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مرثیہ۔پانی۔پانی کا حسن۔جوش ملیح آبادی
بند ١
ہاں اے صباح طبع شب تار سے نکل
اۓ فِکر سوے آب خضر گنگنا کے چل
اۓ کلکِ نغمہ بار برستی گھٹا میں ڈھل
اۓ چشمۂِ تخیلِ برگ آفریں اُبل
جس میں ہو رقص و رنگ و روانی کی داستاں
اۓ دل کی آگ چھیڑ وہ پانی کی داستاں
بند ٢
پانی خوش اِضطراب و خوش انداز و خوش جمال
خوش آب و خوش خرام و خوش آواز و خوش مقال
شیریں قوام و شیشہ مزاج و گہر خِصال
سرشاری و شگُفتگی و رقص و وجد و حال
سرمایہ آب و رنگ کی تانیں لئے ہوئے
لاکھوں ہر ایک بوند میں جانیں لئے ہوئے
بند ٣
پانی چناب و راوی و گنگا و رودِ نیل
جوئے حیات و کوثر و تسنیم و سلسبیل
رقاصِ بے نظیر و غزل خوانِ بے عدیل
موج ہوا پہ ہمسرِ گلبانگِ جبریل
دستِ خُنک میں ساغر زم زم لئے ہوئے
کلیوں کی خواب گاہ میں شبنم لئے ہوئے
بند ٤
بہتی ہوی ندی کی روانی کا جل ترنگ
متوالیوں کے دل کی گرجتی ہوی اُمنگ
سبزے کی لہر پھول کی خوشبو دھنک کا رنگ
آہنگ میں بھرے ہوے مدھماتیوں کے انگ
اور یہ جو عود و چنگ ہیں برکھا کی رات میں
ان سب کی باگ ڈور ہے پانی کے ہاتھ میں
بند ٥
پانی ہزار روپ سے ہوتا ہے منجلی
شبنم، بہار، گونج، گرج، راگنی، جھڑی
بالی درخت، دوب، ثمر، برگ، خس، کلی
کونپل، شگوفہ گاہ کلی، پھول، پنکھڑی
کرتا ہے نصب موج پہ خیمے حباب کے
بھرتا ہے وقتِ صبح کٹورے گلاب کے
بند ٦
پانی بخار، بھانپ، گھٹا، جھلملی، دھواں
سُنبل، بنفشہ، لالہ، سمن، سروِ نیستاں
شاداب و نرم و نازک و سرشار و شادماں
بُستان و سبزہ زار و خیابان و گلستاں
آنچل رخِ صبیح پہ آبی لئے ہوے
کاندھوں پہ زندگی کی گلابی لئے ہوے
بند ٧
جولاں، رقیق، سرد، سُبُک سیر، نغمہ خواں
مستی فروغ، زمزمہ انگیز، دُر فشاں
وادی میں آبشار، صراحی میں گلستاں
رقصاں، جواں، جبہندہ و جولاں، رواں دواں
ہیجان و اِضطراب و تلاطم لےٰ ہوے
گونگی زمیں پہ نغمہِ قلزم لےٰ ہوے
بند ٨
پانی فروغِ ولولۂ دجلہ و فرات
آہنگِ اِرتقا و نشیدِ تغیّرات
سلطانِ ہفت قُلزم و داراےٰ ششجہات
تخمِ وجود، وجہ نموُ، طلعتِ حیات
جادو جگاے گیسوئے عنبر سرشت کے
کھولے ہوے زمین پہ غرْفے بہشت کے
بند ٩
ہلچل کے بیشمار بکھیڑے لۓ ہوے
چھل بل کی شوخیوں میں تھپیڑے لۓ ہوے
پرُ حول مد و جزر میں بیڑے لۓ ہوے
شاداب گھاٹیوں میں دریڑے لۓ ہوے
جھلمل فضا میں بال پریشاں کۓ ہوے
بوچھار کی رقیق دلائی سیۓ ہوے
بند ١٠
ماواےٰ تازا کاری و ملجاۓ شستُ شوُ
دولت سرائے زمزمہ و جنّتِ سُبوُ
جولاں گہہِ شگفتگی و چشمہِ نُموُ
پروردگارِ جودت و خلاقِ رنگ و بو
ہر بلبلے میں تارِ مقرنس لۓ ہوے
پنگھٹ پہ نازِ صبح بنارس لۓ ہوے
بند ١١
پانی متاعِ کیف ہے سرمایہ سبوُ
چہروں پہ ضو، رگوں میں تھِرکتا ہوا لہو
پیرِ مغاں کی بزم میں فرمانِ ہا و ہو
کچے پھلوں میں شہد ہے پھولوں میں رنگ و بو
سینے میں روحِ سُنبُل و سوسن لۓ ہوے
چٹکی میں بادِ صبح کا دامن لۓ ہوے
بند ١٢
نئے چھیڑتا جوان ترنگیں اُبھارتا
رِندوں کو سوئے ساغر و مینا پکارتا
مڑتا، لرزتا، گونجتا ، پتاّ گہارتا
چنگھاڑتا، دھاڑتا، گاتا، ڈکارتا
