taraana-e gunahgaar-anand narain mulla

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “English” or “Notes” tab.

ترانۂ گنہگار ۔ پنڈت آنند نرائین مُلّا


فطرتِ نا شکیب ہوں خاطرِ بیقرار ہوں

روحِ پُر اِضطراب ہوں دیدۂ اشکبار ہوں

کشتہ آرزو ہوں میں، محوِ تلاشِ یار ہوں

سینۂ ریش ریش ہوں، دامنِ تار تار ہوں

روزِ ازل سے طالبِ جلوہِ آشکار ہوں


میں ہوں شہیدِ جستجو تابِ دوام مجھ سے ہے

خندۂ صبح مجھ سے ہے، گریۂ شام مجھ سے ہے

محفلِ روزگار کا حسنِ نظام مجھ سے ہے

لطفِ صراحی و مے و شیشہ و جام مجھ سے ہے

میکدۂ حیات میں کیفیتِ خمار ہوں


اہلِ طرب کے واسطے بزمِ نشاط خیز ہوں

طالبِ زخم کے لئے معرکۂ ستیز ہوں

میں ہوں کبھی شرر فشاں اور کبھی مشک بیز ہوں

گاہ میں فتنہ خیز ہوں، گاہ میں نغمہ ریز ہوں

سیلِ رواں ہوں دشت میں، باغ میں جوئے بار ہوں


مجھ کو نہ دیر سے غرض اور نہ کچھ حرم سے کار

میری حیات سے مُراد ایک ہے بس تلاشِ یار

میری اُمید و بیم کا اپنے ہی دل پہ ہے مدار

میں ہوں نہ طالبِ بہشت اور نہ خائفِ مزار

بوجھ ہوں خاک ہی کا میں اور نہ فلک کا بار ہوں


میری نظر وسیع ہے میرا خیال ہے بلند

خاطرِ ناصبور کو خوفِ مآل نا پسند

گوشۂ چشم میں نہاں صورتِ اشک تابچند

چڑھ کے مژہ پہ ایک بار دیکھ لوں سب کشاد و بند

یا تو سپردِ خاک ہوں یا دُرِ شاہوار ہوں


مجھ میں نہاں ترا وجود، مجھ سے عیاں ترا ظہور

عکسِ سیاہ میں ترا، تو ہے مرا جمالِ نور

میری نظر پہ کس لئے ہے یہ حجابِ نزد و دور

ایک نہ ایک روز میں اس کو اُٹھاؤں گا ضرور

چشمِ پُر آرزو پسِ پردۂ اِنتظار ہوں


ختم بس اک اُڑان پر ہمّتِ بال و پر نہیں

موت مری حیات کا خاتمۂ سفر نہیں

نورِ سحر کو ظلمتِ شام سے کچھ خطر نہیں

میری فنا فنا نہیں، مجھ کو خزاں کا ڈر نہیں

گلشنِ کائنات میں قافلہِ بہار ہوں


مجھ کو ہے دل سے ڈر یہی شوقِ وصال دیکھ کر

تاب نہ لا سکے گا یہ شکلِ خیال دیکھ کر

میری شکست ہے ضرور نورِ جمال دیکھ کر

آپ لرز رہا ہوں میں اپنا مآل دیکھ کر

ابرِ سیاہ کی مثال برسرِ کوہسار ہوں


مجھ کو نہیں خطا کی شرم سامنے تیرے اے خدا

میں ہوں تری شبیہ ایک اُس کو بگاڑ یا بنا

میرے لئے یہ ننگ ہے ڈھونڈوں کسی کا آسرا

میں ہوں نہ پیروِ مسیح اور نہ مُریدِ مصطفا

اپنے ہی دوش پر لئے اپنی خطا کا بار ہوں


لذّتِ درد کون دے لطفِ وصال کے لئے

میں نے تو چھوڑ دی بہشت تابِ خیال کے لئے

روح مری ہے مضطرب اپنے جمال کے لئے

جلوۂ دو جہاں ہے کم چشمِ سوال کے لئے

آرزوئے کلیم کی دہر میں یادگار ہوں


نقش بر آب ہوں مگر عشق کا رازدار ہوں

ہوں تو ذرا سی مُشتِ خاک برق سے ہمکنار ہوں

تو بھی بجھا نہ پائے گا جس کو میں وہ شرار ہوں

ہستیِ بے ثبات ہوں، جلوۂ پائدار ہوں

جس میں ہے شانِ کردگار میں وہ گناہ گار ہوں

