dast-e sarmaayadaar ab bhi-jigar muradabadi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

دستِ  سرمایہ  دار  اب  بھی  ۔  جگرؔ  مردادآبادی


چمن  کے  مالی  اگر  بنا  لیں  موافق  اپنا  شِعار  اب  بھی

چمن  میں  آ  سکتی  ہے  پلٹ  کر،  چمن  سے  روٹھی  بہار  اب  بھی


نسیم  ہے  آج  بھی  طرب  زا،  درخت  ہیں  سایہ  دار  اب  بھی

مگر  وہ  اِنساں  کہ  جس  کے  چھونے  سے  جلتے  ہیں  برگ  و  بار  اب  بھی


اُنہیں  خبر  کیا  نہیں  ہے  اِس  کی،  اُنہیں  میں  ہیں  فتنہ  کار  اب  بھی

مگر  وہ  ہیں  وقت  و  مصلحت  کے،  قدیم  و  تازہ  شکار  اب  بھی


مصیبتوں  کو  پیامِ  عشرت،  کہ  عقل  ہے  کج  روی  کی  جانب

صعوبتوں  کو  نویدِ  راحت،  جنوں  ہے  آہستہ  کار  اب  بھی


اگرچہ  آزادیِ  وطن  کو،  گزر  چکا  ایک  سالِ  کامل

مگر  خود  اہلِ  وطن  کے  ہاتھوں،  فضا  ہے  ناسازگار  اب  بھی


خود  اپنی  بد  نیّتی  کے  ہاتھوں،  بُرے  نتائج  بھگت  رہے  ہیں

صداقتوں  سے،  حقیقتوں  سے،  وہی  ہے  لیکن  فرار  اب  بھی


زمین  بدلی،  زمانہ  بدلا،  مگر  نہ  بدلے  تو  وہ  نہ  بدلے

جو  تنگ  و  تاریک  ذہنیت  تھی،  ہے  وہی  بروئے  کار  اب  بھی


یہ  زندگی  غیر  مطمئن  سی،  شکوک  و  شبہات  کی  یہ  دنیا

مگر  وہ  فرمائے  جا  رہے  ہیں،  کہ  رشتہ  ہے  اُستوار  اب  بھی


کوئی  یہ  چپکے  سے  اُن  سے  پوچھے،  کہاں  گئے  آپ  کے  وہ  وعدے

نچوڑتا  ہے  لہو  غریبوں  کا  دستِ  سرمایہ  دار  اب  بھی


سفارشیں  ظالموں  کے  حق  میں،  پیامِ  رحمت  بنی  ہوئی  ہیں

نہیں  ہے  شائستۂ  سماعت،  دُکھے  دِلوں  کی  پُکار  اب  بھی


اِسی  کا  ہے  نام  اگر  ترقّی،  تو  اِس  ترقّی  سے  باز  آئے

کہ  خونِ  مخلوق  سے  خدا  کی،  زمین  ہے  لالہ  زار  اب  بھی


ہمیں  ملا  کر  بھی  خاک  و  خوں  میں،  نہیں  ہیں  وہ  مطمئن  ابھی  تک

ہماری  خاکِ  لہد  کے  ذرّے  ہیں  ان  کے  دامن  پہ  بار  اب  بھی


جو  محوِ  جشنِ  نظامِ  نو  ہیں،  پکار  کر  اُن  سے  کہہ  رہا  ہوں

یہ  جان  ہے  سوگوار  اب  تک،  یہ  دل  ہے  ماتم  گزار  اب  بھی


منافقت  کی  ہزار  باتیں،  وہ  سُنتے  رہتے  ہیں  اور  خوش  ہیں

مگر  صداقت  کی  صاف  و  سادہ،  سی  بات  ہے  ناگوار  اب  بھی


نہ  وہ  مروّت،  نہ  وہ  صداقت،  نہ  وہ  محبّت  نہ  وہ  شرافت

رہینِ  خوف  و  خطر  ہیں  یعنی،  سکون  و  امن  و  قرار  اب  بھی


زبان  و  دل  میں  نہ  ربطِ  صادق،  نہ  باہمی  وہ  خلوصِ  کامل

جو  تھے  غلامانہ  زندگی  میں،  وہی  ہیں  لیل  و  نہار  اب  بھی


غلط  یہ  جمہوریت  کے  دعوے،  دروغ  یہ  زندگی  کے  نقشے

دلیل  اِس  کی  یہی  ہے  کافی،  کہ  ذہن  ہے  تنگ  و  تار  اب  بھی


یہ  جشنِ  آزادیِ  وطن  ہے،  مگر  اِسی  جشن  و  سرخوشی  میں

بہت  کا  سینہ  فگار  اب  بھی،  بہت  ہی  بے  روزگار  اب  بھی


یہی  جو  سادہ  سے  قہقہے  ہیں،  یہی  جو  پھیکے  سے  ہیں  تبسّم

انہیں  کی  تہہ  میں  بہت  سے  اشکوں،  کے  ہیں  رواں  آبشار  اب  بھی


ہزارہا  اِنقلاب  دیکھے،  ہزارہا  تجبروں  سے  گزرے

خرد  میں  تنگی،  عمل  میں  لغزش،  جنوں  ہے  ناپختہ  کار  اب  بھی


یہ  رشوتوں  کی،  یہ  سازشوں  کی،  یہ  نفعہ  اندازیوں  کی  لعنت

وہ  خود  ہی  انصاف  سے  یہ  کہہ  دیں،  نہیں  وہ  کچھ  فرقہ  وار  اب  بھی


اُنہیں  کے  حلقوں  سے  خود  اُنہیں  کی،  مخالفت  عام  ہو  رہی  ہے

