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دَر مدح زوجِ بتول ۔ روپ کنواری
تیرا کیسا یہ پیارا نام ہے ، كہ جو حق سے تجھ کو عطا ہوا
جبہی حق سے تو اِتنا مل گیا ، كہ نہ فرق نام کو بھی رہا
تیری شان دیکھ كے مرتضیٰ ، یہ کسی نے خوب ہے کہا
لمُعات وَجہک اشرقت، سطعات حُسنک اِعتلا
بہ طلوعِ عارضِ شمسِ تو ، شبِ تارِ ما قمر الدّجےٰ
ہے تیری وِلا میں سلامتی، جو تیرا عدو ہے وہ لعنتی
تجھے میں بھی اِتنا ہوں جانتی ، تو ہے فاطمہ کا دھرم پتی
تیرا دَر ہے بابِ اِجابتی، تو ہے شمع قصرِ رِسالتی
دُرِ بہرِ فضل و کرامتی، گلِ باغِ حُسْن و لطافتی
چہ بہارِ رحمت آئیتی، بہ ولائے دولتِ ہَل اتیٰ
تو ہے نفس سیّدِ مرسلیں ، تیرا آسمان تیری زمیں
جو نہ ہوتا کعبہ کا تو مكیں ، بھلا بنتا پِھر یہ حرم کہیں
تو امامِ خلق و امامِ دیں، تو امان سب کی تو ہی امیں
بہ نگاہ لطف و کرم بہ بیں، کرمے بکُن بہ منِ حزیں
كہ سزد تیرا ہمہ آں چُنیں ، دِل و جانِ حضرتِ مستفیٰ
نہیں کس پہ امر یہ منجلی ، تجھے حق نے اپنا کیا ولی
تیرے دَر پہ سب کو اماں ملی، تجھے جب پکارا بلا ٹلی
تیرا نام لیتے ہی یا علی ، ہوئی شانتی گئی بے کلی
تو انیس خاطر بےدِلی ، تو نصیب عاشق بِسملی
گرہے كشاء كہ تو کاملی، مِثل ال سفینتہ النجےٰ
جو نُصیریوں نے تجھے کہا ، وہی میں کہوں تو نہیں روا
تو خدا كے بعد ہے ناخدا، تو نبی كے بعد ہے پیشوا
ہے لقب تیرا شہ لا فتح، تو ہے زور بازو مصطفےٰ
تو ولیِ سَروَرِ اتقیا، تو وصیٔ احمد مجتبےٰ
بہ فروغِ آیَت اِنّما، تو علی و حَیدَر و مرتضےٰ
تیری ذات دافع درد و غم، یہی روپ کنواری کا ہے دھرم
کوئی بعدِ احمدِ ذی حشم ، نہیں مثل تیرا شہ اُمم
جو نہ لیتا کعبے میں تو جنم، نہ خدائی ہوتی بتوں کی کم
یوں ہی پوجتے عرب و عجم، كہ تھا جہل اُن میں تیری قسم
وہ خدا كے گھر میں جو تھے صنم اُنہیں دم میں تو نے مٹا دیا
تو بہارِ باغِ نعیم ہے تو خدا کا فضل عمیم ہے
تو ہی فخرِ نوح و کلیم ہے، تیرا خلق خلقِ عظیم ہے
تو حلیم ہے تو رحیم ہے، تو علیم ہے تو حکیم ہے
تیرا قلب قلبِ سلیم ہے ، تیرا نفس نفسِ کریم ہے
وہ خدا کا دُشمنِ خاص ہے، جو لعین تیرا عدو ہوا
تو قسیمِ جنّت و نار ہے، تو شَفِیع روزِ شمار ہے
تیرے دم سے جی کو قرار ہے ، تو ریاضِ دیں کی بہار ہے
مدد ائے جہاں كے گرہ كشاء، میرا غم سے سینہ فگار ہے
دمِ یاس تو ہی انیس ہے، تیری ہر جہت میں پُکار ہے
تو شکستہ حالوں کی آس ہے ، تو ہی ٹوٹے دِل کا ہے آسرا
تو امیرِ عرشِ سریر ہے، تو زمیں کا بدرِ منیر ہے
تو ہزبرِ ربّ قدیر ہے، تو رسولِ حق کا وزیر ہے
تیری حرِص کوئی اگر کرے وہ ذلیل ہے وہ حقیر ہے
تو بشر کی فرد میں فرد ہے، نہیں تیرا مثل و نظیر ہے
تو جواں کی تیغِ اصیل ہے، تو ہر اک ضعیف کا ہے عصا
سرِ عرش جب گئے مصطفیٰ، تو وہاں بھی تیرا ظہور تھا
جو اِدھر حبیب تھا جلوہ گر، تو اُدھر توُ حق كے حضور تھا
اُسے فاصلہ دو کماں کا تھا، تو قریبِ ربِّ غفور تھا
کہوں کیسے پردے کی بات ہے ، کوئی راز اِس میں ضرور تھا
وہ جو ہاتھ نکلا حجاب سے، وہ کسی کا تیرے سوا نہ تھا
تو زبانِ حق، تو بیانِ حق، تو نشانِ حق ہے حقیقتاً
وہی تیری بات ہے یا علی، جو رسولِ پاک کا تھا سخن
وہی عادتیں وہی خصلتیں وہی نفس تیرا وہی چلن
میں نثار تیرے شہ زمن، نظرے بہ من کرمے بہ من
تو عاجزوں کا معین ہے ، تو ہی بیکسوں کا ہے آسرا
تو ہی منتخب ، تو ہی منتجب تو امیر ہے تو شہ عرب
خدا کا بندۂ خاص ہے، تو رسولِ پاک کا ہم نسب
کہیں مرتضیٰ ، کہیں مقتدیٰ ، کہیں ایلیا ہے تیرا لقب
تو خدا كے گھر کا مکین ہے، ہوا کعبہ کعبہ تیرے سبب
جو رہا تھا برسوں صنم کدا اُسے قبلہ تو نے بنا دیا
تو شہید ہے، تو شہود ہے، تو ولیِ ربّ ودود ہے
وہ بلند تیرا وجود ہے، كہ خدا کا جس پہ دُرُود ہے
تیرے دم سے حق کی نمُود ہے، تو خدا كے دیں کی عَمود ہے
تو قیام ہے تو قعود ہے، تو رکوع ہے تو سجوُد ہے
تو غرض كہ کُلّ نماز ہے، تیرا ذکر ذکرِ خدا ہوا
کوئی بعدِ اَحْمَد مجتبیٰ ، نہیں مثل تیرا شہ ہدیٰ
تو رئیسِ كِشور قُل کفیٰ، تو امیرِ مسندِ اِنّما
تو ہی دستِ حق، تو ہی وجہ حق، تو ہی عین حق، تو ہی حق نُما
تو خدا کی خلق کا ناخدا ، ہے نصیریوں کا تو ہی خدا
تو اسد کی بیٹی کا لال ہے، تو حسن حسین کا ہے پِتا
تیری گفتگو ہے کلامِ حق، ہے پیام تیرا پیامِ حق
وہی نام تیرا جو نامِ حق، وہی کام تیرا جو کامِ حق
تیرے ساتھ حق ہے حقیقتاً، تو مُطیعِ حق تو اِمامِ حق
تیری شان کیوں نہ بلند ہو ، تیرا نام جب كہ ہے نامِ حق
تجھے حق نے بخشا ہے وہ شرف، جو کسی كے بعد نبی نہ تھا
تو خدا کا فضل ہے یا علی، تجھے کیوں نہ فضلِ خدا کہوں
نہ خدا کو تجھ سے ملا کہوں، نہ خدا کو تجھ سے جدا کہوں
جو خدا کہوں تو خطا کروں، ناخدا کہوں تو بجا کہوں
تجھے جب کہ میں نہ سمجھ سکوں، تو تُو ہی بتا تجھے کیا کہوں
تجھے سمجھا کوئی تو بس خدا، جو خدا كے بعد تو مصطفیٰ
وہ جومُہر کَتفِ نبی پہ تھی، ترا نقشِ پا تھا وہ یا علی
تجھے بعدِ ختمِ پیمبری، ملی حق سے مسندِ سروری
ہوئے جس قدر بھی مُنی رُشی، تری کر سکے نہ برابری
جو کسی نے کی تیری ہمسری، ہوئی اِس سے ذہن میں ابتری
کیا غَصب جس نے کہ حق ترا اُسے کچھ بھی خوفِ خدا نہ تھا
تری اور نبی کی ثنا میں پُر، ہے کِتابِ حق کا ورق ورق
وہ دُروُدِ پاک کا اہل ہے، تو سلامِ حق کا ہے مستحق
جو نبیِٔ حق وہ ولیِٔ حق، جو ولیِٔ حق وہ نبیِٔ حق
ہے کتاب دونوں کی ایک ہی، وہی مدرسہ وہی اک سبق
وہ رسول ہے تو اِمام ہے، یہی فرق گویا ہے ظاہرہ
جو خدا کا سِرّ خَفی ہے تو، تو نبی کا محرمِ راز ہے
ترے اختیار میں کیا نہیں، تو خدا کے گھر کا مجاز ہے
ترا نام اِسی سے علی ہوا، تری ذات بندہ نواز ہے
