haathauN ka taraana – sardar jafri

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

ہاتھوں  کا  ترانہ  ۔  علی  سردار  جعفری


اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تکریم  کرو

دُنیا  کے  چلانے  والے  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کو  تسلیم  کرو


تاریخ  کے  اور  مشینوں  کے  پہیوں  کی  روانی  اِن  سے  ہے

تہذیب  کی  اور  تمدّن  کی  بھرپور  جوانی  اِن  سے  ہے

دُنیا  کا  فسانہ  اِن  سے  ہے،  اِنساں  کی  کہانی  اِن  سے  ہے

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


صدیوں  سے  گذر  کر  آۓ  ہیں،  یہ  نیک  اور  بد  کو  جانتے  ہیں

یہ  دوست  ہیں  سارے  عالم  کے،  پر  دُشمن  کو  پہجانتے  ہیں

خود  شکتی  کا  اوتار  ہیں  یہ  کب  غیر  کی  شکتی  مانتے  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


ہیں  زخم  ہمارے  ہاتھوں  کے،  یہ  پھول  جو  ہیں  گلدانوں  میں

سوکھے  ہوۓ    پیاسے  چُلّوُ  تھے،  جو  جام  ہیں  ان  میخانوں  میں

ٹوٹی  ہوئی  سو  انگڑائیوں  کی،  محرابیں  ہیں  ایوانوں  میں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


راہوں  کی  سنہری  روشنیاں،  بجلی  کی  جو  پھیلے  دامن  ہیں

فانوس  حسیں  ایوانوں  کے،  جو  رنگ  و  نور  کے  خِرمن  ہیں

یہ  ہاتھ  ہمارے  جلتے  ہیں،  یہ  ہاتھ  ہمارے  روشن  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


خاموش  ہیں  یہ  خاموشی  سے،  سو  بربط  و  چنگ  بناتے  ہیں

تاروں  میں  راگ  سُلاتے  ہیں،  طبلوں  میں  بول  چھپاتے  ہیں

جب  ساز  میں  جمبش  ہوتی  ہے،  تب  ہاتھ  ہمارے  گاتے  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


اعجاز  ہے  یہ  اِن  ہاتھوں  کا،  ریشم  کو  چھوئیں  تو  آنچل  ہے

پتھر  کو  چھوئیں  تو  بُت  کر  دیں،  کالکھ  کو  چھوئیں  تو  کاجل  ہے

مِٹّی  کو  چھوئیں  تو  سونا  ہے،  چاندی  کو  چھوئیں  تو  پائل  ہے

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


بہتی  ہوئی  بِجلی  کی  لہریں،  سمٹے  ہوۓ  گنگا  کے  دھارے

دھرتی  کے  مُقدّر  کے  مالک،  محنت  کے  اُفق  کے  سیّارے

یہ  چارہ  گرانِ  دردِ  جہاں،  صدیوں  سے  مگر  خود  بے  چارے

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


تخلیق  یہ  سوزِ  محنت  کی،  اور  فطرت  کے  شہکار  بھی  ہیں

میدانِ  عمل  میں  لیکن  خود،  یہ  خالق  بھی  معمار  بھی  ہیں

پھولوں  سے  بھری  یہ  شاخ  بھی  ہیں،  اور  چلتی  ہوئی  تلوار  بھی  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


یہ  ہاتھ  نہ  ہوں  تو  مہمل  سب،  تحریریں  اور  تقریریں  ہیں

یہ  ہاتھ  نہ  ہوں  تو  بے  معنی،  اِنسانوں  کی  تقدیریں  ہیں

سب  حِکمت  و  دانش  عِلم  و  ہنر،  اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تفسیریں  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


یہ  کتنے  سُبُک  اور  نازُک  ہیں،  یہ  کتنے  سُڈول  اور  اچھے  ہیں

چالاکی  میں  اُستاد  ہیں  یہ،  اور  بھولے  پن  میں  بچّے  ہیں

اور  جھوٹ  کی  گندی  دُنیا  میں،  بس  ہاتھ  ہمارے  سچّے  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


