zindagi o maut – josh malihabadi – 59-78 sabaq

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زندگی  اور  موت  ۔  جوش  ملیح  آبادی


بند  ٥٩

دِل  میں  تیری  یاد  ہے  شام  و  سحر  کے  درمیاں

زمزموں  کے  ہیں  سفینے  ہچکیوں  کے  درمیاں

لب  پہ  نغموں  کی  دمک  ہے  آ  نکھ  سے  آ  نسو  رواں

فصلِ  گلُ  کی  دھوپ  ہے  پڑتی  ہیں  جیسے  بوندیاں

تجھ  پہ  بے  روئے  نہیں  اُٹھتے  کسی  محفل  سے  ہم

کیا  کریں  مجبور  ہو  جاتے  ہیں  اپنے  دِل  سے  ہم

بند ٦٠

ہم  سے  یہ  کہتی  ہے  تیری  کامرانی  اے  حسین

کامرانی    ہے  محلِّ  شادمانی  اے  حسین

شادمانی  ہے  متاعِ  زندگانی  اے  حسین

آ    نسوں    کی  پھر      بھی      ہوتی  ہے  روانی  اے  حسین

زمزموں  کو  چشمِ  گریاں  میں  ڈُبو  دیتا  ہے  دِل

جب  ہنسی  ہونٹوں  پہ  آ  تی  ہے  تو  رو  دیتا  ہے  دِل

بند  ٦١

دار  و  گیرِ  کربلا  پر  اے  شہیدِ  محترم

عقل  نازاں  ہے  مگر  جزبات  کی  آنکھیں  ہیں  نم

چونکہ  تیرے  جزبہؑ  نصرت  میں  ہے  آہنگِ  غم

اِس  لئے  آنسو  چڑھاتے  ہیں  تیری  بالیں  پہ  ہم

دِل  کا  یہ  فرمان  ہے  لغزش  نہ  آئے  پاوٗں  میں

جشنِ  فتح  کربلا  ہو  آنسوں  کی  چھائوں  میں

بند  ٦٢

لیکن  آنسو  وہ  جو  برسائیں  شرارِ  زِندگی

جس  سے  ٹپکے  گو  ہر  عزّ  و  وقارِ  زندگی

جس  کے  قبضہ  میں  ہو  تیغِ  آبدارِ  زِندگی

جن  کی  رنگینی  میں  کروٹ  لے  بہارِ  زِندگی

جو  گریں  شادابیِ  اہلِ  جہاں  کے  واسطے

گھن  جو  بن  جائیں  غرورِ  خسروی  کے  واسطے

بند   ٦٣

ہاں  وہ  آنسو  جن  میں  غلطاں  ہو  خروشِ  خوفِ  حق

جن  کے  گرنے  کی  صداقت  ہو  شہادت  کا  سبق

جن  کے  آگے  رنگ  ہو  نازِ  جہانبانی  کا  فق

جنکی  آب  و  تاب  میں  تاریخ  کے  جھلکیں  ورق

جن  میں  جوہر  پرفشاں  ہو  تیشۂ  فرہاد  کے

غرق  کر دیں  جو  سفینے  بہرِ  اِستبداد  کے

بند  ٦٤

سوگواری  کا  مزا  جب  ہے  رفیقانِ  کِبار

رُخ  پہ  تابِ  عزم  ہو  آنکھوں  میں  آبِ  ذوالفقار

ہم  عناں  ہوں  طبل  و  جنگ  و  نالۂ  بے  اختیار

دِل  میں  حِرمانِ  خزاں  ہو  سر  میں  سودائے  بہار

بات  جب  ہے  غم  اُبھارے  جذبۂ  پیکار  پر

ایک  دِل  پر  ہاتھ  ہو  ایک  ہاتھ  ہو  تلوار  پر

بند  ٦٥

جب  حکومت  قصر  ہائے  معذلت  ڈھانے  لگے

جب  غرورِ  اقتدار،  اقدار  پر  چھانے  لگے

خسروی  آئین  پر  جب  آگ  برسانے  لگے

جب  حقوقِ  نوعِ  اِنسانی  پر  آنچ  آنے  لگے

رن  میں  در آ،  بازوئے  خیبر  شکن  سے  کام  لے

اِن  مواقع  پر  حسینی  بانکپن  سے  کام  لے

بند  ٦٦

کس  طرف  جانا  ہے  تجھ  کو  سوچ  اے  مردِ  خدا

اک  طرف  زہرِ  فنا  ہے  اک  طرف  نہرِ  بقا

یا  پہن  لے  تاج  کردارِ  شہیدِ  کربلا

یا  محیطِ  کشورِ  باطِل  میں  جا  کر  ڈوب  جا

یا  عنانِ  ذہنِ  عالم  جانبِ  حق  موڑ  دے

یا  حسین  ابنِ  علی  کا  نام  لینا  چھوڑ  دے

بند   ٦٧

یہ  متاع  چشمِ  نم،  یہ  دولتِ  قلبِ  دو  نیم

ہیچ  ہے  اِنسان  اگر  ڈھونڈے  نہ  راہِ  مستقیم

مان  ہی  سکتی  نہیں  اِس  بات  کو  عقلِ  سلیم

صرف  ماتم  ہو  مآلِ  مقصدِ  ذبح  عظیم

خونِ  باطل  ہے  تب  و  تابِ  حسامِ  کربلا

آنسوں  سے  ہے  بہت  اونچا  مقامِ  کربلا

بند   ٦٨

کربلا  کا  سیدّ  لشکر  جلالِ  مصطفےٰ

کربلا  کا  اکبرِ  مہ  رو  جمالِ  مصطفےٰ

کربلا  کی  گود  کا  اصغر  ہلالِ  مصطفےٰ

کربلا  کا  رنگِ  بستاں،  خونِ  آلِ  مصطفےٰ

ہمتِ  نوعِ  بشر کی  اِنتہا  ہے  کربلا

تو  سمجھتا  ہے  فقط  ماتم  سرا  ہے  کربلا

بند  ٦٩

آسمانِ  زندگی  پر  کہکشاں  ہے  کربلا

فرقِ  اِستبداد  پر  گرزِ  گراں  ہے  کربلا

حفظِ  ناموسِ  بشر  کی  پاسباں  ہے  کربلا

خون  کے  دھارے  پر  بنتی  داستاں  ہے  کربلا

کربلا  کی  خاک  میں  اشکوں  کی  طغیانی  بھی  ہے

کربلا  کی  آگ  میں  تلوار  کا  پانی  بھی  ہے

بند  ٧٠

گریہ  فطری  امر  ہے،  جی  بھر  کے  رو  اور  بار  بار

ماتمِ  شبیر  میں  روتا  ہوں  میں  بھی  زار  زار

میں  تو  کیا  اِس  غم  سے  جنبش  میں  ہے  قلبِ  روزگار

غور  فرما  لیکن  اِس  نکتہ  پہ  بھی  اے  سوگوار

غم  نہیں  ہے  طرۂ  طرفِ  کلاہِ  کربلا

سورما  کی  موت  ہے  میراثِ  شاہِ  کربلا

بند  ٧١

کون  اِس  میراث  کی  جانب  اُٹھاتا  ہے  قدم

کِس  کو  سونپا  جائے  عباسِ  دلاور  کا  علم

کون  کھاتا  ہے  شعارِ  نصرتِ  حق  کی  قسم

کون  یہ  کہتا  ہوا  صف  سے  اُبھرتا  ہے  کے  ہم

صفحۂ  تاریخ  پر  حرفِ  جلی  بنتا  ہے  کون

وارثِ  جنسِ  حسین  اِبنِ  علی  بنتا  ہے  کون

بند  ٧٢

نسلِ  آدم  سے  یہ  اب  تک  کہہ  رہی  ہے  کربلا

اے  ستم  کش  تیرا  فطری  حق  ہے  فریاد  و  بکا

لیکن  اِس  گِردابِ  شیون  میں  نہ  اِتنا  ڈوب  جا

فوت  ہو  جائے  شہیدِ  کربلا  کا  مدّعا

حق  کا  باطل  پر  تفوق  آدمی  کا  فرض  ہے

خونِ  صبرِ  کربلا  نوعِ  بشر  پر  قرض  ہے

بند   ٧٣

قرض  یہ  اُترے  تو  فخرِ  آدمی  آگے  بڑھے

چاکری  پیچھے  ہٹے  تو  سروری  آگے  بڑھے

ظلمتیں  کم  ہوں  تو  سیلِ  روشنی  آگے  بڑھے

موت  کو  ٹوکیں  تو  کارِ  زندگی  آگے  بڑھے

تار  کھنچ  جائیں  تو  پیدا  صف  شکن  جھنکار  ہو

قرض  کا  دریا  اُتر  جائے  تو  بیڑا  پار  ہو

بند    ٧٤

آدمی  کا  ہر  قدم  ہے  درمیانِ  گیر  و  دار

زندگی  کا  ہر  نفس  ہے  اک  مسلسل  کارزار

کیا  تجھے  حاصل  ہے  اے  مردِ  حزیں  و  سوگوار

خونِ  برق  و  طبعِ  طوفان  و  مزاجِ  ذوالفقار

باندھ  کر  سر  پر  کفن  گھر  سے  نکل  سکتا  ہے  تو

ہاں  اُپی  تلوار  کی  برّش  پہ  چل  سکتا  ہے  تو

بند  ٧٥

اے  برادر  عقلِ  حق  پرور  میں  اور  اِتنا  خلل

ہو  چکا  ہے  ایک  مدّت  سے  تیرا  کردار  شل

الاماں  اضداد  کا  یہ  اجتماعِ  بے  محل