مرے قلبِ زار و نزار کا، تو ہی سوز ہے تو ہی ساز ہے
مری ناؤ عین بھنور میں ہے مری کر مدد مرے ناخدا
ہیں رسول مہرِ مُبیں اگر، تو تجھے خدا نے کیا قمر
میں فدا تیرے شہ بحر و بر، ترے در پہ سب کے جھکے ہیں سر
مجھے شام ہوئی کہ ہو سحر، ترا نام جپتی ہوں ہر پہر
نہیں روپ کنواری کو کچھ خطر، کہ علی سا اُس کا ہے راہبر
جو ہو ظلّ فضلِ رسول میں، اُسے خوفِ روزِ حساب کیا
दर मदह ज़ौज-ए बतूल – रूप कुंवारि
तेरा कैसा ये प्यारा नाम है, के जो हक़ से तुझ को अता हुआ
जब-हि हक़ से तु इत्ना मिल गया, के न फ़र्क़ नाम को भि रहा
तेरी शान देख के मुर्तज़ा, ये किसी ने ख़ूब है कहा
लमआत वजहक अश्रक़त, सतआत हयस्नक एतेला
ब तुलू-ए आरेज़-ए शम्स-ए तु शब-ए तार-ए मा क़मर अद्दजा
है तेरी विला में सलामती, जो तेरा उदू है वो लानती
तुझे मैं भी इतना हुं जानती, तु है फ़ातेमा का धरम पती
तेरा दर है बाब-ए इजाबती, तु है शमा-ए क़स्र-ए रिसालति
दुर-ए बहर-ए फ़ज़्ल ओ करामति, गुल-ए बाग़-ए हुस्न ओ लताफ़ति
चे बहार-ए रहमत-ए आयति, ब विला-ए दौलत-ए हल अता
तु है नफ़्स-ए सय्यद-ए मुरसलीं, तेरा आस्मान तेरी ज़मीं
जो न होतो काबे का तू मकीं, भला बन्ता फिर ये हरम कहीं
तु इमाम-ए ख़ल्क़ ओ इमाम-ए दीं, तु अमान सब की तु ही अमीं
ब निगाह-ए लुत्फ़ ओ करम ब बीं, करमी बकुन ब मन-ए हज़ीं
के सज़द तेरा हमा आं चुनीं, दिल ओ जान-ए हज़्रत-ए मुस्तफ़ा
नहीं किस पे अम्र ये मंजली, तुझे हक़ ने अपना किया वली
तेरे दर पे सब को अमां मिली, तुझे जब पुकारा बला टली
तेरा नाम लेते ही या अली, हुई शांती गई बेकली
तु अनीस-ए ख़ातेर-ए बेदिली तु नसीब-ए आशेक़-ए बिस्मिली
गिरह-ए कुशा के तु कामेली, मिस्ल-अल-सफ़ीनतुन्नजा
जो नुसैरियौं ने तुझे कहा, वही मैं कहूं तो नहीं रवा
तु ख़ुदा के बाद है नाख़ुदा, तु नबी के बाद है पेश्वा
है लक़ब तेरा शह-ए ला-फ़तह, तु है ज़ोर-ए बाज़ू-ए मुस्तफ़ा
तु वली-ए सरवर-ए इत्तेक़ा, तु वसी-ए अहमद-ए मुज्तबा
ब फ़रोग़-ए आएत-ए इन्नेमा, तु अली ओ हैदर ओ मुर्तज़ा
तेरि ज़ात दाफ़ा-ए दर्द ओ ग़म, यही रूप कुंवारी का है धरम
कोई बाद-ए अहमद-ए ज़ी हशम, नहीं मिस्ल तेरा शह-ए उमम
जो न लेता काबे में तू जनम, न ख़ुदाई होती बुतौं कि कम
युं हि पूज्ते अरब ओ अजम, के था जहल उन में तेरा क़सम
वो ख़ुदा के घर में जो थे सनम, उन्हें दम में तू ने मिटा दिया
तु बहार-ए बाग़-ए नईम है, तु ख़ुदा का फ़ज़्ल-ए अमीम है
तु हि फ़ख़्र-ए नूह ओ कलीम है, तेरा ख़ल्क़ ख़ल्क़-ए अज़ीम है
तु हलीम है तु रहीम है, तु अलीम है तु हकीम है
तेरा क़ल्ब क़ल्ब-ए सलीम है, तेरा नफ़्स नफ़्स-ए करीम है
वो ख़ुदा का दुश्मन-ए ख़ास है, जो लईन तेरा उदू हुआ
तु क़सीम-ए जन्नत ओ नार है, तु शफ़ी-ए रोज़-ए शुमार है
तेरे दम से जी को क़रार है, तु रियाज़-ए दीं कि बहार है
मदद अऐ जहां के गिरह-कुशा, मेरा ग़म से सीना फ़िगार है
दम-ए यास तू हि अनीस है, तेरी हर जहत में पुकार है
तु शिकस्ता हालौं कि आस है, तु हि टूटे दिल का है आस्रा
तु अमीर-ए अर्श-ए सरीर है, तु ज़मीं का बद्र-ए मुनीर है
तु हज़्बर-ए रब्ब-ए क़दीर है, तु रसूल-ए हक़ का वज़ीर है
तेरी हिर्स कोई अगर करे, वो ज़लील है वो हक़ीर है
तु बशर कि फ़र्द में फ़र्द है, नहीं तेरा मिस्ल ओ नज़ीर है
तु जवां कि तेग़-ए असील है, तु हर एक ज़ईफ़ का है असा
सर-ए अर्श जब गए मुस्तफ़ा, तो वहां भी तेरा ज़हूर था
जो इधर हबीब था जल्वा-गर, तो उधर तु हक़ के हुज़ूर था
उसे फ़ास्ला दो कमां का था, तु क़रीब-ए रब्ब-ए ग़फ़ूर था
कहुं कैसे पर्दे कि बात है, कोई राज़ इस में ज़रूर था
वो जो हाथ निक्ला हिजाब से, वो किसी का तेरे सिवा न था
तु ज़बान-ए हक़ तु बयान-ए हक़, तु निशान-ए हक़ है हक़ीक़तन
वही तेरी बात है या अली, जो रसूल-ए पाक का था सुख़न
वही आदतें वही ख़स्लतें, वही नफ़्स तेरा वही चलन
मैं निसार तेरे शह-ए ज़मन, नज़री ब-मन करमी ब-मन
तु आजेज़ौं का मोईन है, तु ही बेकसौं का है आस्रा
तु हि मुन्तख़ब, तु हि मुन्तजब, तु अमीर है, तु शह-ए अरब
ख़ुदा का बन्दा-ए ख़ास है, तु रसूल-ए पाक का हम नसब
कहीं मुर्तज़ा, कहीं मुक़्तदा, कहीं एलिया है तेरा लक़ब
तु ख़ुदा के घर का मकीन है, हुआ काबा काबा तेरे सबब
जो रहा था बरसौं सनम-कदा उसे क़िब्ला तू ने बना दिया
तु शहीद है, तु शहूद है, तु वली-ए रब्ब-ए वुदूद है
वो बलन्द तेरा वुजूद है के ख़दा का जिस पे दुरूद है
तेरे दम से हक़ कि नुमूद है, तु ख़ुदा के दीं कि अमूद है
तु क़याम है, तु क़ऊद है, तु रुकू है तु सुजूद है
तु ग़रज़ के कुल्ल-ए नमाज़ है, तेरा ज़िक्र ज़िक्र-ए ख़ुदा हुआ
कोई बाद-ए अहमद-ए मुज्तबा, नहीं मिस्ल तेरा शह-ए हुदा
तु रईस-किश्वर-ए क़ुल कफ़ा, तु अमीर-ए मस्नद-ए इन्नेमा
तु हि दस्त-ए हक़, तु हि वजह हक़ तु हि ऐन-ए हक़ तु हि हक़ नुमा
तु ख़ुदा का ख़ल्क़ का नाख़ुदा, है नुसैरियौं का तु ही ख़ुदा
तु असद का बेटी का लाल है, तु हसन हुसैन का है पिता
तेरि गुफ़्तगू है कलाम-ए हक़, है पयाम तेरा पयाम-ए हक़
वही नाम तेरा जो नाम-ए हक़, वही काम तेरा जो काम-ए हक़
तेरे साथ हक़ है हक़ीक़तन, तु मुत’ई-ए हक़ तु इमाम-ए हक़
तेरि शान क्यूं न बलन्द हो, तेरा नाम जब के है नाम-ए हक़
तुझे हक़ ने बक़्शा है वो शरफ़ जो किसी के बाद नबी न था
तु ख़ुदा का फ़ज़्ल है या अली तुझे क्यूं न फ़ज़्ल-ए ख़ुदा कहूं
न ख़ुदा को तुझ से सिला कहूं, न ख़ुदा को तुझ सो जुदा कहूं
जो ख़ुदा कहूं तो ख़ता करूं, नाख़ुदा कहूं तो बजा कहूं
तुझे जब के मैं न समझ सकूं, तो तु ही बता तुझे क्या कहूं
तुझे समझा कोई तो बस ख़ुदा, जो ख़ुदा के बाद तो मुस्तफ़ा
