azmat-e insaan – josh malihabadi – 01-11 – qalam

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عظمتِ انسان ۔ بند ۱۔۱۱ ۔ جوشؔ ملیح آبادی

بند ١

اے قلم، چوبِ خضر، حبلِ متینِ اِرشاد

شانۂ گیسوئے خمدارِ عروسِ ایجاد

قلزمِ وقت میں تو زمزمۂ بادِ مراد

تیری تاریخ میں بیتی ہوئی صدیاں آباد

کرُۂ خاک صد انوار و صد آسار کے ساتھ

رقص میں ہے تری پازیب کی جھنکار کے ساتھ

بند ٢

دونوں عالم کو اُٹھاے ہوئے شانے تیرے

بربتِ گیتی و گردوں میں ترانے تیرے

جس قدر بھی ہیں زمانے وہ زمانے  تیرے

تند رو وقت کے دھاروں میں فسانے تیرے

دورِ پارینہ کہ ہے موت کے ایوانوں میں

سانس لیتا ہے تیرے زندہ کتب خانوں میں

بند ٣

تو بصد ناز جدھر سے بھی گزر جاتا ہے

جادۂ زیست کاہر ذرّہ سنور جاتا ہے

تو مہ و سال  کی یورش سے نکھر جاتا ہے

ضربتِ وقت سےکچھ اور اُبھر جاتا ہے

توڑ دیتی ہے چٹانوں کو روانی تیری

رس پہ آتی ہے بڑھاپے میں جوانی تیری

بند ٤

نوک تیری جگرِ کوہ کو برماتی ہے

نازنینوں کے کلیجے میں اُتر جاتی ہے

تیری گھنگھور گھٹا دِل پہ جو چھا جاتی ہے

دونوں عالم کے برسنے کی صدا آتی ہے

تیری بوچھار میں ڈھلتے ہیں ترانے کیا کیا

مست رم جھم میں کھنکتے ہیں فسانے کیا کیا

بند ٥

تیرے سجدے میں ثریا کی بلندی غلطاں

تیرے لفظوں میں دوصد شمس و قمر زمزمہ خواں

تیری گفتار سے برنائیِ ذہنِ اِنساں

تیری رفتار سے رقساں ہے نگارِ دوراں

تیری چوکھٹ پہ جبینیں ہیں جہاں داروں کی

سانس رُکتی ہے ترے نام سے تلواروں کی

بند     ٦

تیرا پرچم علم و چھتر و عصا پر بھاری

ایک اک حرف ترا ارض و سما پر بھاری

ترا اک عشوہ دو عالم کی ادا پر بھاری

روشنائ تری خونِ شہدا پر بھاری

جس میں عنُصر ہے ابد کا وہ ہنر ہے تجھ میں

دولتِ عمرِ مسیحا و خِضر ہے تجھ میں

بند ٧

تو خزف کو قمر و لال و گہر دیتا ہے

شبِ لب تِشنہ کو گُل بانگِ سحر دیتا ہے

موجِ تخیل کو لفظوں میں کتر دیتا ہے

روح کاغذ کے مسامات میں بھر دیتا ہے

خاموشی کو ہمہ تن ساز بنا دیتا ہے

تو خیالات کو آواز بناد یتا ہے

بند ٨

تیری ٹھوکر پہ سرِ قیصر و تاجِ فغفور

تیری مطربِ حرکت لرزشِ مژگانِ شعور

تیرے آغوش میں آبِ خضر و آتش طور

تیرے سینے میں شبِ قدر و نم صبح ظہور

معتبر ہے جو گواہی سو گواہی تیری

صبح صادق کا سپیدا ہے سیاہی تیری

بند ٩

تو ایک سطر میں سو شہر بسا دیتا ہے

طاقِ الفاظ میں قِندیل جلا دیتا ہے

گنگناتا ہے تو کاغذ کو بجا دیتا ہے

فکر سی چیز کو آنکھوں سے دکھا دیتا ہے

جب تجھے معرضِ رفتار میں لے آتے ہیں

کتنے بُت ہیں کے ترشتے ہی چلے جاتے ہیں

بند ١٠

اے قلم مسلہ میزان و معارفِ مِقیاس

عِلم بنیاد و ہنر محوِر و اِدراک اَساس

فِکر پیما و نظر ناقد و فرہنگ شناس

