Khwaahad shudan – Ghalib (faarsi) – shahed (urdu)

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خواہد شُدن ۔ مرزا اسداللہ خاں غالب


تا زِ دیوانم کہ سرمستِ سخن خواہد شُدن

این مے از قحطِ خریداری کہن خواہد شُدن


کوکبم را در عدم اوجِ قبولی بودہ است

شہرتِ شعرم بہ گیتی بعدِ من خواہد شُدن


ہم سوادِ صفحہ، مُشکِ سودہ خواہد بیختن

ہم دواتم نافِ آہوئے خُتن خواہد شُدن


مطرب از شعرم بہ ہر بزمی کہ خواہد زد نوا

چاک ہا ایثارِ جیبِ پیرہن خواہد شدن


حرف حرفم در مذاقِ فتنہ جا خواہد گرفت

دست گاہِ نازِ شیخ و برہمن خواہد شدن


گردِ پِندارِ وجود از راہگزر خواہد نشست

بحرِ توحیدِ عیانی موجزن خواہد شدن


آنکہ صورِ نالہ از شورِ نفس موزوں دمید

کاش دیدی کہ این نشیدِ شوقِ فن خواہد شدن


کاش سنجیدی کہ بہرِ قتلِ معنی یک قلم

جلوۂ کلک و رقم، دار و رسن خواہد شدن


ہے! چہ می گویم اگر این است وضع روزگار

دفترِ اشعار بابِ سوختن خواہد شدن


چشمِ کور آئینۂ دعویٰ خواہد گرفت

دستِ شل مشاطۂ زلفِ سخن خواہد شدن


شاہدِ مضموں کہ اینک شہریِ جان و دِل است

روستا آوارۂ کام و دہن خواہد شدن


زاغِ زاغ اندر ہوای نغمہ بال و پر زنان

ہم نوای پردہ سنجانِ چمن خواہد شدن


شاد باش اے دل کہ در ین محفل کہ ہر جا نغمہ ایست

شیونِ رنجِ فراقِ جان و تن خواہد شدن


ہم فروغِ شمع ہستی تیرگی خواہد گزید

ہم بساطِ بزمِ مستی پُر شِکن خواہد شدن


دہرِ بے پروا عیارِ شیوہ ہا خواہد شدن

داوری خوں در نہادِ ما و من خواہد شدن


از تب و تابِ فنا یکبارہ چوں مشتِ سپند

ہر کوئی گرمِ وِداعِ خویشتن خواہد شدن


حسن را از جلوۂ نازش نفس خواہد گداخت

نغمہ را از جلوۂ سازَش کفن خواہد شدن


پردہ ہا از روے کارِ ہمدِگر خواہد فتاد

خلوتِ گبر و مسلماں انجمن خواہد شدن


ہم بفرقش خاکِ حرمانِ ابد خواہند ریخت

مرگِ عام ایں بیستوں را کوہکن خواہد شدن


در تہہِ ہر حرف غالبؔ چیدہ ام میخانۂ

تا ز دیوانم کہ سر مستِ سخن خواہد شدن

ہو جائے گا ۔ مرزا غالب کی فارسی غزل کا اُردو ترجمہ ۔ سید محمد شاہد


ہے کوئی ایسا مرے دیواں سے لطف و مستیِ مے پائے گا

