maathay ka qashqa chhoR aa’e haiN-munavvar raana

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

مہاجر  نامہ  ۔  ماتھے  کا  قشقہ  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں  ۔  سید  منور  علی  راناؔ


نہ  چاہت  اِس  طرف  باقی  نہ  چاہت  اُس  طرف  باقی

محبت  کا  ورق  لگتا  ہے  سادا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


مُروّت،  دوستی،  اخلاق،  اپناپن،  ملنساری

یہاں  آتے  ہوئے  کیا  کیا  اثاثہ  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


ابھی  تک  آ  کے  ساون  ہر  برس  ہم  کو  بتاتا  ہے

کہ  اپنے  نیم  کی  شاخوں  میں  جھولا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


الگ  مذہب  کے  تھے  لیکن  دکھوں  میں  ساتھ  رہتے  تھے

ہم  ایسی  دوستی  کو  دے  کے  دھوکا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


محبت  سے  ملے  تھے  چولی  دامن  مدتوں  پہلے

زباں  کو  ساتھ  لے  آئے  ہیں  بھاشا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


دعا  کے  پھول  پنڈت  جی  جہاں  تقسیم  کرتے  تھے

گلی  کے  موڑ  پر  ہم  وہ  شوالہ  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


جنابِ  میرؔ  کا  دیوان  تو  ہم  ساتھ  لے  آئے

مگر  ہم  میرؔ  کے  ماتھے  کا  قشقہ  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


وہ  ایک  شاعر  جو  منصف  بھی  تھا  اُردو  کا  مجاہد  بھی

برہمن  ہو  کے  کہلاتا  تھا  مُلّا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


ولیؔ  کی  قبر  پر  اب  دوڑتی  ہیں  قیمتی  کاریں

مگر  اب  ہم  سے  کیا  مطلب  کہ  صوبہ  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


جو  اک  پتلی  سڑک  اُنّاؤ  سے  موہان  جاتی  تھی

وہیں  حسرتؔ  کے  خوابوں  کو  بھٹکتا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


ہمیں  غالبؔ  سے  نادم  ہیں  ہمیں  تلسیؔ  سے  شرمندہ

ہمیں  نے  میرؔ  کو  چھوڑا  ہے  میراؔ  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


جسے  لکھا  گیا  تھا  آنسوؤں  کی  روشنائی  سے

مجازِؔ  بے  نوا  کا  وہ  ترانہ  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


ہمیں  ہجرت  کی  اس  اندھی  گپھا  میں  یاد  آتا  ہے

اجنتا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں  ایلورا  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