तराना-ए गुनहगार – पंडित आनंद नरायन मुल्ला

फ़ित्रत-ए ना-शकेब हूं ख़ातर-ए बेक़रार हूं

रूह-ए पुर-ईज़्तराब हूं, दीदा-ए अश्क-बार हूं

कुश्ता-ए आर्ज़ू हुं मैं, महव-ए तलाश-ए यार हूं

सीना-ए रेश रेश हूं, दामन-ए तार तार हूं

रोज़-ए अज़ल से तालब-ए जल्वा-ए आश्कार हूं

मैं हूं शहीद-ए जुस्तजू, ताब-ए दवाम मुझ से है

ख़ंदा-ए सुबह मुझ से है, गिरिया-ए शाम मुझ से है

महफ़िल-ए रोज़गार का हुस्न-ए निज़ाम मुझ से है

लुत्फ़-ए सुराहि ओ मै ओ शीशा ओ जाम मुझ से है

मैकदा-ए हयात में कैफ़िय्यत-ए ख़ुमार हूं

अहल-ए तरब के वास्ते, बज़्म-ए निशात ख़ेज़ हूं

तालब-ए ज़ख़्म के लिए मारेका-ए सतेज़ हूं

मैं हूं कभी शरर फ़शां और कभी मुश्क-बेज़ हूं

गाह मैं फ़ित्ना-ख़ेज़ हूं, गाह मैं नग़्मा-रेज़ हूं

सैल-ए रवां हुं दश्त में बाग़ में जू-ए बार हूं

मुझ को न दैर से ग़रज़, और न कुछ हरम से कार

मेरी हयात से मुराद एक है बस तलाश-ए यार

मेरी उमीद ओ बीम का अपने हि दिल पे है मदार

मैं हूं न तालब-ए बेहिश्त और न ख़ाएफ़-ए मज़ार

बोझ हुं ख़ाक हि का मैं और न फ़लक का बार हूं

मेरी नज़र वस’ई है मेरा ख़याल है बलंद

ख़ातर-ए ना-सुबूर को ख़ौफ़-ए म’आल ना-पसंद

गोशा-ए चश्म में नहां सूरत-ए अश्क ताबचंद

चढ के मज़्शा पे एक बार देख लूं सब कुशाद ओ बंद

या तो सुपुर्द-ए ख़ाक हूं, या दुर-ए शाहवार हूं

मुझ मे नेहां तेरा वुजूद, मुझ से अयां तेरा ज़हूर

अक्स-ए स्याह मैं तेरा, तू है मेरा जमाल-ए नूर

मेरी नज़र पे किस लिए है ये हिजाब-ए नज़्द ओ दूर

एक न एक रोज़ मैं इस को उठाऊंगा ज़रूर

चश्म-ए पुर आर्ज़ू पस-ए पर्दा-ए इंतज़ार हूं

ख़त्म बस एक उड़ान पर हिम्मत-ए बाल ओ पर नहीं

मौत मेरी हयात का ख़ातमा-ए सफ़र नहीं

नूर-ए सहर को ज़ुल्मत-ए शाम से कुछ ख़तर नहीं

मेरी फ़ना फ़ना नहीं, मुझ को ख़िज़ां का डर नहीं

गुल्शन-ए काएनात में क़ाफ़ला-ए बहार हूं

मुझ को है दिल से डर यही, शौक़-ए विसाल देख कर

ताब न लो सकेगा ये शक्ल-ए ख़याल देख कर

मेरी शिकस्त है ज़रूर नूर-ए जमाल देख कर

आह लरज़ रहा हूं मैं अपना म’आल देख कर

अब्र-ए स्याह की मिसाल, बरसर-ए कोहसार हूं

मुझ को नही ख़ता कि शर्म, सामने तेरे अए ख़ुदा

मैं हूं तेरी शबीह एक उस को बिगाढ या बना

मेरे लिए ये नंग है ढूंढूं किसी का आस्रा

मैं हूं न पैरव-ए मसीह और न मुरीद-ए मुस्तफ़ा

अपने हि दोश पर लिए अपनी ख़ता का बार हूं


लज़्ज़त-ए दर्द कौन दे लुत्फ़-ए विसाल के लिए

मैं ने तो छोढ दी बहिश्त ताब-ए ख़्याल के लिए

रूह मेरी है मुज़्तरिब अपने जमाल के लिए

जल्वा-ए दो जहां है कम चश्म-ए सवाल के लिए

आर्ज़ु-ए कलीम कि दहर में यादगार हूं


नक़्श बर-आब हूं मगर इश्क़ का राज़्दार हूं

हुं तो ज़रा सि मुश्त-ए ख़ाक, बर्क़ से हमकिनार हूं

तू भी बुझा न पाएगा जिस को मैं वो शरार हूं

