be-zabaani le ke aaya huN-jaliil maanifkpuri fasaahat juNg

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

بے  زبانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں  ۔  جلیل  حسن  جلیلؔ  مانکپوری


نیا  سودا  نیا  دردِ  نہانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں

نئی  اُس  بزم  سے  میں  زندگانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


کچھ  اپنی  ناتوانی  کچھ  ترا  پاسِ  نزاکت  تھا

نگاہوں  میں  محبت  کی  کہانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


ترے  جلوے  کے  نظّارے  کو  خالی  ہاتھ  کیا  آتا

لٹانے  کو  بہارِ  نوجوانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


لبوں  پر  مُہرِ  خاموشی  ہے  آنکھیں  ڈبڈبائی  ہیں

اثر  انداز  اپنی  بے  زبانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


خدا  معلوم  قاصد  کیا  سنائے  دل  دھڑکتا  ہے

یہ  کہتا  ہے  کہ  پیغامِ  زبانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


مژہ  پر  گرم  گرم  آنسو  لبوں  پر  سرد  سرد  آہیں

فسانہ  درد  کا  غم  کی  کہانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


سرِشکِ  خوں،  دل  پر  داغ،  افسردہ  تمنائیں

ازل  سے  یہ  متاعِ  زندگانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


مقامِ  خِضر  تھا  یا  میکدہ  تھا  کیا  کہوں  کیا  تھا

جہاں  سے  میں  حیاتِ  جاودانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں


جلیلؔ  ابرِ  سیہ  کیا  جھومتا  ہے  سبزہ  زاروں  پر

یہ  کہتا  ہے  کہ  آبِ  زندگانی  لے  کے  آیا  ہوں

बे-ज़बानी ले के आया हूँ – जलील हसन जलील मानिकपूरी

नया सौदा नया दर्द-ए नेहानी ले के आया हूं

नई उस बज़्म से मैं ज़िंदगानी ले के आया हूं

कुछ अपनी ना-तवानी कुछ तेरा पास-ए नज़ाकत था

निगाहौं में मोहब्बत की कहानी ले के आया हूं

तेरे जल्वे के नज़्ज़ारे को ख़ाली हाथ क्या आता

लुटाने को बहार-ए नौजवानी ले के आया हूं

लबों पर मोहर-ए ख़ामोशी है आँखें डबडबाई हैं

असर-अंदाज़ अपनी बे-ज़बानी ले के आया हूं

ख़ुदा-मालूम क़ासिद क्या सुनाए दिल धढकता है

ये कहता है के पैग़ाम-ए ज़बानी ले के आया हूं

मिज़्शा पर गर्म गर्म आँसू लबों पर सर्द सर्द आहें

फ़साना दर्द का ग़म की कहानी ले के आया हूं

सरिश्क-ए ख़ूं, दिल-ए पुर-दाग़, अफ़्सुर्दा तमन्नाएं

अज़ल से ये मता’-ए ज़िंदगानी ले के आया हूं

मक़ाम-ए ख़िज़्र था या मैकदा था क्या कहूं क्या था

जहाँ से मैं हयात-ए जावेदानी ले के आया हूं

जलील अब्र-ए सियह क्या झूमता है सब्ज़ा-ज़ारों पर

ये कहता है के आब-ए ज़िन्दगानी ले के आया हूं


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. jaliil hasan jaliil maanikpuri (1864-1946), maanikpur. Learnt urdu, faarsi, arabi from scholars/tutors at home. Became shaagird of amiir minaaii in 1882 and followed him to rampur (1886) and to hyderabad in 1901. Appointed ustaad of mahboob ali KhaaN in 1910 and later of osman ali KhaaN. Given numerous titles including navaab fasaahat jaNg.
nayaa saudaa1 nayaa dard2-e nehaanii3 le ke aayaa huN
na’ii us bazm4 se maiN zindagaanii le ke aayaa huN, also means madness of all-consuming love 2.pain, sorrow 3.hidden 4.gathering
I bring a new passion, a new secret pain, from that new gathering, I have brought a new life. What new gathering? Perhaps an encounter with someone transformative or more likely the beloved’s bazm/gathering of admirers.

