eid-ul-fitr-gulzar dehlavi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “English” or “Notes” tab.

عیدالفطر  ۔  پنڈت  آنند  موہن  گلزارؔ  دہلوی


رحمتِ  یزداں  سے  آیا  آج  پھر  روزِ  سعید

ہو  مسلمانانِ  عالم  کو  مبارک  جشنِ  عید


مجلس  آرا  پھر  ہوا  عرشِ  معلّیٰ  پر  کوئی

پھر  گھٹاؤں  سے  ہوئی  ہے  ابروئے  فطرت  کی  دید


پھر  محبّت  اور  رواداری  کا  چرچا  عام  ہے

پھر  تعصُّب  کی  ہوئی  کُل  دہر  میں  مِٹّی  پلید


پھر  تعصُّب  کے  لگی  اک  ضرب  کاری  پشت  پر

پھر  گلے  ملتے  ہیں  رام  و  کرشن  و  الیاس  و  حمید


مشترک  تہذیب،  یکجہتی،  رواداری،  سلوک

یہ  وطن  کی  سالمیت  کی  ضمانت  ہے  سعید


ہندوؤں  نے  دستِ  اُلفت  پھر  بڑھایا  خیر  سے

پھر  رواداری  کی  لائی  عید  دِلّی  میں  نوید


بلبل  و  قمری  ہوئے  پھر  آج  یوں  نغمہ  سرا

جس  طرح  برگ  و  ثمر  میں  عشق  کی  گفت  و  شنید


پھر  یہاں  اک  متحد  تہذیب  جلوہ  گر  ہوئی

اب  یہ  ممکن  ہے  ملے  پھر  امن  و  برکت  کی  کلید


گُل،  چنبیلی،  سرو،  جوہی  پھر  اگر  مل  کر  رہیں

پھر  چمن  بندی  سے  ہو  گلشن  میں  بھی  لطفِ  مزید


کیوں  نہ  مِل  جُل  کر  منائیں  ہندو  و  مسلم  سبھی

وہ  دیوالی  ہو  ہولی  ہو  کہ  ہو  عیدِ  سعید


خلقِ  واحد،  خالقِ  واحد  کی  ہی  تنویر  ہے

وحدتِ  نوعِ  بشر  کا  ہند  ہے  داعی  وحید


یہ  محبّت  کا  علمبردار  اک  تہوار  ہے

ہے  سبھی  ہندو  مسلمانوں  کا  یہ  روزِ  سعید


آؤ  شعر  و  شاعری  کی  پھر  سجائیں  محفلیں

نعت  خوانی  میں  ملے  گا  عید  کا  لطفِ  مزید


شیخ  کہتا  ہے  کوئی  سیّد  کوئی  گلزارؔ  کو

پنڈتِ  کشمیر  یہ  بھی  ہے  عجب  فردِ  فرید

ईद-उल-फ़ित्र – पंडित आनन्द मोहन गुल्ज़ार देहलवी

रहमत-ए यज़्दां से आया आज फिर रोज़-ए स’ईद

हो मुसलमानान-ए आ’लम को मुबारक जश्न-ए ईद

मज्लिस-आरा फिर हुआ अर्श-ए मो’अल्ला पर कोई

फिर घटाऔं से हुई है अब्रू-ए फ़ित्रत की दीद

फिर मोहब्बत और रवादारी का चर्चा आ’म है

फिर ता’अस्सुब की हुई कुल दहर में मिट्टी पलीद

फिर ता’अस्सुब के लगी एक ज़र्ब-कारी पुश्त पर

फिर गले मिलते हैं राम ओ क्रिश्न ओ इल्यास ओ हमीद

मुश्तरिक तहज़ीब, यकजहती, रवादारी, सुलूक

ये वतन की सालमिय्यत की ज़मानत है स’ईद

हिन्दुऔं ने दस्त-ए उल्फ़त फिर बढ़ाया ख़ैर से

फिर रवादारी की लाई ईद दिल्ली में नवीद

बुल्बुल ओ क़ुम्री हुए फिर आज यूं नग़्मा-सरा

जिस तरह बर्ग ओ समर में इश्क़ की गुफ़्त ओ शनीद

फिर यहां एक मुत्तहद तहज़ीब जल्वा गर हुई

अब ये मुम्किन है मिले फिर अम्न ओ बर्कत की कलीद

गुल, चंबेली, सर्व, जूही फिर अगर मिल कर रहें

फिर चमन-बंदी से हो गुल्शन में भी लुत्फ़-ए मज़ीद


क्यूं न मिल जुल कर मनाऐं हिन्दू ओ मुस्लिम सभी

वो दिवाली हो होली हो के हो ईद-ए स’ईद