हस्ती-ए बे-सबात हूं, जल्वा-ए पाएदार हूं

जिस में है शान-ए किरदगार मैं वो गुनाहगार हूं


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand narain mulla (1901-1997) thoughtful and thoughtprovoking shaa’er. urdu lover. judge, parliamentarian and strong secularist. In this ‘muKhammas’ (five misra-line verse) he raises some serious philosophical questions and presents a defiant, self-contradictory and yet beautiful picture of the relationship between an imagined creator and created/human.
fitrat1-e na-shakeb2 huN, Khaater3-e be-qaraar4 huN
rooh-e pur-izteraab5 huN, deeda-e ashk-baar6 huN
kushta7-e aarzu8 huN maiN, mahv9-e talaash-e-yaar10 huN
seena-e resh resh huN, daaman-e taar taar huN
roz-e-azal11 se taalib12-e jalva13-e aashkaar14 huN   
1.nature 2.without rest/comfort, inquisitive 3.heart/mind 4.restless 5.full of eagerness 6.raining tears 7.victim, slain by 8.desire 9.engrossed in 10.searching for the beloved/god 11.day of beginning/creation 12.seeker, demanding 13.glory, beauty 14.manifestation, appearance
The poet’s nature – full of energy, inquisitive, restless, eager, sorrowful, victim of his own desires and engrossed in searching for the beloved/Truth/god. It is this search that makes him sorrowful, he beats his chest in desperation, tears his clothes to shreds. From the very beginning he has been seeking the glory that was (supposed to have been) manifest.

maiN huN shaheed-e-justaju1, taab2-e davaam3 mujh se hai
Khanda4-e subah mujhe se hai, giria5-e shaam mujhe se hai
mahfil6-e rozgaar7 ka husn-e-nizaam8 mujh se hai
lutf9-e suraahi10 o mai11 o sheesha o jaam12 mujh se hai
maikada-e-hayaat13 meN kaifiyyat-e-Khumaar14 huN   
1.martyr of seeking/trying 2.glory 3.eternity, immortality 4.smile 5.weeping 6.gathering 7.daily 8.beauty/goodness of the order/laws/tradition 9.pleasure 10.flask 11.wine 12.cup 13.tavern of life 14.inebriated condition
The poet continues to describe himself (as a representative of all humanity). He tries hard and keeps trying to the point that he is killed by his own effort. The glory of immortality/concept of Truth/god is because of his thinking. The brightness of mornings and the darkness of nights (human activity), the goodness of world order as well as the intoxication and inebriation with the material world … all because of humans.

