بند ٦٦
جہلاجب کلِہ عِلم کو ٹھکراتے ہیں
علماؑ دین کو جب بیچ کے کھا جاتے ہیں
سفہا دولتِ فانی پہ جب اِتراتے ہیں
جو حسینی ہیں وہ میداں میں نکل آتے ہیں
دھجیاں دامنِ دولت کی اُڑا دیتے ہیں
بادِ صر صر کو چراغوں پہ نچا دیتے ہیں
بند ٦٧
مرد وہ ہیں پرِ باطل جو کتر دیتے ہیں
حق جو مانگے تو دِل و جان و جگر دیتے ہیں
شیر سا بھائی تو یوسف سا پسر دیتے ہیں
ہات بیعت کو بڑھاتے نہیں سر دیتے ہیں
آ تشِ مرگ میں بے خوف و خطر جاتے ہیں
آنچ آتی ہے جو عزّت پہ تو مر جاتے ہیں
بند ٦٨
سورما فتنہؑ باطل کو دبا دیتے ہیں
خون دہکے ہوے ذرّوں کو پلا دیتے ہیں
اپنی گودوں کے چراغوں کو بجھا دیتے ہیں
اپنے چاندوں کو اندھیرے میں سلا دیتے ہیں
مثلِ شبیرّ جو پیغام عمل دیتے ہیں
ایسے ہی لوگ زمانے کو بدل دیتے ہیں
بند ٦٩
میں یہ پوچھوں جو خفا ہوں نہ رفیقانِ کرام
کہ لرزتے تو نہیں آپ حضورِ حکاّم
آپ سرکار میں جھکتے تو نہیں بحرِ سلام
آ نکھ شاہوں سے ملاتے ہیں بہ اندازِ اِمام
رائے بکتی تو نہیں آپکی بازاروں میں
آپ کا رنگ تو اُڑتا نہیں درباروں میں
بند ٧٠
آپ باطل سے دبکتے ہیں تو یارانِ کرام
آپ کو نامِ حسین ابنِ علی سے کیا کام
جائیے بیٹھئیے خلوت میں علی الرغمِ امام
لوُٹئیے دولتِ لب ہائےبتانِ گل فام
خود کو عشرے میں نہ مغموم بنائے پھرئیے
اپنی غیرت کے جنازے کو اُٹھائے پھرئیے
بند ٧١
آپ کا آلِ محمد سے جدا ہے دستور
قابلِ غور نہیں مسلہِ شرحِ صدور
آپ کا شغل ہے کوئی تو فقط کشفِ قبور
آپ کو پیرویِ شیرِ خدا نا منظور
آپ تو شمعِ رہ و رسم کے پروانے ہیں
دوش پر کعبہ ہے سینوں میں صنم خانے ہیں
بند ٧٢
قوم وہ قوم ہے جو عزم کی متوالی ہے
دینِ بے روح فقط دین کی نقاّلی ہے
دِل ہے غافل تو عبادت بھی بداعمالی ہے
بے عمل قوم کی قراَت نہیں قوالی ہے
موت کے وقت کی یٰسین بنا رکھا ہے
د ین کو آپ نے اک بین بنا رکھا ہے
بند ٧٣
آپ نا واقفِ پیوستگیِ عشرہ و عید
آپ اک قفل ہیں اور قفل بھی گم کردہ کلید
دِل ہیں خاشاک و خزف، دیدہ تر مروارید
دعوہ حبِّ حسین اور ہوسِ قربِ یزید
سوز خواں کے ہیں طلبگار، رجز خواں کے نہیں
آپ مجلس کے مسلمان ہیں میداں کے نہیں
بند ٧٤
ایک دھوکا ہے لگاوٹ میں اگر لاگ نہیں
لوَ نکل آئے نہ جس راگ سے وہ راگ نہیں
قلزمِ برق کا اشکوں میں ذرا جھاگ نہیں
حیف پانی تو ہے موجود مگر آگ نہیں
چِٹکیاں لے نہ لہو میں تو جوانی کیا ہے
آگ کی جس میں نہ ہلچل ہو وہ پانی کیا ہے
بند ٧٥
کربلا اب بھی ہے اک ہوش رُبا انگارا
اپنے پانی میں لئے آگ کا جولاں آرا
برق و آتش کا اُبلتا ہوا اک فوّارا
ایک مڑتا ہوا خونِ شہدا کا دھارا
رنگ اُڑتا نظر آتا ہے جہاں داروں کا
مینھ برستا ہے یہاں آج بھی تلواروں کا
بند ٧٦
کربلا آج بھی ہے ایک لگاتار پکار
ہے کوئی پیرویِ اِبنِ علی پر تیار
عصرِ حاضر میں یزیدوں کا نہیں کوئی شمار
تم مصلوّں پہ دو زانو ہو، مسلحّ اشرار
شورِ ماتم میں کہیں تیغ کی جھنکار نہیں
لب پہ نالے ہیں مگر ہاتھ میں تلوار نہیں
بند ٧٧
کربلا میں ہے وہی شعلہ فشانی ابتک
آگ کی موج ہے تلوار کا پانی ابتک
تشنگی میں ہے وہی دجلہ چکانی ابتک
منچلوں کی ہے وہی زمزمہ خوانی ابتک
روئے ماحول پہ بانکوں کی وہ دھج ہے اب بھی
میرے سوئے ہوے شیروں کی گرج ہے اب بھی
بند ٧٨
کربلا میں اثرِ باغِ جناں آج بھی ہے
بوئے انفاسِ مسیحا نفساں آج بھی ہے
حسنِ رنگینیِ خونی کفناں آج بھی ہے
صبح عاشور کی گل بانگِ اذاں آج بھی ہے
اِک پرُ اسرار خموشی ہے پر افشاں ابتک
صبح کے دوش پہ ہے شامِ غریباں ابتک
بند ٧٩
اب بھی گو دھوپ کی شدت سے زمیں بھنتی ہے
سوزنِ خاک شراروں کی ردا بنتی ہے
پھر بھی ذرّوں سے ہوا لعل و گہر چنتی ہے
زندگی سیرتِ شبیر پہ سر دھنتی ہے
رنگِ رُخسارہؑ تاریخ نکھر جاتا ہے
لب پہ جب نامِ حسین اِبنِ علی آتا ہے
بند ٨٠
کربلا اب بھی سرِ وقت پہ لہراتی ہے
زلف کی طرح خیالات پہ بل کھاتی ہے
خامشی رات کو جس وقت کے چھا جاتی ہے
دلِ زینب کے دھڑکنے کی صدا آ تی ہے
کبھی ظلمت میں جو کوندا سا لپک جاتا ہے
ایک قرآ ن بلندی پہ نظر آتا ہے
بند ٨١
اب بھی اک سمت سے اُٹھتا نظر آتا ہے دھواں
بیبیاں چند کھلے سر نظر آتی ہیں یہاں
ایک گوشے میں ہے گونجی ہوی آوازِ اذاں
اک پھریرا ہے سیاہ پوش فضا پر غلطاں
چند سائے نظر آتے ہیں خراماں اب بھی
ایک زنجیر کی جھنکار ہے لرزاں اب بھی
بند ٨٢
کربلا کے رُخِ رنگیں پہ چمک آج بھی ہے
اِسکے درکے ہوے شیشوں میں کھنک آج بھی ہے
کل کی برسی ہوی بدلی کی دھنک آج بھی ہے
ایک نوشاہ کے سہرے کی مہک آج بھی ہے
کچھ گریباں نظر آتے ہیں فضا پر اب بھی
ایک جھولا متحرک ہے فضا پر اب بھی
بند ٨٣
کربلا سر پہ کفن باندھ کے جب آتی ہے
وسعتِ ارض و سماوات پہ چھا جاتی ہے
تند انفاس سے فولاد کو برماتی ہے
تبر و تیر کو خطرے میں نہیں لاتی ہے
چڑھ کے نیزے پہ دو عالم کو ہلا دیتی ہے
کربلا موت کو دیوانہ بنا دیتی ہے
بند ٨٤
کربلا اب بھی حکومت کو نگل سکتی ہے
کربلا تخت کو تلووں سے مسل سکتی ہے
کربلا خار تو کیا، آگ پہ چل سکتی ہے
کربلا وقت کے دھارے کو بدل سکتی ہے
کربلا قلعہؑ فولاد ہے جراروں کا
کربلا نام ہے چلتی ہوی تلواروں کا
بند ٨٥
کربلا ایک تزلزل ہے محیطِ دوراں
کربلا خرمنِ سرمایہ پہ برقِ تپاں
کربلا طبل پہ ہے ضربتِ آوازِ اذاں
کربلا جراؑتِ اِنکار ہے پیشِ سلطاں
فکرِ حق سوز یہاں کاشت نہیں کر سکتی
کربلا تاج کو برداشت نہیں کر سکتی
بند ٨٦
جب تک اِس خاک پہ باقی ہے وجودِ اشرار
دوشِ اِنساں پہ ہے جب تک حشمِ تخت کا بار
جب تک اقدار سے اغراض ہیں گرمِ پیکار
کربلا ہاتھ سے پھینکیگی نہ ہرگز تلوار
کوئی کہہ دے یہ حکومت کے نگہبانوں سے
