asl-e ibaadat-jagan nath azad

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

اَصلِ عِبادت ۔ جگن ناتھ آزاد

(کربلا کے معرکۂ حق و باطل کی نمازِ عَصر)


میری نوا میں سوزِ کہن رُو نُما ہے آج

درپیش نغمگی کو عجب معرکہ ہے آج

دُنیائے دِل میں ایک قیامت بپا ہے آج

میری زباں پہ تذکرہ کربلا ہے آج

چھیڑا ہے آج دِل نے شہادت کا تذکرہ

بے مِثل و بے عدیل عِبادت کا تذکرہ


گردوں سے بھی بلند تو ائے کربلا کی خاک

میری نگاہ میں تُو حرم کی طرح ہے پاک

کیسے کہوں کہ ذکر نہایت ہے دردناک

دامن میں تیرے پھول کا سینہ ہے چاک چاک

ائے کربلا کی خاک اِس اِحسان کو نہ بُھول

تڑپی ہے تجھ پہ نعشِ جگر گوشۂ رسول


لُو چل رہی ہے نام کو سایہ کہیں نہیں

حِدّت وہ ہے کہ وقت کی سانسیں ہیں آتشیں

آنکھیں اُٹھا کے دیکھ ذرا ائے دِلِ حزیں

گردوں تنور ہے کرۂ نار ہے زمیں

اِک شعلہ زار ہے کہ ہے میدانِ کربلا

اِک آگ ہے کہ ریگِ بیاباں ہے کربلا


طوفاں بپا ہے گرم ہے میدانِ کارزار

ہے قاتلوں سے محوِ وِغا ایک شہسوار

اِبلیسیت اُدھر، اِدھر اِنسان کا وقار

تنہا حسین اور یزیدی کئی ہزار

ائے گردِشِ زمانہ ٹھہر جا ذرا یہیں

ایسی مثال پھر نہ ملے گی تجھے کہیں


وہ سامنے غنیم کی فوجیں ہیں دجلہ پار

ہیں اِس طرف اکیلے حسین اسپ پر سوار

دامن پہ ہے غبار گریباں ہے تار تار

کانٹوں سے جیسے پھول ببولوں سے نامدار

آزاد! نوکِ خار کی زد پر ہے پھول دیکھ

ہاں دیکھ! اِنقلابِ جہاں کا اصُول دیکھ


اوپر تلے تپے ہوے ذرّوں کا اِنتشار

ہتھیار جس قدر ہیں بدن پر ہیں شعلہ زار

اور اِس کے ساتھ ساتھ ہیں چاروں طرف سے وار

سر تیغ سے شکستہ جگر تیر سے فگار

دو دِن ہوے ہیں پینے کو پانی مِلا نہیں

لیکن نمازِ عصر یہاں بھی قضا نہیں


اب ہیں نمازِ عصر کے ساعات بھی قریب

ہیں کوئی دم میں شام کے لمحات بھی قریب

ائے دوپہر کی دھوپ! ہے اب رات بھی قریب

جس بات کا ہے ذکر وہ ہے بات بھی قریب

گھوڑے سے گِر چکے ہیں شہِ مشرقین اب

سجدے میں سر جھکائے ہوئے ہیں حسین اب


دیکھ ائے نِگاہ دیکھ یہ منظر جگر خراش

تابِ نظر کہاں کہ کلیجہ ہے پاش پاش

فریاد سے فضاؤں میں  پیدا ہے اِرتعاش

کیا ائے فلک تجھے تھی اِسی وقت کی تلاش

دستِ قضا کو صبر ذرا بھی نہ ہو سکے

اور عصر کا فریضہ ادا بھی نہ ہو سکے


وہ ہاتھ اُٹھا لعین کا شمشیر تول کر

بھر پور وار، جسم اِدھر اور سر اُدھر

ائے کم نگاہ، رازِ حقیقت سے بے خبر

سجدہ یہی ہے سجدہ جو باطن پہ ہو نظر

روحِ حیات و روحِ شہادت یہی تو ہے

کہتے ہیں جس کو اَصلِ عبادت یہی تو ہے

अस्ल-ए इबादत – जगन नाथ आज़ाद

हक़ ओ बातिल के मरेका-ए करबला की नमाज़-ए अस्र


मेरी नवा में सोज़-कोहन रू-नुमा है आज

दरपेश नग़्मगी को अजब मारेका है आज

दुनिया-ए दिल में एक क़यामत बपा है आज

मेरी ज़बां पे तज़किरा-ए करबला है आज

छेड़ा है दिल ने आज शहादत का तज़्किरा

बे-मिस्ल ओ बे-अदील इबादत का तज़्किरा


गरदूँ से भी बलन्द तू अये कर्बला की ख़ाक

मेरी निगाह में तू हरम की तरह है पाक

कैसे कहूं के ज़िक्र निहायत है दर्द नाक

दामन में तेरे फूल का सीन है चाक चाक

अये कर्बला की ख़ाक! इस एहसान को बा भूल

तड़पी है तुझ पे नाश-ए जिगर गोशा-ए रसूल


लू चल रही है नाम को साया नहीं कहीं

हिद्दत वो है के वक़्त की सांसें हैं आतिशीं

