For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “Roman” or “Notes” tab.
فرقہ پرستی ۔ مہندر سنگھ بیدی سحرؔ
فضاؤں سے برستا ہے ہر اِک سُو نغمۂ شادی
مُبارک آپ کو ہم کو ہو سب کو جشنِ آزادی
مگر مجھ کو بھی کہنا ہے یہاں کچھ بن کے فریادی
یہ آزادی نہ بن جائے ہماری وجۂ بربادی
ابھی ہشیار رہنا ہے ہمیں اِن چیرہ دستوں سے
بچانا ہے ابھی اِس دیس کو فرقہ پرستوں سے
یہ اپنی فطرتِ شر سے بہت مجبور ہوتے ہیں
لگا کر آگ نفرت کی یہ خود کافور ہوتے ہیں
لڑا کر خلق کو آپس میں یہ مسرور ہوتے ہیں
مگر جب لوگ مرتے ہیں یہ کوسوں دور ہوتے ہیں
کوئی اُکسائے مرنے مارنے پر اور مرے کوئی
ستم کی بات ہے یارو، کرے کوئی بھرے کوئی
کوئی جو مائلِ فریاد ہو، اُن کی بلا سے، ہو
کوئی جو خانما برباد ہو، اُن کی بلا سے، ہو
کوئی جو کُشتہ جلّاد ہو، اُن کی بلا سے، ہو
اگر تازہ سِتم ایجاد ہو، اُن کی بلا سے، ہو
اگر مرتے ہیں مر جائیں ہزاروں لوگ بلوے سے
انہیں ہے کام مانڈے سے انہیں ہے کام حلوے سے
گریز ان سے کرو یہ دشمنِ جاں دشمنِ دِل ہیں
ہٹا دو راہ سے ان کو یہ سَدّ راہِ منزل ہیں
انھیں پہچان لو یہ دیش کے اعدا میں شامل ہیں
لٹیرے ہیں، یہ ڈاکو ہیں، یہ رہزن ہیں، یہ قاتل ہیں
بزرگوں کا نہ پاس ان کو نہ کچھ اولاد کی خاطر
یہ قتلِ عام کروا دیں گے ‘زندہ باد’ کی خاطر
ہمیں کچھ غم نہیں ہے روز و شب کی فاقہ مستی کا
نہ ہو اپنی بلا سے کچھ مداوا تنگ دستی کا
مِٹانا ہے مگر نام و نشاں فرقہ پرستی کا
نشاں تک بھی نہ پاؤگے وگرنہ اپنی ہستی کا
ہمیں فرقہ پرستی کو مِٹا دینے کی عجلت ہے
یہ عِلّت ہے، یہ ذِلّت ہے، یہ لعنت ہے، یہ نفرت ہے
بڑا رُتبہ دیا ہے خیر سے قرآں نے اُلفت کو
رکھا ہے گرنتھ نے، گیتا نے بھی افضل محبّت کو
رہی اِنجیل، اُس نے بھی سراہا ہے اُخوّت کو
ہوا دیتے ہیں یہ قسمت کے ہیٹے پھر بھی نفرت کو
نہ رہبر ہے نہ منزل ان کی یہ ایسے مسافر ہیں
کسی مذہب میں ہوں یہ لوگ ہر مذہب میں کافر ہیں
اُٹھیں مردِ مجاہد بن کے پیشانی پہ بل ڈالیں
اُٹھیں اپنا مقدّر اپنے ہاتھوں سے بدل ڈالیں
اُٹھیں فرقہ پرستوں کے ارادوں میں خلل ڈالیں
یہ خونی اژدہے ہیں آؤ ان کا سر کچل ڈالیں
سبھی قوموں کو رہنا ہے یہاں یہ دیش ہے سب کا
کوئی لڑنے نہ پائے نام لے کر دین و مذہب کا
اہنسا کا یہیں پر درس فرمایہ ہے گاندھی نے
بہائی پریم کی گنگا یہیں نانک کی ہستی نے
مدھُر نغمے سُنائے ہیں یہیں موہن کی مُرلی نے
یہیں روحانیت کا نُور برسایا ہے چِشتی نے
محبّت اور رواداری کو مِل کر عام کرنا ہے
اِسی دھرتی پہ جینا ہے اِسی دھرتی پہ مرنا ہے
زمیں پاؤں تلے اپنے ہو سر پر آسماں اپنا
بڑھے ہنستا ہنساتا سُوئے منزل کارواں اپنا
رہے قائم ہمیشہ شاخِ گُل پر آشیاں اپنا
یہ گُل اپنے یہ خار اپنے، یہ سارا گلستاں اپنا