کربلا اک ابدی جنگ ہے سلطانوں سے
بند ٨٧
کہہ رہا ہے یہ ارے کون بہ اندازِ سروش
کہ بس امروز ہے امروز نہ فردا ہے نہ دوش
کس کی یارب یہ صدا ہے کہ فضا ہے خاموش
میں حسین اِبنِ علی بول رہا ہوں ائے جوش
بخش دے آگ مرے سرد عزاداروں کو
ہاں! جگا ڈاب میں سوئی ہوی تلواروں کو
بند ٨٨
کربلا بہرِ عمل نعرہ زناں ہے ابتک
کربلا گوش بر آوازِ یلاں ہے ابتک
کربلا منتظرِ صف شکناں ہے ابتک
کربلا جانبِ اِنساں نگراں ہے ابتک
دادِ غم ایک بھی جانباز نہیں دیتا ہے
کوئی آواز پہ آواز نہیں دیتا ہے
बन्द ६६
जोहला जब कुलाह ए इल्म को ठुकराते हैं
उलमा दीन को जब बेच के खा जाते हैं
सफ़हा दौलत ए फ़ानी पे जब इतराते हैं
जो हुसैनी हैं वो मैदां में निकल आते हैं
धज्जियाँ दामन ए दौलत की उड़ा देते हैं
बाद ए सर सर को चिराग़ों पे नचा देते हैं
बन्द ६७
मर्द वो हैं पर-ए-बातिल जो कतर देते हैं
हक़ जो मांगे तो दिल ओ जान ओ जिगर देते हैं
शेर सा भाई तो यूसुफ़ सा पिसर देते हैं
हाथ बै’अत को बढ़ाते नहीं सर देते हैं
आतिश ए मर्ग में बे ख़ौफ़ ओ ख़तर जाते हैं
आंच आती है जो इज़्ज़त पे तो मर जाते हैं
बन्द ६८
सूरमा फ़ित्ना ए बातिल को दबा देते हैं
ख़ून दहके हुए ज़र्रों को पिला देते हैं
अपनी गोदों के चिराग़ों को बुझा देते हैं
अपने चांदों को अँधेरे में सुला देते हैं
मिस्ल ए शब्बीर जो पैग़ाम ए अमल देते हैं
ऐसे ही लोग ज़माने को बदल देते हैं
बन्द ६९
मैं ये पूछूं जो ख़फ़ा हों न रफ़ीक़ान ए कराम
के लरज़ते तो नहीं आप हुज़ूर ए हुक्काम
आप सरकार में झुकते तो नहीं बहर ए सलाम
आँख शाहों से मिलाते हैं बा अंदाज़ ए इमाम
रा’ए बिकती तो नहीं आपकी बाज़ारों में
आप का रंग तो उड़ता नहीं दरबारों में
बन्द ७०
आप बातिल से दबकते हैं तो यारान ए कराम
आप को नाम ए हुसैन इब्न ए अली से क्या काम
जाइए बैठिए ख़िलवत में अला’रग़म ए इमाम
लूटिए दौलत ए लब हा ए बुतान ए गुलफ़ाम
ख़ुद को अश्रे में न मग़मूम बनाए फिरिए
अपनी ग़ैरत के जनाज़े को उठाए फिरिए
बन्द ७१
आप का आल ए मुहम्मद से जुदा है दस्तूर
क़ाबिल ए ग़ौर नहीं मसला ए शरह ए सुदूर
आप का शोग़ल है कोइ तो फ़क़त कश्फ़ ए क़ुबूर
आप को पैरवी ए शेर ए ख़ुदा ना मंज़ूर
आप तो शमा’ रह ओ रस्म के परवाने हैं
दोश पर काबा है सीनों में सनम ख़ाने हैं
बन्द ७२
क़ौम वो क़ौम है जो अज़्म की मतवाली है
दीन ए बे रूह फ़क़त दीन की नक़्क़ालि है
दिल है ग़ाफ़िल तो इबादत भी बद आ’माली है
बे अमल क़ौम की क़िर’अत नहीं क़व्वाली है
मौत के वक़्त की यासीन बना रखा है
दीन को आप ने एक बीन बना रखा है
बन्द ७३
आप नावाक़िफ़ ए पैवस्तगि ए अशरा ओ ईद
आप एक क़ुफ़्ल हैं और क़ुफ़्ल भी गुमकर्दा कलीद
दिल हैं ख़ाशक ओ ख़ज़फ़, दीदा ए तर मर्वारीद
दावा ए हुब्ब ए हुसैन और हवस ए क़ुरब ए यज़ीद
सोज़ ख़्वां के हैं तलबगार, रजज़ ख़्वां के नहीं
आप मजलिस के मुसलमान हैं, मैदां के नहीं
बन्द ७४
ऐक धोका है लगावट में अगर लाग नहीं
लौ निकल आए ना जिस राग से वो राग नहीं
क़ुल्ज़ुम ए बर्क़ का अश्कों में ज़रा झाग नहीं
हैफ़ पानी तो है मौजूद मगर आग नहीं
चिटकियां ले ना लहू में तो जवानी क्या है
आग की जिस में न हलचल हो वो पानी क्या है
बन्द ७५
करबला अब भी है एक होश रुबा अंगारा
अपने पानी में लिए आग का जौलां आरा
बर्क़ ओ आतिश का उबलता हुआ एक फ़व्वारा
ऐक मुड़ता हुआ ख़ून ए शुहदा का धारा
रंग उड़ता नज़र आता है जहाँ दारों का
मेंह बरसता है यहाँ आज भी तलवारों का
बन्द ७६
करबला आज भी है ऐक लगातार पुकार
है कोइ पैरवी ए इब्न ए अली पर तैयार
अस्र ए हाज़िर में यज़ीदों का नहीं कोई शुमार
तुम मुस्सल्लों पे दो ज़ानू हो मुसल्लह अश्रार
शोर ए मातम में कहीं तेग़ की झनकार नहीं
लब पे नाले हैं मगर हाथ में तल्वार नहीं
बन्द ७७
करबला में है वही शोला फ़शानी अबतक
आग की मौज है तल्वार का पानी अबतक
तिश्नगी में है वही दजला चकानी अबतक
मनचलों की है वही ज़मज़मा ख़्वानी अबतक
रू ए माहौल पे बांकों की वो धज है अब भी
मेरे सोए हुए शेरों की गरज है अब भी
बन्द ७८
करबला में असर ए बाग़ ए जिनां आज भी है
बू ए अन्फ़ास ए मसीहा नफ़सां आज भी है
हुस्न ए रंगीनी ए ख़ूनी कफ़नां आज भी है
सुबह आशूर की गुल्बांग ए अज़ाँ आज भी है
एक पुर अस्रार ख़मोशी है पर अफ़शां अबतक
सुबह के दोश पे है शाम ए ग़रीबां अबतक
बन्द ७९
अब भी गो धूप की शिद्दत से ज़मीं भुनती है
सोज़न ए ख़ाक शरारों की रिदा बुनती है
फिर भि ज़र्रों से हवा लाल ओ गुहर चुनती है
ज़िन्दगी सीरत ए शब्बीर पे सर धुनती है
रंग-ए- रुख़सारा-ए-तारिख़ निखर जाता है
लब पे जब नाम ए हुसैन इब्न ए अली आता है
बन्द ८०
करबला अब भी सर ए वक़्त पे लहराती है
ज़ुल्फ़ की तरह ख़्यालात पे बल खाती है
ख़ामुशी रात को जिस वक़्त के छा जाती है
दिल ए ज़ैनब के धड़कने की सदा आती है
कभी ज़ुल्मत में जो कून्द सा लपक जाता है
एक क़ुरान बलंदी पे नज़र आता है
बन्द ८१
अब भी एक सिम्त से उठता नज़र आता है धुआं
बीबियाँ चंद खुले सर नज़र आती हैं यहाँ
एक गोशे में है गूंजी हुई आवाज़ ए अज़ाँ
एक फरेरा है सियाह पोश फ़िज़ा पर ग़ल्तां
चंद साए नज़र आते हैं ख़रामान अब भी
एक ज़ंजीर की झंकार है लरज़ाँ अब भी
बन्द ८२
करबला के रुख़ ए रंगीं पे चमक आज भी है
इसके दरके हुए शीशों में खनक आज भी है
कल की बरसी हुई बदली की धनक आज भी है
एक नौशाह के सेहरे महक आज भी है
कुछ गरेबां नज़र आते हैं फ़िज़ा पर अब भी
एक झूला मुतहर्रिक है फ़िज़ा पर अब भी
बन्द ८३
करबला सर पे कफ़न बाँध के जब आती है
वुसअत ए अर्ज़ ओ समवात पे छ जाती है
तुंद अनफ़ास से फ़ौलाद को बरमाती है
