bazm-e urdu – jagan nath azad

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بزمِ اُردو ۔ جگن ناتھ آزاد


غلط ہے جو سمجھتا ہے اِسے اغیار کی بولی

یہ ہے اِخلاص کی طرزِ تکلّم پیار کی بولی

ذرا اے معترض! اِک لمحہ کی زحمت گوارا کر

مرے ہمراہ آ اور بزمِ اُردو کا نظارہ کر


یہ وہ محفل ہے جِس میں برق، چکبست و سرور آئے

کہ جِن کے شعر پڑھ کر فِکرِ اِنسانی میں نور آئے

یہ وہ محفل ہے زینت جس کی ہے سرشار کے دم سے

نسیمِ خوش بیاں کی طبع گوہر بار کے دم سے


جمالستان کا محرم فراق اِس میں نظر آئے

یہ وہ محفل ہے تفتہ سا سخنور جس کو اپنائے


مرے والد سا بھی فن کار اِسی محفل میں شامل ہے

وفا ایسا فسوں گفتار اِس محفل میں شامل ہے

ہری چند اختر اِس میں، عرش اِس میں، جوش اِس میں ہے

شرابِ علم و فن کا آج ہر مدہوش اِس میں ہے


ہے افسانہ طرازِ بزمِ گیتی پریم چند اِس میں

پر افشاں ہیں نظر کے نغمہ ہائے درد مند اِس میں

مُنوّر جلوہ گر اِس میں نظر شعلہ طراز اِس میں

اُفق کے دِل سے اُٹھے نالہ ہائے جاںگداز اِس میں

گہر کی آب اِس میں مہر کی تابندگی اِس میں

عیاں ہے امن کے اشعار کی رخشندگی اِس میں


نِگم نے اور جواہر سنگھ نے اِس کو سنوارا ہے

کشن پرشاد سا فن کار اِسی گردوں کا تارا ہے


بلندی اوج کے افکار کی ہے جلوہ گر اِس میں

یہیں اعجاز معجز ہے وفا کا ہے اثر اِس میں


اِسی محفل میں دیکھی اہلِ دِل نے دِل کی بیتابی

نظر آئی اِسی میں گلشنِ مُخلص کی شادابی


تسلّی کی نوا اِس میں رواں، روحِ رواں اِس میں

مدن کی اور ساحر کی بلندی کا نشاں اِس میں


اِسی میں کیفِ دیوانہ، اِسی میں جذبِ پروانہ

اِسی محفل کا لکھا صدر نے جوہر نے افسانہ


ہوا بنواریٔ آتش بیاں شعلہ طراز اِس میں

سنائے برہمن نے نغمہ ہائے دِل نواز اِس میں

یہاں موجود ہے بیدی، اوپندر ناتھ ہے اِس میں

کنہیا لال ہے اِس میں مہندر ناتھ ہے اِس میں

کوشلیا، ساگر اور بلونت سے ہیں پختہ کار اِس میں

ہوئے ہیں کرشن کی ہستی کے جوہر آشکار اِس میں


مجھے بھی دیکھ میں نغمہ خواں اِس انجمن میں ہوں

مجھے بھی ہے یقیں اِس بات کا اپنے چمن میں ہوں


یہاں ستیارتھی بھی، ریوتی بھی اور در بھی ہے

یہ محفل اپنی منزل بھی ہے اپنی رہگزر بھی ہے


یہاں مخمور بھی ہے شاد بھی ہے اور مِتّل بھی

یہاں ہے تاجور بھی فکر بھی مضطر بھی و گُل بھی


اِسی محفل میں مُلّا کے سکوں پرور ترانے ہیں

اِسی میں ضو فگن پرکاش پنڈت کے فسانے ہیں


فسانے اِس میں مدہبر کے، مضامیں اِس میں شیدا کے

ہر اِک جانب ہیں رقصاں ولولے شوقِ تمنّا کے


یہ وہ محفل ہے جس کا صدرِ محفل آج ہے کیفی

ہمارے ملک کے شعر و ادب کا تاج ہے کیفی

وہ کیفی ناز فرماتا ہے آج اُردو ادب جس پر

علم بردارِ حکمت، کاروانِ فکر کا رہبر

اُسی کے دم سے دیکھ آج اِس بھری محفل کا نظارا

یہی ہے آسمانِ علم کا روشن تریں تارا

बज़्म-ए उर्दू – जगन नाथ आज़ाद

ग़लत है जो समझता है इसे अग़्यार कि बोली

ये है इख़्लास कि तर्ज़-ए तकल्लुम प्यार कि बोली

ज़रा अए मो’तेरेज़ एक लम्हे कि ज़हमत गवारा कर

मेरे हमराह आ और बज़्म-ए उर्दू का नज़ारा कर

ये वो महफ़िल है जिस में बर्क़, चकबस्त ओ सुरूर आए

के जिन के शे’र पढ़ कर फ़िक्र-ए इंसानी में नूर आए