आंखें उठा के देख ज़रा अये दिल-ए हज़िं

गरदूँ तनूर है कुरह नार है ज़मीं

एक शॉल ज़ार है के है मैदान-ए करबला

एक आग है के रेग-ए बियाबां है करबला


तूफ़ां बपा है गर्म है मैदान-ए कारज़ार

है क़ातिलों से महव-ए वेग़ा एक शहसवार

इब्लीसियत उधर, इधर इंसान का विक़ार

तन्हा हुसैन और यज़ीदी कई हज़ार

अये गर्दिश-ए ज़माना ठहर जा ज़रा यहीं

ऐसी मिसाल फिर न मिलेगी तुझे कहीं


वो सामने ग़नीम की फ़ौजें हैं दजला पार

हैं इस तरफ अकेले हुसैन एस्प पर सवार

दामन पे है ग़ुबार गरेबां है तार तार

कांटउं में जैसे फूल बबूलों से नामदार

आज़ाद! नोक-ए ख़ार की ज़द पर है फूल देख

हां देख! इनक़िलाब-जहां का उसूल देख


ऊपर तले तपे हुए ज़र्रों का इन्तेशार

हथियार जिस क़दर हैं बदन पर हैं शोला-ज़ार

और इस के साथ साथ हैं चारौं तरफ़ से वार

सर तेग़ से शिकस्ता जिगर तीर से फ़िगार

दो दिन हुए हैं पीने को पानी मिला नहीं

लैकिन नमाज़-ए अस्र यहां भी क़ज़ा नहीं


अब हैं नमाज़-ए अस्र के सा’आत भी क़रीब

हैं कोई डैम में शाम के लम्हात भी क़रीब

अये दो पहर की धुप! है अब रात भी क़रीब

जिस बात का है ज़िक्र वो है बात भी क़रीब

घोड़े से गिर चुके हैं शह-ए मशरिक़ैन अब

सिजदे में सर झुकाए हुए हैं हुसैन अब


देख अये निगाह देख ये मंज़र जिगर ख़राश

ताब-ए नज़र कहां के कालेज है पाश पाश

फ़र्याद से फ़िज़ाओं में पैदा है इरतेआश

क्या अये फ़लक तुझे थी इसी वक़्त की तलाश

दस्त-क़ज़ा को सब्र ज़रा भी न हो सके

और असर का फ़रीज़ा अदा भी न हो सके


वो हाथ उठा ला’ईन का शमशीर तोल कर

भर पूर वार, जिस्म इधर और सर उधर

अये कम निगाह, राज़-ए हक़ीक़त से बे-ख़बर

सिजदा यही है सिजदा जो बातिन पे हो नज़र

रूह-ए हयात ओ रूह-ए शहादत यही तो है

कहते हैं जिस को अस्ल-ए इबादत यही तो है

asl-e ibaadat – jagan nath azad
haq o baatil ke maareka-e karbala ki namaz-e asr

Click here for overall comments and on any passage for meanings and discussion.  It requires great sensitivity and intimate knowledge of cultural traditions for a poet outside the shia community to be able to write with the passion that jagan nath azad writes. He has shown similar sensitivity and passion in writing about Indian Muslims, urdu, Pakistani friends and his homeland in Pakistan.

meri nava1 meN soz2-e kuhan3 ruu-numa4 hai aaj
darpesh5 naGhmagi6 ko ajab ma’areka7 hai aaj
duniya-e dil meN ek qayaamat bapaa8 hai aaj
meri zabaaN pe tazkira9-e karbala hai aaj
chheRa hai dil ne aaj shahadat10 ka tazkira9
be-misl11 o be-adeel12 ibaadat13 ka tazkira
1.voice 2.sorrow 3.old, ancient 4.expression 5.faced with 6.the art of (writing/singing) song/Ghazal 7.conflict, struggle 8.prevalent, spread 9.mention, story 10.martyrdom 11.without example 12.without equal 13.worship, prayer
The sorrow of long years finds expression in my voice today. My poetry recitation is faced with a strange struggle. In the world of my heart a great tumult prevails. The story of Karbala is on my lips today. My heart speaks of the story of martyrdom, the story of unexampled and unequalled worship.