گر کوئی پیتا نہیں تو کل یہ بادہ بھی کہن ہو جائے گا


عروج پر تھا سخن ملکِ عدم میں تو پھر یوں ہی

بعد مرنے کے ہی دنیا میں یہ شہرت پائے گا


نافِ آہو ہے دوات اور سیاہی تحلیلِ مُشک

لفظ اِک اِک نکہتِ مُشکِ خُتن بن جائے گا


جب کسی محفل میں مُطرب شعر میرے گائے گا

بہرِ تحسیں ہر گریباں تار تار ہو جائے گا


حرف حرف پا جائے گا ہنگامۂ ذوقِ سخن پر یوں گرفت

برہمن اور شیخ دونوں کا سبب صد ناز کا بن جائے گا


گردِ پندارِ ہستی رہگزر پر بیٹھ کر دب جائے گی

خالق و مخلوق کی وحدت کا دریا موجزن ہو جائے گا


ہر نفس سے صورِ محشر بن کے نالہ جب اُٹھے

کاش تو سمجھے جب مرا جوشِ فن نغمے کا سُر بن جائے گا


کاش تو سمجھے کہ قتلِ روحِ معنی ایک لخت

جلوۂ تحریر سے لوح و قلم دار و رسن بن جائے گا


افسوس گر وضع دنیا یوں رہی بے ذوق اور نا سمجھ

میرا دیواں طرحِ ایندھن ہی جلایا جائے گا


آئینۂ معنی کو لیں گے ہاتھ میں نابینا بھی

تو خمِ زلفِ سخن مفلوج ہاتھوں سے سنوارا جائے گا


شاہدِ معنی مکینِ جان و دل اب تک جو ہے

بے ہنر کام و دہن میں گمراہ ہو رہ جائے گا


شوقِ طرب میں جنگلی کوّا بال و پر پھیلائے گا

نغمہ سنجانِ چمن کا ہمنوا بن جائے گا


اے دل مبارک ہو کہ ہر سُو یاں نوائے نغمہ ہے

کل یہی ماتمِ رنجِ فراقِ جان و تن بن جائے گا


ہے جو روشن شمع ہستی وہ تیرگی پھیلائے گی

اِس بساطِ بزمِ مستی میں شِکن پڑ جائے گا


نادان ہی پرکھیں گے سب معیارِ لطیف

میں و تُو کی ہی جھڑپ میں خونِ حق ہو جائے گا


خواہشِ مرگ و فنا میں جیسے جل جاتی ہے خس

ہر کوئی خود سے وداع کا مدعی ہو جائے گا


کوئی نہ ہوگا نازِ جلوۂ حُسن کا بار اُٹھانے کے لئے

ساز کا پردہ ہی نغمے کا کفن بن جائے گا


درمیانِ باہمی رشتے لطافت پردہ اِک گر جائے گا

ہندو مسلم کا طریقہ پھر الگ ہو جائے گا


خاک مایوسی کی ابدی اُس کے سر پر لگائی جائے گی

مرگِ عام بیسُتُوں کے واسطے اِک کوہکن بن جائے گا


میخانہ جو ہے تو نے غالبؔ حرف کی تہہ میں رکھا

آج ہے کوئی جو دیواں سے ترے لطفِ مستی پائے گا

हो जाएगा – मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब की फ़ार्सी ग़ज़ल का उर्दू तर्जुमा – शाहेद

