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ہلالِ عید ۔ مہندر سنگھ بیدی سحرؔ
اے ہلالِ عید اے اہلِ عقیدت کے اِمام
تجھ کو پہنچے ایک مجبورِ محبّت کا سلام
دیکھ کر تجھ کو سبھی دِلشاد ہیں مسروُر ہیں
سب کے چہرے پُر ضیا، قلب و جگر پُر نوُر ہیں
بادۂ وحدانیت کا اِک چھلکتا جام ہے
تو وہ ساقی ہے کہ جس کا فیض سب پر عام ہے
قلبِ مومن کے لئے سرچشمۂ ایمان ہے
اور پھر ایمان ہے کیا، اِس بات کا عرفان ہے
تیرے دم سے ہے تر و تازہ عبادت کا وجود
اُنس کا، اخلاق کا، مہر و مُروّت کا وجود
آج کے دِن تو مِٹا دیتا ہے سب ناز و نیاز
دیکھ کر تجھ کو گلے ملتے ہیں محمود و ایاز
ایک ہی صف میں کھڑے ہوتے ہیں سب شاہ و گدا
تیرے در پر آج کے دِن ہیں سبھی ہم مرتبہ
عید میں مُفلس بھی لگتے ہیں گلے زردار کے
اور مجبوروں پہ کھُل جاتے ہیں در مختار کے
آج کے دِن تو مِٹا دیتا ہے فرقِ نسل و رنگ
آج کے دِن صلح میں تبدیل ہو جاتی ہے جنگ
آج کے دِن ختم ہو جاتے ہیں سب فسق و فساد
غیریت، بیگانہ پن، مکر و ریا، بغض و عناد
آج کے دِن تو مِٹا دیتا ہے فرقِ این و آں
سبزۂ پامال پر ہنستا نہیں سروِ رواں
یوں تو دنیا کے ہر اِک گوشے پہ ہے تیری نظر
اے ہلالِ عید کیا تجھ کو نہیں اِس کی خبر
عید کے اگلے ہی دِن تک وہ سماں رہتا نہیں
وہ زمیں رہتی نہیں، وہ آسماں رہتا نہیں
یہ عقیدت، یہ مُروّت، یہ رواداری، یہ میل
بن کے رہ جاتے ہیں سارے یہ فقط اِک دِن کا کھیل
پھر رگِ مجبور پر خنجر وہی مختار کا
پھر وہی مُفلس پہ سب جور و ستم زردار کا
پھر وہی رشک و رقابت، پھر وہی فسق و فساد
پھر وہی بیگانہ پن، غیبت وہی بغض و عناد
پھر وہی حفظِ مراتب، فرقِ محمود و ایاز
پھر وہی کِبر و رعونت، پھر وہی ناز و نیاز
عید کے دِن کا سماں قائم سدا رہتا نہیں
تو یہ سب کچھ دیکھتا ہے اور کچھ کہتا نہیں
اے ہلالِ عید، اے عرش آشنا عالی مقام
ایک دِن، صرف ایک دِن کے واسطے یہ اہتمام
اے ہلالِ عید، اے صد راحتِ قلب و جگر
عید کے دِن کا سماں ہو اور اِتنا مختصر
اے ہلالِ عید، اے سیّارۂ ہفت آسماں
کر نہیں سکتا اگر تو اِس فضا کو جاوِداں
آ تو پھر مِل کر کریں خالق کی خدمت میں دعا
اے خدائے دو جہاں، اے مالکِ ارض و سما
کرشن کے، نانک کے، عیسیٰ کے، محمّد کے خدا
تو صفات و ذات سے ہے ماسوا و ماورا
اپنے بندوں کو ہدایت دے کہ سب مِل کر رہیں
جو سُنیں دِل سے سُنیں وہ جو کہیں دِل سے کہیں
ظاہر و باطن ہوں یکساں، سب کی نیّت نیک ہو
راستے کتنے ہی ہوں، منزل سبھی کی ایک ہو
عید کے دِن ہی فقط ایسا سماں آیا تو کیا
رہگزاروں پر اگر ابرِ رواں آیا تو کیا
جو نویدِ جانفزا جو مژدۂ جاوید دے
اے خدا، میرے خدا، دنیا کو ایسی عید دے
हिलाल-ए ईद – मोहिंदर सिंघ बेदी सहर
अए हिलाल-ए ईद, अए अहल-ए अक़ीदत के इमाम
तुझ को पहुंचे एक मज्बूर-ए मोहब्बत का सलाम