ہماری  جانب  سے  لیکن  اُن  کی  نظر  ہے  بیگانہ  وار  اب  بھی


کہاں  کی  دلداری  و  محبّت،  تلافیوں  کا  تو  ذکر  ہی  کیا

حقوق  پامال  کر  رہے  ہیں،  حقوق  کے  پہرہ  دار  اب  بھی


کبھی  ہوئی  ہے  نہ  ہو  سکے  گی،  مسرّت  آزادیوں  کی  حاصل

کہ  عام  انسانیت  کا  عالم،  ہے  تشنہ  و  بیقرار  اب  بھی


وسیع  مسلک،  رفیع  فطرت،  خلوصِ  ایماں،  خلوصِ  نیّت

اِنہیں  فضائل  پہ  ہے  وطن  کے،  وقار  کا  انحصار  اب  بھی


زمانہ  کیا  کیا  نہ  کہہ  چکا  ہے،  زمانہ  کیا  کیا  نہ  کہہ  رہا  ہے

مگر  وہ  ہیں  وضع  دار  ایسے،  ذرا  نہیں  شرمسار  اب  بھی


خلوصِ  نیّت  سے  صرف  اپنی،  ہی  زندگی  پر  کریں  توجّہ

خلوصِ  نیّت  کی  منتظر  ہے،  سعادتِ  کردگار  اب  بھی


اگرچہ  صدیاں  گزر  چکی  ہیں،  مگر  زہے  کاروبارِ  فطرت

وہی  خزاں  کا  ہے  رقصِ  عریاں،  وہی  ہے  جشنِ  بہار  اب  بھی


کبھی  کبھی  غور  کرتے  رہئیے،  جگرؔ  کا  مصرع  یہ  پڑھتے  رہئیے

چمن  میں  آسکتی  ہے  پلٹ  کر،  چمن  کی  روٹھی  بہار  اب  بھی


جگرؔ  کی  ہے  زندگی  محبّت،  نہیں  ہے  اس  کو  کسی  سے  نفرت

جگرؔ  کے  دل  میں  ہے  سب  کی  عزّت،  جگر  ہے  یاروں  کا  یار  اب  بھی

दस्त-ए सरमायादार अब भी – जिगर मुरादाबादी

चमन के माली अगर बना लें, मुवाफ़क़ अपना शे’आर अब भी

चमन में आ सकती है पलट कर, चमन कि रूठी बहार अब भी

नसीम है आज भी तरब-ज़ा, दरख़्त हैं साया-दार अब भी

मगर वो इन्सां के जिस के छूने से जलते हैं बर्ग ओ बार अब भी

उन्हें ख़बर क्या नहीं है इस की, उन्हीं में हैं फ़ित्ना-कार अब भी

मगर वो हैं वक़्त ओ मस्लहत के, क़दीम ओ ताज़ा शिकार अब भी

मुसीबतौं को पयाम-ए इश्रत, के अक़्ल है कज-रवी कि जानिब

स’ऊबतौं को नवीद-ए राहत, जुनूं है आहिस्ता-कार अब भी

अगरचे आज़ादी-ए वतन को, गुज़र चुका एक साल-ए कामिल

मगर ख़ुद अहल-ए वतन के हाथौं, फ़ज़ा है नासाज़गार अब भी

ख़ुद अपनी बद-निय्यती के हाथौं, बुरे नताएज भुगत रहे हैं

सदाक़तौं से, हक़ीक़तौं से, वही है लैकिन फ़रार अब भी

ज़मीन बदली ज़माना बदला, मगर न बदले तो वो न बदले

जो तंग ओ तारीक ज़हनिय्यत थी, है वही ब-रू-ए कार अब भी

ये ज़िन्दगी ग़ैर मुत्मइन सि, शुकूक ओ शुब्हात की ये दुनिया

मगर वो फ़रमाए जा रहे हैं, के रिश्ता है उस्तुवार अब भी

काई ये चुपके से उन से पूछे, कहां गए आप के वो वादे

निचोढता है लहू ग़रीबौं का दस्त-ए सरमायादार अब भी


सिफ़ारिशें ज़ालिमौं के हक़ में, पयाम-ए रहमत बनी हुई हैं

नहीं है शा’एस्ता-ए समा’अत, दुखे दिलौं की पुकार अब भी


इसी का है नाम अगर तरक़्क़ी, तो इस तरक़्क़ी से बाज़ आए

के ख़ून-ए मख़्लूक़ से ख़ुदा की, ज़मीन है लाला-ज़ार अब भी


हमें मिला कर भी ख़ाक ओ ख़ूं में, नहीं हैं वो मुतम’इन अभी तक

हमारी ख़ाक-ए लहद के ज़र्रे, हैं उन के दामन पे बार अब भी


जो महव-ए जश्न-ए निज़ाम-ए नौ हैं, पुकार कर उन से कह रहा हुं

ये जान है सोगवार अब तक, ये दिल है मातम गुज़ार अब भी


मुनाफ़क़त की हज़ार बातें, वो सुनते रहते हैं और ख़ुश हैं

मगर सदाक़त कि साफ़ ओ सादा, सि बात है नागवार अब भी


न वो मुरव्वत न वो सदाक़त, न वो मोहब्बत न वो शराफ़त

रहीन-ए ख़ौफ़ ओ ख़तर हैं या’नी, सुकून ओ अम्न ओ क़रार अब भी


ज़बान ओ दिल में न रब्त-ए सादिक़, न बाहमी वो ख़ुलूस-ए कामिल

जो थे ग़ुलामाना ज़िन्दगी में, वही है लैल ओ नेहार अब भी