مشعلِ قصرِ ادب، مشرقِ صبح قرطاس

نام تیرا سببِ جمبشِ لب ہائے رسول

اے قلم موت کے لمحے کی تمنّائے رسول

بند ١١

اے قلم نور فشاں ہو کہ دمک جاے زمیں

ظلمتِ وہم میں ضو بار ہو خورشیدِ یقیں

حیف اس دورِ جواں پہ کہ بہ ایں عقلِ مبیں

آدمی کی عظمت کا اُسے اَندازہ نہیں

حسنِ ارضی پہ سماوات کو شیدا کر دے

آدمی کیا ہے یہ دنیا پہ ہویدا کر دے

अज़्मत-ए इन्सां – क़लम – १-११ – जोश मलीहाबादी

बन्द १

अए क़लम, चोब-ए ख़िज़्र, हब्ल-ए मतीन-ए इर्शाद
शाना-ए गेसू-ए ख़म्दार-ए उरूस-ए ईजाद
क़ुल्ज़ुम-ए वक़्त में तू ज़मज़मा-ए बाद-ए मुराद
तेरी तारिख़ में बीती हुई सदियाँ आबाद
कुर्रह-ए ख़ाक स-अन्वार ओ सद-आसार के साथ

रक़्स में है तेरी पाज़ेब की झंकार के साथ

बन्द २

दोनों आलम को उठाए हुए शाने तेरे
बर्बत-ऐ गति-ओ-गर्दूं में तराने तेरे
जिस क़दर भी हैं ज़माने वो ज़माने तेरे
तुंद-रौ वक़्त के धारे में फ़साने तेरे
दौर-ए पारीना के है मौत के ऐवानों में
सांस लेता है तेरे ज़िन्दा कुतुब ख़ानों में

बन्द ३

तू बसद नाज़ जिधर से भी गुज़र जाता है
जादा-ए ज़ीस्त का हर ज़र्रा संवर जाता है
तू मह-ओ-साल की यूरिश से निखर जाता है
ज़र्बत-ए वक़्त से कुछ और उभर जाता है
तोढ देती है चट्टानों को रवानी तेरी

रस पर आती है बुढ़ापे में जवानी तेरी

बन्द ४

नोक तेरी जिगर-ए कोह को बरमाती है
नाज़्नीनों के कलेजे में उतर जाती है
तेरी घनघोर घटा दिल पे जो छा जाती है

दोनों आलम के बरसने की सदा आती है

तेरी बोछार में ढलते है तराने क्या क्या
मस्त रिम-झिम में खनकते हैं फ़साने क्या क्या

बन्द ५

तेरे सिज्दे में सुरय्या की बलंदी ग़ल्तां
तेरे लफ़्ज़ों में दो-सद शम्स-ओ-क़मर ज़म्ज़मा ख़्वां
तेरी गुफ़्तार से बर्नाई-ए ज़हन-ए इन्सां
तेरी रफ़्तार से रक़्सां है निगार-ए दौरां
तेरी चौखट पे जबीनें हैं जहान्दारों की
सांस रुकती है तेरे नाम से तल्वारों की

बन्द ६

तेरा पर्चम अलम ओ छत्र ओ असा पर भारी
एक एक हर्फ़ तेरा अर्ज़ ओ समां पर भारी
तेरा एक इशवा दो-आलम की अदा पर भारी
रौशनाई तेरी ख़ून-ए शुहदा पर भारी

जिस में उन्सुर है अबद का वो हुनर है तुझ में

दौलत-ए उम्र-ए मसीहा ओ ख़िज़र है तुझ में

बन्द ७

तू ख़ज़फ़ को क़मर ओ लाल ओ गुहर देता है
शब-ए लब-तिश्ना को गुल बांग-ए सहर देता है
मौज-ए तख़’ईल को लफ़्ज़ों में कतर देता है
रूह काग़ज़ के मसामात में भर देता है
ख़ामुशी को हम’अ-तन साज़ बना देता है
तू ख़यालात को आवाज़ बना देता है

बन्द ८

तेरी ठोकर पे सर-ए क़ैसर ओ ताज-ए फ़ग़्फ़ूर
तेरी मुत्रिब-ए हरकत लर्ज़िश-ए मिज़्शगान-ए श’ऊर
तेरे आग़ोश में आब-ए ख़िज़र ओ आतिश-ए तूर
तेरे सीने में शब-ए क़द्र ओ नम-ए सुबह ज़हूर
मो’तबर है जो गवाही सो गवाही तेरी

