andaleeb-e gulshan-e naa-aafriida huN – mirza Ghalib

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عندلیبِ  گُلشنِ  نا  آفریدہ  ۔  مرزا  غالبؔ


سوداے  عشق  سے  دمِ  سردِ  کشیدہ  ہوں

شامِ  خیالِ  زلف  سے  صبح  دمیدہ  ہوں


دورانِ  سر  سے  گردشِ  ساغر  ہے  مُتصّل

خُمخانۂ  جنوں  میں  دماغِ  رسیدہ  ہوں


کی  مُتّصِل  ستارہ  شماری  میں  عمر  صرف

تسبیحِ  اشک  ہاے  زِ  مِژگاں  چکیدہ  ہوں


ظاہر  ہیں  میری  شکل  سے  افسوس  کے  نشاں

جوں  شانہ  پشت  دست  بدنداں  گزیدہ  ہوں


ہوں  گرمیِ  نشاطِ  تصوّر  سے  نغمہ  سنج

میں  عندلیبِ  گُلشنِ  نا  آفریدہ  ہوں


دیتا  ہوں  کشتگاں  کہ  سخن  سے  سرِ  تپش

مضرابِ  تارہائے  گُلُوئے  بُریدہ  ہوں


ہے  جنبشِ  زباں  بہ  دہن  سخت  ناگوار

خونابۂ  ہلاہلِ  حسرت  چشیدہ  ہوں


جوں  بُوے  گُل  ہوں  گرچہ  گراں  بارِ  مشتِ  زر

لیکن  اسد،  بہ  وقتِ  گزشتن  جریدہ  ہوں

अन्दलीब-ए गुल्शन-ए ना-आफ़्रीदा – मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब

सौदा-ए इश्क़ से दम-ए सर्द-ए कशीदा हुं

शाम-ए ख़याल-ए ज़ुल्फ़ से सुब्ह-ए दमीदा हुं

दौरान-ए सर से गर्दिश-ए साग़र है मुतस्सिल

ख़ुम-ख़ाना-ए जुनूं में दमाग़-ए रसीदा हुं

की मुतस्सिल सितारा-शुमारी में उम्र सर्फ़

तस्बीह-ए अश्क-हा-ए ज़ मिज़्श्गां चकीदा हूं

ज़ाहर हैं मेरी शक्ल से अफ़्सोस के निशां

ख़ार-ए अलम से पुश्त ब दन्दां गज़ीदा हूं

हूं गर्मी-ए निशात-ए तसव्वुर से नग़्मा संज

मैं अन्दलीब-ए गुल्शन-ए ना-आफ़्रीदा हूं

देता हूं कुश्तगां को सुख़न से सर-ए तपिश

मिज़्राब-ए तार-हा-ए गुलू-ए बुरीदा हूं

है जुंबिश-ए ज़बां ब-दहन सख़्त नागवार

ख़ूनाबा-ए हलाहल-ए हस्रत चशीदा हूं

चूं बू-ए गुल हुं गरचे गिरां बार-ए मुश्त-ए ज़र

लैकिन असद, ब वक़्त-ए गुज़िश्तन जरीदा हूं

Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. mirza asadullah KhaaN Ghalib (1797-1869). I dare not write any introduction. On more than one occasion Ghalib has warned his readers that he needs no introduction or even address. I humbly comply. This Ghazal appeared in earlier publications of Ghalib’s divaan, but in the later versions, which have become “official” and more common, he, for whatever reason dropped it. This is dated 1812 in ‘nusKha-e bhopal’, which was published in Ghalib’s own handwriting in 1816 i.e. Ghalib was fifteen years old when he composed this!!!!! This is one of three Ghazal composed in this zamin. The other two are dated 1816 and 1867.
sauda1-e ishq se dam2-e sard3-e kasheeda4 huN
shaam-e Khayaal-e zulf5 se sub’h dameeda6 huN, bought 2.breath, sigh 3.cold 4.sorrowful 6.rising, dawning
I have bought into the passion of love (of the beloved, of god or of universal love of humanity). Because of this passion I am like a (or, my ash’aar are like a, or, I have become an embodiment of a) cold, sorrowful sigh. I have experienced the thought/imagination of ‘zulf’ – dark hair, evening/night/ignorace. In this darkness of ignorance, I am like the rising sun, spreading the light of knowledge.

dauraan1-e sar se gardish2-e saaGhar3 hai mutassil4
KhumKhaana5-e junuN6 meN damaaGh7-e raseeda8 huN   
1.mystical trance like in a sufi dance 2.circulation 3.cup of wine 4.connected, continuous 5.tavern 6.passion 7.mind 8.mature, reached at its destination
Here, ‘se’ in the first misra is used to mean along with, at the same time as. The poet/sufi is in a trance having reached the climax of mystical love when, along with this the cup of the wine of love is still in circulation. Others are still just tasting it while in the the tavern of passion of love (universal, humanity), his mind has reached its destination – the climax of love.

