aaj ki raat-07-13-dawood KhaaN aKhtar shiiraani

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

آج  کی  رات  ۔  داؤد  خاں  اخترؔ  شیرانی


دل  کی  رگ  رگ  میں  ہے  بے  تاب  محبّت  اُس  کی

آنکھ  کے  پردے  پہ  لہراتی  ہے  صورت  اُس  کی

خلوتِ  روح  میں  آباد  ہے  اُلفت  اُس  کی

میرے  جذبات  پہ  طاری  ہے  لطافت  اُس  کی

اور  کچھ  یاد  نہیں  اِس  کے  سوا  آج  کی  رات


نکہتِ  حسن  ہو  دامانِ  ہوا  میں  رقصاں

جذبۂ  عشق  ہو  رنگین  فضا  میں  رقصاں

کیف  و  سرمستی  ہو  منظر  کی  ادا  میں  رقصاں

نور  ہی  نور  ہو  یوں  ارض  و  سما  میں  رقصاں

کہ  خدائی  میں  اُتر  آئے  خدا  آج  کی  رات


واقف  دردِ  دلِ  زار  کریں  گے  اُن  کو

غمِ  اُلفت  سے  خبردار  کریں  گے  اُن  کو

محرمِ  جذبۂ  اَسرار  کریں  گے  اُن  کو

گود  میں  لیں  گے  اُنہیں  پیار  کریں  گے  اُن  کو

دل  کی  رگ  رگ  سے  یہ  آتی  ہے  صدا  آج  کی  رات


لیکن  اِظہار  خیالات  کریں  گے  کیوں  کر

شرم  آتی  ہے  ملاقات  کریں  گے  کیوں  کر

بات  کرنی  ہے  مگر  بات  کریں  گے  کیوں  کر

ختم  یہ  خواب  کی  سی  رات  کریں  گے  کیوں  کر

آہ  یہ  آج  کی  یہ  خواب  نما  آج  کی  رات


اے  دل  ایسا  نہ  ہو  کچھ  بات  بنائے  نہ  بنے

حالِ  دل  جو  بھی  سنانا  ہے  سنائے  نہ  بنے

پاس  آئیں  تو  مگر  پاس  بٹھائے  نہ  بنے

شرم  کے  مارے  اُنہیں  ہاتھ  لگائے  نہ  بنے

کہ  تصوّر  سے  بھی  آتی  ہے  حیا  آج  کی  رات


یوں  تو  ہر  طرح  ادب  مدّ  نظر  رکھنا  ہے

حسرت  دل  کا  لحاظ  آج  مگر  رکھنا  ہے

بے  خودی  دیکھ  تجھے  میری  خبر  رکھنا  ہے

نازنیں  قدموں  پہ  یوں  ناز  سے  سر  رکھنا  ہے

کہ  تڑپ  اُٹّھے  دلِ  ارض  و  سما  آج  کی  رات


ہم  میں  کچھ  جرأتِ  گویائی  بھی  ہوگی  کہ  نہیں

ہِمّتِ  ناصیہ  فرسائی  بھی  ہوگی  کہ  نہیں

شرم  سے  دور  شکیبائی  بھی  ہوگی  کہ  نہیں

یوسفِ  دل  سے  زلیخائی  بھی  ہوگی  کہ  نہیں

آج  کی  رات!  اُف  و  میرے  خدا  آج  کی  رات

आज की रात – दाऊद ख़ाँ अख़्तर शीरानी

दिल की रग-रग में है बेताब मोहब्बत उसकी
आँख के पर्दे पे लहराती है सूरत उसकी
ख़लवत-ए रूह में आबाद है उल्फ़त उसकी
मेरे जज़्बात पे तारी है लताफ़त उसकी
और कुछ याद नहीं इसके सिवा आज की रात

नख़्वत-ए हुस्न हो दामान-ए हवा में रक़्सां
जज़्बा-ए इश्क़ हो रंगीन फ़िज़ा में रक़्सां
कैफ़-ओ-सरमस्ती हो मंज़र की अदा में रक़्सां
नूर ही नूर हो यूँ अर्ज़-ओ-समा में रक़्सां
के ख़ुदाई में उतर आए ख़ुदा आज की रात

वाक़ेफ़-ए दर्द-ए दिल-ए ज़ार करेंगे उनको
ग़म-ए उल्फ़त से ख़बरदार करेंगे उनको
महरम-ए जज़्बा-ए अस्रार करेंगे उनको
गोद में लेंगे उन्हें प्यार करेंगे उनको
दिल की रग-रग से ये आती है सदा आज की रात