वो जो मोहर कत्फ़-ए नबी पे थी, तेरा नक़्श-ए पा था वो या अली
तुझे बाद-ए ख़त्म-ए पैअमबरी, मिली हक़ से मस्नद-ए सरवरी
हुए जिस क़दर भी मुनी रुशी, तेरी कर सके ना बराबरी
जो किसी ने की तेरी हमसरी,हुइ उस सइ ज़हन मेँ अब्तरी
किया ग़स्ब जिस ने के हक़ तेरा, उसे कुछ भी ख़ौफ़-ए ख़ुदा न था
तेरी और नबी कि सना मेँ पुर, है किताब-ए हक़ का वरक़ वरक़
वो दुरूद-ए पाक का अहल है, तु सलाम-ए हक़ का है मुस्तहक़
जो नबी-ए हक़ वो वली-ए हक़, जो वली-ए हक़ वो नबी-ए हक़
है किताब दोनोँ कि एक हि, वहि मदरसा वहि एक सबक़
वो रसूल है तु इमाम है, यही फ़र्क़ गोया है ज़ाहेरा
जो ख़ुदा का सिर्र-ए ख़फ़ि है तु, तो नबी का महरम-ए राज़ है
तेरे एख़्तियार मेँ क्या नहीँ, तु ख़ुदा के घर का मजाज़ है
तेरा नाम इसी से अली हुअ, तेरी ज़ात बन्दा-नवाज़ है
मेरे क़ल्ब-ए ज़ार ओ नज़ार का, तु हि सोज़ है तु हि साज़ है
मेरी नाऊ ऐन भँवर मेँ है, मेरी कर मदद मेरे नाख़ुदा
हैँ रसूल महर-ए मुबीँ अगर, तो तुझे ख़ुदा ने किया क़मर
मैँ फ़िदा तेरे शह-ए बहर ओ बर, तेरे दर पे सब के झुके हैँ सर
मुझे शाम हुई के हो सहर, तेरा नाम जपती हुँ हर पहर
नहीँ रूप कुँवारी को कुछ ख़तर, के अली सा उस का है राहबर
जो हो ज़िल्ल-ए फ़ज़्ल-ए रसूल मेँ, उसे ख़ौफ़-ए रोज़-ए हिसाब क्या
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. roop kuNwaari (~1900-????). This composition in praise of the “husband of batul” is remarkable for its cross-cultural sentiments and a very understated feminism. The brief biographical sketch accompanying this publication (~1920, copied from rare books collection of salar juNg museum, hyderabad) says that roop kuNwaari was from a brahmin household, had completed her “munshi faazil” qualification and was a student of BA II year. Assuming that this was written a little while before the publication, she must have been in her late teens when she wrote this. I found a reference to her in an article by intezar husain in Dawn Weekly, placing her as actively writing in the 1920s and 1930s. A muKhammas has stanzas for five misra each with the rhyming pattern of a,a,a,a x; b,b,b,b, x; c,c,c,c, x … This muKhammas is remarkable for its musicality, chaste urdu mixed with occasional conversational hindi/hindustani words and remarkably composed farsi and arabi misra.
tera kaisa ye pyaara naam hai, ke jo haq1 se tujh ko ata2 hua
jabhi haq se tu itna mil gaya, ke na farq3 naam ko bhi raha
teri shaan dekh ke murtaza4, ye kisi ne Khoob hai kaha
lamu’aat5 vajahak6 ashraqat7, satu’aat8 husnaka9 a’etela10
ba tulu11-e aariz12-e shams13-e tu, shab-e taar14-e maa15 qamar addujaa16 1.truth, god 2.granted 3.difference of the name of ali 5.rays (of light), sun 6.face, manifestation 7.east, emerge, rise 8.rays of light 10.ascended, increased 11.rise 12.face 13.sun 14.dark night 16.bright
The last two misra are one in arabi the other is farsi. In islamic tradition one of the 100 names of allah is al ali – the exalted. This was the name given to ali at birth.
What a sweet name you have, granted to you by god himself
Hence, you merged into god, with no difference, not even in name
O, murtuza, your glory is such that someone has well written
Your shining countenance rises, the beauty with light enhanced
Because of your glory like the rising of the sun, my dark night is lit up.
hai teri vila1 meN salaamati2, jo tera udoo3 hai vo la’anati4
tujhe maiN bhi itna huN jaanti, tu hai fatima ka dharam pati
tera dar hai baab5-e ijaabati6, tu hai shama’ qasr7-e risaalati
dur8-e bahr9-e fazl o karaamati, gul-e baaGh-e husn o lataafati10
che11 bahaar-e rahmat12-e aayeti13, ba vila-e daulat14-e hal-ata15 1.leadership 3.enemy 4.cursed 5.door 6.acceptance (of prayer) 7.palace 8.pearl 9.ocean 10.elegance 11.what, exclamation, surprise 12.kindness 13.signs (of god) 14.domain 15.did I not make you, creation
There is protection in your leadership. Cursed be your enemy.
This much I know of you, you are the husband of fatima.
Prayers at your door are answered, the lamp of the prophet’s palace.
The pearl of the ocean of benevolence, the bloom of the garden of culture.
What a spring of benevolence that he (god) gave you the office of ‘vali’.
tu hai nafs1-e sayyed2-e mursaliN3, tera aasman teri zamiN
jo na hota kaaba ka tu makiN, bhala banta phir ye haram kahiN
tu imaam4-e Khalq5 o imaam-e deeN6, tu amaan7 sub ki tu hi amiN8
ba nigaah-e lutf-o-karam9 ba-beeN, karami bakun ba man-e haziN10
ke sazad11 tura hama aaN-chuniN12, dil o jaan-e hazrat-e mustafa 1.soul 2.leader 3.prophets 4.leader 5.creation 7.refuge 8.protector 9.pleasure and kindness 10.sorrowful11.behooves, deserving of this way
You are the soul of the leader of prophets, owner the sky and the earth
Had you not been born in the kaaba, how could it have become holy
Leader of all creation and of the faith, the refuge and protector of all.