جھنکائے پائے ناز میں چھاگل بہار کی
بدھی گلوئے نرم میں آڑی گہار کی
मर्सिया-पानी-पानी का हुस्न-जोश मलीहाबादी
हाँ अए सबाह तबा-ए-शब-ए-तार से निकल
अए फ़िक्र सू-ए-आब-ए-ख़िज़्र गुनगुना के चल
अए कल्क-ए-नग़मा बार बरसती घटा में ढल
अए चश्मा-ए-तख़य्युल-ए-बर्ग आफ़रीं उबल
जिस में हो रक़्स-ओ-रंग-ओ रवानी की दास्ताँ
अए दिल कि आग छेड वो पानी कि दास्ताँ
पानी ख़ुश इज़तेराब-ओ-ख़ुश अंदाज़-ओ-ख़ुश जमाल
ख़ुश आब-ओ-ख़ुश ख़राम-ओ-ख़ुश आवाज़-ओ-ख़ुश मक़ाल
शीरीं क़वाम-ओ-शीशा मिज़ाज-ओ-गोहर ख़िसाल
सर शारी-ओ-शगुफ़्तगी-ओ-रक़्स-ओ-वज्द-ओ-हाल
सरमाया आब-ओ-रंग की तानें लिए हुए
लाखों हर एक बूँद में जानें लिए हुए
पानी चनाब-ओ-रावी-ओ-गंगा-ओ-रूद-ए-नील
रक़्क़ास-ए-बेनज़ीर-ओ-ग़ज़ल ख़्वान-ए-बेअदील
मौज-ए-हवा पे हमसर-ए-गुल्बांग-ए-जिब्रअईल
दस्त-ए-ख़ुनक में साग़र-ए-ज़म ज़म लिए हुए
कलियों की ख़्वाब गाह में शबनम लिए हुए
बहती हुई नदी की रवानी का जल तरंग
मत्वालियों के दिल की गरजती हुई उमंग
सब्ज़े की लहर फूल की ख़ुशबू धनक का रंग
आहंग में भरे हुए मध्मतियों के अंग
और ये जो ऊद ओ चंग हैं बरखा की रात में
इन सब की बाग डोर है पानी के हात में
पानी हज़ार रूप से होता है मंजली
शबनम , बहार, गूँज , गरज , रागिनी, झड़ी
बाली दरख़्त, दूब, समर, बर्ग, ख़स, कलि
कोंपल , शगूफ़ा-गाह, कलि, फूल, पंखडी
करता है नसब मौज पे ख़ैमे हुबाब के
भरता है वक़्त ए सुबह कटोरे गुलाब के
पानी बुख़ार, भाप, घटा, झिलमिली, धुआं
सुंबल , बनफ़शा, लाला, समन, सर्व ए नीस्तां
शादाब ओ नर्म ओ नाज़ुक ओ सरशार ओ शादमां
बुस्तान ओ सब्ज़ा ज़ार ओ खियाबान ओ गुलसितां
आँचल रुख ए सुबह पे आबी लिए हुए
कंधों पे ज़िन्दगी की गुलाबी लिए हुए
जौलान, राक़ीक़, सर्द, सुबुक सेर, नगमा ख्वान
मस्ती फ़रोग़, ज़म्ज़मा अंगेज़, दुर फशां
वादी में आबशार, सुराही में गुलसितां
रक़्सां, जवां, जबहिन्दा ओ जौलां, रवां दवां
हेजान ओ इज़तेराब ओ तलातुम लिए हुए
गूंगी ज़मीं पे नग्मा ए नग़मा ए क़ुल्ज़ुम लिए हुए
पानी फ़रोग़ ए वलवला ए दजला ओ फ़ुरात
आहंग ओ इर्तेक़ा ओ नशेद ए तग़य्युरात
सुल्तान ए हफ़्त क़ुल्ज़ुम ओ दारा ए शश्जिहात
तुख़्म ए वुजूद, वजह नुमू, तल’अत ए हयात
जादू जगाये गेसू ए अम्बर सरिश्त के
खोले हुए ज़मीन पे ग़ुरफ़े बेहिश्त के
हलचल के बेशुमार बिखेड़े लिए हुए
छल बल की शूख़ीयों में थपेड़े लिए हुए
पुर हौल मद्द ओ जज़र में बड़े लिए हुए
शादाब घाटियों में दरेड़े लिए हुए
झिलमिल फ़िज़ा में बाल परेशां किये हुए
बोछार की रक़ीक़ दुलाई सिये हुए
मावा ए ताज़ाकारी ओ मल्जा ए शुस्त ओ शू
दौलत सरा ए ज़म्ज़मा ओ जन्नत ए सुबू
जौलां गह ए शगुफ़्तगी ओ चश्मा ए नुमू
परवरदिगार ए जूदत ओ ख़ल्लाक़ ए रंग ओ बू
हर बुलबुले में तार ए मुक़र्निस लिए हुए
पनघट पे नाज़ ए सुबह बनारस लिए हुए
पानी मता ए कैफ़ है सरमाया ए सुबू
चेहरों पे ज़ौ, रगों में थिरकता हुआ लहू
पीर ए मुग़ां की बज़्म में फ़रमान ए हा ओ हू
कच्चे फलों में शहद है, फूलों में रंग ओ बू
सीने में रूह ए सुंबुल ओ सोसन लिए हुए
चुटकी में बाद ए सुबह का दामन लिए हुए