یہ  سرحد  سرحد  جڑتے  ہیں،  اور  ملکوں  ملکوں  جاتے  ہیں

باہوں  میں  باہیں  ڈالتے  ہیں،  اور  دِل  سے  دِل  کو  ملاتے  ہیں

پھر  ظلم  و  ستم  کے    پیروں  کی،  زنجیرِ  گراں  بن  جاتے  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو


تعمیر  تو  اِن  کی  فطرت  ہے،  اِک  اور  نئی  تعمیر  سہی

اِک  اور  نئی  تدبیر  سہی،  اِک  اور  نئی  تقدیر  سہی

اِک  شوخ  و  حسیں  خواب  اور  سہی،  اِک  شوخ  و  حسیں  تعبیر  سہی

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تعظیم  کرو

اِن  ہاتھوں  کی  تکریم  کرو

دُنیا  کے  چلانے  والے  ہیں

اِن  ہاتھوں  کو  تسلیم  کرو

हाथौं का तराना – अली सरदार जाफ़री

इन हाथौं की ता’ज़ीम करो

इन हाथौं की तकरीम कर

दुनिया के चलाने वाले हैं

इन हाथौं को तसलीम करो

तरीख़ के और मशीनौं के, पहियौं की रवानी इन से है

तहज़ीब की और तमददुन की, भरपूर जवानी इन से है

दुनिया का फ़साना इन से है, इन्सां की कहानी इन से है

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

सदियौं से गुज़र कर आए हैं, ये नेक और बद को जानते हैं

ये दोस्त हैं सारे आलम के, पर दुश्मन को पहचानते हैं

ख़ुद शक्ति के औतार हैं ये, कब ग़ैर की शक्ति मानते हैं

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

हैं ज़ख़्म हमारे हाथौं के, ये फूल जो हैं गुल्दानौं में

सूखे हुए प्यासे चुल्लू थे, जो जाम हैं इन मैख़ानौं में

टूटि हुई सौ अंगड़ाइयों की, मेहराबें हैं ऐवानौं में

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

राहौं की सुनेहरी रौशनियां, बिजली के जो फैले दामन हैं

फ़ानूस हसीं एवानों के, जो रंग ओ नूर के ख़िरमन हैं

ये हाथ हमारे जलते हैं, ये हाथ हमारे रौशन हैं

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

ख़ामोश हैं ये ख़ामोशी से, सौ बरबत ओ चंग बनाते हैं

तारौं में राग सुलाते हैं, तब्लौं में बोल छुपाते हैं

जब साज़ में जुम्बिश होती है, तब हाथ हमारे गाते हैं

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

ऐजाज़ है ये इन हाथौं का, रेशम को छुएं तो आंचल है

पत्थर को छुएं तो बुत कर दें, कालिख को छुएं तो काजल है

मिट्टि को छुएं तो सोना है, चाँदी को छुएं तो पायल है

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

बहती हुई बिजली की लहरें, सिम्टे हुए गंगा की धारें

धरती के मुक़द्दर के मालिक, मेहनत के उफ़क़ के सय्यारे

ये चारा गरान-ए दर्द-ए जहां, सदियौं से मगर ख़ुद बे-चारे

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

तख़्लीक़ ये सोज़-ए मेहनत की, और फ़ितरत के शहकार भी हैं

मैदान-ए अमल में लैकिन ख़ुद, ये ख़ालिक़ भी मे’मार भी हैं

फूलौं से भरी ये शाख़ भी हैं, और चलती हुई तलवार भी हैं

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो


ये हाथ न हों तो मोहमिल सब, तहरीरें और तक़्रिरें हैं

ये हाथ न हों तो बे-मानी, इन्सानौं की तक़्दीरें हैं

सब हिकमत ओ दानिश इल्म ओ हुनर, इन हाथौं की तफ़्सीरें हैं

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो


ये कितने सुबुक और नाज़ुक हैं, ये कितने सुडौल और अच्छे हैं

चालाकी में उस्ताद हैं ये, और भोले पन में बच्चे हैं

और झूट की गंदी दुनिया में, बस हाथ हमारे सच्चे हैं

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो


ये सरहद सरहद जुड़ते हैं, और मुल्कौं मुल्कौं जाते हैं

बाहौं में बाहें डालते हैं, और दिल से दिल को मिलाते हैं

फिर ज़ुल्म ओ सितम के पैरौं की, ज़ंजीर-ए गरां बु जाते हैं

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो


ता’अमीर तो इन की फ़ितरत है, एक और नई ता’अमीर सही

एक और नई तदबीर सही, एक और नई तक़दिर सही

एक शूख़ ओ हसीं ख़्वाब और सही, एक शूख़ ओ हसीं ता’अमीर सही

इन हाथौं की ता’अज़ीम करो

इन हाथौं की तकरीम करो