तबर ओ तीर को ख़तरे में नहीं लाती है
चढ के नैज़े पे दो आलम को हिला देती है
करबला मौत को दीवाना बना देती है
बन्द ८४
करबला अब भी हुकूमत को निगल सकती है
करबला तख़्त को तलवों से मसल सकती है
करबला ख़ार तो क्या, आग पे चल सकती है
करबला वक़्त के धारे को बदल सकती है
करबला क़िला’ए फ़ौलाद है जर्रारों का
करबला नाम है चलती हुई तलवारों का
बन्द ८५
करबला एक तज़ल्ज़ुल है मोहीत ए दौरां
करबला ख़िरमन ए सरमाया पे बर्क़ ए तप’आं
करबला तबल पे है ज़रबत ए आवाज़ ए अज़’आं
करबला जुर’अत ए इनकार है पेश ए सुल्तां
फ़िक्र ए हक़ सोज़ यहाँ काश्त नहीं कर सकती
करबला ताज को बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकती
बन्द ८६
जब तक इस ख़ाक पे बाक़ी है वुजूद ए अश्रार
दोश ए इन्सां पे है जब तक हशम ए तख़्त का बार
जब तक एक़्दार से अग़राज़ हैं गर्म ए पैकार
करबला हाथ से फेंकेगी न हरगिज़ तलवार
कोई कह दे ये हुकूमत के निगहबानों से
करबला एक अबदी जंग है सुल्तानों से
बन्द ८७
कह रहा है ये अरे कौन बा अंदाज़ ए सरोश
के बस इमरोज़ है इमरोज़ न फ़र्दा है न दोश
किस की यारब ये सदा है के फ़िज़ा है ख़ामोश
मैं हुसैन इब्न ए अली बोल रहा हूं अए जोश
बख़्श दे आग मेरे सर्द अज़ादारों को
हां! जगा डाब में सोई हुई तलवारों को
बन्द ८८
करबला बहर ए अमल नारा ज़नां है अबतक
करबला गोश बर आवाज़ ए यलां है अबतक
करबला मुन्तज़िर ए सफ़ शिकनां है अबतक
करबला जानिब ए इन्सां निगरां है अबतक
दाद ए ग़म एक भी जांबाज़ नहीं देता है
कोई आवाज़ पे आवाज़ नहीं देता है
Stanza 66
johala1 jab kulah e ilm2 ko Thukrate haiN
ulama3 deen4 ko jab bech ke kha jaate haiN
safaha5 daulat e faani6 pe jab itraate7 haiN
jo husaini haiN vo maidaN meN nikal aate haiN
dhajjiyaN daman e daulat ki uRa dete haiN
baad8 e sar sar9 ko chiraGhoN pe nacha dete haiN1.ignorant 2. cap of knowledge, a reference to the Quran 3. learned ones 4. collective knowledge of righteousness, faith 5. foolish ones 6. impermanent wealth 7. show off 8. breeze/blowing 9. stormy winds (twirling the flame of lamp)
When the ignorant kick the jewel of knowledge, when priests sell their faith, when fools show off their affluence, then the Husainis come out in the open. Tearing the apron of wealth to shreds making the storm dance before the lamp. In Urdu poetic metaphor, the lamp is always the victim and put out by the storm. Here, the tables are turned – much like Husain’s outnumbered followers stood against Yazid’s large army.
Stanza 67
mard vo haiN par e baatil1 jo katar dete haiN
haq2 jo maange to dil o jaan o jigar dete haiN
sher sa bhai3 to yusuf sa pisar4 dete haiN
haath bai’at5 ko baRhate nahiN sar dete haiN
aatish e marg6 meN be Khauf7 o Khatar8 jaate haiN
aanch aati hai jo izzat9 pe to mar jaate haiN1.falsehood, evil 2. righteousness 3. refers to Abbas, Husain’s brother also died in Karbala 4. son like Joseph (good looking) – Akbar 5. allegiance, pay homage by kissing the hand of yazid 6. deathly fire 7. fear 8. danger 9. honor challenged
They only are brave who clip the wings of Evil. When Justice calls they present their heart and soul. They are willing to offer the lives of brother and son. They don’t offer their hand of obedience, but present their heads. They walk into the fire of death without fear, rather die than have their honour maligned.
Stanza 68
soorma1 fitna2 e baatil3 ko daba dete haiN
Khoon dahke hue4 zarroN ko pila dete haiN
apni godoN ke chiraGhoN5 ko bujha dete haiN
apne chandoN6 ko andhere meN sula dete haiN7
misl8 e shabbir9 jo paiGham e amal10 dete haiN
aise hi log zamane ko badal dete haiN1.brave 2. mischief, conspiracy 3. falsehood, evil 4. glowing, on fire 5. beloved offspring 6. their loved ones 7. to bury 8. like, exemplary 9. name of Husain 10. message of action, call to action
The brave put down the fiend of Evil, willing to spill their blood to quench fire, ready to sacrifice their beloved off-spring, laying their loved ones into their dark graves. Those who give a message of action like Husain, such are the people who change the world.
Stanza 69
maiN ye poochhuN jo Khafa hoN1 na rafiqan e karaam2
ke larazte3 to nahiN aap huzur e hukkaam4
aap sarkar meN jhukte to nahiN bahr e salaam5
aaNkh shahoN se milate haiN6 ba andaaz e imam
raa’e bikti7 to nahiN aapki bazaroN meN
aap ka rang to uRta8 nahiN darbaroN meN1.take offence 2. kind friends 3. tremble (with fear) 4. before rulers 5. for offering respect 6. look someone in the eye, to confront 7. concede a point of view in return for money 8. go pale in the face (with fear)
If you don’t take offence, may I ask you my friends, do you tremble in fear before the ruler. Do you bow your head before authority, or do you look power in the eye, like Husain. Is your opinion for sale in the bazar? Do you go pale with fear in the halls of power.