ये वो महफ़िल है ज़ीनत जिस कि है सरशार के दम से

नसीम-ए ख़ुश-बयाँ कि तब’अ-ए गौहर पार के दम से

जमालिस्तान का महरम फ़िराक़ इस में नज़र आए

ये वो महफ़िल है तुफ़्ता सा सुख़नवर जिस को अपनाए

मेरे वालिद सा भी फ़नकार इसी महफ़िल में शामिल है

वफ़ा ऐसा फ़ुसूं-गुफ़्तार इस महफ़िल में शामिली है

हरी चन्द अख़्तर इस में, अर्श इस में, जोश इस में है

शराब-ए इल्म ओ फ़न का आज हर मदहोश इस में है

है अफ़्साना-तराज़-ए बज़्म-ए गेती प्रेमचंद इस में

पर-अफ़्शां हैं नज़र के नग़्मा-हा-ए दर्द-मन्द इस में

मुनव्वर जल्वा गर इस में नज़र शो’ला तराज़ इस में

उफ़क़ के दिल से उट्ठे नाला-हा-ए जांगुदाज़ इस में

गोहर कि आब इस में, महर कि ताबिंदगी इस में

अयां है अम्न के अश’आर कि ताबिंदगी इस में

निगम ने और जवाहर सिंघ ने इस को संवारा है

किशन परशाद सा फ़नकार इसी गर्दूं का तारा है

बलंदी औज के अफ़्कार कि है जल्वा-गर इस में

यहीं एजाज़-ए मोजिज़ है वफ़ा का है असर इस में

इसी महफ़िल में देखि अहल-ए दिल ने दिल कि बेताबी

नज़र आई इसी में गुलशन-ए मुख़्लिस कि शादाबी

तसल्ली कि नवा इस में रवां, रूह-ए रवां इस में

मदन कि और साहिर कि बलंदी का निशां इस में


इसी में कैफ़-ए दीवाना, इसी में जज़्ब-ए परवाना

इस महफ़िल में लिक्खा सद्र ने जौहर ने अफ़्साना


हुआ बनवारी-ए आतिश-बयाँ शो’ला-तराज़ इस में

सुनाये बरहमन ने नग़्मा-हा-ए दिल नवाज़ इस में

यहां मौजूद है बेदी, उपेंदर नाथ है इस में

कन्हैय्या लाल है इस में, महिंदर नाथ है इस में

कौशल्या, सागर और बलवंत से हैं पोख़्ता-कार इस में

हुए हैं क्रिशन कि हस्ती के जौहर आश्कार इस में


मुझे भी देख मैं नग़्मा-ख़्वां इस अंजुमन में हूं

मुझे भी है यक़ीं इस बात का, अपने चमन में हूं


यहाँ सत्यार्थी भी, रेवती भी और दर भी है

ये महफ़िल अपनी मंज़िल भी है अपनी रहगुज़र भी है


यहां मख़्मूर भी है, शाद भी है और मित्तल भी

यहां है ताजवर भी, फ़िक्र भी, मुज़्तर भी ओ गुल भी


इसी महफ़िल में मुल्ला के सुकूं परवर तराने हैं

इसी में ज़ौ-फ़िगन परकाश पंडित के फ़साने हैं


फ़साने इस में मध्बर के, मज़ामीं इस में शैदा के

हर एक जानिब हैं रक़्सां वल्वले शौक़-ए तमन्ना के


ये वो महफ़िल है जिस का सद्र-ए महफ़िल आज है कैफ़ी

हमारे मुल्क के शे’र ओ अदब का ताज है कैफ़ी

वो कैफ़ी नाज़ फरमाता हिया आज उर्दू अदब जिस पर

अलम-बरदार-ए हिक्मत, कारवाँ-ए फ़िक्र का रहबर

उसी के दम से देख आज इस भरी महफ़िल का नज़्ज़ारा

यही है आस्मान-ए इल्म का रौशन तरीं तारा


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. jagan nath azad wrote this specifically for a function organized by the anjuman-e taraqqi-e urdu, lyalpur, in honour of allama brij mohan dattatreya kaifi, in 1944. Travel logistics prevented the presentation of this nazm which then got lost during the mayhem of partition. He was able to recover and publish it in Dec 1947. In a special introduction he points out how prescient he was in the loss of status of urdu. This is only the second half of a much longer nazm. The first half describes the history of development of urdu and of a syncretic Indo-Gangetic culture. The second half, posted here describes rising discord and conseqent demonization of urdu. It reminds the audience that it is a language of India and of hindus too.