दुनिया के चलाने वाले हैं

इन हाथौं को तसलीम करो

Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. ali sardar jafri (1913-2000), balrampur, gonDa, U.P. Religious upbringing and education. MA luckhnow university. Started composing at 15. He soon turned to progressive, revolutionary nazm/Ghazal. Member Communist Party. Arrested in 1940. Plays, short stories, movies and TV serials gave him a career in mumbaii. Padma Shri in 1967. This nazm is linked to ‘yaum-e mazdoor’ on the Theme Index page.

in haathauN ki ta’zeem1 karo
in haathauN ki takreem2 kar
duniya ke chalaane vaale haiN
in haathauN ko tasleem3 karo
1.respect 2.honour 3.accept
This is a song in praise of hands/hard labour. Respect these hand, honour them. The do the work of the world. Accept them (as equals).

tareeKh1 ke aur masheenauN ke, pahiyauN2 ki ravaani3 in se hai
tahzeeb4 ki aur tamaddun5 ki, bharpoor javaani in se hai
duniya ka fasaana6 in se hai, insaaN ki kahaani in se hai
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.history/progress 2.wheels 3.flow, rotation 4.civilization 5.culture 6.legend
The wheels of progress and industrialization turn because of the work of these hands. Culture and civilisation blossoms because of them. The story of the world, the history of human kind can be told because of hands. Respect them.

sadiyauN1 se guzar2 kar aaye haiN, ye nek3 aur bad4 ko jaante haiN
ye dost haiN saare aalam5 ke, par dushman ko pahchaante haiN
Khud shakti6 ke autaar7 haiN ye, kab Ghair8 ki shakti maante haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.centuries 2.pass through 3.good 4.bad 5.world 6.power 7.manifestation 8.other, rival
They have endured through centuries and they know what is good and what is bad. They have friendly feelings towards the world, but they know who the enemy is. They are themselves a manifestation of power, how can they yield power to the ‘other’. Honour them.

haiN zaKhm1 hamaare haathauN ke, ye phool jo haiN guldaanauN2 meN
sookhe hue pyaase chullu3 the, jo jaam4 haiN in maiKhaanauN5 meN
TooTi hui sau aNgRaaiyauN6 ki, mahraabeN7 haiN aivaanauN8 meN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.wounds 2.flower vase 3.cupped palm 4.cups/goblets 5.tavern 6.stretch/yawn used to mean sleepless nights (spent in work/labour) 7.alcoves, arches, sanctuary – used here to mean bedchamber 8.palaces, halls
The flowers that you see in vases are the wounds of the hands that grow them. The goblets in taverns would have been but dry, thirsty cupped hands, but for the work of these hands. The bedchambers in palaces where you sleep, stretch and yawn were made by these hands. Respect the hands that made them.

raahauN1 ki sunehri2 raushniyaaN, bijli ke jo phaile daaman3 haiN
faanoos4 hasiN5 aivaanauN6 ke, jo raNg o noor7 ke Khirman8 haiN
ye haath hamaare jalte haiN, ye haath hamaare raushan9 haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.pathways, roads 2.golden 3.valleys, settlements 4.chandelier 5.beautiful 6.halls, palaces 7.colour and light 8.harvest 9.shining
These golden lights on the streets, this electricity spread through our settlements, the beautiful chandeliers that are the harvest of light colour, all these are but our burning hands which give them their brightness. Respect them.

