apni maleka-e suKhan se – josh malihabadi

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اپنی  ملکہ  سخن  سے  –  جوشؔ  ملیح  آبادی


ائے  شمع  جوشؔ  و  مشعل  ایوانِ  آرزو

ائے  مہر  ناز  و  ماہ  شبستان  آرزو

ائے  جان  درد  مندی  و  ایمانِ  آرزو

ائے  شمع  طور  و  یوسف  کنعانِ  آرزو

ذرّے  کو  آفتاب  تو  کانٹے  کو  پھول  کر

اے  روح  شعر  سجدۂ  شاعر  قبول  کر


دریا  کا  موڑ  نغمہ  شیریں  کا  زیر  و  بم

چادر  شب  نجوم  کی  شبنم  کا  رخت  نم

تتلی  کا  نازِ  رقص،  غزالہ  کا  حسن  رم

موتی  کی  آب،  گل  کی  مہک،  ماہ  نو  کا  خم

ان  سب  کے  امتزاج  سے  پیدا  ہوی  ہے  تو

کتنے  حسیں  اُفق  سے  ہویدا  ہوی  ہے  تو


ہوتاہے  مہ  وشوں  کا  وہ  عالم  تیرے  حضور

جیسے  چراغِ  مردہ،  سر  بزم  شمع  طور

آ  کر  تیری  جناب  میں  ائے  کارسازِ  نور

پلکوں  میں  منہ  چھپاتے  ہیں  جھینپے  ہوئے  غرور

آ  تی  ہے  ایک  لہر  سی  چہروں  پر  آہ  کی

آ  نکھوں  میں  چھوٹ  جاتی  ہیں  نبضیں  نگاہ  کی


رفتار  ہے  کہ  چاندنی  راتوں  میں  موجِ  گنگ

یا  بھیرویں  کی  پچھلے  پہر  قلب  میں  اُمنگ

یہ  کاکلوں  کی  تاب  ہے  یا  عارضوں  کارنگ

جس  طرح  جھٹپٹے  میں  شب  و  روز  کی  ترنگ

روۓ  مبیں  نہ  گیسوۓ  سنبل  قوام  ہے

وہ  برہمن  کی  صبح،  یہ  ساقی  کی  شام  ہے


آواز  میں  یہ  رس  یہ  لطافت  یہ  اِضطرار

جیسے  سبک  مہین  رواں،  ریشمی  پھوار

لہجے  میں  یہ  کھٹک  ہے  کہ  ہے  نیشتر  کی  دھار

اور  گر  رہا  ہے  دھار  سے  شبنم  کا  آبشار

چہکی  جو  تو  چمن  میں،  ہوائیں  مہک  گیئں

گل  برگِ  تر  سے  اوس  کی  بُوندیں  ٹپک  گیئں


جادو  ہے  تیری  صوت  کا  گُل  پر  ہزار  پر

جیسے  نسیمِ  صبح  کی  رو  جوۓ  بار  پر

ناخُن  کسی  نگار  کا  چاندی  کے  تار  پر

مضرابِ  عکس  قوس  رگ  آبشار  پر

موجیں  صبا  کی  باغ  پہ  صہبا  چھڑک  گیئں

جنبش  ہوی  لبوں  کو  تو  کلیاں  چِٹک  گیئں


چشمِ  سیاہ  میں  وہ  تلاطم  ہے  نور  کا

جیسے  شرابِ  ناب  میں  جوہر  سرور  کا

یا  چہچہوں  کے  وقت  تَموّج  طیور  کا

باندھے  ہوئے  نشانہ  کوئی  جیسے  دور  کا

ہر  موج  رنگ  قامتِ  گُل  ریز  رم  میں  ہے

گویا  شرابِ  تند  بلوریں  قلم  میں  ہے


تجھ  سے  نظر  ملاۓ  یہ  کس  کی  بھلا  مجال

تیرے  قدم  کا  نقش  حسینوں  کا  خد  و  خال

اللہ  رے  تیرے  حسن  ملک  سوز  کا  جلال

جب  دیکھتی    ہیں  خلد  سے  حوریں  تیرا  جمال

پرتو  سے  تیرے  چہرہ  پرویں  سرشت  کے

گھبرا  کے  بند  کرتی  ہیں  غرفے  بہشت  کے


چہرے  کو  رنگ  و  نور  کا  طوفاں  کۓ  ہوئے

شمع  و  شراب  و  شعر  کا  عنواں  کۓ  ہوئے

ہر  نقشِ  پا  کو  تاجِ  گلستاں  کۓ  ہوئے

سو  طور  اِک  نگاہ  میں  پنہاں  کۓ  ہوئے

آتی  ہے  جب  چمن  میں  تو  اِس  طرز  و  طور  سے

گل  دیکھتے  ہیں  باغ  میں  بُلبُل  کو  غور  سے


میرے    بیاں  میں  سحر  بیانی  تجھی  سے  ہے

روۓ  سخن  پہ  خونِ  جوانی  تجھی  سے  ہے

لفظوں  میں  رقص  و  رنگ  و  روانی  تجھی  سے  ہے

فقرِ  گدا  میں  فرِّ  کیانی  تجھی  سے  ہے

فِدوی  کے  اِس  عروج  پہ  کرتی  ہے  غور  کیا

تیری  ہی  جُوتیوں  کا  تصدّق  ہے  اور  کیا


ائے  کردگار  معنی  و  خلّاقِ  شعرِ  تر

ائے  جانِ  ذوق  و  محسنہ  لیلی  ہُنر

کھل  جاۓ  گر  یہ  بات  کہ  اُردو  زبان  پر

تیری  نگاہِ  ناز  کا  احساں  ہے  کس  قدر

چاروں  طرف  سے  نارہ  صل  علٰی  اُٹھے

تیرے  مجسموں  سے  زمیں  جگمگا  اُٹھے


میرے  ہنر  میں  صَرف  ہوی  ہے  تیری  نظر

خیمہ  ہے  میرے  نام  کا  بالاۓ  بحر  و  بر

شہرت  کی  بزم  تجھ  سے  منور  نہیں  مگر

فرقِ  گداپہ  تاج  ہے،سلطاں  برہنہ  سر

پروانے  کو  وہ  کون  ہے  جو  مانتا  نہیں

اور  شمع  کس  طرف  ہے  کوئی  جانتا  نہیں


دل  تیری  بزمِ  ناز  میں  جب  سے  ہے  باریاب

ہر  خار  ایک  گُل  ہے  تو  ہر  ذرّا  آفتاب

اِک  لشکرِ  نشاط  ہے  ہر  غم  کے  ہم  رکاب

زیرِ  نگیں  ہے  عالمِ  تمکین  و  اِضطراب

بادِ  مُراد  و  چشمکِ  طوفاں  لئے  ہوئے

ہوں  بوۓ  زلف  و  جنبش  مِژگاں  لئے  ہوئے


تیرے  لبوں  سے  چشمہ  حیواں  مرا  کلام

تیری  لٹوں  سے  موجِ  طوفاں  مرا  کلام

تیری  نظر  سے  طور  بداماں  مرا  کلام

تیرے  سخن  سے  نغمہ  یزداں  مرا  کلام

تو  ہے    پیامِ  عالمِ  بالا  مرے  لئے

اک  وحی  ذی  حیات  ہے  گویا  مرے  لئے


ائے  ماہِ  شعر    پرور  و  مہرِ  سخن  وری

ائے  آب  و  رنگِ  حافظ  و  ائے  حُسنِ  انوری

تو  نے  ہی  ثبت  کی  ہے  بصد  ناز  داوری

میرے  سخن  کی  پشت  پہ  مُہرِ  پیمبری

تیری  شمیمِ  زُلف  کی  دولت  لئے  ہوئے

میرا  نفس  ہے  بوۓ  رِسالت  لئے  ہوئے


دُر  ہاۓ  آبدار  و  شرر  ہاۓ  دل  نشیں

شب  ہاۓ  تلخ  و  ترش  و  سحر  ہاۓ  شکر  یں

عقلِ  نشاط  خیز  و  جنونِ  غم  آفر  یں

دولت  وہ  کون  ہے  جو  مری  جیب  میں  نہیں

ٹکرائی  جب  بھی  مجھ  سے  خجِل  سروری  ہوئی

یوں  ہے  تیرے  فیقر  کی  جھولی  بھری  ہوئی


نغمے  پلے  ہیں  دولت  گفتار  سے  تری

پایاہے  نطق  چشمِ  سخن  بار  سے  تری

طاقت  ہے  دل  میں  نرگسِ  بیمار  سے  تری

کیا  کیا  ملا  ہے  جوشؔ  کو  سرکار  سے  تری

بانکے  خیال  ہیں  خَمِ  گردن  لئے  ہوۓ

ہر  شعر  کی  کلائی  ہے  کنگن  لئے  ہوۓ


ائے  لیلی  نہفتہ  و  ائے  حُسنِ  شرمگیں

تجھ  پر  نثار  دولتِ  دنیا  متاعِ  دیں

منسوب  مجھ  سے  ہے  جو  بہ  اندازِ  دل  نشیں

تیری  وہ  شاعری  ہے  مری  شاعری  نہیں

آوازہ  چرخ  پر  جو  ہے  اِس  دردمند  کا

گویا  وہ  عکس  ہے  تیرے  قدّ  بلند  کا


میرے  بیاں  میں  یہ  جووفور  سرور  ہے

طاقِ  سخن  وری  میں  جو  یہ  شمعِ  طور  ہے

یہ  جو  میرے  چراغ  کی  ضو  دور  دور  ہے

سرکار  کی  ہی  موجِ  تبسم  کا  نور  ہے

شعروں  میں  کروٹیں  یہ  نہیں  سوز  و  ساز  کی

لہریں  ہیں  یہ  حضور  کی  زلفِ  دراز  کی


مجھ  رِندِ  حسن  کار  کی  مے  خواریاں  نہ    پوچھ

اس  خوابِ  جاں  فروز  کی  بیداریاں  نہ  پوچھ

کرتی  ہے  کیوں  شراب  خرد  باریاں  نہ  پوچھ

بے  ہوشیوں  میں  کیوں  ہیں  یہ  ہشیاریاں  نہ  پوچھ

پیتا  ہوں  وہ  جوزلف  کی  رنگیں  گھٹاؤں  میں

کھنچتی  ہے  ان  کھلی  ہوی  پلکوں  کی  چھاؤں  میں


ہشیار  اِس  لئے  ہوں  کہ  مے  خوار  ہوں  ترا

صیّاد  شعر  ہوں  کہ  گرفتار  ہوں  ترا

لہجہ  ملیح  ہے  کہ  نمک  خوار  ہوں  ترا

صحت  زبان  میں  ہے  کہ  بیمار  ہوں  ترا

تیرے  کرم  سے  شعر  و  ادب  کا  امام  ہوں

شاہوں  پہ  خندہ  زن  ہوں  کہ  تیرا  غلام  ہوں


میں  وہ  ہوں  جسکے  غم  نے  تیرے  دل  میں  راہ  کی

