aaj ki raat-01-06-dawood KhaaN aKhtar shiiraani

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

آج  کی  رات  ۔  داؤد  خاں  اخترؔ  شیرانی


کتنی  شاداب  ہے  دنیا  کی  فضا  آج  کی  رات

کتنی  سرشار  ہے  گلشن  کی  فضا  آج  کی  رات

کتنی  فیاض  ہے  رحمت  کی  گھٹا  آج  کی  رات

کس  قدر  خوش  ہے  خدائی  سے  خدا  آج  کی  رات

کہ  نظر  آئے  گی  وہ  ماہ  لقا  آج  کی  رات


کیوں  نہ  گلزار  میں  اِٹھلاتی  پھرے  موجِ  نسیم

کیوں  نہ  ہر  پھول  ہو  لبریزِ  بہارِ  تسنیم

کیوں  نہ  آمادۂ  افلاک  ہو  پروازِ  شمیم

کیوں  نہ  ہر  ذرّہ  بنے  جلوہ  گہِ  طورِ  کلیم

کہ  اُنہیں  دیکھیں  گے  ہم  جلوہ  نما  آج  کی  رات


آج  کیا  بات  ہے  دنیا  کے  نظارے  خوش  ہیں

باغ  میں  پھول  سرِ  چرخ  ستارے  خوش  ہیں

ایک  بے  نام  سی  سرمستی  کے  مارے  خوش  ہیں

ایک  میں  خوش  نہیں  جتنے  بھی  ہیں  سارے  خوش  ہیں

ہے  خوشی  چار  طرف  نغمہ  سرا  آج  کی  رات


غائبانہ  جو  ہمیں  نامے  لکھا  کرتی  تھی

دور  سے  ہم  پہ  دل  اپنا  جو  فدا  کرتی  تھی

دادِ  اشعار  جو  گمنام  دیا  کرتی  تھی

ہو  کے  بے  پردہ  جو  پردے  میں  رہا  کرتی  تھی

سامنے  ہوگی  وہی  شوخ  ادا  آج  کی  رات


جس  کی  رنگینی  سے  افکار  ہیں  مدہوش  مرے

جس  کی  اُلفت  سے  ہیں  اشعار  پُر  از  جوش  مرے

جس  کی  فرقت  میں  خیالات  ہیں  غم  کوش  مرے

جس  کے  جلووں  سے  تصوّر  ہیں  ہم  آغوش  مرے

جلوہ  دکھلائے  گی  وہ  حور  لقا  آج  کی  رات


داستان  دل  بے  تاب  سنائیں  گے  اُنہیں

آپ  روئیں  گے  گلے  مل  کے  رلائیں  گے  اُنہیں

خود  ہی  پھر  رونے  پہ  ہنس  دیں  گے  ہسائیں  گے  اُنہیں

اور  جرأت  کی  تو  سینے  سے  لگائیں  گے  اُنہیں

نِت  نئے  جذبوں  کی  ہے  نشو  و  نما  آج  کی  رات

आज की रात – दाऊद ख़ाँ अख़्तर शीरानी

कितनी शादाब है दुनिया की फ़िज़ा आज की रात
कितनी सरशार है गुलशन की फ़िज़ा आज की रात
कितनी फ़य्याज़ है रहमत की घटा आज की रात
किस क़दर ख़ुश है ख़ुदाई से ख़ुदा आज की रात
के नज़र आएगी वो माह-लक़ा आज की रात

क्यूं न गुलज़ार में इठलाती फिरे मौज-ए नसीम
क्यूं न हर फूल हो लबरेज़-ए बहार-ए तसनीम
क्यूं न आमादा-ए अफ़्लाक हो परवाज़-ए शमीम
क्यूं न हर ज़र्रा बने जल्वा-गह-ए तूर-ए कलीम
के उन्हें देखेंगे हम जल्वा-नुमा आज की रात

आज क्या बात है दुनिया के नज़ारे ख़ुश हैं
बाग़ में फूल सर-ए चर्ख़ सितारे ख़ुश हैं
एक बेनाम-सी सरमस्ती के मारे ख़ुश हैं
एक मैं ख़ुश नहीं जितने भी हैं सारे ख़ुश हैं
है ख़ुशी चार तरफ़ नग़्मा-सरा आज की रात