देख कर तुझ को सभी दिल्शाद हैं मस्रूर हैं
सब के चेहरे पुर ज़िया, क़ल्ब ओ जिगर पुर नूर हैं
बादा-ए वहदानियत का एक छलक्ता जाम है
तू वो साक़ी है के जिस का फ़ैज़ सब पर आम है
क़ल्ब-ए मोमिन के लिए सरचश्मा-ए ईमान है
और फिर ईमान है क्या, इस बात का इर्फ़ान है
तेरे दम से है तर ओ ताज़ा इबादत का वुजूद
उन्स का, अख़्लाक़ का, महर ओ मुरव्वत का वुजूद
आज के दिन तू मिटा देता है सब नाज़ ओ नियाज़
देख कर तुझ को गले मिलते हैं महमूद ओ अयाज़
एक ही सफ़ में खढे होते हैं सब शाह ओ गदा
तेरे दर पर आज के दिन हैं सभी हम-मर्तबा
ईद में मुफ़्लिस भि लगते हैं गले ज़रदार के
और मज्बूरौं पे खुल जाते हैं दर मुख़्तार के
आज के दिन तू मिटा देता है फ़र्क़-ए नस्ल ओ रंग
आज के दिन सुलह में तब्दील हो जाती है जंग
आज के दिन ख़त्म हो जाते हैं सब फ़स्क़ ओ फ़साद
ग़ैरियत, बेगाना पन, मक्र ओ रिया, बुग़्ज़ ओ अनाद
आज के दिन तू मिटा देता है फ़र्क़-ए ईन ओ आं
सब्ज़ा-ए पामाल पर हंस्ता नहीं सर्व-ए रवां
यूं तो दुनिया के हर एक गोशे पे है तेरी नज़र
अए हिलाल-ए ईद क्या तुझ को नहीं इस की ख़बर
ईद के अग्ले ही दिन तक वो समां रहता नहीं
वो ज़मीं रहती नहीं वो आस्मां रहता नहीं
ये अक़ीदत, ये मुरव्वत, ये रवादारी ये मेल
बन के रह जातो हैं सारे ये फ़क़त एक दिन का खेल
फिर रग-ए मज्बूर पर ख़ंजर वही मुख़्तार का
फिर वही मुफ़्लिस पे सब जोर ओ सितम ज़र्दार का
फिर वही रश्क ओ रिक़ाबत, फिर वही फ़स्क़ ओ फ़साद
फिर वही बेगाना पन, ग़ैबत वही बुग़्ज़ ओ अनाद
फिर वही हिफ़्ज़-ए मरातिब, फ़र्क़-ए महमूद ओ अयाज़
फिर वही किब्र ओ रऊनत, फिर वही नाज़ ओ नियाज़
ईद के दिन का समां क़ाएम सदा रहता नहीं
तू ये सब कुछ देखता है और कुछ कहता नहीं
अए हिलाल-ए ईद, अए अर्श आश्ना, आली-मक़ाम
एक दिन, सिर्फ़ एक दिन के वास्ते ये एहतेमाम
अए हिलाल-ए ईद अए सद-राहत-ए क़ल्ब ओ जिगर
ईद के दिन का समां हो और इतना मुख़्तसिर
अए हिलाल-ए ईद, अए सय्यारा-ए हफ़्त आस्मां
कर नहीं सकता अगर तू इस फ़ज़ा को जावदां
आ तो फिर मिल कर करें ख़ालेक़ कि ख़िद्मत में दुआ
अए ख़ुदा-ए दो जहां, अए मालिक-ए अर्ज़ ओ समा
क्रिश्न के, नानक के, ईसा के, मुहम्मद के ख़ुदा
तू सिफ़ात ओ ज़ात से है मासवा ओ मावरा
अपने बन्दौं को हिदायत दे के सब मिल कर रहें
जो सुनें दिल से सुनें, जो कहें दिल से कहें
ज़ाहर ओ बातिन हों यक्सां, सब कि निय्यत नेक हो
रास्ते कितने हि हों, मंज़िल सभी कि एक हो
ईद के दिन ही फ़क़त ऐसा समां आया तो क्या
रहगुज़ारौं पर अगर अब्र-ए रवां आया तो क्या
जो नवीद-ए जांफ़िज़ा, जो मुज़्शदा-ए जावीद दे
अए ख़ुदा, मेरे ख़ुदा, दुनिया को ऐसी ईद दे