اک  عمر  جسکے  عشق  میں  خود  تو  نے  آہ  کی

سویا  ہے  شوق  سیج  پہ  تیری  نگاہ  کی

راتیں  کٹی  ہیں  ساۓ  میں  چشمِ  سیاہ  کی

کیونکر  نہ  شاخِ  گل  کی  لچک  ہو  بیان  میں

تیری  کمر  کا  لوچ  ہے  میری  زبان  میں


ترشے  ہوے  لبوں  کے  بہکتے  خطاب  سے

زرتار  کاکلوں  کے  مہکتے  سحاب  سے

سرشار  انکھڑیوں  کے  دہکتے  شباب  سے

موجِ  نفس  کے  عطر  سے  مکھڑے  کی  آب  سے

بارہ  برس  تپا  کے  زمانہ  سہاگ  کا

سینچا  ہے  تو  نے  باغ  مرے  دل  کی  آگ  کا


گرمی  سے  جس  کی  برف  کا  دیوتا  ڈرے  وہ  آگ

شعلوں  میں  اوس  کو  جو  مبدّل  کرے  وہ  آگ

لو  سے  جو  زمہریر  کا  دامن  بھرے  وہ  آگ

حد  ہے  جو  نام  نارِ  سقر  پر  دھرے  وہ  آگ

جس  کی  لپٹ  گلے  میں  جلاتی  ہے  راگ  کو

پالاہے  قلبِ  ناز  میں  تو  نے  وہ  آگ  کو

अपनी मलका-ए-सुख़न से – जोश मलीहाबादी

अए शमा ए जोश ओ मश’अल ए ऐवान ए आरज़ू

अए महर ए नाज़ ओ माह ए शबिस्तान ए आरज़ू

अए जान ए दर्दमन्दी ओ इमान ए आरज़ू

अए शमा ए तूर ओ यूसुफ़ ए कन’आन ए आरज़ू

ज़र्रे को आफ़्ताब तो कांटे को फूल कर

अए रूह ए शेर सिज्दा ए शाएर क़ुबूल कर

दरया का मोड़ नग़मा ए शीरीं का ज़ेर ओ बम

चादर शब ए नुजूम की शबनम का रख़त ए नम

तितली का नाज़ ए रक़्स ग़ज़ाला का हुस्न ए रम

मोती कि आब, गुल की महक, माह ए नौ का ख़म

इन सब के इम्तेज़ाज से पैदा हुई है तू

कितने हसीं उफ़क़ से हुवैदा हुई है तू

होता है महवशों का वो आलम तेरे हुज़ूर

जैसे चिराग़ ए मुर्दा, सर ए बज़्म ए शमा ए तूर

आकर तेरी जनाब में अए कारसाज़ ए नूर

पलकौं में मुंह छुपाते हैं छीने हुए ग़ुरूर

आती है ऐक लहर सी चेहरों पर आह की

आँखों में छूट जाती हैं नब्ज़ें निगाह की

रफ़्तार है के चांदनी रातों में मौज ए गंग

या भैरवीं कि पिछले पहर क़ल्ब में उमंग

ये काकुलौं की तब है ये आरिज़ों का रंग

जिस तरह झट पटे में शब ओ रोज़ की तरंग

रू ए मुबीं, न गेसू ए सुम्बल क़वाम है

वो बरहमन कि सुबह, ये साक़ी की शाम है

आवाज़ में ये रस ये लताफ़त ये इज़्तेरार

जैसे सुबुक, महीन, रवां, रेशमी फुवार

लहजे में ये खटक है के है नश्तर की धार

और गिर रहा है धार से शबनम का आबशार

चहकी जो तू चमन में हवाएं महक गईं

गुल बर्ग ए तर से ओस की बूंदें टपक गईं

जादू है तेरी सूत का गुल पर, हज़ार पर

जैसे नसीम ए सुबह की रौ जू ए बार पर

नाख़ुन किसी निगार का चांदी के तार पर

मिज़राब अक्स ए क़ौस ए रग ए आबशार पर

मौजें सब की बाग़ पे सहबा छिड़क गईं

जुम्बिश हुई लबों को तो कलियाँ चिटक गईं

चश्म ए सियाह में वो तलातुम है नूर का

जैसे शराब ए नाब में जौहर सुरूर का

या चहचहौं के वक़्त तमवुज्ज तुयूर का

बांधे हुए निशाना कोई जैसे दूर का

हर मौज ए क़ामत ए गुल रेज़ रम में है

गोया शराब ए तुन्द बिल्लोरीं क़लम में है

तुझ से नज़र मिलाए ये किस की भला मजाल

तेरे क़दम का नक़्श हसीनों का ख़द ओ ख़ाल

अल्लाह रे तेरे हुस्न ए मालक सोज़ का जलाल

जब देखती हैं ख़ुल्द से हूरें तेरा जमाल

परतौ से तेरे चेहरा ए परवीं सरशत के

घबरा के बंद करती हैं ग़ुरफ़े बेहिश्त के

चेहरे को रंग ओ नूर का तूफ़ाँ किये हुए

शमा ओ शराब ओ शेर का उन्वां किये हुए

हर नक़श ए पा को ताज ए गुलिस्तां किये हुए

सौ तूर एक निगाह में पिन्हां किये हुए

आती है तो चमन में जब इस तर्ज़ ओ तौर से

गुल देखते हैं बाग़ में बुल्बुल को ग़ौर से


मेरे बयां में सहर बयानी तुझी से है

रू-ए-सुख़न पे ख़ून-ए-जवानी तुझी से है

लफ़्ज़ों में रक़्स ओ रंग ओ रवानी तुझी से है

फ़क़्र गदा में फ़र्र-ए-कयानी तुझी से है

फ़िदवी के इस उरूज पे करती है ग़ौर क्या

तेरी ही जूतियों का तसद्दुक़ है, और क्या


अए किरदेगार-ए-मानी ओ ख़लाक़-ए-शेर-ए-तर

अए जान-ए-ज़ौक़ ओ मोहसिना-ए-लैली-ए-हुनर

खुल जाए गर ये बात के उर्दू ज़बान पर

तेरी निगाह-ए-नाज़ का एहसां है किस क़दर

चारों तरफ़ से नारा-ए-सल्ले अला उठे

तेरे मुजसममों से ज़मीं जगमगा उठे


मेरे हुनर में सर्फ़ हुई है तेरी नज़र

ख़ैमा है मेरे नाम का बाल-ए-बहर ओ बर

शोहरत की बज़्म तुझ से मुनव्वर नहीं मगर

फ़र्क़-ए-गदा पे ताज है, सुल्तां बरहना सर

परवाने को वो कौन है जो मानता नहीं

और शमा किस तरफ़ है कोई जानता नहीं


दिल तेरी बज़्म-ए-नाज़ में जब से है बारयाब

हर ख़ार एक गुल है तो हर ज़र्रा आफ़ताब

एक लश्कर-ए-निशात है हर ग़म के हम रकाब

ज़ेर-ए-नगीं है आलम-ए-तमकीन ओ इज़्तेराब

बाद-ए-मुराद ओ चश्मक-ए-तूफ़ाँ लिए हुए

हूं बू-ए-ज़ुल्फ़ ओ जुम्बिश-ए-मिज़्श्गां लिए हुए


तेरे लबों से चश्मा-ए-हैवां मेरा कलाम

तेरी लटों से मौजा-ए-तूफ़ाँ मेरा कलाम

तेरी नज़र से तूर ब दामां मेरा कलाम

तेरे सुख़न से नग़मा-ए-यज़दां मेरा कलाम

तू है पयाम-ए-आलम-ए-बाल मेरे लिए

एक वही-ए-ज़ी हयात है गया मेरे लिए


अए माह-ए-शेर परवर ओ महर-ए-सुख़न वरी

अए आब ओ रंग-ए-हाफ़िज़ ओ हुस्न-ए-अनवरी

तू ने ही सब्त की है ब सद नाज़-ए-दावरी

मेरे सुख़न कि पुश्त पे मोहर-ए-पैअम्बरी

तेरी शमीम-ए-ज़ुल्फ़ की दौलत लिए हुए

मेरा नफ़स है बू-ए-रिसालत लिए हुए


दुर हा-ए-आबदार ओ शरर हा-ए-दिल नशीं

शब हा-तल्ख़ ओ तुर्श ओ सहर हा-ए-शक्करीं

अक़्ल-ए-निशात ख़ेज़ ओ जूनून-ए-ग़म आफ़रीं

दौलत वो कौन है जो मेरी जेब में नहीं

टकराई जब भी मुझ से ख़जिल सरवरी हुई

यूं है तेरे फ़क़ीर की झोली भरी हुई


नग़मे पले हैं दौलत-ए-गुफ़्तार से तेरी

पाया है नुत्क़ चश्म-ए-सुख़न बार से तेरी

ताक़त है दिल में नर्गिस-ए-बीमार से तेरी

क्या क्या मिला है जोश को सरकार से तेरी

बांके ख़याल हैं ख़म-ए-गर्दन लिए हुए

हर शेर की कलाई है कंगन लिए हुए


अए लैली-ए-नहफ़्ता ओ अए हुस्न-ए-शर्मगीं

तुझ पर निसार दौलत-ए-दुनिया मता-ए-दीं

मन्सूब मुझ से है जो ब अंदाज़-ए-दिल नशीं

तेरी वो शाएरी है, मेरी शाएरी नहीं

आवाज़ा चर्ख़ पर है जो इस दर्दमंद का

गोया वो अक्स है तेरे क़द्द-ए-बलन्द का


मेरे बयां से ये जो वफ़ूर-ए-सुरूर है

ताक़-ए-सुख़न वरी में जो ये शमा-ए-तूर है

ये जो मेरे चिराग़ की ज़ौ दूर दूर है

सरकार की ही मौज-ए-तबस्सुम का नूर है

शेरों में करवटें ये नहीं सोज़ ओ साज़ की

लहरें हैं ये हुज़ूर की ज़ुल्फ़-ए-दराज़ की


मुझ रिन्द-ए-हुस्न कार की मै ख़्वारियां न पूछ

इस ख़्वाब-ए-जां फ़रोज़ कि बेदारियां न पूछ

करती है क्यों शराब ख़िरदबारियां न पूछ

बेहोशियों में क्यों हैं ये हुशियारियां न पूछ

पीता हूं वो जो ज़ुल्फ़ की रंगीं घटाओं में

खिंचती है इन घनी हुई पलकौं की छाऊँ में


हुशिआर इस लिए हूँ के मैख़्वार हूँ तेरा

सय्याद-ए-शेर हूं के गिरफ़्तार हूँ तेरा

लहजा मलीह है के नमक ख़्वार हूँ तेरा

सेहत ज़बान में है के बीमार हूँ तेरा