kuchh apnii naa-tavaanii1 kuchh teraa paas2-e nazaakat3 thaa
nigaahoN4 meN mohabbat kii kahaanii le ke aayaa huN   
1.weakness, fragility 2.consideration, respect 3.delicacy 4.eyes
Partly my frailty, partly a consideration for your delicate nature, I bring the story of love in my eyes. An alternative to bringing the story in the eyes would have been to speak it out. This might have resulted in his wailing and crying and he is too frail to do that. In addition he has consideration for her delicate nature and does not speak out his declaration of love before others.

tere’ jalve’1 ke nazzaare2 ko Khaalii3 haath kyaa aataa
luTaane4 ko bahaar5-e naujavaanii6 le ke aayaa huN, grace 2.sight, view 3.empty 4.squander, offering 5.spring 6.youth
How could I come empty-handed to behold your splendor? I bring the bloom of my youthful spring to offer.

laboN1 par mohr2-e Khaamoshii3 hai aaNkheN DabDabaa’ii4 haiN
asar-andaaz5 apnii be-zabaanii6 le ke aayaa huN   
1.lips 2.stamp, seal 3.silence 4.tearful, brimming 5.effect creating, effective 6.tonguelessness, silence
My lips are sealed in silence, my eyes are brimming, I bring the power/effectiveness of my unspoken words/silence.

Khudaa-m’aaluum1 qaasid2 kyaa sunaa’e dil dhaRaktaa3 hai
ye kahtaa hai keh paiGhaam4-e zabaanii5 le ke aayaa huN   
1.knows 2.messenger 3.palpitates, beats 4.message 5.oral
God knows what the messenger will convey—my heart beats, he says he brings an oral message. The beloved has replied to his message to her, but has chosen to send an oral reply either in addition to or instead of a written reply. The poet/lover is apprehsive.

mizsha1 par garm-garm aaNsuu laboN2 par sard-sard3 aaheN4
fasaana5 dard6 kaa, Gham7 kii kahaanii le ke aayaa huN   
1.eyelashes 2.lips 3.cold 4.sigh 5.story 6.pain 7.sorrow
Warm tears glistening on my lashes, cold sighs lingering on my lips, I come with a tale of pain of love and a story of grief (or unrequited love).

sarishk1-e KhuuN, dil-e pur-daaGh2, afsurda3 tamannaa’eN4
azal5 se ye mataa’6-e zindagaanii le ke aayaa huN   
1.tears 2.full of wounds/scars 3.wilted 4.desires 5.beginning, eternity 6.treasure, wealth
Tears of blood, a scarred heart, and weary desires, this has been the entirety of my possessions from eternity. I bring this inheritance of life to offer.

maqaam1-e Khizr2 thaa yaa maikada3 thaa kyaa kahuuN kyaa thaa
jahaaN4 se maiN hayaat5-e jaavedaanii6 le ke aayaa huN 2.legendary old man 3.tavern 4.where 6.immortal, eternal
Khizr is a legendary old man mentioned in reglious texts. He wandered the earth and found the spring of immortality. He drank of it and lives forever. Thus the poet claims that he brings eternal life – from where, he is not quite sure, it could have been the place of Khizr or from the tavern. Thus, he is equating wine to the nectar of life. The wine itself could be a wine of universal love which gives immortality of spirit.

jaliil1 abr-e-siyah2 kyaa jhuumtaa3 hai sabza-zaaroN4 par
ye kahtaa hai keh aab5-e zindagaanii le ke aayaa huN    
1.pen-name 2.dark rain cloud 3.sway field 5.water
How magnificently the dark rain cloud sways over the green fields, O jaliil. It declares that it brings the water of life.

jaliil hasan jaliil maanikpuri (1864-1946), maanikpur.  Learnt urdu, faarsi, arabi from scholars/tutors at home.  Became shaagird of amiir minaaii in 1882 and followed him to rampur (1886) and to hyderabad in 1901.  Appointed ustaad of mahboob ali KhaaN in 1910 and later of osman ali KhaaN.  Given numerous titles including navaab fasaahat jaNg.
nayaa saudaa1 nayaa dard2-e nehaanii3 le ke aayaa huN
na’ii us bazm4 se maiN zindagaanii le ke aayaa huN, also means madness of all-consuming love 2.pain, sorrow 3.hidden 4.gathering

