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اوجِ کمالِ شعر ۔ جگن ناتھ آزادؔ
اوجِ کمالِ شعر ہے حمد و ثنا گری
مجھ کو سِکھا گئی ہے یہی کچھ سخنوری
اِس دورِ فتنہ گر میں مری ایک بات سُن
سب کچھ ہے صلح، ہیچ ہے یہ جنگ و داوری
لشکر کی فکر، تاج کا سودا، ہے شاہ کو
درویش صرف طالبِ کنجِ قلندری
رُخ پر جو ہے غبارِ قناعت اسے نہ دھو
بہتر نہیں ہے اِس سے کوئی کیمیا گری
بازارِ جاں میں شوکتِ شاہاں کا ذِکر کیا
دربار میں تو شرط ہے اِظہارِ چاکری
اے دوست ایک نکتہ بتاؤں تجھے کہ ہے
اِقرارِ بندگی میں نہاں رازِ سروری
آزادؔ اشک ہائے فراواں کی قدر کر
اشکوں کے نم سے ہے تری کِشتِ سخنوری
औज-ए कमाल-ए शे’र – जगन नाथ आज़ाद
औज-ए कमाल-ए शे’र है हम्द-ओ-सना-गरी
मुझ को सिखा गई है यही कुछ सुख़नवरी
इस दौर-ए फ़ित्ना-गर में मेरी एक बात सुन
सब कुछ है सुल्ह हेच है ये जंग-ओ-दावरी
लश्कर की फ़िक्र, ताज का सौदा, है शाह को
दरवेश सिर्फ़ तालेब-ए कुंज-ए क़लंदरी
रुख़ पर जो है ग़ुबार-ए क़ना’अत इसे न धो
बेहतर नहीं है इस से कोई कीमिया-गरी
बाज़ार-ए जाँ में शौकत-ए शाहाँ का ज़िक्र क्या
दरबार में तो शर्त है इज़्हार-ए चाकरी
अए दोस्त एक नुक्ता बताऊँ तुझे के है
इक़्रार-ए बंदगी में नेहाँ राज़-ए सरवरी
आज़ाद अश्क-हा-ए फ़रावाँ की क़द्र कर
अश्कों के नम से है तेरी किश्त-ए सुख़नवरी
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. jagan nath aazaad (1918-2004), born in miyaaNvaali (now in pakistan) was the son of another great poet, tilok chand mahroom. He has written with much passion about hindu-muslim and India-pakistan accord. He also composed tributes and several Ghazal in the style of Ghalib. He lived in lahore for a few months after partition before migrating to India.
auj1-e kamaal2-e she’r hai hamd3-o-sana-garii4
mujh ko sikha ga’ii hai yahi kuchh suKhanvarii5 1.climax, peak 2.skill, art 3.praise (of god) 4.singing praises (of god) 5.poetics, versification
The climax of the art of composing poetry is writing and singing praises of god. This is what versification has taught me.
is daur1-e fitna-gar2 meN meri ek baat sun
sab kuchh hai sul’h3 hech4 hai ye jaNg-o-daavarii5 1.times, age 2.mischief/anarchy raising 3.peace 4.nothing, no value 5.sovereignty, empire
Listen to this one thing I have to say in this age of anarchy and mischief making. All value is in peace; there is no value in war and power.
lashkar1 ki fikr2, taaj ka sauda3, hai shaah ko
darvesh4 sirf5 taalib6-e kunj7-e qalandarii8 2.concern, worry, demand 4.mendicant, pauper 5.only 6.seeker 7.corner 8.wandering ascetic
It is the emperor who is concerned/worries about raising an army and maintaining power and who demands a crown. The darvesh only wants his corner of aceticism.
ruKh1 par jo hai Ghubaar2-e qanaa’at3 ise na dho
behtar4 nahiN hai is se koi kiimiyaa-garii5 1.face 2.dust 3.frugality, contentment 4.better 5.chemistry, converting base metal to gold
The poet uses the symbolism of the face covered with the dust of frugality to mean a lifestyle that is not very acquisitive, that is content with what it has. He says, do not wash off this dust i.e., do not stop practicing frugality/contentment. The origins of chemistry, alchemy, al-kiimiia lie is attempt of converting base metal to gold. Thus the poet says … qanaa’at is better than any kind of kiimiyaa-garii. Contentment is better than acquiring gold/wealth.