دعویِٰ  حبّ  حسین  اور  بیعتِ  دیوِ  اجل

کیا  غضب  ہے  دِن  کی  چھاتی  پر  اندھیری  رات  ہے

مومن  اور  خوفِ  اجل،  منہ  پیٹنے  کی  بات  ہے

بند  ٧٦

سانس  لینے  کو  نہیں  کہتے  ہیں  دانا  زندگی

ہر  نفس  اک  طرح  نو  کی  ہے  تمناّ  زندگی

ہر  قدم  تسخیرِ  قدرت  کا  ہے  سودا  زندگی

خون  میں  ہے  اِرتقا  کا  شور  و  غوغا  زندگی

سرد  ہے  جس  کا  لہو  وہ  آدمی  بیجان  ہے

بے  دلوں  پر  زندگی  در  اصل  اک  بہتان  ہے

بند  ٧٧

اہل  نقوت  ہیں  سوارِ  ابلقِ  لیل  و  نہار

اور  تو  فقدانِ  جرأت  سے  مجسم  انکسار

تیری  آنکھوں  میں  نہیں  رقصاں  بغاوت  کے  شرار

سر  ہے  تیرا  اور  پاۓ  صاحبان  اقتدار

قوت  باطل  پہ  جو  انسان  چھاسکتا  نہیں

حشر  میں  وہ  مصطفیٰ  کو  منہ  دیکھا  سکتا  نہیں

بند  ٧٨

دِل  جراہت  سے  اگر  بھاگے  تو  راحت  کفر  ہے

غم  سے  اُکتائے  طبیعت  تومسرّت  کفر  ہے

تخت  پر  قابض  ہو  جابر  تو  اِطاعت  کفر  ہے

جو  شہادت  سے  ڈرے  اُسکی  عبادت  کفر  ہے

دامنِ  صد  پارۂ  غیرت  کو  سی  سکتا  نہیں

موت  سے  جو  منہ  چھپاتا  ہے  وہ  جی  سکتا  نہیں


दिल में तेरी याद है शाम ओ सहर के दरमियाँ

ज़म्ज़मों के हैं सफ़ीने हिचकियों के दरमियाँ

लब पे नग्मों की दमक है, आँख से आंसूं रवां

फ़स्ल ए गुल की धूप है पड़ती हैं जैसे बूंदियाँ

तुझ पे बे रोये नहीं उठते किसी महफ़िल से हम

क्या करें मजबूर हो जाते हैं अपने दिल से हम


हम से ये कहती है तेरी कामरानी अए  हुसैन

कामरानी है महेल्ल ए शादमानी अए हुसैन

शादमानी है मता’ ए जिंदगानी अए हुसैन

आंसुओं की फिर भी होती है रवानी अए हुसैन

ज़म्ज़मों को चश्म ए गिरियाँ में डुबो देता है दिल

जब हंसी होंटों पे आती है तो रो देता है दिल


दार ओ गीर ए करबला पर अए शहीद ए मोहतरम

अक़्ल नाज़ां है मगर जज़्बात की आँखें हैं नम

चूंके तेरे जज़्बा ए नुस्रत में है आहंग ए ग़म

इसलिए आंसू चढ़ाते हैं तेरी बालीं पे हम

दिल का ये फरमान है लग्ज़िश न आये पाऊँ में

जश्न ए फ़तेह करबला हो आंसुओं की छाओं में


लेकिन आंसू वो जो बरसाएं शरार ए ज़िन्दगी

जिस से टपके गौहर ए इज़्ज़ ओ विक़ार ए ज़िन्दगी

जिस के क़ब्ज़े में हो तेग ए आबदार ए ज़िन्दगी

जिनकी रंगीनी में करवट ले बहार ए ज़िन्दगी

जो गिरें शादाबी ए अहल ए जहाँ के वास्ते

घन जो बन जाएं गुरूर ए खुस्रवि के वास्ते


हां वो आंसू जिन में गल्तान हो खरोश ए खौफ़ ए हक़

जिनके गिरने की सदा में हो शहादत का सबक़

जिन के आगे रंग हो नाज़ ए जहाँ बानी का फ़क़

जिनकी आब ओ ताब में तारीख़ के झलकें वरक़

जिन में जौहर पर फ़शान हो तीशा ए फ़रहाद के

ग़र्क़ कर दें जो सफ़ीने बहर ए इस्तेब्ताद के


सोगवारी का मज़ा जब है रफ़ीक़ान ए किबार

रुख़ पे ताब ए अज़म हो आँखों में आब ए ज़ुल्फ़िक़ार

हम अनां हों तब्ल ओ जंग ओ नाला ए बे एख़्तियार

दिल में हिर्मान ए ख़िज़ां हो सर में सौदा ए बहार

बात जब है ग़म उभारे जज़्बा ए पैकार पर

एक दिल पर हाथ हो एक हाथ हो तलवार पर


जब हुकूमत क़स्र हा ए माज़ेलत ढाने लगे

जब ग़ुरूर ए इक़्तेदार, इक़्दार पर आने लगे

ख़ुसरवी आईन पर जब आग बरसाने लगे

जब हुक़ूक़ ए नौ ए इंसानी पर आंच आने लगे

रन में दर आ, बाज़ू ए ख़ैबर शिकन से काम ले

इन मवाक़’ए पर हुसैनी बांकपन से काम ले


किस तरफ़ जाना है तुझ को सोच अए मर्द ए ख़ुदा

एक तरफ़ ज़हर ए फ़ना है, एक तरफ़ नहर ए बक़ा

या पहेन ले ताज ए किरदार ए शहीद ए करबला

या मोहीत ए किश्वर ए बातिल में जा कर डूब जा

या अ’नान ए ज़हन ए आलम जानिब ए हक़ मोड़ दे

या हुसैन इब्न ए अली का नाम लेना छोड़ दे


ये मता’अ ए चश्म ए नम ये दौलत ए क़ल्ब ए दो नीम

हेच है इंसान अगर ढूंढे न राह ए मुस्तक़ीम

मान ही सकती नहीं इस बात को अक़्ल ए सलीम

सिर्फ़ मातम है मा’अल ए मक़्सद ए ज़िबह ए अज़ीम

ख़ून ए बातिल है तब ओ ताब ए हुसाम ए करबला

आंसुओं से है बहुत ऊंचा मक़ाम ए करबला


कर्बला का सय्यद ए लश्कर, जलाल ए मुस्तफ़ा

कर्बला का अकबर ए माह रु जमाल ए मुस्तफ़ा

कर्बला की गोद का असग़र हिलाल ए मुस्तफ़ा

कर्बला का रंग ए बुस्तां ख़ून ए आल ए मुस्तफ़ा

हिम्मत ए नौ ए बशर की इन्तेहा है कर्बला

तू समझता है फ़क़त मातम सरा है कर्बला


आसमान ए ज़िन्दगी पर कहकशां है कर्बला

फ़र्क़ ए इस्तब्ताद पर गुर्ज़ ए गिरां है कर्बला

हिफ़्ज़ ए नामूस ए बशर की पासबां है कर्बला

ख़ून के धारे पे बनती दास्ताँ है कर्बला

कर्बला की ख़ाक में अश्कों की तुग़यानी भी है

कर्बला की आग में तलवार का पानी भी है


गिर्या फ़ित्री अमर है, जी भर के रो और बार बार

मातम ए शब्बीर में रोता हूं मैं भी ज़ार ज़ार

मैं तो क्या, इस ग़म से जुन्म्बिश में है क़ल्ब ए रोज़गार

ग़ौर फ़रमा लेकिन इस नुक्ते पे भी अए सोगवार

ग़म नहीं है तुर्रा ए तरफ़ ए कुलाह ए कर्बला

सूरमा की मौत है मीरास ए शाह ए कर्बला


कौन इस मीरास की जानिब उठाता है क़दम

किस को सौंपा जाए अब्बास ए दिलावर का अलम

कौन खाता है शु’आर ए नुसरत ए हक़ की क़सम

कौन ये कहता हुआ सफ़ से उभरता है के हम

सफ़ह ए तारीख़ पर हर्फ़ ए जली बनता है कौन

वारिस ए जिन्स ए हुसैन इब्न ए अली बनता है कौन


नस्ल ए आदम से ये अबतक कह रही है करबला
अए सितम कश तेरा फ़ित्री हक़ है फ़र्याद ओ बुका
लेकिन इस गिर्दाब ए शैवन में न इतना डूब जा
फ़ौत हो जाए शहीद ए करबला का मुद्दुआ
हक़ का बातिल पर तफ़्फ़वुक़ आदमी का फ़र्ज़ है

ख़ून ए सब्र ए करबला नौ ए बशर पर क़र्ज़ है


क़र्ज़ ये उतरे तो फ़ख़र ए आदमी आगे बढे

चाकरी पीछे हटे तो सरवरी आगे बढे

ज़ुल्मतें गुम हों तो सैल ए रौशनी आगे बढे

मौत को टोकें तो कार ए ज़िन्दगी आगे बढे

तार खिंच जाएँ तो पैदा सफ़ शिकन झनकार हो

क़र्ज़ का दरया उतर जाए तो बेड़ा पार हो