مئے حُبّ وطن سے ہر بشر سرشار ہو جائے
مِلیں گر کوثر و گنگا تو بیڑا پار ہو جائے
फ़िर्क़ा परस्ती – मोहिन्दर सिंघ बेदी सहर
फ़िज़ाओं से बरस्ता है हर एक सू नग़्मा-ए शादी
मुबारक आप को, हम को हो सब को जश्न-ए आज़ादी
मगर मुझ को भी कहना हा यहां कुछ बन के फ़र्यादी
ये आज़ादी न बन जाए हमारी वजह बर्बादी
अभि होश्यार रहना है हमें इन चीरा-दस्तों से
बचाना है अभी इस देस को फ़िर्क़ा परस्तों से
ये अपनी फ़ित्रत-ए शर से बहुत मज्बूर होते हैं
लगा कर आग नफ़्रत कि ये ख़ुद काफ़ूर होते हैं
लड़ा कर ख़ल्क़ को आपस में ये मस्रूर होते हैं
मगर जब लोग मरते हैं ये कोसों दूर होते हैं
कोई उक्साए मरने मारने पर और मरे कोई
सितम कि बात है यारो करे कोई भरे कोई
कोई जो मा’एल-ए फ़र्याद हो, उन कि बला से, हो
कोई जो ख़ानुमा-बर्बाद हो, उन कि बला से, हो
कोई जो कुश्ता-ए जल्लाद हो, उन कि बला से, हो
अगर ताज़ा सितम ईजाद हो, उन कि बला से, हो
अगर मरते हैं मर जाएँ हज़ारों लोग बल्वे से
उन्हें है काम मांडे से उन्हें है काम हल्वे से
गुरेज़ इन से करो ये दुश्मन-ए जां, दुशम-ए दिल हैं
हटा दो राह से इन को ये सद्द-ए राह-ए मंज़िल हैं
इन्हें पहचान लो ये देश के आ’दा में शामिल हैं
लुटेरे हैं, ये डाकू हैं, ये रहज़न हैं, ये क़ातिल हैं
बुज़ुर्गों का न पास इन को न कुछ औलाद कि ख़ातीर
ये क़त्ल-ए आम करवा देंगे ‘ज़िन्दा-बाद’ कि ख़ातीर
हमें कुछ ग़म नहीं है रोज़ ओ शब कि फ़ाक़ा-मस्ती का
न हो अपनी बला से कुछ मदावा तंग-दस्ती का
मिटाना है मगर नाम ओ निशां फ़िर्क़ा परस्ती का
निशां भी तक न पाओगे वगरना अपनी हस्ती का
हमें फ़िर्क़ा परस्ती को मिटा देने कि उज्लत है
ये इल्लत है, ये ज़िल्लत है, ये ला’नत है, ये नफ़्रत है
बड़ा रुतबा दिया है ख़ैर से क़ुर’आं ने उल्फ़त को
रखा है ग्रन्थ ने, गीता ने भी, अफ़्ज़ल मोहब्बत को
रही इंजील, उस ने भी सराहा है उख़व्वत को
हवा देते हैं ये क़िस्मत के हेटे फिर भी नफ़्रत को
न रहबर है, न मंज़िल इन कि, ये ऐसे मुसाफ़िर हैं
किसी मज़्हब में हों, ये लोग हर मज़्हब में काफ़िर हैं
उठें मर्द-ए मुजाहिद बन के, पेशानी पे बल डालें
उठें अपना मुक़द्दर अपने हाथौं से बदल डालें
उठें फ़िर्क़ा-परस्तों के इरादों में ख़लल डालें
ये ख़ूनी अज़्श्दहे हैं आऔ इन के सर कुचल डालें
सभी क़ौमों को रहना है यहां ये देश है अपना
कोई लड़ने न पाए नाम ले कर दीन ओ मज़्हब का
अहिंसा का यहीं पर दर्स फ़रमाया है गांधी ने
बहाई परें कि गंगा यहीं नानक कि हस्ती ने
मधुर नग़्मे सुनाये हैं यहीं मोहन कि मुरली ने
यहीं रूहानियत का नूर बरसाया है चिश्ती ने
मोहब्बत और रवादारी को मिल कर आम करना है
इसी धरती पे जीना है, इसी धरती पे मरना है