सुबह सादिक़ का सपीदा है सियाही तेरी

बन्द ९

तू एक सत्र में सौ शहर बसा देता है
ताक़-ए अल्फ़ाज़ में क़िंदील जला देता है
गुनगुनाता है तो काग़ज़ को बजा देता है
फ़िक्र सी चीज़ को आँखों से दिखा देता है
जब तुझे मारिज़-ए रफ़्तार में ले आते हैं

कितने बुत हैं के तरश्ते ही चले जाते हैं

बन्द १०

अए क़लम मसला-ए मीज़ान ओ मारिफ़-ए मिक़्यास
इल्म बुनियाद ओ हुनर महवर ओ इद्राक असास
फ़िक्र पैमा ओ नज़र नाक़िद ओ फ़रहंग शिनास
मश’अल-ए क़स्र-ए अदब, मश्रिक़-ए सुबह-ए क़िर्तास
नाम तेरा सबब-ए जुम्बिश-ए लब-हा-ए रसूल

अए क़लम मौत के लम्हे की तमन्ना-ए रसूल

बन्द ११

अए क़लम नूर फ़शां हो के दमक जाए ज़मीं
ज़ुल्मत-ए वहम में ज़ौ-बार हो ख़ुर्शीद-ए यक़ीं
हैफ़ इस दौर-ए जवां पे के ब-ईं अक़्ल-ए मुबीं
आदमी की अज़मत का इसे अंदाज़ा नहीं
हुस्न-ए अर्ज़ी पे समावात को शैदा कर दे

आदमी क्या है ये दुनिया पे हुवैदा कर दे


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh is calling upon the Pen (written word, in particular, poetic composition) to reveal to the world the greatness of man. In “man”, josh includes the Sufi concept of “vahdat ul vujoood” or “oneness” of all creation and its creator. Before calling upon the pen to do this, he is praising the Pen (poetic composition) in lavish terms. The next 11 stanzas are pure pleasure in their power, musicality, metaphors and language.
aye qalam, chob1-e Khizr2, habl-e matin3-e irshaad4
shaana5-e gesu-e Khamdaar6-e uroos7-e eejaad8
qulzum-e vaqt9 meN tu zamzama10-e baad11-e muraad12
teri tariKh13 meN beeti14 hui sadyaaN15 aabaad16
kurrah-e Khaak17 sad-anwaar18 o sad-aasaar19 ke saath
raqs20 meN hai teri paazeb21 ki jhankaar ke saath   
1.walking staff 2.legendary old man who found the water of life, immortality and is “all knowing” 3.strong bind 4.speech 5.comb (in faarsi) 6.curled tresses 7.bride 8.invention/creativity 9.ocean of time 10.gurgling of a spring in paradise used as a metaphor for music 11.breeze 12.desire 13.history 14.past, bygone 15.centuries 16.flourish 17.heap of dust 18.hundred rays of light 19.hundred manifestations 21.anklets
Khizr, a legendary old man, wanders the earth and reads a lot, knows everything. He found the water of life and took a drink, making him immortal. He needs a staff to lean on i.e. even the all knowing and wise, lean on the pen/written word. Also, the staff (bamboo) and the pen (reed) are neatly juxtaposed. O, Pen, you are the staff of Khizr, the strong tie that binds speech/words in coherence. You are the comb that combs the curls of Creativity the Bride. “eejaad”, is used here to mean “creativity” and is personified as a bride. The curls of the tresses of Bride Creativity need to be combed. The pen is that comb! If Creativity is a bride, perhaps the poet is the groom. You are the music of the breeze of desire (to know) on the ocean of time. The scraping of the pen on paper is likened to music. On the ocean of time i.e. history, human desire is recorded by the pen. Past centuries live in the history you write. This mound of dirt (earth) with all its manifestations and brilliance dances to the tune set by your ankle bells.

donoN aalam1 ko uThaa’e hue shaane tere
barbat2-e geti3 o garduN4 meN taraane tere
jis qadar bhi haiN zamaane vo zamaane tere
tund-rau5 vaqt ke dhaare meN fasaane6 tere
daur-e paariina7 ke hai maut ke aivaanoN8 meN
saaNs leta hai tere zinda kutub-KhaanoN9 meN
1.both worlds (here and hereafter) 2.stringed musical instrument 3. world, earth 4. skies 5. fast moving 6.stories 7. past times 8.hallways 9.libraries
You carry the here and the hereafter on your shoulders. You write the music that plays on the lute of the earth and sky. Whatever times there have been, have been your times. Your stories flow in the fast-moving river of time. Past ages that are in the hallways of death come alive and breathe in your libraries.