नै छेड़ता जवान तरंगें उभारता
रिन्दों को सू ए साग़र ओ मीना पुकारता
मुड़ता, लरज़ता, गूंजता, पत्ता गुहारता
चिंघाड़ता, दहाड़ता, गाता, डकारता
झंकाए पा ए नाज़ में छागल बहार की
बद्धी गुलू ए नर्म में आड़ी गुहार की
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. This is a description of the beauty and the bounty of water in its varied forms. josh describes the qualities of water in a most musical, metaphorically rich and very sensuous way. The sensuous description leaves one wondering how this must have been accepted by a marsia audience more attuned to mourning. At each turn you think that he might have run out of adjectives, but he keeps going. Highly enjoyable and entirely secular.
haaN aye sabah1 taba’a2 e shab-e-taar3 se nikal
aye fikr4 soo5 e aab-e-Khizr6 gunguna ke chal
aye kilk7-e-naGhma baar8 barasti ghaTa meN Dhal
aye chashma9 e taKhayyul10 e barg-aafreeN11 ubal12
jis meN ho raqs13 o rang o ravaani14 ki daastaN15
aye dil ki aag cheR vo paani ki daastaN 1.dawn 2.nature, characteristic 3.darkness of the night 4.thought, reason 5.towards 6.water/elixir of eternal life 7.pen showering 9.spring, source 10.thought, imagination 11.greenery/life granting/bestowing 12.boil over, overflow 14.flow 15.legend
Like the light of dawn coming out of the darkness of night, O, reason emerge and go to the elixir of life with song on your lips. O poem showering pen, manifest yourself and sprinkle words like blessed rain. O spring of life-giving thought burst forth. And with joyous dance and colourful flow, O fire of my heart begin relating the story of water. The juxtaposition of fire and water is notable.
paani Khush1 izteraab2 o Khush andaaz3 o Khush jamaal4
Khush aab5 o Khush Kharaam6 o Khush aavaz7 o Khush maqaal8
shirin-qawaam9 o sheesha-mizaaj10 o guhar-Khisaal12
sarshaari13 o shaguftagi14 o raqs15 o vajd o haal16
sarmaaya17 aab-o-rang18 ki taaneN19 liye hue
laakhoN har ek boond meN jaaneN liye hue 1.Khush used in this stanza as “good” 2.restless, eager, (style of giving – like a harvest) 5.good nature 6.good gait 7.gentle sound 8.soft spoken 9.sweet natured 10.polished (like crystal) nature 11.pearl characteristics, lustrous like pearl 13.satiated 14.happiness 16.trance 17.treasure 18.lustre and colour 19.notes (musical)
Water – restless, beautiful, the harbinger of plenty. With great taste, lovely gait, beautiful voice, soft spoken. Of sweet posture, polished nature, pearly white colour. Elation, happiness, joyous dance as if in a trance arrying a treasure of colour and tune. Carrying a thousand lives in each drop.