ahl-e-tarab1 ke vaaste, bazm2-e nishaat-Khez3 huN
taalib-e-zaKhm4 ke liye maareka5-e satez6 huN
maiN huN kabhi sharar-fashaaN7 aur kabhi mushk-bez8 huN
gaah9 maiN fitna-Khez10 huN, gaah maiN naGhma-rez11 huN
sayl-e-ravaaN12 huN dasht13 meN, baaGh meN joo-e-baar14 huN    
1.people of pleasure 2.gathering 3.pleasure raising/creating 4.seeker of pain 5.field 6.battle 7.scattering sparks 8.spreading fragrance 9.moment 10.mischief making 11.making song/music 12.flowing flood 13.desert, wilderness 14.river
The picture of energetic, creative, conflicted humanity continues. I arrange gatherings of pleasure as well fields of battle. I scatter sparks (that can set fires) and I can spread fragrance. One moment I am making mischief, another, I am making music. Life is sometimes like an uncontrolled flood in the desert and at other times like a life giving river in the garden.

mujh ko na dair1 se Gharaz2, aur na kuchh haram3 se kaar4
meri hayaat5 se muraad6 ek hai bas talaash-e-yaar7
meri umeed-o-beem8 ka apne hi dil pe hai madaar9
maiN huN na taalib-e-behisht10 aur na Khaa’ef11-e mazaar12
bojh huN Khaak hi ka maiN aur na falak13 ka baar14 huN   
1.temple 2.concern, want 3.mosque 4.work, need 5.life 6.desire 7.search for beloved/Truth/god 8.hopes and fears 9.basis 10.seeker of paradise 11.fearful 12.tomb/death 13.skies, heavens 14.burden, responsibility
I do not want anything from the temple, nor do I need anything from the mosque. The only purpose of my life is to seek truth/beloved/god. My heart/desires are the basis/cause of my hopes and fears. I do not seek paradise. I am not fearful of death/hell. I am not a burden on, responsibility of heaven or earth … I have to take care of myself.

meri nazar vas’ee1 hai mera Khayaal hai baland2
Khaatir3-e na-suboor4 ko Khauf5-e m’aal6 na-pasand
gosha7-e chashm8 meN nehaaN9 soorat-e ashk10 taa-ba-chand11
chaRh ke mizsha12 pe ek baar dekh luN sub kushaad-o-band13
ya to supurd-e-Khaak14 huN, ya dur-e-shaahvaar15 huN   
1.expansive, far-sighted 2.high, exalted, noble 3.heart/mind 4.impatient 5.fear 6.consequences, result 7.corner 8.eye 9.hidden 10.tear 11.for how long 12.eyelashes 13.open and closed, available and unavailable, possible and impossible 14.consigned to dust 15.royal pearl
I am far-sighted. I have noble thoughts. My impatient mind does not like fear of consequences (fear of failure). The poet transitions into a bit of esoteric imagery. Imagine an “all-seeing” eye. How long will I be like a hidden tear in the corner of this eye. Let me rise to the corner of the eyelash and see what I can see. At this point, I either drop and consigned to the dust or become a royal pearl. Either consequence, I am willing to face (not afraid of failure).

mujh meN nehaaN1 tera vujood2, mujh se ayaaN3 tera zahoor4
aks-e-syaah5 maiN tera, tu hai mera jamaal-e-noor6
meri nazar pe kis liye hai ye hijaab7-e nazd-o-duur8
ek na ek roz maiN, is ko uThaauNga zaroor
chashm9-e pur-aarzu10 pas11-e parda-e-intezaar12 huN    
1.hidden 2.existence, person 3.apparent 4.manifestation 5.dark shadow 6.glorious light 7.veil 8.near and far 9.eye 10.desire, longing 11.behind 12.curtain/veil of waiting/anticipation
Your person/qualities are hidden in me and I display your manifestation. I am your dark shadow, you are my glorious light (possibly meaning – I am like you along with dark imperfections and you are like me except glorious and shorn of imperfections). Why do you hang a veil between you and me (even if you are near or far). One day I will surely raise this veil. I am like an eye full of desires, waiting behind the curtain. (All this could apply to humans seeking Truth/Knowledge in a secular/scientific/emotional sense).