आदमी का हर क़दम है दरमियान ए गीर ओ दार

ज़िन्दगी का हर नफ़स है एक मुसलसिल कारज़ार

क्या तुझे हासिल है ए मर्द ए हज़ीं ओ सोगवार

ख़ून ए बर्क़ ओ तबा’ ए तूफ़ान ओ मिज़ाज ए ज़ुल्फ़िक़ार

बाँध कर सर से कफ़न घर से निकल सकता है तू

हां उपी तलवार की बुर्रिश पे चल सकता है तू


अए बरादर अक़्ल ए हक़ परवर में और इतना ख़लल

हो चुका है एक मुद्दत से तेरा करदार शल

अल’अमां अज़दाद का ये इज्तेमा’अ ए बे महल

दावा’ ए हुब्ब ए हुसैन और बै’अत ए देव ए अजल

क्या ग़ज़ब है दिन की छाती पर अँधेरी रात है

मोमिन और ख़ौफ़ ए अजल, मुंह पीटने की बात है


सांस लेने को नहीं कहते हैं दाना ज़िन्दगी

हर नफ़स एक तरह नौ की है तमन्ना ज़िन्दगी

हर क़दम तस्ख़ीर ए क़ुद्रत का है सौदा ज़िन्दगी

ख़ून में है इर्तेक़ा का शोर ओ ग़ोग़ा ज़िन्दगी

सर्द है जिस का लहू वो आदमी बेजान है

बे दिलों पर ज़िन्दगी दर अस्ल एक बोहतान है


अहल ए नख़वत हैं सवार ए अब्लक़ ए लैल ओ निहार

और तू फ़ुक़्दान ए जुर’अत से मुजस्सिम इन्केसार

तेरी आँखों में नहीं रक़्सां बग़ावत के शरार

सर है तेरा और पा ए साहेबान ए इक़्तेदार

क़ुव्वत ए बातिल पे जो इंसान छा सकता नहीं

हश्र में वो मुस्तफ़ा को मुंह दिखा सकता नहीं


दिल जराहत से अगर भागे तो राहत कुफ़्र है

ग़म से उक्ताए तबी’अत तो मसर्रत कुफ़्र है

तख़्त पर क़ाबिज़ हो जाबिर तो इता’अत कुफ़्र है

जो शहादत से डरे उसकी इबादत कुफ़्र है

दामन ए सद पारा ए ग़ैरत को सी सकता नहीं

मौत से जो मुंह छुपाता है वो जी सकता नहीं

Click on any stanza for meanings and discussion.

dil meN teri yaad hai shaam o sahar1 ke darmiyaN2
zamzamoN3 ke haiN safine4 hichkiyoN5 ke darmiyaN
lab pe naGhmoN ki damak6 hai, aankh se aansuN ravaN
fasl e gul7 ki dhoop8 hai paDti haiN jaise boondiyaN9
tujh pe be roye10 nahiN uThte kisi mehfil11 se hum
kya kareN majbur12 ho jaate haiN apne dil se hum
1. all night long or all day long 2. in between 3. a river/canal in paradise of flowing water, gurgling sound, song 4. sail boat 5. hiccups as in too much crying 6. shine, grandeur 7. season of flowers i.e. spring, joy 8. comforting sunlight of spring 9. drops, tears 10. without lamenting 11. gathering 12. helpless
We carry your memory in our hearts all day long. We sing songs of joy in between sobs of lament. Lips sing glorious songs of joyous praise even as tears flow from our eyes. These drops are like the comforting sunlight of spring. We never leave a gathering without lamenting for you. What can we do, the intensity of our love makes us helpless. Josh is justifying lament on the one hand, but channeling it into meaningul action, such as resistance to authority.

hum se ye kahti hai teri kamraani1 aye husain
kamraani hai mahell e shaadmani2 aye husain
shaadmani hai mataa3’ e zindagani aye husain
aaNsuoN ki phir bhi hoti hai ravaani4 aye husain
zamzamoN5 ko chashm e giriyaaN6 meN Dubo deta hai dil
jab haNsi hontoN pe aati hai to ro deta hai dil
1. victory 2. occasion for joy/celebration 3. wealth 4. flow 5. songs 6. tearful eye
Your victory tells us this, O Husain, that victory should be an occasion for celebration, and such celebration is the bounty of life, but still tears flow unabated, our songs of celebration get drowned in tears. When a smile breaks out on our lips, our heart begins to cry.

daar o geer1 e Karbala par aye shaheed e mohtaram2
aql naazaN3 hai magar jazbat4 ki aankheN haiN nam5
chooNke6 tere jazba e nusrat7 meN hai aahang e Gham8
isliye aaNsu chaRhate haiN teri baaleeN9 pe hum
dil ka ye farman10 hai laGhzish11 na aaye paaoN meN
jashn12 e fateh13 karbala ho aaNsuoN ki chhaauN meN
1. struggle, conflict 2. revered martyr (Husain) 3. proud 4. emotions 5. moist 6. because 7. feeling of victory 8. melody of sorrow 9. towards the head 10. command 11. stumbling 12. celebration 13. victory
About the struggle of Karbala, O revered martyr, the mind is proud but emotions cause mourning. Because the spirit of victory comes with a melody of sorrow that is why we offer a tribute of tears to you. Our heart commands that we not stumble in our devotion. That we celebrate the victory of Karbala with tears

laikin aaNsu vo jo barsaaeN sharar e zindagi1
jis se Tapke gauhar2 e izz o viqar3 e zindagi
jis ke qabze4 meN ho teGh e aabdar5 e zindagi
jinki rangini meN karvaT le bahaar e zindagi
jo gireN shaadabi6 e ahl e jahaN7 ke vaaste
ghan8 jo ban jaaeN Ghurur9 e Khusravi10 ke vaaste
1. sparks of life 2. pearl 3. respect and grandeur 4. control, grip 5. shining sword, 6. well being 7. people of the world 8. dark clouds (tears are like rain gathering as a storm) 9. conceit, pride 10. tyranny – Khusro, a legendary tyrant, Persian king his name (also Kaiser, Yazid) is often used as metaphor for tyranny.
But, tears that shed sparks of life. From which drop pearls of respect and grandeur. Which have control over the direction of life. Tears that are colourful like the spring of life. Tears that are shed for the sake of well being of humanity. Tears that become a dark storm raging against conceited tyrants.

