jashn-e Ghalib-anand mohan gulzar dehlavi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “Roman” or “Notes” tab.

جشنِ  غالبؔ  ۔  آنند  موہن  گلزارؔ  دہلوی


آج  بھی  غالب  ہے  سب  پر  غالبِؔ  جادو  بیاں

اُس  کی  بولی،  اُس  کا  لہجہ،  اُس  کی  لَے،  اُس  کی  زباں


خسروِ  اِقلیمِ  اُردو،  اعتبارِ  بزمِ  شعر

مستند  ہے  علم  و  فن  میں  اُس  کا  شک  اُس  کا  گماں


وہ  امینِ  معتبر  گنجینۂ  تہذیب  کا

سَو  برس  سے  دہر  میں  جس  کا  رہا  سکّہ  رواں


وہ  صراطِ  ترکی  و  ہندی،  مزاجِ  خسروی

وہ  فقیری  بھیس  میں  اِک  کج  کلاہِ  خسرواں


سو  تَمَوّل  اُس  کے  صدقہ  ضعفِ  زر  اُس  پہ  نثار

تنگ  دستی  میں  بھی  اُس  کی  سخت  جانی  الاماں


جس  طرح  اُس  نے  گذاری  زندگی  تھا  اُس  کا  ظرف

اُس  کا  دِل،  اُس  کا  جِگر،  اُس  کا  کلیجہ،  اُس  کی  جاں


وہ  رہا  بد  ذوقیِ  احباب  کا  برسوں  قتیل

وہ  پھرا  برہان  لے  کر  کارواں  در  کارواں


جب  ملے  القابِ  شاہی  حیف  شاہی  اُٹھ  گئی

شہپرِ  تاجِ  ظفر  سب  اُڑ  گئے  صاحبقِراں


گو  نئی  قدروں  کا  اُس  نے  خیر  مقدم  بھی  کیا

پر  عروسِ  کامرانی  سے  رہا  دامن  کشاں


قرض  کا  پیتا  رہا  ہوتا  رہا  دِل  شیفتہ

سیکڑوں  تفتہ  ہوے  اِس  باب  میں  آزردہ  جاں


غنچۂ  دِل  کھل  نہ  پایا  جب  ریاضِ  دہر  میں

بعدِ  مُردن  مل  گئی  دادِ  سخن،  دادِ  بیاں


دور  ہونٹوں  سے  رہا  گو  جرعۂ  آبِ  حیات

پرسشِ  احوالِ  حالی  سے  سوئے  جانِ  جہاں


اُس  کو  ہونا  تھا  بالآخر  بُلبُلِ  گلزارِ  شعر

قُمریاں  تا  بہ  ابد  جس  کی  رہیں  رطب  اللساں


شہرتِ  شعرم  بہ  گیتی  بعدِ  من  خواہد  شدن

ہو  گیا  ثابت  خود  اُس  کے  قول  سے  اُس  کا  بیاں


ہو  گیا  ثابت  وطن  میں  آج  خود  اُس  کا  سخن

نامساعد  دور  میں  بھی  چھا  گیا  اُس  کا  بیاں


مطلع  ثانی  نے  لیکن  صاف  مطلع  کر  دیا

ہو  گئی  ساری  حقیقت  جشنِ  غالبؔ  کی  عیاں


حیف  بر  تدبیرِ  اہلِ  قسمتِ  ہندوستاں

بیچتے  ہیں  لاشِ  غالبؔ  کاٹ  کر  اُس  کی  زباں


آج  بھی  گلزارِؔ  دِلّی  شاعرِ  شعلہ  نوا

ملک  بھر  میں  ہے  اُڑاتا  پرچمِ  اُردو  زباں

अनंद मोहन गुल्ज़ार देहलवि

आज भी ग़ालिब है सब पर ग़ालिब-ए जादू बयां

उस कि बोली, उस का लहजा, उस कि लै, उस की ज़बां

ख़ुस्रव-ए इक़्लीम-ए उर्दू, ऐ’तेबार-ए बज़्म-ए शे’र

मुस्तनद है इल्म ओ फ़न में उस का शक, उस का गुमां

वो अमीन-ए मो’तबर गंजीना-ए तहज़ीब का

सौ बरस से दहर में जिस का रहा सिक्का रवां

वो सिरात-ए तुर्की ओ हिन्दी, मिज़ाज-ए ख़ुस्रवी

वो फ़क़ीरी भेस में एक कज-कुलाह-ए ख़ुस्रवां

सौ तमव्वुल उस के सद्क़े, ज़ो’फ़-ए ज़र उस पे निसार

तंग दस्ती में भी उस की सख़्त जानी अल-अमां