Ghalat hai jo samajhta hai ise aGhyaar1 ki boli
ye hai iKhlaas2 ki tarz3-e takallum4, pyaar ki boli
zara aye mo’tarez5! ek lamhe6 ki zahmat7 gavaara8 kar
mere hamraah9 aa aur bazm10-e urdu ka nazaara11 kar  
1.other, foreigner 2.sincerity, friendship, culture of 4.conversation 5.protester 6.moment 7.inconvenience 8.bear, accept 9.together with 10.assembly/gathering of 11.view, see
Those who say that this is a language of foreigners is wrong. This is a language of cultured style. You who protest, spare a moment and come with me to this assembly of urdu and see for yourself.

ye vo mahfil1 hai jis meN barq2, chakbast3 o suroor4 aaye
ke jin ke she’r paRh kar fikr5-e insaani meN noor6 aaye
ye vo mahfil hai zeenat7 jis ki hai sarshaar8 ke dam9 se
naseem10-e Khush-bayaaN11 ki tab’a12-e gauhar-baar13 ke dam se 
1.assembly, gathering, society 2.munshi maharaj barq 1884-1936 3.panDit brij narain chakbast 1882-1926 4.durga sahay suroor jahaanabadi 1873-1910 5.thought 6.brilliance, elegance 8.ratan naath sarshaar 1846-1903 9.power 10.panDit daya shankar naseem 1811-1845 11.well-spoken 12.nature 13.pearl scattering
This is the assembly (of urdu) into which came poets like barq, chakbast and suroor, whose couplets lit up the human mind/spirit. This is the assembly whose elegance relies on the power of ratan naath sarshaar and on the natural gifts of daya shankar naseem, whose sweet speech showered pearls.

jamaalistaan1 ka mahram2 firaaq3 is meN nazar4 aaye
ye vo mahfil hai tufta5 sa suKhanvar6 jis ko apnaaye of grandeur 2.intimate, at home 3.raghupati sahay firaq gorakhpuri 1896-1982 seen 5.hargopal tufta 1800-1879 6.poet
firaq gorakhpuri, can be seen completely at home, in this grand domain. A poet like hargopal tufta claimed kinship with it (the assembly of urdu).

mere vaalid1 sa bhi fankaar2 isi mahfil meN shaamil3 hai
vafa4 aisa fusuN-guftaar5 is mahfil meN shaamil hai
hari chand aKhtar6 is meN, arsh7 is meN, josh8 is meN hai
sharaab-e ilm o fun ka aaj har madhosh9 is meN hai   
1.father – tilok chand mahroom 1887-1976 2.artist 3.included 4.mela ram vafa 1895-1980 5.of enchanting speech 6.hari chand aKhtar 1901-1958 7.baalmukand arsh malsiyani 1908-1979 8.labhuram josh malsiyani 1884-1976 9.intoxicated
A master of the art, like my father (tilok chand mahroom) was a part of it as was mela ram vafa of enchanting verse. hari chand aKhtar and arsh and josh malsiyani were a part of it. Today everyone is intoxicated with the wine of knowledge and art (of urdu).