haaN vo aansu jin meN GhaltaN1 ho Kharosh e Khauf e haq2
jinke girne ki sada3 meN ho shahadat ka sabaq4
jin ke aage rang ho4 naaz5 e jahaN bani6 ka faq
jinki aab o taab7 meN tareeKh8 ke jhalkeN9 varaq10
jin meN jauhar11 par fashaN12 ho teesha e farhad13 ke
Gharq14 kar deN jo safeene15 bahr e istebtad16 ke
1. prostrated, losing their identity in i.e. dissolved 2. enthusiasm for the fear of righteousness 3. sound 4. lesson of martyrdom 4. face turning white with fear 5. conceit, pride 6. the art (or desire) of acquiring wealth and power at the expense of righteousness 7. shine and splendour 8. history 9. reflect 10. pages 11. ability, sharpness 12. shining, showing, exhibited 13. pickaxe of legendary lover Farhad (metaphor for accomplishing the impossible) 14. drown 15. boats 16. the ocean of tyranny
Yes, tears in which is dissolved the love of righteousness, tears. The first misra has a little bit of convoluted but extremely beautiful construction – “tears in which is dissolved the enthusiasm for the fear of (losing) righteousness”. I have translated these double negatives in simplified form as “love of righteousness”. Tears, that convey the lesson of martyrdom, tears before which the powerful go pale in fear, tears that shine like pages of history. Tears which shine with the strength of the pickaxe of Farhad. Tears that can drown the boats sailing in the ocean of tyranny. The metaphorical meaning of “teesha e Farhad” is “steadfastness of purpose”. Farhad fell in love with Shirin who was married to a wealthy man and became a nuisance to the husband with his constant attentions to Shirin. The husband set him an impossible task. There was a river of sweet water flowing in the hills far away. The husband said that if Farhad could divert the river to flow into town, he would divorce Shirin and Farhad could marry her. Nobody thought he could do it. He set about with a pickaxe and kept at it – steadfast. He was about to succeed. The husband now afraid that Farhad would do the impossible, spread a rumour that Shirin had died. Upon hearing this Farhad killed himself with his own pickaxe. When Shirin heard of his death, she committed suicide. But “the pickaxe of Farhad” is a metaphor for steadfast determination.

sogwaari1 ka maza jab hai rafeeqan e kibar2
ruKh3 pe taab e azm4 ho aankhoN meN aab e zulfiqar5
hum anaaN6 hoN tabl o jang7 o naala e be-eKhtiar8
dil meN hirmaan9 e KhizaaN10 ho sar meN sauda e bahar11
baat jab hai Gham ubhaare12 jazba e paikar13 par
ek dil par haath ho ek haath ho talwar14 par
1. mourning 2. great friends 3. face, countenance 4. shining determination 5. aab is water, also means brilliance, aab e Zulfiqaar (sword of Ali) used as a metaphor for determination that overcomes all obstacles 6. same bridle or reins 7. drum (declaration) and struggle (war) 8. uncontrollable lament 9. sorrow 10. autumn, used here for injustice 11. trade, also means mad passion, (passion for justice) 12. to pull towards 13. the desire for struggle 14. sword (metaphor for resistance)
The pleasure of mourning lies in this, O great friends, countenance shining with determination, eyes with the brilliance of zulfiqaar, declaration of resistance while lamenting uncontrollably, the heart mournful, the mind passionate for justice. Real effect can come only when mourning pulls towards struggle. One hand on the heart, the other on the sword. In today’s context, this stanza might be considered bordering on incitement, but there is a lot of metaphorical loading here to mean struggle against injustice, not a mindless destruction.

jab hukoomat qasr ha1 e maazelat2 Dhaane3 lage
jab Ghuroor e iqtedar4, iqdar5 par aane lage
Khusravi6 aaeen7 par jab aag barsaane lage
jab huqooq e nau e insaani8 par aanch aane lage
run meN dar aa9, baazu10 e Khaibar shikan11 se kaam le
in mavaqa’e12 par husaini baankpan13 se kaam le
1. qasr or houses 2. withdrawal, sanctuary 3. to destroy 4. pride of power 5. excess 6. characteristic of Khusro (a legendary tyrant), tryanny 7. culture, tradition 8. human rights 9. enter, force yourselves upon 10. arm 11. destroyer of fort Khaiber, Ali (conquered it in early Islamic history) 12. occasions 13. rebelliousness, resistance
When government destroys even houses of sanctuary. When the pride of power, exceeds acceptable limits. When tryranny sets fire to all established traditions. When basic human rights are totally disregarded then enter the field of battle, recall the brave arm of Ali. These are the occasions for resistance to power, like Husain. Josh wrote and recited this in 1965 when Ayub Khan had been in power for a long time and was getting unpopular. The government was generally perceived to be tyrannical.

kis taraf jaana hai tujh ko soch aye mard e Khuda1
ek taraf zahr e fana2 hai, ek taraf nahr e baqa3
ya pahen le taaj e kiradar4 e shaheed e karbala5
ya moheet6 e kishwar e baatil7 meN jaa kar Doob ja
ya a’naan8 e zahn e aalam9 janib e haq10 moR de
ya husain ibn e ali ka naam lena chhoR de
1. righteous good man 2. poison of destruction 3. river of preservation 4. character 5. martyr of Karbala or Husain 6. ocean 7. domain of falsehood 8. reins, direction 9. mind of the world, public opinion 10. towards righteousness
O my good man, think of your goals. On one side the poison of destruction on the other side the stream of life. You can either don the crown of the the character of the martyrs of Karbala or you can drown yourself in the ocean of falsehood. You can turn your reins towards righteousness or you can stop taking the name of Husain.

ye mata’a1 e chashm e nam2 ye daulat e qalb e do neem3
hech4 hai insaan agar DhoonDe na raah e mustaqeem5
maan hi sakti nahiN is baat ko aql e saleem6
sirf matam hai ma’al7 e maqsad8 e zibha e azeem9
Khoon e baatil10 hai tab o taab11 e husaam12 e karbala
aaNsuoN se hai bahut ooncha maqaam e karbala
1. wealth, possessions 2. moist eye 3. heart torn apart, rent asunder 4. useless 5. steadfast path 6. balanced mind 7. result 8. purpose 9. great sacrifice 10. destruction of untruth 11. declaration/message and grandeur 12. sword
The wealth of these moist eyes, the riches of a mourning heart are all useless, unless man looks for the steadfast path. The balanced mind cannot accept that only mourning is intended to be the result of the great sacrifice. Overcoming injustice is the message and grandeur of Karbala. The status of Karbala is much higher than mere tears.

karbala ka sayyad e lashkar1, jalaal2 e mustafa3
karbala ka akbar4 e mah ru5 jamaal e mustafa
karbala ki god6 ka asGhar7 hilaal8 e mustafa
karbala ka rang e bustaN9 Khun e aal e mustafa10
himmat e nau e bashar11 ki inteha12 hai karbala
tu samajhta hai faqat13 maatam sara14 hai karbala
1. army leader (Husain) 2. majesty, grandeur 3. another name of Mohammed 4. young son of Husain, killed in Karbala 5. moon faced (handsome) 6. lap 7. infant son of Husain killed in Karbala 8. new moon 9. garden 10. progeny of Mohammed 11. human species, humanity 12. extreme, apex 13. only 14. place of mourning
Husain, the leader of the army of Karbala, the majesty of Mohammed. The handsome Akbar who looked like Mohammed. Asghar, in the lap of Karbala, the emerging moon of Mohammed. The garden of Karbala couloured with the blood of Mohammed’s family. Karbala is the epitome of human courage. And you think that it is just a place of mourning! Some background notes … Akbar e mah ru=the handsome Akbar (brave son of Husain and said to have looked like Mohammed), asGhar hilal e mustafa=literally, Asghar (an infant), the new moon of Mohammed, was … brought into the battle field to appeal for water for him, but was killed instead.