Cast on me a glance of pleasure and kindness. Your kindness for my sorrow
This behooves/fits you well for you are the heart and soul of mustafa.
nahiN kis pe amr1 ye manjali2, tujhe haq3 ne apna kiya vali
tere dar pe sub ko amaaN mili, tujhe jab pukaara bala Tali
tera naam lete hi yaa ali, hui shaanti gayii be-kali4
tu anees5-e Khaatir6-e bedili7, tu naseeb-e aashiq-e bismili
girahi8 kusha9 ke tu kaamili10, misal11-as-safeena12-tun-naja13 1.fact 2.apparent 3.truth/god 4.anguish 5.helper 6.heart 7.sorrow 8.knot, problems 9.untie, solve 10.perfect 11.similar to 12.boat 13.deliverance
Is there anyone to whom it is not apparent that god made you his vali
All get refuge at your door, they call your name and difficulties disappear
When I call you, O, ali, I get peace, all anguish is gone
You are the helper of the sorrowful heart, the fortune of the devotee
Solve my problems, for you are all powerful, like the boat of deliverance
jo nusairiyauN1 ne tujhe kaha, vahi maiN kahuN to nahiN rava2
tu Khuda ke baad hai na-Khuda3, tu nabi ke baad hai peshva
hai laqab4 tera shah-e la-fatah5, tu hai zor-e bazoo-e mustafa
tu vali-e sarvar-e atqiya6, tu vasi7-e ahmed-e mujtaba
ba faroGh8-e aayet-e innama9 tu ali o haidar o murtaza 1.a sect that ascribes divinity to ali 2.valid 3.helmsman, boat captain 4.title 5.unconquerable 6.god-fearing 7.trustee, executor of will 8.exaltation 9.for sure
If I ascribe divinity to you, like the nusairi, then it will not be right
You are my guide after god, you are the representative after mohammed
Your title, the undefeatable king, you are the strength of mohammed’s arm
The successor of the king of the god-fearing, the trustee of mohammed
By the exalted verse of ‘innama’, you are ali, haidar and murtaza
teri zaat1 daafa’2-e dard o Gham, yahi roop kuNvaari ka hai dharam
koi baad3-e ahmed-e zi-hasham4, nahiN misl5 tera shah-e-umam6
jo na leta kaabe meN tu janam, na Khudaaii hoti butauN ki kam
yuN hi poojte arab o ajam, ke tha jahal7 un meN teri qasam
vo Khuda ke ghar meN jo the sanam8 unheN dam meN tu ne miTa diya 1.person 2.remover 3.after 4.possessing dignity 5.example 6.king/leader of all 7.ignorance 8.idols
Your person is the cure of all pain and suffering, this is roop kuNvaari’s belief
After the great mohammed, there is no other example like you, O, lord
You were born in the k’aaba, othewise, the divinity of idols would continue
People of arab and beyond would still have worshipped them, I swear by you
The idols that were in the house of god, you are the one who removed them
tu bahaar-e baaGh-e na’eem1 hai tu Khuda ka fazl2-e a’meem3 hai
tu hi faKhr4-e nooh5 o kalim6 hai, tera Khalq7 Khalq-e azeem8 hai
tu haleem9 hai tu raheem10 hai, tu aleem11 hai tu hakim12 hai
tera qalb13 qalb-e salim14 hai, tera nafs15 nafs-e karim16 hai
vo Khuda ka dushman-e Khaas hai, jo la’een17 tera adu18 hua, happiness 2.benevolence 3.comprehensive, for-everyone 3.gentle, soft 4.pride 5.Noah 6.Abraham 7.creation 8.greatest 9.soft hearted, kind 10.kind 11.knowledgeable 12.wise 13.heart 14.balanced, proportionate 15.soul 16.kind 17.cursed 18.rival, opponent
You are the spring of the garden of happiness, god’s benevolence for all
The pride of the prophets, your making was the best creation of god
You are forgiving, kind, all knowing and wise
Your mind, a balanced mind, your soul a kind soul
He is the special enemy of god, the cursed one who opposes you
tu qaseem1-e jannat o naar2 hai, tu shaf’ee3 roz-e shumaar4 hai
tere dam5 se ji ko qaraar6 hai, tu riyaaz7-e deeN ki bahaar hai
madad aye jahaaN ke girah-kusha8, mera Gham se seena figaar9 hai
dam10-e yaas11 tu hi anis12 hai, teri har jahat13 meN pukaar hai
tu shikasta14 haalauN ki aas hai, tu hi TooTe dil ka hai aasra 1.distributor, hell 3.intercede, recommed of counting/judgement 5.strength 6.consolation 8.unraveller of knots, solver of problems 9.torn 10.moment, time 11.yearning 12.friend 13.roof, house 14.broken
You assign heaven and hell, you intercede on the day of reckoning
Because of you my heart is consoled, you are the spring of the garden of faith
Help, O, solver of the world’s problems, my heart is torn with sorrow
You are the only friend at the time of need, every household calls for you
You are the hope of the deprived, you are the support of broken hearts
tu amir1-e arsh2-e sareer3 hai, tu zamiN ka badr4-e munir5 hai
tu hazbar6-e rabb-e-qadiir7 hai, tu rasool-e-haq8 ka vazir hai
teri hirs9 koii agar kare vo zalil10 hai vo haqir11 hai
tu bashar12 ki fard13 meN fard14 hai, nahiN tera misl15 o nazir16 hai
tu javaaN ki teGh-e aseel17 hai, tu har-ek za’eef18 ka hai asa19 1.leader 2.skies, heavens 3.throne 4.moon 5.brilliant 6.lion 7.lord of nature/cosmos, god 8.messenger of righteousness 9.covet 10.disgraced 11.lowly 12.human 13.account, list 14.unique 15.example 16.equal 17.pure, virtuous 18.old, weak 19.staff, support
You are the lord of the skies, the brilliant moon of the earth
You are the lion of god, the successor of the righteous messenger
Should anyone be envious of you, they are lowly and disgraced
In the list of humanity, you are unique, there is no example or equal of you
You are the sword of virtue, the support of the weak
sar-e arsh1 jab gaye mustafa, to vahaN bhi tera zuhoor2 tha
jo idhar habib3 tha jalva-gar4 to udhar tu haq5 ke huzoor6 tha
usay faasla7 do-kamaaN8 ka tha, tu qareeb-e rabb-e-Ghafoor9 tha
kahuN kaise parde ki baat hai, koi raaz is meN zaroor tha
vo haath nikla hijaab10 se vo kisi ka tere siva na tha 1.skies 2.manifestation 3.beloved (of god), mohammed 4.visible, seen 5.truth, god 6.presence 7.distance 8.two arches (when two arches join, they become one longer indistinguishable arch) 9.god of forgiveness 10.veil, curtain
When mohammed went to high heaven, you were present there
The world saw the beloved of god here, you were in divine presence there
He (mohammed) was like a conjoined arch with god, you were closer
How can I say, this must remain unsaid, there must be a mystery in this
The hand that emerged from behind the veil, was none other than yours
tu zabaan-e haq1, tu bayaan2-e haq, tu nishaan-e haq hai haqiqatan3
vahi teri baat hai yaa ali jo rasul-e paak ka tha suKhan4
vahi aadateN vahi KhaslateN5 vahi nafs6 tera vahi chalan
maiN nisaar7 tere shah-e-zaman8, nazare9 ba-man10 karame11 ba-man
tu aajizauN12 ka mo’een13 hai, tu hi bekasauN14 ka hai aasra 1.truth 2.discourse reality 4.word 5.nature, character 6.soul 7.offering 8.lord of all times 9.glance me 11.kindness, blessing 12.hopeless 13.helper 14.helpless
You are the word of truth, the discourse of truth, the mark of truth, truthfully
Your word is the same as the word of mohammed
The same habits, the same nature, the same soul and the same action
I offer myself to you, O, lord of all time, glance at me, bless me
You are the helper of the hopeless, the support of the helpless
tu hi muntaKhib1, tu hi muntajib2 tu amir3 hai tu shah-e arab
Khuda ka banda-e Khaas hai, tu rasool-e paak ka hum-nasab4
kahiN murtaza5, kahiN muqtada6, kahiN aelia7 hai tera laqab8