है कोई ऐसा मेरे दीवां से लुत्फ़ ओ मस्ती-ए मय पाएगा

गर कोई पीता नहीं हो कल ये बादा भी कोहन हो जाएगा

उरूज पर था सुख़न मुल्क-ए अदम में तो फिर यूं ही

बा’द मरने के हि दुनिया में ये शोहरत पाएगा

नाफ़-ए आहू है दवात और सियाही तहलील-ए मुश्क

लफ़्ज़ एक एक निकहत-ए मुश्क-ए ख़ुतन बन जाएगा

जब किसी महफ़िल में मुत्रिब शे’र मेरे गाएगा

बहर-ए तहसीं हर गरेबां तार तार हो जाएगा

हर्फ़ हर्फ़ पा जाएगा हागामा-ए ज़ौक़-ए सुख़न पर यू गिरफ़्त

बरहमन और शैख़ दोनों का सबब सद-नाज़ का बन जाएगा

गर्द-ए पिंदार-ए हस्ती रहगुज़र पर बैठ कर दब जाएगी

ख़ालक़ ओ मख़्लूक़ की वहदत का दर्या मौजज़न हो जाएगा

हर नफ़स से सूर-ए महशर बन के नाला जब उठे

काश तू समझे के जब मेरा जोश-ए फ़न नग़्मे का सुर बन जाएगा

काश तू समझे के क़त्ल-ए रूह-ए म’आनी एक लख़्त

जल्वा-ए तहरीर से लौह ओ क़लम दार ओ रसन बन जाएगा

अफ़्सोस गर वज़’अ-ए दुनिया यूं रही बेज़ौक़ और नासमझ

मेरा दीवां तरह-ए ईंधन ही जलाया जाएगा


आईना-ए म’आनी को लेंगे हाथ में नाबीना भी

तो ख़म-ए ज़ुल्फ़-ए सुख़न मफ़्लूज हाथौं से संवारा जाएगा


शाहद-ए म’आनी मकीन-ए जान ओ दिल अब तक जो है

बेहुनर काम ओ दहन में गुमराह हो रह जाएगा


शौक़-ए तरब में जंग्ली कव्वा बाल ओ पर फैलाएगा

नग़्मा संजान-ए चमन का हमनवा बन जाएगा


अए दिल मुबारक हो के हर सू यां नवा-ए नग़्मा है

कल यही मातम-ए रंज-ए फ़िराक़-ए जान ओ तन बन जाएगा


है जो रौशन शम’अ-ए हस्ती वो तीरगी फैलाएगी

इस बिसात-ए बज़्म-ए मस्ती में शिकन पढ जाएगा


नादान ही परखेंगे सब मे’आर-ए सलीफ़

मैं ओ तू की ही झढप में ख़ून-ए हक़ हो जाएगा


ख़्वाहश-ए मर्ग ओ फ़ना में जैसे जल जाती है ख़स

हर कोई ख़ुद से वीदा का मुद्द’ई हो जाएगा


कोई न होगा नाज़-ए जल्वा-ए हुस्न का बार उठाने के लिये

साज़ का पर्दा ही नग़्मे का कफ़न बन जाएगा


दरमियान-ए बाहमी रिश्ते लताफ़त पर्दा एक गिर जाएगा

हिन्दू मुस्लिम का तरीक़ा फिर अलग हो जाएगा


ख़ाक मायूसी कि अबदी उस के सर पर लगाई जाएगी

मर्ग-ए आ’म बेसुतूं के वास्ते एक कोहकन बन जाएगा


मयख़ाना जो है तू ने ग़ालिब हर्फ़ की तह में रखा

आज है कोई जो दीवां से तेरे लुत्फ़-ए मस्ती पाएगा


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. mirza asadullah KhaaN Ghalib (1797-1869), bard par excellence, thought that his faarsi kalaam was much superior to his urdu verse. This is one of his faarsi Ghazal, rendered in urdu by shahed (1944-living), a novice in urdu and a beginner in faarsi, who maintains this site as a learning exercise.
hai koii aisa mere divaaN1 se lutf2 o masti3-e mai4 paayega
gar koii piita nahiN to kal ye baada5 bhi kohan6 ho jaayega of verse 2.pleasure 3.intoxication 6.old, stale
Is there anyone who will derive pleasure and intoxication from my book of verse. If there is no one to drink, then this wine too will get stale.

urooj1 par tha suKhan2 mulk3-e adam4 meN phir yuN hi
baad marne ke hi duniya meN ye shohrat5 paayega    
1.climax 2.verse 3.homeland, domain 4.non-existence, non-material, spiritual 5.fame
My verse was at its climax in the spiritual world (before I came to this material world). Just like that it will become famous only after I die (go back to the spiritual world).

naaf1-e aahu2 hai davaat3 aur siyaahi4 tahleel-e-mushk5
lafz6 ek ek nik’hat7-e mushk5-e Khutan8 ban jaayega    
1.belly button 2.deer 3.inkpot 5.dissolved musk 6.word 7.fragrance 8.region where the legendary musk bearing deer is found
The poet’s ink is made of the fragrance of musk and he dips his pen in the “inkpot” which is likened to the belly button region where musk gland is found. He predicts that every word will spread fragrance like musk of the region Khutan.