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. kuNwar mohindar singh bedi sahr (1909-1992) had to migrate to the Indian side after partition. In his writings he has reached across religious lines and national boundaries, writing about peace and harmony and odes to islamic as well hindu figures. The character of his compostions have a ring of sincere devotion and inclusiveness.
aye hilaal1-e eid, aye ahl-e-aqeedat2 ke imaam3
tujh ko pahuNche ek majboor-e-mohabbat4 ka salaam
dekh kar tujh ko sabhi dilshaad5 haiN masroor6 haiN
sab ke chehre pur ziya7, qalb8 o jigar9 pur-noor10 haiN moon 2.people of faith 3.leader (sought after) 4.bound by love 5.happy 6.elated 7.shining 8.heart 9.liver (considered the seat of life) 10.filled with light/joy
O, moon, harbinger of eid, who people of faith seek. Accept the greetings of one who is bound by his (universal) love. Seeing you, everyone is happy and elated, their faces shining, their hearts filled with joy.
baada1-e vahdaaniyat2 ka ek chhalakta jaam3 hai
tu vo saaqi hai ke jis ka faiz4 sab par aam5 hai
qalb-e-momin6 ke liye sarschashma7-e iimaan hai
aur phir iimaan hai kya, is baat ka irfaan8 hai 2.unity, one-ness (of creation and the creator) 3.cup 4.benevolence, gifts 5.common, same, universal 6.heart of the believer 7.main source 8.mystical knowledge
O moon, you are the wine of ‘one-ness’ (vahdat-ul-vujood). You are the saaqi whose gifts are given equally to all. This is the main source of faith for the heart of the believer. What is faith after all, except mystical knowledge of vahdaaniyat.
tere dum se hai tar o taaza ibaadat ka vujood1
uns2 ka, aKhlaaq3 ka, mahr4 o muravvat5 ka vujood
aaj ke din tu miTa deta hai sab naaz6 o niyaaz7
dekh kar tujh ko gale milte haiN mahmood-o-ayaaz8 1.existence, prevalence 3.manners 4.kindness 5.consideration 6.pride 7.begging favours 8.king and slave
ayaaz was the slave of mahmood (king). They are reputed to have had a (Platonic) love relationship. This relationship is often used as one of equals, in spite of difference in status. ‘naaz o niyaaz’ is used here as superior and inferior positions of granting and begging for favours. O, moon, because of you the tradition of obedience (to god’s will) prevails. Because of you relationships of love, manners, kindness and consideration exist. On this day (of eid) you erase all inequality. On seeing you, king and slave embrace each other as equals.