kii mutassil1 sitaara-shumaari2 meN umr sarf3
tasbiih4-e ashk-haa5-e ze mizshgaaN6 chakiida7 huN series, continuously 2.counting stars 3.spent 4.string of beads, rosary 5.tears 6.eye-lashes 7.dripped
I have spent my whole life in counting stars. “Counting stars” can mean – spending sleepless nights in sorrow or pain, undertaking an impossible challenge, doing something without caring for reward. Tears dripping from the eyes can also shine like stars. Thus counting stars goes along with counting tears. I am like tears that drip from eyelashes and are strung into beads of a rosary i.e. sorrowful, but divine. There is an implication of many tear drops strung into a rosary, being holy/revered.

zaahir1 haiN meri shakl2 se afsos3 ke nishaaN4
Khaar5-e alam6 se pusht7 ba dandaaN8 gazeeda9 huN   
1.apparent, visible 2.face 3.sorrow 4.marks 5.thorns 6.sorrows 7.back 8.teeth 9.pricked, stung
Marks of sorrow are apparent/visible on my face. My back has been torn/stung/bitten by the teeth of thorns of sorrow as it constantly chases me and stings me on the back as I go through my journey of life.

huN garmi1-e nishaat2-e tasavvur3 se naGhma-sanj4
maiN andaleeb5-e gulshan6-e naa-aafrida7 huN    
1.enthusiasm, passion 2.pleasure, joy 3.imagination, creativity 4.person of discriminating taste in song/Ghazal 5.nightingale 7.uncreated
With the passion of creativity/imagination I select/sort and write song/Ghazal (of high standard, discriminating taste). Driven by this passion, I am forced to sing. I am the nightingale of a garden yet to be created (singing about visions not seen by others, thoughts not thought by others). Imagine a fifteen year old writing this!!!!!

deta huN kushtangaaN1 ko suKhan2 se sar-e tapish3
mizraab4-e taar-haa5-e guluu6-e bureeda7 huN    
1.dead, past 2.verse 3.burning head, headache 4.pluck worn on finger to play stringed instrument music 5.strings 6.throat 7.torn, rent apart
With my verse I give a headache to those gone by – because (a) his verse violates all the conventions that they thought sacred, or (b) he gives them such competition that they are eclipsed, or (c) he writes abstruse she’r which they cannot understand. I am the pluck playing music on the strings of torn/slit throat. The torn/slit throat implies a lover. Thus the music he creates is the music of love.

hai jumbish1-e zabaaN ba-dahan2 saKht3 naagavaar4
Khoonaaba5-e halaahal6-e hasrat7 chashiida8 huN     
1.movement the mouth 3.extremely 4.unacceptable, unpalatable 5.tears of blood 7.longing 8.tasted, experienced
It is extremely difficult/unbearable to even move my tongue in my mouth i.e., composing/reciting poetry has been difficult. I have tasted life-sapping longing and cried tears of blood i.e., I have nourished my verse with my blood.

chuuN1 buu-e gul huN garche2 giraaN-baar3-e musht-e-zar4
laikin asad5, ba-vaqt6-e guzashtan7 jariida8 huN    
1.whereas 2.even though 3.heavier than, more valuable than 4.fistful of gold and early pen-name of the poet the time of 7.passing, dying 8.naked, alone
Whereas I am like rose-fragrance, (spreading easily, freely available) even though I am more valuable than a fistful of gold (gold dust – pollen of the rose). But O, asad, at the time of passing through this world, I am still alone and unappreciated.

mirza asadullah KhaaN Ghalib (1797-1869).  I dare not write any introduction.  On more than one occasion Ghalib has warned his readers that he needs no introduction or even address.   I humbly comply.  This Ghazal appeared in earlier publications of Ghalib’s divaan, but in the later versions, which have become “official” and more common, he, for whatever reason dropped it.  This is dated 1812 in ‘nusKha-e bhopal’, which was published in Ghalib’s own handwriting in 1816 i.e. Ghalib was fifteen years old when he composed this!!!!!   This is one of three Ghazal composed in this zamin.  The other two are dated 1816 and 1867.
sauda1-e ishq se dam2-e sard3-e kasheeda4 huN
shaam-e Khayaal-e zulf5 se sub’h dameeda6 huN, bought 2.breath, sigh 3.cold 4.sorrowful 6.rising, dawning