ख़ल्क़-ए वाहद, ख़ालेक़-ए वाहद की ही तन्वीर है

वहदत-ए न’औ-ए बशर का हिन्द है दा’ई वहीद


ये मोहब्बत का अलमबर्दार एक तहवार है

है सभी हिन्दू मुसल्मानौं का ये रोज़-ए स’ईद


आओ शे’र ओ शा’एरी की फिर सजाएं महफ़िलें

ना’त-ख़्वानी में मिलेगा ईद का लुत्फ़-ए मज़ीद


शैख़ कहता है कोई सय्यद कोई गुल्ज़ार को

पंडित-ए कश्मीर ये भी है अजब फ़र्द-ए फ़रीद


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu and totally committed to communal harmony. This nazm sounds naïve when we consider what is going on in India today.
rahmat1-e yazdaaN2 se aaya aaj phir roz-e sa’eed3
ho musalmaanaan-e aalam4 ko mubarak5 jashn6-e eid   
1.grace, bounty 2.god 3.good fortune 4. world 5.felicitation 6.celebration
With god’s grace today is a blessed day. Felicitations to all Muslims of the world on the celebration of eid.

majlis-aara1 phir hua arsh2-e mo’alla3 par koii
phir ghaTaaoN se hui hai abru4-e fitrat5 ki diid6       
1.celebratory gathering 2.sky, heaven 3.high 4.eyebrow, perhaps the new moon 5.nature, god 6.sighting, view
Once again there is a gathering of celebration in high heaven. Through clouds we see the new moon like nature’s eyebrow, god looking down at us.

phir mohabbat aur ravadaari1 ka charcha aa’m2 hai
phir ta’ssub3 ki hui kul4 dahr5 meN miTTi-paleed6    
1.regard for others 2.common, general 3.bigotry 4.whole 5.world 6.defeated, beaten into dust
Once again everyone is respectful and considerate of each other. Once again bigotry has been defeated and beaten into dust (I wish).

phir ta’ssub1 ke lagi ek zarb-kaari2 pusht3 par
phir gale milte haiN raam4 o krishn4 o ilyaas4 o hameed4      
1.bigotry 2.blows 3.back 4.names used to mean Hindus and Muslims
Bigotry has once again received a blow to its back. Once again Muslims and Hindus embrace each other.

mushtarik1 tahziib2, yakjahti3, ravaadaari4, sulook5
ye vatan ki saalemiyyat6 ki zamaanat7 hai sa’eed8     
1.combined, mixed 2.culture 3.harmony 4.consideration 5.respectful behaviour 6.survival 7.guardian 8.good fortune, blessing
Cooperation, culture, harmony, mutual respect are the blessed guardians of the survival of the homeland.

hinduoN ne dast1-e ulfat2 phir baRhaaya Khair3 se
phir ravaadaari4 ki laai eid dilli meN naveed5    
1.hand 2.love 3.good feelings 4.mutual respect, consideration 5.good tidings
Hindus extend their hand of love and good feelings. Once again eid brings good tidings of mutual consideration.

