mohtaaj nahiN-raahat indori

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

محتاج نہیں ۔ راحت اندوری


جُوئے خوں ذِلّتِ اِظہار کی محتاج نہیں

یہ کہانی کسی کردار کی محتاج نہیں


آسماں اوڑھ کے سوئے ہیں کُھلے میداں میں

اپنی یہ چھت کسی دیوار کی محتاج نہیں


خالی کشکول پہ نازاں ہے فقیری اپنی

یہ کِسی جُبّہ و دستار کی محتاج نہیں


میں نے ملکوں کی طرح لوگوں کے دل جیتے ہیں

یہ حکومت کسی تلوار کی محتاج نہیں


لوگ ہونٹوں پہ سجائے ہوئے پھرتے ہیں مجھے

میری شہرت کسی اخبار کی محتاج نہیں


اِسے طوفاں ہی کنارے سے لگا دیتے ہیں

میری کشتی کسی پتوار کی محتاج نہیں


اونچے داموں پہ بکا کرتے ہیں بازار میں خواب

یہ وہ شے ہے جو خریدار کی محتاج نہیں

मोहताज नहीं – राहत इन्दोरी

जू-ए ख़ूं ज़िल्लत-ए इज़्हार कि मोहताज नहीं

ये कहानी किसी किर्दार की मोहताज नहीं

आस्मां ओढ़ के सोये हैं खुले मैदां में

अपनी ये छत किसी दीवार की मोहताज नहीं

ख़ाली कश्कोल पे नाज़ां है फ़क़ीरी अपनी

ये किसी जुब्बा ओ दस्तार की मोहताज नहीं

मैं ने मुल्कौं की तरह लोगौं के दिल जीते हैं

ये हुकूमत किसी तल्वार कि मोहताज नहीं

लोग होंटौं पे सजाए हुए फिर्ते हैं मुझे

मेरी शोहरत किसी अख़्बार कि मोहताज नहीं

इसे तूफ़ां हि किनारे से लगा देते हैं

मेरी कश्ती किसी पत्वार कि मोहताज नहीं

ऊंचे दामौं पे बिका करते हैं बाज़ार में ख़्वाब

ये वो शय जो ख़रीदार कि मोहताज नहीं


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. raahat indori (1950-2020). At a very young age the family’s financial situation forced him to work as a sign painter. But he continued with his education and eventually completed his PhD in urdu literature and later taught at a local college in indore. He was a very popular, crowd pleasing, mushaa’era shaa’er and a lyricist. Some of his compositions are more than usually combative. As a tribute to him I have selected a Ghazal of classical style rather than mushaa’era style.
juu1-e KhooN zillat2-e izhaar3 ki mohtaaj4 nahiN
ye kahaani kisi kirdaar5 ki mohtaaj nahiN    
1.river 2.insult 3.expression 4.under obligation, dependent on 4.character
The poet’s blood is flowing like a river – either because he has been wronged or equally likely because he is crying tears of blood upon seeing injustice around him. To express/explain this flowing blood is an insult because it should be evident to all. Thus, this river of blood is not dependent upon an explanation. This story does not require a central character.

aasmaaN oaRh ke soye haiN khule maidaaN meN
apni ye chhat kisi diivaar ki mohtaaj nahiN    
The poet has slept out in the open, under the skies, without any cover. He has experienced homelessness. The roof over his head (the sky) does not need any walls. This could also be interpreted as the poet’s freedom of thought and his independence.

Khaali kashkol1 pe naazaaN2 hai faqiiri3 apni
ye kisi jubba4 o dastaar5 ki mohtaaj nahiN    
1.begging bowl 2.proud 3.saint-hood, mendicant 4.robe, religious garb
The poet is happy with his ‘faqiiri’, leading a life like a monk, mendicant, sufi. He is proud of his empty begging bowl. His monk-hood does not need any display of religious garb, robe or of a crown.

maiN ne mulkoN ki tarah logoN ke dil jiite haiN
ye hukuumat kisi talwaar ki mohtaaj nahiN    
The poet has conquered hearts like kings of old times used to conquer countries/other kingdoms. He reigns over hearts. His reign does not need a sword.

log hoNToN pe sajaaye hue phirte haiN mujhe
meri shohrat1 kisi aKhbaar ki mohtaaj nahiN   
People make me an adornment of their lips i.e. they quote my ash’aar. My fame does not depend on any advertisement.

ise toofaaN hi kinaare se laga dete haiN
meri kashti kisi patvaar1 ki mohtaaj nahiN   
The storm itself pushes his boat to the shore. His boat does not need any oars.

ooNche daamoN pe bika karte haiN bazaar meN Khwaab
ye vo shai1 hai jo Kharidaar ki mohtaaj nahiN      
1.thing, commodity
The poet’s dreams, expressed through his verse, are available in the bazaar at a high value. Their value is intrinsic. It does not depend on the whims of a buyer.

raahat indori (1950-2020).  At a very young age the family’s financial situation forced him to work as a sign painter.  But he continued with his education and eventually completed his PhD in urdu literature and later taught at a local college in indore.  He was a very popular, crowd pleasing, mushaa’era shaa’er and a lyricist.  Some of his compositions are more than usually combative.  As a tribute to him I have selected a Ghazal of classical style rather than mushaa’era style.
juu1-e KhooN zillat2-e izhaar3 ki mohtaaj4 nahiN
ye kahaani kisi kirdaar5 ki mohtaaj nahiN

1.river 2.insult 3.expression 4.under obligation, dependent on 4.character

The poet’s blood is flowing like a river – either because he has been wronged or equally likely because he is crying tears of blood upon seeing injustice around him.  To express/explain this flowing blood is an insult because it should be evident to all.  Thus, this river of blood is not dependent upon an explanation.  This story does not require a central character.
aasmaaN oaRh ke soye haiN khule maidaaN meN
apni ye chhat kisi diivaar ki mohtaaj nahiN

The poet has slept out in the open, under the skies, without any cover.  He has experienced homelessness.  The roof over his head (the sky) does not need any walls.  This could also be interpreted as the poet’s freedom of thought and his independence.
Khaali kashkol1 pe naazaaN2 hai faqiiri3 apni
ye kisi jubba4 o dastaar5 ki mohtaaj nahiN

1.begging bowl 2.proud 3.saint-hood, mendicant 4.robe, religious garb

The poet is happy with his ‘faqiiri’, leading a life like a mendicant, sufi.  He is proud of his empty begging bowl.  His saint-hood does not need any display of religious garb, robe or of a crown.
maiN ne mulkoN ki tarah logoN ke dil jiite haiN
ye hukuumat kisi talwaar ki mohtaaj nahiN

The poet has conquered hearts like kings of old times used to conquer countries/other kingdoms.  He reigns over hearts.  His reign does not need a sword.
log hoNToN pe sajaaye hue phirte haiN mujhe
meri shohrat1 kisi aKhbaar ki mohtaaj nahiN


People make me an adornment of their lips i.e. they quote my ash’aar.  My fame does not depend on any advertisement.
ise toofaaN hi kinaare se laga dete haiN
meri kashti kisi patvaar1 ki mohtaaj nahiN


The storm itself pushes his boat to the shore.  His boat does not need any oars.
ooNche daamoN pe bika karte haiN bazaar meN Khwaab
ye vo shai1 hai jo Kharidaar ki mohtaaj nahiN

1.thing, commodity

The poet’s dreams, expressed through his verse, are available in the bazaar at a high value.  Their value is intrinsic.  It does not depend on the whims of a buyer.

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