paani chenaab o raavi o ganga o rood1 e neel
joo2 e hayat3 o kauser4 o tasneem4 o salsabeel4
raqqaas-e-benazeer5 o Ghazal-Khwan6-e-be adeel7
mauj-e-hava8 pe hamsar9-e-gulbaaNg-e-jibraeel10
dast-e-Khunak11 meN saaGhar-e-zam zam12 liye hue
kaliyauN ki Khwaab-gaah13 meN shabnam14 liye hue 1.river 2.river 4.names of rivers in paradise 5.exemplary dancer 6.Ghazal singer 7.unequalled 8.wave/gust of wind 9.equal of 10.declarations/message of Gabriel hand 12.flask of the water of zamzam (holy/curative water of a spring/well near Kaaba) 13.bed-chamber 14.dew
Water is Chenab, Ravi and the Nile, the river of life, Kauser, Tasneem and Salsabeel. Exemplary in dance, unequalled in song. Its sound is the equal of the voice of Gabriel. A cup of the wine of zamzam in its hand, sprinkling dewdrops in the bedchamber of unopened buds.
bahti hui nadi ki ravaani1 ka jal taraNg2
matwaaliyauN3 ke dil ki garajti4 hui umaNg5
sabze6 ki lahr7 phool ki Khushboo dhanak8 ka raNg
aahang9 meN bhare hue madhmatiyauN10 ke aNg
aur ye jo ood-o-chang11 haiN barkha ki raat meN
in sub ki baag Dor12 hai paani ke haat meN 1.flow 2.water raag (played on cups of water) 3.inebriated/happy damsel 4.raging 5.wave 6.greenery 7.wave 8.rainbow 10.inebriated girl 11.musical instruments – lute and flute 12.rein (control)
The lilting music of the flowing river, raging passions in the hearts of happy damsels. Waves of greenery, fragrance of flowers, colours of the rainbow. The bodies of those inebriated damsels, overflowing with music. And this music of the lute and flute of showers of a spring night, all these are reined and driven by water.
paani hazaar roop se hota hai manjali1
shabnam, bahaar2, goonj3, garaj4, raagini, jhaRi5
baali daraKht6, doob7, samar8, barg9, Khas10, kali
koNpal11, shagoofa-gaah12 kali, phool, pankhaRi
karta hai nasb13 mauj pe Khaime14 hubaab15 ke
bharta hai vaqt-e-subah kaTore gulaab ke 1.manifestation 2.spring blooms 3.reverberations (of thunder) 4.roar (of thunder) 5.musical sound of drizzle 6.young sapling 7.meadow 8.samar 9.leaf 10.fragrant grass 11.tender shoot 12.abode of pleasure 13.establish 14.tents 15.bubbles
Water, manifests itself in a thousand shapes, dew, spring, roar of thunder and the gentle music of drizzle. Green saplings, meadows, fruit, leaf, reed, flower buds. Tender shoots, pleasing buds, flowers, petals. Establishing its bubbly tents on waves, filling cups of rose petals at dawn.
paani buKhaar1, bhaap, ghaTa, jhilmili2, dhuaN3
suNbal4, banafsha5, lala6, saman7, sarv-e-neestaN8
shaadab9 o narm o nazuk o sar-shaar10 o shadmaN11
bustaan12 o sabza-zaar13 o Khiyabaan14 o gulsitaN15
aaNchal ruKh-e-sabeeh16 pe aabi17 liye hue
kaandhoN18 pe zindagi ki gulaabi19 liye hue 1.(fever), hot, steam 2.drizzle 3.(smoke) fog 4.hyacinth 5.violet 6.tulip 7.jasmine 8.cypress growing in a field (of reeds) 9.fertile/verdant 10.satiated 11.joyous 13.grassy meadow 14.tree shaded walkway 16.beautiful face 17.watery 18.shoulders 19.(rose coloured) wine
The thousand manifestations of water continue to be listed in an astonishingly musical and lyrical composition. Water comes as steam, billowing clouds, drizzle and fog. Hyacinth, violet, tulip, jasmine, cypress and reeds. Verdant, soft and tender, satiating and joyous. Garden, shaded walks, flower beds. A misty veil on the beautiful face of dawn, carrying the color of life on its shoulders!