aasman e zindagi par kahkashaN1 hai karbala
farq2 e istebtad3 par gurz4 e giraN5 hai karbala
hifz e namoos e bashar6 ki paasbaN7 hai karbala
Khoon ke dhaare pe banti daastaN8 hai karbala
karbala ki Khaak meN ashkoN ki tuGhiyani9 bhi hai
karbala ki aag meN talwar ka paani10 bhi hai
1. constellation 2. head 3. despotism 4. mace 5. heavy 6. security of human dignity 7. caretaker 8. story 9. flood 10. sharp edge of the sword
Karbala is the constellation in the sky of the creation. Karbala is a heavy blow of the club on the head of despotism, the guarantor of human dignity, a story written in blood. The sands of Karbala are awash in a flood of tears. Its fiery sun has the sharp edge of a sword.

girya1 fitri amar2 hai, ji bhar ke ro aur baar baar
maatam3 e shabbir4 meN rota huN maiN bhi zaar zaar5
maiN to kya, is Gham se junmbish6 meN hai qalb e rozgaar7
Ghaur farma8 laikin is nukte9 pe bhi aye sogwaar10
Gham nahiN hai turra11 e tarf e kulah12 e karbala
soorma13 ki maut hai meeras14 e shah e karbala
1. mourning 2. natural/instinctive action 3. mourning 4. Husain 5. profusely 6. movement, throbbing 7. the hear of every day happening i.e. the world 8. think about 9. point 10. mourner 11. plume 12. crown/top of the cap 13. brave 14. inheritance, lesson
Mourning is natural, cry and cry to your heart’s content. I too cry profusely in memory of Husain. Not just me, the heart of the world throbs in mourning him. But do think of this point, O mourner, mourning is not the plume crowning the story of Karbala. The sacrifice of the brave is the true lesson of Karbala.

kaun is meeras1 ki jaanib2 uThaata hai qadam
kis ko sauNpa3 jaaye abbas e dilawar4 ka alam5
kaun khaata hai shu’ar6 e nusrat7 e haq ki qasam
kaun ye kahta hua saf8 se ubharta9 hai ke ham
safha e tareeKh10 par harf e jali11 banta hai kaun
vaaris12 e jins13 e husain ibn e ali banta hai kaun
1. inheritance 2. towards 3. give, grant 4. Abbas the brave 5. flag/banner 6. observance, practise 7. help 8. line 9. come up, step forward 10. page of history 11. word (name) in bold letters 12. inheritor 13. goods i.e. wealth
Who is willing to step towards this inheritance. Who should be the entrusted with the banner of Abbas. Who will proclaim their willingness to help the cause of righeousness. Who will speak up and step forward from the line. Whose name will be written in bold letters on the page of history. Who is willing to take charge of the inheritance of Husain. that he is writing this at the height of resistance to Ayub Khan’s rule.

nasl e adam1 se ye abtak kah rahi hai karbala
ae sitam kash2 tera fitri3 haq4 hai faryad o buka5
laikin is girdab6 e shaiwan7 meN na itna Doob ja
faut8 ho jaye shaheed e karbala9 ka muddua10
haq11 ka batil12 par taffavuq13  aadmi ka farz14 hai
Khoon e sabr15 e karbala nau e bashar16 par qarz17 hai
1. progeny of Adam 2. those who suffered cruelty 3. natural 4. right 5. mourning 6. whirlpool 7. mourning 8. dead 9. martyr of Karbala (Husain) 10. goal 11. justice 12. injustice 13. superiority, triumph 14. duty 15. steadfastness 16. human kind 17. loan, obligation
Karbala still speaks to this day to the progeny of Adam. O victim of cruelty mourning is your natural right. But do not be sucked into this whirlpool of mourning lest the real purpose of Karbala be lost. It is the duty of humans that truth triumph over falsehood. Steadfastness in the face of the blood of Karbala is an obligation.

qarz ye utre1 to faKhr e aadmi2 aage baRhe
chaakri3 peechhe haTe to sarvari4 aage baRhe
zulmateN5 gum hoN6 to sael e raushni7 aage baRhe
maut ko TokeN8 to kaar e zindagi aage baRhe
taar khiNch jaayeN9 to paida saf10 shikan11 jhankar12 ho
qarz ka darya utar jaaye to beRa paar ho
1. paid up debt 2. human dignity 3. servitude, blind obedience 4. leadership 5. darkness 6. get overcome 7. flood of light 8. to overcome the fear of death 9. strings become taut, people get ready 10. line (rank of battle formation) 11. to break 12. twang (of war)
If we repay this debt, human dignity will be enhanced. If we overcome blind servitude, leadership will be enhanced. If darkness is overcome, a flood of light will emerge. If the fear of death is overcome, life will progress. As we string our bows, a great twang of struggle will be heard. As this ocean of debt dries up, we will find the way across.

aadmi ka har qadam hai darmiyan1 e gir o daar2
zindagi ka har nafas3 hai ek musalsil4 karzaar5
kya tujhe hasil6 hai aye mard e haziN7 o sogwar8
Khun e barq9 o taba’ e toofan10 o mizaj e zulfiqar11
baandh kar sar se kafan12 ghar se nikal sakta hai tu
haN upi talwar13 ki burrish14 pe chal sakta hai tu
1. in the middle of 2. conflict 3. every breath/moment 4. continuous 5. struggle 6. available 7. sorrowful 8. mourning 9. blood (metaphor for character) of lightning 10. nature of storm 11. style of zulfiqaar (sword of Ali, metaphor for overcoming evil) 12. burial shroud (refers to come ready to die) 13. bright (sharp) sword drawn 14. sharp edge
Every step of man takes him in the thick of conflict. Every moment of life is but a continuous struggle. O, see what you have in your hand, O mourning and sorrowful man – the character of lightning, the nature of storm and the style of the Zulfiqar. You can come out ready to lay down your life. Yes you can walk on the sharp edge of the sword of evil.

aye baradar aql1 e haq parvar2 meN aur itna Khalal3
ho chuka hai ek muddat4 se tera kardar5 shal6
alamaaN7 azdaad8 ka ye ijtema’a9 e be mahal10
dava’11 e hubb e husain12 aur bai’at13 e dev e ajal14
kya Ghazab15 hai din ki chhaati par andheri raat hai
momin16 aur Khauf e ajal17, muNh peeTne18 ki baat hai
1. mind 2. nurturing righteousness 3. disturbance 4. long time 5. character 6. frozen 7. O shelter (from evil) 8. opposites 9. gathering 10. out of place 11. claim 12. of Husain 13. allegiance 14. god of death 15. what misfortune 16. believer (in Husain) 17. fear of death 18. to be sorrowful
O brother, why this disturbance in your righteous mind. Has your nature been frozen for a long time. God help me, why these conflicting thoughts. A claim of love of Husain on the one hand and fear of death on the other! What misfortune, it looks like darkness is about to overcome light. How sorrowful, a believer in Husain and afraid of death!

saaNs lene ko nahiN kahte haiN daana1 zindagi
har nafas2 ek tarah nau3 ki hai tamanna4 zindagi
har qadam tasKhir5 e qudrat6 ka hai sauda7 zindagi
Khun meN hai irteqa8 ka shor o GhoGha9 zindagi
sard10 hai jis ka lahu11 vo aadmi bejaan12 hai
be diloN par zindagi dar asl13 ek bohtaan14 hai
1. wise 2. every breath/moment 3. new way 4. desire, search 5. overcome 6. nature (here obstacles) 7. bargain, agreement 8. evolution, development 9. enthusiasm 10. cold 11. blood 12. lifeless 13. in reality 14. accusation, slander
The wise know that life is not mere breathing. Life is the search for a new way with every breath. Life is a commitment to overcome obstacles. Life is the flow of blood, the enthusiasm for change. The man whose blood does not warm to this, is lifeless. For such, the label of life is a slander.