tu ba-sad1 naaz2 jidhar se bhi guzar jaata hai
jada3-e zeest4 ka har zarra5 saNwar6 jaata hai
tu mah o saal7 ki yurish8 se nikhar9 jaata hai
zarbat-e vaqt10 se kuchh aur ubhar jaata hai
toR deti hai chaTTanoN ko ravaani11 teri
ras par aati12 hai buRhaape meN javaani teri
1.with hundred 2.flirtatious (inimitable) style 3.pathway 5.particle 6.adorned with beauty 7.month and year/ time 8.attack 9.freshen 10.blows of time 11.flow 12.reaches climax
Josh is writing about how classics stand the test of time and are enjoyed over many ages. Wherever you go, with the hundreds of your varied and rich styles every particle of the pathway of life shines bright. You become even more fresh with the onslaught of age. With each blow of time, you rise higher still. It is your flow that cuts through rocks. Your youthful vigour comes in full bloom with age. In short, the written word gets better with time and has eternal life.

nok teri jigar-e koh1 ko barmaati2 hai
nazneenoN3 ke kaleje meN utar jaati hai
teri ghanghor ghaTa dil pe jo chhaa jaati hai
donoN aalam ke barasne ki sada aati hai
teri bochhaar meN Dhalte haiN taraane kya kya
mast rim-jhim meN khanakte haiN fasaane4 kya kya   
1.mountain 2.drill through 3.damsel 4.fable
In Urdu poetry the classical concept of the beloved is that she is hard to win, that she is “hard hearted”. But beautiful poetry can win her over! Your point (O, Pen) can drill through the heart of rock. It can sink into the bosom of hard-hearted damsels. When your benevolent clouds roll over, we hear the blessed rain of both worlds. O, how many melodies are mingled in your drip. How many stories does your exhilarating flow tell.

tere sijde1 meN surayya2 ki balandi GhaltaaN3
tere lafzoN meN do-sad4 shams-o-qamar5 zamzama KhwaaN6
teri guftaar7 se barnaai8-e zahn-e insaaN9
teri raftaar10 se raqsaaN11 hai nigaar-e-dauraN12
teri chaukhaT pe jabeeneN13 haiN jahaNdaaroN14 ki
saaNs rukti hai tere naam se talwaaroN ki
1.bow in prayer 2.constellation-Plaedes 3.down low, immersed 4.two hundred 5.sun and moon 6.singers 7.speech 8.youth/freshness 9.human mind 10.speed 11.dancing of times 13.forehead 14.powerful
Stars bow low in obeisance to you. Your words are the songs of a thousand suns and moons. Your speech/word gives vigour to the mind of man. The dance of time is cast in the flow of your words. The powerful and the mighty bow at your door. Swords lose their breath at the mere mention of your name.

tera parcham1 alam o chhatr o asa2 par bhaari
ek ek harf3 tera arz o sama4 par bhaari
tera ek ishwa5 do aalam ki ada6 par bhaari
raushnaai7 teri Khoon-e shuhada8 par bhaari
jis meN unsur9 hai abad10 ka voh hunar11 hai tujh meN
daulat-e umr12-e maseeha13 o Khizar14 hai tujh meN   
1.banner 2.flag/chhatri/scepter (signs of royalty and power) 3.word and sky 5.flirtatious glance 6.flirtation, style ink 8.martyrs 9.building block, elements 10.eternity 11.talent 12.age 13.Jesus 14.Khizr (legendary old man)
Your banner flies higher than the royal flag, canopy or scepter. Each word of yours overwhelms the earth and the sky. Your slightest favour better than anything the worlds have to offer. Your ink more red than the blood of martyrs. Your talent has the ingredients of the ever-lasting. You possess the miracles of Jesus, the wisdom of Khizr