hai afsaana-taraaz1-e bazm-e-geti2 premchand3 is meN
par-afshaaN4 haiN nazar5 ke naGhma-haa6-e dard-mand is meN
munavvar7 jalva-gar8 is meN, nazar5 sho’la-taraaz9 is meN
ufaq10 ke dil se uTThe naala-haa11-e jaaN-gudaaz12 is meN
gohar13 ki aab14 is meN mehr15 ki taabindagi16 is meN
ayaaN hai amn17 ke ash’aar ki raKhshandagi18 is meN   
1.story teller 2.of this world 3.munshi premchand 1880-1936 4.flying, floating 5.munshi naubat rai nazar 1866-1923 6.plural of naGhma, songs 7.munshi bishveshvar parshad munavvar 1897-1970 8.manifest, conspicuous fires 10.munshi dwarka parshad ufaq lakhnavi 1864-1913 11.plural of naala, wails, sad songs 12.killing, heart rending 13.pearls 14.lustre 15.sun 16.radiance 17.gopi nath amn 1899-197? 18.brilliance
munshi premchand, the story teller of the world is a part of. The sad songs of munshi naubat rai nazar float in it. munshi bishveshvar parshad munavvar’s presence is conspicuous, and nazar lights fires with his verse. Heart rending songs rise from the heart of dwarka parshad ufaq. Its verse is like the lustre of pearls, the radiance of the sun and the brilliance of the couplets of gopi nath aman.

nigam1 ne aur javaahir singh2 ne is ko saNvaara3 hai
kishan parshaad4 sa fankaar5 isi garduN6 ka taara hai   
1.munshi daya narain nigam (1882—1942) 2.javahar singh jauhar 3.embellished, decorated 4.maharaja kishan pershad 1864-1940 5.artist, firmament
The writing of daya narain nigam and of javaahir singh has embellished it. An artist like kishan parshad is a shining star of this firmament.

balandi1 auj2 ke afkaar3 ki hai jalva-gar4 is meN
yahiN ejaaz5 mo’jiz6 hai vafa7 ka hai asar8 is meN  
1.height, excellence 2.raj bahadur saxena auj 3.thoughts 4.manifest, displayed 5.miraculous ability, marvel 6.miracles 7.gulzar vafa chaudhri
The thoughts of raj bahadur auj are manifest on its heights and the marvel of gulzar vafa displays its miracles here. I don’t have clear dates for these poets. raj bahadur auj was editor of “aaftaab”, aligaRh in 1933.

isi mahfil meN dekhi ahl-e-dil1 ne dil2 ki betaabi3
nazar aaii isi meN gulshan4-e muKhlis5 ki shaadaabi6   
1.people of heart, loving/feeling people 2.taKhallus of poet – dil? 3.restlessness of 5.anand ram muKhlis 6.blossoming
In this very assembly (of urdu) people with feelings saw the restlessness of ‘dil’, the poet. They saw the blossoming of the garden of anand ram muKhlis.

tasalli1 ki nava2 is meN ravaaN3, rooh4-e ravaaN is meN
madan5 ki aur saahir6 ki balandi7 ka nishaaN8 is meN   
1.taKhallus of poet – tasalli? 2.sound, voice 3.flowing 4.spirit 5.master madan 6.ram prakash saahir hoshiarpuri 1913-1972 7.greatness 8.mark, evidence
In the assembly of urdu, the voice of tasalli flows like the spirit of movement. The evidence of the greatness master madan (renowned Ghazal singer) and saahir hoshiarpuri abounds here.

is meN kaif1-e diivaana2, isi meN jazb3-e parvaana4
isi mahfil ka likkha sadr5 ne jauhar6 ne afsaana7   
1.pleasure 2.mohan singh oberoi diivaana 1899-1984 3.emotions 4.taKhallus of poet – parvaana? 5. short story writer – sadr? 4.jawahar singh jauhar
In this assembly is found the pleasure of the writing of mohan singh diivaana and the emotional verse of parvaana. This is where sadr and jauhar wrote stories and fables.