jaulaaN1, raqeeq2, sard3, subuk ser4, naGhma KhwaaN5
masti-faroGh6, zamzama-angez7, dur-fashaaN8
vaadi9 meN aabshaar10, suraahi11 meN gulsitaaN12
raqsaaN13, jawaN14, jabhinda15-o-jaulaaN1, ravaaN-davaaN16
hejaan-o-izteraab17 o talaatum18 liye hue
gooNgi zamiN pe naGhma-e-qulzum19 liye hue 1.passionate 2.soft, soothing 4.light and delicate 5.songster
6.adding/bestowing satisfaction, fulfilling music 8.spreading pearls 9.waterfall 11.flask 12.(garden), pleasing, wine 13.dancing 14.youth 15.bright forehead, beautiful 16.flowing, full of energy 17.passion and restlessness 18.tumult of the ocean
Passionate, soft, soothing, musical. Fulfilling, bestowing music, scattering pearls. Waterfall in the valley pouring like wine from a flask. Dancing, young, beautiful and passionate, full of energy. Carrying with it passion and restlessness, bringing the song of the ocean to this silent earth.
paani faroGh1 e valvala2 e dajla3 o furaat4
aahaNg5 o irteqa6 o nashed7 e taGhayyuraat8
sultan9 e haft-qulzum10 o daraa11 e shashjihaat12
tuKhm-e-vujood13, vajah14 numoo15, tal’at-e-hayat16
jadoo jagaye gesoo17 e ambar-sarisht18 ke
khole hue zameen pe Ghurfe19 behisht20 ke
halchal ke beshumaar1 bikheRe2 liye hue
chhal-bal3 ki shooKhiyoN4 meN thapeRe5 liye hue
pur-haul6 madd-o-jazr7 meN beRe8 liye hue
shadaab9 ghaaTiyoN10 meN dareRe11 liye hue
jhilmil fiza12 meN baal pareshaaN13 kiye hue
bochhaar ki raqeeq14 dulaai15 siye hue 1.countless 2.quarrels 3.playfulness 4.mischief 5.slaps 6.fearsome 7.tidal ebb and flow 8.determination 9.verdant 10.valleys 11.rift, rupture, cut through 14.soft 15.shawl
Bent upon creating a thousand quarrells with its waves, slapping the shore in mischievous playfulness. Full of determination in the face of fearsome ebb and flow. Cutting deep rifts through verdant valleys. Dark clouds like beautiful tresses in misty ambience draped in a soft shawl of drizzle.
maava-e-taazakaari1 o maljaa2 e shust-o-shoo3
daulat-saraa4 e zamzama5 o jannat-e-suboo6
jaulaaN-gah7 e shaguftagi8 o chashma-e-numoo9
parvardigar-e-joodat10 o Khalaaq11 e rang o boo
har bulbule12 meN taar-e-muqarnis13 liye hue
panghaT pe naaz14 e subah benaras liye hue 1.essence of freshness 2.patron, supporter 3.washing and cleaning
4.palace 5.spring 6.blessing of the flask 7.field 8.happiness 9.source of life 10.sustainer of movement/change 11.creator 12.spiral string/staircase
Water is the essence of freshness, the enabler of cleanliness. The palace of the gurgling spring, the blessing of the flask. The home of passion and pleasure, the source of life. The sustainer of change, the creator of color and fragrance. Rolling every bubble in a spiral. Carrying the glory of dawn to the ghats of Benaras.
paani mataa-e-kaif1 hai sarmaaya-e-suboo2
chehroN pe zau3, ragauN meN thirakta hua lahoo
pir-e-muGhaaN4 ki bazm5 meN farmaan6 e haa-o-hoo7
kacche phalauN meN shahd hai, phoolauN meN raNg o boo
seene men rooh8 e suNbal9 o sosan10 liye hue
chuTki meN baad-e-subah11 ka daaman12 liye hue 1.wealth of pleasure 2.treasure of flask 3.brilliance 4.chief of wine makers 5.assembly 6.expression 7.oohs and aahs 8.spirit 9.hyacinth 10.lily 11.morning breeze 12.hem, apron
Water is the abundance of pleasure, the treasure of the flask, the brilliance of happy faces, the throbbing of veins. The sound of oohs and aahs in the assembly of wine makers. The sweetness of fruit, the color and fragrance of flowers. It carries in it the essence of hyacinth and lily and has control/companionship of the morning breeze.
nae chheRta1 javaan tarangeN2 ubhaarta
rindauN3 ko soo4 e saaGhar-o-meena5 pukaarta
muRta, larazta, goonjta, patta guhaarta6
chinghaRta, dahaRta, gaata, Dakaarta
jhankae paa-e-naaz7 meN chhaagal8 bahaar ki
baddhi9 guloo-e-narm10 meN aaRi11 guhaar12 ki 1.playing the flute tunes 3.revelers, drinkers 4.towards 5.cup and flask (of wine) 6.making pearls 7.stylish feet 8.anklets 9.flower garland 10.soft neck 11.crooked 12.pearls
Playing the flute, making new tunes, Calling revelers to flask and cup. Turning, shaking, echoeing, making pearls. Challenging, shouting, singing, growling. Anklets tinkling in its stylish spring feet. A crooked garland of pearls round its delicate neck (a crooked garland is indicative of inebriation).