लैकिन इज़्हार-ए ख़यालात करेंगे क्यूंकर
शर्म आती है मुलाक़ात करेंगे क्यूंकर
बात करनी है मगर बात करेंगे क्यूंकर
ख़त्म ये ख़्वाब की सी रात करेंगे क्यूंकर
आह ये आज की ये ख़्वाब-नुमा आज की रात

अए दिल ऐसा न हो कुछ बात बनाए न बने
हाल-ए दिल जो भी सुनाना है सुनाए न बने
पास आएं तो मगर पास बिठाए न बने
शर्म के मारे उन्हें हाथ लगाए न बने
के तसव्वुर से भी आती है हया आज की रात

यूँ तो हर तरह अदब मद्द-ए नज़र रखना है
हस्रत-ए दिल का लेहाज़ आज मगर रखना है
बेख़ुदी देख तुझे मेरी ख़बर रखना है
नाज़नीं क़दमों पे यूँ नाज़ से सर रखना है
के तढप उट्ठे दिल-ए अर्ज़-ओ-समा आज की रात

हम में कुछ जुर’अत-ए गोयाई भी होगी के नहीं
हिम्मत-ए नासिया-फ़र्साई भी होगी के नहीं
शर्म से दूर शकेबाई भी होगी के नहीं
यूसुफ़-ए दिल से ज़ुलैख़ाई भी होगी के नहीं
आज की रात, उफ़, ओ मेरे ख़ुदा आज की रात


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. mohammed dawood KhaaN aKhtar shiiraani (1904-1948) ToNk, rajashthan. He received religious and classical education at home and was also given lessons in wrestling. In 1921, there was a rebellion against the local navaab. He was able to put down the rebellion but banished a lot of people, among them shiiraani’s family, who migrated to lahore. He started working as a journalist and publisher. His love interest and poetry caused a breakdown of relationship with his father, but his allowance continued. He died early due to heavy smoking and drinking. In his poetry he broke with the trend of progressive poets and stayed with romantic themes. He is known to have fallen in love with several women, and wrote explicitly about them, naming names. This is an over the top, joyful and deeply romantic expression of happiness at the impending encounter with the beloved.

dil ki rag-rag1 meN hai betaab2 mohabbat uss kii
aaNkh ke parde3 pe lahraati4 hai suurat uss kii
Khalvat6-e rooh7 meN aabaad8 hai ulfat9 uss kii
mere’ jazbaat10 pe taari11 hai lataafat12 uss kii
aur kuchh yaad nahiN iss ke sivaa13 aaj ki raat    
1.every fibre 2.restless, throbbing 3.screen 4.waves, undulates 5.seclusion, solitude, private chamber 7.soul 8.live, reside 9.love 10.feelings, emotions 11.cover, envelop, overwhelm 12.elegance, delicacy 13.except for
Love of her throbs in every vein of my heart; her image plays on the screen of my eyes; her love lives in the inner sanctum of my soul; her elegance overwhelms my feelings. Except for this I do not remember/am not aware of anything else tonight.

nik’hat1-e husn2 ho daamaan3-e havaa meN raqsaaN4
jazba5-e ishq ho rangiin fizaa6 meN raqsaaN
kaif-o-sarmasti7 ho manzar8 ki adaa9 meN raqsaaN
noor10 hi noor ho yuN arz-o-sama11 meN raqsaaN
keh Khudaaii12 meN utar aa’e Khuda aaj ki raat
1.fragrance 2.beauty, beloved 3.hem of the garment 4.dancing 5.feelings 6.atmosphere 7.pleasure/exhilaration and intoxication 8.scene 9.style 10.brilliance, light 11.earth and sky, heaven and earth 12.creation, world
The fragrance of the beloved dances in the air; my feelings of love dance in the colourful atmosphere; the scene around dances in a style of intoxication and exhilaration; there is a dance of light enveloping the heaven and skies for god himself coming down into this world.

vaaqif1-e dard-e dil-e zaar2 kareNge unn ko
Gham-e ulfat3 se Khabardaar4 kareNge unn ko
mahram5-e jazba6-e asraar7 kareNge unn ko
go’d8 meN leNge unheN pyaar kareNge unn ko
dil ki rag-rag9 se yeh aati hai sadaa10 aaj ki raat
1.aware 2.sorrowful 3.love 4.acquaint, inform 5.familiar 6.feelings 7.mysterious, hidden 8.lap, embrace 9.every fibre 10.sound
I will reveal the pain of my sorrowful heart to her; I will acquaint her with the pain of love; make her familiar with my hidden feelings; I will embrace her and kiss her. Every fibre of my being calls this message out.