जिस तरह उस ने गुज़ारी ज़िंदगी था उस का ज़र्फ़

उस का दिल, उस का जिगर, उस का कलेजा, उस कि जां

वो रहा बद-ज़ौक़ि-ए अहबाब का बरसौं क़तील

वो फिरा बुरहान ले कर कारवां दर कारवां

जब मिले अल्क़ाब-ए शाही हैफ़ शाही उठ गई

शहपर-ए ताज-ए ज़फ़र सब उढ गए साहबक़िरां

गो नई क़द्रौं का उस ने ख़ैर मक़्दम भी किया

पर उरूस-ए कामरानी से रहा दामन कुशां


क़र्ज़ का पीता रहा, होता रहा दिल शेफ़्ता

सैकढौं तुफ़्ता हुए इस बाब में आज़ुर्दा जां


ग़ुंचा-ए दिल खिल न पाया जब रियाज़-ए दहर में

बा’द-ए मुर्दन मिल गई दाद-ए सुख़न, दाद-ए बयां


दूर होंटौं से रहा गो जुर’अ-ए आब-ए हयात

पुर्सीश-ए अहवाल-ए हाली से सु-ए जान-ए जहां


उस को होना था बिल-आख़र बुल्बुल-ए गुल्ज़ार-ए शे’र

क़ुमरियां ता ब अबद जिस की रहीं रत्ब-उल-लिसां


शोहरत-ए शे’रम ब गेती बा’द-ए मन ख़्वाहद शुदन

हो गया साबित ख़ुद उस के क़ौल से उस का बयां


हो गया साबित वतन में आज ख़ुद उस का सुख़न

नाम’सा’अद दौर में भी छा गया उस का बयां


मत्ला-ए सानी ने लैकिन साफ़ मत्ला कर दिया

हो गई सारी हक़ीक़त जश्न-ए ग़ालिब की अयां


हैफ़ बर तद्बीर-ए अहल-ए क़िस्मत-ए हिंदोस्तां

बेचते हैं लाश-ए ग़ालिब काट कर उस की ज़बां


आज भी गुल्ज़ार-ए दिल्लि शा’एर-ए शो’ला नवा

मुल्क भर में है उढाता परचम-ए उर्दू ज़बां


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu composed this in 1969 for Ghalib centennial and recited it at a function in vigyaan bhavan. His biting criticism of the hypocrisy of the government towards urdu is very similar to sahir ludhianavi’s nazm which sahir recited in front of indira gandhi.
aaj bhi Ghalib1 hai sub par Ghalib-e jaadu bayaaN2
us ki boli, us ka lahja3, us ki lai4, us kii zabaaN    

Khusrav1-e iqleem2-e urdu, e’tebaar3-e bazm4-e she’r
mustanad5 hai ilm-o-fun6 meN, us ka shak7, us ka gumaaN8      
1.king 2.realm 3.standard to be measured against 4.gathering, society 5.certified, credible, dependable 6.knowledge and skill/mastery 7.skepticism 8.doubt
The emperor of urdu, setting standards for the mushaa’era. His knowledge and mastery (of language and verse), his skepticism towards orthodoxy and outdated practice are what we can depend on/believe.

vo ameen1-e mo’tabar2 ganjeena3-e tahziib4 ka
sau baras se dahr5 meN jis ka raha sikka ravaaN6     
1.trustee 2.dependable 3.treasure house 4.culture 5.world 6.current, flowing
He is the dependable trustee of the treasure house of culture whose coin/words have had currency in this world for hundred years.