tu Khuda ke ghar ka makeen9 hai, hua kaaba kaaba tere sabab10
jo raha tha barsauN sanam-kada11 usay qibla tu ne bana diya who selects (those who go to heaven) who sorts (between sinners and virtuous) 3.lord 4.pedigree 5.well liked, loved 6.leader to be followed 7.kaaba 8.titles 9.resident 10.cause of idols
You select divine rewards, sort between good and bad, lord and king
You are a special servant of god, of the same pedigree as the holy prophet
The beloved of god, leader to be followed, you are named after the k’aaba
You were born in the house of god, the kaaba is holy because of you
That which was a house of idols for years, you made the house of god
tu shaheed hai, tu shahood1 hai tu vali2-e rabb-e vudood3 hai
vo baland4 tera vujood5 hai, ke Khuda ka jis pe durood6 hai
tere dam se haq7 ki numood8 hai, tu Khuda ke deeN ki amood9 hai
tu qiyaam10 hai tu qa’ood10 hai, tu rukuu10 hai tu sujood10 hai
tu Gharaz11 ke kull12-e namaaz hai, tera zikr13 zikr-e Khuda hua 1.manifestation 2.successor 3.beloved 4.exalted 5.existence, life 6.blessing 7.truth 8.appearance, revelation 9.supporting pillar 10.postures in namaaz – standing, sitting, bowing, prostrating 11.that is to say 12.totality 13.narrative, story
A martyr, manifestation of truth, the successor of the beloved of god
Your life is exalted, because god’s blessing is upon you
Because of you, truth can be seen, you are the pillar of god’s faith
You personify namaaz postures of standing, sitting, bowing and prostrating
That is to say you are the totality of namaaz, to talk of you is to talk of god
koii baad-e ahmad-e-mujtaba1, nahiN misl2 tera shah-e-huda3
tu ra’ees4-e kishwar5-e qul-kafaa6, tu amir7-e masnad8-e innama9
tu hi dast-e-haq10, tu hi vajah11 haq tu hi ain12-e haq tu hi haq-numa13
tu Khuda ki Khalq14 ka naaKhuda15, hai nusairiyauN16 ka tu hi Khuda
tu asad17 ki beTi ka laal hai, tu hasan husain ka hai pita 1.another name of mohammed 2.example 3.lord of guidance 4.lord 5.domain 6.say ‘this is enough’ 7.lord 8.throne 9.only 10.hand of god 11.face 12.essence, focus 13.shape/embodiment of truth 14.creation 15.boatman, navigator, guide 16.sect that believes that ali was an incarnation of god 17.ali’s mother was fatima, daughter of asad
The poet uses fragments of qur’aanic verses with slightly different implied meanings. For example “qul-kafaa” is a fragment that most commonly means – “say (O, mohammed) that (god is) enough (for me)”. Thus – after mohammed that is none that can equal you as a guide. You are the lord of the domain of (qul-kafa) god. You are the owner of throne of mohammed as the only successor. You are the hand of god, the face/manifestation of god, the essence of truth and the embodiment of faith. You are the guide of all creation, the god of nusairi. You are the son of asad’s daughter and the father of hasan and husain.
teri guftagu1 hai kalaam2-e haq3, hai payaam4 tera payaam4-e haq3
vahi naam tera jo naam-e haq, vahi kaam tera jo kaam-e haq
tere saath haq hai haqiqatan5, tu mut’ee6-e haq tu imaam7-e haq
teri shaan kyuN na baland8 ho, tera naam jab ke hai naam-e haq
tujhe haq ne baKhsha9 hai vo sharaf10, jo kisi ke baad nabi11 na tha 1.conversation 2.words 3.truth, god 4.message truth 6.devotee, follower 7.leader 8.elevated, high 9.granted 10.nobility 11.messenger, prophet
Your words are the words of truth, your message the message of god. Your name is the name of god, your actions are the work of truth/god. In truth, god is with you, you are a follower of god and the lord of truth. Why should your glory not increase, after all your name is one of the names of god. god has granted you such a status that after mohammed there was no need to send another messenger (you have completed the message).
tu Khuda ka fazl1 hai ya ali, tujhe kyuN na fazl1-e Khuda kahuN
na Khuda ko tujh se mila kahuN, na Khuda ko tujh se juda2 kahuN
jo Khuda kahuN to Khata3 karuN, naaKhuda4 kahuN to bajaa5 kahuN
tujhe jab ke maiN na samajh sakuN, to tu hi bata tujhe kya kahuN
tujhe samjha koii to bas Khuda, jo Khuda ke baad to mustafa6 1.benevolence 2.separate 3.mistake, transgression 4.boatman, guide 5.proper 6.mohammed
You are a gift of god, why should I not call you god’s benevolence. I cannot call you one with god, not can I call you separate from god. If I called you god, it would be a transgression, but if I called you naaKhuda (this is a play on words … naaKhuda means guide, but can also be called ‘not god’) it would be proper. I am confused about what to call you, you tell me what to do. If there is anyone that understands you, it is god, or, after god, mohammed.
vo jo mohr1 katf2-e nabi3 pe thi, tera naqsh-e-paa4 tha vo ya ali
tujhe baad-e Khatm-e-pai’ambari5 mili haq6 se masnad-e-sarwari7
hue jis qadar8 bhi muni rushi, teri kar sake na baraabari
jo kisi ne ki teri hamsari9, hui us se zahn10 meN abtari11
kiya Ghasb12 jis ne ke haq13 tera, use kuchh bhi Khauf14-e Khuda na tha 1.seal, stamp 2.shoulder/shoulder blade 3.prophet, mohammed 4.foot-print 5.end of prophecy 6.god 7.throne/office of leadership 8.much, many 9.oppose 10.mind 11.confusion 12.usurp, occupy 13.right, claim 14.fear
The story is that when ali and mohammed entered the kaaba to take down/smash idols (after makkans invited them back and accepted them as leaders) one of the idols was high up and mohammed asked ali to step on his shoulder to reach it. There is also a tradition that all prophets have a stamp/seal on their shoulders that mark them as prophets. Thus, says the poet, the seal prophethood is but the footprint of ali! After the end of the series of messengers, you were the one who received the throne/office of leadership. However many saints or scholars there were after you, none could be your equal. Whoever tried to oppose you, was confused of mind. Whoever usurped your rightful claim, had no fear of god.
teri aur nabi1 ki sana2 meN pur3, hai kitaab-e-haq4 ka varaq-varaq5
vo durood-e-paak6 ka ahl7 hai, tu salaam-e haq ka hai mustahaq8
jo nabi-e-haq9 vo vali-e-haq10, jo vali-e-haq10 vo nabi-e-haq9
hai kitaab donoN ki ek hi, vahi madrasa vahi ek sabaq11
vo rasool12 hai tu imaam13 hai, yahi farq14 goya15 hai zaahera16 1.prophet 2.praise 3.filled with of god, qur’aan 5.every page 6.holy salutation 7.worthy 8.deserving 9.prophet of god 10.representative of god 11.lesson 12.prophet 13.leader, successor 14.difference if 16.apparent, superficial
This is a poetic statement of belief that mohammed and ali are equal partners. Your and the prophet’s praise fills every page of the qur’aan. He (the prophet) is worthy of holy salutation and you are deserving of divine greetings. He who is the prophet of god is the representative of god, and the representative is the prophet (in shia lexicon mohammed is referred to as the prophet and ali as the vali, and in a rather foggy way, they are both considered of equal rank). Both learnt from the same book and got the same lesson. He is the prophet, you are imaam, the difference is entirely superficial.