bulbul o qumri1 hue phir aaj yuN naGhma-sara2
jis tarah barg3 o samar4 meN ishq5 ki guft-o-shaneed6     
1.dove 2.singing 3.leaves 4.fruits 5.love 6.speak and listen, conversation
Birds representing communities. Today again all communities sing together just like leaves and fruits talk to each other of love.

phir yahaaN ek muttahad1 tahzeeb2 jalva-gar3 hui
ab ye mumkin3 hai mile phir amn5 o barkat6 ki kaleed7    
1.combined 2.culture 3.manifest, display 4.possible 5.peace, harmony 6.plenty, bounty, well being 7.key
Once again there is a display of combined cultures. Now it becomes possible to look for the key to peace, harmony and well being.

gul, chanbeli, sarv, joohi phir agar mil kar raheN
phir chaman-bandi1 se ho gulshan2 meN bhi lutf3-e mazeed4     
1.gardening 2.garden 3.pleasure 4.extra, additional
If all the flowers of the garden live together in harmony, there will be added pleasure in gardening.

kyuN na mil jul kar manaayeN hindu o muslim sabhi
vo divaali ho, holi ho ke ho eid-e sa’eed1    
Why not Muslims and Hindus celebrate together, whether it be divaali, holi or this blessed eid.

Khalq-e-vaahid1, Khaaliq-e-vaahid2 ki hi tanviir3 hai
vahdat4-e nau-e-bashar5 ka hind hai daa’ii6 vaheed7    
1.one creation 2.one creator 3.glory 4.one-ness 5.human species, humanity 5.praying, desirous 7.unique, unequalled
One/all/same creation is a reflection of the glory of one creator. Hindostan is unequalled in praying for one-ness of all humanity.

ye mohabbat ka alambardaar1 ek tahvaar2 hai
hai sabhi hindu musalmaanoN ka ye roz-e-sa’eed3    
1.flag bearer 2.tyohaar, festival 3.blessed day
This festival is a flagbearer of love. For all Hindus and Muslims it is a blessed day.

aao she’r o shaa’eri ki phir sajaaeN mahfileN1
n’aat-Khwaani2 meN milega eid ka lutf-e-mazeed3    
1.gatherings 2.singing/reciting n’aat (poems in praise of the propher of Islam) 3.extra pleasure
Come let us arrange gatherings of shaa’eri. There will be extra pleasure in reciting n’aat.

shaiKh kahta hai koii, sayyad koii gulzar ko
panDit-e kashmir ye bhi hai ajab1 fard2-e fareed3      
1.strange, unusual 2.individual 3.without example, unequalled
One shaiKh or another sayyad/mufti usually says this to/about gulzar (the poet), “this is an unusual kashmiri panDit who is without equal”.

anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu and totally committed to communal harmony.  This nazm sounds naïve when we consider what is going on in India today.
rahmat1-e yazdaaN2 se aaya aaj phir roz-e sa’eed3
ho musalmaanaan-e aalam4 ko mubarak5 jashn6-e eid

1.grace, bounty 2.god 3.good fortune 4. world 5.felicitation 6.celebration

With god’s grace today is a blessed day.  Felicitations to all Muslims of the world on the celebration of eid.
majlis-aara1 phir hua arsh2-e mo’alla3 par koii
phir ghaTaaoN se hui hai abru4-e fitrat5 ki diid6

1.celebratory gathering 2.sky, heaven 3.high 4.eyebrow, perhaps the new moon 5.nature, god 6.sighting, view

Once again there is a gathering of celebration in high heaven.  Through clouds we see the new moon like nature’s eyebrow, god looking down at us.
phir mohabbat aur ravadaari1 ka charcha aa’m2 hai
phir ta’ssub3 ki hui kul4 dahr5 meN miTTi-paleed6

1.regard for others 2.common, general 3.bigotry 4.whole 5.world 6.defeated, beaten into dust