तेरे करम से शेर ओ अदब का इमाम हूँ

शाहों पे ख़न्दा ज़न हूँ के तेरा ग़ुलाम हूँ


मैं वो हूँ जिसके ग़म ने तेरे दिल में राह की

एक उम्र जिसके इश्क़ में ख़ुद तू ने आह की

सोया है शौक़ सेज पे तेरी निगाह की

रातें कटी हैं साए में चश्म-ए-सियाह की

क्यूंकर न शाख़-ए-गुल की लचक हो बयान में

तेरी कमर का लोच है मेरी ज़बान में


तरशे हुए लबों के बहकते ख़िताब से

ज़रतार काकुलौं के महकते सहाब से

सरशार अंखड़ियों के दहकते शबाब से

मौज-ए-नफ़स के इत्र से मुखड़े की आब से

बारा बरस बिता के ज़माना सोहाग का

सींचा है तू ने बाग़ मेरे दिल के आग का


गर्मी से जिस की बर्फ़ का देवता डरे वो आग

शोलौं में ओस को जो मुबददिल करे वो आग

लौ से जो ज़महरीर का दामन भरे वो आग

हद है जो नाम नार-ए-सक़र पर धरे वो आग

जिस की लपट गले में जलाती है राग को

पाल है क़ल्ब-ए-नाज़ में तू ने उस आग को

Click here for overall comments and on any stanza for meanings and discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. josh is ostensibly addressing the “queen of his verse – urdu” and lavishes great praise on her. In the process he has equal if not more (certainly well deserved) praise for his own verse rather than just Urdu. This nazm is linked to ‘urdu’ on the Theme Index page.

ae shama-e-josh1 o masha’al2-e-aivaan-e-aarzoo3
ae mahr-e-naaz4 o maah-e-shabistaan5-e-aarzoo
ae jaan-e-dardmandi6 o eemaan7-e-aarzoo
ae shama-e-toor8 o yusuf-e-kan’aan9-e-aarzoo
zarre10 ko aaftaab11 to kaaNTe ko phool kar
ae rooh-e-she’r12 sijda13-e-shaa’er qubool14 kar
1.lamp of passion 2. torch (light) 3. halls of desire 4. sun of style/pride 5. moon of the bedchamber (of desire) 6. life/essence of sympathy/love 7. faith, truth 8. divine light of mount Toor 9. Joseph of the tribe of Canaan (considered to be a very good looking man – epitome of beauty) 10. particle 11. sun, brilliant 12. spirit of poetry 13. homage 14. accept
O, lamp of passion, O, torch of desire. O, brilliance of style, moon of desire. O, embodiment of love, the very faith of desire. O, divine light, O, epitome of beauty. Make this particle shine like the sun, change this prickly thorn to a rose. O, spirit of verse accept the homage of this poet. The “this” to be changed is his own verse. Thanks to the benevolence of the language, Josh’s verse is going to shine like the bright sun!

darya ka moR naGhama e shiriN1 ka zer o bam2
chaadar shab e nujoom3 ki shabnam ka raKht e nam4
titli ka naaz e raqs5, Ghazala6 ka husn e ram7
moti ki aab8, gul ki mahak9, maah e nau10 ka Kham11
in sub ke imtezaaj12 se paida hui hai tu
kitne haseeN ufaq13 se huvaida14 hui hai tu
1.sweet song 2. high and low 3. starry night 4. damp dress/sheet 5. style of dance 6. deer 7. beauty of prancing/dancing 8. luster of pearl 9. fragrance of rose 10. new/crescent moon 11. curve 12. combination 13. horizon, sky 14. emerge, materialize
Like the beautiful curve of the river, like the notes of a sweet song, like the sheet of a starry night, the damp cover of dew. Like the flight of the butterfly, the dance of the gazelle. Like the luster of pearls, the fragrance of roses, the curve of the new moon. You were born of the combination of these beauties. What a beautiful horizon on which you manifested yourself. The “you” being Urdu.

hota hai mahvashauN1 ka vo aalam2 tere huzoor3
jaise chiraaGh-e murda4, sar5-e bazm6-e shama-e toor7
aa kar teri janaab8 meN ae kaarsaaz-e-noor9
palkauN meN muNh chhupaate haiN chheene hue Ghuroor10
aati hai ek lahr si chehrauN par aah11 ki
aaNkhauN meN chhooT jaati haiN nabzeN12 nigaah13 ki
1.revelers drinking wine 2. condition, state 3. presence 4. extinguished lamp 5. at the head, in front of 6. assembly, gathering 7. lamp of Mt. Toor, divine light 8. presence 9. architect/builder of brilliance 10. vanity 11. sigh 12. pulse 13. sight
In your presence the imbibers of wine are but like an extinguished lamp before divine brilliance. When they come before you, O maker of brilliance, they lower their eyes in shame because of stolen glory. A wave of sorrowful sighs overcomes them. Excess of shame robs them of the power to look you in the eye. In this stanza, “wine” is Urdu itself. Imbibers of wine – “mahvash” are poets. They are mere extinguished lamps before the divine brilliance of Urdu. Their glory, their pride rightfully belongs to Urdu but they have stolen it. So they are shamefaced in the presence of Urdu. Note the beautiful imagery that Josh uses … “palkauN meN muNh chhupaana” … lowering eyes is like trying to hide your face behind eyelashes!!!!!

raftaar1 hai ke chaandni raatauN meN mauj-e gaNg2
ya bhairviN3 ki pichhle pahar4 qalb5 meN umaNg6
ye kaakulauN7 ki taab8 hai, ye aarizauN9 ka raNg
jis tarah jhaTpaTe10 meN shab-o-roz11 ka taraNg12
roo-e mubiN13 na gesu14-e sumbal-qavaam15 hai
vo barhaman ki subah, ye saaqi ki shaam hai
1.speed, gait 2. waves of the Ganges 3. morning raag 4. late night/early morning (just before dawn) 5. heart 6. upwelling, desire 7. forelocks, curls 8. brilliance 9. face, brow 10. twilight, alternating light and dark 11. night and day 12. music 13. clear face 14. tresses, hair 15. having the fragrant nature of sumbal
Your gait, like the ripples of the Ganges in moonlight, like the outpouring of bhairviN in the early dawn. Like the brilliance of the brow peaking through dark curls. As if day and night singing alternately at twilight. Niether a clear brow nor dark fragrant locks but at times like the Brahmin’s shining dawn, at times like the saaqi’s dusky evening. This refers to the tradition of refined, beautiful composition in verse as well as the ability to convey multiple meanings … at times dark, at times bright, joy and sorrow as well.