ek hi saf1 meN khaRe hote haiN sab shaah2 o gada3
tere dar4 par aaj ke din haiN sabhi hum-martaba5
eid meN muflis6 bhi lagte haiN gale zardaar7 ke
aur majboorauN8 pe khul jaate haiN dar4 muKhtaar9 ke 1.line, formation (for namaaz) 2.king 3.beggar 4.door 5.equal status 6.pauper 7.wealthy 8.powerless 9.powerful
(On this day) king and beggar stand in the same line (as equals). At your door (moon/god) everyone has equal status. On eid, the pauper and the wealthy embrace, the powerless are welcome at the home of the powerful.
aaj ke din tu miTa1 deta hai farq2-e nasl3 o raNg4
aaj ke din sulha5 meN tabdeel6 ho jaati hai juNg
aaj ke din Khatm ho jaate haiN sub fasq7 o fasaad8
Ghairiyyat9, begaana-pun10, makr11 o riya12, buGhz13 o anaad14 1.erase 2.difference 3.birth, pedigree 4.colour (of the skin) 5.peace 6.change into 7.transgression 8.conspiracy 9.otherness 10.aloofness 11.trickery 12.hypocricy 13.revenge 14.hostility
You (O, moon) erase all differences of pedigree and race. War is changed to peace and all evil ceases.
aaj ke din tu miTa deta hai farq-e een-o-aaN1
sabza2-e paamaal3 par haNsta nahiN sarv-e-ravaaN4
yuN to duniya ke har ek goshe5 pe hai teri nazar
aye hilaal-e eid kya tujh ko nahiN is ki Khabar6
eid ke agle7 hi din tak vo samaaN8 rahta nahiN
vo zamiN rahti nahiN vo aasmaaN rahta nahiN 1.this and that, ordinary 2.greenery, plants 3.trampled, small 4.tall cypress 5.corner 6.knowledge 8.atmosphere, conditions
Today (on eid) you (O, moon) erase all ordinary differences. The tall cypress does not sneer at little plants. But O, moon, you can see into all corners of the world, but do you not know that the very next day after eid, the same conditions do not prevail.
ye aqeedat1, ye muravvat2, ye ravaadaari3, ye mel
ban ke rah jaate haiN saare ye faqat4 ek din ka khel
phir rag5-e majboor6 par Khanjar vahi muKhtaar7 ka
phir vahi muflis8 pe sub jor-o-sitam9 zardaar10 ka 1.sincerity 2.politeness 3.consideration of others 4.only 5.jugular vein 6.powerless 7.powerful 8.pauper 9.oppression and cruelty 10.wealthy
All this sincerity, politenss, consideration and get together turns out to be only a one day game. After that, once again the knife of the powerful on the jugular of the powerless, cruelty and oppression of the wealthy against the poor.
phir vahi rashk1 o riqaabat2, phir vahi fasq3 o fasaad4
phir vahi begaana-pun5, Ghaibat6, vahi buGhz7 o anaad8
phir vahi hifz9-e maraatib10, farq11-e mahmood-o-ayaaz12
phir vahi kibr13 o ra’oonat14, phir vahi naaz-o-niyaaz15 1.envy 2.rivalry 3.transgression 4.conspiracy 5.aloofness 6.absence, distance 7.revenge 8.hostility 10.status 11.difference 12.master and slave 13.pride 14.conceit 15.begging and obliging/belittling
Once again the same envy, rivalry, distance and enmity. The same maintenance of status and the difference between master and slave, the same pride and conceit and belittling.
eid ke din ka samaaN1 qaa’em2 sada rahta nahiN
tu ye sub kuchh dekhta hai aur kuchh kahta nahiN
aye hilaal-e eid, aye arsh-aashna3, aali-maqaam4
ek din, sirf5 ek din ke vaaste ye ehtemaam6 1.atmosphere, conditions 2.prevail 3.familiar with the heavens 4.high status 5.only 6.arrangement
The conditions of the day of eid do not prevail. You, (O, moon) see all this and do not say anything. O, moon, of high and heavenly status, all this arrangement for one and only one day.