ahl e naKhvat1 haiN savaar2 e ablaq3 e lail o nihar4
aur tu fuqdaan5 e jura’at6 se mujassim7 inkesaar8
teri aanKhon meN nahiN raqsaaN9 baGhawat10 ke sharaar11
sar hai tera aur paa e sahebaan e iqtedaar12
quvvat e baatil13 pe jo insaan chha sakta nahiN
hashr14 meN vo mustafa15 ko muNh dikha sakta nahiN
1. conceited people 2. riding 3. mottled horse 4. night and day (metaphor for in control of events) 5. lack 6. courage 7. embodiment, 8. humility, timidity 9. dancing 10. revolution 11. sparks 12. power 13. wrong, evil 14. judgement day 15. Mohammed
The powerful and the vain are in control of the day and night. And you, with the lack of courage are an embodiment of timidity. There is no sparkle of revolt in your eyes. You head is at the feet of the powerful. He who cannot prevail over injustice cannot show his face to Mohammed on judgement day.

dil jaraahat1 se agar bhaage to raahat2 kufr3 hai
Gham4 se uktaae5tabi’at6 to masarrat7 kufr hai
taKht8 par qabiz9 ho jaabir10 to ita’at11 kufr hai
jo shahadat12 se Dare uski ibaadat13 kufr hai
daaman14 e sad paara15 e Ghairat16 ko si sakta nahiN
maut se jo muNh chhupata hai vo ji sakta nahiN
1. conflict, struggle 2. rest 3. sinful 4. sorrow, pain 5. get disinterested, tired 6. temperament 7. happiness 8. seat (of power) 9. occupy 10. oppressor 11. obedience, following 12. martyrdom 13. namaz, prayers 14. apron 15. hundred pieces 16. dignity
If the heart runs away from conflict, then any complacency is sinful. If the temperament gets tired of pain, then all pleasure is sinful. If an oppressor weilds power, then obedience is sinful. If you are afraid of martyrdom, then your prayers are useless. You cannot repair dignity that is torn into a hundred shreds. If you hide from death, you cannot live fully.

dil meN teri yaad hai shaam o sahar1 ke darmiyaN2
zamzamoN3 ke haiN safine4 hichkiyoN5 ke darmiyaN
lab pe naGhmoN ki damak6 hai, aankh se aansuN ravaN
fasl e gul7 ki dhoop8 hai paDti haiN jaise boondiyaN9
tujh pe be roye10 nahiN uThte kisi mehfil11 se hum
kya kareN majbur12 ho jaate haiN apne dil se hum

1. all night long or all day long 2. in between 3. a river/canal in paradise of flowing water, gurgling sound, song 4. sail boat 5. hiccups as in too much crying 6. shine, grandeur 7. season of flowers i.e. spring, joy 8. comforting sunlight of spring 9. drops, tears 10. without lamenting 11. gathering 12. helpless
We carry your memory in our hearts all day long.  We sing songs of joy in between sobs of lament.  Lips sing glorious songs of joyous praise even as tears flow from our eyes.  These drops are like the comforting sunlight of spring.  We never leave a gathering without lamenting for you.  What can we do, the intensity of our love makes us helpless.  Josh is justifying lament on the one hand, but channeling it into meaningul action, such as resistance to authority.

hum se ye kahti hai teri kamraani1 aye husain
kamraani hai mahell e shaadmani2 aye husain
shaadmani hai mataa3’ e zindagani aye husain
aaNsuoN ki phir bhi hoti hai ravaani4 aye husain
zamzamoN5 ko chashm e giriyaN6 meN Dubo deta hai dil
jab haNsi hontoN pe aati hai to ro deta hai dil

1. victory 2. occasion for joy/celebration 3. wealth 4. flow 5. songs 6. tearful eye
Your victory tells us this, O Husain, that victory should be an occasion for celebration, and such celebration is the bounty of life, but still tears flow unabated, our songs of celebration get drowned in tears.  When a smile breaks out on our lips, our heart begins to cry.

daar o geer1 e Karbala par aye shaheed e mohtaram2
aql naazaN3 hai magar jazbat4 ki aankheN haiN nam5
chooNke6 tere jazba e nusrat7 meN hai aahang e Gham8
isliye aaNsu chaRhate haiN teri baaleeN9 pe hum
dil ka ye farman10 hai laGhzish11 na aaye paaoN meN
jashn12 e fateh13 karbala ho aaNsuoN ki chhaauN meN

1. struggle, conflict 2. revered martyr (Husain) 3. proud 4. emotions 5. moist 6. because 7. feeling of victory 8. melody of sorrow 9. towards the head 10. command 11. stumbling 12. celebration 13. victory
About the struggle of Karbala, O revered martyr, the mind is proud but emotions cause mourning.  Because the spirit of victory comes with a melody of sorrow that is why we offer a tribute of tears to you.  Our heart commands that we not stumble in our devotion.  That we celebrate the victory of Karbala with tears
laikin aaNsu vo jo barsaaeN sharar e zindagi1
jis se Tapke gauhar2 e izz o viqar3 e zindagi
jis ke qabze4 meN ho teGh e aabdar5 e zindagi
jinki rangini meN karvaT le bahaar e zindagi
jo gireN shaadabi6 e ahl e jahaN7 ke vaaste
ghan8 jo ban jaaeN Ghurur9 e Khusravi10 ke vaaste

1. sparks of life 2. pearl 3. respect and grandeur 4. control, grip 5. shining sword, 6. well being 7. people of the world 8. dark clouds (tears are like rain gathering as a storm) 9. conceit, pride 10. tyranny – Khusro, a legendary tyrant, Persian king his name (also Kaiser, Yazid) is often used as metaphor for tyranny.
But, tears that shed sparks of life.  From which drop pearls of respect and grandeur.  Which have control over the direction of life.  Tears that are colourful like the spring of life.  Tears that are shed for the sake of well being of humanity.  Tears that become a dark storm raging against conceited tyrants.
haaN vo aansu jin meN GhaltaN1 ho Kharosh e Khauf e haq2
jinke girne ki sada3 meN ho shahadat ka sabaq4
jin ke aage rang ho4 naaz5 e jahaN bani6 ka faq
jinki aab o taab7 meN tareeKh8 ke jhalkeN9 varaq10
jin meN jauhar11 par fashaN12 ho teesha e farhad13 ke
Gharq14 kar deN jo safeene15 bahr e istebtad16 ke

1. prostrated, losing their identity in i.e. dissolved 2. enthusiasm for the fear of righteousness 3. sound 4. lesson of martyrdom 4. face turning white with fear 5. conceit, pride 6. the art (or desire) of acquiring wealth and power at the expense of righteousness 7. shine and splendour 8. history 9. reflect 10. pages 11. ability, sharpness 12. shining, showing, exhibited 13. pickaxe of legendary lover Farhad (metaphor for accomplishing the impossible) 14. drown 15. boats 16. the ocean of tyranny
Yes, tears in which is dissolved the love of righteousness, tears.  The first misra has a little bit of convoluted but extremely beautiful construction – “tears in which is dissolved the enthusiasm for the fear of (losing) righteousness”.  I have translated these double negatives in simplified form as “love of righteousness”.  Tears, that convey the lesson of martyrdom, tears before which the powerful go pale in fear, tears that shine like pages of history.  Tears which shine with the strength of the pickaxe of Farhad.  Tears that can drown the boats sailing in the ocean of tyranny.  The metaphorical meaning of “teesha e Farhad” is “steadfastness of purpose”.  Farhad fell in love with Shirin who was married to a wealthy man and became a nuisance to the husband with his constant attentions to Shirin.  The husband set him an impossible task.  There was a river of sweet water flowing in the hills far away.  The husband said that if Farhad could divert the river to flow into town, he would divorce Shirin and Farhad could marry her.  Nobody thought he could do it.  He set about with a pickaxe and kept at it – steadfast.  He was about to succeed.  The husband now afraid that Farhad would do the impossible, spread a rumour that Shirin had died.  Upon hearing this Farhad killed himself with his own pickaxe.  When Shirin heard of his death, she committed suicide.  But “the pickaxe of Farhad” is a metaphor for steadfast determination.
sogwaari1 ka maza jab hai rafeeqan e kibar2
ruKh3 pe taab e azm4 ho aankhoN meN aab e zulfiqar5
hum anaaN6 hoN tabl o jang7 o naala e be-eKhtiar8
dil meN hirmaan9 e KhizaaN10 ho sar meN sauda e bahar11
baat jab hai Gham ubhaare12 jazba e paikar13 par
ek dil par haath ho ek haath ho talwar14 par