Stanza 70
aap baatil1 se dabakte2 haiN to yaran e karaam3
aap ko naam e husain ibn e ali se kya kaam
jaaiye baiThiye Khilwat4 meN ala’raGhm5 e imam
looTiye daulat6 e lab hae butan e gulfam7
Khud ko ashre8 meN na maGhmoom9 banaae phiriye
apni Ghairat10 ke janaze11 to uThaye phiriye1.falsehood, evil 2. fear 3. kind friends 4. privacy, intimacy 5. opposite of, opposed to 6. wealth 7. lips of rose bodied idols, beautiful women 8. ten (refers to observance of the ten days of the battle of Karbala) 9. mournful 10. honor 11. corpse
If you bow to Injustice, then kind friends you have nothing to do with Husain ibn e Ali. Go and sit with those who are opposed to him and enjoy the lustful pleasures they offer. Please don’t show grief during Moharram, just carry the corpse of your honour on your back.
Stanza 71
aap ka aal e mohammed1 se juda2 hai dastoor3
qaabil e Ghaur nahiN masala4 e sharah e sudoor5
aap ka shuGhl6 hai ko’ee to faqat7 kashf8 e quboor9
aap ko pairavi10 e sher e Khuda11 na manzoor12
aap to shama’ rah o rasm13 ke parvane14 haiN
dosh15 par ka’aba hai seenoN meN sanam Khane16 haiN1.progeny of Mohammed 2. separate 3. code of conduct 4. problem, solution 5. opening the heart 6. pasttime 7. only 8.reveal, show 9. graves 10. advocacy 11. lion of god=Ali 12. unacceptable 13. lamp of formalities/rituals 14. moth (here audience) is attracted to the lamp (formal rituals) 15. shoulder 16. house of idols
Your ways are different from the house of Mohammed. There is no point in looking into your hearts. Your pre-occupation is only a show (of grief) at mausoleums. You have nothing to do with the Lion of god. You are a moth circling the lamp of shallow rituals. You carry Ka’aba for show, but have idols in your hearts.
Stanza 72
qaum1 vo qaum hai jo azm2 ki matwali3 hai
deen e be ruh4 faqat deen5 ki naqqali6 hai
dil hai Ghafil7 to ibaadat8 bhi bad aamaali9 hai
be amal10 qaum ki qira’at11 nahiN qavvali hai
maut ke vaqt ki yaseen12 bana rakha hai
deen ko aap ne ek been13 bana rakha 2. purpose 3. fascinated, engrosssed 4. spiritless 5. faith 6. imitate, mimic 7. negligent, forgetful (of truth) 8. prayer, namaaz 9. forbidden actions 10. not acting (on truthful principles) 11. reading (of the Qura’an) 12. a verse of the Qura’an recitated at the time of death 13. flute, music, entertainment
Only the steadfast of principle can form a community. Faith devoid of spirit is only an imitation of faith. If the heart is not pure, then even namaz is useless. Principles without action, is like reciting Qura’an as qavvali. Reading Yaseen at the time of death is like reducing faith to playing a flute.
Stanza 73
aap navaqif1 e paivastagi2 e ashra3 o eid4
aap ek qufl5 haiN aur qufl bhi gumkarda6 kaleed7
dil haiN Khaashak o Khazaf8, deeda e tar9 marvarid10
daava11 e hubb e husain12 aur havas13 e qurb e yazid14
soz KhwaN15 ke haiN talabgar16, rajaz KhwaN17 ke nahiN
aap majlis18 ke musalman haiN, maidaN19 ke nahiN1.unaware, ignorant 2. association, closeness 3. ten days –10th Moharram the killing of Husain in Karbala 4. joyous celebration Husain was victorious in his death because of his steadfastness of principle) 5. lock 6. lost 7. key 8. weeds and pebbles-refers to nonsense 9. moist eye 10. pearl 11. claim 12. love of Husain 13. obsession 14. closeness with Yazid 15. elegy reader 16. demanding 17. announcer of war 18. gathering, used here to mean a gathering (to mourn Husain’ death) 19. field (of battle)
You are unaware of the one-ness of joy and sorrow. You are like a locked door with lost keys. Your hearts are barren, but eyes brim with tears. You claim love of Husain and desire the company of Yazid. You recite mournful elegy, but do not come out to resist. You are a muslim for show, not for action.
Stanza 74
aek dhoka hai lagavaT meN agar laag1 nahiN
lau2 nikal aaye na jis raag3 se vo raag nahiN
qulzum e barq5 ka ashkoN6 meN zara jhaag nahiN
haif7 pani to hai maujood8 magar aag nahiN
chiTkiyaN le na lahu meN to javani9 kya hai
aag ki jis meN na halchal ho vo pani10 kya hai1.sincere claims of love of Husain 2. flame – metaphor for anger/protest 3. metaphor for mournful wailing 4. ocean of lightning 5. tears 6. alas 7. present, exists 8. restless, impatience of the youth 9. water (used for tears)
It is deception if your claim of love is not sincere. Mournful wailing that is not aflame (with burning passion) is only a song. Your tears do not have the sparkle of lightning. Alas, copious tears but no fire. If it does not bathe in blood, then what use is youth. Without the vigour of fire, mournful tears are useless.
Stanza 75
karbala ab bhi hai ek hosh ruba1 angaara2
apne pani3 meN liye aag ka jaulaN aara4
barq o aatish5 ka ubalta hua ek favvara6
aek muRta hua Khoon e shuhada7 ka dhara
rang uRta8 nazar aata hai jahaN daaroN9 ka
meNh10 barasta hai yahaN aaj bhi talwaroN ka1.blows the mind away 2. flame 3. water (also means brilliance knife or sword) 4. fast moving saw 5. lightning and fire 6. fountain 7. martyrs 8. turn pale with fear 9. worldly ones(meaning evil ones) 10. rain
To this day Karbala is a mind boggling fire carrying a flaming sword in its waters, a boiling fountain of fire and lightning, a flowing river of martyrs’ blood. The face of the despot goes pale in fear. The blessed rain of resistance still falls on Karbala.
Stanza 76
karbala aaj bhi hai aek lagatar1 pukaar2
hai koee pairavi3 e ibn e ali4 par tayyar
asr e hazir5 meN yazidoN6 ka nahiN koee shumaar7
tum mussalloN8 pe do zanoo9 ho musallah10 ashraar11
shor e matam12 meN kahiN teGh ki jhankar nahiN
lab pe naale haiN magar haath meN talwar nahiN1.continuous 2. call (for action) 3. advocacy, support 4. son of Ali, Husain 5. present times 6. Yazid, enemy(evil) who killed 7. count 8. prayer mat 9. sitting with legs folded down during namaaz 10. armed 11. evil ones 12. mourning
Karbala still calls for action. Is there anyone to answer the call of Husain. There is no shortage of present day Yazids. You are busy in rituals while the enemy are armed. In your mournful crying there is no sound of resistance. Wailing is on your lips, but no sword in your hand.
Stanza 77
karbala meN hai vahi sho’la fashani1 abtak
aag ki mauj2 hai talwar ka pani3 abtak
tashnagi4 meN hai vahi dajla chakani5 abtak
manchaloN ki hai vahi zamzama Khwani6 abtak
roo e mahaul7 pe baankoN8 ki vo dhaj9 hai ab bhi
mere so’e hue sherauN ki garaj hai ab bhi1.shooting flames (spirit of rebellion) 2. wave 3. sharp/shiny sword 4. thirst 5. flow of the Tigris 6. singing 7. face of the present order 8. rebellious ones 9. beauty, adornment
Karbala still burns bright. The sharp sword still shines like a brilliant flame. Thirst still carries the flow of the river. The faithful still answer the call. The spirit of times still carries the glory of rebellion. The sleeping lions still roar.
