maKhdoom ki yaad meN-shaz tamkanat

مخدوم کی یاد میں – شاذ  تمکنت


وہ لوگ اپنا درد تیرے پاس لے کے آۓ تھے

وہ لوگ کون تھے بھلا

پریشاں حال خاطرِ اُداس لے کے آۓ تھے


وہ نوجوان کون تھا جو ٹکڑے ٹکڑے دل کے تک رہا تھا فرش پر

جو دانہ دانہ چنُ رہا تھا خِرمن خیال کا

لہو اُمید و بیم کا چمک رہا تھا فرش پر

کہ زندگی کے راگ سُر تو تیرے پاس رہ گئے

وہ کیمیا کے سارے گرُ تو تیرے پاس رہ گئے


ادھورے خواب سونپ کر کہاں چلا گیا ہے تو

بجھی بجھی ہے روشنی

دھواں دھواں ہے بام و در

پکارتی ہے رہ گذر

کہاں چلا گیا ہے تو


وہ طفل نو دمیدہ کون تھا

سُنا رہا تھا جو کتابِ عہدِ نو ورق ورق

بیاضِ فردا لکھتے لکھتے ہاتھ کیوں اُٹھالیا

قلم کسی نے دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے چُرا لیا

دوات  چھن سے ٹوٹ کر بکھر گئ

حروف کھو کے رہ گئے

معانی رو کے رہ گئے


ادھورے خواب سونپ کر

کہاں چلا گیا ہے تو

بجھی بجھی ہے روشنی

دھواں دھواں ہے بام و در

پکارتی ہے رہ گذر

کہاں چلا گیا ہے تو


وہ ایک لڑکی کھیت کی سنہری مانگ سے پرے

جو جانتی نہیں ہے تیرے نام کی مٹھاس بھی

مگر وہ مینہہ کی رُت کے پہلے پہلے بادلوں کی اوٹ سے

مگر وہ جھومتے جھمکتے ڈنٹھلوں کی اوٹ سے

کھڑی ہوی فصیلِ فصل کے حِصارِ زرد زرد سے

سنہری شوخ بالیوں کی مہکی مہکی گرد سے

وہ سن رہی ہے تیری چاپ، تیری آہٹیں ابھی

اُمید، آس، آرزو کی گنگنہاٹیں ابھی


ادھورے خواب سونپ کر

کہاں چلا گیا ہے تو

بجھی بجھی ہے روشنی

دھواں دھواں ہیں بام و در

پکارتی ہے رہ گذر

کہاں چلا گیا ہے تو


وہ دست رعشہ دار کون تھا

کہ جس کی جھریوں کی ایک ایک نس پکارتی رہی

ترے جواب کے لئے وہ بس پکارتی رہی

ردائے سر کہاں گئ

عصاۓ پیری کیا ہوا


رتیں پھریں گی ہر برس

بہاریں چل کے تیرے پاس آئیں گی

ہوائیں رخ بدل بدل کے تیرے پاس آئیں گی

گھنیرے ابر موتیوں کے طشت بھر کے لائیں گے

وہ  کنج گل میں سبز و سرخ روشنی گلاب کی

رتیں پھریں گی ہر برس

وہ خشک خشک پتیوں پہ لو کی سرسراہٹیں

اکیلی دوپہر میں فاختہ کی ہوک سے

سکوت کے بدن میں جیسے ہوں گی تھرتھراہٹیں


قطار در قطار لفظ تیرے پاس آئیں گے

کہیں گے شعر کا عطا ہو پیرہن ہمیں

بھٹک رہے ہیں در بہ در کرو نہ بے وطن ہمیں

میں تارِ اشک و خونِ دل پرو رہا ہوں دیر سے

تجھے سپرد خاک کر کے رو رہا ہوں دیر سے


تیری مثال جیسے آبِ چشمۂ رواں رہی

توُ دوسروں کے رُخ کی گرد دھو کے مطمئن رہا

تو شبنمیں نگاہ سے اُجالے دیکھتا رہا

تو روزنِ سیاہ سے اُجالے دیکھتا رہا

متاع تیری مُشتِ خاک اور تو چمن چمن

نفاستِ حریر تو مگر دریدہ پیرہن


قدم قدم پہ نعمتوں کو تیرا انتظار تھا

نہ جانے کتنے نیلگوں دریچے تھے کھلے ہوئے

نہ جانے کتنی شمعیں تیری راہ تک کے سو گیئں

تیری نظر تھی اس چراغ خانۂ سیاہ پر

کہ دے رہی تھی جس کی لو تیرے لہو کا واسطہ

تیرے مزاجِ آتش و شرارہ جوُ کا واسطہ


تو فرد کب تھا، بزم تھا، حیات تیرے ساتھ  تھی

زمانہ تیرے ساتھ، کائنات تیرے ساتھ تھی


زیاں کے سوُد، سوُد کے زیاں کی داستاں تری

وہ سَیر چشمیاں تری

وہ محفلیں، وہ رتجگے، وہ جشنِ مۓ وہ قہقہے

وہ یارباشیاں تری

تکلّمِ شگفتہ و تبسّم نگاہ میں

وہ دل نوازیاں تری

نہیں کہ آج دوسرا کوئ نہیں ہے دہر میں

سحر کے ساتھ یہ خلش کہ تو نہیں ہے شہر میں