Khatm bus ek uRaan1 par, himmat-e baal-o-par2 nahiN
maut meri hayaat3 ka Khaatema-e-safar4 nahiN
noor-e-sahr5 ko zulmat-e-shaam6 se kuchh Khatar7 nahiN
meri fana8 fana nahiN, mujh ko KhizaaN9 ka Dar nahiN
gulshan-e-kaayenaat10 meN qaafila-e-bahaar11 huN    
1.flight 2.feathers and wings 3.life 4.end of journey 5.dawn’s light 6.darkness of night 7.fear, danger 8.annihilation 9.fall, autumn 10.garden of the universe 11.caravan of spring
I would like to intepret this NOT as ‘after-life’ or as ‘re-incarnation’ but as a continuous dynamism of life much like ali sardar jafri’s ‘mera safar’. The courage/strength of my wings will not be spent by just one flight. I will keep trying to fly. Even death is not the end of my life (others will take my place, one person may die, but humanity will continue). The brilliance of dawn does not fear the darkness of night. My death is not my annihilation. I am not afraid of autumn. In the garden of the universe I am like a caravan of spring, continuously generating new life.

mujh ko hai dil se Dar yahi, shauq-e-visaal1 dekh kar
taab2 na laa sakega ye shakl-e-Khayaal3 dekh kar
meri shikast4 hai zaroor, noor-e-jamaal5 dekh kar
aah, laraz6 raha huN maiN, apna m’aal7 dekh kar
abr-e-syaah8 ki misaal9, barsar10-e kohsaar11 huN   
1.desire of union 2.bear burden 3.face/image of thought/imagination 4.defeat 5.brilliance of glory/beauty 6.tremble 7.result 8.dark cloud 9.like, example 11.hill
The poet/seeker is so imbued with dynamism that he does not want to reach his ‘final’ goal. He is afraid that his heart will not be able to bear the burden of continuous struggle once it gives shape to its imagination, once it experiences the pleasure of union. If I see the glory, it will surely be my defeat (because I will stop trying). I tremble when I see/imagine how I will end up. I feel like a dark cloud looming over a hill.

mujh ko nahiN Khata1 ki sharm, saamne tere aye Khuda
maiN huN teri shabiih2 ek us ko bigaaR ya bana
mere liye ye naNg3 hai DhoonDhuN kisi ka aasra4
maiN huN na pairav-e-maseeh5, aur na muriid-e-mustafa6
apne hi dosh7 par liye, apni Khata ka baar8 huN    
1.mistake, error (NOT sin) 2.look alike, copy 3.shame 4.support, reliance 5.advocate of Jesus 6.follower of mohammed 7.shoulders 8.burden
I am not ashamed of making mistakes (I will learn from them). I am your copy, you can either let me improve (try and learn) or destroy (punish and throw in hell) me. It is a shame for me to put my responsibility on someone else. I am neither a follower of Jesus nor of mohammed. I carry the burden of my mistakes on my own shoulders.

lazzat-e-dard1 kaun de lutf-e-visaal2 ke liye
maiN ne to chhoR di behisht3 taab4-e Khayaal5 ke liye
rooh6 meri hai muztarib7 apne jamaal8 ke liye
jalva9-e do jahaaN hai kam chashm-e-savaal10 ke liye
aarzu11-e kaleem12 ki dahr13 meN yaadgaar huN    
1.pleasure of pain 2.comfort of union 3.paradise 4.brilliance, glory 5.(free) thought, free will 6.spirit 7.eager 8.glory, success 9.face, beauty 10.questioning eye 11.desire 12.another name of moosa/Moses 13.world
This has reference to two Biblical/quranic stories. aadam exercised his free will and left (was banished from) heaven. moosa went on mount tuur asking to see god. Using these two, the poet/seeker says, why would I give up the pleasure of pain (of trying/seeking) for the (static) comfort of union/final goal. After all, I left heaven once before for the sake of the glory to free will. My spirit is eager to achieve its own glory. The beauty/glory of earth and heaven is not enough for my inquiring eye. I am the memorial in this world of the desire of moosa to see the Truth/god.