Stanza 78
karbala meN asar1 e baGh e jinaN2 aaj bhi hai
boo e anfaas3 e maseeha nafasaN4 aaj bhi hai
husn5 e rangini6 e Khooni kafanaN7 aaj bhi hai
subah aashoor8 ki gulbaang9 e aza’aN10 aaj bhi hai
ek pur asraar11 Khamoshi hai par afshaN12 abtak
subah ke dosh13 pe hai sham e GharibaN14 abtak1.effect, power 2. garden of paradise 3. fragrance of the breath 4. Jesus could bring the dead back to life by blowing on them (immortality) 5. beauty 6. colourfulness 7. blood stained shrouds 8. tenth Moharram(final day of battle of Karbala) 9. declaration 10. the call to prayer 11. mysterious 12. spreading its wings 13. shoulder 14. evening of desolation after the battle of Karbala
Karbala still has the power/attraction of the garden of heaven. It still carries the fragrance of immortality. The blood splattered shroud is still glorious. The call of the dawn of aashoor still rings loud. A mysterious calm prevails at sundown. The evening still carries memories of the desolate night.
Stanza 79
ab bhi go1 dhoop ki shiddat2 se zamiN bhunti hai
sozan3 e Khaak sharaaroN4 ki rida5 bunti hai
phir bhi zarroN6. se hava la’al o guhar7 chunti hai
zindagi seerat8 e shabbir pe sar dhunti9 hai
rang e ruKhsaara10. e tareeKh11 nikhar jata hai
lab pe jab naam e husain ibn e ali aata hai1.even though 2. extreme, fierceness 3. scorching 4. sparks 5. shawl, veil, cloak 6. particles (of dust) 7. rubies and pearls 8. character 9. praise 10. cheeks/face 11. history
Even though the desert still burns under the merciless sun and the scorching sands still weave a fiery sheet, yet, pearls and rubies can be found in those sands. Life scratches its head in amazement at the person of Husain. The page of history shines bright whenever the name of Husain appears on it.
Stanza 80
karbala ab bhi sar e vaqt pe lahraati1 hai
zulf ki tarah2 Khiyalat pe bal khaati hai
Khamushi raat ko jis vaqt ke chhaa jaati hai
dil e zainab ke dhaRakne ki sada aati hai
kabhi zulmat3 meN jo koonda sa lapak4 jata hai
aek Qura’an balandi5 pe nazar aata insist something 2. like long tresses 3. darkness 4. lightning strike 5. heights
Karbala still hovers over the head of Times demanding answers, waving like dark tresses on the mind. And when all goes quiet at night the throbbing of the heart of Zainab can still be heard. And in the dark, when lightning strikes a Qura’an can be seen on the heights. In Shia tradition, Husain is considered to be the “living Qura’an” because it is thought that his life was in complete accord with the principles of the Qura’an. The “Qura’an seen on the heights” possibly refers to the spirit of Husain.
Stanza 81
ab bhi ek simt1 se uThta nazar aata hai dhuaN2
bibiyaN3 chand4 khule sar5 nazar aati haiN yahaN
aek goshe6 meN hai goonji7 hui aavaz e azaaN8
ek pharera hai siyah posh10 fiza par GhaltaN10
chand saa’e nazar aate haiN KharamaN11 ab bhi
aek zanjir ki jhankar12 hai larzaN ab bhi1.direction 2. rising smoke (from burning Husain’s tents 3, ladies 4. a few 5. without a head 6. corner 7. echoing 8. the sound of the call to prayer 9. spread out, dissolved 10. black flags for mourning 11. walking 12. clang of a chain
Even today, smoke rises from that direction. A few ladies, veils torn assunder, might still be seen. The aza’an still rings loud from yonder corner. A black standard might be seen waving on the horizon. A few moving shadows still visible. The clang of manacles and shackles still reverberates. The story of Karbala has it that the camp of the family of Husain was burnt at the end of battle, hence the rising smoke from one direction. The family of Husain were paraded in public without their chadars and Husain’s surviving son was put in chains and paraded out.
Stanza 82
karbala ke ruKh e rangiN1 pe chamak aaj bhi hai
iske darke hue2 shishoN meN khanak aaj bhi hai
kal ki barsi hui badli3 ki dhanak4 aaj bhi hai
aek naushah5 ke sehre ki mahak6 aaj bhi hai
kuchh garebaN7 nazar aate haiN fiza par ab bhi
aek jhoola mutaharrik8 hai fiza par ab bhi1.colorful face (here color of blood 2. cracked 3. cloud 4. rainbow 5. bridegroom 6. fragrance of the groom’s garland 7. torn collar –metaphor for distress 8. moving, swinging
The blood soaked face of Karbala still shines bright. Its shattered cups still tinkle pleasantly. Cracked/shattered cups are supposed to lose their tinkle. Retaining tinkle is a metaphor for retaining its music/effectiveness/message. Yesterday’s rainshower still casts a colourful rainbow. The fragrance of wedding flowers still lingers. A few torn collars are still scattered. A baby’s cradle can still be seen swinging. Each misra has the same emphasis – the message of Karbala is still relevant/powerful. The story of Karbala has it that a nephew of Husain was married to one of his daughters to respect the wishes of his dead brother. The fragrance of wedding flowers refers to that. Torn collars are a metaphor for desolation. The swinging cradle recalls the killing of Husain’s infant son.
Stanza 83
karbala sar pe kafan baandh1 ke jab aati hai
vusa’at2 e arz o samavaat3 pe chha jaati hai
tund anfaas4 se faulad5 ko barmati6 hai
tabar7 o teer8 ko Khatre meN9 nahiN laati hai
chaRh ke naize10 pe do aalam ko hila deti hai
karbala maut ko deevana bana deti hai1.wearing a burial shroud (prepared to die) 2. expanse, extent 3. earth and skies 4. sharp breath 5. steel 6. drills through 7. mace 8. arrow 9. disregard the danger of 10. refers to presenting Husian’s head on a lance to Yazid
When Karbala emerges, burial shroud readied, it spans the expanse of the earth and sky. It drills through steel with its sharp breath, in total disregard of mace and arrow. Head proudly mounted on the tip of the lance Karbala confuses (by it willingness to die) and conquers Death.
Stanza 84
karbala ab bhi hukoomat ko nigal sakti hai
karbala taKht ko talvoN se masal sakti hai
karbala Khaar1 to kya, aag pe chal sakti hai
karbala vaqt ke dhare ko badal sakti hai
karbala qila’e faulad2 hai jarraroN3 ka
karbala naam hai chalti hui talvaroN4 ka1.thorns 2. fortress of steel 3. jari=brave 4. metaphor for constant battle, constant resistance
Karbala can still destroy the despot. It can still trample the throne under its feet. It can walk not just on thorns, but on fire. Karbala can change the flow of the times. Karbala is a steel fortress of the brave. Karbala is the symbol of constant resistance.
Stanza 85
karbala aek tazalzul1 hai moheet2 e dauraN
karbala Khirman3 e sarmaya4 pe barq e tap’aN5
karbala tabl6 pe hai zarbat7 e aavaz e aza’aN8
karbala jura’at9 e inkaar hai pesh e sultaN10
fikr e haq soz11 yahaN kasht12 nahiN kar sakti
karbala taj ko bardasht13 nahiN kar sakti1.restlessness 2. extending, covering 3. harvest 4. wealth 5. powerful lightning strike 6. drum 7. strike 8. metaphor for resitance 8. drum beating to declare defiance 9. daring 10. before the king/ruler 11. Justice burning system 12. cultivate, reap a harvest 13. tolerate
Karbala is a restlessness over all time. Karbala burns the harvest of greed with its lightning strike. Karbala is the drumbeat of the call of resistance. Karbala is the courage to refuse the despot. Injustice cannot sow and harvest here. Karbala will not tolerate despotism.