Khaamosh haiN ye Khaamoshi se, sau barbat1 o chaNg2 banaate haiN
tarauN meN raag sulaate haiN, tablauN meN bol chhupaate haiN
jab saaz3 meN jumbish4 hoti hai, tab haath hamaare gaate haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.harp 2.lute 3.musical instrument 4.movement, vibration
Hands are silent and silently the make hundreds of harps and lutes. They give melodies to strings and hide beats in drums. When music reverberates from the harp and lute, it is our hands that are singing. Honour them.

aijaaz1 hai ye in haathauN ka, resham ko chhueN to aaNchal hai
patthar ko chhueN to but2 kar deN, kaalikh ko chhueN to kaajal hai
miTTi ko chhueN to sona hai, chaandi ko chhueN to paa’el hai
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.miracle 2. idol
It is the miracle of these hands that their touch coverts silk to sarees, carves idols out of stone and makes ‘kaajal’ out of soot. If they touch (dig) the earth, they bring up gold. They work to make ornaments. Respect them.

bahti hui bijli ki lahreN1, simTe2 hue ganga ki dhaareN
dharti ke muqaddar ke maalik, mehnat ke ufaq3 ke sayyaare4
ye chaara-garaan5-e dard-e jahaaN, sadiyauN6 se magar Khud be-chaare7
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.waves 2.contracted, gathered – used here to mean controlled 3.horizon 4.planets – used here to mean stars 5.healers 6.centuries 7.without cure
Waves of electricity that flow (through wires), flow or rivers controlled by dams (to generate electrical power) – these hands are the lords of the fate of the world. They are the stars on the horizon of work/labour. They are the healers of the ills of the world and yet for centuries there has been no cure for their ills. Respect these hands.

taKhleeq1 ye soz2-e mehnat3 ki, aur fitrat4 ke shahkaar5 bhi haiN
maidaan-e amal6 meN laikin Khud, ye Khaaliq7 bhi me’maar8 bhi haiN
phoolauN se bhari ye shaaKh bhi haiN, aur chalti hui talvaar bhi haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.creation 2.fire/passion 3.labour 4.nature 5.masterpiece 6.action 7.creator 8.architect/builder
These hands are the creation of the passion to make something. They are the masterpiece of all creation. In the field of action they are the creators and builders. They are pleasant like flower laden bough or lethal like a swinging sword. Respect them.

ye haath na hoN to mohmil1 sub, tahrireN2 aur taqrireN3 haiN
ye na hoN to be-maani4, insaanauN ki taqdeereN5 haiN
sub hikmat6 to daanish7 ilm8 o hunar9, in haathauN ki tafseereN10 haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.useless 2.writing 3.speeches 4.meaningless 5.fate 6.wisdom 7.knowledge 8.learning 9.skill 10.explanation
If these hands did not do their work then all writing and all speeches are useless. Without these hands the fate of humanity would be meaningless. All wisdom, knowledge, learning and skills are due to the work of hands. Honour them.

ye kitne subuk1 aur naazuk2 haiN, ye kitne suDaul3 aur achhe haiN
chaalaaki meN ustaad haiN ye, aur bhole pan meN bachche haiN
aur jhooT ki gandi duniya meN, bus haath hamaare sachche haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.light 2.delicate 3.shapely
They are light of touch and delicate, shapely and beautiful. The masters of trickery, yet innocent like a child. In this world of lies, they alone are keepers of the truth. Respect them.

ye sarhad sarhad1 juRte haiN, aur mulkauN mulkauN jaate haiN
baahauN meN baaheN Daalte haiN, aur dil se dil ko milaate haiN
phir zulm o sitam ke pairauN ki, zanjir-e garaaN2 bun jaate haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
1.boundaries 2.heavy
These hands clasp each other across boundaries, from country to country (workers of the world, unite). They join hands and hearts and in the feet of oppression and cruelty they put heavy shackles. Respect them.

ta’ameer1 to in ki fitrat2 hai, ek aur naii ta’ameer sahi
ek aur naii tadbeer3 sahi, ek aur naii taqdiir4 sahi
ek shooKh5 o hasiN6 Khwaab aur sahi, ek shooKh o hasiN ta’ameer1 sahi
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
in haathauN ki takreem karo
duniya ke chalaane vaale haiN
in haathauN ko tasleem karo
1.building/making 2.nature 3.way, method 4.fate 5.playful 6.beautiful
It is in the nature of hands to build, let us keep building, let us try new ways, create a new fate/future. Let us create a new pleasant and beautiful vision, a new social order. Honor these hands, respect them. They do the work of the world, accept them, recognize their contribution.