وہ دکھ کی گھات وہ سکھ کی بات، کس سے جا کے پوچھئے

صنم کدہ کھنڈر بنا ہے کس سے کیجئے گلا

اجڑ گیا ہے سومنات، کس سے جا کے پوچھئے


سخنوری بھی ہے بہت، پیمبری بھی ہے بہت

طلسمِ صوُت و نغمگی کی ساحری بھی ہے بہت

مگر مرے دکن تری بِساطِ رقص اُلٹ گئ

میں رو رہا ہوں شہ رگِ رباب و چنگ کٹ گئ

مری زمیں دہل گئ کہ آسمان ڈھ گیا

کہ سیلِ اشک و آہ میں عجیب قصر بہہ گیا


سجے گی یوں تو بارہا سخن کی انجمن یہاں

کہ اقتضاۓ دہر بھی، ہے کتنا دل شکن یہاں

مگر کلیدِ رونقِ ہر انجمن تو کھو گئ

دکن کی قسمت سخن تو تیرے ساتھ سو گئ

گلی گلی نگر نگر میں تجھ کو ڈھونڈتا پھروں

شفق شفق سحر سحر میں تجھ کو ڈھونڈتا پھروں

وہ روپ رنگ راگ کا پیام دے کے کھو گیا

وہ کام دیو کی کمان جام دے کے کھو گیا

मख़्दूम की याद में  – शाज़ तम्कनत


वो लोग दर्द तेरे पास ले के आए थे

वो लोग कौन थे भला

परेशां हाल ख़ातिर-ए उदास ले के आए थे


वो नौजवान कौन था

जो टुकड़े टुकड़े आईने के तक रहा था फ़र्श पर

जो दाना दाना चुन रहा था ख़िरमन-ए ख़्याल का

लहू उमीद ओ बेम का चमक रहा था फ़र्श पर

के ज़िंदगी के राग सुर, तो तेरे पास रह गए

वो कीमिया के सारे गुर, तो तेरे पास रह गए


अधूरे ख़्वाब सौंप कर

कहां चला गया है तू

बुझी बुझी है रौशनी

धुंआ धुंआ हैं बाम ओ दर

पुकारती है रह गुज़र

कहां चला गया है तू


वो तिफ़्ल-ए नौ दमीदा कौन था

सुना रहा था जो किताब-ए अहद-ए नौ वरक़ वरक़

बायाज़-ए फ़र्दा लिखते लिखते हाथ क्यों उठा लिया

क़लम किसी ने देखते ही देखते चुरा लिया

दवात छन से टूट कर बिखर गई

हुरूफ़ खो के रह गये

हुरूफ़ खो के रह गए

मानी रो के रह गए


अधूरे ख़्वाब सौंप कर

कहां चला गया है तू

बुझी बुझी है रौशनी

धुंआ धुंआ हैं बाम ओ दर

पुकारती है रह गुज़र

कहां चला गया है तू


वो एक लड़की खेत की सुनहरी मांग से परे

जो जानती नहीं है तेरे नाम की मिठास भी

मगर वो मेंह की रुत के पहले पहले बादलों की ओट से

मगर वो झूमते झमकते डंठलों की ओट से

खड़ी हुई फ़सील-ए फ़स्ल के हिसार-ए ज़र्द ज़र्द से

सुनहरी शूख़ बालियौं की महकी महकी गर्द से

वो सुन रही है तेरी चाप, तेरी आहटें अभी

उमीद, आस, आरज़ू की गुन्गुनाहटें अभी


अधूरे ख़्वाब सौंप कर

कहां चला गया है तू

बुझी बुझी है रौशनी

धुंआ धुंआ हैं बाम ओ दर

पुकारती है रह गुज़र

कहां चला गया है तू


वो दस्त-ए रा’आशा दार कौन था

के जिस की झुर्रियों की एक एक नस पुकारती रही

तेरे जवाब के लिए वो बस पुकारती रही

रीदा’ए सर कहां गई

आसा’ए पीरी क्या हुआ


रुतें फिरेंगी हर बरस

बहारें चल के तेरे पास आएंगीं

हवाएं रुख़ बदल बदल के तेरे पास आएंगी

घनेरे अब्र मोतियों के तश्त भर के लाएंगे

वो कुंज-ए गुल में सब्ज़ ओ सुर्ख़ रौशनी गुलाब की

रुतें फिरेंगी हर बरस

वो ख़ुश्क ख़ुश्क पत्तियों पे लू की सरसराहटें

अकेली दोपहर में फ़ाख़्ता की हूक से

सुकूत के बदन में होंगी जैसे थरथराहटें


क़तार दर क़तार लफ़्ज़ तेरे पास आएंगे

कहेंगे शेर का आता हो पैरहन हमें

भटक रहे हैं दर ब दर, करो ना बे वतन हमें

मैं तार-ए अश्क ओ ख़ून-ए दिल पुरो रहा हुं देर से

तुझे सुपुर्द-ए ख़ाक कर के रो रहा हुं देर से


तेरी मिसाल जैसे आब-ए चश्मा-ए रवां रही

तू दूसरों के रुख़ की गर्द धो के मुतमा’इन रहा