I bring a new passion, a new secret pain, from that new gathering, I have brought a new life.  What new gathering?  Perhaps an encounter with someone transformative or more likely the beloved’s bazm/gathering of admirers.
kuchh apnii naa-tavaanii1 kuchh teraa paas2-e nazaakat3 thaa
nigaahoN4 meN mohabbat kii kahaanii le ke aayaa huN

1.weakness, fragility 2.consideration, respect 3.delicacy 4.eyes

Partly my frailty, partly a consideration for your delicate nature, I bring the story of love in my eyes.  An alternative to bringing the story in the eyes would have been to speak it out.  This might have resulted in his wailing and crying and he is too frail to do that.  In addition he has consideration for her delicate nature and does not speak out his declaration of love before others.
tere’ jalve’1 ke nazzaare2 ko Khaalii3 haath kyaa aataa
luTaane4 ko bahaar5-e naujavaanii6 le ke aayaa huN, grace 2.sight, view 3.empty 4.squander, offering 5.spring 6.youth

How could I come empty-handed to behold your splendor?  I bring the bloom of my youthful spring to offer.
laboN1 par mohr2-e Khaamoshii3 hai aaNkheN DabDabaa’ii4 haiN
asar-andaaz5 apnii be-zabaanii6 le ke aayaa huN

1.lips 2.stamp, seal 3.silence 4.tearful, brimming 5.effect creating, effective 6.tonguelessness, silence

My lips are sealed in silence, my eyes are brimming, I bring the power/effectiveness of my unspoken words/silence.
Khudaa-m’aaluum1 qaasid2 kyaa sunaa’e dil dhaRaktaa3 hai
ye kahtaa hai keh paiGhaam4-e zabaanii5 le ke aayaa huN

1.knows 2.messenger 3.palpitates, beats 4.message 5.oral

God knows what the messenger will convey—my heart beats, he says he brings an oral message.  The beloved has replied to his message to her, but has chosen to send an oral reply either in addition to or instead of a written reply.  The poet/lover is apprehsive.
mizsha1 par garm-garm aaNsuu laboN2 par sard-sard3 aaheN4
fasaana5 dard6 kaa, Gham7 kii kahaanii le ke aayaa huN

1.eyelashes 2.lips 3.cold 4.sigh 5.story 6.pain 7.sorrow

Warm tears glistening on my lashes, cold sighs lingering on my lips, I come with a tale of pain of love and a story of grief (or unrequited love).
sarishk1-e KhuuN, dil-e pur-daaGh2, afsurda3 tamannaa’eN4
azal5 se ye mataa’6-e zindagaanii le ke aayaa huN

1.tears 2.full of wounds/scars 3.wilted 4.desires 5.beginning, eternity 6.treasure, wealth

Tears of blood, a scarred heart, and weary desires, this has been the entirety of my possessions from eternity.  I bring this inheritance of life to offer.
maqaam1-e Khizr2 thaa yaa maikada3 thaa kyaa kahuuN kyaa thaa
jahaaN4 se maiN hayaat5-e jaavedaanii6 le ke aayaa huN 2.legendary old man 3.tavern 4.where 6.immortal, eternal

Khizr is a legendary old man mentioned in reglious texts.  He wandered the earth and found the spring of immortality.  He drank of it and lives forever.  Thus the poet claims that he brings eternal life – from where, he is not quite sure, it could have been the place of Khizr or from the tavern.  Thus, he is equating wine to the nectar of life.  The wine itself could be a wine of universal love which gives immortality of spirit.
jaliil1 abr-e-siyah2 kyaa jhuumtaa3 hai sabza-zaaroN4 par
ye kahtaa hai keh aab5-e zindagaanii le ke aayaa huN

1.pen-name 2.dark rain cloud 3.sway field 5.water

How magnificently the dark rain cloud sways over the green fields, O jaliil.  It declares that it brings the water of life.