aman ka aaKhiri din-Part 2-ibn-e insha

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “Roman” or “Notes” tab.

امن  کا  آخری  دِن  ۔  شیر  محمد  خاں  ابنِ  اِنشاؔ

حصہ  ۔  ۲


جؔ  وہ  جنگؔ  کا  بازار  ہے  جس  میں  جا  کر

اِتنی  صدیوں  میں  بھی  اِنسان  کی  قیمت  نہ  بڑھی

چؔ  وہ  چاندیؔ  ہے  وہ  چاندیؔ  کے  چمکتے  سَکّے

جن  سے  دنیا  کی  ہر  اِک  چیز  خریدی  نہ  گئی

پھر  بھی  ہر  بیس  برس  بعد  وہی  سودے  ہیں

وہی  تاجر  ہیں  وہی  جنس  وہی  قیمت  ہیں


حؔ  حکایت  ہے  کہ  ہونٹوں  پہ  ادھوری  رہ  جائے

حؔ  وہ  حسرت  ہے  کہ  سینے  کو  بنا  لے  مدفن

خؔ  خیالاتؔ  کا  ریلا  ہے  کہ  یکسر  رُک  جائے

دب  کے  رہ  جائے  جو  خندقؔ  کے  خلاؤں  میں  بدن

ٹینک  کردیں  گے  ہر  اِک  ڈھیر  کو  آکر  ہموار

بے  نشاں  قبروں  پہ  اُگ  آئیں  گے  سو  سال  میں  بن


دؔ  ہے  دردؔ  سے  لبریز  دلوںؔ  کی  دھرتیؔ

ڈؔ  ہے  ڈولتاؔ  سینہ  کبھی  ڈھلکاؔ  آنسو

ذؔ  ہے  ذِکرؔ  کسی  دوست  کا  وہ  ذِکرِؔ  جمیل

ہائے  کِن  رفتہ  بہاروں  کے  گُلوں  کی  خُشبُو

آج  لاشوں  کے  تعفُّن  میں  دبی  جاتی  ہے

سرد  سنگینوں  کے  زخموں  سے  اُبلتا  ہے  لہو


رؔ  وہی  ریلؔ  کی  سیٹی  وہی  رعناؔ  چہرا

رؔ  وہی  راتؔ  وہی  اُس  کے  بھیانک  سپنے

چونک  کر  کون  یہ  بستر  سے  یکایک  اُٹھا

میرے  بچّے  کو  خداوند  سلامت  رکھے

ایک  تارا  کہیں  ٹوٹا  تھا  کہیں  ڈُوب  گیا

ڈاکیا  آئے  گا  دو  روز  میں  اِک  تار  لئے


زؔ  ہے  وہ  زہرؔ  کہ  پھر  رُوح  میں  گُھل  جائے  گا

زؔ  ہے  وہ  زخمؔ  کہ  لاتا  ہے  خبر  دل  تک  کی

اب  بھی  بستی  میں  بڑے  پیر  کا  میلہ  ہوگا

لہلاتے  ہوئے  کھیتوں  میں  بہار  آئے  گی

پر  نہ  اُن  راہوں  سے  لَوٹے  گا  وہ  بنسی  والا

اب  چراگاہ  میں  گونجیں  گی  نہ  تانیں  اُس  کی


سؔ  سہراؔ  کسی  دولہا  کا  کسی  سیجؔ  کا  پُھول

سؔ  جلتا  ہوا  سیسہؔ  کسی  سنگینؔ  کی  دھار

سؔ  ساحرؔ  ہیں  سیاستؔ  کے  کہ  گھر  میں  بیٹھے

اپنے  زانو  پہ  لئے  صبح  کے  سارے  اخبار

سوچا  کرتے  ہیں  یہ  پڑھتے  ہوئے  تازہ  خبریں

روئی  کے  بھاؤ  میں  ہوتا  ہے  چڑھاؤ  کہ  اُتار

अमन का आख़िरी दिन – शेर मोहम्मद ख़ां इब्न-ए इन्शा

हिस्सा – २

‘जीम’ वो जंग का बाज़ार है जिस में जा कर

इतनी सदियौं में भि इन्सान कि क़ीमत न बढ़ी

‘चीम’ वो चांदि है, चांदी के चमक्ते सिक्के

जिन से दुनिया कि हर एक चीज़ ख़रीदा न गई

फिर भी हर बीस बरस बाद वही सौदे हैं

वही ताजेर हैं वही जिन्स वही क़ीमत है

‘हे’ हिकाएत है के होंटौं पे अधूरी रह जाए

‘हे’ वो हस्रत है के सीने को बना ले मद्फ़न

‘ख़े’ ख़यालात का रेला है के यक्सर रुक जाए

दब के रह जाए जो ख़न्दक़ के ख़लाऔं में बदन

टैंक कर देंगे हर एक ढेर को आ कर हमवार

बे निशां क़ब्रौं पे उग आएंगे सौ साल में बन

‘दाल’ है दर्द से लब्रेज़ दिलौं की धर्ती

‘डाल’ है डोल्ता सीना कभी ढलका आंसू

‘ज़ाल’ है ज़िक्र किसी दोस्त का वो ज़िक्र-ए जमील