तू शब्नमीं निगाह से उजाले देखता रहा

तू रौज़ान-ए सियाह से उजाले देखता रहा

मत’आ तेरी मुश्त-ए ख़ाक और तू चमन चमन

नफ़ासत-ए हरीर तू मगर दरीदा पैरहन


क़दम क़दम पे नग़मतौं को तेरा इंतेज़ार था

ना जाने कितने नील गूं दरीचे थे खुले हुए

ना जाने कितनी शमें तेरी राह तक के सो गईं

तेरी नज़र थी उस चिराग़-ए ख़ाना-ए सियाह पर

के दे रही थी जिस की लौ, तेरे लहू का वास्ता

तेरे मिज़ाज-ए आतिश ओ शरारा जू का वास्ता


तू फ़र्द कब था, बज़्म था, हयात तेरे साथ थी

ज़माना तेरे साथ था, काएनात तेरे साथ थी


ज़ियां के सूद, सूद के ज़ियां की दास्तां तेरी

वो सैर चश्मियां तेरी

वो महफ़िलें, वो रतजगे, वो जश्न-ए मै, वो क़हक़हे

वो यारबाशीयां तेरी

तक्कलुम-ए शगुफ़्ता ओ तब्बसुम-ए निगाह में

वो दिल नवाज़ियां तेरी

नहीं के आज दूसरा कोइ नहीं है दहर में

सहर के साथ ये ख़लिश के तू नहीं है शाहर में


वो दुख की घात, सुख की बात, किस से जा के पूछिये

सनम कदा खन्डर बना है किस से किजीए गिला

उजड़ गया है सोमनाथ, किस से जा के पूछिये


सुख़नवरी भी है बहुत, पैयम्बरी भी है बहुत

तिलस्म-ए सौत ओ नग़मगी की साहिरी भी है बहुत

मगर मेरे दकन तेरी बिसात-ए रक़्स उलट गई

मैं रो रहा हूं शह रग-ए रबाब ओ चंग कट गई

मेरी ज़मीं दहल गई के आसमान डह गया

के सैल-ए अश्क ओ आह में, अजीब क़स्र बह गया


सजे गी यूं तो बारहा सुख़न की अंजुमन यहां

के इक़्तेज़ा-ए दहर गहि है कितना दिल शिकन यहां

मगर कालीद-ए रौनाक़-ए हर अंजुमन तो खो गई

दकन की क़िस्मत-ए सुख़न तो तेरे साथ सो गई

गली गली, नगर नगर में तुझ को ढूंढता फिरूं

वो रूप रंग राग का पयाम दे के खो गया

वो काम देव की कमान, जाम दे के खो गया

maKhdoom ki yaad meN – shaaz tamkanat

Click on any passage for word meanings and discussion.

vo log dard tere paas le ke aaye the
vo log kaun the bhala
pareshaaN haal Khaatir-e udaas1 le ke aaye the
1.sorrowful mind/heart/soul
maKhdoom was a well loved socialist/social activist, labour leader. He was even able to organize a totally dispersed group – rikshaw pullers – into a union. This short passage refers to how the full range of society from street vendors to artists to politicians came to maKhdoom for fellowship and help.

vo naujavaan kaun tha
jo tukRe tukRe aaiine1 ke tak raha tha farsh par
jo daana daana chun raha tha Khirman-e Khyaal2 ka
lahu3 umeed o beym4 ka chamak raha tha farsh par
ke zindagi ke raag sur, to tere paas rah gaye
vo keemiya ke saare gur, to tere paas rah gaye
1.mirror, metaphor for heart 2.harvest of thought 3.blood 4.hope and fear
This short passage has reference to maKhdoom’s “chaaragar – ek chameli ke madDve taley”. Please see it on this website for more background on the thwarted love of a young man who was mentored by maKhdoom. Who was that young man, his heart broken and strewn on the floor, who picked words of wisdom from you even as he stared at his bleeding hopes and fears. Where can he go now, the prescription for life, the chemistry/formula of love is lost and gone with you.

