent pole 8.movement/progress 9.sun 10.appearance 11.Joseph 12.Egypt
Crystal clear reason/knowledge descended on hearts and minds. The imagery of the “tent of mind” obtaining “a tentpole decorated with brocade” is to say that the mind found a beautiful place, a shelter and nurturing. So life began to dance placing her hands on her hips. The wedding procession of Progress proceded conquering everything in its path with its club/mace. Josh gives joyful expression to the dawn of civilization.Legend has it that when Joseph (considered a person of great beauty) came out to the bazar of Egypt, everyone turned to look at him. When Josh writes “the garden woke up with the appearance of the sun” he is saying that life on earth came alive with the acquisition of light/knowledge just like the bazar of Egypt came alive when Yusuf appeared there. It is also possible that by “sun” he is implying Ali – see the following verses viladat 33-38.