vo siraat1-e turki2 o hindi, mizaaj3-e Khusravi4
vo faqeeri5 bhes6 meN ek kaj-kulaah7-e KhusravaaN  
1.(connecting) pat 2.central asian region including present day Turkey to Western China 3.nature, demeanor 4.royal 5.pauper, beggarly 6.clothing 7.tilted cap – sometimes a metaphor for defiance and others a sign of grandeur/majesty
Connecting the traditions of samarqand and hindostan with royal demeanor. He declared his grandeur even in beggarly garb.

sau tamavvul1 us ke sadqe2, zo’f-e-zar3 us pe nisaar4
taNg-dasti5 meN bhi us ki saKht-jaani6 al-amaaN7      
1.wealth 2.sacrificial offering 3.weakness/greed for gold 4.sacrifice 5.tight-fist i.e. penury 6.hard life, struggle for survival 7.may god protect us
zo’f normally means weakness/old age but the only way I can interpret and make sense of zo’f-e zar is to consider it to be weakness/greed for gold. All wealth and desire/weakness for wealth be sacrificed in your name. You struggled so much to survive in the face of penury. May god protect you/us.

jis tarah us ne guzaari1 zindagi tha us ka zarf2
us ka dil, us ka jigar, us ka kaleja, us ki jaaN    
1.passed 2.capacity
The difficulties in which he spent his life, only his capacity could withstand. Only the strength of his heart and soul could bear.

vo raha bad-zauqi1-e ahbaab2 ka barsoN3 qatiil4
vo phira burhaan5 lekar kaarvaaN dar kaarvaaN     
1.poor taste 2.friends 3.years 4.victim, target 5.wisdom, also see qaat’a-e burhaan
For years he was the victim of the poor taste of friends/contemporaries. He went from door to door bearing words of wisdom (but no one appreciated). This also has allusion to a small book of literary criticism called “qaat’a-e burhaan”, (cutting/criticizing burhaan), that Ghalib wrote towards the end of his life. It was severely criticized and caused him much pain.

jab mile alqaab1-e shaahi haif2 shaahi uTh gayii
shahpar3-e taaj-e zafar4 sub uR gaye saahibqiraaN5      
1.titles, honours 2.alas 3.main wing 4.bahadur shah zafar 5.king of the age/times
When he finally received titles and honours from the king, monarchy disppeared. The wings of flight of the crown of bahadur shah zafar, the king of the times, were plucked. Ghalib himself wrote …
aye zafar jab ke mili fursat-e gul-gasht hameN
na raha gul ka sar-e daaman-e gulzaar nishaaN
O, zafar, as soon as I got a chance for stroll in the garden
There was no trace left of the rose in the field of the garden

go1 nayii qadroN2 ka us ne Khair-maqdam3 bhi kiya
par uroos4-e kaamraani5 se raha daaman-kashaaN6       
1.even though 2.values 3.welcome 4.bride 5.victory/recognition 6.pulled/withdrawn skirt
Even though you embraced new values, recognition still eluded you, like a bride pulling away her skirt.

qarz ka piita raha, hota raha dil shefta1
saikRoN tufta2 hue is baab3 meN aazurda4 jaaN      
1.mad, losing senses, also pen-name of a shaagird/friend nawab mustafa KhaaN shefta 2.burnt, also pen-name of shaagird/friend munshi hargopal tufta 3.chapter, phase 4.offended, sad also pen-name of shaagird/friend mufti sadruddin aazurda
He borrowed money to drink and lost his senses. Thousands were burnt during this chapter and felt offended and sad. Ghalib himself wrote …
qarz ki piite the mai laikin samajhte the ke haaN
raNg laavegi hamaari faaqa-masti ek din
Taking loans I drink wine but understand that
Some day this recklessness will hold me to account

Ghuncha1-e dil khil na paaya jab riyaaz2-e dahr3 meN
b’aad4-e murdan5 mil gayi daad6-e suKhan7, daad-e bayaaN8    
1.unopened bud 2.garden 3.world 4.after 5.death 6.praise 7.verse 8.writings
When the desires of heart (unopened bud) could not be fulfilled (bloom) in the garden of this world, then, after death he received recognition and praise for his verse.