ग़लत ये जम्हूरियत के दावे, दरोग़ ये ज़िन्दगी के नक़्शे

दलील इस की यही है काफ़ी, के ज़हन है तंग ओ तार अब भी


ये जश्न-ए आज़ादी-ए वतन है, मगर इसी जश्न ओ सरख़ुशी में

बहुत का सीना फ़िगार अब भी, बहुत हैं बे-रोज़गार अब भी


यही जो सादा से क़हक़हे हैं, यही जो फीके से हैं तबस्सुम

इन्हीं की तह में बहुत सी अश्कौं, के हैं रवां आबशार अब भी


हज़ार-हा इन्क़लाब देखे, हज़ार-हा तज्रुबौं से गुज़्रे

ख़िरद में तंगी, अमल में लग़्ज़िश, जुनूं है ना-पोख़्ता-कार अब भी


ये रिश्वतौं की ये साज़िशौं की, ये नफ़’अ अन्दाज़ियौं कि लानत

वो ख़ुद हि इन्साफ़ से ये कह दें, नहीं वो कुछ फ़िर्क़ा-वार अब भी


उन्हीं के हल्क़ौं से ख़ुद उन्हीं की, मुख़ालफ़त आ’म हो रही है

हमारी जानिब से लैकिन उन की, नज़र है बेगाना-वार अब भी


कहां कि दिल्दारी ओ मोहब्बत, तलाफ़ियौं का तो ज़िक्र ही क्या

हुक़ूक़ पामाल कर रहे हैं, हुक़ूक़ के पहरा-दार अब भी


कभी हुई है न हो सकेगी, मसर्रत आज़ादियौं कि हासिल

के आ’म इन्सानियत का आलम, है तिश्ना ओ बे-क़रार अब भी


वस’ई मस्लक, रफ़’ई फ़ितरत, ख़ुलूस-ए ईमां, ख़ुलूस-ए निय्यत

इन्हीं फ़ज़ाएल पे है वतन के, वक़ार का इन्हसार अब भी


ज़माना क्या क्या न कह चुका है, ज़माना क्या क्या न कह रहा है

मगर वो हैं वज़’अ-दार ऐसे, ज़रा नहीं शर्मसार अब भी


ख़ुलूस-ए निय्यत से सिर्फ़ अपनी, हि ज़िन्दगी पर करें तवज्जो

ख़ुलूस-ए निय्यत कि मुन्तज़र है, स’आदत-ए किरदगार अब भी


अगरचे सदियां गुज़र चुकी हैं, मगर ज़हे कारोबार-ए फ़ितरत

वही ख़िज़ां का है रक़्स-ए उर्यां, वही है जश्न-ए बहार अब भी


कभी कभी ग़ौर करते रहिये, जिगर का मिस्रा ये पढ़ते रहिये

चमन में आ सकती है पलट कर, चमन की रूठी बहार अब भी


जिगर की है ज़िन्दगी मोहब्बत, नहीं है उस को किसी से नफ़्रत

जिगर के दिल में है सब की इज़्ज़त, जिगर है यारौं का यार अब भी


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. jigar muradabadi (1890-1961) was a profilic poet of sufiyaana, romantic and musical Ghazal. Many of his compositions have been put to music and sung by great singers. This is an unusual nazm for jigar. It is long, explicitly political and left liberal. But it retains the Ghazal structure and is very musical like all jigar composition.
chaman ke maali agar bana leN, mu’aafiq1 apna she’aar2 ab bhi
chaman meN aa sakti hai palaT kar, chaman ki rooThi bahaar ab bhi
1.compatible, in agreement 2.nature, principles, habits
Here ‘chaman’ is the homeland and the maali/gardener is the political leadership. The ‘ab bhi’ implies that it is not too late and if they don’t act, it might be. If their principles become compatible with the interests of the homeland, then the offended/departed spring can still return.

nasiim1 hai aaj bhi tarab-za2, daraKht3 haiN saaya-daar4 ab bhi
magar5 vo insaaN keh jis ke chhoone se jalte haiN barg6 o baar7 ab bhi  
1.morning breeze 2.creating pleasure 3.trees 4.casting a shade, protecting 5.but 6.foliage 7.fruits
Even today the morning breeze can bring joy, shady trees can protect, but for humans whose very touch seems to burn up leaves and fruits.

