filistiiniyoN ke naam-anvar hasan siddiqui

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

فلسطینیوں  کے  نام  ۔  انور  حسن  صدیقی


ہر  لمحہ  دشتِ  جنوں  ٹھہرا  اور  چاکِ  گریباں  باقی  ہیں

دامانِ  محیطِ  غم  میں  ابھی  کتنے  ہی  بیاباں  باقی  ہیں


وہ  دستِ  ہوس  وہ  تیغِِ  ستم  تیار  یہ  فصلیں  جسموں  کی

ہر  گام  پہ  مقتل  روشن  ہے  سر  ہائے  فروزاں  باقی  ہیں


خوں  روئی  کتنا  موج  صبا  کتنی  صبحیں  نمناک  گئیں

لمحاتِ  گریزاں  میں  کتنی  شبہائے  غریباں  باقی  ہیں


سوزن  ہے  بگولوں  کی  گردش  اور  زہر  فشاں  صرصر  کا  دھواں

ہے  ریگِ  تپاں  کا  غیظ  رواں  اور  خارِ  مغیلاں  باقی  ہیں


حیراں  ہیں  تمہارے  زخموں  پر  کیا  اپنے  اور  کیا  بیگانے

اس  صحرا  میں  آخر  کتنے  گلہائے  پریشاں  باقی  ہیں


سب  ظلم  رسیدوں  کے  غم  تم  اب  بارِ  امانت  لے  کے  اُٹھے

کتنا  ممنون  کیا  تم  نے  اور  کتنے  احساں  باقی  ہیں


آزار  کی  بوجھل  دھوپ  میں  تم  تنہا  نہ  سمجھ  لینا  خود  کو

اس  خاک  کے  چپے  چپے  پر  صد  لشکرِ  ایماں  باقی  ہیں


ہر  شہرِ  وفا  نے  کھول  دیے  تم  پر  سب  اپنے  دروازے

جلتی  ہے  جہاں  قِندیلِ  جزا  وہ  سارے  شبِستاں  باقی  ہیں

फ़िलिस्तीनियों के नाम – अनवर हसन सिद्दीक़ी

हर लम्हा दश्त-ए जुनूं ठहरा और चाक-ए गिरेबां बाक़ी हैं
दामान-ए मुहीत-ए ग़म में अभी कितने ही बियाबां बाक़ी हैं

वो दस्त-ए हवस वो तेग़-ए सितम तय्यार ये फ़स्लें जिस्मों की
हर गाम पे मक़्तल रौशन है सर’हा-ए फ़रोज़ां बाक़ी हैं

ख़ूं रोई कितना मौज-ए सबा कितनी सुबहें नमनाक गईं
लमहात-ए गुरेज़ां में कितनी शब’हा-ए ग़रीबां बाक़ी हैं

सोज़न है बगोलौं की गर्दिश और ज़हर फ़िशां सरसर का धुआं
है रेग-ए तपां का ग़ैज़ रवां और ख़ार-ए मुग़ैलां बाक़ी हैं

हैरां हैं तुम्हारे ज़ख़्मों पर क्या अपने और क्या बेगाने
इस सहरा में आख़िर कितने गुल’हा-ए परेशां बाक़ी हैं

सब ज़ुल्म-रसीदों के ग़म तुम अब बार-ए अमानत ले के उठे
कितना मम्नून किया तुम ने और कितने एहसां बाक़ी हैं

आज़ार की बोझल धूप में तुम तन्हा न समझ लेना ख़ुद को
इस ख़ाक के चप्पे चप्पे पर सद-लश्कर-ए ईमां बाक़ी हैं

हर शहर-ए वफ़ा ने खोल दिये तुम पर सब अपने दरवाज़े
जलती है जहां क़ंदीले-ए जज़ा वो सारे शबिस्तां बाक़ी हैं