aavaz meN ye rus, ye lataafat1, ye izteraar2
jaise subuk3, maheen4, ravaaN5, reshmi6 phuvaar7
lahje8 meN ye khaTak9 hai ke hai neeshtar10 ki dhaar11
aur gir raha hai dhaar se shabnam ka aabshaar12
chahki13 jo tu chaman meN havaaeN mahak14 gayeeN
gul barg-e-tar15 se oas ki boondeN Tapak gayeeN
1.pleasure 2. insistence, emphasis 3. soft 4. fine 5. flowing 6. silken 7. mist 8. accent 9. pain, cut 10. dagger, spear 11. sharp edge 12. waterfall, drip 13. chirp, warble, twitter 14. fragrance 15. moist/fresh rose petal
The lilt, the pleasure and the power of your voice, like a soft silken flow of fine mist. Your accent like the sharp edge of a dagger, yet like soothing mist dripping from the edge (a combination of pain and pleasure). When you sing in the garden, the breeze becomes fragrant and wweet nectar drips from rose petals. It is often said that even those who do not full comprehend the meaning of Urdu verse, still enjoy its enunciation and musicality.

jadoo hai teri soot1 ka gul par, hazaar par
jaise naseem-e subah2 ki rau3 joo-e baar4 par
naaKhun kisi nigaar5 ka chaandi ke taar par
mizraab6 aks7-e-qaus8 -e-rag-e-aabshaar9 par
maujeN saba10 ki baaGh pe sahba11 chhiRak12 gayeeN
junbish13 hui labauN ko to kaliyaaN chiTak14 gayeeN
1.sound, voice 2. morning breeze 3. flow 4. flowing river 5. beauty, creator of beauty/music i.e. musician/poet 6. plectrum used to pluck strings for music 7. reflection 8. rainbow 9. vein/string water drops in the waterfall 10. dawn, morning breeze 11. wine 12. sprinkle 13. movement 14. buds blooming – in Urdu poetry “chiTakna” is not just a flower blooming but as the delicate petal unfolds, it is supposed to make an equally delicate sound. The magic of your voice bestowed on the rose, and on thousands of others like the morning breeze flowing over the river. Like the fingers of the artist on a silver string plucking the colourful strings of the rainbow to make music. Waves of the morning breeze sprinkling wine over the garden. The movement of your lips like the gentle sound of opening petals. Consider the delicacy of the imagery. A rainbow is formed by a string of drops in the waterfall. The plectrum is plucking the colours of the rainbow to make music. Note the juxtaposition of colour and sound and the seven colours of the rainbow as seven strings, notes … but each set formed by one string of drops of the waterfall.

chashm-e-siyaah1 meN vo talaatum2 hai noor3 ka
jaise sharaab-e naab4 meN jauhar5 suroor6 ka
ya chahchahauN7 ke vaqt tamavvuj8 tuyoor9 ka
baandhe hue nishaana koi jaise duur ka
har mauj10-e rang-e qaamat11-e gulrez12 rum13 meN hai
goya14 sharaab-e tund15 biloreeN16 qalam meN hai
1.dark (beautiful) eyes 2. tumult 3. light 4. clear/pure wine 5. qualities 6. joy 7. warbling, birdsong 8. waves 9. birds 10. wave 11. stature, form 12. scattering flower petals 13. run, flow 14. as if 15. strong wine 16. crystalline, beautiful Dark eyes sparkling like a riot of bright rays, like the pleasure dissolved in fine wine, or like waves of chirping birds descending, or like someone looking far into the beautiful horizon. Every colourful, petal scattering wave is in a joyful flow/run like strong wine flowing from a crystalline pen. Most pens have ink. This poet’s pen has wine that writes and conveys/gives pleasure.

tujh se nazar milaae ye kis ki bhala majaal1
tere qadam ka naqsh2 haseenauN ke Khad o Khaal3
allah re tere husn-e malak-soz4 ka jalaal5
jab dekhti haiN Khuld6 se hooreN tera jamaal7
partau8 se tere chehra-e parviN9 sarasht10 ke
ghabra ke band karti haiN Ghurfe11 behisht12 ke
1.daring, courage 2. (foot)prints 3. cheek/chin and mole (considered to be a beauty spot) 4. beauty that sets angels on fire 5. grandeur 6. heaven 7. face, beauty 8. reflection, image 9. face beautiful like (constellation) pleiades 10. nature, disposition 11. windows 12. heaven Who is it that can dare look you in the eye. Even your footprints rival the beauty spot on the chin of beauties. By god, the grandeur of your beauty sets angels afire and when hoories in heaven look at your beauty and at the reflection of your starlike face, they hastily close the windows of heaven in a jealous fit.

chehre ko rang o noor ka toofaaN kiye hue
shama o sharaab o she’r ka unvaaN1 kiye hue
har naqsh-e paa2 ko taaj-e gulistaaN kiye hue
sau toor3 ek nigaah4 meN pinhaaN5 kiye hue
aati hai tu chaman meN jab is tarz-o-taur6 se
gul dekhte haiN baaGh meN bulbul ko Ghaur7 se
1.subject, title 2. foot print 3. light on Mt. Toor, divine light 4. look, eyes 5. hidden 6. style and likeness 7. carefully Your face shining in a storm of color and light tells the story of lamp, wine and verse. Lamp can be a metaphor for light/knowledge or for love/beloved – thus the story of love, wine and verse. Even the print of your feet are like a crown of the garden. The divine light (hundred times as bright) of Toor lurks in your eyes. Moses went to the top of Mt. Toor and saw a brilliance – a manifestation of god, a divine light. Urdu carries that light in its words. When you come into the garden in this style jealous flowers look carefully at the bulbul. In Urdu poetry the bulbul and the rose are considered lover and beloved. Flowers/roses are jealous of the beauty of Urdu when she come down into the garden.

mere bayaaN1 meN sahr-bayaani2 tujhi se hai
roo-e-suKhan3 pe Khoon-e javaani tujhi se hai
lafzauN4 meN raqs5 o rang o ravaani6 tujhi se hai
faqr-e gada7 meN farr-e kayaani8 tujhi se hai
fidvi9 ke is urooj10 pe karti hai Ghaur11 kya
teri hi jootiyauN ka tasadduq12 hai aur kya
1.talk, composition, poetry 2. enchanting poetics 3. face/looks of poetry 4. words 5. dance 6. flow 7. poverty of the beggar 8. grandeur of royalty 9. one who is willing to be sacrificed (for you) 10. climax, greatness 11. looking carefully at 12. alms
My poetry has enchantment only because of you. My words have youthful vigour only because of you. My colourful words dance and flow only because of you. Even the poverty of this beggar shines like royal grandeur only because of you. Why are you surprised at the success of this slave. It is but the generosity that I received at your feet.

ae kirdegaar-e-ma’ani1 o Khallaaq2-e-she’r-e-tar3
ae jaan-e-zauq4 o mohsin5-e laili-e hunar6
khul jaae gar ye baat ke urdu zabaan par
teri nigaah-e-naaz7 ka ehsaaN8 hai kis qadar9
chaarauN taraf se naara10-e-salle ala’a11 uThe
tere mujassamauN12 se zamiN jagmaga uThe
1.creator of meaning 2. architect 3. (moist) living/life giving verse 4. life of tasteful choice 5. patron, benefactor 6. Laila of talent 7. eye of kindness 8. benevolence 9. how much 10. cry, shout 11. praise be to god 12. statues
O, creator of meaning (god of Urdu), maker of living verse, O, embodiment of refined taste, benefactor of Talent, if it ever be known that on Urdu language, how much your kind eye has been benevolent, then a cry would rise all around, praising you. Your idols will shine (and will be worshipped) all over this earth.

mere hunar1 meN sarf2 hui hai teri nazar
Khaima3 hai mere naam ka baalaa4-e bahr-o-bar5
shohrat6 ki bazm7 tujh se munavvar8 nahiN magar
farq-e gada9 pe taaj hai, sultaaN barhana sar10
parvaane11 ko vo kaun hai jo maanta nahiN
aur sham’a12 kis taraf hai koi jaanta nahiN
1.talent 2. spent 3. station, place 4. at the head of 5. land and water i.e. earth 6. fame 7. assembly 8. lit up, shining 9. head of the beggar 10. bare head i.e. without cap or crown 11. moth-lover-the poet 12. lamp-beloved-Urdu
It is your vision that has gone into my talent. My station is at the head of all creation (I am famous) because of it. Your presence does not shine in the assembly of Fame, but the head of this beggar has a crown and the king bareheaded (because of you). Who does not acknowldege this lover of yours even if they don’t know who the beloved is. The thoughts here go along with the earlier verse where Josh suggests that all credit belongs to Urdu and the poets who steal that glory are shamefaced in its presence.

dil teri bazm-e naaz1 meN jab se hai baaryaab2
har Khaar3 ek gul hai to har zarra4 aaftaab5
ek lashkar-e-nishaat6 hai har Gham ke hum-rakaab7
zer-e-nageeN8 hai aalam9-e-tamkeen10-o-izteraab11
baad-e-muraad12o chashmak-e toofaaN13 liye hue
huN boo-e zulf14-o-junbish-e mizhgaaN15 liye hue
1.assembly of benevolence 2. admitted to 3. thorn 4. particle (of dust) 5. sun 6. army of pleasure 7. same stirrup i.e. riding with 8. under the jewel, under my ring (ring/seal represents signature giving approval), under my control 9. world 10. dignity, pleasure 11. restlessness, sorrow 12. breeze of desire 13. lightning of storm 14. fragrance of hair 15. fluttering of eyelashes
Ever since I have been admitted into you benevolence, every thorn turns into a flower, every particle shines like the sun. A host of pleasures accompany every sorrow. The world of pleasures and sorrows is under my thumb. Controlling the winds of desire and the lightning strike of sorrow, I bring the fragrance of your hair and the flutter of your eyelashes.

