Ghazal hoti hai – dilavar figaar

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تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے  ۔  دلاور  فگار


اک  دوات،  ایک  قلم    ہو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے

جب  یہ  سامان  بہم  ہو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


مفلسی،  عشق،  مرض،  بڑھاپا،  اولاد

دل  کو  ہر  قسم  کا  غم  ہو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


بھوت،  آسیب،  شیاطین،  اَجِنّہ،  ہمزاد

اِن  بزرگوں  کا  کرم  ہو  تو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


شعر  نازل  نہیں  ہوتا  کبھی  لالچ  کے  بغیر

دِل  کو  اُمّیدِ  رقم  ہو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


تندرستی  بھی  ضروری  ہے  تغزل  کے  لئے

ہاتھ  اور  پاؤں  میں  دم  ہو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


پونچھ  کُتّے  کی  جو  ٹیڑھی  ہو  تو  کچھ  بھی  نہ  بنے

اور  تیری  زلف  میں  خم  ہو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


صرف  ٹھرّے  سے  تو  قطعات  ہی  ممکن  ہیں  فگار

ہاں  اگر  وِسکی  و  رم  ہو،  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے

तो ग़ज़ल होती है – दिलावर फ़िगार

एक दवात, ऐक क़लम हो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है

जब ये सामान बहम हो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है

मुफ़्लिसी, इश्क़, मर्ज़, बुढापा, औलाद

दिल को हर क़िस्म का ग़म हो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है

भूत, आसेब, शायतीन, अजिन्ना, हमज़ाद

इन बुज़ुर्गोँ का करम हो तो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है

शे’र नाज़ील नही होता कभी लालच के बग़ैर

दिल को उम्मीद-ए रक़म हो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है

तन्दुरुस्ती भी ज़ुरूरी है तग़ज़्ज़ुल के लिए

हाथ और पाउँ में दम हो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है

पून्छ कुत्ते की जो टेढी हो तो कुछ भी ना बने

और तेरी ज़ुल्फ़ में ख़म हो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है

सिर्फ़ ठर्रे से तो क़त’आत ही मुमकिन हैँ फ़िगार

हाँ अगर विस्की ओ रम हो, तो ग़ज़ल होती है


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. dilaavar figaar (1929-1998) has written humorous, sarcastic and cutting verse. Here he pokes fun at his own. There is a collection of eight Ghazal under the theme ‘Ghazal hoti hai’. Enter this theme in the search box to access all eight.
ek davaat1, aik qalam ho, to Ghazal hoti hai
jab ye saamaan baham2 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai pot 2.available
I am not sure if he implies that it doesn’t take much to write a Ghazal, just pen and ink and off we go.

muflisi1, ishhq, marz2, buRhaapa, aulaad
dil ko har qism ka Gham ho, to Ghazal hoti hai    
1.penury 2.disease
I think the implication is that most Ghazals are written about afflictions like penury, unrequited love, disease, old age and faithlessness of progeny. They drip with self pity. This is all it takes to write a Ghazal.

bhoot, aaseb1, shayateen2, ajinna3, hamzaad4
in buzurgoN5 ka karam6 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai   
1.affliction 2.plural of shaitaan/satan 3.demons 4.same age, twin, having the nature of ghost, my ghost 5.elders
Probably the implication is that the shaa’er is a mad man afflicted with hallucinations and visitation of these elders/‘benefactors’ including his own ghost. That is what it takes to write a Ghazal.

she’r naazil1 nahi hota kabhi laalach ke baGhair
dil ko ummeed-e-raqam2 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai   
1.descend (from skies/heavens) 2.hope of (receiving) cash
Couplets/she’r do not descend from heaven without temptation or compensation. Only when there is hope of receiving some cash, does a Ghazal materialize.