aye hilaal-e eid aye sad-raahat1-e qalb-o-jigar2
eid ke din ka samaaN3 aur itna muKhtasar4
aye hilaal-e eid aye sayyara5-e haft-aasmaaN6
kar nahiN sakta agar tu is faza7 ko jaavedaaN8 1.hundred comforts 2.heart and liver, love and life 3.conditions 4.short 5.traveler 6.seventh heaven 7.atmosphere 8.permanent
O, moon, harbinger of eid, the comfort of love and life, the conditions of eid, and so short! O, moon, traveler of the seventh heaven, if you cannot make this ambience permanent then …
aa to phir mil kar kareN Khaaleq1 ki Khidmat2 meN dua
aye Khuda-e do jahaaN aye maalik-e arz-o-samaa3
krishn ke, naanak ke, eesa ke, mohammed ke Khuda
tu sifaat4 o zaat5 se hai maasava6 o maavara7 1.creator 2.service, presence and sky 4.attributes 5.person, identity addition to 7.beyond
… come and let us pray in the presence of the creator. O god, lord of both worlds, of the earth and sky the god of krishn, naanak, Jesus and mohammed, you are beyond and more than all identity and attributes.
apne bandauN1 ko hidaayat2 de ke sub mil kar raheN
jo suneN dil se suneN, jo kaheN dil se kaheN
zaahir3 o baatin4 hoN yaksaaN5, sub ki niyyat6 nek ho
raaste kitne hi hoN, manzil7 sabhi ki ek ho 1.creatures 2.instructions, teaching 3.appearance 4.hidden 5.same 6.intention 7.goal
(O, god), instruct your creatures to live in harmony. When they hear, they should hear with their heart/love and when they speak they should speak with love. Their appearance in harmony with what’s inside, their intentions virtuous. There may be many different paths, but the goal remain one.
eid ke din hi faqat1 aisa samaaN2 aaya to kya
rahguzaaroN3 par agar abr-e-ravaaN4 chhaaya to kya
jo naveed5-e jaaNfaza6, jo muzshda7-e jaaved8 de
aye Khuda mere Khuda, duniya ko aisi eid de 1.only 2.ambience, atmosphere 3.pathways 4.flowing cloud (of benevolence) 5.good news sustaining 7.glad tidings 8.permanent
If such an ambience happens only on eid day, then of what conseqence is it. If the cloud of benevolence floats over pathways, what good is it. That which brings good news and glad tidings of permanent change, O, god, O, my god, give such an eid to the world.
kuNwar mohindar singh bedi sahr (1909-1992) had to migrate to the Indian side after partition. In his writings he has reached across religious lines and national boundaries, writing about peace and harmony and odes to islamic as well hindu figures. The character of his compostions have a ring of sincere devotion and inclusiveness.
aye hilaal1-e eid, aye ahl-e-aqeedat2 ke imaam3
tujh ko pahuNche ek majboor-e-mohabbat4 ka salaam
dekh kar tujh ko sabhi dilshaad5 haiN masroor6 haiN
sab ke chehre pur ziya7, qalb8 o jigar9 pur-noor10 haiN moon 2.people of faith 3.leader (sought after) 4.bound by love 5.happy 6.elated 7.shining 8.heart 9.liver (considered the seat of life) 10.filled with light/joy
O, moon, harbinger of eid, who people of faith seek. Accept the greetings of one who is bound by his (universal) love. Seeing you, everyone is happy and elated, their faces shining, their hearts filled with joy.
baada1-e vahdaaniyat2 ka ek chhalakta jaam3 hai
tu vo saaqi hai ke jis ka faiz4 sab par aam5 hai
qalb-e-momin6 ke liye sarschashma7-e iimaan hai
aur phir iimaan hai kya, is baat ka irfaan8 hai 2.unity, one-ness (of creation and the creator) 3.cup 4.benevolence, gifts 5.common, same, universal 6.heart of the believer 7.main source 8.mystical knowledge
O moon, you are the wine of ‘one-ness’ (vahdat-ul-vujood). You are the saaqi whose gifts are given equally to all. This is the main source of faith for the heart of the believer. What is faith after all, except mystical knowledge of vahdaaniyat.