tere labauN se chashma-e haivaaN1 mera kalaam2
teri laTauN3 se mauja-e toofaaN4 mera kalaam
teri nazar5 se toor6 badaamaaN7 mera kalaam
tere suKhan8 se naGhma-e yazdaaN9 mera kalaam
tu hai payaam10-e aalam-e baalaa11 mere liye
ek vahi12-e zi-hayaat13 hai goya14 mere liye
1.spring of life 2. verse 3. hair, tresses 4. stormy waves 5. sight, vision 6. Toor where Moses saw divine light 7. carrying in apron 8. words 9. song of god 10. message 11. high world, heavens 12. revelation 13. life giving 14. as if
Because of your sweet lips, my verse is like a spring of life. Your tresses make my poetry powerful like a stormy wave. Your vision makes my poetry shine like divine light. Your words turn my verse into the song of god. You are the message of heavens for me as if it were a life-giving revelation.

ae maah-e she’r-parvar1 o mahr-e suKhan-vari2
ae aab-o-rang3-e hafiz4 o ae husn-e anvari5
tu ne hi sabt6 ki hai basad7 naaz-e daavari8
mere suKhan ki pusht9 pe mohr-e paiambari10
teri shamim-e zulf11 ki daulat12 liye hue
mera nafas13 hai boo-e risaalat14 liye hue
1.moon of sustainer of poetry 2. sun of writer of verse 3. brilliance and colour 4. Farsi poet 5. beauty of Anvar (another Farsi poet) 6. engraved 7. with a hundred 8. royal style 9. back 10. stamp/seal of prophethood/prophecy/foretelling/farsightedness 11. fragrance of hair 12. wealth 13. breath 14. prophetic fragrance
O moon-like sustainer and sun-like creator of verse, O brilliance of Hafiz and beauty of Anvar, you have engraved with great royal style the stamp of prophecy (farsighted) on my verse. With the wealth of the aroma of your tresses, my breath carries the sweet fragrance of prophecy.

dur-haa1-e aabdar2 o sharar-haa3-e dil nashiN4
shab-haa5-e talKh6 o tursh7 o sahr-haa8-e shakkareeN9
aql-e nishaat Khez10 o junoon11-e Gham aafriN12
daulat vo kaun hai jo meri jeb meN nahiN
Takraai mujh se jab bhi Khajil13 sarvari14 hui
yuN hai tere faqeer15 ki jholi bhari hui
1.dur=pearl, dur-haa=pearls 2. lustrous 3. sparks 4. heart pleasing 5. nights 6. hard 7. bitter 8. mornings 9. sweet 10. pleasure creating 11. (mad) passion 12. sorrow giving 13. shamed 14. royalty, power 15. beggar
Lustrous pearls and heart warming sparks, hard, bitter nights and sweet mornings, pleasing thoughts and sorrowful longing what wealth is it that I do not possess. Power has been shamed whenever it has confronted me. It is thus that your beggar’s sack has been full.

naGhme pale` haiN daulat-e guftaar1 se teri
paaya hai nutq2, chashm-e suKhan baar3 se teri
taaqat hai dil meN nargis-e beemar4 se teri
kya kya mila hai josh ko sarkaar se teri
baaNke5 Khyaal haiN Kham-e gardan6 liye hue
har she’r ki kalaai hai kaNgan liye hue
1.wealth of conversation 2. voice 3. eye dripping with verse 4. half-closed eye, intoxication 5. spirited, lively 6. curve of the neck i.e. neck bent in humility
My songs have been nurtured by the strength of your words. Your verse-scattering looks grant me voice. My heart gets strength from your intoxicating glance. O, look at what Josh has received from your bounty. My spirited thoughts are tinged with just the right humility, with their heads bowed. Every verse wearing a beautiful bracelet on its wrist.

ae laili1-e nahafta2 O ae husn-e sharmgeeN3
tujh par nisaar4 daulat-e duniya5 mataa-e deeN6
mansoob7 mujh se hai jo ba-andaaz-e dil nashiN8
teri vo shaa’eri hai, meri shaa’eri nahiN
aavaaza9 charKh10 par hai jo is dardmand11 ka
goya12 vo aks13 hai tere qadd-e baland14 ka
1.Laila, damsel 2. hidden 3. coy beauty 4. sacrifice, forsake 5. worldly possessions 6. wealth of faith 7. associated 8. with heart pleasing style 9. sound, cry 10. wheel, sky 11. pain feeling, poor wretch 12. as if 13. reflection 14. tall stature
O, beautiful Laila, shy and secluded for you I forsake all worldly wealth and rewards of the hereafter. That which is associated with me/credited to me in this heart warming style, is your versification, not mine. The cry of this wretch reaches heavens only because it is a reflection of your high stature.

mere bayaaN1 me ye jo vafoor-e suroor2 hai
taaq3-e suKhan-vari4 meN ye jo shama-e toor5 hai
ye jo mere chiraaGh ki zau6 duur duur hai
sarkaar hi ki mauj-e tabassum7 ka noor8 hai
she’rauN meN karvaTeN9 ye nahiN soz-o-saaz10 ki
lahreN11 haiN ye huzoor ki zulf-e daraaz12 ki
1.speech, recitation 2. excess of happiness 3. alcove 4. poetry recitation 5. divine light 6. light 7. wave/onslaught of smiles 8. brilliance 9. layers 10. melancholy — song and music 11. waves, layers 12. long hair My verse which overflows with pleasure, and shines lik divine light in the alcove of recitation, and my light shining far and wide is nothing but the brilliance of Her Majesty’s (Urdu is “maleka” – queen) smile. The layers of rhyme and rhythm in my verse are nothing but layers of your long, curly tresses.

mujh rind1-e husn kaar2 ki mai KhwaariyaaN3 na poochh
is Khwaab-e jaaN faroz4 ki bedaariyaaN5 na poochh
karti hai kyuN sharaab KhiradbaariyaaN6 na poochh
behoshiyauN7 meN kyuN haiN ye hushiyaariyaaN8 na poochh
peeta huN vo jo zulf9 ki raNgeeN ghaTaaoN10 meN
khinchti11 hai in ghani12 hui palkauN13 ki chhaauN meN
1.reveler, imbiber (of wine) 2. beauty creating, artist 3. wine drinking 4. life giving dream/drunken-ness 5. wakefulness, knowing 6. knowledge showering 7. drunken-ness, senseless 8. cleverness, sensible 9. hair, tresses 10. clouds 11. filtered 12. dense 13. eyelashes
Do not ask about the wine drinking of this creative artist. Do not ask about this awareness enhancing drunken-ness. Do not ask how wine (of love or wine of versificiation) increases wisdom. Do not ask how senselessness makes for sensible verse. That which I drink in the shadow of your tresses is filtered through your own thick eyelashes.

hushiyaar is liye huN ke maiKhwaar1 huN tera
sayyaad-e she’r2 huN ke giraftaar3 huN tera
lahja4 maleeh5 hai ke namak-Khwaar6 huN tera
sehat7 zabaan meN hai ke beemaar8 huN tera
tere karam9 se she’r-o-adab10 ka imaam11 huN
shaahauN pe Khanda-zan12 huN ke tera Ghulam huN
1.wine drinker 2. hunter/captor of verse 3. captive 4. accent 5. savoury 6. “eaten your salt”-beholden to you 7. health, strength 8. sick, love-sick, lover 9. benevolence 10. poetry and prose 11. leader 12. sneer, laugh at
My senses are sharp for I am drunk senseless with your wine. I can capture verse because I am your captive. My accent is savoury, because I have “eaten your salt”. My tongue gets its strength from being sick with love of you. Because of your benevolence, I am a leader in she’r o adab. I can sneer at the powerful because I am your slave. Note the beautiful play on words – the juxtaposition of opposites and likes as in hoshiyar and behosh; captor and captive; savoury accent and namak Khwar; sehat and beemar; Khanda zan and Ghulam. And of course there is “maleeh lahja” and “malihabadi”.

maiN vo huN jis ke Gham ne tere dil meN raah1 ki
ek umr jis ke ishq meN Khud tu ne aah2 ki
soya hai shauq3 sej4 pe teri nigaah5 ki
raateN kaTi haiN saae meN chashm-e siyaah6 ki
kyuNkar na shaaKh-e gul7 ki lachak8 ho bayaan9 meN
teri kamar ka loch10 hai meri zabaan meN
1.way, place, home 2. sigh 3. desire, ambition 4. bridal bed 5. vision 6. dark, beautiful eyes 7. flower laden bough 8. suppleness, curve 9. recitation, verse 10. curve, wave, suppleness
I am the one whose desire made a home in your heart.. All life long it was you who loved me too. On your vision did my desire make a bridal bed. My nights have been spent in the shadow of your beautiful, dark eyes. Why should there not be a lilt in my verse after all my tongue has the suppleness of your waist.