ग़ाएबाना जो हमें नामे लिखा करती थी
दूर से हम पे दिल अपना जो फ़िदा करती थी
दाद-ए अश’आर जो गुमनाम दिया करती थी
हो के बेपर्दा जो पर्दे में रहा करती थी
सामने होगी वही शूख़ अदा आज की रात

जिसकी रंगीनी से अफ़्कार हैं मदहोश मेरे
जिसकी उल्फ़त से हैं अशआर पुर अज़ जोश मेरे
जिसकी फ़ुर्क़त में ख़यालात हैं ग़मकोश मेरे
जिसके जल्वौं से तसव्वुर हैं हम-आग़ोश मेरे
जल्वा दिखलाएगी वो हूर-लक़ा आज की रात

दास्तान-ए दिल-ए बेताब सुनाएंगे उन्हें
आप रोएंगे गले मिल के रुलाएंगे उन्हें
ख़ुद ही फिर रोने पे हँस देंगे हँसाएंगे उन्हें
और जुर’अत की तो सीने से लगाएंगे उन्हें
नित नए जज़्बों की है नश्व-ओ-नुमा आज की रात


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. mohammed dawood KhaaN aKhtar shiiraani (1904-1948) ToNk, rajashthan. He received religious and classical education at home and was also given lessons in wrestling. In 1921, there was a rebellion against the local navaab. He was able to put down the rebellion but banished a lot of people, among them shiiraani’s family, who migrated to lahore. He started working as a journalist and publisher. His love interest and poetry caused a breakdown of relationship with his father, but his allowance continued. He died early due to heavy smoking and drinking. In his poetry he broke with the trend of progressive poets and stayed with romantic themes. He is known to have fallen in love with several women, and wrote explicitly about them, naming names. This is an over the top, joyful and deeply romantic expression of happiness at the impending encounter with the beloved.
kitni shaadaab1 hai duniya ki fizaa2 aaj ki raat
kitni sarshaar3 hai gulshan ki fizaa aaj ki raat
kitni fayyaaz4 hai rahmat5 ki ghaTaa6 aaj ki raat
kis qadar7 Khush hai Khudaai8 se Khuda aaj ki raat
keh nazar9 aa’egi voh maah-laqaa10 aaj ki raat
1.blooming, fresh 2.air, surroundings 3.satiated, satisfied, intoxicated 4.benevolent 5.kindness 6.clouds 7.how much 8.creation, universe 9.seen 10.moon-faced
This stanza highlights the beauty and joy of nature on this special night. The surroundings are fresh, the atmosphere in the garden is intoxicataing, the benevolent cloud is kind. Oh, how pleased is god with his creation that that moon-faced one will be arriving tonight.

kyuN na gulzaar meN iThlaati phire mauj1-e nasiim2
kyuN na har phool ho labrez3-e bahaar4-e tasniim5
kyuN na aamaada6-e aflaak7 ho parvaaz8-e shamiim9
kyuN na har zarra10 bane’ jalvagah11-e tuur-e-kaliim12
keh unheN dekheNge ham jalva-numa13 aaj ki raat
1.wave, gust 2.breeze 3.filled, overflowing 4.beauty, splendour 5.legendary fountain in heaven 6.inclined towards 7.skies 8.flight 9.fragrance 10.particle, speck, grain 11.place of display 12.mount tuur of moosa/Moses 13.displaying splendour
It is said that moosa/Moses went up mount tuur and asked to see god. He saw a flash of lightning as a manifestation of the divine. Thus, ‘tuur-e kaliim’ is used as a symbol of divine light. Gusts of breeze blow coquettishly in the garden; every flower overflows with the beauty of the fountains of heaven; fragrance is inclined towards flight towards the skies; every speck of dust reflects the light of the divine because I will be able to see the beloved in her full splendour.

aaj kya baat hai duniya ke nazaare1 Khush haiN
baaGh meN phool, sar2-e charKh3 sitaare Khush haiN
ek benaam4 si sarmasti5 ke maare Khush haiN
ek maiN Khush nahiN, jitne bhi haiN saare Khush haiN
hai Khushi chaar taraf6 naGhma-sara7 aaj ki raat    
1.scenes 2.top 3.sky 4.unnamed, mysterious 5.intoxication 6.direction 7.singing songs
What is it today that the world is enveloped in scenes of happiness; flowers in the garden; stars in the sky all are happy with a mysterious intoxication. It is not me alone, everyone around is happy. Happiness itself bursts into song in all directions.

