5-ek Khoon meN lithRi shaam na ho-sahir

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پرچھائیاں  ۔  اک  خون  میں  لتھڑی  شام  نہ  ہو  –  ساحرؔ  لدھیانوی


سورج  کے  لہو  میں  لتھڑی  ہوئی  وہ  شام  ہے  اب  تک  یاد  مجھے

چاہت  کے  سنہرے  خوابوں  کا  انجام  ہے  اب  تک  یاد  مجھے


اُس  شام  مجھے  معلوم  ہوا،  کھیتوں  کی  طرح  اِس  دنیا  میں

سہمی  ہوئی  دوشیزاوں  کی  مسکان  بھی  بیچی  جاتی  ہے

اُس  شام  مجھے  معلوم  ہوا،  کہ  اِس  کارگہ  زرداری  میں

دو  بھولی  بھالی  روحوں  کی  پہچان  بھی  بیچی  جاتی  ہے


اُس  شام  مجھے  معلوم  ہوا،  جب  باپ  کی  کھیتی  چھن  جائے

ممتا  کے  سنہرے  خوابوں  کی  انمول  نشانی  بکتی  ہے

اُس  شام  مجھے  معلوم  ہوا،  جب  بھائی  جنگ  میں  کام  آئیں

سرمائے  کے  قحبہ  خانے  میں  بہنوں  کی  جوانی  بکتی  ہے


سورج  کے  لہو  میں  لتھڑی  ہوئی  وہ  شام  ہے  اب  تک  یاد  مجھے

چاہت  کے  سنہرے  خوابوں  کا  انجام  ہے  ابتک  یاد  مجھے


تم  آج  ہزاروں  میل  یہاں  سے  دور  کہیں  تنہائی  میں

یا  بزمِ  طرب  آرائی  میں

میرے  سپنے  بنتی  ہوگی،  آغوشِ  پرائی  میں

اور  میں  سینے  میں  غم  لیکر  دِن  رات  مشقت  کرتا  ہوں

جینے  کی  خاطر  مرتا  ہوں

اپنے  فن  کو  رسوا  کر  کے  اغیار  کا  دامن  بھرتا  ہوں


مجبور  ہوں  میں،  مجبور  ہو  تم،  مجبور  یہ  دنیا  ساری  ہے

تن  کا  دکھ  من  پر  بھاری  ہے

اِس  دور  میں  جینے  کی  قیمت،  یا  دار  و  رسن  یا  خواری  ہے

میں  دار  و  رسن  تک  جا  نہ  سکا  تم  جہد  کی  حد  تک  آ  نہ  سکیں

چاہا  تو  مگر  اپنا  نہ  سکیں


ہم  تم  دو  ایسی  روحیں  ہیں  جو  منزلِ  تسکیں  پا  نہ  سکیں

جینے  کو  جئے  جاتے  ہیں  مگر،  سانسوں  کی  چتائیں  جلتی  ہیں

خاموش  وفائیں  جلتیں  ہیں

سنگین  حقائیق  زاروں  میں،  خوابوں  کی  رِدائیں  جلتی  ہیں


اور  آج  جب  اِن  پیڑوں  کے  تلے  پھر  دو  سائے  لہرائے  ہیں

پھر  دو  دِل  ملنے  آئے  ہیں

پھر  موت  کی  آندھی  اُٹھیّ  ہے،  پھر  جنگ  کے  بادل  چھائے  ہیں

میں  سوچ  رہا  ہوں  اِنکا  بھی  اپنی  ہی  طرح  انجام  نہ  ہو

اِنکا  بھی  جنوں  ناکام  نہ  ہو

اِن  کے  بھی  مقدر  میں  لکھی  اک  خون  میں  لتھڑی  شام  نہ  ہو


سورج  کے  لہو    میں  لتھڑی    ہوئی  وہ  شام  ہے  اب  تک  یاد  مجھے

چاہت  کے  سنہرے  خوابوں  کا  انجام  ہے  اب  تک  یاد  مجھے

पर्छाईयां – एक ख़ून में लिथड़ी शाम न हो – साहर लुधियानवी

सूरज के लहू में लिथड़ी हुई वो शाम है अब तक याद मुझे
चाहत के सुनहरे ख़्वाबों का अंजाम है अब तक याद मुझे

उस शाम मुझे मालूम हुआ, खेतों की तरह इस दुनिया में
सहमी हुई दोशीज़ाओं की मुस्कान भी बेचीं जाती है
उस शाम मुझे मालूम हुआ के इस कारगह ए ज़रदारी में
दो भोली भाली रूहों की पहचान भी बेची जाती है

उस शाम मुझे मालूम हुआ, जब बाप की खेती छिन जाए
ममता के सुनहरे ख़्वाबों की अनमोल निशानी बिकती है
उस शाम मुझे मालूम हुआ, जब भाई जंग में काम आयें
सरमाये के क़ह्बा ख़ानों में, बहनों की जवानी बिकती है