tarshe1 hue labauN ke bahakte2 Khitaab3 se
zartaar4 kaakulauN5 ke mahakte6 sahaab7 se
sarshaar8 aNkhRiyauN ke dahakte9 shabaab10 se
mauj-e-nafas11 ke itr12 se mukhRe ki aab13 se
baarah baras tapa ke zamaana suhaag ka
seeNcha14 hai tu ne baaGh mere dil ki aag ka
1.carved, shaped 2. drunken 3. recitation 4. golden thread 5. forelocks, tresses 6. fragrant 7. cloud 8. satiated, drunk 9. glowing 10. youth 11. wave of breath 12. fragrance 13. brilliance 14. irrigate, nurture
With beautifully shaped lips and intoxicating speech, with gold threaded locks of your fragrant hair, with the glowing youthfulness of your satiated eyes, with fragrant breath and brilliant visage, twelve long years you kept me waiting. Thus did you nurture the garden of heart’s desire. The twelve year wait is probably a reference to the onset of puberty. That is how long Josh had to wait for his beloved. Alternatively, his autobiography mentions that he was forbidden by his very strict father from writing verse during his boyhood. His father even burnt his papers in a fit of anger. It was much later that he relented and allowed him to write.

garmi se jis ki barf ka devta Darey vo aag
sholauN1 meN oas2 ko jo mubaddil3 kare vo aag
lau4 se jo zamhareer5 ka daaman6 bhare vo aag
hadd7 hai jo naam naar-e saqar8 par dhare9 vo aag
jis ki lapaT10 galey meN jalaati hai raag ko
paala hai qalb-e-naaz11 meN tu ne vo aag ko
1.flames 2. dew 3. change 4. flame, fire 5. intense cold 6. apron 7. limit, excess 8. hell fire 9. to lay – naam dharna – call names, deprecate 10. fold, embrace 11. proud heart
The fire which frightens the god of ice, which converts flames into cool mist, which fills the lap of intense cold with flame, which sneers even at the heat of hell, the embrace of which lights up a melody in my throat, you have nurtured that fire/passion in my loving heart.

josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution.  His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy.  His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good.  He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy.  josh is ostensibly addressing the “queen of his verse – urdu” and lavishes great praise on her.  In the process he has equal if not more (certainly well deserved) praise for his own verse rather than just Urdu.  This nazm is linked to ‘urdu’ on the Theme Index page.
ae shama-e-josh1 o masha’al2-e-aivaan-e-aarzoo3
ae mahr-e-naaz4 o maah-e-shabistaan5-e-aarzoo
ae jaan-e-dardmandi6 o eemaan7-e-aarzoo
ae shama-e-toor8 o yusuf-e-kan’aan9-e-aarzoo
zarre10 ko aaftaab11 to kaaNTe ko phool kar
ae rooh-e-she’r12 sijda13-e-shaa’er qubool14 kar

1.lamp of passion 2. torch (light) 3. halls of desire 4. sun of style/pride 5. moon of the bedchamber (of desire) 6. life/essence of sympathy/love 7. faith, truth 8. divine light of mount Toor 9. Joseph of the tribe of Canaan (considered to be a very good looking man – epitome of beauty) 10. particle 11. sun, brilliant 12. spirit of poetry 13. homage 14. accept

O, lamp of passion, O, torch of desire.  O, brilliance of style, moon of desire.  O, embodiment of love, the very faith of desire.  O, divine light, O, epitome of beauty.  Make this particle shine like the sun, change this prickly thorn to a rose.  O, spirit of verse accept the homage of this poet.  The “this” to be changed is his own verse.  Thanks to the benevolence of the language, Josh’s verse is going to shine like the bright sun!
darya ka moR naGhama e shiriN1 ka zer o bam2
chaadar shab e nujoom3 ki shabnam ka raKht e nam4
titli ka naaz e raqs5, Ghazala6 ka husn e ram7
moti ki aab8, gul ki mahak9, maah e nau10 ka Kham11
in sub ke imtezaaj12 se paida hui hai tu
kitne haseeN ufaq13 se huvaida14 hui hai tu

1.sweet song 2. high and low 3. starry night 4. damp dress/sheet 5. style of dance 6. deer 7. beauty of prancing/dancing 8. luster of pearl 9. fragrance of rose 10. new/crescent moon 11. curve 12. combination 13. horizon, sky 14. emerge, materialize

Like the beautiful curve of the river, like the notes of a sweet song, like the sheet of a starry night, the damp cover of dew.  Like the flight of the butterfly, the dance of the gazelle.  Like the luster of pearls, the fragrance of roses, the curve of the new moon.  You were born of the combination of these beauties.  What a beautiful horizon on which you manifested yourself.  The “you” being Urdu.
hota hai mahvashauN1 ka vo aalam2 tere huzoor3
jaise chiraaGh-e murda4, sar5-e bazm6-e shama-e toor7
aa kar teri janaab8 meN ae kaarsaaz-e-noor9
palkauN meN muNh chhupaate haiN chheene hue Ghuroor10
aati hai ek lahr si chehrauN par aah11 ki
aaNkhauN meN chhooT jaati haiN nabzeN12 nigaah13 ki

1.revelers drinking wine 2. condition, state 3. presence 4. extinguished lamp 5. at the head, in front of 6. assembly, gathering 7. lamp of Mt. Toor, divine light 8. presence 9. architect/builder of brilliance 10. vanity 11. sigh 12. pulse 13. sight

In your presence the imbibers of wine are but like an extinguished lamp before divine brilliance.  When they come before you, O maker of brilliance, they lower their eyes in shame because of stolen glory.  A wave of sorrowful sighs overcomes them.  Excess of shame robs them of the power to look you in the eye.  In this stanza, “wine” is Urdu itself.  Imbibers of wine – “mahvash” are poets.  They are mere extinguished lamps before the divine brilliance of Urdu.  Their glory, their pride rightfully belongs to Urdu but they have stolen it.  So they are shamefaced in the presence of Urdu.  Note the beautiful imagery that Josh uses … “palkauN meN muNh chhupaana” … lowering eyes is like trying to hide your face behind eyelashes!!!!!
raftaar1 hai ke chaandni raatauN meN mauj-e gaNg2
ya bhairviN3 ki pichhle pahar4 qalb5 meN umaNg6
ye kaakulauN7 ki taab8 hai, ye aarizauN9 ka raNg
jis tarah jhaTpaTe10 meN shab-o-roz11 ka taraNg12
roo-e mubiN13 na gesu14-e sumbal-qavaam15 hai
vo barhaman ki subah, ye saaqi ki shaam hai

1.speed, gait 2. waves of the Ganges 3. morning raag 4. late night/early morning (just before dawn) 5. heart 6. upwelling, desire 7. forelocks, curls 8. brilliance 9. face, brow 10. twilight, alternating light and dark 11. night and day 12. music 13. clear face 14. tresses, hair 15. having the fragrant nature of sumbal

Your gait, like the ripples of the Ganges in moonlight, like the outpouring of bhairviN in the early dawn.  Like the brilliance of the brow peaking through dark curls.  As if day and night singing alternately at twilight.  Niether a clear brow nor dark fragrant locks but at times like the Brahmin’s shining dawn, at times like the saaqi’s dusky evening.  This refers to the tradition of refined, beautiful composition in verse as well as the ability to convey multiple meanings … at times dark, at times bright, joy and sorrow as well.
aavaz meN ye rus, ye lataafat1, ye izteraar2
jaise subuk3, maheen4, ravaaN5, reshmi6 phuvaar7
lahje8 meN ye khaTak9 hai ke hai neeshtar10 ki dhaar11
aur gir raha hai dhaar se shabnam ka aabshaar12
chahki13 jo tu chaman meN havaaeN mahak14 gayeeN
gul barg-e-tar15 se oas ki boondeN Tapak gayeeN

1.pleasure 2. insistence, emphasis 3. soft 4. fine 5. flowing 6. silken 7. mist 8. accent 9. pain, cut 10. dagger, spear 11. sharp edge 12. waterfall, drip 13. chirp, warble, twitter 14. fragrance 15. moist/fresh rose petal

The lilt, the pleasure and the power of your voice, like a soft silken flow of fine mist.  Your accent like the sharp edge of a dagger, yet like soothing mist dripping from the edge (a combination of pain and pleasure).  When you sing in the garden, the breeze becomes fragrant and wweet nectar drips from rose petals.  It is often said that even those who do not full comprehend the meaning of Urdu verse, still enjoy its enunciation and musicality.
jadoo hai teri soot1 ka gul par, hazaar par
jaise naseem-e subah2 ki rau3 joo-e baar4 par
naaKhun kisi nigaar5 ka chaandi ke taar par
mizraab6 aks7-e-qaus8 -e-rag-e-aabshaar9 par
maujeN saba10 ki baaGh pe sahba11 chhiRak12 gayeeN
junbish13 hui labauN ko to kaliyaaN chiTak14 gayeeN

1.sound, voice 2. morning breeze 3. flow 4. flowing river 5. beauty, creator of beauty/music i.e. musician/poet 6. plectrum used to pluck strings for music 7. reflection 8. rainbow 9. vein/string water drops in the waterfall 10. dawn, morning breeze 11. wine 12. sprinkle 13. movement 14. buds blooming – in Urdu poetry “chiTakna” is not just a flower blooming but as the delicate petal unfolds, it is supposed to make an equally delicate sound.