unheN Khabar1 kya nahiN hai iski, unhiiN meN haiN fitna-kaar2 ab bhi
magar vo haiN vaqt o maslahat3 ke, qadiim4 o taaza5 shikaar6 ab bhi   
1.knowledge 2.mischief makers 3.(hidden) purpose 4.long time 5.fresh, new 6.target, afflicted
Do they not realize that there are mischief makers among them. But they are targets of/afflicted by old and new hidden/selfish/mean purpose.

musiibatoN ko payaam-e-ishrat1, keh aql2 hai kaj-ravi3 ki jaanib4
sa’oobatoN5 ko naviid-e-raahat6, junooN7 hai aahista-kaar8 ab bhi  
1.message of joy 2.mind 3.crooked path 4.towards 5.difficulties 6.good news of peace 7.passion 8.working slowly
This is sarcastic. Convey a message of joy to problems, the minds of our leaders are on the wrong path. Deliver good news to difficulties, they can rest in peace and be reassured that our passion (for doing the right thing) is working too slowly.

agarche1 aazaadi-e vatan ko, guzar2 chuka ek saal-e kaamil3
magar Khud ahl-e-vatan4 ke haathoN, faza5 hai nasaazgaar6 ab bhi  
1.even though 2.passed 3.complete 4.people of the homeland 5.atmosphere 6.unfavourable
Even though a complete year has passed since independence, at the hands of our own people of the homeland (not the colonizer) the atmosphere is unfavourable.

Khud apni bad-niyyati1 ke haathoN, bure nataa’ej2 bhugat3 rahe haiN
sadaaqatoN4 se, haqiiqatoN5 se, vahi hai laikin faraar6 ab bhi  
1.bad intentions 2.results 3.bear, suffer 4.truth 5.reality 6.escape, run away
At the hands of their own evil intentions, we are suffering bad consequences. Faced with truth and reality, they still run away.

zamiin badli zamaana1 badla, magar na badle to vo na badle
jo taNg2 o taariik3 zahniyyat4 thi, hai vahi ba-ruu5-e kaar6 ab bhi  

1.times 2.narrow 3.dark, ignorant 4.minds 5.facing 6.work, effort
The world has changed, times have changed. But if there is something that has not changed it is them (leadership). The same narrow minded ignorance that was, is still at work, facing problems.

ye zindagi Ghair-mutma’in1 si, shukook2 o shub’haat3 ki ye duniya
magar vo farmaaye4 jaa rahe haiN, keh rishta5 hai ustuvaar6 ab bhi  
1.unsatisactory 2.doubts, uncertainties 3.suspicions, fears 4.presenting, saying 5.relationship 6.strong
Life is unsatisfactory, full of uncertainties and fears. But they keep on saying/claiming that their relationship is still strong. This could be the relationship of the leadership with the common people or their relationship with goals that they set out to achieve.

koii ye chupke se un se poochhe, kahaaN gaye aap ke vo vaade1
nichoRta2 hai lahu3 GhariiboN, ka dast4-e sarmaayadaar5 ab bhi  
1.promises 2.squeezes 3.blood 4.hand of 5.capitalist
Someone quietly ask them, what happened to their promises (of social justice). The hand of the capitalist still squeezes blood out of the poor.

sifaarisheN1 zaalimoN2 ke haq3 meN, payaam-e-rahmat4 bani hui haiN
nahiN hai shaa’esta5-e samaa’at6, dukhe diloN ki pukaar ab bhi  
1.help, provide means, recommendations 2.oppressors 3.in favour of 4.message of blessing 5.refined enough, worthy of 6.hearing
Recommendations/policies in favour of oppressors are like a message of blessings to them. But the cry of broken hearts is not worthy of a hearing.

isi ka hai naam agar taraqqi1, to is taraqqi se baaz2 aaye
keh Khoon-e maKhlooq3 se Khuda ki, zamiin hai laala-zaar4 ab bhi  
1.progress 2.turn away 3.creatures 4.tulip garden – red, sprinkled with blood
If this is called progress, we turn away from such progress, because the earth is red with the blood of the creatures of god.

hameN mila kar bhi Khaak1 o KhooN meN, nahiN haiN vo mutma’in2 abhi tak
hamaari Khaak-e lahad3 ke zarre4, haiN un ke daaman5 pe baar6 ab bhi  
1.dust 2.satisfied 3.grave 4.grains of dust 5.hem of the robe 6.burden
Having beaten us bloody and thrown us into the dust, (killed and buried) they are still not satisfied. The grains of sand from our graves is still a burden on the hem of their robe.

jo mahv1-e jashn2-e nizaam-e-nau3 haiN, pukaar kar un se kah rahaa huN
ye jaan hai sogvaar ab tak, ye dil hai maatam-guzaar4 ab bhi   
1.engaged in 2.celebrations 3.new administration 4.going through mourning
I call out loud and clear to those who are engaged in celebrating the new order that life is still sorrowful and people are still mourning.

munaafaqat1 ki hazaar baateN, vo sunte rahte haiN aur Khush haiN
magar sadaaqat2 ki saaf o saada3, si baat hai naagavaar4 ab bhi  
1.favourable, flattering 2.truth 3.plain, simple 4.distasteful
When they hear fawning/flattering words, they keep paying attention to it and are happy. But they find plain and clear truth distasteful.