I have bought into the passion of love (of the beloved, of god or of universal love of humanity).  Because of this passion I am like a (or, my ash’aar are like a, or, I have become an embodiment of a) cold, sorrowful sigh.  I have experienced the thought/imagination of ‘zulf’ – dark hair, evening/night/ignorace.  In this darkness of ignorance, I am like the rising sun, spreading the light of knowledge.
dauraan1-e sar se gardish2-e saaGhar3 hai mutassil4
KhumKhaana5-e junuN6 meN damaaGh7-e raseeda8 huN

1.mystical trance like in a sufi dance 2.circulation 3.cup of wine 4.connected, continuous 5.tavern 6.passion 7.mind 8.mature, reached at its destination

Here, ‘se’ in the first misra is used to mean along with, at the same time as.  The poet/sufi is in a trance having reached the climax of mystical love when, along with this the cup of the wine of love is still in circulation.  Others are still just tasting it while in the the tavern of passion of love (universal, humanity), his mind has reached its destination – the climax of love.
kii mutassil1 sitaara-shumaari2 meN umr sarf3
tasbiih4-e ashk-haa5-e ze mizshgaaN6 chakiida7 huN series, continuously 2.counting stars 3.spent 4.string of beads, rosary 5.tears 6.eye-lashes 7.dripped

I have spent my whole life in counting stars.  “Counting stars” can mean – spending sleepless nights in sorrow or pain, undertaking an impossible challenge, doing something without caring for reward.  Tears dripping from the eyes can also shine like stars.  Thus counting stars goes along with counting tears.  I am like tears that drip from eyelashes and are strung into beads of a rosary i.e. sorrowful, but divine.  There is an implication of many tear drops strung into a rosary, therefore being holy/revered.
zaahir1 haiN meri shakl2 se afsos3 ke nishaaN4
Khaar5-e alam6 se pusht7 ba dandaaN8 gazeeda9 huN

1.apparent, visible 2.face 3.sorrow 4.marks 5.thorns 6.sorrows 7.back 8.teeth 9.pricked, stung

Marks of sorrow are apparent/visible on my face.  My back has been torn/stung/bitten by the teeth of thorns of sorrow as it constantly chases me and stings me on the back as I go through my journey of life.
huN garmi1-e nishaat2-e tasavvur3 se naGhma-sanj4
maiN andaleeb5-e gulshan6-e naa-aafrida7 huN

1.enthusiasm, passion 2.pleasure, joy 3.imagination, creativity 4.person of discriminating taste in song/Ghazal 5.nightingale 7.uncreated

With the passion of creativity/imagination I select/sort and write song/Ghazal (of high standard, discriminating taste).  Driven by this passion, I am forced to sing.  I am the nightingale of a garden yet to be created (singing about visions not seen by others, thoughts not thought by others).  Imagine a fifteen year old writing this!!!!!
deta huN kushtangaaN1 ko suKhan2 se sar-e tapish3
mizraab4-e taar-haa5-e guluu6-e bureeda7 huN

1.dead, past 2.verse 3.burning head, headache 4.pluck worn on finger to play stringed instrument music 5.strings 6.throat 7.torn, rent apart

With my verse I give a headache to those gone by – because (a) his verse violates all the conventions that they thought sacred, or (b) he gives them such competition that they are eclipsed, or (c) he writes abstruse she’r which they cannot understand.  I am the pluck playing music on the strings of torn/slit throat.  The torn/slit throat implies a lover.  Thus the music he creates is the music of love.
hai jumbish1-e zabaaN ba-dahan2 saKht3 naagavaar4
Khoonaaba5-e halaahal6-e hasrat7 chashiida8 huN

1.movement the mouth 3.extremely 4.unacceptable, unpalatable 5.tears of blood 7.longing 8.tasted, experienced

It is extremely difficult/unbearable to even move my tongue in my mouth i.e., composing/reciting poetry has been difficult.  I have tasted life-sapping longing and cried tears of blood i.e., I have nourished my verse with my blood.
chuuN1 buu-e gul huN garche2 giraaN-baar3-e musht-e-zar4
laikin asad5, ba-vaqt6-e guzashtan7 jariida8 huN

1.whereas 2.even though 3.heavier than, more valuable than 4.fistful of gold and early pen-name of the poet the time of 7.passing, dying 8.naked, alone

Whereas I am like rose-fragrance, (spreading easily, freely available) even though I am more valuable than a fistful of gold (gold dust – pollen of the rose).  But O, asad, at the time of passing through this world, I am still alone and unappreciated.


  1. Ghalib was a genious, a visionary poet of future in futures.
    Abdul Hameed – Burlington, ON

  2. Heavy-duty Farsi and Arabic concepts and metaphors — a bit removed from the mundane Hindavi.

    I wondered about Ghalib’s sense of geography, and that of Mir (?) . . . laal-e Badakhshan. Maybe the Ahram or even the Greeks may have made some guest appearances in Ghalib’s show.

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