hua banvaari1-e aatish-bayaaN2 sho’la-taraaz3 is meN
sunaaye barhaman4 ne naGhma-haa5-e dil-navaaz6 is meN
yahaaN maujood7 hai bedi8, upendar nath9 hai is meN
kanhaiyya laal10 is meN, mahindar naath11 hai is meN
kaushaliya12, saagar13 aur balvant14 se haiN puKhta-kaar15 is meN
hue haiN krishan16 ki hasti17 ke jauhar18 aashkaar19 is meN
1.munshi banwari lal shola xxxx-1948 2.fiery speech 3.setting fire 4.shitab rai barhaman 5.songs 6.heart pleasing 7.present 8.mohindar singh bedi sahr 9.upendar nath ashk 1910-1996 10.kanhaiya laal kapur 11.mahindar naath 12.kaushaliya? 13.saagar? 14.balvant singh 15.mature/sensible work 16.krishan chander 17.personality 18.abilities 19.evident, displayed
banvaari lala shola set fire to this assembly with his fiery verse. shitab rai barhaman sang heart pleasing songs. Present here were mohindar singh bedi sahr, upendar nath ashk as also kanhaiya laal kapur and mahinder nath. The mature/sensible works of kaushaliya, saagar and balvant singh can be found here. Here is displayed the personality and abilities of krishan chander.

mujhe1 bhi dekh maiN naGhma-KhwaaN2 is anjuman3 meN huN
mujhe bhi hai yaqiN4 is baat ka apne chaman meN huN  
1.jagan nath azad 1918-2004 2.singer, poet 3.society 4.certainty
Look at me, I too, am a poet of this assembly. I am certain of this, I belong in this garden.

yahaaN satyaarthi1 bhi, revati2 bhi aur dar3 bhi hai
ye mahfil apni manzil4 bhi hai apni rahguzar5 bhi hai   
1.devendra satyaarthi 1908-2003 2.poet/writer – revati?? 3.taKhallus – dar?? 4.destination 5.pathway
In this assembly are satyarthi, revati and dar. This assembly (of urdu) is our destination and our pathway.

yahaaN maKhmoor1 bhi hai shaad2 bhi hai aur mittal3 bhi
yahaaN hai taajvar4 bhi, fikr5 bhi, muztar6 bhi o gul7 bhi  
1.gurbaKhsh singh maKhmoor jalandhari 1915-1979 2.naresh kumar shaad 1927-1969 3.gopal mittal 1908-1993 4.(maulana taajvar najibabadi) 1893-1951 5.taKhallus – fikr? 6.ram kishan muztar 7.G.M. Singh gul 1922-xxxx
In this assembly (of urdu) can be found maKhmmor, shaad and mittal as well as taajvar, fikr, muztar and gul. Throughout this nazm non-muslim sounding names of poets is woven into verse. The only muslim sounding name is ‘taajvar’. I could not find any non-muslim poet who might have adopted this taKhallus.

isi mahfil meN mulla1 ke sukuN-parvar2 taraane3 haiN
is meN zau-figan4 parkash panDit5 ke fasaane6 haiN   
1.anand narain mulla 1901-1997 2.comforting 3.poems, verse 4.light spreading 5.prakash panDit 6.stories
In this assembly can be found the comforting verse of mulla and the illuminating stories of parkash panDit.

fasaane1 is meN haiN madhbar2 ke, mazaamiN3 is meN shaida4 ke
har ek jaanib5 haiN raqsaaN6 valvale7 shauq8-e tamanna9 ke 
1.stories 2.writer – madhabar? 3.articles, essays 4.banarsi das shaida ambalavi 1916-xxxx 5.towards, direction 6.dancing 7.enthusiasm 8.panDit jagmohan nath raina shauq 1863-xxxx 8.desire
There are stories written by madhbar and articles of shaida. In every direction the enthusiastic dance of the desires of shaida.

ye vo mahfil1 hai jis ka sadr2-e mahfil aaj hai kaifi3
hamaare mulk ke she’r o adab4 ka taaj hai kaifi
vo kaifi naaz5 farmaata6 hai aaj urdu adab4 jis par
alam-bardaar7-e hikmat8, kaarvaan-e fikr9 ka rahbar10
usi ke dum11 se dekh aaj is bhari mahfil ka nazzaara12
yahi hai aasmaan-e ilm13 ka raushan-tariN14 taara   
1.assembly 2.chairman 3.allama brij mohan dattareya kaifi 1866-1955 4.literature 5.pride 6.bestows 7.flag-bearer 8.wisdom 9.reason 11.effort, work 12.scene 13.knowledge 14.most brilliant
This is the assembly whose chair today is brij mohan kaifi. kaifi, who is the crowing glory of urdu poetry and writing. kaifi, of whom urdu literature is pleased to be proud, who is the standard-bearer of Wisdom, the guide of the caravan of Reason. It is because of his effort that we see this scene tonight. He is the most brilliant star of the firmament of knowledge.