garduuN1 se bhi baland2 tu aye karbala ki Khaak
meri nigaah3 meN tu haram4 ki tarah hai paak5
kaise kahuN ke zikr6 nihaayet7 hai dard-naak8
daaman9 meN tere phool ka seena10 hai chaak chaak11
aye karbala ki Khaak! is ehsaan12 ko na bhool
taRpi hai tujh pe na’ash13-e jigar gosha14-e rasool15, heavens 2.high (in stature) 3.sight, view 4.sanctuary (ka’aba) 5.holy 6.narration 7.extremely 8.painful 9.apron, lap 10.bosom, heart 11.torn 12.obligation 13.body, corpse 14.corner/part/chunk of liver – an expression meaning greatly beloved of 15.mohammed
O, dust/clay of Karbala your status is higher than that of the heavens. In my eyes you are unblemished, more pure than the sanctuary of the Ka’aba. How can I narrate it, your story is extremely painful. In your lap even the heart of the flower is torn to pieces. O, dust of Karbala, do not forget this benevolence, the body of the beloved of Mohammed writhed in pain on your soil.

luu1 chal rahi hai naam ko saaya nahiN kahiN
hiddat2 vo hai ke vaqt ki saaNseN haiN aatishiN3
aaNkheN uTha ke dekh zara aye dil-e haziN4
garduuN5 tanuur6 hai kurah7-e naar8 hai zamiN
ek shola-zaar9 hai ke hai maidan-e karbala
ek aag hai ke reg10-e biyabaaN11 hai karbala
1.burning hot desert wind 2.heat 3.fiery 4.sorrowful heart 6.oven 7.ball 9.field of flames 10.sand 11.wilderness/desert
Hot desert winds blow, there is no shade anywhere. The heat is such that if feels like time is breathing fire. Raise your eyes and see O, sorrowful heart, the sky is like an oven, the plains of Karbala are like a field of flames. The sands of the desert of Karbala burn like a raging fire.

toofaN1 bapa2 hai garm hai maidan-e kaarzaar3
hai qatilauN4 se mahv5-e viGha6 ek shahsawaar7
ibleesiyat8 udhar, idhar insaan ka viqaar9
tanha husain aur yazidi10 kaii hazaar
aye gardish-e zamana11 Thahr ja zara yahiN
aisi misaal12 phir na miley gi tujhe kahiN
1.storm (of fire) 2.prevalent, spread 3.field of action 4.killers 5.engaged/absorbed in 6.war 7.horseman 8.satan-hood, evil 9.human dignity of yazid (NOT to be confused with the yazidi community of modern Iraq) 11.movement/flow of time 12.example
A storm of fire prevails in the battlefield. A lone horseman is engaged in war – evil on the other side, human dignity on his side. Husain was alone against the hordes of yazid. O Flow of Time tarry here and look carefully for you will never find an example like this again.

vo saamne Ghanim1 ki faujeN2 haiN dajla3 paar
hai is taraf akele husain asp4 par savaar
daaman5 pe hai Ghubaar6 garebaaN7 hai taar taar8
kaaNTauN meN jaise phool baboolauN9 se naamdaar
azad10! nok-e Khaar11 ki zad12 par hai phool dekh
haaN dekh! inqilaab13-e jahaaN ka usool14 dekh
1.enemy 2.armies 3.river 5.cloak 6.dust 7.collar 8.torn to shreds 9.thorny acacia 10.the poet addressing himself 11.thorn 12.bounds, reach 13.upheavel, tumult 14.rules
Faced with the armies of the enemy reaching beyond the river, on this side Husain, alone mounting a horse. The cloak is dusty and the collar is torn to shreds, and among these thorns rises a beautiful flower – azad likens the shreds of the collar to thorns and the face of husain among the thorns to a flower (traditionally husain is considered to have been a very handsome man). Azad, look the flower is the target of the point of the thorn (now the thorn stands for a spear or sword). Look at the (strange) rules of upheavel in this world.

