chashm-e fitna taraaz-ahmad faraz

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

چشمِ  فتنہ  طراز  ۔  احمد  فراز


نہ  کہیں  شہرِ  مہرباں  کی  ہوا

نہ  کوئی  یارِ  ہمدم  و  دمساز


نہ  سرِ  بام  زُلفِ  آوارہ

نہ  سرِ  راہ  چشمِ  فتنہ  طراز


نہ  کہیں  کوئے  چاک  داماناں

نہ  کہیں  رُوئے  دوستانِ  فراز


نہ  کوئی  بیتِ  بیدل  و  غالب

نہ  کوئی  شعرِ  حافظِ  شیراز


نہ  کوئی  شمع  کشتہ  شب  ہے

نہ  کوئی  عندلیبِ  سینہ  گداز


خلوتِ  غم  نہ  بزمِ  رسوائی

نہ  سوالِ  طلب  نہ  عرضِ  نیاز


چار  سُو  اِک  فصیلِ  بے  در  ہے

چار  جانب  حصارِ  بے  انداز


نیند  کے  طائرانِ  بے  پروا

شاخِ  مژگاں  سے  کر  گئے  پرواز


ایسی  ویرانیوں  سے  گھبرا  کر

جب  اُٹھاتا  ہوں  تیری  یاد  کا  ساز


توڑ  دیتی  ہے  سلسلے  سارے

پہرہ  داروں  کی  بدنما  آواز

चश्म-ए फ़ितना तराज़ – अहमद फ़राज़

न कहीं शहर-ए महरबां कि हवा

न कोई यार-ए हमदम ओ दमसाज़

न सर-ए बाम ज़ुल्फ़-ए आवारा

न सर-ए राह चश्म-ए फ़ितना तराज़

न कहीं कू-ए चाक दामानां

न कहीं रू-ए दोस्तान-ए फ़राज़

न कोई बैत-ए बेदिल ओ ग़ालिब

न कोई शे’र-ए हाफ़ेज़-ए शीराज़

न कोई शम’अ कुश्ता-ए शब है

न कोई अंदलीब-ए सीना-गुदाज़

ख़ल्वत-ए ग़म न बज़्म-ए रुस्वाई

न सवाल-ए तलब न अर्ज़-ए नियाज़

चार सू एक फ़सील-ए बे-दर है

चार जानिब हिसार-ए बे-अंदाज़

नींद के ता’एरान-ए बे-परवा

शाख़-ए मिज़्श्गां से कर गये परवाज़

ऐसी वीरानियौं से घब्रा कर

जब उठाता हूं तेरी याद का साज़


तोढ देती है सिल्सिले सारे

पहरे-दारौं कि बद-नुमा आवाज़


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. ahmad faraz (1931-2008) popular love and romance poet as well as a substantial contributor to progressive themes. He wrote openly against military dictatorships for which he was arrested. This nazm reflects his time while under arrest. Although this is not a Ghazal it has many characteristics that make similar to Ghalib’s Ghair-mudarraf Ghazal ‘maiN huN apni shikast ki aavaaz’ and I take the liberty to link it to Ghalib naqsh-e qadam.
na kahiN shahr1-e mehrbaaN2 ki hava
na koi yaar3-e hamdam4 o damsaaz5, dwelling, sheltering 2.kind 3.friend 4.same/similar breath/views 5.helpful
Nowhere is there a kind, sheltering atmosphere. No like-minded friend. None that is helpful.

na sar1-e baam2 zulf3-e aavaara4
na sar5-e raah6 chashm7-e fitna-taraaz8 2.roof 4.scattered, spread 5.head, beginning 6.path, street 7.glance 8.mischievous
There is no sight of the beloved on the rooftop with her hair flowing freely. There is no chance of an encounter with her mischievous glance at the side of the street.

na kahiN kuu1-e chaak2 daamaanaaN3
na kahiN ruu4-e dostaan-e faraaz5    
1.street 2.torn 3.hem of the robe 4.face 5.pen-name of the poet
The street of the beloved is where all lovers (who may be friends sympathetic to one another) are gathered. The are all distressed because of the indifference of the beloved and have the hems of their robe (their clothes) rent/torn to show their distress. None of this is accessible to the imprisoned poet. Nowhere is there a friendly face to look at.

na koi bait1-e bedil2 o Ghalib
na koi she’r-e haafiz3-e shiiraaz4    
1.home, residence but the word is also used to mean she’r 2.eminent faarsi poet (1644-1720) of dehli 3.eminent faarsi poet (1315-1390) 4.hometown of haafiz
There is no one with whom the poet/prisoner would be able to exchange couplets of bedil, Ghalib or haafiz.

na koii sham’a kushta1-e shab2 hai
na koi andaleeb3-e siina-gudaaz4    
1.killed, put out 2.night 3.nightingale 4.bosom/heart melting
There is no flickering/dying candle of the late night (after an all night mushaa’era). There is no nightingale singing heart-melting songs.