adhure Khwaab sauNp kar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu
bujhi bujhi hai raushni
dhuaaN dhuaaN haiN baam o dar
pukaarti hai rah guzar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu
A simple but lyrical cry of loss. Where have you gone, dreams still unfulfilled, the light of hope dimmed, vision hazy under a fog. We are left calling for you, where have you gone.

vo tifl1-e nau dameeda2 kaun tha
suna raha tha jo kitaab-e ahd-e nau3 varaq varaq4
bayaaz5-e farda6 likhte likhte haath kyuN uTha liya
qalam kisi ne dekhte hi dekhte chura liya
davaat7 chhan se TooT kar bikhar gayee
huroof8 kho ke rah gaye
muaani9 ro ke rah gaye
1.infant born world order by page, page 6.future pot 8.words 9.meanings
This has reference to “laKht-e jigar” also posted on this website. Please see it for more background on the death of maKhdoom’s father while he was still an infant, and how his mother had to give him up. Who was that new-born infant (who rose to be a leader/guide); who explained to us the shape of the new world order page by page; and with the book still half finished his pen snatched away, his ink pot shattered; words (of wisdom, yet to be spoken) lost forever, their meaning crying to be understood.

adhure Khwaab sauNp kar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu
bujhi bujhi hai raushni
dhuaaN dhuaaN haiN baam o dar
pukaarti hai rah guzar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu

vo ek laRki khet ki sunehri maaNg se pare`
jo jaanti nahiN hai tere naam ki miThaas bhi
magar vo meNh1 ki rut2 ke pahle pahle baadalauN ki oaT3 se
magar vo jhoomte jhamakte DanThalauN ki oaT se
khaRi hui faseel4-e fasl5 ke hisaar6-e zard zard7 se
sunehri shooKh baaliyauN ki mahki mahki gard se
vo sun rahi hai teri chaap, teri aahaTeN abhi
umeed, aas, aarzu ki gungunaahaTeN abhi
1.rain, mist 2.season 3.behind 4.parapet, wall 5.harvest 6.boundary 7.golden
See “telaNgan” for maKhdoom’s tribute to the landless women of telaNgana who participated in the peasants’ movement, one of the earliest communist movements in India. This is a beautiful picture of a peasant woman/girl standing in her full (golden, wheat) fields and hearing the message of hope and vision that maKhdoom and other leaders of the peasant movement brought to them. See “telaNgana” for more details on the movement itself.

adhure Khwaab sauNp kar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu
bujhi bujhi hai raushni
dhuaaN dhuaaN haiN baam o dar
pukaarti hai rah guzar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu

vo dast1-e ra’asha2 daar kaun tha
ke jis ki jhurriyauN3 ki ek ek nas4 pukaarti rahi
tere javaab ke liye vo bas pukaarti rahi
rida5-e sar kahaaN gayee
asaa6-e peeri7 kya hua
1.hand 2.trembling (as with old age, NOT fear) 3.wrinkles 4.lines, veins 5.scarf, “shamla??” 6.staff, walking stick 7.old age
I am not at all sure but this may have reference to the work of (then) 90 year old Kazakh poet whose poem maKhdoom rendered in Urdu. The original may have been in Kazakh, a Turkic language originally written in Arabic script (now in Cyrillic). I have not posted maKhdoom’s rendition because I am not sure if that is what is meant here and because it is on Stalin. If anyone has any thoughts of what this might mean, please let me know.

ruteN1 phireNgi har baras
bahaareN chal ke tere paas aaeNgi
havaaeN ruKh2 badal badal ke tere paas aaeNgi
ghanere abr motiyauN ke tasht3 bhar ke laaeNge
vo kunj4-e gul meN sabz5 o surKh6 raushni gulaab ki
ruteN phireNgi har baras
vo Khushk Khushk7 pattiyauN pe loo8 ki sarsaraahaTeN
akeli dopahar meN faaKhta9 ki huuk10 se
sukoot11 ke badan meN hoNgi jaise thartharaahaTeN
1.seasons 2.direction 3.platter 4.corner 7.dry summer breeze 9.mourning dove 10.cooing 11.silence
Seasons will pass, years will turn. Spring breeze will change direction to blow towards you, spring clouds will present platters of pearls, rose groves will present colours of red and green and in the silent, desolate afternoons of summer, the cooing of the dove will be the only sound setting the body of Silence in a shiver.