ज़मीं पाऊं तले अपनी हो, सर पर आस्मां अपना
बढ़े हँसता हंसाता सू-ए मंज़िल कारवाँ अपना
रहे क़ाएम हमेशा शाख़-ए गुल पर आशियाँ अपना
ये गुल अपने, ये ख़ार अपने, ये सारा गुल्सितां अपना
मै-ए हुब्ब-ए वतन से हर बशर सरशार हो जाए
मिलें गर कौसर ओ गंगा तो बेड़ा पार हो जाए
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. kuNwar mohindar singh bedi sahr (1909-1992) had to migrate to the Indian side after partition. In his writings he has reached across religious lines, writing odes to islamic as well hindu figures and writing forcefully about communal harmony as well as peace between India and pakistan, visiting pakistan numerous times and participating in mushaa’era and other literary events.
fizaauN1 se barasta2 hai har ek soo3 naGhma-e-shaadi4
mubaarak aap ko, hum ko, sub ko, jashn-e-aazadi5
magar mujh ko bhi kahna hai yahaaN kuchh ban ke faryaadi6
ye aazadi na ban jaaye hamaari vajah7 barbaadi8
abhi hoshiyaar9 rahna hai hameN in cheera-dastauN10 se
bachaana hai abhi is des ko firqa-parastauN11 se 1.atmosphere, ambience 2.raining 3.direction 4.festive music 5.celebration of independence 6.petitioner 7.reason, cause 8.destruction 9.careful 10.hands that tear apart 11.communalists
In all directions, I hear festive music. Good wishes to all of us on this celebration of independence. But I have to say something as an appeal/petition, that this not become a cause of our own destruction. We have to be careful of those who want to tear us apart. We have to save this country from communalists.
ye apni fitrat1-e shar2 se bahut majboor3 hote haiN
laga kar aag nafrat4 ki ye Khud kaafoor-hote5 haiN
laRa kar Khalq6 ko aapas meN ye masroor7 hote haiN
magar jab log marte haiN ye kosauN duur hote haiN
koii uksaaye8 marne maarne par aur mare koii
sitam9 ki baat hai yaaro kare koii bhare koii 1.nature 2.evil 3.bound by 4.hatred 5.kaafoor hona is a saying used to mean disappear, abscond 6.creation, people 7.happy, gleeful 8.incite 9.injustice
They (communalists) are bound by their own evil nature. They start a fire of hatred and abscond. They are gleeful at getting people to fight each other, but when others get killed, they are safe, far away. Someone incites on murder and mayhem and someone else dies. It is not justice, my friends that one makes mischief and someone else pays for it.