duur hoNToN se raha go1, jur’a2-e “aab-e hayaat”3
purshish4-e ahvaal5-e haali6 se suu7-e jaan-e jahaaN   
1.though 2.gulp, sip 3.elixir of (eternal) life, also title of a book by mohammed husain aazaad 4.inquire after 5.conditions, well being 6.present, also altaaf husain haali, an admirer of Ghalib who wrote several books on him 7.towards
This alludes to the book “aab-e hayaat” written by aazaad who carried over the rivalry between zauq and Ghalib. aazaad was a shaagird of zauq and in the book he does not give appopriate treatment to Ghalib. Thus, the sip of elixir stayed away from lips, though the loving inquiry of haali brought it towards the soul of the world i.e. restored some well deserved justice to Ghalib.

us ko hona tha bil-aaKhir1 bulbul-e gulzaar2-e she’r
qumriyaaN3 ta ba abad4 jis ki rahiN ratb-ul-lisaaN5   
1.ultimately, inevitably 2.garden 3.doves 4.eternity, doomsday 5.fresh/moist on lips, always on lips
Inevitably he (Ghalib) had to be recognized as the bulbul of the garden of verse. Doves constantly sang songs of him.

shohrat1-e she’ram2 ba geti b’aad3-e man Khwaahad-shudan4
ho gaya saabit5 Khud us ke qaul6 se us ka bayaaN7     
1.fame 2.my couplets 3.after 4.will be 5.proved, established 6.words, quote 7.saying
The first misra is a direct quote of Ghalib’s she’r …
kaukabam ra dar adam auj-e qubooli booda ast
shohrat-e she’ram ba geti b’aad-e man Khwaahad shudan
My star has been at the peak of acceptance in the world of imagination
After me my verse will become famous on earth too
Thus says gulzar, his own words prove him right.

ho gaya saabit1 vatan meN aaj Khud us ka suKhan2
naamasaa’ad3 daur4 meN bhi chha gaya us ka bayaaN   
1.proved 2.words 3.unfavourable 4.times, realm
His words are proven right in the homeland. In spite of the unfavourable times/realm his verse has spread/engulfed the homeland.

matla-e-saani1 ne laikin saaf-matla2 kar diya
ho gayii saari haqiiqat3 jashn4-e Ghalib ki ayaaN5     
1.second line/hemistich of a she’r 2.an expression meaning clear the air/sky, reveal the real meaning 3.truth 4.celebration 5.apparent, revealed
The second hemistich (of the following she’r) clears the air. The real truth/purpose behind the celebration of Ghalib is exposed. Also see sahir ludhianavi and maKhdoom for the same sentiment.

haif1 bar2 tadbiir3-e ahl4-e qismat5-e hindostaaN
bechte haiN laash6-e Ghalib kaaT kar us ki zabaaN7    
1.fie, shame 2.on 3.scheme, conspiracy 4.people of, keepers of 5.fate, future 6.corpse 7.tongue, language
Shame on the conspiracy of the people who shape the future of hindostan. They sell the corpse of Ghalib (politicize the celebration of his centennial), cutting of his tongue/suppressing his language.

aaj bhi gulzaar1-e dilli shaa’er-e sho’la-bayaaN2
mulk bhar meN hai uRaata parcham-e urdu zabaaN      
1.pen name of poet 2.fiery speech/verse
Even today, gulzar of dehli, the poet of fiery verse, unfurls the flag of urdu all over the homeland.

anand mohan gulzar dehlavi (1926-living), a kashmiri panDit, a scholar and lover of urdu composed this in 1969 for Ghalib centennial and recited it at a function in vigyaan bhavan.  His biting criticism of the hypocrisy of the government towards urdu is very similar to sahir ludhianavi’s nazm which sahir recited in front of indira gandhi.
aaj bhi Ghalib1 hai sub par Ghalib-e jaadu bayaaN2
us ki boli, us ka lahja3, us ki lai4, us kii zabaaN

1.dominant, overpowering 2.speech, verse 3.accent 4.tune

To this day the mesmerizing verse of Ghalib overpowers all with his words, accent, tune and language.
Khusrav1-e iqleem2-e urdu, e’tebaar3-e bazm4-e she’r
mustanad5 hai ilm-o-fun6 meN, us ka shak7, us ka gumaaN8