jo Khuda ka sirr-e-Khafi1 hai tu, to nabi2 ka mahram-e-raaz3 hai
tere eKhtiyaar4 meN kya nahiN, tu Khuda ke ghar ka majaaz5 hai
tera naam isi se ali hua, teri zaat6 banda-nawaaz7 hai
mere qalb8-e zaar-o-nazaar9 ka tu hi soz10 hai tu hi saaz11 hai
meri naau12 ayn13 bhaNwar meN hai, meri kar madad mere naaKhuda14 1.hidden secret 2.prophet 3.familiar with secret/inner thoughts 4.discretion, will power 5.miracle 6.person 7.benevolent to the devotee 8.heart 9.crying and sorrowful, passion, pain 11.instrument of repair 12.boat 13.main, focus 14.oarsman, boatman
On the one hand, you are the hidden secret of god and on the other you know the inner feelings of mohammed. What is it that is not within your power, after all, you are the miracle of the house of god (referring to the story that ali was born inside the k’aaba). You are kind to your devotees, that is why you were given the name ‘ali’ – meaning exalted. You are the cause of pain of my sorrowful heart and you are its cure. The boat of my life is in the eye of the storm, help me my oarsman.
haiN rasool1 mahr2-e mubiiN3 agar to tujhe Khuda ne kiya qamar4
maiN fida5 tere shah6-e bahr-o-bar7, tere dar8 pe sub ke jhuke haiN sar
mujhe shaam hui ke ho sahr9, tera naam japti10 huN har pahr11
nahiN roop kuNvaari ko kuchh Khatar12, ke ali sa us ka hai raahbar13
jo ho zill14-e fazl-e-rasool15 meN, use Khauf16-e roz-e-hisaab17 kya 1.prophet 2.sun 3.clear, bright 4.full moon 5.sacrificial offering 6.king and sea 8.door, dawn 10.chant 11.part of the day, moment 12.danger, fear 14.shadow/protection 15.prophet’s benevolence 16.fear of judgement
If mohammed is like the bright sun, then god made you like the moon (reflecting his light/representing his thought). I offer myself to you, O, king of land and sea. All heads bow at your door. Be it night or day, I chant your name every moment. roop kumaari has nothing to fear, because ali is her guide. They, who are in the protection/care of the benevolence of mohammed, how can they be afraid of the day of judgement.
roop kuNwaari (~1900-????). This composition in praise of the “husband of batul” is remarkable for its cross-cultural sentiments and a very understated feminism. The brief biographical sketch accompanying this publication (~1920, copied from rare books collection of salar juNg museum, hyderabad) says that roop kuNwaari was from a brahmin household, had completed her “munshi faazil” qualification and was a student of BA II year. Assuming that this was written a little while before the publication, she must have been in her late teens when she wrote this. I found a reference to her in an article by intezar husain in Dawn Weekly, placing her as actively writing in the 1920s and 1930s. A muKhammas has stanzas for five misra each with the rhyming pattern of a,a,a,a,x; b,b,b,b,x; c,c,c,c,x … This muKhammas is remarkable for its musicality, chaste urdu mixed with occasional conversational hindi/hindustani words and remarkably composed farsi and arabi misra.
tera kaisa ye pyaara naam hai, ke jo haq1 se tujh ko ata2 hua
jabhi haq se tu itna mil gaya, ke na farq3 naam ko bhi raha
teri shaan dekh ke murtaza4, ye kisi ne Khoob hai kaha
lamu’aat5 vajahak6 ashraqat7, satu’aat8 husnaka9 a’etela10
ba tulu11-e aariz12-e shams13-e tu, shab-e taar14-e maa15 qamar addujaa16
1.truth, god 2.granted 3.difference of the name of ali 5.rays (of light), sun 6.face, manifestation 7.east, emerge, rise 8.rays of light 10.ascended, increased 11.rise 12.face 13.sun 14.dark night 16.bright
The last two misra are one in arabi the other is farsi. In islamic tradition one of the 100 names of allah is al ali – the exalted. This was the name given to ali at birth.
What a sweet name you have, granted to you by god himself
Hence, you merged into god, with no difference, not even in name
O, murtuza, your glory is such that someone has well written
Your shining countenance rises, the beauty with light enhanced
Because of your glory like the rising of the sun, my dark night is lit up.
hai teri vila1 meN salaamati2, jo tera udoo3 hai vo la’anati4
tujhe maiN bhi itna huN jaanti, tu hai fatima ka dharam pati
tera dar hai baab5-e ijaabati6, tu hai shama’ qasr7-e risaalati
dur8-e bahr9-e fazl o karaamati, gul-e baaGh-e husn o lataafati10
che11 bahaar-e rahmat12-e aayeti13, ba vila-e daulat14-e hal-ata15
1.leadership 3.enemy 4.cursed 5.door 6.acceptance (of prayer) 7.palace 8.pearl 9.ocean 10.elegance 11.what, exclamation, surprise 12.kindness 13.signs (of god) 14.domain 15.did I not make you, creation
There is protection in your leadership. Cursed be your enemy.
This much I know of you, you are the husband of fatima.
Prayers at your door are answered, the lamp of the prophet’s palace.
The pearl of the ocean of benevolence, the bloom of the garden of culture.
What a spring of benevolence that he (god) gave you the office of ‘vali’.
tu hai nafs1-e sayyed2-e mursaliN3, tera aasman teri zamiN
jo na hota kaaba ka tu makiN, bhala banta phir ye haram kahiN
tu imaam4-e Khalq5 o imaam-e deeN6, tu amaan7 sub ki tu hi amiN8
ba nigaah-e lutf-o-karam9 ba-beeN, karami bakun ba man-e haziN10
ke sazad11 tura hama aaN-chuniN12, dil o jaan-e hazrat-e mustafa
1.soul 2.leader 3.prophets 4.leader 5.creation 7.refuge 8.protector 9.pleasure and kindness 10.sorrowful11.behooves, deserving of this way
You are the soul of the leader of prophets, owner the sky and the earth
Had you not been born in the kaaba, how could it have become holy
Leader of all creation and of the faith, the refuge and protector of all.
Cast on me a glance of pleasure and kindness. Your kindness for my sorrow
This behooves/fits you well for you are the heart and soul of mustafa.