सूरज के लहू में लिथड़ी हुई वो शाम है अब तक याद मुझे

चाहत के सुनहरे ख़्वाबों का अंजाम है अब तक याद मुझे

तुम आज हज़ारों मील यहाँ से दूर कहीं तन्हाई में
या बज़्म-ए तरब आराई में
मेरे सपने बुनती होगी, बैठी आग़ोश ए पराई में
और मैं सीने में ग़म लेकर दिन रात मशक़्क़त करता हूँ

जीने की ख़ातर मरता हूँ
अपने फ़न को रुसवा कर के अग़्यार का दामन भरता हूँ

मज्बूर हूँ मैं, मज्बूर हो तुम, मज्बूर ये दुनिया सारी है

तन का दुख, मन पर भारी है

इस दौर में जीने की क़ीमत या दार ओ रसन या ख़्वारी है

मैं दार ओ रसन तक जा न सका, तुम जहद की हद तक आ न सकीं

चाहा तो मगर, अपना न सकीं

हम तुम दो ऐसी रूहें हैं जो मंज़िल ए तस्कीँ पा न सकीं
जीने को जिए जाते हैं मगर साँसों में चिताएं जलती हैं

ख़ामोश वफ़ाएँ जलती हैं

संगीन हक़ाएक़ ज़ारों में ख़्वाबों की रिदाएँ जलती हैं

और आज जब इन पेड़ों के तले फिर दो साए लहराए हैं

फिर दो दिल मिलने आए हैं
फिर मौत की आंधी उट्ठी है, फिर जंग के बादल छाए हैं
मैं सोच रहा हूँ, इनका भी अपनी ही तरह अंजाम न हो

इनका भी जुनूं नाकाम न हो

इनके भी मुक़द्दर में लिक्खी एक ख़ून में लिथड़ी शाम न हो

सूरज के लहू में लिथड़ी हुई वो शाम है अब तक याद मुझे
चाहत के सुनहरे ख़्वाबों का अंजाम है अब तक याद मुझे


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. sahir ludhianavi (1921-1980) progressive poet writing in chaste yet relatively easily understood urdu. He brought the quality of urdu nazm to movie songs and raised the standards to a high level. Supported labour movements. The fifth part of his long nazm, parchhaaiyaaN, the poet describes the blood soaked evening that devastated his and the beloved’s dreams, never to be able to recover again. He looks at two lovers of the younger generation, just like them, whose dreams and hopes are now threatened.
suraj ke lahu31 meN lithRi32 hui vo shaam hai ab tak yaad mujhe
chaahat ke sunehre KhwaaboN ka anjaam33 hai ab tak yaad mujhe
31.blood 32.smeared 33.consequence
The poet/lover remembers that evening, bathed in the blood of the setting sun and the sorry fate of the golden dreams of love.

us shaam mujhe maloom hua, khetoN ki tarah is duniya meN
sahmi34 hui doshizaoN35 ki muskaan36 bhi bechi jaati hai
us shaam mujhe maloom hua ke is kaargah-e zardaari37 meN
do bholi bhaali roohoN38 ki pahchaan39 bhi bechi jaati hai
34.scared 35.maidens, girls 36.smile, happiness 37.workshop of wealth/capital 38.souls 39.friendship, love
That was the evening that I learnt that just like commodities on sale the happiness of vulnerable young maidens is also traded. That evening I learnt that in this world shaped by the machinations of wealth, the soulful love of two young lovers is also sold.

us shaam mujhe maloom hua, jab baap ki kheti chhin jaaye
mamta ke sunehre KhwaboN ki anmol nishaani bikti hai
us shaam mujhe maaloom hua, jab bhai jung meN kaam aayeN
sarmaye40 ke qahba KhaanoN41 meN, behnoN ki javaani bikti hai
40.capital 41.house of prostitution
That evening I learnt that when the father loses his fields, the realization of a mother’s fondest dreams is sold. That evening I learnt that when brothers lose their lives in war, a sister’s youth is sold in the houses of prostitution for the wealthy.

suraj ke lahu31 meN lithRi32 hui vo shaam hai ab tak yaad mujhe
chaahat ke sunehre KhwaaboN ka anjaam33 hai ab tak yaad mujhe
31.blood 32.smeared 33.consequence
The poet/lover remembers that evening, bathed in the blood of the setting sun and the sorry fate of the golden dreams of love.