jab kisi mahfil1 meN mutrib2 she’r mere gaayega
bahr3-e tahsiiN4 har garebaaN5 taar-taar6 ho jaayega     
1.gathering 2.singer 3.for the purpose 4.praise, tribute 5.collar 6.threads
When in any gathering, a singer will sing my ash’aar, then for the sake of praise and tribute, the audience will tear their collars in threads in frenzy.

harf harf1 paa jaayega haNgaama2-e zauq-e-suKhan3 par yuN giraft4
barhaman aur shaiKh donoN ka sabab5 sad-naaz6 ka ban jaayega    
1.every word 2.frenzy 3.passion of verse/poetry 4.grip 5.basis, foundation 6.great pride
Every word will get such a grip on the passion of verse that it will become the basis of great pride for both the shaiKh and the brahman. The implication is that even though I write irreverently about faith, even the orthodox will revere my words.

gard1-e pindaar2-e hasti3 rahguzar4 par baiTh kar dab jaayegi
Khaaliq5 o maKhlooq6 ki vahdat7 ka dariya8 mauj-zan9 ho jaayega    
1.dust 2.hubris, ego 3.(material) existence 4.pathway 5.creator 6.created 8.ocean 9.high waves, rising tide
Ghalib has written much about the sufi concept of one-ness of all creation with the creator e.g. the drop mingling with the ocean. Here he predicts that when people read his ash’aar the dust of pride and ego will settle in the byways (where life travels) and the ocean of one-ness of creator and created will rise.

har nafas1 se suur2-e mahshar3 ban ke naala4 jab uTThe
kaash5 tu samjhe ke jab mera josh-e-fun6 naGhme7 ka sur8 ban jaayega   
1.breath 2.horn 3.commotion, doomsday 4.passionate wailing 5.I wish 6.passion of talent (of versification) 8.tune
Ghalib is describing the anguish he goes through in composing poetry. It is commonly believed that on doomsday the angel of death will blow his horn announcing the end of the world. Ghalib says that when every breath he takes emerges as an intense wail like the blowing of the doomsday horn – only then does his passion for verse take the form of the tune of a Ghazal.

kaash1 tu samjhe ke qatl2-e rooh3-e m’aani4 ek laKht5
jalva6-e tahrir7 se lauh-o-qalam8 daar-o-rasan9 ban jaayega    
1.I wish 2.killing, murder 3.spirit 4.meaning, essential thought 5.moment 6.shape, face, appearance 7.writing 8.pen and paper 9.hanging platform and noose
Ghalib says that giving his sublime thoughts the shape of words kills them. Words are inadequate. Thus, I wish you would understand that the spirit of meaning is killed instantly when they are given the shape of writing. Pen and paper themselves become like the hangman’s platform and noose.

afsos1 gar2 vaz’a3 duniya yuN rahi be-zauq4 aur na-samajh5
mera diivaaN6 tarah7-e eendhan8 hi jalaaya jaayega    
1.alas 2.if, ways 4.unsophisticated 5.foolish of verse 8.fuel, kindling
Alas, if the ways of the world remain unsophisticated and foolish, as they are, then my book of verse will be used as fuel/kindling for fire. In the ash’aar that follow Ghalib continues to describe what will happen if the world remains unsophisticated and unappreciative of his talent.

aaiina1-e m’aani2 ko leNge haath meN na-beena3 bhi
to Kham4-e zulf-e-suKhan5 maflooj6 haathoN se saNvaara jaayega     
1.mirror 2.meaning 3.blind 4.curls, tangles of verse 6.paralyzed
If the world remains unsophisticated, then blind/unseeing people will pick up the mirror of meaning (but they will not be able to see the true/hidden image). Verse is symbolized as the beloved and her hair are tangled … the meaning of the verse is hidden in sophisticated twists and turns … like tangled hair. The hands that straightened out these tangles will be paralyzed, incapable of understanding the meaning.