laikin izhaar1-e Khayaalaat2 kareNge kyuNkar3
sharm4 aati hai mulaaqaat5 kareNge kyuNkar
baat karni hai magar baat kareNge kyuNkar
Khatm6 ye Khwaab7 ki si raat kareNge kyuNkar
aah yeh aaj ki yeh Khwaab-numa8 aaj ki raat   
1.express 2.thoughts, feelings 3.how 4.diffidence, hesitation 5.meeting 6.conclude 7.dream 8.dreamlike
But how can I bring myself to express my feelings; how can I overcome my timidity and meet her; I have to talk, but where can I find the courage to do so; how can I bring this dreamy night to a conclusion? Oh! this night, this dream-like night, tonight.

aye dil aisaa na ho kuchh baat banaa’e1 na bane’2
haal3-e dil jo bhi sunaana hai sunaa’e na bane’
paas4 aa’eN to magar paas biThaa’e na bane’
sharm5 ke maare unheN haath lagaa’e na bane’
keh tasavvur6 se bhi aati hai hayaa7 aaj ki raat
1.to make something happen 2.does not come about 3.condition 4.near 5.coyness, hesitation 6.imagination 7.shyness
O my sorrowful heart, I fear that I will try and fail to get anywhere; I have to relate the condition of my heart, but may not be able to do so; she may approach me, but I may be fearful of asking her to sit close to me; my hesitation my prevent me from reaching and touching her for even as I imagine this, I become timid and shy.

yuN to har tarah1 adab2 madd-e-nazar3 rakhna hai
hasrat4-e dil ka lehaaz5 aaj magar rakhna hai
beKhudi6 dekh tujhe meri Khabar7 rakhna hai
naazniiN8 qadmoN9 peh yuN naaz10 se sar rakhna hai
keh taRap11 uTThe dil-e arz-o-sama12 aaj ki raat
1.under all conditions 2.respect (for social norms) 3.before the eyes, under consideration 4.yearning, longing 5.regard, care for 6.being unaware of self 7.aware, watch out, restrain 8.delicate 9.feet 10.in style 11.pained 12.heaven and earth
Of course, I have to keep social norms under consideration always but also have to have regard for the yearning of my heart. I may become unaware of my own condition/behaviour – O awareness/mindfulness you have to be mindful of me and restrain me. I have to prostrate my forehead in proper style at those delicate feet so that the heart of heaven and earth thrash about in pain.

ham meN kuchh jur’at1-e goyaaii2 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
himmat3-e naasiya-farsaaii4 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
sharm5 se duur shakebaaii6 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
yusuf7-e dil se ZulaiKhaaii8 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
aaj ki raat! uff, o mere’ Khuda, aaj ki raat
1.daring 2.speech 3.courage 4.prostrating the forehead, rubbing the forehead at the feet, utter submission 5.coyness, hesitation 6.endurance, steadfastness 7.Joseph 8.see notes below
The poet uses the Biblical legend of yusuf-zuleiKha as a symbol of lack of courage on the part of the lover to express his love to the beloved. Thus, will I dare to speak my feelings or not; will I have the courage to submit to her; will my endurance/resolve drive away my hesitation; will I have the courage to express my love or will I fail like yusuf. This night! Oh god! of all nights, tonight.

mohammed dawood KhaaN aKhtar shiiraani (1904-1948) ToNk, rajashthan.  He received religious and classical education at home and was also given lessons in wrestling.  In 1921, there was a rebellion against the local navaab.  He was able to put down the rebellion but banished a lot of people, among them shiiraani’s family, who migrated to lahore.  He started working as a journalist and publisher.  His love interest and poetry caused a breakdown of relationship with his father, but his allowance continued.  He died early due to heavy smoking and drinking.  In his poetry he broke with the trend of progressive poets and stayed with romantic themes.  He is known to have fallen in love with several women, and wrote explicitly about them, naming names.  This is an over the top, joyful and deeply romantic expression of happiness at the impending encounter with the beloved.
dil ki rag-rag1 meN hai betaab2 mohabbat uss kii
aaNkh ke parde3 pe lahraati4 hai suurat uss kii
Khalvat6-e rooh7 meN aabaad8 hai ulfat9 uss kii
mere’ jazbaat10 pe taari11 hai lataafat12 uss kii
aur kuchh yaad nahiN iss ke sivaa13 aaj ki raat

1.every fibre 2.restless, throbbing 3.screen 4.waves, undulates 5.seclusion, solitude, private chamber 7.soul 8.live, reside 9.love 10.feelings, emotions 11.cover, envelop, overwhelm 12.elegance, delicacy 13.except for

Love of her throbs in every vein of my heart; her image plays on the screen of my eyes; her love lives in the inner sanctum of my soul; her elegance overwhelms my feelings.  Except for this I do not remember/am not aware of anything else tonight.
nik’hat1-e husn2 ho daamaan3-e havaa meN raqsaaN4
jazba5-e ishq ho rangiin fizaa6 meN raqsaaN
kaif-o-sarmasti7 ho manzar8 ki adaa9 meN raqsaaN
noor10 hi noor ho yuN arz-o-sama11 meN raqsaaN
keh Khudaaii12 meN utar aa’e Khuda aaj ki raat