1. mourning 2. great friends 3. face, countenance 4. shining determination
5. aab is water, also means brilliance, aab e Zulfiqaar (sword of Ali) used as a metaphor for determination that overcomes all obstacles 6. same bridle or reins 7. drum (declaration) and struggle (war) 8. uncontrollable lament
9. sorrow 10. autumn, used here for injustice 11. trade, also means mad passion, (passion for justice) 12. to pull towards 13. the desire for struggle
14. sword (metaphor for resistance)
The pleasure of mourning lies in this, O great friends, countenance shining with determination, eyes with the brilliance of zulfiqaar, declaration of resistance while lamenting uncontrollably, the heart mournful, the mind passionate for justice.  Real effect can come only when mourning pulls towards struggle.  One hand on the heart, the other on the sword.  In today’s context, this stanza might be considered bordering on incitement, but there is a lot of metaphorical loading here to mean struggle against injustice, not a mindless destruction.
jab hukoomat qasr ha1 e maazelat2 Dhaane3 lage
jab Ghuroor e iqtedar4, iqdar5 par aane lage
Khusravi6 aaeen7 par jab aag barsaane lage
jab huqooq e nau e insaani8 par aanch aane lage
run meN dar aa9, baazu10 e Khaibar shikan11 se kaam le
in mavaqa’e12 par husaini baankpan13 se kaam le

1. qasr or houses 2. withdrawal, sanctuary 3. to destroy 4. pride of power
5. excess 6. characteristic of Khusro (a legendary tyrant), tryanny 7. culture, tradition 8. human rights 9. enter, force yourselves upon  10. arm 11. destroyer of fort Khaiber, Ali (conquered it in early Islamic history) 12. occasions
13. rebelliousness, resistance

When government destroys even houses of sanctuary.  When the pride of power, exceeds acceptable limits.  When tryranny sets fire to all established traditions.  When basic human rights are totally disregarded then enter the field of battle, recall the brave arm of Ali.  These are the occasions for resistance to power, like Husain.  Josh wrote and recited this in 1965 when Ayub Khan had been in power for a long time and was getting unpopular.  The government was generally perceived to be tyrannical.
kis taraf jaana hai tujh ko soch aye mard e Khuda1
ek taraf zahr e fana2 hai, ek taraf nahr e baqa3
ya pahen le taaj e kiradar4 e shaheed e karbala5
ya moheet6 e kishwar e baatil7 meN jaa kar Doob ja
ya a’naan8 e zahn e aalam9 janib e haq10 moR de
ya husain ibn e ali ka naam lena chhoR de

1. righteous good man 2.  poison of destruction 3. river of preservation 4. character 5. martyr of Karbala or Husain 6. ocean 7.  domain of falsehood 8. reins, direction 9. mind of the world, public opinion 10. towards righteousness
O my good man, think of your goals.  On one side the poison of destruction on the other side the stream of life.  You can either don the crown of the the character of the martyrs of Karbala or you can drown yourself in the ocean of falsehood.  You can turn your reins towards righteousness or you can stop taking the name of Husain.
ye mata’a1 e chashm e nam2 ye daulat e qalb e do neem3
hech4 hai insaan agar DhoonDe na raah e mustaqeem5
maan hi sakti nahiN is baat ko aql e saleem6
sirf matam hai ma’al7 e maqsad8 e zibha e azeem9
Khoon e baatil10 hai tab o taab11 e husaam12 e karbala
aaNsuoN se hai bahut ooncha maqaam e karbala

1. wealth, possessions 2. moist eye 3. heart torn apart, rent asunder
4. useless 5. steadfast path 6. balanced mind 7. result 8. purpose 9. great sacrifice 10. destruction of untruth 11. declaration/message and grandeur
12. sword
The wealth of these moist eyes, the riches of a mourning heart are all useless, unless man looks for the steadfast path.  The balanced mind cannot accept that only mourning is intended to be the result of the great sacrifice.  Overcoming injustice is the message and grandeur of Karbala.  The status of Karbala is much higher than mere tears.
karbala ka sayyad e lashkar1, jalaal2 e mustafa3
karbala ka akbar4 e mah ru5 jamaal e mustafa
karbala ki god6 ka asGhar7 hilaal8 e mustafa
karbala ka rang e bustaN9 Khun e aal e mustafa10
himmat e nau e bashar11 ki inteha12 hai karbala
tu samajhta hai faqat13 maatam sara14 hai karbala

1. army leader (Husain) 2. majesty, grandeur 3. another name of Mohammed 4. young son of Husain, killed in Karbala 5. moon faced (handsome) 6. lap
7. infant son of Husain killed in Karbala 8. new moon 9. garden 10. progeny of Mohammed 11. human species, humanity 12. extreme, apex 13. only
14. place of mourning
Husain, the leader of the army of Karbala, the majesty of Mohammed.  The handsome Akbar who looked like Mohammed.  Asghar, in the lap of Karbala, the emerging moon of Mohammed.  The garden of Karbala couloured with the blood of Mohammed’s family.   Karbala is the epitome of human courage.  And you think that it is just a place of mourning!  Some background notes … Akbar e mah ru=the handsome Akbar (brave son of Husain and said to have looked like Mohammed),  asGhar hilal e mustafa=literally, Asghar (an infant), the new moon of Mohammed, was  … brought into the battle field to appeal for water for him, but was killed instead.
aasman e zindagi par kahkashaN1 hai karbala
farq2 e istebtad3 par gurz4 e giraN5 hai karbala
hifz e namoos e bashar6 ki paasbaN7 hai karbala
Khoon ke dhaare pe banti daastaN8 hai karbala
karbala ki Khaak meN ashkoN ki tuGhiyani9 bhi hai
karbala ki aag meN talwar ka paani10 bhi hai

1. constellation 2. head 3. despotism 4. mace 5. heavy 6.  security of human dignity 7. caretaker 8. story 9. flood 10. sharp edge of the sword
Karbala is the constellation in the sky of the creation.  Karbala is a heavy blow of the club on the head of despotism, the guarantor of human dignity, a story written in blood.   The sands of Karbala are awash in a flood of tears.  Its fiery sun has the sharp edge of a sword.
girya1 fitri amar2 hai, ji bhar ke ro aur baar baar
maatam3 e shabbir4 meN rota huN maiN bhi zaar zaar5
maiN to kya, is Gham se junmbish6 meN hai qalb e rozgaar7
Ghaur farma8 laikin is nukte9 pe bhi aye sogwaar10
Gham nahiN hai turra11 e tarf e kulah12 e karbala
soorma13 ki maut hai meeras14 e shah e karbala

1. mourning 2. natural/instinctive action 3. mourning 4. Husain 5. profusely 6. movement, throbbing 7. the hear of every day happening i.e. the world 8. think about 9. point 10. mourner 11. plume 12.  crown/top of the cap 13. brave 14. inheritance, lesson
Mourning is natural, cry and cry to your heart’s content.  I too cry profusely in memory of Husain.  Not just me, the heart of the world throbs in mourning him.  But do think of this point, O mourner, mourning is not the plume crowning the story of Karbala.  The sacrifice of the brave is the true lesson of Karbala.
kaun is meeras1 ki jaanib2 uThaata hai qadam
kis ko sauNpa3 jaaye abbas e dilawar4 ka alam5
kaun khaata hai shu’ar6 e nusrat7 e haq ki qasam
kaun ye kahta hua saf8 se ubharta9 hai ke ham
safha e tareeKh10 par harf e jali11 banta hai kaun
vaaris12 e jins13 e husain ibn e ali banta hai kaun