Ghaa’ebaana1 jo humeN naame’2 likhaa karti thi
duur se hum pe dil apna jo fidaa3 karti thi
daad4-e ash’aar5 jo gumnaam6 diyaa karti thi
ho ke be-parda jo parde meN rahaa karti thi
saamne hogi vahi shooKh7 adaa8 aaj ki raat   
1.anonymously 2.letters, notes 3.sacrifice, devote 4.praise 5.couplets, verse 6.unnamed, unidentified 7.mischievous 8.style
The one who used to write me notes anonymously; who gave me her heart from a distance; who appreciated my verse secretly; who, even unveiled remained hidden; she with all her mischievous style will be before me tonight.

jis ki rangiini se afkaar1 haiN mad’hosh2 mere’
jis ki ulfat3 se haiN ash’aar4 pur-az-josh5 mere’
jis ki furqat6 meN Khayalaat7 haiN Ghamkosh8 mere’
jis ke jalvoN9 se tasavvur10 haiN hum-aaGhosh11 mere’
jalva9 dikhlaa’egi voh hoor-laqaa12 aaj ki raat   
1.thoughts, imagination, creativity 2.intoxicated 3.love 4.couplets, verse 5.full of passion 6.separation 7.thoughts 8.sorrow seeking 9.glory, beauty 10.imagination 11.embracing 12.angel-faced
The one whose colourful beauty lends intoxication to my creativity; whose love inspires my verse with passion; in whose separation my thoughts seek sorrow; whose glory my imagination embraces; that angel-faced one will reveal/show her beauty tonight.

dastaan1-e dil-e betaab2 sunaa’eNge unheN
aap ro’eNge gale’ mil ke rulaa’eNge unheN
Khud hi phir rone’ pe haNs deNge haNsaa’eNge unheN
aur jur’at3 ki to siine se lagaa’eNge unheN
nit-na’e4 jazboN5 ki hai nashv-o-numaa6 aaj ki raat
1.story 2.eager, restless, impatient 3.courage, daring 4.ever new, changing 5.feelings, passions 6.emergence and growth
I will relate to her the story of my restless heart; I will cry and embracing her, make her cry; I will turn around, laugh at myself for crying and make her laugh too; and if I can summon the courage, I will hold her to my bosom. Ever new feelings emerge and grow tonight.

mohammed dawood KhaaN aKhtar shiiraani (1904-1948) ToNk, rajashthan.  He received religious and classical education at home and was also given lessons in wrestling.  In 1921, there was a rebellion against the local navaab.  He was able to put down the rebellion but banished a lot of people, among them shiiraani’s family, who migrated to lahore.  He started working as a journalist and publisher.  His love interest and poetry caused a breakdown of relationship with his father, but his allowance continued.  He died early due to heavy smoking and drinking.  In his poetry he broke with the trend of progressive poets and stayed with romantic themes.  He is known to have fallen in love with several women, and wrote explicitly about them, naming names.  This is an over the top, joyful and deeply romantic expression of happiness at the impending encounter with the beloved.
kitni shaadaab1 hai duniya ki fizaa2 aaj ki raat
kitni sarshaar3 hai gulshan ki fizaa aaj ki raat
kitni fayyaaz4 hai rahmat5 ki ghaTaa6 aaj ki raat
kis qadar7 Khush hai Khudaai8 se Khuda aaj ki raat
keh nazar9 aa’egi voh maah-laqaa10 aaj ki raat

1.blooming, fresh 2.air, surroundings 3.satiated, satisfied, intoxicated 4.benevolent 5.kindness 6.clouds 7.how much 8.creation, universe 9.seen 10.moon-faced