tera parcham1 alam o chhatr o asa2 par bhaari
ek ek harf3 tera arz o sama4 par bhaari
tera ek ishwa5 do aalam ki ada6 par bhaari
raushnaai7 teri Khoon-e shuhada8 par bhaari
jis meN unsur9 hai abad10 ka voh hunar11 hai tujh meN
daulat-e umr12-e maseeha13 o Khizar14 hai tujh meN   
1.banner 2.flag/chhatri/scepter (signs of royalty and power) 3.word and sky 5.flirtatious glance 6.flirtation, style ink 8.martyrs 9.building block, elements 10.eternity 11.talent 12.age 13.Jesus 14.Khizr (legendary old man)
Your banner flies higher than the royal flag, canopy or scepter. Each word of yours overwhelms the earth and the sky. Your slightest favour better than anything the worlds have to offer. Your ink more red than the blood of martyrs. Your talent has the ingredients of the ever-lasting. You possess the miracles of Jesus, the wisdom of Khizr

teri Thokar1 pe sar-e qaisar2 o taj-e faGhfoor3
teri mutrib4-e harkat5 larzish6-e mizhgaan7-e sha’oor8
tere aaGhosh9 meN aab-e Khizar10 o aatish-e toor11
tere seene meN shab-e qadr12 o nam13-e subah zahoor14
mau’tabar15 hai jo gavaahi16 so gavaahi teri
subah saadiq17 ka sapeda18 hai siyaahi19 teri   
1.toe 2.Caesar 3.Chinese emperor 5.movement 6.blinking 7.eye lids 8.knowledge 9.side, lap 10.water of immortality 11.burning bush on Mount Sinai – manifestatin of god 12.night of Quranic revelation 13.wetness (life) 14.dawn of creation 15.credible 16.evidence 17.true dawn (not a false dawn just before sunrise) 18.whiteness 19.blackness/ink
The crown of emperors, the head of Ceaser at your toe. The music of your flow is the fluttering of the eyelids of knowledge. You hold in your lap the water of life, the manifestation/revelation of god. You carry in your bosom the word of god, the creation of life. If there is any credible word, it is yours. The light/whiteness of the true dawn comes from your black ink.

tu ek satr1 meN sau shahr basa deta hai
taaq2-e alfaaz3 meN qindeel4 jala deta hai
gungunaata5 hai to kaaGhaz ko baja deta hai
fikr6 si cheez ko aaNkhoN se dikha deta hai
jab tujhe ma’ariz-e raftaar7 meN le aate haiN
kitne buth haiN ke tarashte8 hi chale jaate haiN
1.line 2.shelf 3.words 4.lamp 5.hum, sing 6.reason 7.field of action 8.get sculpted
In a single line you establish a hundred civilizations. Josh uses “shahr” for settlement as opposed to nomadic – hence developing civilization and culture. You light a lamp in the alcove of words. You make paper sing with your humming. You give concrete shape to fuzzy Reason. O, how many idols get sculpted when you appear in the field of action.

aye qalam masala1-e meezaan2 o ma’arif-e miqyaas3
ilm buniyaad4 o hunar mahvar5 o idraak-asaas6
fikr pa’yema7 o nazar-naaqid8 o farhaNg shinaas9
mash’al10-e qasr-e adab11, mashriq12-e subah-e qirtaas13
naam tera sabab14-e jumbish-e lab-ha15-e rasool
aye qalam maut ke lamhe ki tamanna17-e rasool18
1.riddle, secret 2.balance 3.knower of measurement i.e. discriminator of goodness of knowledge 5.axis of talent of wisdom
7.can evaluate reason 8.critic by sight 9.encyclopedic knowledge 10.lamp of literature 12.east 13.harbinger of dawn 14.basis 15.movement of lips, speech 17.desire 18.prophet (Mohammed)
O, Pen who solves the puzzle of taking a measure of things, the foundation of learning, the axis of talent, the basis of wisdom. You weigh/judge reason, you are an expert with encyclopedic knowledge. The torch of the house of literature, the harbinger of writing. Your name was on the lips of Mohammed and he asked for you on his death bed. It is said that as Mohammed lay dying he asked for a pen and paper. His followers, fearing that he was delirious and might write something unreasonable, withheld these from him.