shaahed1-e m’aani2 makeen3-e jaan-o-dil4 ab tak jo hai
be-hunar5 kaam-o-dahan6 meN gumraah7 ho rah jaayega 2.meaning 3.resident 4.heart and soul 5.unskilled 6.throat and mouth 7.wandering, lost
The beauty of meaning which now resides in the heart and soul will be stuck wandering in the mouth and throat of unskilled people i.e. they may be able to sing superficial words but will not be able to deliver the depth of meaning.

shauq1-e tarab2 meN jaNgli kavva baal-o-par3 phailaayega
naGhma-sanjaan4-e chaman ka humnvaa5 ban jaayega    
1.desire 2.singing 3.feathers and wings 4.experts/sophisticates/connoisseurs of Ghazal 5.fellow singer
Even the wild crow, with the desire of singing, will spread its wings and become the fellow singer of sophisticated connoisseurs of Ghazal.

aye dil mubarak ho ke har suu1 yaaN navaa2-e naGhma3 hai
maatam4-e ranj5-e firaaq6-e jaan-o-tan7 ban jaayega     
1.direction, place 2.sound, Ghazal 4.mourning 5.sorrow 6.separation 7.soul and body, spirit/meaning and word
O, heart, felicitations, you are lucky that everywhere now there is the sound of Ghazal. But if the world remains unsophisticated this will change into mourning and sorrow of the separation of meaning from word.

hai jo raushan1 sham’a-e hasti2 vo teeragi3 phailaayegi
is bisaat4-e bazm5-e masti6 meN shikan7 paR jaayega    
1.shining 2.existence, life 3.darkness 4.floor 5.gathering 6.intoxication, frenzy, passiion 7.wrinkles
Right now, the lamp of life is shining, but if the world remains unsophisticated, this lamp will spread darkness. In the gathering of the passionate/frenzied (poets) the floor that is spread out for them to sit, will become wrinkled.

naadaan1 hi parkheNge2 phir me’aar3-e lateef4
maiN o tu ki hi jhaRap meN Khoon5-e haq6 ho jaayega    
1.ignorant 2.evaluate, judge 3.standards 4.sophistication 5.blood, murder 6.truth, reality
Ignorant people will become judges/standard-setters of sophistication. In the conflict between you and me truth will be murdered.

Khwaahish1-e marg-o-fana2 meN jaise jal jaati hai Khas3
har koii Khud se vidaa’4 ka mudd’uii5 ho jaayega    
1.desire 2.death and annihilation 3.straw, kindling 4.farewell 5.desirous
Straw/kindling is ready to destroy/annihilate itself to start a fire. If the world keeps up its unsophisticated ways then, just like this straw, everyone will be desirous to say farewell to themselves (to set fire to the world).

koii na hoga naaz1-e jalva2-e husn3 ka baar4 uThaane ke liye
saaz5 ka parda6 hi naGhme7 ka kafan8 ban jaayega    
1.coquetry, playfulness 2.face, appearance 4.burden 6.sheet 8.burial shroud
Beauty/beloved displays herself and there have to be lovers to bear the burden of her coquettish playfulness. This could well be poetry itself that has to be humoured. But if the world continues its unsophisticated ways there will be no one left to bear this burden. It will be as if the sheet of music itself will become a burial shroud of Ghazal.

darmiyaan1-e baahami2 rishte3 lataafat4 ek parda5 gir jaayega
hindu-muslim ka tareeqa6 phir alag7 ho jaayega     
1.between 3.relationship 4.pleasantries 5.curtain 6.ways 7.separate
Ghalib portrays himself as the promoter of harmonious relationships between hindus and muslims. When he is gone and the world continues to be unsophisticated, then a curtain will fall between mutual relationships and pleasantries. The ways of hindu and muslim will separate.