oopar taley1 tapey2 hue zarrauN3 ka inteshaar4
hathiyaar5 jis qadar6 haiN badan par haiN sho’la-zaar7
aur is ke saath saath haiN chaarauN taraf se vaar8
sar teGh9 se shikasta10 jigar11 teer se figaar12
do din hue haiN peene ko paani mila nahiN
laikin namaz-e asr13 yahaN bhi qaza14 nahiN
1.fried 3.particles 4.scattered, blowing 5.weapons many as there are 7.raining flames 8.blows 9.sword 10.crumbling, broken 11.liver/heart 12.wounded, cut 13.late afternoon 14.used here to mean postponed, delayed
Sand blowing around as if it were fried hot particles. Whatever weapons there are, are raining on his (husain’s) body. And on top of it blows from every direction, the head cracked with sword cuts, the heart wounded by arrows. He hasn’t had water to drink for two days but still he is observant of the time of the afternoon prayer.

ab haiN namaz-e asr1 ke sa’aat2 bhi qareeb3
haiN koii-dam4 meN shaam ke lamhaat5 bhi qareeb
aye do-pahar ki dhoop! hai ab raat bhi qareeb
jis baat ka hai zikr6 vo hai baat bhi qareeb
ghoRey se gir chuke haiN shah7-e mashriqain7 ab
sijde8 meN sar jhukaaye hue haiN husain ab
1.afternoon prayer 2.(appointed/prescribed) times 3.near, at hand 4.any minute 5.moments, times 6.mentioned – used here to mean foretold 7.king of 8.east and west (this is a title used for husain in shia lexicon) 8.prostration
The prescribed time of the afternoon prayer is at hand. Any minute now it will be evening/sunset (and the appointed time will be past). O afternoon heat, night is also around the corner (this could well be jagan nath azad playing on the passion of his audience – the evening, known as “shaam-e GharibaaN” is very special/painful for shia mourners). There is also a commonly repeated story that husain’s death/beheading in karbala was foretold. azad refers to the beheading delicately as “jis baat ka tha zikr” – that which was foretold is about to happen. husain has fallen from the horse and is prostrated in afternoon prayer.

dekh aye nigaah dekh ye manzar jigar-Kharaash1
taab2-e nazar kahaaN ke kaleja hai paash-paash3
faryaad4 se fizaauN5 meN paida hai irte’aash6
kya aye falak7 tujhe thi isi vaqt ki talaash8
dast-e qaza9 ko sabr10 zara bhi na ho sake
aur asr11 ka fareeza12 ada bhi na ho sake
1.liver-heart wrenching 2.strength, ability 3.pieces 4.wailing 5.atmosphere 6.trembling 7.skies/heavens 9.hand of Death 10.patience 11.afternoon 12.duty
O eye look, look at this heart-wrenching scene. But how can I summon the strength to look, my heart is torn in pieces. The very atmosphere trembles with the sound of wailing. O heavens were you looking for just this moment. Could the hand of Death not be patient for a little longer. Could it not wait until the duty of afternoon prayer was fulfilled.

vo haath uTha la’een1 ka shamshiir2 tol3 kar
bhar puur vaar, jism idhar aur sar udhar
aye kam-nigaah4, raaz5-e haqeeqat6 se be-Khabar7
sijda8 yahi hai sijda jo baatin9 pe ho nazar
rooh10-e hayaat11 o rooh-e shahaadat12 yahi to hai
kahte haiN jis ko asl13-e ibaadat14 yahi to hai
1.accursed 2.sword 3.weighing, getting ready 4.short sighted 5.secret of 6.truth, righteousness, virtue 7.unaware 8.prostration 9.hidden, spiritual, divine 10.spirit of 12.martyrdom 13.reality/essence/true spirit of 14.worship
The accursed killer rose getting his sword ready in hand. A full blow severed (husain’s) head clean. O shortsighted one, unaware of the mystery of virtue – this is the sijda that is fully focused on the unseen/spiritual/divine. This alone is the soul of life, the spirit of martyrdom. That which is called the essence of worship, it is this.

asl-e ibaadat – jagan nath azad
haq o baatil ke maareka-e karbala ki namaz-e asr

It requires great sensitivity and intimate knowledge of cultural traditions for a poet outside the shia community to be able to write with the passion that jagan nath azad writes.  He has shown similar sensitivity and passion in writing about Indian Muslims, urdu, Pakistani friends and his homeland in Pakistan.