koii jo maa’el1-e faryaad2 ho, un ki balaa3 se, ho
koii jo Khaanuma-barbaad4 ho, un ki balaa se ho
koii jo kushta5-e jallaad6 ho, un ki balaa se, ho
agar7 taaza8 sitam9 eejaad10 ho, un ki balaa se, ho
agar marte haiN mar jaayeN hazaarauN log balve11 se
unheN hai kaam maanDe12 se, unheN hai kaan halve se 1.inclined to, ready to 2.appeal expression used to mean, “they don’t care” 4.destroyed home 5.hurt by 6.oppressor 7.if 9.cruelties 10.invented 11.riots 12.bread
If someone begs for mercy, they don’t care. If someone’s home is destroyed, they don’t care. If someone is hurt by oppression, they don’t care. If new cruelties are invented, they don’t care. If thousands of people get killed in riots, so be it. They only care about their own bread and sweets.
gurez1 in se karo ye dushman-e jaaN, dushman-e dil haiN
haTa do raah2 se in ko ye sadd3-e raah-e manzil4 haiN
inheN pahchaan lo ye desh ke aa’da5 meN shaamil6 haiN
luTere haiN, ye Daaku haiN, ye rahzan7 haiN, ye qaatil8 haiN
buzurgauN9 ka na paas10 in ko na kuchh aulad11 ki Khaatir12
ye qatl-e-aam13 karva deN ge ‘zindabaad’14 ki Khaatir 1.stay away 2.path 3.obstruction 4.destination 5.enemies 6.included 7.highwaymen 8.killers 9.elders 10.consideration 11.children of, for the sake of 13.mass murder 14.used here to mean sloganeering
Stay away from them (communalists). they are enemies of heart and soul. Remove them from the path, they are obstruction in the way of our destination. Beware of them, they are listed among the enemies of the country. They are looters, robbers and murderers. They have no consideration for the old, nor concern for the young. They will cause mass murder for the sake of sloganeering.
hameN kuchh Gham1 nahiN hai roz-o-shab2 ki faaqa-masti3 ka
na ho apni balaa4 se kuchh madaava5 taNg-dasti6 ka
miTaana hai magar naam o nishaaN firqa-parasti ka
nishaaN bhi tak na paaoge vagarna7 apni hasti8 ka
hameN firqa-parasti ko miTa dene ki ujlat9 hai
ye illat10 hai, ye zillat11 hai, ye laa’nat12 hai, ye nafrat13 hai 1.sorrow, worry and night 3.starvation 4.used to mean, ‘we don’t care’ 5.cure means, poverty 7.otherwise 8.existence, survival 9.urgency 10.disease 11.disgrace 12.curse 13.hatred
We are not worried about our daily meal. We do not care if there is no cure of our poverty. But we have to erase the very root of communalism. Otherwise our very survival is at stake. It is urgent that we get rid of communalism. It is a disease, a disgrace, a curse and hateful.
baRa rutba1 diya hai Khair2 se qur’aaN ne ulfat3 ko
rakha hai granth4 ne, geeta ne bhi, afzal5 mohabbat ko
rahi injeel6, us ne bhi saraaha7 hai uKhavvat8 ko
havaa9 dete haiN ye qismat ke heTe10 phir bhi nafrat ko
na rahbar11 hai, na manzil12 in ki, ye aise musaafir13 haiN
kisi mazhab meN hoN, ye log har mazhab meN kaafir14 haiN 1.status 2.blessing (of sikhism) 5.superior 6.Bible 7.praised 8.brotherhood (as in fanning flames) 10.left behind by fate, ill-fated, leader 12.goal (on the path of life) 14.used here to mean sinners, transgressors
It is a blessing the qur’aan has given high status to love. The sikh and hindu sacred books too consider love to be superior. The Bible too, praises brotherhood. Even so these ill-fated communalists fan the flames of hatred. There is no obvious guide, no goal, they merely live. They are transgressors in every faith.