This is a description of the beauty and the bounty of water in its varied forms. josh describes the qualities of water in a most musical, metaphorically rich and very sensuous way. The sensuous description leaves one wondering how this must have been accepted by a marsia audience more attuned to mourning. At each turn you think that he might have run out of adjectives, but he keeps going. Highly enjoyable and entirely secular.
Stanza 1
haaN aye sabah1 taba’a2 e shab-e-taar3 se nikal
aye fikr4 soo5 e aab-e-Khizr6 gunguna ke chal
aye kilk7-e-naGhma baar8 barasti ghaTa meN Dhal
aye chashma9 e taKhayyul10 e barg-aafreeN11 ubal12
jis meN ho raqs13 o rang o ravaani14 ki daastaN15
aye dil ki aag cheR vo paani ki daastaN
1.dawn 2.nature, characteristic 3.darkness of the night 4.thought, reason 5.towards 6.water/elixir of eternal life 7.pen showering 9.spring, source 10.thought, imagination 11.greenery/life granting/bestowing 12.boil over, overflow 14.flow 15.legend
Like the light of dawn coming out of the darkness of night, O, reason emerge and go to the elixir of life with song on your lips. O poem showering pen, manifest yourself and sprinkle words like blessed rain. O spring of life-giving thought burst forth. And with joyous dance and colourful flow, O fire of my heart begin relating the story of water. The juxtaposition of fire and water is notable.
Stanza 2
paani Khush1 izteraab2 o Khush andaaz3 o Khush jamaal4
Khush aab5 o Khush Kharaam6 o Khush aavaz7 o Khush maqaal8
shirin-qawaam9 o sheesha-mizaaj10 o guhar-Khisaal12
sarshaari13 o shaguftagi14 o raqs15 o vajd o haal16
sarmaaya17 aab-o-rang18 ki taaneN19 liye hue
laakhoN har ek boond meN jaaneN liye hue
1.Khush used in this stanza as “good” 2.restless, eager, (style of giving – like a harvest) 5.good nature 6.good gait 7.gentle sound 8.soft spoken 9.sweet natured 10.polished (like crystal) nature 11.pearl characteristics, lustrous like pearl 13.satiated 14.happiness 16.trance 17.treasure 18.lustre and colour 19.notes (musical)
Water – restless, beautiful, the harbinger of plenty. With great taste, lovely gait, beautiful voice, soft spoken. Of sweet posture, polished nature, pearly white colour. Elation, happiness, joyous dance as if in a trance arrying a treasure of colour and tune. Carrying a thousand lives in each drop.
Stanza 3
paani chenaab o raavi o ganga o rood1 e neel
joo2 e hayat3 o kauser4 o tasneem4 o salsabeel4
raqqaas-e-benazeer5 o Ghazal-Khwan6-e-be adeel7
mauj-e-hava8 pe hamsar9-e-gulbaaNg-e-jibraeel10
dast-e-Khunak11 meN saaGhar-e-zam zam12 liye hue
kaliyauN ki Khwaab-gaah13 meN shabnam14 liye hue
1.river 2.river 4.names of rivers in paradise 5.exemplary dancer 6.Ghazal singer 7.unequalled 8.wave/gust of wind 9.equal of 10.declarations/message of Gabriel hand 12.flask of the water of zamzam (holy/curative water of a spring/well near Kaaba) 13.bed-chamber 14.dew
Water is Chenab, Ravi and the Nile, the river of life, Kauser, Tasneem and Salsabeel. Exemplary in dance, unequalled in song. Its sound is the equal of the voice of Gabriel. A cup of the wine of zamzam in its hand, sprinkling dewdrops in the bedchamber of unopened buds.