meri nava1 meN soz2-e kuhan3 ruu-numa4 hai aaj
darpesh5 naGhmagi6 ko ajab ma’areka7 hai aaj
duniya-e dil meN ek qayaamat bapaa8 hai aaj
meri zabaaN pe tazkira9-e karbala hai aaj
chheRa hai dil ne aaj shahadat10 ka tazkira9
be-misl11 o be-adeel12 ibaadat13 ka tazkira

1.voice 2.sorrow 3.old, ancient 4.expression 5.faced with 6.the art of (writing/singing) song/Ghazal 7.conflict, struggle 8.prevalent, spread 9.mention, story 10.martyrdom 11.without example 12.without equal 13.worship, prayer

The sorrow of long years finds expression in my voice today.  My poetry recitation is faced with a strange struggle.  In the world of my heart a great tumult prevails.  The story of Karbala is on my lips today.  My heart speaks of the story of martyrdom, the story of unexampled and unequalled worship.

garduuN1 se bhi baland2 tu aye karbala ki Khaak
meri nigaah3 meN tu haram4 ki tarah hai paak5
kaise kahuN ke zikr6 nihaayet7 hai dard-naak8
daaman9 meN tere phool ka seena10 hai chaak chaak11
aye karbala ki Khaak! is ehsaan12 ko na bhool
taRpi hai tujh pe na’ash13-e jigar gosha14-e rasool15, heavens 2.high (in stature) 3.sight, view 4.sanctuary (ka’aba) 5.holy 6.narration 7.extremely 8.painful 9.apron, lap 10.bosom, heart 11.torn 12.obligation 13.body, corpse 14.corner/part/chunk of liver – an expression meaning greatly beloved of 15.mohammed

O, dust/clay of Karbala your status is higher than that of the heavens.  In my eyes you are unblemished, more pure than the sanctuary of the Ka’aba.  How can I narrate it, your story is extremely painful.  In your lap even the heart of the flower is torn to pieces.  O, dust of Karbala, do not forget this benevolence, the body of the beloved of Mohammed writhed in pain on your soil.

luu1 chal rahi hai naam ko saaya nahiN kahiN
hiddat2 vo hai ke vaqt ki saaNseN haiN aatishiN3
aaNkheN uTha ke dekh zara aye dil-e haziN4
garduuN5 tanuur6 hai kurah7-e naar8 hai zamiN
ek shola-zaar9 hai ke hai maidan-e karbala
ek aag hai ke reg10-e biyabaaN11 hai karbala

1.burning hot desert wind 2.heat 3.fiery 4.sorrowful heart 6.oven 7.ball 9.field of flames 10.sand 11.wilderness/desert

Hot desert winds blow, there is no shade anywhere.  The heat is such that if feels like time is breathing fire.  Raise your eyes and see O, sorrowful heart, the sky is like an oven, the plains of Karbala are like a field of flames.  The sands of the desert of Karbala burn like a raging fire.

toofaN1 bapa2 hai garm hai maidan-e kaarzaar3
hai qatilauN4 se mahv5-e viGha6 ek shahsawaar7
ibleesiyat8 udhar, idhar insaan ka viqaar9
tanha husain aur yazidi10 kaii hazaar
aye gardish-e zamana11 Thahr ja zara yahiN
aisi misaal12 phir na miley gi tujhe kahiN

1.storm (of fire) 2.prevalent, spread 3.field of action 4.killers 5.engaged/absorbed in 6.war 7.horseman 8.satan-hood, evil 9.human dignity of yazid (NOT to be confused with the yazidi community of modern Iraq) 11.movement/flow of time 12.example

A storm of fire prevails in the battlefield.  A lone horseman is engaged in war – evil on the other side, human dignity on his side.  Husain was alone against the hordes of yazid.  O Flow of Time tarry here and look carefully for you will never find an example like this again.

vo saamne Ghanim1 ki faujeN2 haiN dajla3 paar
hai is taraf akele husain asp4 par savaar
daaman5 pe hai Ghubaar6 garebaaN7 hai taar taar8
kaaNTauN meN jaise phool baboolauN9 se naamdaar
azad10! nok-e Khaar11 ki zad12 par hai phool dekh
haaN dekh! inqilaab13-e jahaaN ka usool14 dekh

1.enemy 2.armies 3.river 5.cloak 6.dust 7.collar 8.torn to shreds 9.thorny acacia 10.the poet addressing himself 11.thorn 12.bounds, reach 13.upheavel, tumult 14.rules

