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چکلے – ساحر لدھیانوی
یہ کوچے یہ نیلام گھر دلکشی کے
یہ لٹتے ہوے کارواں زندگی کے
کہاں ہیں کہاں ہیں محافظ خودی کے
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
یہ پرُ پیچ گلیاں یہ بے خواب بازار
یہ گمنام راہی یہ سِکوّں کی جھنکار
یہ عصمت کے سودے یہ سودوں پہ تکرار
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
تعفن سے پرُ، نیم روشن یہ گلیاں
یہ مسلی ہوئی ادھ کھلی زرد کلیاں
یہ بکتی ہوئی کھوکھلی رنگ رلیاں
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
وہ اُجلے دریچوں میں پائیل کی چھن چھن
تنفسّ کی اُلجھن پہ طبلے کی دھن دھن
یہ بے روح کمروں میں کھانسی کی ٹھن ٹھن
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
یہ گونجے ہوے قہقے راستوں پر
یہ چاروں طرف بھیڑ سی کھڑکیوں پر
یہ آواز کھنچتے ہوے آنچلوں پر
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
یہ پھولوں کے گجرے یہ پیکوں کے چھینٹے
یہ بیباک نظریں یہ گستاخ فقرے
یہ ڈھلکے بدن اور یہ مدقوق چہرے
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
یہ بھوکی نگاہیں حسینوں کی جانب
یہ بڑھتے ہوے ہاتھ سینوں کی جانب
لپکتے ہوے پاوٗں زینوں کی جانب
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
یہاں پیر بھی آچکے ہیں جواں بھی
تنومند بیٹے بھی اباّ میاں بھی
یہ بیوی بھی ہے، اور بہن بھی ہے ماں بھی
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
مدد چاہتی ہے یہ حوّا کی بیٹی
یشودھا کی ہم جنس رادھا کی بیٹی
پیمبر کی امّت زلیخا کی بیٹی
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
ذرا ملک کے رہبروں کو بلاو
یہ گلیاں یہ کوچے یہ منظر دکھاؤ
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کو لاؤ
ثنا خوانِ تقدیسِ مشرق کہاں ہیں
चकले – साहिर लुधियानवी
ये कूचे ये नीलाम घर दिलकशी के
ये लुटते हुए कारवां ज़िन्दगी के
कहाँ हैं कहाँ हैं मुहाफ़िज़ ख़ुदी के
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
ये पुर पेच गलियां ये बे ख़्वाब बाज़ार
ये गुमनाम राही ये सिक्कों की झंकार
ये इस्मत के सौदे ये सौदों पे तकरार
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
ता’अफ़्फ़ुन से पुर, नीम रौशन ये गलियां
ये मसली हुई अध् खुली ज़र्द कलियाँ
ये बिकती हुई खोखली रंग रलियाँ
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
वो उजले दरीचों में पायल की छन छन
तनफ़्फ़ुस की उलझन पे तबले की धन धन
ये बे रूह कमरों में खांसी की ठन ठन
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
ये गूंजे हुए क़हक़हे रास्तों पर
ये चारों तरफ़ भीड़ सी खिडकियों पर
ये आवाज़ खिंचते हुए आंचलों पर
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
ये फूलों के गजरे ये पीकों के छींटे
ये बेबाक नज़रें ये गुस्ताख़ फ़िक़रे
ये ढलके बदन और ये मद्क़ूक़ चेहरे
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
ये भूखी निगाहें हसीनों की जानिब
ये बढते हुए हाथ सीनों की जानिब
लपकते हुए पावँ ज़ीनों की जानिब
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
यहाँ पीर भी आ चुके हैं जवां भी
तनोमंद बेटे भी अब्बा मियां भी
ये बीवी भी है और बहन भी है मां भी
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
मदद चाहती है ये हव्वा की बेटी
यशोदा की हम जिन्स राधा की बेटी
पैअम्बर की उम्मत, ज़ुलैख़ा की बेटी
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
ज़रा मुल्क के रहबरों को बुलाओ
ये कूचे ये गलियां ये मंज़र दिखाओ
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ को लाओ
सनाख़्वान-ए तक़दीस-ए मशरिक़ कहाँ हैं
chakle – sahir ludhianavi
Click here for overall comments and on any stanza for meanings and discussion. The title, “chakle” meaning “grinding wheels” reflects the grinding poverty and exploitation of women in the sex trade. Also see Sahir’s “aurat”. This piece was originally composed for mushaira and publication and later adopted for the cinema. It was easy for Sahir to change “sanaKhwan e taqdees e mashriq kahaN haiN” to “jinheN naaz hai hind par vo kahaaN haiN” and make it more easily understood.