Stanza 86
jab tak is Khaak1 pe baaqi2 hai vujood3 e ashraar4
dosh5 e insaN pe hai jab tak hasham6 e taKht7 ka baar8
jab tak iqdaar9 se aGhraaz10 haiN garm e paikar11
karbala haath se phainkegi na hargiz talwaar
koi kah de ye hukoomat ke nigahbanoN12 se
karbala ek abadi13 jang hai sultanoN se1.dust (earth) 2. remains 3. existence 4. oppressors 5. shoulder, back 6. grandeur 7. throne 8. weight 9. value, riches 10. needs 11. heat of conflict 12. protectors 13. constant, eternal
As long as there is oppression on this earth, as long as man is burdened by the grandeur of the throne, aAs long as there is conflict between the greedy and the poor, Karbala will not lay down its sword. Somebody tell the keepers of power that Karbala is a constant struggle against unjust power.
Stanza 87
kah raha hai ye are` kaun ba andaaz e sarosh1
ke bas imroz2 hai imroz na farda3 hai na dosh4
kis ki yarab ye sada hai ke fiza5 hai Khamosh
maiN husain ibn e ali bol raha huN aye josh
baKhsh6 de aag mere sard7 azadaroN8 ko
haN! jaga Daab9 meN soii hui talwaroN an angel 2. today 3. past 4. future 5. ambience 6. grant 7. cold 8. mourners 9. scabbard, sword belt
Who is this, who speaks like an angel. Now is the moment, not yesterday or tomorrow. O, god, whose sound is this that all else is quiet. I am Husain speaking, O, Josh, “Light a fire in the cold hearts of my mourners and, wake up the swords that are asleep in their scabbards”.
Stanza 88
karbala bahr e amal1 naara zanaN2 hai abtak
karbala gosh bar avaaz e yalaN3 hai abtak
karbala muntazir4 e saf shikanaN5 hai abtak
karbala jaanib e insaaN nigaraaN6 hai abtak
daad7 e Gham aek bhi jaaNbaaz8 nahiN deta hai
koi avaz pe avaz nahiN deta hai1.for action 2. proclaiming, demanding 3. ear to the declaration of resistance 4. waiting 5. breaker of lines (of soldiers) 6. of taking care of humanity 7. praise, support 8. one willing to risk his/her life
Karbala still calls for action. Karbala still has her ear on the declaration of resistance. Karbala is still waiting for her fighters. Karbala still is mindful of poor humanity. But there is none who joins my call. There is none that answers.
Stanza 66
johala1 jab kulah e ilm2 ko Thukrate haiN
ulama3 deen4 ko jab bech ke kha jaate haiN
safaha5 daulat e faani6 pe jab itraate7 haiN
jo husaini haiN vo maidaN meN nikal aate haiN
dhajjiyaN daman e daulat ki uRa dete haiN
baad8 e sar sar9 ko chiraGhoN pe nacha dete haiN
1.ignorant 2. cap of knowledge, a reference to the Quran 3. learned ones 4. collective knowledge of righteousness, faith 5. foolish ones 6. impermanent wealth 7. show off 8. breeze/blowing 9. stormy winds (twirling the flame of lamp)
When the ignorant kick the jewel of knowledge, when priests sell their faith, when fools show off their affluence, then the Husainis come out in the open. Tearing the apron of wealth to shreds making the storm dance before the lamp. In Urdu poetic metaphor, the lamp is always the victim and put out by the storm. Here, the tables are turned – much like Husain’s outnumbered followers stood against Yazid’s large army.
Stanza 67
mard vo haiN par e baatil1 jo katar dete haiN
haq2 jo maange to dil o jaan o jigar dete haiN
sher sa bhai3 to yusuf sa pisar4 dete haiN
haath bai’at5 ko baRhate nahiN sar dete haiN
aatish e marg6 meN be Khauf7 o Khatar8 jaate haiN
aanch aati hai jo izzat9 pe to mar jaate haiN
1.falsehood, evil 2. righteousness 3. refers to Abbas, Husain’s brother also died in Karbala 4. son like Joseph (good looking) – Akbar 5. allegiance, pay homage by kissing the hand of yazid 6. deathly fire 7. fear 8. danger 9. honor challenged
They only are brave who clip the wings of Evil. When Justice calls they present their heart and soul. They are willing to offer the lives of brother and son. They don’t offer their hand of obedience, but present their heads. They walk into the fire of death without fear, rather die than have their honour maligned.
Stanza 68
soorma1 fitna2 e baatil3 ko daba dete haiN
Khoon dahke hue4 zarroN ko pila dete haiN
apni godoN ke chiraGhoN5 ko bujha dete haiN
apne chandoN6 ko andhere meN sula dete haiN7
misl8 e shabbir9 jo paiGham e amal10 dete haiN
aise hi log zamane ko badal dete haiN
1.brave 2. mischief, conspiracy 3. falsehood, evil 4. glowing, on fire 5. beloved offspring 6. their loved ones 7. to bury 8. like, exemplary 9. name of Husain 10. message of action, call to action
The brave put down the fiend of Evil, willing to spill their blood to quench fire, ready to sacrifice their beloved off-spring, laying their loved ones into their dark graves. Those who give a message of action like Husain, such are the people who change the world.
Stanza 69
maiN ye poochhuN jo Khafa hoN1 na rafiqan e karaam2
ke larazte3 to nahiN aap huzur e hukkaam4
aap sarkar meN jhukte to nahiN bahr e salaam5
aaNkh shahoN se milate haiN6 ba andaaz e imam
raa’e bikti7 to nahiN aapki bazaroN meN
aap ka rang to uRta8 nahiN darbaroN meN
1.take offence 2. kind friends 3. tremble (with fear) 4. before rulers 5. for offering respect 6. look someone in the eye, to confront 7. concede a point of view in return for money 8. go pale in the face (with fear)
If you don’t take offence, may I ask you my friends, do you tremble in fear before the ruler. Do you bow your head before authority, or do you look power in the eye, like Husain. Is your opinion for sale in the bazar? Do you go pale with fear in the halls of power.
Stanza 70
aap baatil1 se dabakte2 haiN to yaran e karaam3
aap ko naam e husain ibn e ali se kya kaam
jaaiye baiThiye Khilwat4 meN ala’raGhm5 e imam
looTiye daulat6 e lab hae butan e gulfam7
Khud ko ashre8 meN na maGhmoom9 banaae phiriye
apni Ghairat10 ke janaze11 to uThaye phiriye
1.falsehood, evil 2. fear 3. kind friends 4. privacy, intimacy 5. opposite of, opposed to 6. wealth 7. lips of rose bodied idols, beautiful women 8. ten (refers to observance of the ten days of the battle of Karbala) 9. mournful
10. honor 11. corpse
If you bow to Injustice, then kind friends you have nothing to do with Husain ibn e Ali. Go and sit with those who are opposed to him and enjoy the lustful pleasures they offer. Please don’t show grief during Moharram, just carry the corpse of your honour on your back.
Stanza 71
aap ka aal e mohammed1 se juda2 hai dastoor3
qaabil e Ghaur nahiN masala4 e sharah e sudoor5
aap ka shuGhl6 hai ko’ee to faqat7 kashf8 e quboor9
aap ko pairavi10 e sher e Khuda11 na manzoor12
aap to shama’ rah o rasm13 ke parvane14 haiN
dosh15 par ka’aba hai seenoN meN sanam Khane16 haiN
1.progeny of Mohammed 2. separate 3. code of conduct 4. problem, solution 5. opening the heart 6. pasttime 7. only 8.reveal, show 9. graves 10. advocacy 11. lion of god=Ali 12. unacceptable 13. lamp of formalities/rituals 14. moth (here audience) is attracted to the lamp (formal rituals) 15. shoulder
16. house of idols
Your ways are different from the house of Mohammed. There is no point in looking into your hearts. Your pre-occupation is only a show (of grief) at mausoleums. You have nothing to do with the Lion of god. You are a moth circling the lamp of shallow rituals. You carry Ka’aba for show, but have idols in your hearts.