हाए किन रफ़्ता बहारौं के गुलौं की ख़ुश्बू

आज लाशौं के ताअफ़्फ़ुन में दबी जाती है

सर्द संगीनौं के ज़ख़्मौं से उबलता हौ लहू


‘रे’ वही रेल कि सीटि वही रआनअ चेहरा

‘रे’ वही रात वही उस के भयानक सपने

चौंक कर कौन ये बिस्तर से यकायक उट्ठा

मेरे बच्चे को ख़ुदावन्द सलामत रक्खे

एक तारा कहीं टूटा था कहीं डूब गया

डाकिया आएगा दो रोज़ में एक तार लिए


‘ज़े’ है वो ज़हर के फिर रूह में घुल जाएगा

‘ज़े’ है वो ज़ख़्म के लाता है ख़बर दिल तक की

अब भी बस्ती में बड़े पीर का मेला होगा

लहलहाते हुए खेतौं में बहार आएगी

पर न उन राहौं से लौटेगा वो बंसी वाला

अब चरागाह में गूंजेंगि न तानें उस की


‘सीन’ सहरा किसी दूल्हा का किसी सेज का फूल

‘सीन’ जलता हुआ सीसा किसी संगीन कि धार

‘सीन’ साहर हैं सियासत के के घर में बैठे

अपने ज़ानू पे लिए सुबह के सारे अख़्बार

सोचा करते हैं ये पढ़ते हुए ताज़ा ख़ब्रें

रूई के भाऊ में होता है चढ़ाऊ के उतार


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. sher mohammad KhaaN ibn-e insha (1927-1978), poet, journalist, travelogue writer. A progressive with a wide ranging subjects – romance, politics, deep humanism and self deprecating humour. This long nazm, posted in four parts for easy reading is an “a, b, c of war”. He takes every alphabet of urdu and weaves a heart-wrenching story of the horrors of war.
‘jeem’ vo juNg ka baazaar hai jis meN jaa kar
itni sadiyoN1 meN bhi insaan ki qeemat na baRhi
‘cheem’ vo chaandi hai, chaandii chaamakte sikke2
jin se duniya ki har ek cheez Kharidi na gayii
phir bhi har bees-baras3 baad vahi saude haiN
vahi taajir4 haiN vahi jins5 vahi qeemat hai   
1.centuries 2.coins 3.twenty years 4.traders 5.commodities
‘jeem’ is the market of war, where even after centuries human life remains cheap. ‘cheem’ is the silver and silver coins that could not satisfy needs. And so every twenty years it is the same trade, same traders, same commodities and the same price.

‘hay’ hikaayet1 hai ke hoNToN pe adhuri2 rah jaaye
‘hay’ vo hasrat3 hai ke seene ko bana le madfan4
‘Khay’ Khayaalaat ka rela5 hai ke yaksar6 ruk jaaye
dab ke rah jaaye jo Khandaq7 ke KhalaaoN8 meN badan
Tank kar deNge har ek Dher ko aa kar hamvaar9
be-nishaaN10 qabroN pe ug jaayeNge sau saal meN ban11    
1.story 2.incomplete 3.longing 4.grave 5.flood 6.suddenly 7.trench 8.empty space 9.level, smooth 10.unmarked 11.forest
‘hay’ is the untold story lingering on lips. It is the longing that remains buried in the bosom. ‘Khay’ is thoughts that flow like a flood and suddenly stop. It is the trench whose empty spaces bodies fill. Tanks will level all heaps. In a few years a forest will grow over unmarked graves.