Once again everyone is respectful and considerate of each other.  Once again bigotry has been defeated and beaten into dust (I wish).
phir ta’ssub1 ke lagi ek zarb-kaari2 pusht3 par
phir gale milte haiN raam4 o krishn4 o ilyaas4 o hameed4

1.bigotry 2.blows 3.back 4.names used to mean Hindus and Muslims

Bigotry has once again received a blow to its back.  Once again Muslims and Hindus embrace each other.
mushtarik1 tahziib2, yakjahti3, ravaadaari4, sulook5
ye vatan ki saalemiyyat6 ki zamaanat7 hai sa’eed8

1.combined, mixed 2.culture 3.harmony 4.consideration 5.respectful behaviour 6.survival 7.guardian 8.good fortune, blessing

Cooperation, culture, harmony, mutual respect are the blessed guardians of the survival of the homeland.
hinduoN ne dast1-e ulfat2 phir baRhaaya Khair3 se
phir ravaadaari4 ki laai eid dilli meN naveed5

1.hand 2.love 3.good feelings 4.mutual respect, consideration 5.good tidings

Hindus extend their hand of love and good feelings.  Once again eid brings good tidings of mutual consideration.
bulbul o qumri1 hue phir aaj yuN naGhma-sara2
jis tarah barg3 o samar4 meN ishq5 ki guft-o-shaneed6

1.dove 2.singing 3.leaves 4.fruits 5.love 6.speak and listen, conversation

Birds representing communities.  Today again all communities sing together just like leaves and fruits talk to each other of love.
phir yahaaN ek muttahad1 tahzeeb2 jalva-gar3 hui
ab ye mumkin3 hai mile phir amn5 o barkat6 ki kaleed7

1.combined 2.culture 3.manifest, display 4.possible 5.peace, harmony 6.plenty, bounty, well being 7.key

Once again there is a display of combined cultures.  Now it becomes possible to look for the key to peace, harmony and well being.
gul, chanbeli, sarv, joohi phir agar mil kar raheN
phir chaman-bandi1 se ho gulshan2 meN bhi lutf3-e mazeed4

1.gardening 2.garden 3.pleasure 4.extra, additional

If all the flowers of the garden live together in harmony, there will be added pleasure in gardening.
kyuN na mil jul kar manaayeN hindu o muslim sabhi
vo divaali ho, holi ho ke ho eid-e sa’eed1


Why not Muslims and Hindus celebrate together, whether it be divaali, holi or this blessed eid.
Khalq-e-vaahid1, Khaaliq-e-vaahid2 ki hi tanviir3 hai
vahdat4-e nau-e-bashar5 ka hind hai daa’ii6 vaheed7

1.one creation 2.one creator 3.glory 4.one-ness 5.human species, humanity 5.praying, desirous 7.unique, unequalled

One/all/same creation is a reflection of the glory of one creator.  Hindostan is unequalled in praying for one-ness of all humanity.
ye mohabbat ka alambardaar1 ek tahvaar2 hai
hai sabhi hindu musalmaanoN ka ye roz-e-sa’eed3

1.flag bearer 2.tyohaar, festival 3.blessed day

This festival is a flagbearer of love.  For all Hindus and Muslims it is a blessed day.
aao she’r o shaa’eri ki phir sajaaeN mahfileN1
n’aat-Khwaani2 meN milega eid ka lutf-e-mazeed3

1.gatherings 2.singing/reciting n’aat (poems in praise of the propher of Islam) 3.extra pleasure

Come let us arrange gatherings of shaa’eri.  There will be extra pleasure in reciting n’aat.
shaiKh kahta hai koii, sayyad koii gulzar ko
panDit-e kashmir ye bhi hai ajab1 fard2-e fareed3

1.strange, unusual 2.individual 3.without example, unequalled

One shaiKh or another sayyad/mufti usually says this to/about gulzar (the poet), “this is an unusual kashmiri panDit who is without equal”.

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One comment:

  1. Thoughts are beyond
    yet, will it ever touch the ones running the country, I can only pray, with hopes of acceptance.

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