naqsh1 bar-aab2 huN magar, ishq ka raazdaar3 huN
huN to zara si musht-e-Khaak4, barq5 se humkinaar6 huN
tu bhi bujha na paayega jis ko maiN vo sharaar7 huN
hasti8-e be-sabaat9 huN, jalva-e-paayedaar10 huN
jis meN hai shaan-e kirdegaar11, maiN vo gunaahgaar huN     
1.sketch 2.on water 3.confidant, friend 4.fistful of dust 5.lightning 6.equal of 7.spark 8.existence, being 9.without permanence 10.firm/durable beauty/manifestation 11.god
I am like a sketch on water – not permanent – but I am the confidant of Universal Love. I may be a fistful of dust, but I am powerful/glorious like lightning. I am the spark that even you will not be able to put out. I am a mortal being but with a durable/immortal manifestation/being. I am the sinner that god is proud of.

anand narain mulla (1901-1997) thoughtful and thoughtprovoking shaa’er.  urdu lover.  judge, parliamentarian and strong secularist.  In this ‘muKhammas’ (five misra-line verse) he raises some serious philosophical questions and presents a defiant, self-contradictory and yet beautiful picture of the relationship between an imagined creator and created/human.
fitrat1-e na-shakeb2 huN, Khaater3-e be-qaraar4 huN
rooh-e pur-izteraab5 huN, deeda-e ashk-baar6 huN
kushta7-e aarzu8 huN maiN, mahv9-e talaash-e-yaar10 huN
seena-e resh resh huN, daaman-e taar taar huN
roz-e-azal11 se taalib12-e jalva13-e aashkaar14 huN

1.nature 2.without rest/comfort, inquisitive 3.heart/mind 4.restless 5.full of eagerness 6.raining tears 7.victim, slain by 8.desire 9.engrossed in 10.searching for the beloved/god 11.day of beginning/creation 12.seeker, demanding 13.glory, beauty 14.manifestation, appearance

The poet’s nature – full of energy, inquisitive, restless, eager, sorrowful, victim of his own desires and engrossed in searching for the beloved/Truth/god.  It is this search that makes him sorrowful, he beats his chest in desperation, tears his clothes to shreds.  From the very beginning he has been seeking the glory that was (supposed to have been) manifest.
maiN huN shaheed-e-justaju1, taab2-e davaam3 mujh se hai
Khanda4-e subah mujhe se hai, giria5-e shaam mujhe se hai
mahfil6-e rozgaar7 ka husn-e-nizaam8 mujh se hai
lutf9-e suraahi10 o mai11 o sheesha o jaam12 mujh se hai
maikada-e-hayaat13 meN kaifiyyat-e-Khumaar14 huN

1.martyr of seeking/trying 2.glory 3.eternity, immortality 4.smile 5.weeping 6.gathering 7.daily 8.beauty/goodness of the order/laws/tradition 9.pleasure 10.flask 11.wine 12.cup 13.tavern of life 14.inebriated condition

The poet continues to describe himself (as a representative of all humanity).  He tries hard and keeps trying to the point that he is killed by his own effort.  The glory of immortality/concept of Truth/god is because of his thinking.  The brightness of mornings and the darkness of nights (human activity), the goodness of world order as well as the intoxication and inebriation with the material world … all because of humans.
ahl-e-tarab1 ke vaaste, bazm2-e nishaat-Khez3 huN
taalib-e-zaKhm4 ke liye maareka5-e satez6 huN
maiN huN kabhi sharar-fashaaN7 aur kabhi mushk-bez8 huN
gaah9 maiN fitna-Khez10 huN, gaah maiN naGhma-rez11 huN
sayl-e-ravaaN12 huN dasht13 meN, baaGh meN joo-e-baar14 huN

1.people of pleasure 2.gathering 3.pleasure raising/creating 4.seeker of pain 5.field 6.battle 7.scattering sparks 8.spreading fragrance 9.moment 10.mischief making 11.making song/music 12.flowing flood 13.desert, wilderness 14.river

The picture of energetic, creative, conflicted humanity continues.  I arrange gatherings of pleasure as well fields of battle.  I scatter sparks (that can set fires) and I can spread fragrance.  One moment I am making mischief, another, I am making music.  Life is sometimes like an uncontrolled flood in the desert and at other times like a life giving river in the garden.
mujh ko na dair1 se Gharaz2, aur na kuchh haram3 se kaar4
meri hayaat5 se muraad6 ek hai bas talaash-e-yaar7
meri umeed-o-beem8 ka apne hi dil pe hai madaar9
maiN huN na taalib-e-behisht10 aur na Khaa’ef11-e mazaar12
bojh huN Khaak hi ka maiN aur na falak13 ka baar14 huN