na vo muravvat1 na vo sadaaqat2, na vo mohabbat na vo sharaafat3
rahiin4-e Khauf5 o Khatar6 haiN yaa’ni7, sukoon8 o amn9 o qaraar10 ab bhi
1.kindness, consideration 2.sincerity 3.nobility, virtue 4.mortgaged 5.fear 6.danger 7.meaning 8.tranquility 9.peace 10.comfort
There is no kindness, no consideration of others, no love nor virtuous rectitude. This means that peace and tranquility are now controlled by danger and fear.

zabaan o dil meN na rabt1-e saadiq2, na baahami3 vo Khuloos4-e kaamil5
jo the Ghulaamaana6 zindagi meN, vahi haiN lail-o-nehaar7 ab bhi   
1.relationship, connection 2.sincere 3.mutual 4.friendship, consideration 5.complete 6.slavery, colonization 7.night and day
There is no connection of sincerity between what they say and what they mean. There is no mutual consideration. The life (days and nights) we spent under colonization remains the same.

Ghalat1 ye jamhooriyat2 ke daa’ve3, daroGh4 ye zindagi ke naqshe5
daliil6 is ki yahi hai kaafi7, keh zahn8 hai taNg9 o taar10 ab bhi   
1.wrong 2.democracy 3.claims 4.false, unjustified 5.picture, plan 6.proof 7.enough 9.narrow 10.dark, ignorant
Their claims of democracy (social justice) are wrong, their plans (for our life/well being) are false. That their minds are narrow and ignorant is proof enough of this.

ye jashn1-e aazaadi-e vatan2 hai, magar isi jashn o sarKhushi3 meN
bahut ka siina figaar4 ab bhi, bahut haiN be-rozgaar5 ab bhi  
1.celebration 2.homeland 3.great joy 4.torn 5.unemployed
This is a celebration of the freedom of the homeland but within this joy and celebration there are those whose bosoms/hearts are torn apart, who are still without work and destitute.

yahi jo saada1 se qahqahe2 haiN, yahi jo phiike3 se haiN tabassum4
inhiiN ki tah5 meN bahut si ashkoN6, ke haiN ravaaN7 aabshaar8 ab bhi   
1.plain, simple 2.laughter 3.pale, colourless 4.smile 5.depth 6.tears 7.flow 8.waterfall
Hidden in the depth of this meaningless laughter and colourless smile is flowing a torrential waterfall of tears.

hazaar-ha1 inqelaab2 dekhe, hazaar-ha tajruboN3 se guzre4
Khirad5 meN taNgi6, amal7 meN laGhzish8, junooN9 hai na-poKhta-kaar10 ab bhi  
1.thousands 2.revolutions, changes 3.experiments 4.passed through 5.wisdom 6.narrowness 7.work, execution of plans 8.stumbling 9.passion 10.immature
We have gone through thousands of changes and experiments. Narrow minded planning, faltering execution and weak/immature passion are still with us.

ye rishvatoN1 ki ye saazishoN2 ki, ye naf’a-andaaziyoN3 ki laa’nat4
vo Khud hi insaaf5 se ye kah deN, nahiN vo kuchh firqa-vaar6 ab bhi  
1.bribery 2.conspiracies, secret schemes 3.profiteering 4.curse 5.in truth 6.bigoted
The curse of bribery, scheming and profiteering. Let them say so truthfully, themselves, are they not partisan to their own communities.

unhiiN ke halqoN1 se Khud unhiiN ki, muKhaalafat2 aa’m3 ho rahi hai
hamaari jaanib4 se laikin un ki, nazar5 hai begaana-vaar6 ab bhi  
1.circles 2.opposition 3.common 4.towards 5.glance 6.ignoring
There is increasingly common opposition from among their own circles. But their glance towards us is as if we are strangers. They ignore us.

kahaaN ki dildaari1 o mohabbat, talaafiyoN2 ka to zikr3 hi kya
huqooq4 paamaal5 kar rahe haiN, huqooq ke pahra-daar5 ab bhi  
1.faith, keeping true to commintments 2.compensate, set right 3.talk, mention 4.rights 5.trample underfoot 5.guardians
Why even talk about correcting past mistakes, there is no commitment/faith or love. The guardians of our rights themselves are trampling them.

kabhi hui hai na ho sakegi, masarrat1 aazaadiyoN ki haasil2
ke aa’m3 insaaniyat ka aalam4, hai tishna5 o beqaraar6 ab bhi   
1.joy 2.available, obtain 3.common, ordinary 4.condition 5.thirsty 6.restless
We will never be able to get the joy of freedom when the condition of ordinary people is restless and thirsty (for justice).

vas’ii1 maslak2, raf’ii3 fitrat4, Khuloos-e-iimaaN5, Khuloos-e-niyyat6
inhiiN fazaa’el7 pe hai vatan ke, veqaar8 ka inhesaar9 ab bhi  
1.vast, far reaching 2.ways, methods 3.high, noble 4.nature, character 5.sincerity of faith/commitment 6.sincerity of purpose 7.qualities, abilities 8.dignity 9.dependent
The dignity of the homeland still depends on these great qualities – far reaching policies, noble character and sincerity of trust and purpose.

zamaana1 kya kya na kah chuka hai, zamaana kya kya na kah raha hai
magar vo aise haiN vaz’a-daar2 aise, zara nahiN sharmsaar3 ab bhi  
1.times, world 2.cultured, refined 3.ashamed
What all the world has not said already. What does the world not continue to say. But they are of such refined culture that they are not one bit ashamed even now.