uTheN mard1-e mujaahid2 ban ke, peshaani pe bal3 DaaleN
uTheN apna muqaddar4 apne haathauN se badal DaaleN
uTheN firqa-parastauN ke iraadauN5 meN Khalal6 DaaleN
ye Khooni azshdahe7 haiN aao in ke sar kuchal DaaleN
sabhi qaumauN ko rahna hai yahaaN ye desh hai apna
koii laRne na paaye naam le kar deen o mazhab ka 1.used in the sense of ‘brave’ 2.fighter, one who strives 3.wrinkled brow showing anger/displeasure 4.fate 5.purpose, scheme 6.obstruction, stop 7.dragons
Let us rise, striving bravely, showing our displeasure and take our fate in our own hands. Let us stop the schemes of these communalists. They are blood-thirsty dragons, let us smash their heads. All communities have to live here, this is our homeland. Let no one fight in the name of faith and religion.
ahimsa1 ka yahiN par dars2 farmaaya3 hai gandhi ne
bahaaii4 prem ki gaNga yahiN nanak ki hasti5 ne
madhur6 naGhme7 sunaaye haiN yahiN mohan8 ki murli9 ne
yahiN roohaaniyat10 ka noor11 barsaaya12 hai chishti13 ne
mohabbat aur ravaadaari14 ko mil kar aam15 karna hai
isi dharti16 pe jeena hai, isi dharti pe marna hai 1.non-violence 2.lesson 3.spoke 4.flow 5.person 6.sweet 7.songs 8.another name of krishn 9.flute 10.spirituality 11.light 12.rained 13.sufi scholar moinuddin chishti (1142–1236) 14.tolerance 15.common, land
This is where gandhi gave the lesson of non-violence, where nanak made rivers of love flow and krishn played songs of love on his flute. It is here that chishti shone the light of spirituality. Together we have to spread the message of love and tolerance. This is the land on which we have to live and to die.
zamiN paa’ooN tale1 apni ho, sar par aasmaaN apna
baRhe haNsta haNsaata soo2-e manzil3 kaarvaaN apna
rahe qaa’em4 hamesha shaaKh-e gul par aashiyaaN5 apna
ye gul apne, ye Khaar6 apne, ye saara gulsitaaN apna
mai7-e hubb8-e vatan9 se har bashar10 sarshaar11 ho jaaye
mileN gar kausar12 o gaNga to beRa paar ho jaaye 1.underneath 2.direction 3.destination, goal 4.permanent 5.nest 6.thorns 9.homeland 10.human 11.satiated, fulfilled 12.river in heaven
May the land underneath our feet be ours (free), and the sky overhead too. May our caravan proceed towards its goal, laughing and spreading cheer. May our nest (home) always be protected on our branch (homeland). May these flowers, thorns and gardens all belong to us (freedom). May everyone in the homeland be satiated with the wine of love of homeland. If kauser (representative of muslims) and gaNga (representative of hindus) mingle, then our fortune is made.
kuNwar mohindar singh bedi sahr (1909-1992) had to migrate to the Indian side after partition. In his writings he has reached across religious lines, writing odes to islamic as well hindu figures and writing forcefully about communal harmony as well as peace between India and pakistan, visiting pakistan numerous times and participating in mushaa’era and other literary events.
fizaauN1 se barasta2 hai har ek soo3 naGhma-e-shaadi4
mubaarak aap ko, hum ko, sub ko, jashn-e-aazadi5
magar mujh ko bhi kahna hai yahaaN kuchh ban ke faryaadi6
ye aazadi na ban jaaye hamaari vajah7 barbaadi8
abhi hoshiyaar9 rahna hai hameN in cheera-dastauN10 se
bachaana hai abhi is des ko firqa-parastauN11 se
1.atmosphere, ambience 2.raining 3.direction 4.festive music 5.celebration of independence 6.petitioner 7.reason, cause 8.destruction 9.careful 10.hands that tear apart 11.communalists
In all directions, I hear festive music. Good wishes to all of us on this celebration of independence. But I have to say something as an appeal/petition, that this not become a cause of our own destruction. We have to be careful of those who want to tear us apart. We have to save this country from communalists.