1.king 2.realm 3.standard to be measured against 4.gathering, society 5.certified, credible, dependable 6.knowledge and skill/mastery 7.skepticism 8.doubt

The emperor of urdu, setting standards for the mushaa’era.  His knowledge and mastery (of language and verse), his skepticism towards orthodoxy and outdated practice are what we can depend on/believe.
vo ameen1-e mo’tabar2 ganjeena3-e tahziib4 ka
sau baras se dahr5 meN jis ka raha sikka ravaaN6

1.trustee 2.dependable 3.treasure house 4.culture 5.world 6.current, flowing

He is the dependable trustee of the treasure house of culture whose coin/words have had currency in this world for hundred years.
vo siraat1-e turki2 o hindi, mizaaj3-e Khusravi4
vo faqeeri5 bhes6 meN ek kaj-kulaah7-e KhusravaaN

1.(connecting) pat 2.central asian region including present day Turkey to Western China 3.nature, demeanor 4.royal 5.pauper, beggarly 6.clothing 7.tilted cap – sometimes a metaphor for defiance and others a sign of grandeur/majesty

Connecting the traditions of samarqand and hindostan with royal demeanor.  He declared his grandeur even in beggarly garb.
sau tamavvul1 us ke sadqe2, zo’f-e-zar3 us pe nisaar4
taNg-dasti5 meN bhi us ki saKht-jaani6 al-amaaN7

1.wealth 2.sacrificial offering 3.weakness/greed for gold 4.sacrifice 5.tight-fist i.e. penury 6.hard life, struggle for survival 7.may god protect us

zo’f normally means weakness/old age but the only way I can interpret and make sense of zo’f-e zar is to consider it to be weakness/greed for gold.  All wealth and desire/weakness for wealth be sacrificed in your name.  You struggled so much to survive in the face of penury.  May god protect you/us.
jis tarah us ne guzaari1 zindagi tha us ka zarf2
us ka dil, us ka jigar, us ka kaleja, us ki jaaN

1.passed 2.capacity

The difficulties in which he spent his life, only his capacity could withstand.  Only the strength of his heart and soul could bear.
vo raha bad-zauqi1-e ahbaab2 ka barsoN3 qatiil4
vo phira burhaan5 lekar kaarvaaN dar kaarvaaN

1.poor taste 2.friends 3.years 4.victim, target 5.wisdom, also see qaat’a-e burhaan

For years he was the victim of the poor taste of friends/contemporaries.  He went from door to door bearing words of wisdom (but no one appreciated).  This also has allusion to a small book of literary criticism called “qaat’a-e burhaan”, (cutting/criticizing burhaan), that Ghalib wrote towards the end of his life.  It was severely criticized and caused him much pain.
jab mile alqaab1-e shaahi haif2 shaahi uTh gayii
shahpar3-e taaj-e zafar4 sub uR gaye saahibqiraaN5

1.titles, honours 2.alas 3.main wing 4.bahadur shah zafar 5.king of the age/times

When he finally received titles and honours from the king, monarchy disppeared.  The wings of flight of the crown of bahadur shah zafar, the king of the times, were plucked.  Ghalib himself wrote …
aye zafar jab ke mili fursat-e gul-gasht hameN
na raha gul ka sar-e daaman-e gulzaar nishaaN
O, zafar, as soon as I got a chance for stroll in the garden
There was no trace left of the rose in the field of the garden
go1 nayii qadroN2 ka us ne Khair-maqdam3 bhi kiya
par uroos4-e kaamraani5 se raha daaman-kashaaN6

1.even though 2.values 3.welcome 4.bride 5.victory/recognition 6.pulled/withdrawn skirt

Even though you embraced new values, recognition still eluded you, like a bride pulling away her skirt.
qarz ka piita raha, hota raha dil shefta1
saikRoN tufta2 hue is baab3 meN aazurda4 jaaN

1.mad, losing senses, also pen-name of a shaagird/friend nawab mustafa KhaaN shefta 2.burnt, also pen-name of shaagird/friend munshi hargopal tufta 3.chapter, phase 4.offended, sad also pen-name of shaagird/friend mufti sadruddin aazurda