This stanza highlights the beauty and joy of nature on this special night. The surroundings are fresh, the atmosphere in the garden is intoxicataing, the benevolent cloud is kind.  Oh, how pleased is god with his creation that that moon-faced one will be arriving tonight.
kyuN na gulzaar meN iThlaati phire mauj1-e nasiim2
kyuN na har phool ho labrez3-e bahaar4-e tasniim5
kyuN na aamaada6-e aflaak7 ho parvaaz8-e shamiim9
kyuN na har zarra10 bane’ jalvagah11-e tuur-e-kaliim12
keh unheN dekheNge ham jalva-numa13 aaj ki raat

1.wave, gust 2.breeze 3.filled, overflowing 4.beauty, splendour 5.legendary fountain in heaven 6.inclined towards 7.skies 8.flight 9.fragrance 10.particle, speck, grain 11.place of display 12.mount tuur of moosa/Moses 13.displaying splendour

It is said that moosa/Moses went up mount tuur and asked to see god.  He saw a flash of lightning as a manifestation of the divine.  Thus, ‘tuur-e kaliim’ is used as a symbol of divine light.  Gusts of breeze blow coquettishly in the garden; every flower overflows with the beauty of the fountains of heaven; fragrance is inclined towards flight towards the skies; every speck of dust reflects the light of the divine because I will be able to see the beloved in her full splendour.
aaj kya baat hai duniya ke nazaare1 Khush haiN
baaGh meN phool, sar2-e charKh3 sitaare Khush haiN
ek benaam4 si sarmasti5 ke maare Khush haiN
ek maiN Khush nahiN, jitne bhi haiN saare Khush haiN
hai Khushi chaar taraf6 naGhma-sara7 aaj ki raat

1.scenes 2.top 3.sky 4.unnamed, mysterious 5.intoxication 6.direction 7.singing songs

What is it today that the world is enveloped in scenes of happiness; flowers in the garden; stars in the sky all are happy with a mysterious intoxication.  It is not me alone, everyone around is happy.  Happiness itself bursts into song in all directions.
Ghaa’ebaana1 jo humeN naame’2 likhaa karti thi
duur se hum pe dil apna jo fidaa3 karti thi
daad4-e ash’aar5 jo gumnaam6 diyaa karti thi
ho ke be-parda jo parde meN rahaa karti thi
saamne hogi vahi shooKh7 adaa8 aaj ki raat

1.anonymously 2.letters, notes 3.sacrifice, devote 4.praise 5.couplets, verse 6.unnamed, unidentified 7.mischievous 8.style

The one who used to write me notes anonymously; who gave me her heart from a distance; who appreciated my verse secretly; who, even unveiled remained hidden; she with all her mischievous style will be before me tonight.
jis ki rangiini se afkaar1 haiN mad’hosh2 mere’
jis ki ulfat3 se haiN ash’aar4 pur-az-josh5 mere’
jis ki furqat6 meN Khayalaat7 haiN Ghamkosh8 mere’
jis ke jalvoN9 se tasavvur10 haiN hum-aaGhosh11 mere’
jalva9 dikhlaa’egi voh hoor-laqaa12 aaj ki raat

1.thoughts, imagination, creativity 2.intoxicated 3.love 4.couplets, verse 5.full of passion 6.separation 7.thoughts 8.sorrow seeking 9.glory, beauty 10.imagination 11.embracing 12.angel-faced

The one whose colourful beauty lends intoxication to my creativity; whose love inspires my verse with passion; in whose separation my thoughts seek sorrow; whose glory my imagination embraces; that angel-faced one will reveal/show her beauty tonight.
dastaan1-e dil-e betaab2 sunaa’eNge unheN
aap ro’eNge gale’ mil ke rulaa’eNge unheN
Khud hi phir rone’ pe haNs deNge haNsaa’eNge unheN
aur jur’at3 ki to siine se lagaa’eNge unheN
nit-na’e4 jazboN5 ki hai nashv-o-numaa6 aaj ki raat

1.story 2.eager, restless, impatient 3.courage, daring 4.ever new, changing 5.feelings, passions 6.emergence and growth

I will relate to her the story of my restless heart; I will cry and embracing her, make her cry; I will turn around, laugh at myself for crying and make her laugh too; and if I can summon the courage, I will hold her to my bosom.  Ever new feelings emerge and grow tonight.