Stanza 72
qaum1 vo qaum hai jo azm2 ki matwali3 hai
deen e be ruh4 faqat deen5 ki naqqali6 hai
dil hai Ghafil7 to ibaadat8 bhi bad aamaali9 hai
be amal10 qaum ki qira’at11 nahiN qavvali hai
maut ke vaqt ki yaseen12 bana rakha hai
deen ko aap ne ek been13 bana rakha hai 2. purpose 3. fascinated, engrosssed 4. spiritless 5. faith 6. imitate, mimic 7. negligent, forgetful (of truth) 8. prayer, namaaz 9. forbidden actions 10. not acting (on truthful principles) 11. reading (of the Qura’an) 12. a verse of the Qura’an recitated at the time of death 13. flute, music, entertainment
Only the steadfast of principle can form a community. Faith devoid of spirit is only an imitation of faith. If the heart is not pure, then even namaz is useless. Principles without action, is like reciting Qura’an as qavvali. Reading Yaseen at the time of death is like reducing faith to playing a flute.
Stanza 73
aap navaqif1 e paivastagi2 e ashra3 o eid4
aap ek qufl5 haiN aur qufl bhi gumkarda6 kaleed7
dil haiN Khaashak o Khazaf8, deeda e tar9 marvarid10
daava11 e hubb e husain12 aur havas13 e qurb e yazid14
soz KhwaN15 ke haiN talabgar16, rajaz KhwaN17 ke nahiN
aap majlis18 ke musalman haiN, maidaN19 ke nahiN
1.unaware, ignorant 2. association, closeness 3. ten days –10th Moharram the killing of Husain in Karbala 4. joyous celebration Husain was victorious in his death because of his steadfastness of principle) 5. lock 6. lost 7. key 8. weeds and pebbles-refers to nonsense 9. moist eye 10. pearl 11. claim 12. love of Husain 13. obsession 14. closeness with Yazid 15. elegy reader 16. demanding 17. announcer of war 18. gathering, used here to mean a gathering (to mourn Husain’ death) 19. field (of battle)
You are unaware of the one-ness of joy and sorrow. You are like a locked door with lost keys. Your hearts are barren, but eyes brim with tears. You claim love of Husain and desire the company of Yazid. You recite mournful elegy, but do not come out to resist. You are a muslim for show, not for action.
Stanza 74
aek dhoka hai lagavaT meN agar laag1 nahiN
lau2 nikal aaye na jis raag3 se vo raag nahiN
qulzum e barq5 ka ashkoN6 meN zara jhaag nahiN
haif7 pani to hai maujood8 magar aag nahiN
chiTkiyaN le na lahu meN to javani9 kya hai
aag ki jis meN na halchal ho vo pani10 kya hai
1.sincere claims of love of Husain 2. flame – metaphor for anger/protest 3. metaphor for mournful wailing 4. ocean of lightning 5. tears 6. alas 7. present, exists 8. restless, impatience of the youth 9. water (used for tears)
It is deception if your claim of love is not sincere. Mournful wailing that is not aflame (with burning passion) is only a song. Your tears do not have the sparkle of lightning. Alas, copious tears but no fire. If it does not bathe in blood, then what use is youth. Without the vigour of fire, mournful tears are useless.
Stanza 75
karbala ab bhi hai ek hosh ruba1 angaara2
apne pani3 meN liye aag ka jaulaN aara4
barq o aatish5 ka ubalta hua ek favvara6
aek muRta hua Khoon e shuhada7 ka dhara
rang uRta8 nazar aata hai jahaN daaroN9 ka
meNh10 barasta hai yahaN aaj bhi talwaroN ka
1.blows the mind away 2. flame 3. water (also means brilliance knife or sword) 4. fast moving saw 5. lightning and fire 6. fountain 7. martyrs 8. turn pale with fear 9. worldly ones(meaning evil ones) 10. rain
To this day Karbala is a mind boggling fire carrying a flaming sword in its waters, a boiling fountain of fire and lightning, a flowing river of martyrs’ blood. The face of the despot goes pale in fear. The blessed rain of resistance still falls on Karbala.
Stanza 76
karbala aaj bhi hai aek lagatar1 pukaar2
hai koee pairavi3 e ibn e ali4 par tayyar
asr e hazir5 meN yazidoN6 ka nahiN koee shumaar7
tum mussalloN8 pe do zanoo9 ho musallah10 ashraar11
shor e matam12 meN kahiN teGh ki jhankar nahiN
lab pe naale haiN magar haath meN talwar nahiN
1.continuous 2. call (for action) 3. advocacy, support 4. son of Ali, Husain 5. present times 6. Yazid, enemy(evil) who killed 7. count 8. prayer mat 9. sitting with legs folded down during namaaz 10. armed 11. evil ones 12. mourning
Karbala still calls for action. Is there anyone to answer the call of Husain. There is no shortage of present day Yazids. You are busy in rituals while the enemy are armed. In your mournful crying there is no sound of resistance. Wailing is on your lips, but no sword in your hand.
Stanza 77
karbala meN hai vahi sho’la fashani1 abtak
aag ki mauj2 hai talwar ka pani3 abtak
tashnagi4 meN hai vahi dajla chakani5 abtak
manchaloN ki hai vahi zamzama Khwani6 abtak
roo e mahaul7 pe baankoN8 ki vo dhaj9 hai ab bhi
mere so’e hue sherauN ki garaj hai ab bhi
1.shooting flames (spirit of rebellion) 2. wave 3. sharp/shiny sword 4. thirst
5. flow of the Tigris 6. singing 7. face of the present order 8. rebellious ones
9. beauty, adornment
Karbala still burns bright. The sharp sword still shines like a brilliant flame. Thirst still carries the flow of the river. The faithful still answer the call. The spirit of times still carries the glory of rebellion. The sleeping lions still roar.
Stanza 78
karbala meN asar1 e baGh e jinaN2 aaj bhi hai
boo e anfaas3 e maseeha nafasaN4 aaj bhi hai
husn5 e rangini6 e Khooni kafanaN7 aaj bhi hai
subah aashoor8 ki gulbaang9 e aza’aN10 aaj bhi hai
ek pur asraar11 Khamoshi hai par afshaN12 abtak
subah ke dosh13 pe hai sham e GharibaN14 abtak
1.effect, power 2. garden of paradise 3. fragrance of the breath 4. Jesus could bring the dead back to life by blowing on them (immortality) 5. beauty 6. colourfulness 7. blood stained shrouds 8. tenth Moharram(final day of battle of Karbala) 9. declaration 10. the call to prayer 11. mysterious 12. spreading its wings 13. shoulder 14. evening of desolation after the battle of Karbala
Karbala still has the power/attraction of the garden of heaven. It still carries the fragrance of immortality. The blood splattered shroud is still glorious. The call of the dawn of aashoor still rings loud. A mysterious calm prevails at sundown. The evening still carries memories of the desolate night.
Stanza 79
ab bhi go1 dhoop ki shiddat2 se zamiN bhunti hai
sozan3 e Khaak sharaaroN4 ki rida5 bunti hai
phir bhi zarroN6. se hava la’al o guhar7 chunti hai
zindagi seerat8 e shabbir pe sar dhunti9 hai
rang e ruKhsaara10. e tareeKh11 nikhar jata hai
lab pe jab naam e husain ibn e ali aata hai
1.even though 2. extreme, fierceness 3. scorching 4. sparks 5. shawl, veil, cloak 6. particles (of dust) 7. rubies and pearls 8. character 9. praise 10. cheeks/face 11. history
Even though the desert still burns under the merciless sun and the scorching sands still weave a fiery sheet, yet, pearls and rubies can be found in those sands. Life scratches its head in amazement at the person of Husain. The page of history shines bright whenever the name of Husain appears on it.