qataar dar qataar1 lafz2 tere paas aaeNge
kaheNge she’r ka ata3 ho pairahan4 hameN
bhaTak rahe haiN dar ba dar5, karo na be vatan hameN
maiN taar-e ashk6 o Khoon-e dil puro raha huN der se
tujhe sipurd-e Khaak7 kar ke ro raha huN der se
1.line by line 2.words 3.grant, bestow 4.dress, robe 5.door to door 6.string of tears 7.consign to dust, bury
Words will line up to beg you to grant them the robe of “she’r”, moaning that they have been wandering door to door as if homeless. I string my tears and blood, crying, having consigned you to the dust.

teri misaal1 jaise aab2-e chashma3-e ravaaN4 rahi
tu doosrauN ke ruKh5 ki gard dho ke mutma’in6 raha
tu shabnameeN7 nigaah se ujaale dekhta raha
tu rauzan8-e siyaah se ujaale dekhta raha
mata’a9 teri musht-e Khaak10 aur tu chaman chaman11
nafaasat12-e hareer13 tu magar dareeda14 pairahan15 
1.example 2.water 3.spring, brook 4.flowing 5.face 6.satisfied, happy 7.misty, tearful 8.window, peep hole 9.wealth, treasure 10.fistful of dust – meaning pleasant, happy 12.refined culture 13.silky, soft 14.torn 15.dress
Your example is like a flowing mountain brook (that keeps giving).You were happy helping others. Even through misty eyes and dark peep holes you could see a bright vision (for the future). Your whole treasure was like a fistful of dust, yet you were happy. A person of refined culture, happily dressed in tatters.

qadam qadam1 pe naGhmatauN2 ko tera intezaar tha
na jaane kitne neel guuN3 dareeche4 thhe khuley huey
na jaane kitni shama’en5 teri raah tak6 ke so gayeeN
teri nazar7 thhi us chiraaGh-e Khaana-e siyaah8 par
ke de rahi thhi jis ki lau9, tere lahu ka vaasta10
tere mizaaj11-e aatish12 o sharaara juu13 ka vaasta
1.every step 2.songs 3.clear blue, vistas 5.lamps 6.waiting for 7.sight, vision of darkness 9.flame 10.swear by 11.nature 12.flame 13.river of sparks
Please see maKhdoom’s “chaand taarauN ka ban” in this web site. This passage has references to the imagery in that poem. At every step there was song and celebration waiting for you, clear blue vistas opening possibilities, many lamps (opportunities) tired of waiting but your sight was fixed on the lamp that would light the house of darkness (colonial rule), the flame of which would swear by your blood by the river of flame and sparks that was your nature.

tu fard1 kab tha, bazm2 tha, hayaat3 tere saath thi
zamaana4 tere saath tha, kaa’enaat5 tere saath thi
1.individual, separate 2.assembly, group 4.times 5.creation
You never stood just for yourselves, you took everyone with you. This has reference to a very famous she’r of maKhdoom that used to be scribbled all over on walls of Hyderabad, essentially meaning – don’t walk alone, take all creation along with you.
hayaat le ke chalo, kaa’enaat le ke chalo
chalo to saare zamaane ko saath le ke chalo

ziyaaN1 ke sood2, sood ke ziyaaN ki daastaN teri
vo saer chashmiyaaN3 teri
vo mahfileN, vo ratjage, vo jashn-e mae4, vo qahqahe
vo yaarbaashiyaaN5 teri
takkalum6-e shagufta7 o tabbasum-e nigah8 meN
vo dil navaaziyaaN9 teri
nahiN ke aaj doosra koii nahiN hai dahr10 meN
sahr ke saath ye Khalish11 ke tu nahiN hai shahr meN
1.loss 2.profit, benefit 3.satiating/satisfying sights i.e.showing good things 4.celebrations of drinking 5.gregariousness, conversation 7.pleasant 8.smiling/bright eyes 9.pleasing the heart, caring 11.burning pain
Those discussions of socialism (profit and loss), that satisfying vision, those all night parties, wine and merriment; your inclusive gregariousness, that sweet talk, those shining eyes, that caring nature – no there is no other like you in this world. Every morning I wake up with the painful realization that you are no more.

vo dukh ki ghaath1, sukh ki baat, kis se jaa ke poochhiye
sanam kada2 khanDar3 bana hai kis se kiijiye gila
ujaR gaya hai somnath, kis se jaa ke poochhiye
1.ambush, attack of idols, temple 3.ruins
I think that this has reference to a poem “haveli”, but I am not sure. “haveli” is also posted on this web site. I have no idea what the reference to somnath is. If anyone has suggestions, I would welcome them.