1. inheritance 2. towards 3. give, grant 4. Abbas the brave 5. flag/banner
6. observance, practise 7. help 8. line 9. come up, step forward 10. page of history 11. word (name) in bold letters 12. inheritor 13. goods i.e. wealth
Who is willing to step towards this inheritance.  Who should be the entrusted with the banner of Abbas.  Who will proclaim their willingness to help the cause of righeousness.  Who will speak up and step forward from the line.  Whose name will be written in bold letters on the page of history.  Who is willing to take charge of the inheritance of Husain. that he is writing this at the height of resistance to Ayub Khan’s rule.
nasl e adam1 se ye abtak kah rahi hai karbala
ae sitam kash2 tera fitri3 haq4 hai faryad o buka5
laikin is girdab6 e shaiwan7 meN na itna Doob ja
faut8 ho jaye shaheed e karbala9 ka muddua10
haq11 ka batil12 par taffavuq13  aadmi ka farz14 hai
Khoon e sabr15 e karbala nau e bashar16 par qarz17 hai

1. progeny of Adam 2. those who suffered cruelty 3. natural 4. right 5. mourning 6. whirlpool 7. mourning 8. dead 9. martyr of Karbala (Husain) 10. goal 11. justice 12. injustice 13. superiority, triumph 14. duty 15. steadfastness 16. human kind 17. loan, obligation
Karbala still speaks to this day to the progeny of Adam.   O victim of cruelty mourning is your natural right.   But do not be sucked into this whirlpool of mourning lest the real purpose of Karbala be lost.  It is the duty of humans that truth triumph over falsehood.  Steadfastness in the face of the blood of Karbala is an obligation.
qarz ye utre1 to faKhr e aadmi2 aage baRhe
chaakri3 peechhe haTe to sarvari4 aage baRhe
zulmateN5 gum hoN6 to sael e raushni7 aage baRhe
maut ko TokeN8 to kaar e zindagi aage baRhe
taar khiNch jaayeN9 to paida saf10 shikan11 jhankar12 ho
qarz ka darya utar jaaye to beRa paar ho

1. paid up debt 2. human dignity 3. servitude, blind obedience 4. leadership 5. darkness 6. get overcome 7. flood of light 8.  to overcome the fear of death 9. strings become taut, people get ready 10. line (rank of battle formation) 11. to break 12. twang (of war)
If we repay this debt, human dignity will be enhanced.  If we overcome blind servitude, leadership will be enhanced.  If darkness is overcome, a flood of light will emerge.  If the fear of death is overcome, life will progress.  As we string our bows, a great twang of struggle will be heard.  As this ocean of debt dries up, we will find the way across.
aadmi ka har qadam hai darmiyan1 e gir o daar2
zindagi ka har nafas3 hai ek musalsil4 karzaar5
kya tujhe hasil6 hai aye mard e haziN7 o sogwar8
Khun e barq9 o taba’ e toofan10 o mizaj e zulfiqar11
baandh kar sar se kafan12 ghar se nikal sakta hai tu
haN upi talwar13 ki burrish14 pe chal sakta hai tu

1. in the middle of 2. conflict 3. every breath/moment 4. continuous 5. struggle 6. available 7. sorrowful 8. mourning 9. blood (metaphor for character) of lightning 10. nature of storm 11. style of zulfiqaar (sword of Ali, metaphor for overcoming evil) 12. burial shroud (refers to come ready to die) 13. bright (sharp) sword drawn 14. sharp edge
Every step of man takes him in the thick of conflict.  Every moment of life is but a continuous struggle.  O, see what you have in your hand, O mourning and sorrowful man – the character of lightning, the nature of storm and the style of the Zulfiqar.  You can come out ready to lay down your life.  Yes you can walk on the sharp edge of the sword of evil. 
aye baradar aql1 e haq parvar2 meN aur itna Khalal3
ho chuka hai ek muddat4 se tera kardar5 shal6
alamaaN7 azdaad8 ka ye ijtema’a9 e be mahal10
dava’11 e hubb e husain12 aur bai’at13 e dev e ajal14
kya Ghazab15 hai din ki chhaati par andheri raat hai
momin16 aur Khauf e ajal17, muNh peeTne18 ki baat hai

1. mind 2. nurturing righteousness 3. disturbance 4. long time 5. character
6. frozen 7. O shelter (from evil) 8. opposites 9. gathering 10. out of place
11. claim 12.  of Husain 13. allegiance 14. god of death 15. what misfortune 16. believer (in Husain) 17. fear of death 18. to be sorrowful
O brother, why this disturbance in your righteous mind.  Has your nature been frozen for a long time.  God help me, why these conflicting thoughts.  A claim of love of Husain on the one hand and fear of death on the other!  What misfortune, it looks like darkness is about to overcome light.  How sorrowful, a believer in Husain and afraid of death!
saaNs lene ko nahiN kahte haiN daana1 zindagi
har nafas2 ek tarah nau3 ki hai tamanna4 zindagi
har qadam tasKhir5 e qudrat6 ka hai sauda7 zindagi
Khun meN hai irteqa8 ka shor o GhoGha9 zindagi
sard10 hai jis ka lahu11 vo aadmi bejaan12 hai
be diloN par zindagi dar asl13 ek bohtaan14 hai

1. wise 2. every breath/moment 3. new way 4. desire, search 5. overcome 6. nature (here obstacles) 7. bargain, agreement 8. evolution, development 9. enthusiasm 10. cold 11. blood 12. lifeless 13. in reality 14. accusation, slander
The wise know that life is not mere breathing.  Life is the search for a new way with every breath.  Life is a commitment to overcome obstacles.  Life is the flow of blood, the enthusiasm for change.  The man whose blood does not warm to this, is lifeless.  For such, the label of life is a slander. 
ahl e naKhvat1 haiN savaar2 e ablaq3 e lail o nihar4
aur tu fuqdaan5 e jura’at6 se mujassim7 inkesaar8
teri aanKhon meN nahiN raqsaaN9 baGhawat10 ke sharaar11
sar hai tera aur paa e sahebaan e iqtedaar12
quvvat e baatil13 pe jo insaan chha sakta nahiN
hashr14 meN vo mustafa15 ko muNh dikha sakta nahiN

1. conceited people 2. riding 3. mottled horse 4. night and day (metaphor for in control of events) 5. lack 6. courage 7. embodiment, 8.  humility, timidity 9. dancing 10. revolution 11. sparks 12. power 13. wrong, evil 14. judgement day 15. Mohammed
The powerful and the vain are in control of the day and night.  And you, with the lack of courage are an embodiment of timidity.  There is no sparkle of revolt in your eyes.  You head is at the feet of the powerful.  He who cannot prevail over injustice cannot show his face to Mohammed on judgement day.
dil jaraahat1 se agar bhaage to raahat2 kufr3 hai
Gham4 se uktaae5tabi’at6 to masarrat7 kufr hai
taKht8 par qabiz9 ho jaabir10 to ita’at11 kufr hai
jo shahadat12 se Dare uski ibaadat13 kufr hai
daaman14 e sad paara15 e Ghairat16 ko si sakta nahiN
maut se jo muNh chhupata hai vo ji sakta nahiN

1. conflict, struggle 2. rest 3. sinful 4. sorrow, pain 5. get disinterested, tired 6. temperament 7. happiness 8. seat (of power) 9. occupy 10. oppressor 11. obedience, following 12. martyrdom 13. namaz, prayers 14. apron 15. hundred pieces 16. dignity
If the heart runs away from conflict, then any complacency is sinful.  If the temperament gets tired of pain, then all pleasure is sinful.  If an oppressor weilds power, then obedience is sinful.  If you are afraid of martyrdom, then your prayers are useless.  You cannot repair dignity that is torn into a hundred shreds.  If you hide from death, you cannot live fully.


    1. I am not sure I understand what you mean. In any case I am not schooled enough to know how to change or even recognize urdu vs arabi script in numbering. But I did go to the page and to see what I could see. I found many other serious problems. I had posted the wrong set of stanzas in the devanagiri script. I corrected things the best I could. I think it also changed the feature you wrote about. Check it out and let me know. Thanks for your interest.

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