Khalvat1-e Gham na bazm2-e rusvaaii3
na savaal4-e talab5 na arz6-e niyaaz7    
1.privacy, seclusion 2.gathering 3.shame, insult 4.question, demand 5.desire 6.speak, present 7.devotional offering
There is no place, no seclusion to quitey feel/nurse the pain (of unrequited love). No longer are there gatherings of the beloved where we used to be subjected to the abuse of the beloved. There is no occasion to ask the beloved for fulfilment of our desire, no chance to present our devotion.

chaar suu1 ek fasiil2-e be-dar3 hai
chaar jaanib4 hisaar5-e be-andaaz6     
1.directions 2.parapets, fortifications 3.doorless 4.directions 5.boundaries 6.unestimable, unlimited
In all four directions there are walls without doors. On all four sides there are boundaries that cannot be estimated.

niind ke taa’eraan1-e be-parva2
shaaKh-e mizshgaaN3 se kar gaye parvaaz4     
1.birds 2.uncaring, unkind 3.eyelashes
Sleep is depicted as birds. These birds light on the eyelashes. But they have taken flight i.e., he can no longer sleep.

aisi viiraaniyoN1 se ghabra2 kar
jab uThaata huN teri yaad ka saaz3   
1.desolation 2.scared, confused 3.musical instrument
This is not an independent she’r in the sense that it is not complete in its meaning. Thus, this whole composition cannot be considered a Ghazal but a nazm. Other than this and the fact that it does not have a ‘matla’ it has the structure of a Ghair-mudarraf Ghazal. Scared of this desolation, I picked up the sitar of your memories.

toR deti hai silsile1 saare
pahre-daaroN2 ki bad-numa3 aavaaz  
1.chain, continuation 2.watchmen, guards 3.ugly
This is a continuation of thought from the previous she’r. As he picked up the sitar of memories, he was rudely interrupted by the ugly footfalls of the watchmen/prison guards.

ahmad faraz (1931-2008) popular love and romance poet as well as a substantial contributor to progressive themes.  He wrote openly against military dictatorships for which he was arrested.  This nazm reflects his time while under arrest.  Although this is not a Ghazal it has many characteristics that make similar to Ghalib’s Ghair-mudarraf Ghazal ‘maiN huN apni shikast ki aavaaz’ and I take the liberty to link it to Ghalib naqsh-e qadam.
na kahiN shahr1-e mehrbaaN2 ki hava
na koi yaar3-e hamdam4 o damsaaz5, dwelling, sheltering 2.kind 3.friend 4.same/similar breath/views 5.helpful

Nowhere is there a kind, sheltering atmosphere.  No like-minded friend.  None that is helpful.
na sar1-e baam2 zulf3-e aavaara4
na sar5-e raah6 chashm7-e fitna-taraaz8 2.roof 4.scattered, spread 5.head, beginning 6.path, street 7.glance 8.mischievous

There is no sight of the beloved on the rooftop with her hair flowing freely.  There is no chance of an encounter with her mischievous glance at the side of the street.
na kahiN kuu1-e chaak2 daamaanaaN3
na kahiN ruu4-e dostaan-e faraaz5

1.street 2.torn 3.hem of the robe 4.face 5.pen-name of the poet

The street of the beloved is where all lovers (who may be friends sympathetic to one another) are gathered.  The are all distressed because of the indifference of the beloved and have the hems of their robe (their clothes) rent/torn to show their distress.  None of this is accessible to the imprisoned poet.  Nowhere is there a friendly face to look at.
na koi bait1-e bedil2 o Ghalib
na koi she’r-e haafiz3-e shiiraaz4

1.home, residence but the word is also used to mean she’r 2.eminent faarsi poet (1644-1720) of dehli 3.eminent faarsi poet (1315-1390) 4.hometown of haafiz

There is no one with whom the poet/prisoner would be able to exchange couplets of bedil, Ghalib or haafiz.
na koii sham’a kushta1-e shab2 hai
na koi andaleeb3-e siina-gudaaz4

1.killed, put out 2.night 3.nightingale 4.bosom/heart melting

There is no flickering/dying candle of the late night (after an all night mushaa’era).  There is no nightingale singing heart-melting songs.
Khalvat1-e Gham na bazm2-e rusvaaii3
na savaal4-e talab5 na arz6-e niyaaz7

1.privacy, seclusion 2.gathering 3.shame, insult 4.question, demand 5.desire 6.speak, present 7.devotional offering

There is no place, no seclusion to quitey feel/nurse the pain (of unrequited love).  No longer are there gatherings of the beloved where we used to be subjected to the abuse of the beloved.  There is no occasion to ask the beloved for fulfilment of our desire, no chance to present our devotion.
chaar suu1 ek fasiil2-e be-dar3 hai
chaar jaanib4 hisaar5-e be-andaaz6

1.directions 2.parapets, fortifications 3.doorless 4.directions 5.boundaries 6.unestimable, unlimited

In all four directions there are walls without doors.  On all four sides there are boundaries that cannot be estimated.
niind ke taa’eraan1-e be-parva2
shaaKh-e mizshgaaN3 se kar gaye parvaaz4

1.birds 2.uncaring, unkind 3.eyelashes

Sleep is depicted as birds.  These birds light on the eyelashes.  But they have taken flight i.e., he can no longer sleep.
aisi viiraaniyoN1 se ghabra2 kar
jab uThaata huN teri yaad ka saaz3

1.desolation 2.scared, confused 3.musical instrument

This is not an independent she’r in the sense that it is not complete in its meaning.  Thus, this whole composition cannot be considered a Ghazal but a nazm.  Other than this and the fact that it does not have a ‘matla’ it has the structure of a Ghair-mudarraf Ghazal.  Scared of this desolation, I picked up the sitar of your memories.
toR deti hai silsile1 saare
pahre-daaroN2 ki bad-numa3 aavaaz

1.chain, continuation 2.watchmen, guards 3.ugly

This is a continuation of thought from the previous she’r.  As he picked up the sitar of memories, he was rudely interrupted by the ugly footfalls of the watchmen/prison guards.