jagan nath azad wrote this specifically for a function organized by the anjuman-e taraqqi-e urdu, lyalpur, in honour of allama brij mohan dattatreya kaifi, in 1944.  Travel logistics prevented the presentation of this nazm which then got lost during the mayhem of partition.  He was able to recover and publish it in Dec 1947.  In a special introduction he points out how prescient he was in the loss of status of urdu.  This is only the second half of a much longer nazm.  The first half describes the history of development of urdu and of a syncretic Indo-Gangetic culture.  The second half, posted here describes rising discord and conseqent demonization of urdu.  It reminds the audience that it is a language of India and of hindus too.
Ghalat hai jo samajhta hai ise aGhyaar1 ki boli
ye hai iKhlaas2 ki tarz3-e takallum4, pyaar ki boli
zara aye mo’tarez5! ek lamhe6 ki zahmat7 gavaara8 kar
mere hamraah9 aa aur bazm10-e urdu ka nazaara11 kar

1.other, foreigner 2.sincerity, friendship, culture of 4.conversation 5.protester 6.moment 7.inconvenience 8.bear, accept 9.together with 10.assembly/gathering of 11.view, see

Those who say that this is a language of foreigners is wrong.  This is a language of cultured style.  You who protest, spare a moment and come with me to this assembly of urdu and see for yourself.
ye vo mahfil1 hai jis meN barq2, chakbast3 o suroor4 aaye
ke jin ke she’r paRh kar fikr5-e insaani meN noor6 aaye
ye vo mahfil hai zeenat7 jis ki hai sarshaar8 ke dam9 se
naseem10-e Khush-bayaaN11 ki tab’a12-e gauhar-baar13 ke dam se

1.assembly, gathering, society 2.munshi maharaj barq 1884-1936 3.panDit brij narain chakbast 1882-1926 4.durga sahay suroor jahaanabadi 1873-1910 5.thought 6.brilliance, elegance 8.ratan naath sarshaar 1846-1903 9.power 10.panDit daya shankar naseem 1811-1845 11.well-spoken 12.nature 13.pearl scattering

This is the assembly (of urdu) into which came poets like barq, chakbast and suroor, whose couplets lit up the human mind/spirit.  This is the assembly whose elegance relies on the power of ratan naath sarshaar and on the natural gifts of daya shankar naseem, whose sweet speech showered pearls.
jamaalistaan1 ka mahram2 firaaq3 is meN nazar4 aaye
ye vo mahfil hai tufta5 sa suKhanvar6 jis ko apnaaye of grandeur 2.intimate, at home 3.raghupati sahay firaq gorakhpuri 1896-1982 seen 5.hargopal tufta 1800-1879 6.poet

firaq gorakhpuri, can be seen completely at home, in this grand domain.  A poet like hargopal tufta claimed kinship with it (the assembly of urdu).
mere vaalid1 sa bhi fankaar2 isi mahfil meN shaamil3 hai
vafa4 aisa fusuN-guftaar5 is mahfil meN shaamil hai
hari chand aKhtar6 is meN, arsh7 is meN, josh8 is meN hai
sharaab-e ilm o fun ka aaj har madhosh9 is meN hai

1.father – tilok chand mahroom 1887-1976 2.artist 3.included 4.mela ram vafa 1895-1980 5.of enchanting speech 6.hari chand aKhtar 1901-1958 7.baalmukand arsh malsiyani 1908-1979 8.labhuram josh malsiyani 1884-1976 9.intoxicated

A master of the art, like my father (tilok chand mahroom) was a part of it as was mela ram vafa of enchanting verse.  hari chand aKhtar and arsh and josh malsiyani were a part of it.  Today everyone is intoxicated with the wine of knowledge and art (of urdu).
hai afsaana-taraaz1-e bazm-e-geti2 premchand3 is meN
par-afshaaN4 haiN nazar5 ke naGhma-haa6-e dard-mand is meN
munavvar7 jalva-gar8 is meN, nazar5 sho’la-taraaz9 is meN
ufaq10 ke dil se uTThe naala-haa11-e jaaN-gudaaz12 is meN
gohar13 ki aab14 is meN mehr15 ki taabindagi16 is meN
ayaaN hai amn17 ke ash’aar ki raKhshandagi18 is meN