He borrowed money to drink and lost his senses.  Thousands were burnt during this chapter and felt offended and sad.  Ghalib himself wrote …
qarz ki piite the mai laikin samajhte the ke haaN
raNg laavegi hamaari faaqa-masti ek din
Taking loans I drink wine but understand that
Some day this recklessness will hold me to account
Ghuncha1-e dil khil na paaya jab riyaaz2-e dahr3 meN
b’aad4-e murdan5 mil gayi daad6-e suKhan7, daad-e bayaaN8

1.unopened bud 2.garden 3.world 4.after 5.death 6.praise 7.verse 8.writings

When the desires of heart (unopened bud) could not be fulfilled (bloom) in the garden of this world, then, after death he received recognition and praise for his verse.
duur hoNToN se raha go1, jur’a2-e “aab-e hayaat”3
purshish4-e ahvaal5-e haali6 se suu7-e jaan-e jahaaN

1.though 2.gulp, sip 3.elixir of (eternal) life, also title of a book by mohammed husain aazaad 4.inquire after 5.conditions, well being 6.present, also altaaf husain haali, an admirer of Ghalib who wrote several books on him 7.towards

This alludes to the book “aab-e hayaat” written by aazaad who carried over the rivalry between zauq and Ghalib.  aazaad was a shaagird of zauq and in the book he does not give appopriate treatment to Ghalib.  Thus, the sip of elixir stayed away from lips, though the loving inquiry of haali brought it towards the soul of the world i.e. restored some well deserved justice to Ghalib.
us ko hona tha bil-aaKhir1 bulbul-e gulzaar2-e she’r
qumriyaaN3 ta ba abad4 jis ki rahiN ratb-ul-lisaaN5

1.ultimately, inevitably 2.garden 3.doves 4.eternity, doomsday 5.fresh/moist on lips, always on lips

Inevitably he (Ghalib) had to be recognized as the bulbul of the garden of verse.  Doves constantly sang songs of him.
shohrat1-e she’ram2 ba geti b’aad3-e man Khwaahad-shudan4
ho gaya saabit5 Khud us ke qaul6 se us ka bayaaN7

1.fame 2.my couplets 3.after 4.will be 5.proved, established 6.words, quote 7.saying

The first misra is a direct quote of Ghalib’s she’r …
kaukabam ra dar adam auj-e qubooli booda ast
shohrat-e she’ram ba geti b’aad-e man Khwaahad shudan
My star has been at the peak of acceptance in the world of imagination
After me my verse will become famous on earth too
Thus says gulzar, his own words prove him right.
ho gaya saabit1 vatan meN aaj Khud us ka suKhan2
naamasaa’ad3 daur4 meN bhi chha gaya us ka bayaaN

1.proved 2.words 3.unfavourable 4.times, realm

His words are proven right in the homeland.  In spite of the unfavourable times/realm his verse has spread/engulfed the homeland.
matla-e-saani1 ne laikin saaf-matla2 kar diya
ho gayii saari haqiiqat3 jashn4-e Ghalib ki ayaaN5

1.second line/hemistich of a she’r 2.an expression meaning clear the air/sky, reveal the real meaning 3.truth 4.celebration 5.apparent, revealed

The second hemistich (of the following she’r) clears the air.  The real truth/purpose behind the celebration of Ghalib is exposed.   Also see sahir ludhianavi and maKhdoom for the same sentiment.
haif1 bar2 tadbiir3-e ahl4-e qismat5-e hindostaaN
bechte haiN laash6-e Ghalib kaaT kar us ki zabaaN7

1.fie, shame 2.on 3.scheme, conspiracy 4.people of, keepers of 5.fate, future 6.corpse 7.tongue, language

Shame on the conspiracy of the people who shape the future of hindostan.  They sell the corpse of Ghalib (politicize the celebration of his centennial), cutting of his tongue/suppressing his language.
aaj bhi gulzaar1-e dilli shaa’er-e sho’la-bayaaN2
mulk bhar meN hai uRaata parcham-e urdu zabaaN

1.pen name of poet 2.fiery speech/verse

Even today, gulzar of dehli, the poet of fiery verse, unfurls the flag of urdu all over the homeland.

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