nahiN kis pe amr1 ye manjali2, tujhe haq3 ne apna kiya vali
tere dar pe sub ko amaaN mili, tujhe jab pukaara bala Tali
tera naam lete hi yaa ali, hui shaanti gayii be-kali4
tu anees5-e Khaatir6-e bedili7, tu naseeb-e aashiq-e bismili
girahi8 kusha9 ke tu kaamili10, misal11-as-safeena12-tun-naja13
1.fact 2.apparent 3.truth/god 4.anguish 5.helper 6.heart 7.sorrow 8.knot, problems 9.untie, solve 10.perfect 11.similar to 12.boat 13.deliverance
Is there anyone to whom it is not apparent that god made you his vali
All get refuge at your door, they call your name and difficulties disappear
When I call you, O, ali, I get peace, all anguish is gone
You are the helper of the sorrowful heart, the fortune of the devotee
Solve my problems, for you are all powerful, like the boat of deliverance
jo nusairiyauN1 ne tujhe kaha, vahi maiN kahuN to nahiN rava2
tu Khuda ke baad hai na-Khuda3, tu nabi ke baad hai peshva
hai laqab4 tera shah-e la-fatah5, tu hai zor-e bazoo-e mustafa
tu vali-e sarvar-e atqiya6, tu vasi7-e ahmed-e mujtaba
ba faroGh8-e aayet-e innama9 tu ali o haidar o murtaza
1.a sect that ascribes divinity to ali 2.valid 3.helmsman, boat captain 4.title 5.unconquerable 6.god-fearing 7.trustee, executor of will 8.exaltation 9.for sure
If I ascribe divinity to you, like the nusairi, then it will not be right
You are my guide after god, you are the representative after mohammed
Your title, the undefeatable king, you are the strength of mohammed’s arm
The successor of the king of the god-fearing, the trustee of mohammed
By the exalted verse of ‘innama’, you are ali, haidar and murtaza
teri zaat1 daafa’2-e dard o Gham, yahi roop kuNvaari ka hai dharam
koi baad3-e ahmed-e zi-hasham4, nahiN misl5 tera shah-e-umam6
jo na leta kaabe meN tu janam, na Khudaaii hoti butauN ki kam
yuN hi poojte arab o ajam, ke tha jahal7 un meN teri qasam
vo Khuda ke ghar meN jo the sanam8 unheN dam meN tu ne miTa diya
1.person 2.remover 3.after 4.possessing dignity 5.example 6.king/leader of all 7.ignorance 8.idols
Your person is the cure of all pain and suffering, this is roop kuNvaari’s belief
After the great mohammed, there is no other example like you, O, lord
You were born in the k’aaba, othewise, the divinity of idols would continue
People of arab and beyond would still have worshipped them, I swear by you
The idols that were in the house of god, you are the one who removed them
tu bahaar-e baaGh-e na’eem1 hai tu Khuda ka fazl2-e a’meem3 hai
tu hi faKhr4-e nooh5 o kalim6 hai, tera Khalq7 Khalq-e azeem8 hai
tu haleem9 hai tu raheem10 hai, tu aleem11 hai tu hakim12 hai
tera qalb13 qalb-e salim14 hai, tera nafs15 nafs-e karim16 hai
vo Khuda ka dushman-e Khaas hai, jo la’een17 tera adu18 hua, happiness 2.benevolence 3.comprehensive, for-everyone 3.gentle, soft 4.pride 5.Noah 6.Abraham 7.creation 8.greatest 9.soft hearted, kind 10.kind 11.knowledgeable 12.wise 13.heart 14.balanced, proportionate 15.soul 16.kind 17.cursed 18.rival, opponent
You are the spring of the garden of happiness, god’s benevolence for all
The pride of the prophets, your making was the best creation of god
You are forgiving, kind, all knowing and wise
Your mind, a balanced mind, your soul a kind soul
He is the special enemy of god, the cursed one who opposes you
tu qaseem1-e jannat o naar2 hai, tu shaf’ee3 roz-e shumaar4 hai
tere dam5 se ji ko qaraar6 hai, tu riyaaz7-e deeN ki bahaar hai
madad aye jahaaN ke girah-kusha8, mera Gham se seena figaar9 hai
dam10-e yaas11 tu hi anis12 hai, teri har jahat13 meN pukaar hai
tu shikasta14 haalauN ki aas hai, tu hi TooTe dil ka hai aasra
1.distributor, hell 3.intercede, recommed of counting/judgement 5.strength 6.consolation 8.unraveller of knots, solver of problems 9.torn 10.moment, time 11.yearning 12.friend 13.roof, house 14.broken
You assign heaven and hell, you intercede on the day of reckoning
Because of you my heart is consoled, you are the spring of the garden of faith
Help, O, solver of the world’s problems, my heart is torn with sorrow
You are the only friend at the time of need, every household calls for you
You are the hope of the deprived, you are the support of broken hearts
tu amir1-e arsh2-e sareer3 hai, tu zamiN ka badr4-e munir5 hai
tu hazbar6-e rabb-e-qadiir7 hai, tu rasool-e-haq8 ka vazir hai
teri hirs9 koii agar kare vo zalil10 hai vo haqir11 hai
tu bashar12 ki fard13 meN fard14 hai, nahiN tera misl15 o nazir16 hai
tu javaaN ki teGh-e aseel17 hai, tu har-ek za’eef18 ka hai asa19
1.leader 2.skies, heavens 3.throne 4.moon 5.brilliant 6.lion 7.lord of nature/cosmos, god 8.messenger of righteousness 9.covet 10.disgraced 11.lowly 12.human 13.account, list 14.unique 15.example 16.equal 17.pure, virtuous 18.old, weak 19.staff, support
You are the lord of the skies, the brilliant moon of the earth
You are the lion of god, the successor of the righteous messenger
Should anyone be envious of you, they are lowly and disgraced
In the list of humanity, you are unique, there is no example or equal of you
You are the sword of virtue, the support of the weak
sar-e arsh1 jab gaye mustafa, to vahaN bhi tera zuhoor2 tha
jo idhar habib3 tha jalva-gar4 to udhar tu haq5 ke huzoor6 tha
usay faasla7 do-kamaaN8 ka tha, tu qareeb-e rabb-e-Ghafoor9 tha
kahuN kaise parde ki baat hai, koi raaz is meN zaroor tha
vo haath nikla hijaab10 se vo kisi ka tere siva na tha
1.skies 2.manifestation 3.beloved (of god), mohammed 4.visible, seen 5.truth, god 6.presence 7.distance 8.two arches (when two arches join, they become one longer indistinguishable arch) 9.god of forgiveness 10.veil, curtain
When mohammed went to high heaven, you were present there
The world saw the beloved of god here, you were in divine presence there
He (mohammed) was like a conjoined arch with god, you were closer
How can I say, this must remain unsaid, there must be a mystery in this
The hand that emerged from behind the veil, was none other than yours
tu zabaan-e haq1, tu bayaan2-e haq, tu nishaan-e haq hai haqiqatan3
vahi teri baat hai yaa ali jo rasul-e paak ka tha suKhan4
vahi aadateN vahi KhaslateN5 vahi nafs6 tera vahi chalan
maiN nisaar7 tere shah-e-zaman8, nazare9 ba-man10 karame11 ba-man
tu aajizauN12 ka mo’een13 hai, tu hi bekasauN14 ka hai aasra
1.truth 2.discourse reality 4.word 5.nature, character 6.soul 7.offering 8.lord of all times 9.glance me 11.kindness, blessing 12.hopeless 13.helper 14.helpless
You are the word of truth, the discourse of truth, the mark of truth, truthfully
Your word is the same as the word of mohammed
The same habits, the same nature, the same soul and the same action
I offer myself to you, O, lord of all time, glance at me, bless me
You are the helper of the hopeless, the support of the helpless
tu hi muntaKhib1, tu hi muntajib2 tu amir3 hai tu shah-e arab
Khuda ka banda-e Khaas hai, tu rasool-e paak ka hum-nasab4
kahiN murtaza5, kahiN muqtada6, kahiN aelia7 hai tera laqab8
tu Khuda ke ghar ka makeen9 hai, hua kaaba kaaba tere sabab10
jo raha tha barsauN sanam-kada11 usay qibla tu ne bana diya who selects (those who go to heaven) who sorts (between sinners and virtuous) 3.lord 4.pedigree 5.well liked, loved 6.leader to be followed 7.kaaba 8.titles 9.resident 10.cause of idols
You select divine rewards, sort between good and bad, lord and king
You are a special servant of god, of the same pedigree as the holy prophet
The beloved of god, leader to be followed, you are named after the k’aaba
You were born in the house of god, the kaaba is holy because of you
That which was a house of idols for years, you made the house of god
tu shaheed hai, tu shahood1 hai tu vali2-e rabb-e vudood3 hai
vo baland4 tera vujood5 hai, ke Khuda ka jis pe durood6 hai
tere dam se haq7 ki numood8 hai, tu Khuda ke deeN ki amood9 hai
tu qiyaam10 hai tu qa’ood10 hai, tu rukuu10 hai tu sujood10 hai
tu Gharaz11 ke kull12-e namaaz hai, tera zikr13 zikr-e Khuda hua
1.manifestation 2.successor 3.beloved 4.exalted 5.existence, life 6.blessing 7.truth 8.appearance, revelation 9.supporting pillar 10.postures in namaaz – standing, sitting, bowing, prostrating 11.that is to say 12.totality 13.narrative, story
A martyr, manifestation of truth, the successor of the beloved of god
Your life is exalted, because god’s blessing is upon you
Because of you, truth can be seen, you are the pillar of god’s faith
You personify namaaz postures of standing, sitting, bowing and prostrating
That is to say you are the totality of namaaz, to talk of you is to talk of god
koii baad-e ahmad-e-mujtaba1, nahiN misl2 tera shah-e-huda3
tu ra’ees4-e kishwar5-e qul-kafaa6, tu amir7-e masnad8-e innama9
tu hi dast-e-haq10, tu hi vajah11 haq tu hi ain12-e haq tu hi haq-numa13
tu Khuda ki Khalq14 ka naaKhuda15, hai nusairiyauN16 ka tu hi Khuda
tu asad17 ki beTi ka laal hai, tu hasan husain ka hai pita
1.another name of mohammed 2.example 3.lord of guidance 4.lord 5.domain 6.say ‘this is enough’ 7.lord 8.throne 9.only 10.hand of god 11.face 12.essence, focus 13.shape/embodiment of truth 14.creation 15.boatman, navigator, guide 16.sect that believes that ali was an incarnation of god 17.ali’s mother was fatima, daughter of asad
The poet uses fragments of qur’aanic verses with slightly different implied meanings. For example “qul-kafaa” is a fragment that most commonly means – “say (O, mohammed) that (god is) enough (for me)”. Thus – after mohammed that is none that can equal you as a guide. You are the lord of the domain of (qul-kafa) god. You are the owner of throne of mohammed as the only successor. You are the hand of god, the face/manifestation of god, the essence of truth and the embodiment of faith. You are the guide of all creation, the god of nusairi. You are the son of asad’s daughter and the father of hasan and husain.