ye kooche1 ye nilaam ghar2 dilkashi3 ke
ye luTthe hue karvaaN zindagi ke
kahaN haiN kahaN haiN muhafiz4 Khudi5 ke
sanaKhwan6-e taqdees7-e mashriq8 kahaN haiN1.streets houses 3.pleasure 4.protectors 5.self respect 6.bards, singers of praise 7.sanctity/purity/virtue 8.East
These lecherous lanes, these auction houses of pleasure, these caravans of life robbed of every treasure, where o where are the self-proclaimed protectors of dignity. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye pur pech9 galiyaN ye be-Khwaab10 bazaar
ye gumnaam11 rahi12 ye sikkoN ki jhankaar
ye ismat13 ke saude ye saudoN pe takraar14
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN9.tangled 10.without dreams i.e.always awake 11.anonymous 12.passers by 13.virtue 14.haggling
These tangled streets, this sleepless bazar, the nameless caller jingling his silver coins. Virtue for sale and this haggling at the door. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East
ta’affun15 se pur, neem raushan16 ye galiyaaN
ye masli17 hui adh khuli zard18 kaliyaaN
ye bikti hui khokhli19 rang raliyaaN20
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN15.stench 16.poorly lit 17.trampled 18.pale buds (adh khuli kaliyaaN used as a metaphor for adolescent girls) 19.hollow 20.shenanigans
These dim alleys, sick with stench. These pale young girls, trampled in adolescence. This mock display of love, playful shenanigans for sale. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
vo ujle21 darichoN22 meN paayal ki chhan chhan
tanaffus23 ki uljhan24 pe tabley ki dhan dhan
ye be-rooh25 kamroN meN khaNsi ki Than Than
sanaKhwan e taqdees e mashriq kahaN haiN21.lit up 22.balconies 23.illness, pain 24.irritation, conflict 25.soul less
The tinkle of anklets from bright balconies, the moans of pain drowned in the beat of drums. These soulless cubbyholes, that hollow cough. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye goonje26 hue qahqahe raastoN par
ye charoN taraf bhiR si khiRkiyoN par
ye avaaz khinchte27 hue aaNchaloN28 par
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN26.echo calls 28.head or body cover, shawl
Lewd laughter echoing in the streets. Lusftul crowds peeking through windows all around. The catcalls and the snatching at her hem. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye phuloN ke gajre ye peekoN29 ke chhiNTe
ye bebak nazreN30 ye gustaKh fiqre31
ye Dhalke32 badan aur ye madqooq33 chehre
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN29.paan spit 30.bold looks 31.rude epithets 32.limp 33.TB (diq) stricken
These faded garlands, these betel stains, these ogling eyes and lewd catcalls, these frail bodies, marked by consumption. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye bhooki nigaaheN hasinoN ki jaanib34
ye baRhthe hue haath seenoN ki jaanib
lapakte hue paaoN zinoN35 ki jaanib
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN34.towards 35.stairs
Lecherous eyes hungry with lust, groping fingers, reaching for the breasts, inviting steps hurrying up the stairs. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East
yahaaN piir36 bhi aa chuke haiN javaaN bhi
tanomand37 bete bhi abba miyaN38 bhi
ye beevi bhi hai aur bahn bhi hai maaN bhi
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN36.old bodied 38.fathers
Bearded old men as well as stripling youth have come here. The frail father and the strong son too. She is wife, sister and mother at call. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
madad chaahti hai ye Havva39 ki beti
yashodha40 ki ham jins41 radha42 ki beti
paiamber43 ki ummat44, zuleiKha45 ki beti
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN39.Eve 40.Krishna’s mother 41.same gender, sister 42. Krishna consort 43.prophet (Mohammed) 45.beautiful Egyptian princess
This daughter of Eve is crying for help. She is Yashodha’s sister and Radha’s daughter too. She is the beloved of the Prophet, graceful as Zuleikha. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East. There is an interesting story about the passage, “madad chaahti hai ye Havva ki beTi”. It is reported that an early draft had “paiamber ki beTi”. Of course, Sahir meant to say that these exploited women were dear to Mohammed and were like his daughters. But he was warned that Muslim orthodoxy would take offence. He changed the passage, but retained, “yashodha ki ham jins radha ki beTi”. When he was warned about Hindu orthodoxy, his reaction was that the Hindu culture would easily absorb such a comment. Obviously, things have changed greatly.
zara mulk ke rahbarauN46 ko bulaao
ye kooche ye galiyaaN ye manzar47 dikhaao
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq ko lao
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN18.leader, guide19.scene
Call the country’s leaders, bring them to this place. Show them these streets, let them see these sights. Bring those who sing of the Eastern virtue. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
chakle – sahir ludhianavi
The title, “chakle” meaning “grinding wheels” reflects the grinding poverty and exploitation of women in the sex trade. Also see Sahir’s “aurat”. This piece was originally composed for mushaira and publication and later adopted for the cinema. It was easy for Sahir to change “sanaKhwan e taqdees e mashriq kahaN haiN” to “jinheN naaz hai hind par vo kahaaN haiN” and make it more easily understood.