غزل  یہ  نامکمل  ہی  رہے  گی  عمر  بھر  راناؔ

کہ  ہم  سرحد  سے  پیچھے  اِس  کا  مقطع  چھوڑ  آئے  ہیں


मोहाजेर नामा – माथे का क़श्क़ा छोढ आए हैं – सय्यद मुनव्वर अली राना

ना चाहत इस तरफ़ बाक़ी, ना चाहत उसकी तरफ़ बाक़ी

मोहब्बत का वरक़ लगता है सादा छोढ आए हैं

मुरव्वत, दोस्ती, अख़्लाक़, अपना-पन, मिलन-सारी

यहाँ आते हुए क्या क्या असासा छोढ आए हैं

अभी तक आ के सावन हर बरस हम को बताता है

के अपने नीम की शाख़ौं में झूला छोढ आए हैं

अलग मज़्हब के थे लैकिन दुखों में साथ रहते थे

हम ऐसी दोस्ती को दे के धोका छोढ आए हैं

मोहब्बत से मिले थे चोली-दामन मुदत्तौं पहले

ज़बां को साथ ले आए हैं भाषा छोढ आए हैं

दुआ के फूल पंडितजी जहां तक़्सीम करते थे

गली के मोढ पर हम वो शिवाला छोढ आए हैं

जनाब-ए मीर का दीवान तो हम साथ ले आए

मगर हम मीर के माथे का क़श्क़ा छोढ आए हैं

वो एक शा’एर जो मुंसिफ़ भी था उर्दू का मुजाहेद भी

बरहमन हो के कहलाता था मुल्ला छोढ आए हैं

वली कि क़ब्र पर अब दौढती हैं क़ीमती कारें

मगर अब हम से क्या मतलब, के सूबा छोढ आए हैं


जो एक पतली सढक उन्नाऊ से मोहान जाती थी

वहीं हस्रत के ख़्वाबों को भटकता छोढ आए हैं


हमीं ग़ालिब से नादिम हैं, हमीं तुल्सी से शर्मिंदा हैं

हमीं ने मीर को छोढा है, मीरा छोढ आए हैं


जिसे लिखा गया था आंसुओं की रौशनाई से

मजाज़-ए बे-नवा का वो तराना छोढ आए हैं


हमें हिज्रत की इस अंधी गुफा में याद आता है

अजंता छोढ आए हैं, एलोरा छोढ आए हैं


ग़ज़ल ये ना-मुकम्मिल ही रहेगी उम्र भर राना

के हम सरहद से पीछे इस का मक़्ता छोढ आए हैं


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. syed munavvar ali-munavvar raana (1952-2024), raa’e bareili, kolkata, and lukhnau. He was a very popular and dominating presence on the mushaa’era circuit and wrote in hindi as well as urdu, using simple language. His larger family members moved to pakistan but his father chose to stay. He wrote a long book-length nazm called mohaajir-naama which is best understood as sorrow and regret at the differences and loss caused by partition. His anger is best understood when after being bestowed the sahitya akademi award for urdu literature in 2014, he returned it in 2015, to protest increasing intolerance. He remained defiant and controversial for the rest of his life. This is an excerpt from his mohaajir-naama.
na chaahat1 iss taraf2 baaqi3 na chaahat uss taraf baaqi
mohabbat ka varaq4 lagta hai saada5 chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.liking, love 2.side 3.remains 5.plain
Love and liking remains neither on this side nor on that side. It seems as if we have left the page of love plain and unwritten, leaving it behind.

muravvat1, dosti, aKhlaaq2, apna-pan, milansaari3
yahaaN aatay huay kya kya asaasa4 chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.respect, deference 2.cultured manners 3.gregariousness, sociable
Mutual respect, friendship, manners, unity and sociability; coming here what all social support systems have we left behind.

abhi tak aa ke saavan1 har baras2 ham ko bataata hai
keh apnay niim ki shaaKhoN3 meN jhoola chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.spring 2.year 3.branches
Every year, spring rains arrive to remind us that we left behind our swing on the branches of our niim tree.

alag1 mazhab2 ke thay laikin dukhoN3 meN saath rahtay thay
ham aisi dosti ko de ke dhoka chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.different 2.religions 3.sorrow, difficulty
We were of different religions, but stood by each other during times of need. Spurning such friendship, we have come away.

mohabbat se milay thay choli-daaman1 mudattoN2 pahlay
zabaaN3 ko saath le aa’e haiN bhaasha4 chhoR aa’e haiN expression meaning intimate 2.ages, long time 3.language/urdu 4.hindi
They had met in love and were intimate for ages, but we brought urdu along and left hindi behind as we came away.

dua ke phool panDitji jahaaN1 taqsiim2 kartay thay
gali ke moR par ham vo shivaala3 chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.where 2.distribute, give away 3.shiv temple
Where the panDit used to distribute flower petals from the prayer meeting; at the turn of the street, that shiv temple have we left behind.

janaab1-e miir2 ka diivaan3 to ham saath le aa’e
magar4 ham miir ke maathay5 ka qashqa6 chhoR aa’e haiN    
1.honourific like sir 2.mir taqi mir 3.opus 4.but 5.forehead 6.tilak mark on the forehead
This is from a she’r of mir taqi mir …
mir ke diin o mazha ko ab poochhtay kya ho unn ne to
qashqa khiiNcha dair meN baiTha kab ka tark islaam kiya
mir’s faith and religion, what can you say, he has now
adorned a tilak, sits in the temple, quit islaam a long time ago
Thus, we have brought with us the opus of mir, but we have left behind his tilak … meaning we have left behind the composite culture which mir wrote about.