1.temple 2.concern, want 3.mosque 4.work, need 5.life 6.desire 7.search for beloved/Truth/god 8.hopes and fears 9.basis 10.seeker of paradise 11.fearful 12.tomb/death 13.skies, heavens 14.burden, responsibility

I do not want anything from the temple, nor do I need anything from the mosque.  The only purpose of my life is to seek truth/beloved/god.  My heart/desires are the basis/cause of my hopes and fears.  I do not seek paradise.  I am not fearful of death/hell.  I am not a burden on, responsibility of heaven or earth … I have to take care of myself.
meri nazar vas’ee1 hai mera Khayaal hai baland2
Khaatir3-e na-suboor4 ko Khauf5-e m’aal6 na-pasand
gosha7-e chashm8 meN nehaaN9 soorat-e ashk10 taa-ba-chand11
chaRh ke mizsha12 pe ek baar dekh luN sub kushaad-o-band13
ya to supurd-e-Khaak14 huN, ya dur-e-shaahvaar15 huN

1.expansive, far-sighted 2.high, exalted, noble 3.heart/mind 4.impatient 5.fear 6.consequences, result 7.corner 8.eye 9.hidden 10.tear 11.for how long 12.eyelashes 13.open and closed, available and unavailable, possible and impossible 14.consigned to dust 15.royal pearl

I am far-sighted.  I have noble thoughts.  My impatient mind does not like fear of consequences (fear of failure).  The poet transitions into a bit of esoteric imagery.  Imagine an “all-seeing” eye.  How long will I be like a hidden tear in the corner of this eye.  Let me rise to the corner of the eyelash and see what I can see.  At this point, I either drop and consigned to the dust or become a royal pearl.  Either consequence, I am willing to face (not afraid of failure).
mujh meN nehaaN1 tera vujood2, mujh se ayaaN3 tera zahoor4
aks-e-syaah5 maiN tera, tu hai mera jamaal-e-noor6
meri nazar pe kis liye hai ye hijaab7-e nazd-o-duur8
ek na ek roz maiN, is ko uThaauNga zaroor
chashm9-e pur-aarzu10 pas11-e parda-e-intezaar12 huN

1.hidden 2.existence, person 3.apparent 4.manifestation 5.dark shadow 6.glorious light 7.veil 8.near and far 9.eye 10.desire, longing 11.behind 12.curtain/veil of waiting/anticipation

Your person/qualities are hidden in me and I display your manifestation.  I am your dark shadow, you are my glorious light (possibly meaning – I am like you along with dark imperfections and you are like me except glorious and shorn of imperfections).  Why do you hang a veil between you and me (even if you are near or far).  One day I will surely raise this veil.  I am like an eye full of desires, waiting behind the curtain.   (All this could apply to humans seeking Truth/Knowledge in a secular/scientific/emotional sense).
Khatm bus ek uRaan1 par, himmat-e baal-o-par2 nahiN
maut meri hayaat3 ka Khaatema-e-safar4 nahiN
noor-e-sahr5 ko zulmat-e-shaam6 se kuchh Khatar7 nahiN
meri fana8 fana nahiN, mujh ko KhizaaN9 ka Dar nahiN
gulshan-e-kaayenaat10 meN qaafila-e-bahaar11 huN

1.flight 2.feathers and wings 3.life 4.end of journey 5.dawn’s light 6.darkness of night 7.fear, danger 8.annihilation 9.fall, autumn 10.garden of the universe 11.caravan of spring