suKhanvari1 bhi hai bahut, paiambari2 bhi hai bahut
tilasm3-e saut4 o naGhmagi5 ki saahiri6 bhi hai bahut
magar mere dakan teri bisaat-e raqs7 ulaT gayee
maiN ro raha huN shah rag8-e rabaab o chaNg9 kaT gayee
meri zamiN dahal10 gayee ke aasman Dah11 gaya
ke sael12-e ashk13 o aah14 meN, ajib15 qasr16 bah gaya
1.poetry recitation 2.preaching, foretelling 3.enchantment 4.sound, recitation 5.singing 6.magic floor (the title of one of maKhdoom’s collections) 8.jugular vein 9.lute, harp 10.frightened 11.destroyed 12.flood 13.tears 14.sighs 15.strange-used here in the positive sense of unique 16.castle
Yes, we have poetry sessions and preaching, the enchantment of recitation and magic of singing remains, but O Deccan, your dance floor is turned upside down. I am crying that the strings of the rabaab and lute have been cut, my world is terrorized. I have lost my shelter. In the flood of tears and sighs, that lovely castle, our shelter floated away.

saje gi yuN to baar-ha1 suKhan2 ki anjuman3 yahaaN
ke iqtezaa4-e dahr5 bhi, hai kitna dil shikan6 yahaN
magar kaleed7-e raunaq8-e har-anjuman9 to kho gayee
dakan ki qismat-e suKhan2 to tere saath so gayee
gali gali, nagar nagar, maiN tujh ko DhoonDta phiruN
vo roop raNg raag ka payaam de ke kho gaya
vo kaam dev ki kamaan, jaam de ke kho gaya
1.many times, again and again 2.poetry (recitation) 3.assembly, gathering 4.demand 6.heart wrenching 7.key 8.brilliance 9.every gathering Yes, there will be many gatherings of poets because, even though you are gone the demands of this world are heart wrenching and will continue. But the key that holds the brilliance of all gatherings is lost. The fate of poetics of the Deccan is buried with you. I search of you in every town, in every street but you gave the message of love and beauty, of cupids arrow and wine and left. The last two lines are from maKhdoom’s “raqs” also posted on this site.

maKhdoom ki yaad meN – shaaz tamkanat

vo log dard tere paas le ke aaye the
vo log kaun the bhala
pareshaaN haal Khaatir-e udaas1 le ke aaye the

1.sorrowful mind/heart/soul

maKhdoom was a well loved socialist/social activist, labour leader. He was even able to organize a totally dispersed group – rikshaw pullers – into a union. This short passage refers to how the full range of society from street vendors to artists to politicians came to maKhdoom for fellowship and help.

vo naujavaan kaun tha
jo tukRe tukRe aaiine1 ke tak raha tha farsh par
jo daana daana chun raha tha Khirman-e Khyaal2 ka
lahu3 umeed o beym4 ka chamak raha tha farsh par
ke zindagi ke raag sur, to tere paas rah gaye
vo keemiya ke saare gur, to tere paas rah gaye

1.mirror, metaphor for heart 2.harvest of thought 3.blood 4.hope and fear

This short passage has reference to maKhdoom’s “chaaragar – ek chameli ke madDve taley”. Please see it on this website for more background on the thwarted love of a young man who was mentored by maKhdoom. Who was that young man, his heart broken and strewn on the floor, who picked words of wisdom from you even as he stared at his bleeding hopes and fears. Where can he go now, the prescription for life, the chemistry/formula of love is lost and gone with you.

adhure Khwaab sauNp kar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu
bujhi bujhi hai raushni
dhuaaN dhuaaN haiN baam o dar
pukaarti hai rah guzar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu

A simple but lyrical cry of loss. Where have you gone, dreams still unfulfilled, the light of hope dimmed, vision hazy under a fog. We are left calling for you, where have you gone.

vo tifl1-e nau dameeda2 kaun tha
suna raha tha jo kitaab-e ahd-e nau3 varaq varaq4
bayaaz5-e farda6 likhte likhte haath kyuN uTha liya
qalam kisi ne dekhte hi dekhte chura liya
davaat7 chhan se TooT kar bikhar gayee
huroof8 kho ke rah gaye
muaani9 ro ke rah gaye

1.infant born world order by page, page 6.future pot 8.words 9.meaning

This has reference to “laKht-e jigar” also posted on this website. Please see it for more background on the death of maKhdoom’s father while he was still an infant, and how his mother had to give him up. Who was that new-born infant (who rose to be a leader/guide); who explained to us the shape of the new world order page by page; and with the book still half finished his pen snatched away, his ink pot shattered; words (of wisdom, yet to be spoken) lost forever, their meaning crying out to be understood.

adhure Khwaab sauNp kar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu
bujhi bujhi hai raushni
dhuaaN dhuaaN haiN baam o dar
pukaarti hai rah guzar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu

vo ek laRki khet ki sunehri maaNg se pare`
jo jaanti nahiN hai tere naam ki miThaas bhi
magar vo meNh1 ki rut2 ke pahle pahle baadalauN ki oaT3 se
magar vo jhoomte jhamakte DanThalauN ki oaT se
khaRi hui faseel4-e fasl5 ke hisaar6-e zard zard7 se
sunehri shooKh baaliyauN ki mahki mahki gard se
vo sun rahi hai teri chaap, teri aahaTeN abhi
umeed, aas, aarzu ki gungunaahaTeN abhi