The magic of your voice bestowed on the rose, and on thousands of others like the morning breeze flowing over the river.  Like the fingers of the artist on a silver string plucking the colourful strings of the rainbow to make music.  Waves of the morning breeze sprinkling wine over the garden.  The movement of your lips like the gentle sound of opening petals.  Consider the delicacy of the imagery.  A rainbow is formed by a string of drops in the waterfall.  The plectrum is plucking the colours of the rainbow to make music.  Note the juxtaposition of colour and sound and the seven colours of the rainbow as seven strings, notes … but each set formed by one string of drops of the waterfall.
chashm-e-siyaah1 meN vo talaatum2 hai noor3 ka
jaise sharaab-e naab4 meN jauhar5 suroor6 ka
ya chahchahauN7 ke vaqt tamavvuj8 tuyoor9 ka
baandhe hue nishaana koi jaise duur ka
har mauj10-e rang-e qaamat11-e gulrez12 rum13 meN hai
goya14 sharaab-e tund15 biloreeN16 qalam meN hai

1.dark (beautiful) eyes 2. tumult 3. light 4. clear/pure wine 5. qualities 6. joy 7. warbling, birdsong 8. waves 9. birds 10. wave 11. stature, form 12. scattering flower petals 13. run, flow 14. as if 15. strong wine 16. crystalline, beautiful

Dark eyes sparkling like a riot of bright rays, like the pleasure dissolved in fine wine, or like waves of chirping birds descending, or like someone looking far into the beautiful horizon.  Every colourful, petal scattering wave is in a joyful flow/run like strong wine flowing from a crystalline pen.  Most pens have ink.  This poet’s pen has wine that writes and conveys/gives pleasure.
tujh se nazar milaae ye kis ki bhala majaal1
tere qadam ka naqsh2 haseenauN ke Khad o Khaal3
allah re tere husn-e malak-soz4 ka jalaal5
jab dekhti haiN Khuld6 se hooreN tera jamaal7
partau8 se tere chehra-e parviN9 sarasht10 ke
ghabra ke band karti haiN Ghurfe11 behisht12 ke

1.daring, courage 2. (foot)prints 3. cheek/chin and mole (considered to be a beauty spot) 4. beauty that sets angels on fire 5. grandeur 6. heaven 7. face, beauty 8. reflection, image 9. face beautiful like (constellation) pleiades 10. nature, disposition 11. windows 12. heaven

Who is it that can dare look you in the eye.  Even your footprints rival the beauty spot on the chin of beauties.  By god, the grandeur of your beauty sets angels afire and when hoories in heaven look at your beauty and at the reflection of your starlike face, they hastily close the windows of heaven in a jealous fit.
chehre ko rang o noor ka toofaaN kiye hue
shama o sharaab o she’r ka unvaaN1 kiye hue
har naqsh-e paa2 ko taaj-e gulistaaN kiye hue
sau toor3 ek nigaah4 meN pinhaaN5 kiye hue
aati hai tu chaman meN jab is tarz-o-taur6 se
gul dekhte haiN baaGh meN bulbul ko Ghaur7 se

1.subject, title 2. foot print 3. light on Mt. Toor, divine light 4. look, eyes 5. hidden 6. style and likeness 7. carefully

Your face shining in a storm of color and light tells the story of lamp, wine and verse.  Lamp can be a metaphor for light/knowledge or for love/beloved – thus the story of love, wine and verse.  Even the print of your feet are like a crown of the garden.  The divine light (hundred times as bright) of Toor lurks in your eyes.  Moses went to the top of Mt. Toor and saw a brilliance – a manifestation of god, a divine light.  Urdu carries that light in its words.  When you come into the garden in this style jealous flowers look carefully at the bulbul.  In Urdu poetry the bulbul and the rose are considered lover and beloved.  Flowers/roses are jealous of the beauty of Urdu when she come down into the garden.
mere bayaaN1 meN sahr-bayaani2 tujhi se hai
roo-e-suKhan3 pe Khoon-e javaani tujhi se hai
lafzauN4 meN raqs5 o rang o ravaani6 tujhi se hai
faqr-e gada7 meN farr-e kayaani8 tujhi se hai
fidvi9 ke is urooj10 pe karti hai Ghaur11 kya
teri hi jootiyauN ka tasadduq12 hai aur kya

1.talk, composition, poetry 2. enchanting poetics 3. face/looks of poetry 4. words 5. dance 6. flow 7. poverty of the beggar 8. grandeur of royalty 9. one who is willing to be sacrificed (for you) 10. climax, greatness 11. looking carefully at 12. alms

My poetry has enchantment only because of you.  My words have youthful vigour only because of you.  My colourful words dance and flow only because of you.  Even the poverty of this beggar shines like royal grandeur only because of you.  Why are you surprised at the success of this slave.  It is but the generosity that I received at your feet.
ae kirdegaar-e-ma’ani1 o Khallaaq2-e-she’r-e-tar3
ae jaan-e-zauq4 o mohsin5-e laili-e hunar6
khul jaae gar ye baat ke urdu zabaan par
teri nigaah-e-naaz7 ka ehsaaN8 hai kis qadar9
chaarauN taraf se naara10-e-salle ala’a11 uThe
tere mujassamauN12 se zamiN jagmaga uThe

1.creator of meaning 2. architect 3. (moist) living/life giving verse 4. life of tasteful choice 5. patron, benefactor 6. Laila of talent 7. eye of kindness 8. benevolence 9. how much 10. cry, shout 11. praise be to god 12. statues

O, creator of meaning (god of Urdu), maker of living verse, O, embodiment of refined taste, benefactor of Talent, if it ever be known that on Urdu language, how much your kind eye has been benevolent, then a cry would rise all around, praising you.  Your idols will shine (and will be worshipped) all over this earth.
mere hunar1 meN sarf2 hui hai teri nazar
Khaima3 hai mere naam ka baalaa4-e bahr-o-bar5
shohrat6 ki bazm7 tujh se munavvar8 nahiN magar
farq-e gada9 pe taaj hai, sultaaN barhana sar10
parvaane11 ko vo kaun hai jo maanta nahiN
aur sham’a12 kis taraf hai koi jaanta nahiN

1.talent 2. spent 3. station, place 4. at the head of 5. land and water i.e. earth 6. fame 7. assembly 8. lit up, shining 9. head of the beggar 10. bare head i.e. without cap or crown 11. moth-lover-the poet 12. lamp-beloved-Urdu

It is your vision that has gone into my talent.  My station is at the head of all creation (I am famous) because of it.  Your presence does not shine in the assembly of Fame, but the head of this beggar has a crown and the king bareheaded (because of you).  Who does not acknowldege this lover of yours even if they don’t know who the beloved is.  The thoughts here go along with the earlier verse where Josh suggests that all credit belongs to Urdu and the poets who steal that glory are shamefaced in its presence.
dil teri bazm-e naaz1 meN jab se hai baaryaab2
har Khaar3 ek gul hai to har zarra4 aaftaab5
ek lashkar-e-nishaat6 hai har Gham ke hum-rakaab7
zer-e-nageeN8 hai aalam9-e-tamkeen10-o-izteraab11
baad-e-muraad12o chashmak-e toofaaN13 liye hue
huN boo-e zulf14-o-junbish-e mizhgaaN15 liye hue

1.assembly of benevolence 2. admitted to 3. thorn 4. particle (of dust) 5. sun 6. army of pleasure 7. same stirrup i.e. riding with 8. under the jewel, under my ring (ring/seal represents signature giving approval), under my control 9. world 10. dignity, pleasure 11. restlessness, sorrow 12. breeze of desire 13. lightning of storm 14. fragrance of hair 15. fluttering of eyelashes

Ever since I have been admitted into you benevolence, every thorn turns into a flower, every particle shines like the sun.  A host of pleasures accompany every sorrow.  The world of pleasures and sorrows is under my thumb.  Controlling the winds of desire and the lightning strike of sorrow, I bring the fragrance of your hair and the flutter of your eyelashes.
tere labauN se chashma-e haivaaN1 mera kalaam2
teri laTauN3 se mauja-e toofaaN4 mera kalaam
teri nazar5 se toor6 badaamaaN7 mera kalaam
tere suKhan8 se naGhma-e yazdaaN9 mera kalaam
tu hai payaam10-e aalam-e baalaa11 mere liye
ek vahi12-e zi-hayaat13 hai goya14 mere liye

1.spring of life 2. verse 3. hair, tresses 4. stormy waves 5. sight, vision 6. Toor where Moses saw divine light 7. carrying in apron 8. words 9. song of god 10. message 11. high world, heavens 12. revelation 13. life giving 14. as if

Because of your sweet lips, my verse is like a spring of life.  Your tresses make my poetry powerful like a stormy wave.  Your vision makes my poetry shine like divine light.  Your words turn my verse into the song of god.  You are the message of heavens for me as if it were a life-giving revelation.
ae maah-e she’r-parvar1 o mahr-e suKhan-vari2
ae aab-o-rang3-e hafiz4 o ae husn-e anvari5
tu ne hi sabt6 ki hai basad7 naaz-e daavari8
mere suKhan ki pusht9 pe mohr-e paiambari10
teri shamim-e zulf11 ki daulat12 liye hue
mera nafas13 hai boo-e risaalat14 liye hue

1.moon of sustainer of poetry 2. sun of writer of verse 3. brilliance and colour 4. Farsi poet 5. beauty of Anvar (another Farsi poet) 6. engraved 7. with a hundred 8. royal style 9. back 10. stamp/seal of prophethood/prophecy/foretelling/farsightedness 11. fragrance of hair 12. wealth 13. breath 14. prophetic fragrance