tum aaj hazaaroN meel yahaaN se dur kahiN tanhaai42 meN
ya bazm43 e tarab aaraai44 meN
mere sapne bunti hogi, baiThi aaGhosh45 e paraai meN
aur maiN seene meN Gham lekar din raat mashaqqat46 karta huN
jeene ki Khaatir47 marta huN
apne fun48 ko rusva49 kar ke aGhyaar50 ka daaman bharta51 huN
42.loneliness, alone 43.assembly 44.pleasure, luxury 45.lap 46.struggle 47.for the sake of 48.skill, talent 49.shame, sell cheap 50.others 51.fill apron (with money)
And you, thousands of miles away, all alone, in a house of debauchery, weave dreams of me, sitting in someone else’s lap. While I, bearing this burden in my heart, toil away night and day killing myself in order to live. I shame my talent, give it away to fill the sacks of strangers.

majbur52 huN maiN, majbur ho tum, majbur ye duniya sari hai
tan ka dukh, man par bhari hai
is daur53 meN jeene ki qeemat, ya daar o rasan54, ya Khwaari55 hai
maiN daar o rasan54 tak jaa na saka, tum jahd56 ki had57 tak aa na sakiN
chaaha to magar, apna58 na sakiN
52.helpless, powerless 53.period, times 54.hangman’s platform and rope 55.contempt 56.struggle 57.limit (excess) 58.take ownership/responsibility
Helpless am I, helpless are you, helpless is the whole world. Heavy sits on the heart, the burden of living in this unjust world. In these times, the price of living is either the hangman’s noose or disgrace. I could not bring myself to the noose, you could not bring yourself to struggle. You wanted to, but could not.

hum tum do aisi ruheN59 haiN jo manzil-e taskeeN60 paa na sakiN
jeene ko jiye jaate haiN magar saansoN ki chitaaeN jalti haiN
Khaamosh vafaaeN61 jalti haiN
saNgeen62 haqaeq zaaroN63 meN KhwaaboN ki ridaaeN64 jalti haiN
59.souls 60.goal of fulfilment 61.silent (unfulfilled) promises 62.stony, hard 63.house of realities, real world 64.sheets, layers
The poet/lover recognizes that neither one of them were able to make the “ultimate sacrifice”, but chose to keep on living with every breath like the flame of the funeral pyre, consuming the promises that they had made to each other, hard reality setting fire to their dreams. You and I are two souls who could not get fulfilment. Yes we keep living, but the breath only fans the funeral pyre setting promises of love on fire. The hard reality of this world sets all layers of dreams on fire.

aur aaj jab in peRoN ke taley phir do saaye lahraye haiN
phir do dil milne aaye haiN
phir maut ki aandhi uTThi hai, phir jung ke badal chhaye haiN
maiN soch raha huN, inka bhi apni hi tarah anjaam65 na ho
inka bhi junuN66 naakaam67 na ho
inke bhi muqaddar68 meN likkhi ek Khoon meN lithRi shaam na ho
5.result, plight 66.passion 67.unsuccessful, unfulfilled 68.fate
And now, the war looms again, and another generation of young lovers under the same tree and the poet/lover is worried that they might meet the same fate as he and his beloved, that they might have the same blood soaked evening in their future. And now today, under the same trees, another two souls, another pair of hearts meet. The storm of death rises, clouds of war gather and I fear their fate will be the same as ours, their passion too unfulfilled. In their fate too the same blood soaked evening.

suraj ke lahu31 meN lithRi32 hui vo shaam hai ab tak yaad mujhe
chaahat ke sunehre KhwaaboN ka anjaam33 hai ab tak yaad mujhe
31.blood 32.smeared 33.consequence
The poet/lover remembers that evening, bathed in the blood of the setting sun and the sorry fate of the golden dreams of love.

sahir ludhianavi (1921-1980) progressive poet writing in chaste yet relatively easily understood urdu.  He brought the quality of urdu nazm to movie songs and raised the standards to a high level.  Supported labour movements.  The fifth part of his long nazm, parchhaaiyaaN, the poet describes the blood soaked evening that devastated his and the beloved’s dreams, never to be able to recover again.  He looks at two lovers of the younger generation, just like them, whose dreams and hopes are now threatened.
suraj ke lahu31 meN lithRi32 hui vo shaam hai ab tak yaad mujhe
chaahat ke sunehre KhwaaboN ka anjaam33 hai ab tak yaad mujhe

31.blood 32.smeared 33.consequence

The poet/lover remembers that evening, bathed in the blood of the setting sun and the sorry fate of the golden dreams of love.
us shaam mujhe maloom hua, khetoN ki tarah is duniya meN
sahmi34 hui doshizaoN35 ki muskaan36 bhi bechi jaati hai
us shaam mujhe maloom hua ke is kaargah-e zardaari37 meN
do bholi bhaali roohoN38 ki pahchaan39 bhi bechi jaati hai

34.scared 35.maidens, girls 36.smile, happiness 37.workshop of wealth/capital 38.souls 39.friendship, love