Khuloos-e-niyyat1 se sirf2 apni, hi zindagi par kareN tavajjo3
Khuloos-e niyyat ki muntazar3 hai, saa’dat4-e kirdegaar5 ab bhi  
1.sincerity of purpose 2.only 3.attention, examination, evaluation 3.awaiting 4.good luck, blessings 5.god
If only they examine their lives with sincerity of purpose, they will find that divine blessings are waiting for them.

agarche1 sadiyaaN2 guzar3 chuki haiN, magar zahe4 kaarobaar5-e fitrat6
vahi KhizaaN7 ka hai raqs8-e uryaaN9, vahi hai jashn10-e bahaar11 ab bhi  
1.even though 2.centuries 3.passed 4.praise be to 5.workings 6.nature 7.fall, dry season 8.dance 9.nakedness 10.celebrations 11.spring
Even though centuries have passed, but praise be to the workings of nature, the seasons with the nakedness of the dance of fall and the celebration of spring is still the same.

kabhi kabhi Ghaur1 karte rahiye, jigar2 ka misra3 ye paRhte rahiye
chaman meN aa sakti hai palaT kar, chaman ki rooThi bahaar ab bhi  
1.contemplate 2.pen-name of the poet 3.one of two lines of a she’r
At least sometimes contemplate, read this misra of jigar – the offended/departed spring can still return.

jigar ki hai zindagi mohabbat, nahiN hai us ko kisi se nafrat1
jigar ke dil meN hai sab ki izzat2, jigar hai yaaroN3 ka yaar ab bhi  
1.hatred 2.respect 3.friends
jigar’s life is the embodiment of love. He bears malice towards none. He respects everyone. jigar is still a great friend of his friends.

jigar muradabadi (1890-1961) was a profilic poet of sufiyaana, romantic and musical Ghazal.  Many of his compositions have been put to music and sung by great singers.  This is an unusual nazm for jigar.  It is long, explicitly political and left liberal.  But it retains the Ghazal structure and is very musical like all jigar composition.
chaman ke maali agar bana leN, mu’aafiq1 apna she’aar2 ab bhi
chaman meN aa sakti hai palaT kar, chaman ki rooThi bahaar ab bhi

1.compatible, in agreement 2.nature, principles, habits

Here ‘chaman’ is the homeland and the maali/gardener is the political leadership.  The ‘ab bhi’ implies that it is not too late and if they don’t act, it might be.  If their principles become compatible with the interests of the homeland, then the offended/departed spring can still return.
nasiim1 hai aaj bhi tarab-za2, daraKht3 haiN saaya-daar4 ab bhi
magar5 vo insaaN keh jis ke chhoone se jalte haiN barg6 o baar7 ab bhi

1.morning breeze 2.creating pleasure 3.trees 4.casting a shade, protecting 5.but 6.foliage 7.fruits

Even today the morning breeze can bring joy, shady trees can protect, but for humans whose very touch seems to burn up leaves and fruits.
unheN Khabar1 kya nahiN hai iski, unhiiN meN haiN fitna-kaar2 ab bhi
magar vo haiN vaqt o maslahat3 ke, qadiim4 o taaza5 shikaar6 ab bhi

1.knowledge 2.mischief makers 3.(hidden) purpose 4.long time 5.fresh, new 6.target, afflicted

Do they not realize that there are mischief makers among them.  But they are targets of/afflicted by old and new hidden/selfish/mean purpose.
musiibatoN ko payaam-e-ishrat1, keh aql2 hai kaj-ravi3 ki jaanib4
sa’oobatoN5 ko naviid-e-raahat6, junooN7 hai aahista-kaar8 ab bhi

1.message of joy 2.mind 3.crooked path 4.towards 5.difficulties 6.good news of peace 7.passion 8.working slowly

This is sarcastic.  Convey a message of joy to problems, the minds of our leaders are on the wrong path.  Deliver good news to difficulties, they can rest in peace and be reassured that our passion (for doing the right thing) is working too slowly.
agarche1 aazaadi-e vatan ko, guzar2 chuka ek saal-e kaamil3
magar Khud ahl-e-vatan4 ke haathoN, faza5 hai nasaazgaar6 ab bhi

1.even though 2.passed 3.complete 4.people of the homeland 5.atmosphere 6.unfavourable

Even though a complete year has passed since independence, at the hands of our own people of the homeland (not the colonizer) the atmosphere is unfavourable.
Khud apni bad-niyyati1 ke haathoN, bure nataa’ej2 bhugat3 rahe haiN
sadaaqatoN4 se, haqiiqatoN5 se, vahi hai laikin faraar6 ab bhi

1.bad intentions 2.results 3.bear, suffer 4.truth 5.reality 6.escape, run away

At the hands of their own evil intentions, we are suffering bad consequences.  Faced with truth and reality, they still run away.
zamiin badli zamaana1 badla, magar na badle to vo na badle
jo taNg2 o taariik3 zahniyyat4 thi, hai vahi ba-ruu5-e kaar6 ab bhi