‘daal’ hai dard se labrez1 diloN ki dharti
‘Daal’ hai Dolta2 seena kabhi Dhalka aaNsu
‘zaal’ hai zikr3 kisi dost ka vo zikr-e jameel4
haaye kin rafta5 bahaaroN ke guloN ki Khushbu
aaj laashoN ke ta’affun6 meN dabi jaati hai
sard7 saNgeenoN8 ke zaKhmoN se ubalta hai lahu9     
1.brimming, overflowing 2.staggering/heaving 3.mention/story 4.beautiful 5.past 6.stench 7.cold/cruel 8.bayonets 9.blood
‘daal’ is the pain overflowing from hearts. ‘Daal’ is the heaving bosom, tears rolling down. ‘zaal’ is the beautiful story of a friend of the fragrance of memories of past springs/years, fragrance this is buried under the stench of corpses, blood oozing out of the cruel wounds of bayonets.

‘ray’ vahi rail ke seeTi vahi r’aana1 chehra
‘ray’ vahi raat vahi us ke bhayaanak sapne
chauNk2 kar kaun ye bistar se yakaayak3 uTTha
mere bachche ko Khudavand salaamat4 rakkhe
ek taara kahiN TooTa tha kahiN Doob gaya
Daakiya aayega do roz meN ek taar liye    
1.beautiful 2.startle 3.suddenly
‘ray’ is that beautiful face in the window of the train as it whistles away. It is the night and its frightful dreams. Who is it that suddenly wakes up startled out of bed, ‘may god keep my child safe’. There, a shooting star streaking across the sky (considered ill omen). The postman will come bearing a telegram in a couple of days.

‘zay’ hai vo zahr ke phir rooh1 meN ghul jaayega
‘zay’ hai vo zaKhm ke laata hai Khabar2 dil tak ki
ab bhi basti meN baRe piir3 ki mela hoga
lahlahaate hue khetoN meN bahaar aayegi
par na un raahoN4 se lauTega vo bansi vaala
ab charaagaah5 meN goonjeNgi na taaneN us ki    
1.soul 3.saint 4.path 5.pasture
‘zay’ is the poison that will dissolve into the soul. It is wound that brings the news (of death), cutting to the heart. There will be a festival at the tomb of the saint. Fields will be lush with harvest. But that flute player will not come back from the path he took. His tunes will not echo in the pasture.

‘seen’ sehra1 kisi doolha ka kisi sej2 ka phool
‘seen’ jalta hua seesa3 kisi saNgeen4 ki dhaar
‘seen’ saahir5 haiN siyaasat6 ke, ke ghar meN baiThe
apne zaanu7 pe liye subah ke saare aKhbaar
socha karte haiN ye paRhte hue taaza KhabreN
rooi ke bhaau meN hota hai chaRhaaoo ke utaar    
1.garland 2.bridal bed 3.lead 4.bayonet 5.magician 6.politics 7.lap
‘seen’ is the bridegrooms garland. It is the flower on the bride’s bed. It is molten lead and the sharp edge of a bayonet. ‘seen’ is the magicians of politics who, sitting at home, spread newspapers on their lap, glancing at the daily news and asking themselves if the price of cotton will go up or down.

sher mohammad KhaaN ibn-e insha (1927-1978), poet, journalist, travelogue writer.  A progressive with a wide ranging subjects – romance, politics, deep humanism and self deprecating humour.  This long nazm, posted in four parts for easy reading is an “a, b, c of war”.  He takes every alphabet of urdu and weaves a heart-wrenching story of the horrors of war.
‘jeem’ vo juNg ka baazaar hai jis meN jaa kar
itni sadiyoN1 meN bhi insaan ki qeemat na baRhi
‘cheem’ vo chaandi hai, chaandii chaamakte sikke2
jin se duniya ki har ek cheez Kharidi na gayii
phir bhi har bees-baras3 baad vahi saude haiN
vahi taajir4 haiN vahi jins5 vahi qeemat hai