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anvar hasan siddiqui (xxxx-xxxx). I know nothing about the poet but the name.
har lamha1 dasht-e-junuuN2 Thahra aur chaak3-e garebaaN4 baaqi5 haiN
daamaan6-e muhiit7-e Gham meN abhi kitne hi bayabaaN8 baaqi5 haiN    
1.moment 2.wilderness of emotions 3.tear 4.collars 5.remaining 6.valley, field 7.extensive, wide 8.wilderness, desert
Every moment a new wilderness of emotions to cross, distraught in shredded clothes and torn collars; in the vast valley of sorrows before you, how many more deserts to cross.

voh dast1-e havas2 voh teGh3-e sitam4 tayyaar5 yeh fasleN6 jismoN7 ki
har gaam8 pe maqtal9 raushan10 haiN sar’haa11-e farozaaN12 baaqi haiN   
1.hand 2.greed 3.sword 4.cruelty, oppression 5.ready 6.harvest 7.bodies 8.step 9.slaughterhouse 10.lit up, ready 11.plural for sar-heads 12.shining
Over there the hand of greed that grabs, the sword of cruelty that slaughters and over here the field bodies ready for harvest; a slaughterhouse ready at every step; Oh how many heads remain to be chopped.

khuuN ro’i kitna mauj1-e sabaa2 kitni sub’heN3 namnaak4 ga’iiN
lamhaat5-e gurezaaN6 meN kitni shab’haa-e-GharibaaN7 baaqi haiN   
1.wave, gusts 2.morning breeze 3.mornings 4.moist, tearful 5.moments 6.flowing 7.nights of exile
The morning breeze sheds tears of blood, the day dawns mournful in tears; every fleeting moment like an endless night of exile.

sozan1 hai baguuloN2 ki gardish3 aur zah’r-fashaaN4 sarsar5 ka dhuaaN
hai reg-e-tapaaN6 ka Ghaiz7 ravaaN8 aur Khaar-e-muGhailaaN9 baaqi haiN   
1.burning 2.sandstorms 3.movement, circulation 4.poison spreading 5.winds sands 7.anger 8.acacia thorns
Burning sandstorms blow around, the wind raises poisonous dust; the anger of the burning sands, many more thorny fields remain to be traversed.

hairaaN1 haiN tumhaare zaKhmoN2 par kya apne aur kya begaane3
is sehra4 meN aaKhir5 kitne gul’haa6-e pareshaaN7 baaqi haiN   
1.amazed 2.wounds 3.others 4.desert, wilderness 5.afterall 6.plural of flowers, symbolism of bleeding (red) wounds 7.spread, scattered
Friends and foes are all amazed at the extent of your wounds; they wonder, scattered in this desert, how more bleeding wounds can you bear.

sab zulm-rasiidoN1 ke Gham tum ab baar2-e amaanat3 le ke uThe
kitna mamnun4 kiya tum ne aur kitne ehsaaN5 baaqi haiN     
1.those who receive oppression 2.burden, responsibility 3.safekeeping, trust 4.obliged 5.kindnesses
You rise, bearing the responsibility of all the oppressed people of the world; carrying this burden, you oblige us all, how more kindnesses remain to be bestowed.

aazaar1 ki bojhal2 dhuup meN tum tanhaa3 na samajh lena Khud4 ko
iss Khaak5 ke chappe-chappe6 par sad-lashkar7-e imkaaN8 baaqi haiN    
1.torment, difficulties 2.heavy 3.alone 4.self 5.dust, clay, earth 6.every corner 7.hundred hordes 8.possibilities
In this burning sun of heavy obstacles, do not think of yourself as standing alone. In every corner of this earth are a hundred hordes of possibilities. It probably should be read more like – there are hundreds of people, similarly afflicated.

har  shahr1-e vafa2 ne khol diye tum par sab apne darvaaze3
jalti hai jahaaN qindiil4-e jazaa5 voh saare shabistaaN6 baaqi haiN   
1.cities, domains, truth 3.doors 4.lamp 5.rewards 6.night chambers, sanctuaries
In every domain of truth and justice, doors have been opened wide for you. Where the lamp of just rewards is lit, those sanctuaries remain for you. Editorial note … it is more like the world has abandoned them; they are all on their own.