ye kooche1 ye nilaam ghar2 dilkashi3 ke
ye luTthe hue karvaaN zindagi ke
kahaN haiN kahaN haiN muhafiz4 Khudi5 ke
sanaKhwan6-e taqdees7-e mashriq8 kahaN haiN
1.streets houses 3.pleasure 4.protectors 5.self respect 6.bards, singers of praise 7.sanctity/purity/virtue 8.East
These lecherous lanes, these auction houses of pleasure, these caravans of life robbed of every treasure, where o where are the self-proclaimed protectors of dignity. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye pur pech9 galiyaN ye be-Khwaab10 bazaar
ye gumnaam11 rahi12 ye sikkoN ki jhankaar
ye ismat13 ke saude ye saudoN pe takraar14
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
9.tangled 10.without dreams i.e.always awake 11.anonymous 12.passers by 13.virtue 14.haggling
These tangled streets, this sleepless bazar, the nameless caller jingling his silver coins. Virtue for sale and this haggling at the door. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East
ta’affun15 se pur, neem raushan16 ye galiyaaN
ye masli17 hui adh khuli zard18 kaliyaaN
ye bikti hui khokhli19 rang raliyaaN20
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
15.stench 16.poorly lit 17.trampled 18.pale buds (adh khuli kaliyaaN used as a metaphor for adolescent girls) 19.hollow 20.shenanigans
These dim alleys, sick with stench. These pale young girls, trampled in adolescence. This mock display of love, playful shenanigans for sale. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
vo ujle21 darichoN22 meN paayal ki chhan chhan
tanaffus23 ki uljhan24 pe tabley ki dhan dhan
ye be-rooh25 kamroN meN khaNsi ki Than Than
sanaKhwan e taqdees e mashriq kahaN haiN
21.lit up 22.balconies 23.illness, pain 24.irritation, conflict 25.soul less
The tinkle of anklets from bright balconies, the moans of pain drowned in the beat of drums. These soulless cubbyholes, that hollow cough. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye goonje26 hue qahqahe raastoN par
ye charoN taraf bhiR si khiRkiyoN par
ye avaaz khinchte27 hue aaNchaloN28 par
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
26.echo calls 28.head or body cover, shawl
Lewd laughter echoing in the streets. Lusftul crowds peeking through windows all around. The catcalls and the snatching at her hem. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye phuloN ke gajre ye peekoN29 ke chhiNTe
ye bebak nazreN30 ye gustaKh fiqre31
ye Dhalke32 badan aur ye madqooq33 chehre
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
29.paan spit 30.bold looks 31.rude epithets 32.limp 33.TB (diq) stricken
These faded garlands, these betel stains, these ogling eyes and lewd catcalls, these frail bodies, marked by consumption. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
ye bhooki nigaaheN hasinoN ki jaanib34
ye baRhthe hue haath seenoN ki jaanib
lapakte hue paaoN zinoN35 ki jaanib
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
34.towards 35.stairs
Lecherous eyes hungry with lust, groping fingers, reaching for the breasts, inviting steps hurrying up the stairs. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East
yahaaN piir36 bhi aa chuke haiN javaaN bhi
tanomand37 bete bhi abba miyaN38 bhi
ye beevi bhi hai aur bahn bhi hai maaN bhi
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
36.old bodied 38.fathers
Bearded old men as well as stripling youth have come here. The frail father and the strong son too. She is wife, sister and mother at call. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.
madad chaahti hai ye Havva39 ki beti
yashodha40 ki ham jins41 radha42 ki beti
paiamber43 ki ummat44, zuleiKha45 ki beti
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
39.Eve 40.Krishna’s mother 41.same gender, sister 42. Krishna consort 43.prophet (Mohammed) 45.beautiful Egyptian princess
This daughter of Eve is crying for help. She is Yashodha’s sister and Radha’s daughter too. She is the beloved of the Prophet, graceful as Zuleikha. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East. There is an interesting story about the passage, “madad chaahti hai ye Havva ki beTi”. It is reported that an early draft had “paiamber ki beTi”. Of course, Sahir meant to say that these exploited women were dear to Mohammed and were like his daughters. But he was warned that Muslim orthodoxy would take offence. He changed the passage, but retained, “yashodha ki ham jins radha ki beTi”. When he was warned about Hindu orthodoxy, his reaction was that the Hindu culture would easily absorb such a comment. Obviously, things have changed greatly.
zara mulk ke rahbarauN46 ko bulaao
ye kooche ye galiyaaN ye manzar47 dikhaao
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq ko lao
sanaKhwan-e taqdees-e mashriq kahaN haiN
18.leader, guide19.scene
Call the country’s leaders, bring them to this place. Show them these streets, let them see these sights. Bring those who sing of the Eastern virtue. Where, O where are the bards of the sanctity of the East.