1.rain, mist 2.season 3.behind 4.parapet, wall 5.harvest 6.boundary

See “telaNgan” for maKhdoom’s tribute to the landless women of telaNgana who participated in the peasants’ movement, one of the earliest communist movements in India. This is a beautiful picture of a peasant woman/girl standing in her full (golden, wheat) fields and hearing the message of hope and vision that maKhdoom and other leaders of the peasant movement brought to them. See “telaNgana” for more details on the movement itself.

adhure Khwaab sauNp kar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu
bujhi bujhi hai raushni
dhuaaN dhuaaN haiN baam o dar
pukaarti hai rah guzar
kahaaN chala gaya hai tu

vo dast1-e ra’asha2 daar kaun tha
ke jis ki jhurriyauN3 ki ek ek nas4 pukaarti rahi
tere javaab ke liye vo bas pukaarti rahi
rida5-e sar kahaaN gayee
asaa6-e peeri7 kya hua

1.hand 2.trembling (as with old age, NOT fear) 3.wrinkles 4.lines, veins 5.scarf, “shamla??” 6.staff, walking stick 7.old age

I am not at all sure but this may have reference to the work of (then) 90 year old Kazakh poet whose poem maKhdoom rendered in Urdu. The original may have been in Kazakh, a Turkic language originally written in Arabic script (now in Cyrillic). I have not posted maKhdoom’s rendition because I am not sure if that is what is meant here and because it is on Stalin. If anyone has any thoughts of what this might mean, please let me know.

ruteN1 phireNgi har baras
bahaareN chal ke tere paas aaeNgi
havaaeN ruKh2 badal badal ke tere paas aaeNgi
ghanere abr motiyauN ke tasht3 bhar ke laaeNge
vo kunj4-e gul meN sabz5 o surKh6 raushni gulaab ki
ruteN phireNgi har baras
vo Khushk Khushk7 pattiyauN pe loo8 ki sarsaraahaTeN
akeli dopahar meN faaKhta9 ki huuk10 se
sukoot11 ke badan meN hoNgi jaise thartharaahaTeN

1.seasons 2.direction 3.platter 4.corner 7.dry summer breeze 9.mourning dove 10.cooing 11.silence

Seasons will pass, years will turn. Spring breeze will change direction to blow towards you, spring clouds will present platters of pearls, rose groves will present colours of red and green and in the silent, desolate afternoons of summer, the cooing of the dove will be the only sound setting the body of Silence in a shiver.

qataar dar qataar1 lafz2 tere paas aaeNge
kaheNge she’r ka ata3 ho pairahan4 hameN
bhaTak rahe haiN dar ba dar5, karo na be vatan hameN
maiN taar-e ashk6 o Khoon-e dil puro raha huN der se
tujhe sipurd-e Khaak7 kar ke ro raha huN der se

1.line by line 2.words 3.grant, bestow 4.dress, robe 5.door to door
6.string of tears 7.consign to dust, bury

Words will line up to beg you to grant them the robe of “she’r”, moaning that they have been wandering door to door as if homeless. I string my tears and blood, crying, having consigned you to the dust.

teri misaal1 jaise aab2-e chashma3-e ravaaN4 rahi
tu doosrauN ke ruKh5 ki gard dho ke mutma’in6 raha
tu shabnameeN7 nigaah se ujaale dekhta raha
tu rauzan8-e siyaah se ujaale dekhta raha
mata’a9 teri musht-e Khaak10 aur tu chaman chaman11
nafaasat12-e hareer13 tu magar dareeda14 pairahan15

1.example 2.water 3.spring, brook 4.flowing 5.face 6.satisfied, happy 7.misty, tearful 8.window, peep hole 9.wealth, treasure 10.fistful of dust – meaning pleasant, happy 12.refined culture 13.silky, soft 14.torn 15.dress

Your example is like a flowing mountain brook (that keeps giving).You were happy helping others. Even through misty eyes and dark peep holes you could see a bright vision (for the future). Your whole treasure was like a fistful of dust, yet you were happy. A person of refined culture, happily dressed in tatters.

qadam qadam1 pe naGhmatauN2 ko tera intezaar tha
na jaane kitne neel guuN3 dareeche4 thhe khuley huey
na jaane kitni shama’en5 teri raah tak6 ke so gayeeN
teri nazar7 thhi us chiraaGh-e Khaana-e siyaah8 par
ke de rahi thhi jis ki lau9, tere lahu ka vaasta10
tere mizaaj11-e aatish12 o sharaara juu13 ka vaasta