ye apni fitrat1-e shar2 se bahut majboor3 hote haiN
laga kar aag nafrat4 ki ye Khud kaafoor-hote5 haiN
laRa kar Khalq6 ko aapas meN ye masroor7 hote haiN
magar jab log marte haiN ye kosauN duur hote haiN
koii uksaaye8 marne maarne par aur mare koii
sitam9 ki baat hai yaaro kare koii bhare koii
1.nature 2.evil 3.bound by 4.hatred 5.kaafoor hona is a saying used to mean disappear, abscond 6.creation, people 7.happy, gleeful 8.incite 9.injustice
They (communalists) are bound by their own evil nature. They start a fire of hatred and abscond. They are gleeful at getting people to fight each other, but when others get killed, they are safe, far away. Someone incites on murder and mayhem and someone else dies. It is not justice, my friends that one makes mischief and someone else pays for it.
koii jo maa’el1-e faryaad2 ho, un ki balaa3 se, ho
koii jo Khaanuma-barbaad4 ho, un ki balaa se ho
koii jo kushta5-e jallaad6 ho, un ki balaa se, ho
agar7 taaza8 sitam9 eejaad10 ho, un ki balaa se, ho
agar marte haiN mar jaayeN hazaarauN log balve11 se
unheN hai kaam maanDe12 se, unheN hai kaan halve se
1.inclined to, ready to 2.appeal expression used to mean, “they don’t care” 4.destroyed home 5.hurt by 6.oppressor 7.if 9.cruelties 10.invented 11.riots 12.bread
If someone begs for mercy, they don’t care. If someone’s home is destroyed, they don’t care. If someone is hurt by oppression, they don’t care. If new cruelties are invented, they don’t care. If thousands of people get killed in riots, so be it. They only care about their own bread and sweets.
gurez1 in se karo ye dushman-e jaaN, dushman-e dil haiN
haTa do raah2 se in ko ye sadd3-e raah-e manzil4 haiN
inheN pahchaan lo ye desh ke aa’da5 meN shaamil6 haiN
luTere haiN, ye Daaku haiN, ye rahzan7 haiN, ye qaatil8 haiN
buzurgauN9 ka na paas10 in ko na kuchh aulad11 ki Khaatir12
ye qatl-e-aam13 karva deN ge ‘zindabaad’14 ki Khaatir
1.stay away 2.path 3.obstruction 4.destination 5.enemies 6.included 7.highwaymen 8.killers 9.elders 10.consideration 11.children of, for the sake of 13.mass murder 14.used here to mean sloganeering
Stay away from them (communalists). they are enemies of heart and soul. Remove them from the path, they are obstruction in the way of our destination. Beware of them, they are listed among the enemies of the country. They are looters, robbers and murderers. They have no consideration for the old, nor concern for the young. They will cause mass murder for the sake of sloganeering.
hameN kuchh Gham1 nahiN hai roz-o-shab2 ki faaqa-masti3 ka
na ho apni balaa4 se kuchh madaava5 taNg-dasti6 ka
miTaana hai magar naam o nishaaN firqa-parasti ka
nishaaN bhi tak na paaoge vagarna7 apni hasti8 ka
hameN firqa-parasti ko miTa dene ki ujlat9 hai
ye illat10 hai, ye zillat11 hai, ye laa’nat12 hai, ye nafrat13 hai
1.sorrow, worry and night 3.starvation 4.used to mean, ‘we don’t care’ 5.cure means, poverty 7.otherwise 8.existence, survival 9.urgency 10.disease 11.disgrace 12.curse 13.hatred
We are not worried about our daily meal. We do not care if there is no cure of our poverty. But we have to erase the very root of communalism. Otherwise our very survival is at stake. It is urgent that we get rid of communalism. It is a disease, a disgrace, a curse and hateful.