1.times 2.narrow 3.dark, ignorant 4.minds 5.facing 6.work, effort

The world has changed, times have changed.  But if there is something that has not changed it is them (leadership).  The same narrow minded ignorance that was, is still at work, facing problems.
ye zindagi Ghair-mutma’in1 si, shukook2 o shub’haat3 ki ye duniya
magar vo farmaaye4 jaa rahe haiN, keh rishta5 hai ustuvaar6 ab bhi

1.unsatisactory 2.doubts, uncertainties 3.suspicions, fears 4.presenting, saying 5.relationship 6.strong

Life is unsatisfactory, full of uncertainties and fears.  But they keep on saying/claiming that their relationship is still strong.  This could be the relationship of the leadership with the common people or their relationship with goals that they set out to achieve.
koii ye chupke se un se poochhe, kahaaN gaye aap ke vo vaade1
nichoRta2 hai lahu3 GhariiboN, ka dast4-e sarmaayadaar5 ab bhi

1.promises 2.squeezes 3.blood 4.hand of 5.capitalist

Someone quietly ask them, what happened to their promises (of social justice).  The hand of the capitalist still squeezes blood out of the poor.
sifaarisheN1 zaalimoN2 ke haq3 meN, payaam-e-rahmat4 bani hui haiN
nahiN hai shaa’esta5-e samaa’at6, dukhe diloN ki pukaar ab bhi

1.help, provide means, recommendations 2.oppressors 3.in favour of 4.message of blessing 5.refined enough, worthy of 6.hearing

Recommendations/policies in favour of oppressors are like a message of blessings to them.  But the cry of broken hearts is not worthy of a hearing.
isi ka hai naam agar taraqqi1, to is taraqqi se baaz2 aaye
keh Khoon-e maKhlooq3 se Khuda ki, zamiin hai laala-zaar4 ab bhi

1.progress 2.turn away 3.creatures 4.tulip garden – red, sprinkled with blood

If this is called progress, we turn away from such progress, because the earth is red with the blood of the creatures of god.
hameN mila kar bhi Khaak1 o KhooN meN, nahiN haiN vo mutma’in2 abhi tak
hamaari Khaak-e lahad3 ke zarre4, haiN un ke daaman5 pe baar6 ab bhi

1.dust 2.satisfied 3.grave 4.grains of dust 5.hem of the robe 6.burden

Having beaten us bloody and thrown us into the dust, (killed and buried) they are still not satisfied.  The grains of sand from our graves is still a burden on the hem of their robe.
jo mahv1-e jashn2-e nizaam-e-nau3 haiN, pukaar kar un se kah rahaa huN
ye jaan hai sogvaar ab tak, ye dil hai maatam-guzaar4 ab bhi

1.engaged in 2.celebrations 3.new administration 4.going through mourning

I call out loud and clear to those who are engaged in celebrating the new order that life is still sorrowful and people are still mourning.
munaafaqat1 ki hazaar baateN, vo sunte rahte haiN aur Khush haiN
magar sadaaqat2 ki saaf o saada3, si baat hai naagavaar4 ab bhi

1.favourable, flattering 2.truth 3.plain, simple 4.distasteful

When they hear fawning/flattering words, they keep paying attention to it and are happy.  But they find plain and clear truth distasteful.
na vo muravvat1 na vo sadaaqat2, na vo mohabbat na vo sharaafat3
rahiin4-e Khauf5 o Khatar6 haiN yaa’ni7, sukoon8 o amn9 o qaraar10 ab bhi

1.kindness, consideration 2.sincerity 3.nobility, virtue 4.mortgaged 5.fear 6.danger 7.meaning 8.tranquility 9.peace 10.comfort

There is no kindness, no consideration of others, no love nor virtuous rectitude.  This means that peace and tranquility are now controlled by danger and fear.
zabaan o dil meN na rabt1-e saadiq2, na baahami3 vo Khuloos4-e kaamil5
jo the Ghulaamaana6 zindagi meN, vahi haiN lail-o-nehaar7 ab bhi

1.relationship, connection 2.sincere 3.mutual 4.friendship, consideration 5.complete 6.slavery, colonization 7.night and day

There is no connection of sincerity between what they say and what they mean.  There is no mutual consideration.  The life (days and nights) we spent under colonization remains the same.
Ghalat1 ye jamhooriyat2 ke daa’ve3, daroGh4 ye zindagi ke naqshe5
daliil6 is ki yahi hai kaafi7, keh zahn8 hai taNg9 o taar10 ab bhi

1.wrong 2.democracy 3.claims 4.false, unjustified 5.picture, plan 6.proof 7.enough 9.narrow 10.dark, ignorant

Their claims of democracy (social justice) are wrong, their plans (for our life/well being) are false.  That their minds are narrow and ignorant is proof enough of this.
ye jashn1-e aazaadi-e vatan2 hai, magar isi jashn o sarKhushi3 meN
bahut ka siina figaar4 ab bhi, bahut haiN be-rozgaar5 ab bhi

1.celebration 2.homeland 3.great joy 4.torn 5.unemployed

This is a celebration of the freedom of the homeland but within this joy and celebration there are those whose bosoms/heats are torn apart, who are still without work and destitute.
yahi jo saada1 se qahqahe2 haiN, yahi jo phiike3 se haiN tabassum4
inhiiN ki tah5 meN bahut si ashkoN6, ke haiN ravaaN7 aabshaar8 ab bhi