aye qalam noor1 fashaaN2 ho ke damak3 jai zamiN
zulmat4-e vahm5 meN zau-baar6 ho Khurshid-e yaqiN7
haif8 is daur-e javaaN9 pe ke ba-eeN10 aql-e mubiN11
aadmi ki azmat12 ka ise andaaza13 nahiN
husn-e arzi14 pe samaavaat15 ko shaida16 kar de
aadmi kya hai ye duniya pe huvaida17 kar de   
.light 2.scatter/spread 3.shine 4.darkness 5.superstition, ignorance 6.rain of light rays 7.sun of certainty (light of truth) 8.alas 9.young generation spite of 11.clear mind 12.greatness 13.assessment/idea of the earth 15.skies (heavens) 16.admirers 17.reveal
O Pen, spread light that the earth may glow, that in the darkness of superstition the sun of Truth may shine. Alas, the youth of day, in spite of clear minds, do not have any idea of the greatness of man. Make the heavens admirers of the beauty of the earth. Reveal to the worlds, the greatness of man.

josh is calling upon the Pen (written word, in particular, poetic composition) to reveal to the world the greatness of man.  In “man”, josh includes the Sufi concept of “vahdat ul vujoood”  or “oneness” of all creation and its creator.  Before calling upon the pen to do this, he is praising the Pen (poetic composition) in lavish terms.  The next 11 stanzas are pure pleasure in their power, musicality, metaphors and language.
Stanza 1
aye qalam, chob1-e Khizr2, habl-e matin3-e irshaad4
shaana5-e gesu-e Khamdaar6-e uroos7-e eejaad8
qulzum-e vaqt9 meN tu zamzama10-e baad11-e muraad12
teri tariKh13 meN beeti14 hui sadyaaN15 aabaad16
kurrah-e Khaak17 sad-anwaar18 o sad-aasaar19 ke saath
raqs20 meN hai teri paazeb21 ki jhankaar ke saath

1.walking staff 2.legendary old man who found the water of life, immortality and is “all knowing” 3.strong bind 4.speech 5.comb (in faarsi) 6.curled tresses 7.bride 8.invention/creativity 9.ocean of time 10.gurgling of a spring in paradise used as a metaphor for music 11.breeze 12.desire 13.history 14.past, bygone 15.centuries 16.flourish 17.heap of dust 18.hundred rays of light 19.hundred manifestations 21.anklets

Khizr, a legendary old man, wanders the earth and reads a lot, knows everything.  He found the water of life and took a drink, making him immortal.  He needs a staff to lean on i.e. even the all knowing and wise, lean on the pen/written word.  Also, the staff (bamboo) and the pen (reed) are neatly juxtaposed. O, Pen, you are the staff of Khizr, the strong tie that binds speech/words in coherence.  You are the comb that combs the curls of Creativity the Bride.  “eejaad”, is used here to mean “creativity” and is personified as a bride.  The curls of the tresses of Bride Creativity need to be combed.  The pen is that comb!  If Creativity is a bride, perhaps the poet is the groom.  You are the music of the breeze of desire (to know) on the ocean of time.  The scraping of the pen on paper is likened to music.  On the ocean of time i.e. history, human desire is recorded by the pen.  Past centuries live in the history you write.  This mound of dirt (earth) with all its manifestations and brilliance dances to the tune set by your ankle bells.
Stanza 2
donoN aalam1 ko uThaa’e hue shaane tere
barbat2-e geti3 o garduN4 meN taraane tere
jis qadar bhi haiN zamaane vo zamaane tere
tund-rau5 vaqt ke dhaare meN fasaane6 tere
daur-e paariina7 ke hai maut ke aivaanoN8 meN
saaNs leta hai tere zinda kutub-KhaanoN9 meN

1.both worlds (here and hereafter) 2.stringed musical instrument 3. world, earth 4. skies 5. fast moving 6.stories 7. past times 8.hallways 9.libraries

You carry the here and the hereafter on your shoulders.  You write the music that plays on the lute of the earth and sky.  Whatever times there have been, have been your times.  Your stories flow in the fast-moving river of time.  Past ages that are in the hallways of death come alive and breathe in your libraries.
Stanza 3
tu ba-sad1 naaz2 jidhar se bhi guzar jaata hai
jada3-e zeest4 ka har zarra5 saNwar6 jaata hai
tu mah o saal7 ki yurish8 se nikhar9 jaata hai
zarbat-e vaqt10 se kuchh aur ubhar jaata hai
toR deti hai chaTTanoN ko ravaani11 teri
ras par aati12 hai buRhaape meN javaani teri