anvar hasan siddiqui (xxxx-xxxx).  I know nothing about the poet but the name.
har lamha1 dasht-e-junuuN2 Thahra aur chaak3-e garebaaN4 baaqi5 haiN
daamaan6-e muhiit7-e Gham meN abhi kitne hi bayabaaN8 baaqi5 haiN

1.moment 2.wilderness of emotions 3.tear 4.collars 5.remaining 6.valley, field 7.extensive, wide 8.wilderness, desert

Every moment a new wilderness of emotions to cross, distraught in shredded clothes and torn collars; in the vast valley of sorrows before you, how many more deserts to cross.
voh dast1-e havas2 voh teGh3-e sitam4 tayyaar5 yeh fasleN6 jismoN7 ki
har gaam8 pe maqtal9 raushan10 haiN sar’haa11-e farozaaN12 baaqi haiN

1.hand 2.greed 3.sword 4.cruelty, oppression 5.ready 6.harvest 7.bodies 8.step 9.slaughterhouse 10.lit up, ready 11.plural for sar-heads 12.shining

Over there the hand of greed that grabs, the sword of cruelty that slaughters and over here the field bodies ready for harvest; a slaughterhouse ready at every step; Oh how many heads remain to be chopped.
khuuN ro’i kitna mauj1-e sabaa2 kitni sub’heN3 namnaak4 ga’iiN
lamhaat5-e gurezaaN6 meN kitni shab’haa-e-GharibaaN7 baaqi haiN

1.wave, gusts 2.morning breeze 3.mornings 4.moist, tearful 5.moments 6.flowing 7.nights of exile

The morning breeze sheds tears of blood, the day dawns mournful in tears; every fleeting moment like an endless night of exile.
sozan1 hai baguuloN2 ki gardish3 aur zah’r-fashaaN4 sarsar5 ka dhuaaN
hai reg-e-tapaaN6 ka Ghaiz7 ravaaN8 aur Khaar-e-muGhailaaN9 baaqi haiN

1.burning 2.sandstorms 3.movement, circulation 4.poison spreading 5.winds sands 7.anger 8.acacia thorns

Burning sandstorms blow around, the wind raises poisonous dust; the anger of the burning sands, many more thorny fields remain to be traversed.
hairaaN1 haiN tumhaare zaKhmoN2 par kya apne aur kya begaane3
is sehra4 meN aaKhir5 kitne gul’haa6-e pareshaaN7 baaqi haiN

1.amazed 2.wounds 3.others 4.desert, wilderness 5.afterall 6.plural of flowers, symbolism of bleeding (red) wounds 7.spread, scattered

Friends and foes are all amazed at the extent of your wounds; they wonder, scattered in this desert, how more bleeding wounds can you bear.
sab zulm-rasiidoN1 ke Gham tum ab baar2-e amaanat3 le ke uThe
kitna mamnun4 kiya tum ne aur kitne ehsaaN5 baaqi haiN

1.those who receive oppression 2.burden, responsibility 3.safekeeping, trust 4.obliged 5.kindnesses

You rise, bearing the responsibility of all the oppressed people of the world; carrying this burden, you oblige us all, how more kindnesses remain to be bestowed.
aazaar1 ki bojhal2 dhuup meN tum tanhaa3 na samajh lena Khud4 ko
iss Khaak5 ke chappe-chappe6 par sad-lashkar7-e imkaaN8 baaqi haiN

1.torment, difficulties 2.heavy 3.alone 4.self 5.dust, clay, earth 6.every corner 7.hundred hordes 8.possibilities

In this burning sun of heavy obstacles, do not think of yourself as standing alone.  In every corner of this earth are a hundred hordes of possibilities.  It probably should be read more like – there are hundreds of people, similarly afflicated.
har  shahr1-e vafa2 ne khol diye tum par sab apne darvaaze3
jalti hai jahaaN qindiil4-e jazaa5 voh saare shabistaaN6 baaqi haiN

1.cities, domains, truth 3.doors 4.lamp 5.rewards 6.night chambers, sanctuaries

In every domain of truth and justice, doors have been opened wide for you.  Where the lamp of just rewards is lit, those sanctuaries remain for you.  Editorial note … it is more like the world has abandoned them; they are all on their own.