voh ek shaa’er jo munsif1 bhi tha urdu ka mujaahid2 bhi
barahman ho ke kahlaata tha mulla3 chhoR aa’e haiN    
1.judge 2.advocate, partisan, warrior 3.islamic scholar/preacher
This is about panDit anand narain mulla – whose family name ‘mulla’ was derived from the taKhallus that his father had adopted. He himself was a shaa’er of great repute and was a high court judge and a legistor. He worked hard for the cause of urdu language. Thus, the poet who as judge and a great warrior on behalf of urdu, a brahman who called himself a mulla, have we left behind.

vali1 ki qabr2 par ab dauRti haiN qiimti3 kaareN
magar4 ab ham se kya matlab5 keh suuba6 chhoR aa’e haiN    
1.vali dakkhani (1667-1707) urdu poet 2.grave, tomb 3.expensive 4.but 5.concern 6.region
vali dakkhani lived his last days in ahmedabad and was buried there. The narendra modi government (state chief minister at the time) leveled the tomb overnight and built a highway over it without any public notice. Thus, now expensive cars run over the tomb of vali, but of what concern is that to us for we have left that region behind.

jo ek patli1 saRak unnaau2 se mohaan3 jaati thi
vahiiN hasrat4 ke KhwaaboN ko bhaTakta5 chhoR aa’e haiN  
1.narrow 2.village in UP 3.village in UP 4.hasrat mohaani (1878-1951) 5.wandering
hasrat mohaani was a well recognized urdu poet, publisher and journalist as well as a freedom fighter who served many years in jail. He wrote many odes to krishn and attended janmashTami festivals in mathura many times. He worked hard for communal harmony. Thus, the narrow road that leads from unnaau to mohaan, that is where we left behind the dreams of hasrat and came away.

hamiiN Ghalib se naadim1 haiN, hamiiN tulsi2 se sharminda3
hamiiN ne miir ko chhoRa hai, miiraa4 chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.regret 2.tulsidas 3.ashamed 4.mirabaai
We ourselves regret leaving Ghalib, we ourselves are ashamed to tulsidas. We have left mir taqi mir and come away leaving mirabaai behind.

jise likkha gaya tha aaNsuoN1 ki raushnaaii2 se
majaaz3-e be-navaa4 ka voh taraana5 chhoR aa’e haiN    
1.tears (of blood) ink 3.asraar-ul-haq majaaz (1911-1955) 4.voiceless 5.anthem
majaaz was a well liked urdu poet who wrote romantic Ghazal as well as anthems of resistance/struggle of workers and for independence. Here the poet suggests that they were written with tears of blood/red ink. Thus, we have left behind the anthems of majaaz.

hameN hijrat1 ki iss andhi2 gupha3 meN yaad aata hai
ajanta chhoR aa’e haiN, elora chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.exile, away from home 2.blind, dark 3.cave
In this dark cave of exile, we are reminded that we have left behind the caves of ajanta and ellora.

Ghazal yeh na-mukammil1 hi rahegi umr-bhar2 raana3
keh ham sarhad4 se piichhe iss ka maqta5 chhoR aa’e haiN   
1.incomplete 3.pen-name of the poet 4.boundary, border she’r of a Ghazal
O raana, this Ghazal will remain incomplete all my life, because I have left the final/closing she’r behind the border.