1.with hundred 2.flirtatious (inimitable) style 3.pathway 5.particle  6.adorned with beauty 7.month and year/ time 8.attack 9.freshen 10.blows of time 11.flow 12.reaches climax

Josh is writing about how classics stand the test of time and are enjoyed over many ages.  Wherever you go, with the hundreds of your varied and rich styles every particle of the pathway of life shines bright.  You become even more fresh with the onslaught of age.  With each blow of time, you rise higher still.  It is your flow that cuts through rocks.  Your youthful vigour comes in full bloom with age.  In short, the written word gets better with time and has eternal life.
Stanza 4
nok teri jigar-e koh1 ko barmaati2 hai
nazneenoN3 ke kaleje meN utar jaati hai
teri ghanghor ghaTa dil pe jo chhaa jaati hai
donoN aalam ke barasne ki sada aati hai
teri bochhaar meN Dhalte haiN taraane kya kya
mast rim-jhim meN khanakte haiN fasaane4 kya kya

1.mountain 2.drill through 3.damsel 4.fable

In Urdu poetry the classical concept of the beloved is that she is hard to win, that she is “hard hearted”.  But beautiful poetry can win her over!  Your point (O, Pen) can drill through the heart of rock.  It can sink into the bosom of hard-hearted damsels.  When your benevolent clouds roll over, we hear the blessed rain of both worlds.  O, how many melodies are mingled in your drip.  How many stories does your exhilarating flow tell.
Stanza 5
tere sijde1 meN surayya2 ki balandi GhaltaaN3
tere lafzoN meN do-sad4 shams-o-qamar5 zamzama KhwaaN6
teri guftaar7 se barnaai8-e zahn-e insaaN9
teri raftaar10 se raqsaaN11 hai nigaar-e-dauraN12
teri chaukhaT pe jabeeneN13 haiN jahaNdaaroN14 ki
saaNs rukti hai tere naam se talwaaroN ki

1.bow in prayer 2.constellation-Plaedes 3.down low, immersed 4.two hundred 5.sun and moon 6.singers 7.speech 8.youth/freshness 9.human mind 10.speed 11.dancing of times 13.forehead 14.powerful

Stars bow low in obeisance to you.  Your words are the songs of a thousand suns and moons.  Your speech/word gives vigour to the mind of man.  The dance of time is cast in the flow of your words.  The powerful and the mighty bow at your door.  Swords lose their breath at the mere mention of your name.
Stanza 6
tera parcham1 alam o chhatr o asa2 par bhaari
ek ek harf3 tera arz o sama4 par bhaari
tera ek ishwa5 do aalam ki ada6 par bhaari
raushnaai7 teri Khoon-e shuhada8 par bhaari
jis meN unsur9 hai abad10 ka voh hunar11 hai tujh meN
daulat-e umr12-e maseeha13 o Khizar14 hai tujh meN

1.banner 2.flag/chhatri/scepter (signs of royalty and power) 3.word and sky 5.flirtatious glance 6.flirtation, style ink 8.martyrs 9.building block, elements 10.eternity 11.talent 12.age 13.Jesus 14.Khizr (legendary old man)

Your banner flies higher than the royal flag, canopy or scepter.  Each word of yours overwhelms the earth and the sky.  Your slightest favour better than anything the worlds have to offer.  Your ink more red than the blood of martyrs.  Your talent has the ingredients of the ever-lasting.  You possess the miracles of Jesus, the wisdom of Khizr
Stanza 7
tu Khazaf1 ko qamar2 o laal3 o guhar4 deta hai
shab-e lab tishna5 ko gulbaaNg-e sahar6 deta hai
mauj7-e taKh’eel8 ko lafzoN meN katar9 deta hai
rooh10 kaaGhaz ke masaamaat11 meN bhar deta hai
Khamushi ko hama-tan12 saaz13 bana deta hai
tu Khaayaalaat ko aavaaz bana deta hai

1.pebble 2.moon 3.ruby 4.pearl 5.night of thirsty lips 6.declaration of dawn
7.wave 8.thought cut (in the shape of words) 10.spirit 11.sweat pores 12.embodiment