That was the evening that I learnt that just like commodities on sale the happiness of vulnerable young maidens is also traded. That evening I learnt that in this world shaped by the machinations of wealth, the soulful love of two young lovers is also sold.
us shaam mujhe maloom hua, jab baap ki kheti chhin jaaye
mamta ke sunehre KhwaboN ki anmol nishaani bikti hai
us shaam mujhe maaloom hua, jab bhai jung meN kaam aayeN
sarmaye40 ke qahba KhaanoN41 meN, behnoN ki javaani bikti hai

40.capital 41.house of prostitution

That evening I learnt that when the father loses his fields, the realization of a mother’s fondest dreams is sold. That evening I learnt that when brothers lose their lives in war, a sister’s youth is sold in the houses of prostitution for the wealthy.
suraj ke lahu men lithRi hui vo shaam hai ab tak yaad mujhe
chahat ke sunehre KhwaaboN ka anjam hai ab tak yaad mujhe

That evening, bathed in the blood of the setting sun, I still remember. The sorry fate of the golden dreams of love I still remember.
tum aaj hazaaroN meel yahaaN se dur kahiN tanhaai42 meN
ya bazm43 e tarab aaraai44 meN
mere sapne bunti hogi, baiThi aaGhosh45 e paraai meN
aur maiN seene meN Gham lekar din raat mashaqqat46 karta huN
jeene ki Khaatir47 marta huN
apne fun48 ko rusva49 kar ke aGhyaar50 ka daaman bharta51 huN

42.loneliness, alone 43.assembly 44.pleasure, luxury 45.lap 46.struggle 47.for the sake of 48.skill, talent 49.shame, sell cheap 50.others 51.fill apron (with money)

And you, thousands of miles away, all alone, in a house of debauchery, weave dreams of me, sitting in someone else’s lap. While I, bearing this burden in my heart, toil away night and day killing myself in order to live. I shame my talent, give it away to fill the sacks of strangers.
majbur52 huN maiN, majbur ho tum, majbur ye duniya sari hai
tan ka dukh, man par bhari hai
is daur53 meN jeene ki qeemat, ya daar o rasan54, ya Khwaari55 hai
maiN daar o rasan54 tak jaa na saka, tum jahd56 ki had57 tak aa na sakiN
chaaha to magar, apna58 na sakiN

52.helpless, powerless 53.period, times 54.hangman’s platform and rope 55.contempt 56.struggle 57.limit (excess) 58.take ownership/responsibility

Helpless am I, helpless are you, helpless is the whole world. Heavy sits on the heart, the burden of living in this unjust world.  In these times, the price of living is either the hangman’s noose or disgrace. I could not bring myself to the noose, you could not bring yourself to struggle. You wanted to, but could not.
hum tum do aisi ruheN59 haiN jo manzil-e taskeeN60 paa na sakiN
jeene ko jiye jaate haiN magar saansoN ki chitaaeN jalti haiN
Khaamosh vafaaeN61 jalti haiN
saNgeen62 haqaeq zaaroN63 meN KhwaaboN ki ridaaeN64 jalti haiN

59.souls 60.goal of fulfilment 61.silent (unfulfilled) promises 62.stony, hard 63.house of realities, real world 64.sheets, layers

The poet/lover recognizes that neither one of them were able to make the “ultimate sacrifice”, but chose to keep on living with every breath like the flame of the funeral pyre, consuming the promises that they had made to each other, hard reality setting fire to their dreams. You and I are two souls who could not get fulfilment. Yes we keep living, but the breath only fans the funeral pyre setting promises of love on fire. The hard reality of this world sets all layers of dreams on fire.
aur aaj jab in peRoN ke taley phir do saaye lahraye haiN
phir do dil milne aaye haiN
phir maut ki aandhi uTThi hai, phir jung ke badal chhaye haiN
maiN soch raha huN, inka bhi apni hi tarah anjaam65 na ho
inka bhi junuN66 naakaam67 na ho
inke bhi muqaddar68 meN likkhi ek Khoon meN lithRi shaam na ho

65.result, plight 66.passion 67.unsuccessful, unfulfilled 68.fate

And now, the war looms again, and another generation of young lovers under the same tree and the poet/lover is worried that they might meet the same fate as he and his beloved, that they might have the same blood soaked evening in their future.  And now today, under the same trees, another two souls, another pair of hearts meet. The storm of death rises, clouds of war gather and I fear their fate will be the same as ours, their passion too unfulfilled. In their fate too the same blood soaked evening.
suraj ke lahu men lithRi hui vo sham hai ab tak yad mujhe
chahat ke sunehre Khwabon ka anjam hai ab tak yad mujhe

That evening, bathed in the blood of the setting sun is still fresh in memory. The sorry fate of the golden dreams of love that I still remember.