Faced with the armies of the enemy reaching beyond the river, on this side Husain, alone mounting a horse.  The cloak is dusty and the collar is torn to shreds, and among these thorns rises a beautiful flower –  azad likens the shreds of the collar to thorns and the face of husain among the thorns to a flower (traditionally husain is considered to have been a very handsome man).  Azad, look the flower is the target of the point of the thorn (now the thorn stands for a spear or sword).  Look at the (strange) rules of upheavel in this world.

oopar taley1 tapey2 hue zarrauN3 ka inteshaar4
hathiyaar5 jis qadar6 haiN badan par haiN sho’la-zaar7
aur is ke saath saath haiN chaarauN taraf se vaar8
sar teGh9 se shikasta10 jigar11 teer se figaar12
do din hue haiN peene ko paani mila nahiN
laikin namaz-e asr13 yahaN bhi qaza14 nahiN

1.fried 3.particles 4.scattered, blowing 5.weapons many as there are 7.raining flames 8.blows 9.sword 10.crumbling, broken 11.liver/heart 12.wounded, cut 13.late afternoon 14.used here to mean postponed, delayed

Sand blowing around as if it were fried hot particles.  Whatever weapons there are, are raining on his (husain’s) body.  And on top of it blows from every direction, the head cracked with sword cuts, the heart wounded by arrows.  He hasn’t had water to drink for two days but still he is observant of the time of the afternoon prayer.

ab haiN namaz-e asr1 ke sa’aat2 bhi qareeb3
haiN koii-dam4 meN shaam ke lamhaat5 bhi qareeb
aye do-pahar ki dhoop! hai ab raat bhi qareeb
jis baat ka hai zikr6 vo hai baat bhi qareeb
ghoRey se gir chuke haiN shah7-e mashriqain7 ab
sijde8 meN sar jhukaaye hue haiN husain ab

1.afternoon prayer 2.(appointed/prescribed) times 3.near, at hand 4.any minute 5.moments, times 6.mentioned – used here to mean foretold 7.king of 8.east and west (this is a title used for husain in shia lexicon) 8.prostration

The prescribed time of the afternoon prayer is at hand.  Any minute now it will be evening/sunset (and the appointed time will be past).  O afternoon heat, night is also around the corner (this could well be jagan nath azad playing on the passion of his audience – the evening, known as “shaam-e GharibaaN” is very special/painful for shia mourners).  There is also a commonly repeated story that husain’s death/beheading in karbala was foretold.  azad refers to the beheading delicately as “jis baat ka tha zikr” – that which was foretold is about to happen.  husain has fallen from the horse and is prostrated in afternoon prayer.

dekh aye nigaah dekh ye manzar jigar-Kharaash1
taab2-e nazar kahaaN ke kaleja hai paash-paash3
faryaad4 se fizaauN5 meN paida hai irte’aash6
kya aye falak7 tujhe thi isi vaqt ki talaash8
dast-e qaza9 ko sabr10 zara bhi na ho sake
aur asr11 ka fareeza12 ada bhi na ho sake

1.liver-heart wrenching 2.strength, ability 3.pieces 4.wailing 5.atmosphere 6.trembling 7.skies/heavens 9.hand of Death 10.patience 11.afternoon 12.duty

O eye look, look at this heart-wrenching scene.  But how can I summon the strength to look, my heart is torn in pieces.  The very atmosphere trembles with the sound of wailing.  O heavens were you looking for just this moment.  Could the hand of Death not be patient for a little longer.  Could it not wait until the duty of afternoon prayer was fulfilled.

vo haath uTha la’een1 ka shamshiir2 tol3 kar
bhar puur vaar, jism idhar aur sar udhar
aye kam-nigaah4, raaz5-e haqeeqat6 se be-Khabar7
sijda8 yahi hai sijda jo baatin9 pe ho nazar
rooh10-e hayaat11 o rooh-e shahaadat12 yahi to hai
kahte haiN jis ko asl13-e ibaadat14 yahi to hai

1.accursed 2.sword 3.weighing, getting ready 4.short sighted 5.secret of 6.truth, righteousness, virtue 7.unaware 8.prostration 9.hidden, spiritual, divine 10.spirit of 12.martyrdom 13.reality/essence/true spirit of 14.worship

The accursed killer rose getting his sword ready in hand.  A full blow severed (husain’s) head clean.  O shortsighted one, unaware of the mystery of virtue – this is the sijda that is fully focused on the unseen/spiritual/divine.  This alone is the soul of life, the spirit of martyrdom.  That which is called the essence of worship, it is this.

Key Search Words:  cross-religious, cross religious, kaaba kaashi, k’aaba-kaashi, k’aaba kaashi, karbal katha