Khaak1 maayoosi2 ki abadi3 us ke sar lagaaii jaayegi
marg-e-aam4 be-sutooN5 ke vaaste6 ek kohkan7 ban jaayega    
1.ashes 2.hopelessness 3.eternal 4.widespread death of mountain 6.for 7.farhaad, stone-mason
This has reference to the story of shiriN-farhaad. In order to win the hand of shirin, farhaad was set the task of digging a canal through the mountain be-sutoon. He almost succeeded but then the king caused a rumour to be spread that shirin had died. He killed himself in hopelessness and the mountain remained sad/unproductive because no stream flowed through it. In much the same way, if the world continues its unsophisticated ways, ashes of eternal hopelessness will be spread on the mountain be-sutoon. Death of kohkan/farhaad will become widespread. Many people will kill themselves with hopelessness. Thus widespread death itself will become like farhaad for the sad/ash covered mountain.

maiKhaana1 jo hai tu ne Ghalib harf2 ki tah3 meN rakha
aaj hai koii jo divaaN4 se tere lutf5-e masti6 paayega     
1.tavern, plenty of wine 2.word 3.fold of verse 5.pleasure 6.intoxication
O Ghalib, you have folded plenty of wine in each word. Is there anyone who will derive the pleasure of intoxication from your book of verse.

mirza asadullah KhaaN Ghalib (1797-1869), bard par excellence, thought that his faarsi kalaam was much superior to his urdu verse.  This is one of his faarsi Ghazal, rendered in urdu by shahed (1944-living), a novice in urdu and a beginner in faarsi, who maintains this site as a learning exercise.
hai koii aisa mere divaaN1 se lutf2 o masti3-e mai4 paayega
gar koii piita nahiN to kal ye baada5 bhi kohan6 ho jaayega of verse 2.pleasure 3.intoxication 6.old, stale

Is there anyone who will derive pleasure and intoxication from my book of verse.  If there is no one to drink, then this wine too will get stale.
urooj1 par tha suKhan2 mulk3-e adam4 meN phir yuN hi
baad marne ke hi duniya meN ye shohrat5 paayega

1.climax 2.verse 3.homeland, domain 4.non-existence, non-material, spiritual 5.fame

My verse was at its climax in the spiritual world (before I came to this material world).  Just like that it will become famous only after I die (go back to the spiritual world).
naaf1-e aahu2 hai davaat3 aur siyaahi4 tahleel-e-mushk5
lafz6 ek ek nik’hat7-e mushk5-e Khutan8 ban jaayega

1.belly button 2.deer 3.inkpot 5.dissolved musk 6.word 7.fragrance 8.region where the legendary musk bearing deer is found

The poet’s ink is made of the fragrance of musk and he dips his pen in the “inkpot” which is likened to the belly button region where musk gland is found.  He predicts that every word will spread fragrance like musk of the region Khutan.
jab kisi mahfil1 meN mutrib2 she’r mere gaayega
bahr3-e tahsiiN4 har garebaaN5 taar-taar6 ho jaayega

1.gathering 2.singer 3.for the purpose 4.praise, tribute 5.collar 6.threads

When in any gathering, a singer will sing my ash’aar, then for the sake of praise and tribute, the audience will tear their collars in threads in frenzy.
harf harf1 paa jaayega haNgaama2-e zauq-e-suKhan3 par yuN giraft4
barhaman aur shaiKh donoN ka sabab5 sad-naaz6 ka ban jaayega

1.every word 2.frenzy 3.passion of verse/poetry 4.grip 5.basis, foundation 6.great pride

Every word will get such a grip on the passion of verse that it will become the basis of great pride for both the shaiKh and the brahman.  The implication is that even though I write irreverently about faith, even the orthodox will revere my words.
gard1-e pindaar2-e hasti3 rahguzar4 par baiTh kar dab jaayegi
Khaaliq5 o maKhlooq6 ki vahdat7 ka dariya8 mauj-zan9 ho jaayega

1.dust 2.hubris, ego 3.(material) existence 4.pathway 5.creator 6.created 8.ocean 9.high waves, rising tide