I would like to intepret this NOT as ‘after-life’ or as ‘re-incarnation’ but as a continuous dynamism of life much like ali sardar jafri’s ‘mera safar’.  The courage/strength of my wings will not be spent by just one flight.  I will keep trying to fly.  Even death is not the end of my life (others will take my place, one person may die, but humanity will continue).  The brilliance of dawn does not fear the darkness of night.  My death is not my annihilation.  I am not afraid of autumn.  In the garden of the universe I am like a caravan of spring, continuously generating new life.
mujh ko hai dil se Dar yahi, shauq-e-visaal1 dekh kar
taab2 na laa sakega ye shakl-e-Khayaal3 dekh kar
meri shikast4 hai zaroor, noor-e-jamaal5 dekh kar
aah, laraz6 raha huN maiN, apna m’aal7 dekh kar
abr-e-syaah8 ki misaal9, barsar10-e kohsaar11 huN

1.desire of union 2.bear burden 3.face/image of thought/imagination 4.defeat 5.brilliance of glory/beauty 6.tremble 7.result 8.dark cloud 9.like, example 11.hill

The poet/seeker is so imbued with dynamism that he does not want to reach his ‘final’ goal.  He is afraid that his heart will not be able to bear the burden of continuous struggle once it gives shape to its imagination, once it experiences the pleasure of union.  If I see the glory, it will surely be my defeat (because I will stop trying).  I tremble when I see/imagine how I will end up.  I feel like a dark cloud looming over a hill.
mujh ko nahiN Khata1 ki sharm, saamne tere aye Khuda
maiN huN teri shabiih2 ek us ko bigaaR ya bana
mere liye ye naNg3 hai DhoonDhuN kisi ka aasra4
maiN huN na pairav-e-maseeh5, aur na muriid-e-mustafa6
apne hi dosh7 par liye, apni Khata ka baar8 huN

1.mistake, error (NOT sin) 2.look alike, copy 3.shame 4.support, reliance 5.advocate of Jesus 6.follower of mohammed 7.shoulders 8.burden

I am not ashamed of making mistakes (I will learn from them).  I am your copy, you can either let me improve (try and learn) or destroy (punish and throw in hell) me.  It is a shame for me to put my responsibility on someone else.  I am neither a follower of Jesus nor of mohammed.  I carry the burden of my mistakes on my own shoulders.
lazzat-e-dard1 kaun de lutf-e-visaal2 ke liye
maiN ne to chhoR di behisht3 taab4-e Khayaal5 ke liye
rooh6 meri hai muztarib7 apne jamaal8 ke liye
jalva9-e do jahaaN hai kam chashm-e-savaal10 ke liye
aarzu11-e kaleem12 ki dahr13 meN yaadgaar huN

1.pleasure of pain 2.comfort of union 3.paradise 4.brilliance, glory 5.(free) thought, free will 6.spirit 7.eager 8.glory, success 9.face, beauty 10.questioning eye 11.desire 12.another name of moosa/Moses 13.world

This has reference to two Biblical/quranic stories.  aadam exercised his free will and left (was banished from) heaven.  moosa went on mount tuur asking to see god.  Using these two, the poet/seeker says, why would I give up the pleasure of pain (of trying/seeking) for the (static) comfort of union/final goal.  After all, I left heaven once before for the sake of the glory to free will.  My spirit is eager to achieve its own glory.  The beauty/glory of earth and heaven is not enough for my inquiring eye.  I am the memorial in this world of the desire of moosa to see the Truth/god.
naqsh1 bar-aab2 huN magar, ishq ka raazdaar3 huN
huN to zara si musht-e-Khaak4, barq5 se humkinaar6 huN
tu bhi bujha na paayega jis ko maiN vo sharaar7 huN
hasti8-e be-sabaat9 huN, jalva-e-paayedaar10 huN
jis meN hai shaan-e kirdegaar11, maiN vo gunaahgaar huN

1.sketch 2.on water 3.confidant, friend 4.fistful of dust 5.lightning 6.equal of 7.spark 8.existence, being 9.without permanence 10.firm/durable beauty/manifestation 11.god

I am like a sketch on water – not permanent – but I am the confidant of Universal Love.  I may be a fistful of dust, but I am powerful/glorious like lightning.  I am the spark that even you will not be able to put out.  I am a mortal being but with a durable/immortal manifestation/being.  I am the sinner that god is proud of.

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