Stanza 4
bahti hui nadi ki ravaani1 ka jal taraNg2
matwaaliyauN3 ke dil ki garajti4 hui umaNg5
sabze6 ki lahr7 phool ki Khushboo dhanak8 ka raNg
aahang9 meN bhare hue madhmatiyauN10 ke aNg
aur ye jo ood-o-chang11 haiN barkha ki raat meN
in sub ki baag Dor12 hai paani ke haat meN
1.flow 2.water raag (played on cups of water) 3.inebriated/happy damsel 4.raging 5.wave 6.greenery 7.wave 8.rainbow 10.inebriated girl 11.musical instruments – lute and flute 12.rein (control)
The lilting music of the flowing river, raging passions in the hearts of happy damsels. Waves of greenery, fragrance of flowers, colours of the rainbow. The bodies of those inebriated damsels, overflowing with music. And this music of the lute and flute of showers of a spring night, all these are reined and driven by water.
Stanza 5
paani hazaar roop se hota hai manjali1
shabnam, bahaar2, goonj3, garaj4, raagini, jhaRi5
baali daraKht6, doob7, samar8, barg9, Khas10, kali
koNpal11, shagoofa-gaah12 kali, phool, pankhaRi
karta hai nasb13 mauj pe Khaime14 hubaab15 ke
bharta hai vaqt-e-subah kaTore gulaab ke
1.manifestation 2.spring blooms 3.reverberations (of thunder) 4.roar (of thunder) 5.musical sound of drizzle 6.young sapling 7.meadow 8.samar 9.leaf 10.fragrant grass 11.tender shoot 12.abode of pleasure 13.establish 14.tents 15.bubbles
Water, manifests itself in a thousand shapes, dew, spring, roar of thunder and the gentle music of drizzle. Green saplings, meadows, fruit, leaf, reed, flower buds. Tender shoots, pleasing buds, flowers, petals. Establishing its bubbly tents on waves, filling cups of rose petals at dawn.
Stanza 6
paani buKhaar1, bhaap, ghaTa, jhilmili2, dhuaN3
suNbal4, banafsha5, lala6, saman7, sarv-e-neestaN8
shaadab9 o narm o nazuk o sar-shaar10 o shadmaN11
bustaan12 o sabza-zaar13 o Khiyabaan14 o gulsitaN15
aaNchal ruKh-e-sabeeh16 pe aabi17 liye hue
kaandhoN18 pe zindagi ki gulaabi19 liye hue
1.(fever), hot, steam 2.drizzle 3.(smoke) fog 4.hyacinth 5.violet 6.tulip 7.jasmine 8.cypress growing in a field (of reeds) 9.fertile/verdant 10.satiated 11.joyous 13.grassy meadow 14.tree shaded walkway 16.beautiful face 17.watery 18.shoulders 19.(rose coloured) wine
The thousand manifestations of water continue to be listed in an astonishingly musical and lyrical composition. Water comes as steam, billowing clouds, drizzle and fog. Hyacinth, violet, tulip, jasmine, cypress and reeds. Verdant, soft and tender, satiating and joyous. Garden, shaded walks, flower beds. A misty veil on the beautiful face of dawn, carrying the color of life on its shoulders!
Stanza 7
jaulaaN1, raqeeq2, sard3, subuk ser4, naGhma KhwaaN5
masti-faroGh6, zamzama-angez7, dur-fashaaN8
vaadi9 meN aabshaar10, suraahi11 meN gulsitaaN12
raqsaaN13, jawaN14, jabhinda15-o-jaulaaN1, ravaaN-davaaN16
hejaan-o-izteraab17 o talaatum18 liye hue
gooNgi zamiN pe naGhma-e-qulzum19 liye hue
1.passionate 2.soft, soothing 4.light and delicate 5.songster
6.adding/bestowing satisfaction, fulfilling music 8.spreading pearls 9.waterfall 11.flask 12.(garden), pleasing, wine 13.dancing 14.youth 15.bright forehead, beautiful 16.flowing, full of energy 17.passion and restlessness 18.tumult of the ocean
Passionate, soft, soothing, musical. Fulfilling, bestowing music, scattering pearls. Waterfall in the valley pouring like wine from a flask. Dancing, young, beautiful and passionate, full of energy. Carrying with it passion and restlessness, bringing the song of the ocean to this silent earth.