Ghalib has written much about the sufi concept of one-ness of all creation with the creator e.g. the drop mingling with the ocean.  Here he predicts that when people read his ash’aar the dust of pride and ego will settle in the byways (where life travels) and the ocean of one-ness of creator and created will rise.
har nafas1 se suur2-e mahshar3 ban ke naala4 jab uTThe
kaash5 tu samjhe ke jab mera josh-e-fun6 naGhme7 ka sur8 ban jaayega

1.breath 2.horn 3.commotion, doomsday 4.passionate wailing 5.I wish 6.passion of talent (of versification) 8.tune

Ghalib is describing the anguish he goes through in composing poetry.  It is commonly believed that on doomsday the angel of death will blow his horn announcing the end of the world.  Ghalib says that when every breath he takes emerges as an intense wail like the blowing of the doomsday horn – only then does his passion for verse take the form of the tune of a Ghazal.
kaash1 tu samjhe ke qatl2-e rooh3-e m’aani4 ek laKht5
jalva6-e tahrir7 se lauh-o-qalam8 daar-o-rasan9 ban jaayega

1.I wish 2.killing, murder 3.spirit 4.meaning, essential thought 5.moment 6.shape, face, appearance 7.writing 8.pen and paper 9.hanging platform and noose

Ghalib says that giving his sublime thoughts the shape of words kills them.  Words are inadequate.  Thus, I wish you would understand that the spirit of meaning is killed instantly when they are given the shape of writing.  Pen and paper themselves become like the hangman’s platform and noose.
afsos1 gar2 vaz’a3 duniya yuN rahi be-zauq4 aur na-samajh5
mera diivaaN6 tarah7-e eendhan8 hi jalaaya jaayega

1.alas 2.if, ways 4.unsophisticated 5.foolish of verse 8.fuel, kindling

Alas, if the ways of the world remain unsophisticated and foolish, as they are, then my book of verse will be used as fuel/kindling for fire.  In the ash’aar that follow Ghalib continues to describe what will happen if the world remains unsophisticated and unappreciative of his talent.
aaiina1-e m’aani2 ko leNge haath meN na-beena3 bhi
to Kham4-e zulf-e-suKhan5 maflooj6 haathoN se saNvaara jaayega

1.mirror 2.meaning 3.blind 4.curls, tangles of verse 6.paralyzed

If the world remains unsophisticated, then blind/unseeing people will pick up the mirror of meaning (but they will not be able to see the true/hidden image).  Verse is symbolized as the beloved and her hair are tangled … the meaning of the verse is hidden in sophisticated twists and turns … like tangled hair.  The hands that straightened out these tangles will be paralyzed, incapable of understanding the meaning.
shaahed1-e m’aani2 makeen3-e jaan-o-dil4 ab tak jo hai
be-hunar5 kaam-o-dahan6 meN gumraah7 ho rah jaayega 2.meaning 3.resident 4.heart and soul 5.unskilled 6.throat and mouth 7.wandering, lost

The beauty of meaning which now resides in the heart and soul will be stuck wandering in the mouth and throat of unskilled people i.e. they may be able to sing superficial words but will not be able to deliver the depth of meaning.
shauq1-e tarab2 meN jaNgli kavva baal-o-par3 phailaayega
naGhma-sanjaan4-e chaman ka humnvaa5 ban jaayega

1.desire 2.singing 3.feathers and wings 4.experts/sophisticates/connoisseurs of Ghazal 5.fellow singer

Even the wild crow, with the desire of singing, will spread its wings and become the fellow singer of sophisticated connoisseurs of Ghazal.
aye dil mubarak ho ke har suu1 yaaN navaa2-e naGhma3 hai
maatam4-e ranj5-e firaaq6-e jaan-o-tan7 ban jaayega

1.direction, place 2.sound, Ghazal 4.mourning 5.sorrow 6.separation 7.soul and body, spirit/meaning and word