1.story teller 2.of this world 3.munshi premchand 1880-1936 4.flying, floating 5.munshi naubat rai nazar 1866-1923 6.plural of naGhma, songs 7.munshi bishveshvar parshad munavvar 1897-1970 8.manifest, conspicuous fires 10.munshi dwarka parshad ufaq lakhnavi 1864-1913 11.plural of naala, wails, sad songs 12.killing, heart rending 13.pearls 14.lustre 15.sun 16.radiance 17.gopi nath amn 1899-197? 18.brilliance

munshi premchand, the story teller of the world is a part of.  The sad songs of munshi naubat rai nazar float in it.  munshi bishveshvar parshad munavvar’s presence is conspicuous, and nazar lights fires with his verse.  Heart rending songs rise from the heart of dwarka parshad ufaq.  Its verse is like the lustre of pearls, the radiance of the sun and the brilliance of the couplets of gopi nath aman.
nigam1 ne aur javaahir singh2 ne is ko saNvaara3 hai
kishan parshaad4 sa fankaar5 isi garduN6 ka taara hai

1.munshi daya narain nigam (1882—1942) 2.javahar singh jauhar 3.embellished, decorated 4.maharaja kishan pershad 1864-1940 5.artist, firmament

The writing of daya narain nigam and of javaahir singh has embellished it.  An artist like kishan parshad is a shining star of this firmament.
balandi1 auj2 ke afkaar3 ki hai jalva-gar4 is meN
yahiN ejaaz5 mo’jiz6 hai vafa7 ka hai asar8 is meN

1.height, excellence 2.raj bahadur saxena auj 3.thoughts 4.manifest, displayed 5.miraculous ability, marvel 6.miracles 7.gulzar vafa chaudhri

The thoughts of raj bahadur auj are manifest on its heights and the marvel of gulzar vafa displays its miracles here.  I don’t have clear dates for these poets.  raj bahadur auj was editor of “aaftaab”, aligaRh in 1933.
isi mahfil meN dekhi ahl-e-dil1 ne dil2 ki betaabi3
nazar aaii isi meN gulshan4-e muKhlis5 ki shaadaabi6

1.people of heart, loving/feeling people 2.taKhallus of poet – dil? 3.restlessness of 5.anand ram muKhlis 6.blossoming

In this very assembly (of urdu) people with feelings saw the restlessness of ‘dil’, the poet.  They saw the blossoming of the garden of anand ram muKhlis.
tasalli1 ki nava2 is meN ravaaN3, rooh4-e ravaaN is meN
madan5 ki aur saahir6 ki balandi7 ka nishaaN8 is meN

1.taKhallus of poet – tasalli? 2.sound, voice 3.flowing 4.spirit 5.master madan 6.ram prakash saahir hoshiarpuri 1913-1972 7.greatness 8.mark, evidence

In the assembly of urdu, the voice of tasalli flows like the spirit of movement.  The evidence of the greatness master madan (renowned Ghazal singer) and saahir hoshiarpuri abounds here.
is meN kaif1-e diivaana2, isi meN jazb3-e parvaana4
isi mahfil ka likkha sadr5 ne jauhar6 ne afsaana7

1.pleasure 2.mohan singh oberoi diivaana 1899-1984 3.emotions 4.taKhallus of poet – parvaana? 5. short story writer – sadr? 4.jawahar singh jauhar

In this assembly is found the pleasure of the writing of mohan singh diivaana and the emotional verse of parvaana.  This is where sadr and jauhar wrote stories and fables.
hua banvaari1-e aatish-bayaaN2 sho’la-taraaz3 is meN
sunaaye barhaman4 ne naGhma-haa5-e dil-navaaz6 is meN
yahaaN maujood7 hai bedi8, upendar nath9 hai is meN
kanhaiyya laal10 is meN, mahindar naath11 hai is meN
kaushaliya12, saagar13 aur balvant14 se haiN puKhta-kaar15 is meN
hue haiN krishan16 ki hasti17 ke jauhar18 aashkaar19 is meN