tere dum se hai tar o taaza ibaadat ka vujood1
uns2 ka, aKhlaaq3 ka, mahr4 o muravvat5 ka vujood
aaj ke din tu miTa deta hai sab naaz6 o niyaaz7
dekh kar tujh ko gale milte haiN mahmood-o-ayaaz8
1.existence, prevalence 3.manners 4.kindness 5.consideration 6.pride 7.begging favours 8.king and slave
ayaaz was the slave of mahmood (king). They are reputed to have had a (Platonic) love relationship. This relationship is often used as one of equals, in spite of difference in status. ‘naaz o niyaaz’ is used here as superior and inferior positions of granting and begging for favours. O, moon, because of you the tradition of obedience (to god’s will) prevails. Because of you relationships of love, manners, kindness and consideration exist. On this day (of eid) you erase all inequality. On seeing you, king and slave embrace each other as equals.
ek hi saf1 meN khaRe hote haiN sab shaah2 o gada3
tere dar4 par aaj ke din haiN sabhi hum-martaba5
eid meN muflis6 bhi lagte haiN gale zardaar7 ke
aur majboorauN8 pe khul jaate haiN dar4 muKhtaar9 ke
1.line, formation (for namaaz) 2.king 3.beggar 4.door 5.equal status 6.pauper 7.wealthy 8.powerless 9.powerful
(On this day) king and beggar stand in the same line (as equals). At your door (moon/god) everyone has equal status. On eid, the pauper and the wealthy embrace, the powerless are welcome at the home of the powerful.
aaj ke din tu miTa1 deta hai farq2-e nasl3 o raNg4
aaj ke din sulha5 meN tabdeel6 ho jaati hai juNg
aaj ke din Khatm ho jaate haiN sub fasq7 o fasaad8
Ghairiyyat9, begaana-pun10, makr11 o riya12, buGhz13 o anaad14
1.erase 2.difference 3.birth, pedigree 4.colour (of the skin) 5.peace 6.change into 7.transgression 8.conspiracy 9.otherness 10.aloofness 11.trickery 12.hypocricy 13.revenge 14.hostility
You (O, moon) erase all differences of pedigree and race. War is changed to peace and all evil ceases.
aaj ke din tu miTa deta hai farq-e een-o-aaN1
sabza2-e paamaal3 par haNsta nahiN sarv-e-ravaaN4
yuN to duniya ke har ek goshe5 pe hai teri nazar
aye hilaal-e eid kya tujh ko nahiN is ki Khabar6
eid ke agle7 hi din tak vo samaaN8 rahta nahiN
vo zamiN rahti nahiN vo aasmaaN rahta nahiN
1.this and that, ordinary 2.greenery, plants 3.trampled, small 4.tall cypress 5.corner 6.knowledge 8.atmosphere, conditions
Today (on eid) you (O, moon) erase all ordinary differences. The tall cypress does not sneer at little plants. But O, moon, you can see into all corners of the world, but do you not know that the very next day after eid, the same conditions do not prevail.
ye aqeedat1, ye muravvat2, ye ravaadaari3, ye mel
ban ke rah jaate haiN saare ye faqat4 ek din ka khel
phir rag5-e majboor6 par Khanjar vahi muKhtaar7 ka
phir vahi muflis8 pe sub jor-o-sitam9 zardaar10 ka
1.sincerity 2.politeness 3.consideration of others 4.only 5.jugular vein 6.powerless 7.powerful 8.pauper 9.oppression and cruelty 10.wealthy
All this sincerity, politenss, consideration and get together turns out to be only a one day game. After that, once again the knife of the powerful on the jugular of the powerless, cruelty and oppression of the wealthy against the poor.