O, heart, felicitations, you are lucky that everywhere now there is the sound of Ghazal.  But if the world remains unsophisticated this will change into mourning and sorrow of the separation of meaning from word.
hai jo raushan1 sham’a-e hasti2 vo teeragi3 phailaayegi
is bisaat4-e bazm5-e masti6 meN shikan7 paR jaayega

1.shining 2.existence, life 3.darkness 4.floor 5.gathering 6.intoxication, frenzy, passiion 7.wrinkles

Right now, the lamp of life is shining, but if the world remains unsophisticated, this lamp will spread darkness.  In the gathering of the passionate/frenzied (poets) the floor that is spread out for them to sit, will become wrinkled.
naadaan1 hi parkheNge2 phir me’aar3-e lateef4
maiN o tu ki hi jhaRap meN Khoon5-e haq6 ho jaayega

1.ignorant 2.evaluate, judge 3.standards 4.sophistication 5.blood, murder 6.truth, reality

Ignorant people will become judges/standard-setters of sophistication.  In the conflict between you and me truth will be murdered.
Khwaahish1-e marg-o-fana2 meN jaise jal jaati hai Khas3
har koii Khud se vidaa’4 ka mudd’uii5 ho jaayega

1.desire 2.death and annihilation 3.straw, kindling 4.farewell 5.desirous

Straw/kindling is ready to destroy/annihilate itself to start a fire.  If the world keeps up its unsophisticated ways then, just like this straw, everyone will be desirous to say farewell to themselves (to set fire to the world).
koii na hoga naaz1-e jalva2-e husn3 ka baar4 uThaane ke liye
saaz5 ka parda6 hi naGhme7 ka kafan8 ban jaayega

1.coquetry, playfulness 2.face, appearance 4.burden 6.sheet 8.burial shroud

Beauty/beloved displays herself and there have to be lovers to bear the burden of her coquettish playfulness.  This could well be poetry itself that has to be humoured.  But if the world continues its unsophisticated ways there will be no one left to bear this burden.  It will be as if the sheet of music itself will become a burial shroud of Ghazal.
darmiyaan1-e baahami2 rishte3 lataafat4 ek parda5 gir jaayega
hindu-muslim ka tareeqa6 phir alag7 ho jaayega

1.between 3.relationship 4.pleasantries 5.curtain 6.ways 7.separate

Ghalib portrays himself as the promoter of harmonious relationships between hindus and muslims.  When he is gone and the world continues to be unsophisticated, then a curtain will fall between mutual relationships and pleasantries.  The ways of hindu and muslim will separate.
Khaak1 maayoosi2 ki abadi3 us ke sar lagaaii jaayegi
marg-e-aam4 be-sutooN5 ke vaaste6 ek kohkan7 ban jaayega

1.ashes 2.hopelessness 3.eternal 4.widespread death of mountain 6.for 7.farhaad, stone-mason

This has reference to the story of shiriN-farhaad.  In order to win the hand of shirin, farhaad was set the task of digging a canal through the mountain be-sutoon.  He almost succeeded but then the king caused a rumour to be spread that shirin had died.  He killed himself in hopelessness and the mountain remained sad/unproductive because no stream flowed through it.  In much the same way, if the world continues its unsophisticated ways, ashes of eternal hopelessness will be spread on the mountain be-sutoon.  Death of kohkan/farhaad will become widespread.  Many people will kill themselves with hopelessness.  Thus widespread death itself will become like farhaad for the sad/ash covered mountain.
maiKhaana1 jo hai tu ne Ghalib harf2 ki tah3 meN rakha
aaj hai koii jo divaaN4 se tere lutf5-e masti6 paayega

1.tavern, plenty of wine 2.word 3.fold of verse 5.pleasure 6.intoxication

O Ghalib, you have folded plenty of wine in each word.  Is there anyone who will derive the pleasure of intoxication from your book of verse.

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  1. Excellent translation in urdu. Thanks. Don’t know how you can do it so effortlessly.

    1. Shoeb: Many thanks. Glad you are enjoying it. It is NOT effortless. I have to try hard, but I enjoy it. Thanks.

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