baRa rutba1 diya hai Khair2 se qur’aaN ne ulfat3 ko
rakha hai granth4 ne, geeta ne bhi, afzal5 mohabbat ko
rahi injeel6, us ne bhi saraaha7 hai uKhavvat8 ko
havaa9 dete haiN ye qismat ke heTe10 phir bhi nafrat ko
na rahbar11 hai, na manzil12 in ki, ye aise musaafir13 haiN
kisi mazhab meN hoN, ye log har mazhab meN kaafir14 haiN
1.status 2.blessing (of sikhism) 5.superior 6.Bible 7.praised 8.brotherhood (as in fanning flames) 10.left behind by fate, ill-fated, leader 12.goal (on the path of life) 14.used here to mean sinners, transgressors
It is a blessing the qur’aan has given high status to love. The sikh and hindu sacred books too consider love to be superior. The Bible too, praises brotherhood. Even so these ill-fated communalists fan the flames of hatred. There is no obvious guide, no goal, they merely live. They are transgressors in every faith.
uTheN mard1-e mujaahid2 ban ke, peshaani pe bal3 DaaleN
uTheN apna muqaddar4 apne haathauN se badal DaaleN
uTheN firqa-parastauN ke iraadauN5 meN Khalal6 DaaleN
ye Khooni azshdahe7 haiN aao in ke sar kuchal DaaleN
sabhi qaumauN ko rahna hai yahaaN ye desh hai apna
koii laRne na paaye naam le kar deen o mazhab ka
1.used in the sense of ‘brave’ 2.fighter, one who strives 3.wrinkled brow showing anger/displeasure 4.fate 5.purpose, scheme 6.obstruction, stop 7.dragons
Let us rise, striving bravely, showing our displeasure and take our fate in our own hands. Let us stop the schemes of these communalists. They are blood-thirsty dragons, let us smash their heads. All communities have to live here, this is our homeland. Let no one fight in the name of faith and religion.
ahimsa1 ka yahiN par dars2 farmaaya3 hai gandhi ne
bahaaii4 prem ki gaNga yahiN nanak ki hasti5 ne
madhur6 naGhme7 sunaaye haiN yahiN mohan8 ki murli9 ne
yahiN roohaaniyat10 ka noor11 barsaaya12 hai chishti13 ne
mohabbat aur ravaadaari14 ko mil kar aam15 karna hai
isi dharti16 pe jeena hai, isi dharti pe marna hai
1.non-violence 2.lesson 3.spoke 4.flow 5.person 6.sweet 7.songs 8.another name of krishn 9.flute 10.spirituality 11.light 12.rained 13.sufi scholar moinuddin chishti (1142–1236) 14.tolerance 15.common, land
This is where gandhi gave the lesson of non-violence, where nanak made rivers of love flow and krishn played songs of love on his flute. It is here that chishti shone the light of spirituality. Together we have to spread the message of love and tolerance. This is the land on which we have to live and to die.
zamiN paa’ooN tale1 apni ho, sar par aasmaaN apna
baRhe haNsta haNsaata soo2-e manzil3 kaarvaaN apna
rahe qaa’em4 hamesha shaaKh-e gul par aashiyaaN5 apna
ye gul apne, ye Khaar6 apne, ye saara gulsitaaN apna
mai7-e hubb8-e vatan9 se har bashar10 sarshaar11 ho jaaye
mileN gar kausar12 o gaNga to beRa paar ho jaaye
1.underneath 2.direction 3.destination, goal 4.permanent 5.nest 6.thorns 9.homeland 10.human 11.satiated, fulfilled 12.river in heaven
May the land underneath our feet be ours (free), and the sky overhead too. May our caravan proceed towards its goal, laughing and spreading cheer. May our nest (home) always be protected on our branch (homeland). May these flowers, thorns and gardens all belong to us (freedom). May everyone in the homeland be satiated with the wine of love of homeland. If kauser (representative of muslims) and gaNga (representative of hindus) mingle, then our fortune is made.
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