O moon-like sustainer and sun-like creator of verse, O brilliance of Hafiz and beauty of Anvar, you have engraved with great royal style the stamp of prophecy (farsighted) on my verse.  With the wealth of the aroma of your tresses, my breath carries the sweet fragrance of prophecy.
dur-haa1-e aabdar2 o sharar-haa3-e dil nashiN4
shab-haa5-e talKh6 o tursh7 o sahr-haa8-e shakkareeN9
aql-e nishaat Khez10 o junoon11-e Gham aafriN12
daulat vo kaun hai jo meri jeb meN nahiN
Takraai mujh se jab bhi Khajil13 sarvari14 hui
yuN hai tere faqeer15 ki jholi bhari hui

1.dur=pearl, dur-haa=pearls 2. lustrous 3. sparks 4. heart pleasing 5. nights 6. hard 7. bitter 8. mornings 9. sweet 10. pleasure creating 11. (mad) passion 12. sorrow giving 13. shamed 14. royalty, power 15. beggar

Lustrous pearls and heart warming sparks, hard, bitter nights and sweet mornings, pleasing thoughts and sorrowful longing what wealth is it that I do not possess.  Power has been shamed whenever it has confronted me.  It is thus that your beggar’s sack has been full.
naGhme pale` haiN daulat-e guftaar1 se teri
paaya hai nutq2, chashm-e suKhan baar3 se teri
taaqat hai dil meN nargis-e beemar4 se teri
kya kya mila hai josh ko sarkaar se teri
baaNke5 Khyaal haiN Kham-e gardan6 liye hue
har she’r ki kalaai hai kaNgan liye hue

1.wealth of conversation 2. voice 3. eye dripping with verse 4. half-closed eye, intoxication 5. spirited, lively 6. curve of the neck i.e. neck bent in humility

My songs have been nurtured by the strength of your words.  Your verse-scattering looks grant me voice.  My heart gets strength from your intoxicating glance.  O, look at what Josh has received from your bounty.  My spirited thoughts are tinged with just the right humility, with their heads bowed.  Every verse wearing a beautiful bracelet on its wrist.
ae laili1-e nahafta2 O ae husn-e sharmgeeN3
tujh par nisaar4 daulat-e duniya5 mataa-e deeN6
mansoob7 mujh se hai jo ba-andaaz-e dil nashiN8
teri vo shaa’eri hai, meri shaa’eri nahiN
aavaaza9 charKh10 par hai jo is dardmand11 ka
goya12 vo aks13 hai tere qadd-e baland14 ka

1.Laila, damsel 2. hidden 3. coy beauty 4. sacrifice, forsake 5. worldly possessions 6. wealth of faith 7. associated 8. with heart pleasing style 9. sound, cry 10. wheel, sky 11. pain feeling, poor wretch 12. as if 13. reflection 14. tall stature

O, beautiful Laila, shy and secluded for you I forsake all worldly wealth and rewards of the hereafter.  That which is associated with me/credited to me in this heart warming style, is your versification, not mine.  The cry of this wretch reaches heavens only because it is a reflection of your high stature.
mere bayaaN1 me ye jo vafoor-e suroor2 hai
taaq3-e suKhan-vari4 meN ye jo shama-e toor5 hai
ye jo mere chiraaGh ki zau6 duur duur hai
sarkaar hi ki mauj-e tabassum7 ka noor8 hai
she’rauN meN karvaTeN9 ye nahiN soz-o-saaz10 ki
lahreN11 haiN ye huzoor ki zulf-e daraaz12 ki

1.speech, recitation 2. excess of happiness 3. alcove 4. poetry recitation 5. divine light 6. light 7. wave/onslaught of smiles 8. brilliance 9. layers 10. melancholy — song and music 11. waves, layers 12. long hair

My verse which overflows with pleasure, and shines lik divine light in the alcove of recitation, and my light shining far and wide is nothing but the brilliance of Her Majesty’s (Urdu is “maleka” – queen) smile.  The layers of rhyme and rhythm in my verse are nothing but layers of your long, curly tresses.
mujh rind1-e husn kaar2 ki mai KhwaariyaaN3 na poochh
is Khwaab-e jaaN faroz4 ki bedaariyaaN5 na poochh
karti hai kyuN sharaab KhiradbaariyaaN6 na poochh
behoshiyauN7 meN kyuN haiN ye hushiyaariyaaN8 na poochh
peeta huN vo jo zulf9 ki raNgeeN ghaTaaoN10 meN
khinchti11 hai in ghani12 hui palkauN13 ki chhaauN meN

1.reveler, imbiber (of wine) 2. beauty creating, artist 3. wine drinking 4. life giving dream/drunken-ness 5. wakefulness, knowing 6. knowledge showering 7. drunken-ness, senseless 8. cleverness, sensible 9. hair, tresses 10. clouds 11. filtered 12. dense 13. eyelashes

Do not ask about the wine drinking of this creative artist.  Do not ask about this awareness enhancing drunken-ness.  Do not ask how wine (of love or wine of versificiation) increases wisdom.  Do not ask how senselessness makes for sensible verse.  That which I drink in the shadow of your tresses is filtered through your own thick eyelashes.
hushiyaar is liye huN ke maiKhwaar1 huN tera
sayyaad-e she’r2 huN ke giraftaar3 huN tera
lahja4 maleeh5 hai ke namak-Khwaar6 huN tera
sehat7 zabaan meN hai ke beemaar8 huN tera
tere karam9 se she’r-o-adab10 ka imaam11 huN
shaahauN pe Khanda-zan12 huN ke tera Ghulam huN

1.wine drinker 2. hunter/captor of verse 3. captive 4. accent 5. savoury 6. “eaten your salt”-beholden to you 7. health, strength 8. sick, love-sick, lover 9. benevolence 10. poetry and prose 11. leader 12. sneer, laugh at

My senses are sharp for I am drunk senseless with your wine.  I can capture verse because I am your captive.  My accent is savoury, because I have “eaten your salt”.  My tongue gets its strength from being sick with love of you.  Because of your benevolence, I am a leader in she’r o adab.  I can sneer at the powerful because I am your slave.  Note the beautiful play on words – the juxtaposition of opposites and likes as in hoshiyar and behosh; captor and captive; savoury accent and namak Khwar; sehat and beemar; Khanda zan and Ghulam.  And of course there is “maleeh lahja” and “malihabadi”.
maiN vo huN jis ke Gham ne tere dil meN raah1 ki
ek umr jis ke ishq meN Khud tu ne aah2 ki
soya hai shauq3 sej4 pe teri nigaah5 ki
raateN kaTi haiN saae meN chashm-e siyaah6 ki
kyuNkar na shaaKh-e gul7 ki lachak8 ho bayaan9 meN
teri kamar ka loch10 hai meri zabaan meN

1.way, place, home 2. sigh 3. desire, ambition 4. bridal bed 5. vision 6. dark, beautiful eyes 7. flower laden bough 8. suppleness, curve 9. recitation, verse 10. curve, wave, suppleness

I am the one whose desire made a home in your heart.. All life long it was you who loved me too.  On your vision did my desire make a bridal bed.  My nights have been spent in the shadow of your beautiful, dark eyes.  Why should there not be a lilt in my verse after all my tongue has the suppleness of your waist.
tarshe1 hue labauN ke bahakte2 Khitaab3 se
zartaar4 kaakulauN5 ke mahakte6 sahaab7 se
sarshaar8 aNkhRiyauN ke dahakte9 shabaab10 se
mauj-e-nafas11 ke itr12 se mukhRe ki aab13 se
baarah baras tapa ke zamaana suhaag ka
seeNcha14 hai tu ne baaGh mere dil ki aag ka

1.carved, shaped 2. drunken 3. recitation 4. golden thread 5. forelocks, tresses 6. fragrant 7. cloud 8. satiated, drunk 9. glowing 10. youth 11. wave of breath 12. fragrance 13. brilliance 14. irrigate, nurture

With beautifully shaped lips and intoxicating speech, with gold threaded locks of your fragrant hair, with the glowing youthfulness of your satiated eyes, with fragrant breath and brilliant visage, twelve long years you kept me waiting.  Thus did you nurture the garden of heart’s desire.  The twelve year wait is probably a reference to the onset of puberty.  That is how long Josh had to wait for his beloved.  Alternatively, his autobiography mentions that he was forbidden by his very strict father from writing verse during his boyhood.  His father even burnt his papers in a fit of anger.  It was much later that he relented and allowed him to write.
garmi se jis ki barf ka devta Darey vo aag
sholauN1 meN oas2 ko jo mubaddil3 kare vo aag
lau4 se jo zamhareer5 ka daaman6 bhare vo aag
hadd7 hai jo naam naar-e saqar8 par dhare9 vo aag
jis ki lapaT10 galey meN jalaati hai raag ko
paala hai qalb-e-naaz11 meN tu ne vo aag ko

1.flames 2. dew 3. change 4. flame, fire 5. intense cold 6. apron 7. limit, excess 8. hell fire 9. to lay – naam dharna – call names, deprecate 10. fold, embrace 11. proud heart

The fire which frightens the god of ice, which converts flames into cool mist, which fills the lap of intense cold with flame, which sneers even at the heat of hell, the embrace of which lights up a melody in my throat, you have nurtured that fire/passion in my loving heart.

Key Words for Search:  Ode to Urdu, In praise of Urdu, Tribute to Urdu