Stanza 8
paani faroGh1 e valvala2 e dajla3 o furaat4
aahaNg5 o irteqa6 o nashed7 e taGhayyuraat8
sultan9 e haft-qulzum10 o daraa11 e shashjihaat12
tuKhm-e-vujood13, vajah14 numoo15, tal’at-e-hayat16
jadoo jagaye gesoo17 e ambar-sarisht18 ke
khole hue zameen pe Ghurfe19 behisht20 ke
1.height, apex 2.passion 3.River Tigris 4.River Eurphrates 5.harmony 6.progress 7.harbinger of 8.changes 9.king seas 11.lord 12.six directions 13.seed of existence 14.reason, basis 15.appearance, creation, life 16.appearance/manifestation of life, locks 18.nature of amber i.e.dark and fragrant 20.paradise
Water is the apex of the passion of Dajla and Furaat, the harmony of progress, the harbinger of change. The king of the seven seas, the lord of all directions. The seed of existence, the basis of creation, the manifestation of life. The enchantment of amber coloured tresses. Displaying visions of paradise on earth. There is a beautiful TED talk by Lesley Hazelton in which she talks of the description of heaven in the Quran as gardens watered with running streams.
Stanza 9
halchal ke beshumaar1 bikheRe2 liye hue
chhal-bal3 ki shooKhiyoN4 meN thapeRe5 liye hue
pur-haul6 madd-o-jazr7 meN beRe8 liye hue
shadaab9 ghaaTiyoN10 meN dareRe11 liye hue
jhilmil fiza12 meN baal pareshaaN13 kiye hue
bochhaar ki raqeeq14 dulaai15 siye hue
1.countless 2.quarrels 3.playfulness 4.mischief 5.slaps 6.fearsome 7.tidal ebb and flow 8.determination 9.verdant 10.valleys 11.rift, rupture, cut through 14.soft 15.shawl
Bent upon creating a thousand quarrells with its waves, slapping the shore in mischievous playfulness. Full of determination in the face of fearsome ebb and flow. Cutting deep rifts through verdant valleys. Dark clouds like beautiful tresses in misty ambience draped in a soft shawl of drizzle.
Stanza 10
maava-e-taazakaari1 o maljaa2 e shust-o-shoo3
daulat-saraa4 e zamzama5 o jannat-e-suboo6
jaulaaN-gah7 e shaguftagi8 o chashma-e-numoo9
parvardigar-e-joodat10 o Khalaaq11 e rang o boo
har bulbule12 meN taar-e-muqarnis13 liye hue
panghaT pe naaz14 e subah benaras liye hue
1.essence of freshness 2.patron, supporter 3.washing and cleaning
4.palace 5.spring 6.blessing of the flask 7.field 8.happiness 9.source of life 10.sustainer of movement/change 11.creator 12.spiral string/staircase
Water is the essence of freshness, the enabler of cleanliness. The palace of the gurgling spring, the blessing of the flask. The home of passion and pleasure, the source of life. The sustainer of change, the creator of color and fragrance. Rolling every bubble in a spiral. Carrying the glory of dawn to the ghats of Benaras.
Stanza 11
paani mataa-e-kaif1 hai sarmaaya-e-suboo2
chehroN pe zau3, ragauN meN thirakta hua lahoo
pir-e-muGhaaN4 ki bazm5 meN farmaan6 e haa-o-hoo7
kacche phalauN meN shahd hai, phoolauN meN raNg o boo
seene men rooh8 e suNbal9 o sosan10 liye hue
chuTki meN baad-e-subah11 ka daaman12 liye hue
1.wealth of pleasure 2.treasure of flask 3.brilliance 4.chief of wine makers 5.assembly 6.expression 7.oohs and aahs 8.spirit 9.hyacinth 10.lily 11.morning breeze 12.hem, apron
Water is the abundance of pleasure, the treasure of the flask, the brilliance of happy faces, the throbbing of veins. The sound of oohs and aahs in the assembly of wine makers. The sweetness of fruit, the color and fragrance of flowers. It carries in it the essence of hyacinth and lily and has control/companionship of the morning breeze.
Stanza 12
nae chheRta1 javaan tarangeN2 ubhaarta
rindauN3 ko soo4 e saaGhar-o-meena5 pukaarta
muRta, larazta, goonjta, patta guhaarta6
chinghaRta, dahaRta, gaata, Dakaarta
jhankae paa-e-naaz7 meN chhaagal8 bahaar ki
baddhi9 guloo-e-narm10 meN aaRi11 guhaar12 ki
1.playing the flute tunes 3.revelers, drinkers 4.towards 5.cup and flask (of wine) 6.making pearls 7.stylish feet 8.anklets 9.flower garland 10.soft neck 11.crooked 12.pearls
Playing the flute, making new tunes, Calling revelers to flask and cup. Turning, shaking, echoeing, making pearls. Challenging, shouting, singing, growling. Anklets tinkling in its stylish spring feet. A crooked garland of pearls round its delicate neck (a crooked garland is indicative of inebriation).
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