Stanza 80
karbala ab bhi sar e vaqt pe lahraati1 hai
zulf ki tarah2 Khiyalat pe bal khaati hai
Khamushi raat ko jis vaqt ke chhaa jaati hai
dil e zainab ke dhaRakne ki sada aati hai
kabhi zulmat3 meN jo koonda sa lapak4 jata hai
aek Qura’an balandi5 pe nazar aata hai insist something 2. like long tresses 3. darkness 4. lightning strike 5. heights
Karbala still hovers over the head of Times demanding answers, waving like dark tresses on the mind. And when all goes quiet at night the throbbing of the heart of Zainab can still be heard. And in the dark, when lightning strikes a Qura’an can be seen on the heights. In Shia tradition, Husain is considered to be the “living Qura’an” because it is thought that his life was in complete accord with the principles of the Qura’an. The “Qura’an seen on the heights” possibly refers to the spirit of Husain.
Stanza 81
ab bhi ek simt1 se uThta nazar aata hai dhuaN2
bibiyaN3 chand4 khule sar5 nazar aati haiN yahaN
aek goshe6 meN hai goonji7 hui aavaz e azaaN8
ek pharera hai siyah posh10 fiza par GhaltaN10
chand saa’e nazar aate haiN KharamaN11 ab bhi
aek zanjir ki jhankar12 hai larzaN ab bhi
1.direction 2. rising smoke (from burning Husain’s tents 3, ladies 4. a few 5. without a head 6. corner 7. echoing 8. the sound of the call to prayer 9. spread out, dissolved 10. black flags for mourning 11. walking 12. clang of a chain
Even today, smoke rises from that direction. A few ladies, veils torn assunder, might still be seen. The aza’an still rings loud from yonder corner. A black standard might be seen waving on the horizon. A few moving shadows still visible. The clang of manacles and shackles still reverberates. The story of Karbala has it that the camp of the family of Husain was burnt at the end of battle, hence the rising smoke from one direction. The family of Husain were paraded in public without their chadars and Husain’s surviving son was put in chains and paraded out.
Stanza 82
karbala ke ruKh e rangiN1 pe chamak aaj bhi hai
iske darke hue2 shishoN meN khanak aaj bhi hai
kal ki barsi hui badli3 ki dhanak4 aaj bhi hai
aek naushah5 ke sehre ki mahak6 aaj bhi hai
kuchh garebaN7 nazar aate haiN fiza par ab bhi
aek jhoola mutaharrik8 hai fiza par ab bhi
1.colorful face (here color of blood 2. cracked 3. cloud 4. rainbow 5. bridegroom 6. fragrance of the groom’s garland 7. torn collar –metaphor for distress 8. moving, swinging
The blood soaked face of Karbala still shines bright. Its shattered cups still tinkle pleasantly. Cracked/shattered cups are supposed to lose their tinkle. Retaining tinkle is a metaphor for retaining its music/effectiveness/message. Yesterday’s rainshower still casts a colourful rainbow. The fragrance of wedding flowers still lingers. A few torn collars are still scattered. A baby’s cradle can still be seen swinging. Each misra has the same emphasis – the message of Karbala is still relevant/powerful. The story of Karbala has it that a nephew of Husain was married to one of his daughters to respect the wishes of his dead brother. The fragrance of wedding flowers refers to that. Torn collars are a metaphor for desolation. The swinging cradle recalls the killing of Husain’s infant son.
Stanza 83
karbala sar pe kafan baandh1 ke jab aati hai
vusa’at2 e arz o samavaat3 pe chha jaati hai
tund anfaas4 se faulad5 ko barmati6 hai
tabar7 o teer8 ko Khatre meN9 nahiN laati hai
chaRh ke naize10 pe do aalam ko hila deti hai
karbala maut ko deevana bana deti hai
1.wearing a burial shroud (prepared to die) 2. expanse, extent 3. earth and skies 4. sharp breath 5. steel 6. drills through 7. mace 8. arrow 9. disregard the danger of 10. refers to presenting Husian’s head on a lance to Yazid
When Karbala emerges, burial shroud readied, it spans the expanse of the earth and sky. It drills through steel with its sharp breath, in total disregard of mace and arrow. Head proudly mounted on the tip of the lance Karbala confuses (by it willingness to die) and conquers Death.
Stanza 84
karbala ab bhi hukoomat ko nigal sakti hai
karbala taKht ko talvoN se masal sakti hai
karbala Khaar1 to kya, aag pe chal sakti hai
karbala vaqt ke dhare ko badal sakti hai
karbala qila’e faulad2 hai jarraroN3 ka
karbala naam hai chalti hui talvaroN4 ka
1.thorns 2. fortress of steel 3. jari=brave 4. metaphor for constant battle, constant resistance
Karbala can still destroy the despot. It can still trample the throne under its feet. It can walk not just on thorns, but on fire. Karbala can change the flow of the times. Karbala is a steel fortress of the brave. Karbala is the symbol of constant resistance.
Stanza 85
karbala aek tazalzul1 hai moheet2 e dauraN
karbala Khirman3 e sarmaya4 pe barq e tap’aN5
karbala tabl6 pe hai zarbat7 e aavaz e aza’aN8
karbala jura’at9 e inkaar hai pesh e sultaN10
fikr e haq soz11 yahaN kasht12 nahiN kar sakti
karbala taj ko bardasht13 nahiN kar sakti
1.restlessness 2. extending, covering 3. harvest 4. wealth 5. powerful lightning strike 6. drum 7. strike 8. metaphor for resitance 8. drum beating to declare defiance 9. daring 10. before the king/ruler 11. Justice burning system 12. cultivate, reap a harvest 13. tolerate
Karbala is a restlessness over all time. Karbala burns the harvest of greed with its lightning strike. Karbala is the drumbeat of the call of resistance. Karbala is the courage to refuse the despot. Injustice cannot sow and harvest here. Karbala will not tolerate despotism.
Stanza 86
jab tak is Khaak1 pe baaqi2 hai vujood3 e ashraar4
dosh5 e insaN pe hai jab tak hasham6 e taKht7 ka baar8
jab tak iqdaar9 se aGhraaz10 haiN garm e paikar11
karbala haath se phainkegi na hargiz talwaar
koi kah de ye hukoomat ke nigahbanoN12 se
karbala ek abadi13 jang hai sultanoN se
1.dust (earth) 2. remains 3. existence 4. oppressors 5. shoulder, back 6. grandeur 7. throne 8. weight 9. value, riches 10. needs 11. heat of conflict 12. protectors 13. constant, eternal
As long as there is oppression on this earth, as long as man is burdened by the grandeur of the throne, aAs long as there is conflict between the greedy and the poor, Karbala will not lay down its sword. Somebody tell the keepers of power that Karbala is a constant struggle against unjust power.
Stanza 87
kah raha hai ye are` kaun ba andaaz e sarosh1
ke bas imroz2 hai imroz na farda3 hai na dosh4
kis ki yarab ye sada hai ke fiza5 hai Khamosh
maiN husain ibn e ali bol raha huN aye josh
baKhsh6 de aag mere sard7 azadaroN8 ko
haN! jaga Daab9 meN soii hui talwaroN ko an angel 2. today 3. past 4. future 5. ambience 6. grant 7. cold 8. mourners 9. scabbard, sword belt
Who is this, who speaks like an angel. Now is the moment, not yesterday or tomorrow. O, god, whose sound is this that all else is quiet. I am Husain speaking, O, Josh, “Light a fire in the cold hearts of my mourners and, wake up the swords that are asleep in their scabbards”.
Stanza 88
karbala bahr e amal1 naara zanaN2 hai abtak
karbala gosh bar avaaz e yalaN3 hai abtak
karbala muntazir4 e saf shikanaN5 hai abtak
karbala jaanib e insaaN nigaraaN6 hai abtak
daad7 e Gham aek bhi jaaNbaaz8 nahiN deta hai
koi avaz pe avaz nahiN deta hai
1.for action 2. proclaiming, demanding 3. ear to the declaration of resistance 4. waiting 5. breaker of lines (of soldiers) 6. of taking care of humanity 7. praise, support 8. one willing to risk his/her life
Karbala still calls for action. Karbala still has her ear on the declaration of resistance. Karbala is still waiting for her fighters. Karbala still is mindful of poor humanity. But there is none who joins my call. There is none that answers.