1.munshi banwari lal shola xxxx-1948 2.fiery speech 3.setting fire 4.shitab rai barhaman 5.songs 6.heart pleasing 7.present 8.mohindar singh bedi sahr 9.upendar nath ashk 1910-1996 10.kanhaiya laal kapur 11.mahindar naath 12.kaushaliya? 13.saagar? 14.balvant singh 15.mature/sensible work 16.krishan chander 17.personality 18.abilities 19.evident, displayed

banvaari lala shola set fire to this assembly with his fiery verse.  shitab rai barhaman sang heart pleasing songs.  Present here were mohindar singh bedi sahr, upendar nath ashk as also kanhaiya laal kapur and mahinder nath.  The mature/sensible works of kaushaliya, saagar and balvant singh can be found here.  Here is displayed the personality and abilities of krishan chander.
mujhe1 bhi dekh maiN naGhma-KhwaaN2 is anjuman3 meN huN
mujhe bhi hai yaqiN4 is baat ka apne chaman meN huN

1.jagan nath azad 1918-2004 2.singer, poet 3.society 4.certainty

Look at me, I too, am a poet of this assembly.  I am certain of this, I belong in this garden.
yahaaN satyaarthi1 bhi, revati2 bhi aur dar3 bhi hai
ye mahfil apni manzil4 bhi hai apni rahguzar5 bhi hai

1.devendra satyaarthi 1908-2003 2.poet/writer – revati?? 3.taKhallus – dar?? 4.destination 5.pathway

In this assembly are satyarthi, revati and dar.  This assembly (of urdu) is our destination and our pathway.
yahaaN maKhmoor1 bhi hai shaad2 bhi hai aur mittal3 bhi
yahaaN hai taajvar4 bhi, fikr5 bhi, muztar6 bhi o gul7 bhi

1.gurbaKhsh singh maKhmoor jalandhari 1915-1979 2.naresh kumar shaad 1927-1969 3.gopal mittal 1908-1993 4.(maulana taajvar najibabadi) 1893-1951 5.taKhallus – fikr? 6.ram kishan muztar 7.G.M. Singh gul 1922-xxxx

In this assembly (of urdu) can be found maKhmmor, shaad and mittal as well as taajvar, fikr, muztar and gul.  Throughout this nazm non-muslim sounding names of poets is woven into verse.  The only muslim sounding name is ‘taajvar’.  I could not find any non-muslim poet who might have adopted this taKhallus.
isi mahfil meN mulla1 ke sukuN-parvar2 taraane3 haiN
is meN zau-figan4 parkash panDit5 ke fasaane6 haiN

1.anand narain mulla 1901-1997 2.comforting 3.poems, verse 4.light spreading 5.prakash panDit 6.stories

In this assembly can be found the comforting verse of mulla and the illuminating stories of parkash panDit.
fasaane1 is meN haiN madhbar2 ke, mazaamiN3 is meN shaida4 ke
har ek jaanib5 haiN raqsaaN6 valvale7 shauq8-e tamanna9 ke

1.stories 2.writer – madhabar? 3.articles, essays 4.banarsi das shaida ambalavi 1916-xxxx 5.towards, direction 6.dancing 7.enthusiasm 8.panDit jagmohan nath raina shauq 1863-xxxx 8.desire

There are stories written by madhbar and articles of shaida.  In every direction the enthusiastic dance of the desires of shaida.
ye vo mahfil1 hai jis ka sadr2-e mahfil aaj hai kaifi3
hamaare mulk ke she’r o adab4 ka taaj hai kaifi
vo kaifi naaz5 farmaata6 hai aaj urdu adab4 jis par
alam-bardaar7-e hikmat8, kaarvaan-e fikr9 ka rahbar10
usi ke dum11 se dekh aaj is bhari mahfil ka nazzaara12
yahi hai aasmaan-e ilm13 ka raushan-tariN14 taara

1.assembly 2.chairman 3.allama brij mohan dattareya kaifi 1866-1955 4.literature 5.pride 6.bestows 7.flag-bearer 8.wisdom 9.reason 11.effort, work 12.scene 13.knowledge 14.most brilliant

This is the assembly whose chair today is brij mohan kaifi.  kaifi, who is the crowing glory of urdu poetry and writing.  kaifi, of whom urdu literature is pleased to be proud, who is the standard-bearer of Wisdom, the guide of the caravan of Reason.  It is because of his effort that we see this scene tonight.  He is the most brilliant star of the firmament of knowledge.

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