1.every step 2.songs 3.clear blue, vistas 5.lamps 6.waiting for 7.sight, vision of darkness 9.flame 10.swear by 11.nature
12.flame 13.river of sparks

Please see maKhdoom’s “chaand taarauN ka ban” in this web site. This passage has references to the imagery in that poem. At every step there was song and celebration waiting for you, clear blue vistas opening possibilities, many lamps (opportunities) tired of waiting but your sight was fixed on the lamp that would light the house of darkness (colonial rule), the flame of which would swear by your blood by the river of flame and sparks that was your nature.

tu fard1 kab tha, bazm2 tha, hayaat3 tere saath thi
zamaana4 tere saath tha, kaa’enaat5 tere saath thi

1.individual, separate 2.assembly, group 4.times 5.creation

You were never stood just for yourselves, you took everyone with you. This has reference to a very famous she’r of maKhdoom that used to be scribbled all over on walls of Hyderabad, essentially meaning – don’t walk alone, take all creation along with you.

hayaat le ke chalo, kaa’enaat le ke chalo
chalo to saare zamaane ko saath le ke chalo

ziyaaN1 ke sood2, sood ke ziyaaN ki daastaN teri
vo saer chashmiyaaN3 teri
vo mahfileN, vo ratjage, vo jashn-e mae4, vo qahqahe
vo yaarbaashiyaaN5 teri
takkalum6-e shagufta7 o tabbasum-e nigah8 meN
vo dil navaaziyaaN9 teri
nahiN ke aaj doosra koii nahiN hai dahr10 meN
sahr ke saath ye Khalish11 ke tu nahiN hai shahr meN

1.loss 2.profit, benefit 3.satiating/satisfying sights i.e.showing good things 4.celebrations of drinking 5.gregariousness, conversation 7.pleasant 8.smiling/bright eyes 9.pleasing the heart, caring 11.burning pain

Those discussions of socialism (profit and loss), that satisfying vision, those all night parties, wine and merriment; your inclusive gregariousness, that sweet talk, those shining eyes, that caring nature – no there is no other like you in this world. Every morning I wake up with the painful realization that you are no more.

vo dukh ki ghaath1, sukh ki baat, kis se jaa ke poochhiye
sanam kada2 khanDar3 bana hai kis se kiijiye gila
ujaR gaya hai somnath, kis se jaa ke poochhiye

1.ambush, attack of idols, temple 3.ruins

I think that this has reference to a poem “haveli”, but I am not sure. “haveli” is also posted on this web site. I have no idea what the reference to somnath is. If anyone has suggestions, I would welcome them.

suKhanvari1 bhi hai bahut, paiambari2 bhi hai bahut
tilasm3-e saut4 o naGhmagi5 ki saahiri6 bhi hai bahut
magar mere dakan teri bisaat-e raqs7 ulaT gayee
maiN ro raha huN shah rag8-e rabaab o chaNg9 kaT gayee
meri zamiN dahal10 gayee ke aasman Dah11 gaya
ke sael12-e ashk13 o aah14 meN, ajib15 qasr16 bah gaya

1.poetry recitation 2.preaching, foretelling 3.enchantment 4.sound, recitation 5.singing 6.magic floor (the title of one of maKhdoom’s collections) 8.jugular vein 9.lute, harp 10.frightened 11.destroyed 12.flood 13.tears
14.sighs 15.strange-used here in the positive sense of unique 16.castle

Yes, we have poetry sessions and preaching, the enchantment of recitation and magic of singing remains, but O Deccan, your dance floor is turned upside down. I am crying that the strings of the rabaab and lute have been cut, my world is terrorized. I have lost my shelter. In the flood of tears and sighs, that lovely castle, our shelter floated away.

saje gi yuN to baar-ha1 suKhan2 ki anjuman3 yahaaN
ke iqtezaa4-e dahr5 bhi, hai kitna dil shikan6 yahaN
magar kaleed7-e raunaq8-e har-anjuman9 to kho gayee
dakan ki qismat-e suKhan2 to tere saath so gayee
gali gali, nagar nagar, maiN tujh ko DhoonDta phiruN
vo roop raNg raag ka payaam de ke kho gaya
vo kaam dev ki kamaan, jaam de ke kho gaya

1.many times, again and again 2.poetry (recitation) 3.assembly, gathering 4.demand 6.heart wrenching 7.key 8.brilliance 9.every gathering

Yes, there will be many gatherings of poets because, even though you are gone the demands of this world are heart wrenching and will continue. But the key that holds the brilliance of all gatherings is lost. The fate of poetics of the Deccan is buried with you. I search of you in every town, in every street but you gave the message of love and beauty, of cupids arrow and wine and left. The last two lines are from maKhdoom’s “raqs” also posted on this site.