1.plain, simple 2.laughter 3.pale, colourless 4.smile 5.depth 6.tears 7.flow 8.waterfall

Hidden in the depth of this meaningless laughter and colourless smile is flowing a torrential waterfall of tears.
hazaar-ha1 inqelaab2 dekhe, hazaar-ha tajruboN3 se guzre4
Khirad5 meN taNgi6, amal7 meN laGhzish8, junooN9 hai na-poKhta-kaar10 ab bhi

1.thousands 2.revolutions, changes 3.experiments 4.passed through 5.wisdom 6.narrowness 7.work, execution of plans 8.stumbling 9.passion 10.immature

We have gone through thousands of changes and experiments.  Narrow minded planning, faltering execution and weak/immature passion are still with us.
ye rishvatoN1 ki ye saazishoN2 ki, ye naf’a-andaaziyoN3 ki laa’nat4
vo Khud hi insaaf5 se ye kah deN, nahiN vo kuchh firqa-vaar6 ab bhi

1.bribery 2.conspiracies, secret schemes 3.profiteering 4.curse 5.in truth 6.bigoted

The curse of bribery, scheming and profiteering.  Let them say so truthfully, themselves, are they not partisan to their own communities.
unhiiN ke halqoN1 se Khud unhiiN ki, muKhaalafat2 aa’m3 ho rahi hai
hamaari jaanib4 se laikin un ki, nazar5 hai begaana-vaar6 ab bhi

1.circles 2.opposition 3.common 4.towards 5.glance 6.ignoring

There is increasingly common opposition from among their own circles.  But their glance towards us is as if we are strangers.  They ignore us.
kahaaN ki dildaari1 o mohabbat, talaafiyoN2 ka to zikr3 hi kya
huqooq4 paamaal5 kar rahe haiN, huqooq ke pahra-daar5 ab bhi

1.faith, keeping true to commintments 2.compensate, set right 3.talk, mention 4.rights 5.trample underfoot 5.guardians

Why even talk about correcting past mistakes, there is no commitment/faith or love.  The guardians of our rights themselves are trampling them.
kabhi hui hai na ho sakegi, masarrat1 aazaadiyoN ki haasil2
ke aa’m3 insaaniyat ka aalam4, hai tishna5 o beqaraar6 ab bhi

1.joy 2.available, obtain 3.common, ordinary 4.condition 5.thirsty 6.restless

We will never be able to get the joy of freedom when the condition of ordinary people is restless and thirsty (for justice).
vas’ii1 maslak2, raf’ii3 fitrat4, Khuloos-e-iimaaN5, Khuloos-e-niyyat6
inhiiN fazaa’el7 pe hai vatan ke, veqaar8 ka inhesaar9 ab bhi

1.vast, far reaching 2.ways, methods 3.high, noble 4.nature, character 5.sincerity of faith/commitment 6.sincerity of purpose 7.qualities, abilities 8.dignity 9.dependent

The dignity of the homeland still depends on these great qualities – far reaching policies, noble character and sincerity of trust and purpose.
zamaana1 kya kya na kah chuka hai, zamaana kya kya na kah raha hai
magar vo aise haiN vaz’a-daar2 aise, zara nahiN sharmsaar3 ab bhi

1.times, world 2.cultured, refined 3.ashamed

What all the world has not said already.  What does the world not continue to say.  But they are of such refined culture that they are not one bit ashamed even now.
Khuloos-e-niyyat1 se sirf2 apni, hi zindagi par kareN tavajjo3
Khuloos-e niyyat ki muntazar3 hai, saa’dat4-e kirdegaar5 ab bhi

1.sincerity of purpose 2.only 3.attention, examination, evaluation 3.awaiting 4.good luck, blessings 5.god

If only they examine their lives with sincerity of purpose, they will find that divine blessings are waiting for them.
agarche1 sadiyaaN2 guzar3 chuki haiN, magar zahe4 kaarobaar5-e fitrat6
vahi KhizaaN7 ka hai raqs8-e uryaaN9, vahi hai jashn10-e bahaar11 ab bhi

1.even though 2.centuries 3.passed 4.praise be to 5.workings 6.nature 7.fall, dry season 8.dance 9.nakedness 10.celebrations 11.spring

Even though centuries have passed, but praise be to the workings of nature, the seasons with the nakedness of the dance of fall and the celebration of spring is still the same.
kabhi kabhi Ghaur1 karte rahiye, jigar2 ka misra3 ye paRhte rahiye
chaman meN aa sakti hai palaT kar, chaman ki rooThi bahaar ab bhi

1.contemplate 2.pen-name of the poet 3.one of two lines of a she’r

At least sometimes contemplate, read this misra of jigar – the offended/departed spring can still return.
jigar ki hai zindagi mohabbat, nahiN hai us ko kisi se nafrat1
jigar ke dil meN hai sab ki izzat2, jigar hai yaaroN3 ka yaar ab bhi

1.hatred 2.respect 3.friends

jigar’s life is the embodiment of love.  He bears malice towards none.  He respects everyone.  jigar is still a great friend of his friends.