teri guftagu1 hai kalaam2-e haq3, hai payaam4 tera payaam4-e haq3
vahi naam tera jo naam-e haq, vahi kaam tera jo kaam-e haq
tere saath haq hai haqiqatan5, tu mut’ee6-e haq tu imaam7-e haq
teri shaan kyuN na baland8 ho, tera naam jab ke hai naam-e haq
tujhe haq ne baKhsha9 hai vo sharaf10, jo kisi ke baad nabi11 na tha
1.conversation 2.words 3.truth, god 4.message truth 6.devotee, follower 7.leader 8.elevated, high 9.granted 10.nobility 11.messenger, prophet
Your words are the words of truth, your message the message of god. Your name is the name of god, your actions are the work of truth/god. In truth, god is with you, you are a follower of god and the lord of truth. Why should your glory not increase, after all your name is one of the names of god. god has granted you such a status that after mohammed there was no need to send another messenger (you have completed the message).
tu Khuda ka fazl1 hai ya ali, tujhe kyuN na fazl1-e Khuda kahuN
na Khuda ko tujh se mila kahuN, na Khuda ko tujh se juda2 kahuN
jo Khuda kahuN to Khata3 karuN, naaKhuda4 kahuN to bajaa5 kahuN
tujhe jab ke maiN na samajh sakuN, to tu hi bata tujhe kya kahuN
tujhe samjha koii to bas Khuda, jo Khuda ke baad to mustafa6
1.benevolence 2.separate 3.mistake, transgression 4.boatman, guide 5.proper 6.mohammed
You are a gift of god, why should I not call you god’s benevolence. I cannot call you one with god, not can I call you separate from god. If I called you god, it would be a transgression, but if I called you naaKhuda (this is a play on words … naaKhuda means guide, but can also be called ‘not god’) it would be proper. I am confused about what to call you, you tell me what to do. If there is anyone that understands you, it is god, or, after god, mohammed.
vo jo mohr1 katf2-e nabi3 pe thi, tera naqsh-e-paa4 tha vo ya ali
tujhe baad-e Khatm-e-pai’ambari5 mili haq6 se masnad-e-sarwari7
hue jis qadar8 bhi muni rushi, teri kar sake na baraabari
jo kisi ne ki teri hamsari9, hui us se zahn10 meN abtari11
kiya Ghasb12 jis ne ke haq13 tera, use kuchh bhi Khauf14-e Khuda na tha
1.seal, stamp 2.shoulder/shoulder blade 3.prophet, mohammed 4.foot-print 5.end of prophecy 6.god 7.throne/office of leadership 8.much, many 9.oppose 10.mind 11.confusion 12.usurp, occupy 13.right, claim 14.fear
The story is that when ali and mohammed entered the kaaba to take down/smash idols (after makkans invited them back and accepted them as leaders) one of the idols was high up and mohammed asked ali to step on his shoulder to reach it. There is also a tradition that all prophets have a stamp/seal on their shoulders that mark them as prophets. Thus, says the poet, the seal prophethood is but the footprint of ali! After the end of the series of messengers, you were the one who received the throne/office of leadership. However many saints or scholars there were after you, none could be your equal. Whoever tried to oppose you, was confused of mind. Whoever usurped your rightful claim, had no fear of god.
teri aur nabi1 ki sana2 meN pur3, hai kitaab-e-haq4 ka varaq-varaq5
vo durood-e-paak6 ka ahl7 hai, tu salaam-e haq ka hai mustahaq8
jo nabi-e-haq9 vo vali-e-haq10, jo vali-e-haq10 vo nabi-e-haq9
hai kitaab donoN ki ek hi, vahi madrasa vahi ek sabaq11
vo rasool12 hai tu imaam13 hai, yahi farq14 goya15 hai zaahera16
1.prophet 2.praise 3.filled with of god, qur’aan 5.every page 6.holy salutation 7.worthy 8.deserving 9.prophet of god 10.representative of god 11.lesson 12.prophet 13.leader, successor 14.difference if 16.apparent, superficial
This is a poetic statement of belief that mohammed and ali are equal partners. Your and the prophet’s praise fills every page of the qur’aan. He (the prophet) is worthy of holy salutation and you are deserving of divine greetings. He who is the prophet of god is the representative of god, and the representative is the prophet (in shia lexicon mohammed is referred to as the prophet and ali as the vali, and in a rather foggy way, they are both considered of equal rank). Both learnt from the same book and got the same lesson. He is the prophet, you are imaam, the difference is entirely superficial.
jo Khuda ka sirr-e-Khafi1 hai tu, to nabi2 ka mahram-e-raaz3 hai
tere eKhtiyaar4 meN kya nahiN, tu Khuda ke ghar ka majaaz5 hai
tera naam isi se ali hua, teri zaat6 banda-nawaaz7 hai
mere qalb8-e zaar-o-nazaar9 ka tu hi soz10 hai tu hi saaz11 hai
meri naau12 ayn13 bhaNwar meN hai, meri kar madad mere naaKhuda14
1.hidden secret 2.prophet 3.familiar with secret/inner thoughts 4.discretion, will power 5.miracle 6.person 7.benevolent to the devotee 8.heart 9.crying and sorrowful, passion, pain 11.instrument of repair 12.boat 13.main, focus 14.oarsman, boatman
On the one hand, you are the hidden secret of god and on the other you know the inner feelings of mohammed. What is it that is not within your power, after all, you are the miracle of the house of god (referring to the story that ali was born inside the k’aaba). You are kind to your devotees, that is why you were given the name ‘ali’ – meaning exalted. You are the cause of pain of my sorrowful heart and you are its cure. The boat of my life is in the eye of the storm, help me my oarsman.
haiN rasool1 mahr2-e mubiiN3 agar to tujhe Khuda ne kiya qamar4
maiN fida5 tere shah6-e bahr-o-bar7, tere dar8 pe sub ke jhuke haiN sar
mujhe shaam hui ke ho sahr9, tera naam japti10 huN har pahr11
nahiN roop kuNvaari ko kuchh Khatar12, ke ali sa us ka hai raahbar13
jo ho zill14-e fazl-e-rasool15 meN, use Khauf16-e roz-e-hisaab17 kya
1.prophet 2.sun 3.clear, bright 4.full moon 5.sacrificial offering 6.king and sea 8.door, dawn 10.chant 11.part of the day, moment 12.danger, fear 14.shadow/protection 15.prophet’s benevolence 16.fear of judgement
If mohammed is like the bright sun, then god made you like the moon (reflecting his light/representing his thought). I offer myself to you, O, king of land and sea. All heads bow at your door. Be it night or day, I chant your name every moment. roop kumaari has nothing to fear, because ali is her guide. They, who are in the protection/care of the benevolence of mohammed, how can they be afraid of the day of judgement.
Incredible eloquence. Amazing devotion and sentiments coming from a young lady of Hindu background.