baazaar-e jaaN1 meN shaukat2-e shaahaaN3 ka zikr4 kya
darbaar meN to shart5 hai iz’haar6-e chaakarii7 1.soul 2.pomp, grandeur 3.royalty 4.narrative, talk 5.condition 6.expression 7.obeisance
In the gathering of souls/spirituals how can there be any mention of royal pomp. In the royal court there is a requirement of a declaration of obeisance/servitude.
aye dost ek nukta1 bataa’uN tujhe keh hai
eqraar2-e bandagi3 meN nehaaN4 raaz5-e sarvarii6 1.point, secret 2.accepting, admitting 3.servitude (to god) 4.hidden 5.mystery, secret 6.mastery, sovereignty
O friend, let me share a poing (of knowledge) with you. In submitting yourselves to god is hidden the secret of mastery (over yourselves).
aazaad1 ashk-haa2-e faraavaaN3 ki qadr4 kar
ashkoN2 ke nam5 se hai teri kisht6-e suKhanvarii7 1.pen-name of the poet 2.tears 3.abundance 4.value, respect 5.wetness, moisture 6.harvest 7.poetics, verse
O aazaad, respect the abundance of tears that flow from your eyes i.e., respect that pain that you feel (at human suffering, injustice and want). It is the wetness of these tears that yield a rich harvest of poetry.
jagan nath aazaad (1918-2004), born in miyaaNvaali (now in pakistan) was the son of another great poet, tilok chand mahroom. He has written with much passion about hindu-muslim and India-pakistan accord. He also composed tributes and several Ghazal in the style of Ghalib. He lived in lahore for a few months after partition before migrating to India.
auj1-e kamaal2-e she’r hai hamd3-o-sana-garii4
mujh ko sikha ga’ii hai yahi kuchh suKhanvarii5
1.climax, peak 2.skill, art 3.praise (of god) 4.singing praises (of god) 5.poetics, versification
The climax of the art of composing poetry is writing and singing praises of god. This is what versification has taught me.
is daur1-e fitna-gar2 meN meri ek baat sun
sab kuchh hai sul’h3 hech4 hai ye jaNg-o-daavarii5
1.times, age 2.mischief/anarchy raising 3.peace 4.nothing, no value 5.sovereignty, empire
Listen to this one thing I have to say in this age of anarchy and mischief making. All value is in peace; there is no value in war and power.
lashkar1 ki fikr2, taaj ka sauda3, hai shaah ko
darvesh4 sirf5 taalib6-e kunj7-e qalandarii8 2.concern, worry, demand 4.mendicant, pauper 5.only 6.seeker 7.corner 8.wandering ascetic
It is the emperor who is concerned/worries about raising an army and maintaining power and who demands a crown. The darvesh only wants his corner of aceticism.
ruKh1 par jo hai Ghubaar2-e qanaa’at3 ise na dho
behtar4 nahiN hai is se koi kiimiyaa-garii5
1.face 2.dust 3.frugality, contentment 4.better 5.chemistry, converting base metal to gold
The poet uses the symbolism of the face covered with the dust of frugality to mean a lifestyle that is not very acquisitive, that is content with what it has. He says, do not wash off this dust i.e., do not stop practicing frugality/contentment. The origins of chemistry, alchemy, al-kiimiia lie is attempt of converting base metal to gold. Thus the poet says … qanaa’at is better than any kind of kiimiyaa-garii. Contentment is better than acquiring gold/wealth.
baazaar-e jaaN1 meN shaukat2-e shaahaaN3 ka zikr4 kya
darbaar meN to shart5 hai iz’haar6-e chaakarii7
1.soul 2.pomp, grandeur 3.royalty 4.narrative, talk 5.condition 6.expression 7.obeisance
In the gathering of souls/spirituals how can there be any mention of royal pomp. In the royal court there is a requirement of a declaration of obeisance/servitude.
aye dost ek nukta1 bataa’uN tujhe keh hai
eqraar2-e bandagi3 meN nehaaN4 raaz5-e sarvarii6
1.point, secret 2.accepting, admitting 3.servitude (to god) 4.hidden 5.mystery, secret 6.mastery, sovereignty
O friend, let me share a poing (of knowledge) with you. In submitting yourselves to god is hidden the secret of mastery (over yourselves).
aazaad1 ashk-haa2-e faraavaaN3 ki qadr4 kar
ashkoN2 ke nam5 se hai teri kisht6-e suKhanvarii7
1.pen-name of the poet 2.tears 3.abundance 4.value, respect 5.wetness, moisture 6.harvest 7.poetics, verse
O aazaad, respect the abundance of tears that flow from your eyes i.e., respect that pain that you feel (at human suffering, injustice and want). It is the wetness of these tears that yield a rich harvest of poetry.