1.fragrance 2.beauty, beloved 3.hem of the garment 4.dancing 5.feelings 6.atmosphere 7.pleasure/exhilaration and intoxication 8.scene 9.style 10.brilliance, light 11.earth and sky, heaven and earth 12.creation, world

The fragrance of the beloved dances in the air; my feelings of love dance in the colourful atmosphere; the scene around dances in a style of intoxication and exhilaration; there is a dance of light enveloping the heaven and skies for god himself coming down into this world.
vaaqif1-e dard-e dil-e zaar2 kareNge unn ko
Gham-e ulfat3 se Khabardaar4 kareNge unn ko
mahram5-e jazba6-e asraar7 kareNge unn ko
go’d8 meN leNge unheN pyaar kareNge unn ko
dil ki rag-rag9 se yeh aati hai sadaa10 aaj ki raat

1.aware 2.sorrowful 3.love 4.acquaint, inform 5.familiar 6.feelings 7.mysterious, hidden 8.lap, embrace 9.every fibre 10.sound

I will reveal the pain of my sorrowful heart to her; I will acquaint her with the pain of love; make her familiar with my hidden feelings; I will embrace her and kiss her.  Every fibre of my being calls this message out.
laikin izhaar1-e Khayaalaat2 kareNge kyuNkar3
sharm4 aati hai mulaaqaat5 kareNge kyuNkar
baat karni hai magar baat kareNge kyuNkar
Khatm6 ye Khwaab7 ki si raat kareNge kyuNkar
aah yeh aaj ki yeh Khwaab-numa8 aaj ki raat

1.express 2.thoughts, feelings 3.how 4.diffidence, hesitation 5.meeting 6.conclude 7.dream 8.dreamlike

But how can I bring myself to express my feelings; how can I overcome my timidity and meet her; I have to talk, but where can I find the courage to do so; how can I bring this dreamy night to a conclusion?  Oh! this night, this dream-like night, tonight.
aye dil aisaa na ho kuchh baat banaa’e1 na bane’2
haal3-e dil jo bhi sunaana hai sunaa’e na bane’
paas4 aa’eN to magar paas biThaa’e na bane’
sharm5 ke maare unheN haath lagaa’e na bane’
keh tasavvur6 se bhi aati hai hayaa7 aaj ki raat

1.to make something happen 2.does not come about 3.condition 4.near 5.coyness, hesitation 6.imagination 7.shyness

O my sorrowful heart, I fear that I will try and fail to get anywhere; I have to relate the condition of my heart, but may not be able to do so; she may approach me, but I may be fearful of asking her to sit close to me; my hesitation my prevent me from reaching and touching her for even as I imagine this, I become timid and shy.
yuN to har tarah1 adab2 madd-e-nazar3 rakhna hai
hasrat4-e dil ka lehaaz5 aaj magar rakhna hai
beKhudi6 dekh tujhe meri Khabar7 rakhna hai
naazniiN8 qadmoN9 peh yuN naaz10 se sar rakhna hai
keh taRap11 uTThe dil-e arz-o-sama12 aaj ki raat

1.under all conditions 2.respect (for social norms) 3.before the eyes, under consideration 4.yearning, longing 5.regard, care for 6.being unaware of self 7.aware, watch out, restrain 8.delicate 9.feet 10.in style 11.pained 12.heaven and earth

Of course, I have to keep social norms under consideration always but also have to have regard for the yearning of my heart.  I may become unaware of my own condition/behaviour – O awareness/mindfulness you have to be mindful of me and restrain me.  I have to prostrate my forehead in proper style at those delicate feet so that the heart of heaven and earth thrash about in pain.
ham meN kuchh jur’at1-e goyaaii2 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
himmat3-e naasiya-farsaaii4 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
sharm5 se duur shakebaaii6 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
yusuf7-e dil se ZulaiKhaaii8 bhi hogi keh nahiiN
aaj ki raat! uff, o mere’ Khuda, aaj ki raat

1.daring 2.speech 3.courage 4.prostrating the forehead, rubbing the forehead at the feet, utter submission 5.coyness, hesitation 6.endurance, steadfastness 7.Joseph 8.see notes below

The poet uses the Biblical legend of yusuf-zuleiKha as a symbol of lack of courage on the part of the lover to express his love to the beloved.  Thus, will I dare to speak my feelings or not; will I have the courage to submit to her; will my endurance/resolve drive away my hesitation; will I have the courage to express my love or will I fail like yusuf.  This night! Oh god! of all nights, tonight.