ali sardar jafri (1913-2000), balrampur, gonDa, U.P. Religious upbringing and education.  MA luckhnow university. Started composing at 15.  He soon turned to progressive, revolutionary nazm/Ghazal.  Member Communist Party.  Arrested in 1940.  Plays, short stories, movies and TV serials gave him a career in mumbaii. Padma Shri in 1967.  This nazm is linked to ‘yaum-e mazdoor’ on the Theme Index page.

in haathauN ki ta’zeem1 karo
in haathauN ki takreem2 kar
duniya ke chalaane vaale haiN
in haathauN ko tasleem3 karo

1.respect 2.honour 3.accept

This is a song in praise of hands/hard labour.  Respect these hand, honour them.  The do the work of the world.  Accept them (as equals).

tareeKh1 ke aur masheenauN ke, pahiyauN2 ki ravaani3 in se hai
tahzeeb4 ki aur tamaddun5 ki, bharpoor javaani in se hai
duniya ka fasaana6 in se hai, insaaN ki kahaani in se hai
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.history/progress 2.wheels 3.flow, rotation 4.civilization 5.culture 6.legend

The wheels of progress and industrialization turn because of the work of these hands.  Culture and civilisation blossoms because of them.  The story of the world, the history of human kind can be told because of hands.  Respect them.

sadiyauN1 se guzar2 kar aaye haiN, ye nek3 aur bad4 ko jaante haiN
ye dost haiN saare aalam5 ke, par dushman ko pahchaante haiN
Khud shakti6 ke autaar7 haiN ye, kab Ghair8 ki shakti maante haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.centuries 2.pass through 3.good 4.bad 5.world 6.power 7.manifestation 8.other, rival

They have endured through centuries and they know what is good and what is bad.  They have friendly feelings towards the world, but they know who the enemy is.  They are themselves a manifestation of power, how can they yield power to the ‘other’.  Honour them.

haiN zaKhm1 hamaare haathauN ke, ye phool jo haiN guldaanauN2 meN
sookhe hue pyaase chullu3 the, jo jaam4 haiN in maiKhaanauN5 meN
TooTi hui sau aNgRaaiyauN6 ki, mahraabeN7 haiN aivaanauN8 meN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.wounds 2.flower vase 3.cupped palm 4.cups/goblets 5.tavern 6.stretch/yawn used to mean sleepless nights (spent in work/labour) 7.alcoves, arches, sanctuary – used here to mean bedchamber 8.palaces, halls

The flowers that you see in vases are the wounds of the hands that grow them.  The goblets in taverns would have been but dry, thirsty cupped hands, but for the work of these hands.  The bedchambers in palaces where you sleep, stretch and yawn were made by these hands.  Respect the hands that made them.

raahauN1 ki sunehri2 raushniyaaN, bijli ke jo phaile daaman3 haiN
faanoos4 hasiN5 aivaanauN6 ke, jo raNg o noor7 ke Khirman8 haiN
ye haath hamaare jalte haiN, ye haath hamaare raushan9 haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.pathways, roads 2.golden 3.valleys, settlements 4.chandelier 5.beautiful 6.halls, palaces 7.colour and light 8.harvest 9.shining

These golden lights on the streets, this electricity spread through our settlements, the beautiful chandeliers that are the harvest of light colour, all these are but our burning hands which give them their brightness.  Respect them.