phir vahi rashk1 o riqaabat2, phir vahi fasq3 o fasaad4
phir vahi begaana-pun5, Ghaibat6, vahi buGhz7 o anaad8
phir vahi hifz9-e maraatib10, farq11-e mahmood-o-ayaaz12
phir vahi kibr13 o ra’oonat14, phir vahi naaz-o-niyaaz15
1.envy 2.rivalry 3.transgression 4.conspiracy 5.aloofness 6.absence, distance 7.revenge 8.hostility 10.status 11.difference 12.master and slave 13.pride 14.conceit 15.begging and obliging/belittling
Once again the same envy, rivalry, distance and enmity. The same maintenance of status and the difference between master and slave, the same pride and conceit and belittling.
eid ke din ka samaaN1 qaa’em2 sada rahta nahiN
tu ye sub kuchh dekhta hai aur kuchh kahta nahiN
aye hilaal-e eid, aye arsh-aashna3, aali-maqaam4
ek din, sirf5 ek din ke vaaste ye ehtemaam6
1.atmosphere, conditions 2.prevail 3.familiar with the heavens 4.high status 5.only 6.arrangement
The conditions of the day of eid do not prevail. You, (O, moon) see all this and do not say anything. O, moon, of high and heavenly status, all this arrangement for one and only one day.
aye hilaal-e eid aye sad-raahat1-e qalb-o-jigar2
eid ke din ka samaaN3 aur itna muKhtasar4
aye hilaal-e eid aye sayyara5-e haft-aasmaaN6
kar nahiN sakta agar tu is faza7 ko jaavedaaN8
1.hundred comforts 2.heart and liver, love and life 3.conditions 4.short 5.traveler 6.seventh heaven 7.atmosphere 8.permanent
O, moon, harbinger of eid, the comfort of love and life, the conditions of eid, and so short! O, moon, traveler of the seventh heaven, if you cannot make this ambience permanent then …
aa to phir mil kar kareN Khaaleq1 ki Khidmat2 meN dua
aye Khuda-e do jahaaN aye maalik-e arz-o-samaa3
krishn ke, naanak ke, eesa ke, mohammed ke Khuda
tu sifaat4 o zaat5 se hai maasava6 o maavara7
1.creator 2.service, presence and sky 4.attributes 5.person, identity addition to 7.beyond
… come and let us pray in the presence of the creator. O god, lord of both worlds, of the earth and sky the god of krishn, naanak, Jesus and mohammed, you are beyond and more than all identity and attributes.
apne bandauN1 ko hidaayat2 de ke sub mil kar raheN
jo suneN dil se suneN, jo kaheN dil se kaheN
zaahir3 o baatin4 hoN yaksaaN5, sub ki niyyat6 nek ho
raaste kitne hi hoN, manzil7 sabhi ki ek ho
1.creatures 2.instructions, teaching 3.appearance 4.hidden 5.same 6.intention 7.goal
(O, god), instruct your creatures to live in harmony. When they hear, they should hear with their heart/love and when they speak they should speak with love. Their appearance in harmony with what’s inside, their intentions virtuous. There may be many different paths, but the goal remain one.
eid ke din hi faqat1 aisa samaaN2 aaya to kya
rahguzaaroN3 par agar abr-e-ravaaN4 chhaaya to kya
jo naveed5-e jaaNfaza6, jo muzshda7-e jaaved8 de
aye Khuda mere Khuda, duniya ko aisi eid de
1.only 2.ambience, atmosphere 3.pathways 4.flowing cloud (of benevolence) 5.good news sustaining 7.glad tidings 8.permanent
If such an ambience happens only on eid day, then of what conseqence is it. If the cloud of benevolence floats over pathways, what good is it. That which brings good news and glad tidings of permanent change, O, god, O, my god, give such an eid to the world.
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What a wonderful Eid post this is. Mahendar Singh’s contribution is uplifting and heartbreakingly true. Thank you.
he is a great poet. had heard him before. your voice has added a new tone to it.