Mere pebbles turn into rubies and pearls in your hands.  Darkness, thirsty for speech, gets the song of dawn from you.  You shape waves of thought into words.  You fill the very pores of paper with spirit.  Silence itself turns into an embodiment of music.  It is you who gives voice to thought.
Stanza 8
teri Thokar1 pe sar-e qaisar2 o taj-e faGhfoor3
teri mutrib4-e harkat5 larzish6-e mizhgaan7-e sha’oor8
tere aaGhosh9 meN aab-e Khizar10 o aatish-e toor11
tere seene meN shab-e qadr12 o nam13-e subah zahoor14
mau’tabar15 hai jo gavaahi16 so gavaahi teri
subah saadiq17 ka sapeda18 hai siyaahi19 teri

1.toe 2.Caesar 3.Chinese emperor 5.movement 6.blinking 7.eye lids 8.knowledge 9.side, lap 10.water of immortality 11.burning bush on Mount Sinai – manifestatin of god 12.night of Quranic revelation 13.wetness (life) 14.dawn of creation 15.credible 16.evidence 17.true dawn (not a false dawn just before sunrise) 18.whiteness 19.blackness/ink

The crown of emperors, the head of Ceaser at your toe.  The music of your flow is the fluttering of the eyelids of knowledge.  You hold in your lap the water of life, the manifestation/revelation of god.  You carry in your bosom the word of god, the creation of life.  If there is any credible word, it is yours.  The light/whiteness of the true dawn comes from your black ink.
Stanza 9
tu ek satr1 meN sau shahr basa deta hai
taaq2-e alfaaz3 meN qindeel4 jala deta hai
gungunaata5 hai to kaaGhaz ko baja deta hai
fikr6 si cheez ko aaNkhoN se dikha deta hai
jab tujhe ma’ariz-e raftaar7 meN le aate haiN
kitne buth haiN ke tarashte8 hi chale jaate haiN

1.line 2.shelf 3.words 4.lamp 5.hum, sing 6.reason 7.field of action 8.get sculpted

In a single line you establish a hundred civilizations.  Josh uses “shahr” for settlement as opposed to nomadic – hence developing civilization and culture.  You light a lamp in the alcove of words.  You make paper sing with your humming. You give concrete shape to fuzzy Reason.  O, how many idols get sculpted when you appear in the field of action.
Stanza 10
aye qalam masala1-e meezaan2 o ma’arif-e miqyaas3
ilm buniyaad4 o hunar mahvar5 o idraak-asaas6
fikr pa’yema7 o nazar-naaqid8 o farhaNg shinaas9
mash’al10-e qasr-e adab11, mashriq12-e subah-e qirtaas13
naam tera sabab14-e jumbish-e lab-ha15-e rasool
aye qalam maut ke lamhe ki tamanna17-e rasool18

1.riddle, secret 2.balance 3.knower of measurement i.e. discriminator of goodness of knowledge 5.axis of talent of wisdom
7.can evaluate reason 8.critic by sight 9.encyclopedic knowledge 10.lamp of literature 12.east 13.harbinger of dawn 14.basis 15.movement of lips, speech 17.desire 18.prophet (Mohammed)

O, Pen who solves the puzzle of taking a measure of things, the foundation of learning, the axis of talent, the basis of wisdom.  You weigh/judge reason, you are an expert with encyclopedic knowledge.  The torch of the house of literature, the harbinger of writing.  Your name was on the lips of Mohammed and he asked for you on his death bed.  It is said that as Mohammed lay dying he asked for a pen and paper.  His followers, fearing that he was delirious and might write something unreasonable, withheld these from him.
Stanza 11
aye qalam noor1 fashaaN2 ho ke damak3 jai zamiN
zulmat4-e vahm5 meN zau-baar6 ho Khurshid-e yaqiN7
haif8 is daur-e javaaN9 pe ke ba-eeN10 aql-e mubiN11
aadmi ki azmat12 ka ise andaaza13 nahiN
husn-e arzi14 pe samaavaat15 ko shaida16 kar de
aadmi kya hai ye duniya pe huvaida17 kar de

1.light 2.scatter/spread 3.shine 4.darkness 5.superstition, ignorance 6.rain of light rays 7.sun of certainty (light of truth) 8.alas 9.young generation spite of 11.clear mind 12.greatness 13.assessment/idea of the earth 15.skies (heavens) 16.admirers 17.reveal

O Pen, spread light that the earth may glow, that in the darkness of superstition the sun of Truth may shine.  Alas, the youth of day, in spite of clear minds, do not have any idea of the greatness of man.  Make the heavens admirers of the beauty of the earth.  Reveal to the worlds, the greatness of man.