Khaamosh haiN ye Khaamoshi se, sau barbat1 o chaNg2 banaate haiN
tarauN meN raag sulaate haiN, tablauN meN bol chhupaate haiN
jab saaz3 meN jumbish4 hoti hai, tab haath hamaare gaate haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.harp 2.lute 3.musical instrument 4.movement, vibration

Hands are silent and silently the make hundreds of harps and lutes.  They give melodies to strings and hide beats in drums.  When music reverberates from the harp and lute, it is our hands that are singing.  Honour them.

aijaaz1 hai ye in haathauN ka, resham ko chhueN to aaNchal hai
patthar ko chhueN to but2 kar deN, kaalikh ko chhueN to kaajal hai
miTTi ko chhueN to sona hai, chaandi ko chhueN to paa’el hai
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.miracle 2. idol

It is the miracle of these hands that their touch coverts silk to sarees, carves idols out of stone and makes ‘kaajal’ out of soot.  If they touch (dig) the earth, they bring up gold.  They work to make ornaments.  Respect them.

bahti hui bijli ki lahreN1, simTe2 hue ganga ki dhaareN
dharti ke muqaddar ke maalik, mehnat ke ufaq3 ke sayyaare4
ye chaara-garaan5-e dard-e jahaaN, sadiyauN6 se magar Khud be-chaare7
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.waves 2.contracted, gathered – used here to mean controlled 3.horizon 4.planets – used here to mean stars 5.healers 6.centuries 7.without cure

Waves of electricity that flow (through wires), flow or rivers controlled by dams (to generate electrical power) – these hands are the lords of the fate of the world.  They are the stars on the horizon of work/labour.  They are the healers of the ills of the world and yet for centuries there has been no cure for their ills.  Respect these hands.

taKhleeq1 ye soz2-e mehnat3 ki, aur fitrat4 ke shahkaar5 bhi haiN
maidaan-e amal6 meN laikin Khud, ye Khaaliq7 bhi me’maar8 bhi haiN
phoolauN se bhari ye shaaKh bhi haiN, aur chalti hui talvaar bhi haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.creation 2.fire/passion 3.labour 4.nature 5.masterpiece 6.action 7.creator 8.architect/builder

These hands are the creation of the passion to make something.  They are the masterpiece of all creation.  In the field of action they are the creators and builders.  They are pleasant like flower laden bough or lethal like a swinging sword.  Respect them.

ye haath na hoN to mohmil1 sub, tahrireN2 aur taqrireN3 haiN
ye na hoN to be-maani4, insaanauN ki taqdeereN5 haiN
sub hikmat6 to daanish7 ilm8 o hunar9, in haathauN ki tafseereN10 haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.useless 2.writing 3.speeches 4.meaningless 5.fate 6.wisdom 7.knowledge 8.learning 9.skill 10.explanation

If these hands did not do their work then all writing and all speeches are useless.  Without these hands the fate of humanity would be meaningless.  All wisdom, knowledge, learning and skills are due to the work of hands.  Honour them.

ye kitne subuk1 aur naazuk2 haiN, ye kitne suDaul3 aur achhe haiN
chaalaaki meN ustaad haiN ye, aur bhole pan meN bachche haiN
aur jhooT ki gandi duniya meN, bus haath hamaare sachche haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.light 2.delicate 3.shapely

They are light of touch and delicate, shapely and beautiful.  The masters of trickery, yet innocent like a child.  In this world of lies, they alone are keepers of the truth.  Respect them.

ye sarhad sarhad1 juRte haiN, aur mulkauN mulkauN jaate haiN
baahauN meN baaheN Daalte haiN, aur dil se dil ko milaate haiN
phir zulm o sitam ke pairauN ki, zanjir-e garaaN2 bun jaate haiN
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo

1.boundaries 2.heavy

These hands clasp each other across boundaries, from country to country (workers of the world, unite).  They join hands and hearts and in the feet of oppression and cruelty they put heavy shackles.  Respect them.

ta’ameer1 to in ki fitrat2 hai, ek aur naii ta’ameer sahi
ek aur naii tadbeer3 sahi, ek aur naii taqdiir4 sahi
ek shooKh5 o hasiN6 Khwaab aur sahi, ek shooKh o hasiN ta’ameer1 sahi
in haathauN ki ta’azeem karo
in haathauN ki takreem karo
duniya ke chalaane vaale haiN
in haathauN ko tasleem karo

1.building/making 2.nature 3.way, method 4.fate 5.playful 6.beautiful

It is in the nature of hands to build, let us keep building, let us try new ways, create a new fate/future.  Let us create a new pleasant and beautiful vision, a new social order.  Honor these hands, respect them.  They do the work of the world, accept them, recognize their contribution.