tandrusti1 bhi zuroori hai taGhazzul2 ke liye
haath aur paauN meN dam ho, to Ghazal hoti hai bodied 2.versification
An able body is also necessary to be able to versify. Only when there is strength in the arms and legs, can there be a Ghazal. I am not sure what, if anything is implied other than the straightforward interpretation. Perhaps that it takes fortitude to sit on the dias, recite with gesticulation and wait patiently and respectfully for senior shaa’er to finish their presentation before leaving.

poonNchh1 kutte ki jo teRhi ho to kuchh bhi na bane
aur teri zulf2 meN kham3 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai    
1.tail 3.curve/curl
A lot of romantic Ghazal is written about the curls of the beloved’s hair. Thus, this sarcasm. It makes no difference if the tail of the dog is crooked/curved, but the curls of the beloved’s hair make Ghazal.

sirf Tharre1 se to qat’aat2 hi mumkin haiN figaar3
haaN agar whiskey o rum ho, to Ghazal hoti hai    
1.home-brew 2.short two-she’r pieces 3.pen-name of poet
If only home-brew is available then only short pieces can be written, O, figaar, but on the other hand if whiskey and rum are available, then a Ghazal can be written.

dilaavar figaar (1929-1998) has written humorous, sarcastic and cutting verse.  Here he pokes fun at his own.  There is a collection of eight Ghazal under the theme ‘Ghazal hoti hai’.  Enter this theme in the search box to access all eight.
ek davaat1, aik qalam ho, to Ghazal hoti hai
jab ye saamaan baham2 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai pot 2.available

I am not sure if he implies that it doesn’t take much to write a Ghazal, just pen and ink and off we go.
muflisi1, ishhq, marz2, buRhaapa, aulaad
dil ko har qism ka Gham ho, to Ghazal hoti hai

1.penury 2.disease

I think the implication is that most Ghazals are written about afflictions like penury, unrequited love, disease, old age and faithlessness of progeny.  They drip with self pity.  This is all it takes to write a Ghazal.
bhoot, aaseb1, shayateen2, ajinna3, hamzaad4
in buzurgoN5 ka karam6 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai

1.affliction 2.plural of shaitaan/satan 3.demons 4.same age, twin, having the nature of ghost, my ghost 5.elders

Probably the implication is that the shaa’er is a mad man afflicted with hallucinations and visitation of these elders/‘benefactors’ including his own ghost.  That is what it takes to write a Ghazal.
she’r naazil1 nahi hota kabhi laalach ke baGhair
dil ko ummeed-e-raqam2 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai

1.descend (from skies/heavens) 2.hope of (receiving) cash

Couplets/she’r do not descend from heaven without temptation or compensation.  Only when there is hope of receiving some cash, does a Ghazal materialize.
tandrusti1 bhi zuroori hai taGhazzul2 ke liye
haath aur paauN meN dam ho, to Ghazal hoti hai bodied 2.versification

An able body is also necessary to be able to versify.  Only when there is strength in the arms and legs, can there be a Ghazal.  I am not sure what, if anything is implied other than the straightforward interpretation.  Perhaps that it takes fortitude to sit on the dias, recite with gesticulation and wait patiently and respectfully for senior shaa’er to finish their presentation before leaving.
poonNchh1 kutte ki jo teRhi ho to kuchh bhi na bane
aur teri zulf2 meN kham3 ho, to Ghazal hoti hai

1.tail 3.curve/curl

A lot of romantic Ghazal is written about the curls of the beloved’s hair.  Thus, this sarcasm.  It makes no difference if the tail of the dog is crooked/curved, but the curls of the beloved’s hair make Ghazal.
sirf Tharre1 se to qat’aat2 hi mumkin haiN figaar3
haaN agar whiskey o rum ho, to Ghazal hoti hai

1.home-brew 2.short two-she’r pieces 3.pen-name of poet

If only home-brew is available then only short pieces can be written, O, figaar, but on the other hand if whiskey and rum are available, then a Ghazal can be written.

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