Ghazal hoti hai – riyasat ali taj

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تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے  ۔  ریاست  علی  تاجؔ


چاندنی  چھٹکی  ہوئی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے

جل  پری  پاس  کھڑی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


دل  نشیں  کوئی  نظارہ  کوئی  دل  کش  منظر

بات  دلچسپ  کوئی  ہو  تو  غزل  بنتی  ہے


یا  کسی  درد  میں  ڈوبی  ہوئی  آواز  نحیف

یا  کوئی  چیخ  سنی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


شاعری  نام  ہے  احساس  کے  لو  پانے  کا

آگ  سی  دل  میں  دبی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


کوئی  کھلتا  ہوا  چہرا  کوئی  غنچہ  کوئی  پھول

آنکھ  سیراب  ہوئی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


درمیاں  آپ  کے  میرے  کوئی  حائل  ہو  جائے

کوئی  دیوار  کھڑی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


کوئی  جدت  کوئی  ندرت  کوئی  پاکیزہ  خیال

ہاں  کوئی  بات  نئی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


پہلے  شاعر  کو  ملے  ذہن  رسا  قلب  گداز

پھر  وہ  لفظوں  کا  دھنی  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے


عام  حالات  میں  ہوتی  نہیں  اے  تاجؔ  غزل

کچھ  نہ  کچھ  درد  سری  ہو  تو  غزل  ہوتی  ہے

तो ग़ज़ल होती है – रियासत अली ताज

चाँदनी छिटकी हुई हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

जल-परी पास खड़ी हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

दिल-नशीं कोई नज़ारा कोई दिलकश मंज़र

बात दिलचस्प कोई हो तो ग़ज़ल बनती है

या किसी दर्द में डूबी हुई आवाज़-ए-नहीफ़

या कोई चीख़ सुनी हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

शाएरी नाम है एहसास के लौ पाने का

आग सी दिल में दबी हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

कोई खिलता हुआ चेहरा कोई ग़ुंचा कोई फूल

आँख सैराब हुई हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

दरमियाँ आप के मेरे कोई हाएल हो जाए

कोई दीवार खड़ी हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

कोई जिद्दत कोई नुदरत कोई पाकीज़ा ख़याल

हाँ कोई बात नई हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

पहले शा’एर को मिले ज़हन-ए-रसा क़ल्ब-ए गुदाज़

फिर वो लफ़्ज़ों का धनी हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है

आम हालात में होती नहीं अए ताज ग़ज़ल

कुछ न कुछ दर्द-ए सरी हो तो ग़ज़ल होती है


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. riyasat ali taj (1930-xxxx) karimnagar near hyderabad. He taught urdu and retired from Science College in karimnagar. There are several Ghazal of the same theme and radeef, qaafiya. Enter ‘Ghazal hoti hai’ in the search box to access all.
chaaNdni chhiTki hui ho to Ghazal hoti hai
jal-pari paas khaRi ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
When moonlight spreads and a nymph is close by, then Ghazal can be composed.

dil-nashiN1 koi nazaara2 koi dilkash3 manzar4
baat dilchasp5 koi ho to Ghazal banti hai   
1.heart pleasing 2.sight 3.pleasant 4.scene 5.interesting
When there is a pleasant scene, something interesting, then a Ghazal is written.

yaa kisi dard meN Duubi hui aavaaz-e nahif1
yaa koi cheeKh suni ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
1.weak, faint
Or if you hear a faint, painful sob or a loud cry, then a Ghazal appears.

shaa’eri naam hai ehsaas1 ke lau2 paane kaa
aag si dil meN dabi ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
1.feelings 2.flame
When feelings are aflame, when there is fire in the heart, then a Ghazal is written.

koi khilta hua chehra koi Ghuncha koi phuul
aaNkh sairaab1 hui ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
1.satiated, fulfilled
When the eyes are satiated with the sight of a beautiful face, a blooming flower or an unopened bud, then a Ghazal is written.

darmiyaaN1 aap ke mere koi haa’el2 ho jaaye
koi divaar khaRi ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
1.between 2.obstruct
When someone gets between us or there is a wall separating us, then the pain of separation makes me write a Ghazal.

koi jiddat1 koi nudrat2 koi paakiza Khayaal
haaN koi baat naii ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
1.innovation 2.uniqueness
Innovative, unique and pure thoughts get shaped into a Ghazal.

pahle shaa’er ko mile zahn1-e rasaa2 qalb3-e gudaaz4
phir vo lafzoN5 ka dhani ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
1.mind to reach/grasp 3.heart 4.soft 5.words
First the poet needs to have a mind that can grasp meaning and heart that is soft/loving/feeling pain. He also needs to possess a treasury of words. Only then can he write Ghazal.

aam1 haalaat meN hoti nahiN aye taaj Ghazal
kuchh na kuchh dard-e sari ho to Ghazal hoti hai  
There can be no Ghazal under ordinary circumstances. Only if there is something extraordinary and painful can there be a Ghazal.

riyasat ali taj (1930-xxxx) karimnagar near hyderabad.  He taught urdu and retired from Science College in karimnagar.  There are several Ghazal of the same theme and radeef, qaafiya.  Enter ‘Ghazal hoti hai’ in the search box to access all.
chaaNdni chhiTki hui ho to Ghazal hoti hai
jal-pari paas khaRi ho to Ghazal hoti hai

When moonlight spreads and a nymph is close by, then Ghazal can be composed.
dil-nashiN1 koi nazaara2 koi dilkash3 manzar4
baat dilchasp5 koi ho to Ghazal banti hai

1.heart pleasing 2.sight 3.pleasant 4.scene 5.interesting

When there is a pleasant scene, something interesting, then a Ghazal is written.
yaa kisi dard meN Duubi hui aavaaz-e nahif1
yaa koi cheeKh suni ho to Ghazal hoti hai

1.weak, faint

Or if you hear a faint, painful sob or a loud cry, then a Ghazal appears.
shaa’eri naam hai ehsaas1 ke lau2 paane kaa
aag si dil meN dabi ho to Ghazal hoti hai

1.feelings 2.flame

When feelings are aflame, when there is fire in the heart, then a Ghazal is written.
koi khilta hua chehra koi Ghuncha koi phuul
aaNkh sairaab1 hui ho to Ghazal hoti hai

1.satiated, fulfilled

When the eyes are satiated with the sight of a beautiful face, a blooming flower or an unopened bud, then a Ghazal is written.
darmiyaaN1 aap ke mere koi haa’el2 ho jaaye
koi divaar khaRi ho to Ghazal hoti hai

1.between 2.obstruct

When someone gets between us or there is a wall separating us, then the pain of separation makes me write a Ghazal.
koi jiddat1 koi nudrat2 koi paakiza Khayaal
haaN koi baat naii ho to Ghazal hoti hai

1.innovation 2.uniqueness

Innovative, unique and pure thoughts get shaped into a Ghazal.
pahle shaa’er ko mile zahn1-e rasaa2 qalb3-e gudaaz4
phir vo lafzoN5 ka dhani ho to Ghazal hoti hai

1.mind to reach/grasp 3.heart 4.soft 5.words

First the poet needs to have a mind that can grasp meaning and heart that is soft/loving/feeling pain.  He also needs to possess a treasury of words.  Only then can he write Ghazal.
aam1 haalaat meN hoti nahiN aye taaj Ghazal
kuchh na kuchh dard-e sari ho to Ghazal hoti hai


There can be no Ghazal under ordinary circumstances.  Only if there is something extraordinary and painful can there be a Ghazal.