1.centuries 2.coins 3.twenty years 4.traders 5.commodities

‘jeem’ is the market of war, where even after centuries human life remains cheap.  ‘cheem’ is the silver and silver coins that could not satisfy needs.  And so every twenty years it is the same trade, same traders, same commodities and the same price.
‘hay’ hikaayet1 hai ke hoNToN pe adhuri2 rah jaaye
‘hay’ vo hasrat3 hai ke seene ko bana le madfan4
‘Khay’ Khayaalaat ka rela5 hai ke yaksar6 ruk jaaye
dab ke rah jaaye jo Khandaq7 ke KhalaaoN8 meN badan
Tank kar deNge har ek Dher ko aa kar hamvaar9
be-nishaaN10 qabroN pe ug jaayeNge sau saal meN ban11

1.story 2.incomplete 3.longing 4.grave 5.flood 6.suddenly 7.trench 8.empty space 9.level, smooth 10.unmarked 11.forest

‘hay’ is the untold story lingering on lips.  It is the longing that remains buried in the bosom.  ‘Khay’ is thoughts that flow like a flood and suddenly stop.  It is the trench whose empty spaces bodies fill.  Tanks will level all heaps.  In a few years a forest will grow over unmarked graves.
‘daal’ hai dard se labrez1 diloN ki dharti
‘Daal’ hai Dolta2 seena kabhi Dhalka aaNsu
‘zaal’ hai zikr3 kisi dost ka vo zikr-e jameel4
haaye kin rafta5 bahaaroN ke guloN ki Khushbu
aaj laashoN ke ta’affun6 meN dabi jaati hai
sard7 saNgeenoN8 ke zaKhmoN se ubalta hai lahu9

1.brimming, overflowing 2.staggering/heaving 3.mention/story 4.beautiful 5.past 6.stench 7.cold/cruel 8.bayonets 9.blood

‘daal’ is the pain overflowing from hearts.  ‘Daal’ is the heaving bosom, tears rolling down.  ‘zaal’ is the beautiful story of a friend of the fragrance of memories of past springs/years, fragrance this is buried under the stench of corpses, blood oozing out of the cruel wounds of bayonets.
‘ray’ vahi rail ke seeTi vahi r’aana1 chehra
‘ray’ vahi raat vahi us ke bhayaanak sapne
chauNk2 kar kaun ye bistar se yakaayak3 uTTha
mere bachche ko Khudavand salaamat4 rakkhe
ek taara kahiN TooTa tha kahiN Doob gaya
Daakiya aayega do roz meN ek taar liye

1.beautiful 2.startle 3.suddenly

‘ray’ is that beautiful face in the window of the train as it whistles away.  It is the night and its frightful dreams.  Who is it that suddenly wakes up startled out of bed, ‘may god keep my child safe’.  There, a shooting star streaking across the sky (considered ill omen).  The postman will come bearing a telegram in a couple of days.
‘zay’ hai vo zahr ke phir rooh1 meN ghul jaayega
‘zay’ hai vo zaKhm ke laata hai Khabar2 dil tak ki
ab bhi basti meN baRe piir3 ki mela hoga
lahlahaate hue khetoN meN bahaar aayegi
par na un raahoN4 se lauTega vo bansi vaala
ab charaagaah5 meN goonjeNgi na taaneN us ki

1.soul 3.saint 4.path 5.pasture

‘zay’ is the poison that will dissolve into the soul.  It is wound that brings the news (of death), cutting to the heart.  There will be a festival at the tomb of the saint.  Fields will be lush with harvest.  But that flute player will not come back from the path he took.  His tunes will not echo in the pasture.
‘seen’ sehra1 kisi doolha ka kisi sej2 ka phool
‘seen’ jalta hua seesa3 kisi saNgeen4 ki dhaar
‘seen’ saahir5 haiN siyaasat6 ke, ke ghar meN baiThe
apne zaanu7 pe liye subah ke saare aKhbaar
socha karte haiN ye paRhte hue taaza KhabreN
rooi ke bhaau meN hota hai chaRhaaoo ke utaar

1.garland 2.bridal bed 3.lead 4.bayonet 5.magician 6.politics 7.lap

‘seen’ is the bridegrooms garland.  It is the flower on the bride’s bed.  It is molten lead and the sharp edge of a bayonet.  ‘seen’ is the magicians of politics who, sitting at home, spread newspapers on their lap, glancing at the daily news and asking themselves if the price of cotton will go up or down.

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