syed munavvar ali-munavvar raana (1952-2024), raa’e bareili, kolkata, and lukhnau.  He was a very popular and dominating presence on the mushaa’era circuit and wrote in hindi as well as urdu, using simple language.  His larger family members moved to pakistan but his father chose to stay.  He wrote a long book-length nazm called mohaajir-naama which is best understood as sorrow and regret at the differences and loss caused by partition.  His anger is best understood when after being bestowed the sahitya akademi award for urdu literature in 2014, he returned it in 2015, to protest increasing intolerance.  He remained defiant and controversial for the rest of his life.  This is an excerpt from his mohaajir-naama.
na chaahat1 iss taraf2 baaqi3 na chaahat uss taraf baaqi
mohabbat ka varaq4 lagta hai saada5 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.liking, love 2.side 3.remains 5.plain

Love and liking remains neither on this side nor on that side.  It seems as if we have left the page of love plain and unwritten, leaving it behind.
muravvat1, dosti, aKhlaaq2, apna-pan, milansaari3
yahaaN aatay huay kya kya asaasa4 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.respect, deference 2.cultured manners 3.gregariousness, sociable

Mutual respect, friendship, manners, unity and sociability; coming here what all social support systems have we left behind.
abhi tak aa ke saavan1 har baras2 ham ko bataata hai
keh apnay niim ki shaaKhoN3 meN jhoola chhoR aa’e haiN

1.spring 2.year 3.branches

Every year, spring rains arrive to remind us that we left behind our swing on the branches of our niim tree.
alag1 mazhab2 ke thay laikin dukhoN3 meN saath rahtay thay
ham aisi dosti ko de ke dhoka chhoR aa’e haiN

1.different 2.religions 3.sorrow, difficulty

We were of different religions, but stood by each other during times of need.  Spurning such friendship, we have come away.
mohabbat se milay thay choli-daaman1 mudattoN2 pahlay
zabaaN3 ko saath le aa’e haiN bhaasha4 chhoR aa’e haiN expression meaning intimate 2.ages, long time 3.language/urdu 4.hindi

They had met in love and were intimate for ages, but we brought urdu along and left hindi behind as we came away.
dua ke phool panDitji jahaaN1 taqsiim2 kartay thay
gali ke moR par ham vo shivaala3 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.where 2.distribute, give away 3.shiv temple

Where the panDit used to distribute flower petals from the prayer meeting; at the turn of the street, that shiv temple have we left behind.
janaab1-e miir2 ka diivaan3 to ham saath le aa’e
magar4 ham miir ke maathay5 ka qashqa6 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.honourific like sir 2.mir taqi mir 3.opus 4.but 5.forehead 6.tilak mark on the forehead

This is from a she’r of mir taqi mir …
mir ke diin o mazha ko ab poochhtay kya ho unn ne to
qashqa khiiNcha dair meN baiTha kab ka tark islaam kiya
mir’s faith and religion, what can you say, he has now
adorned a tilak, sits in the temple, quit islaam a long time ago
Thus, we have brought with us the opus of mir, but we have left behind his tilak … meaning we have left behind the composite culture which mir wrote about.
voh ek shaa’er jo munsif1 bhi tha urdu ka mujaahid2 bhi
barahman ho ke kahlaata tha mulla3 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.judge 2.advocate, partisan, warrior 3.islamic scholar/preacher

This is about panDit anand narain mulla – whose family name ‘mulla’ was derived from the taKhallus that his father had adopted.  He himself was a shaa’er of great repute and was a high court judge and a legistor.  He worked hard for the cause of urdu language.  Thus, the poet who as judge and a great warrior on behalf of urdu, a brahman who called himself a mulla, have we left behind.
vali1 ki qabr2 par ab dauRti haiN qiimti3 kaareN
magar4 ab ham se kya matlab5 keh suuba6 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.vali dakkhani (1667-1707) urdu poet 2.grave, tomb 3.expensive 4.but 5.concern 6.region

vali dakkhani lived his last days in ahmedabad and was buried there.  The narendra modi government (state chief minister at the time) leveled the tomb overnight and built a highway over it without any public notice.  Thus, now expensive cars run over the tomb of vali, but of what concern is that to us for we have left that region behind.
jo ek patli1 saRak unnaau2 se mohaan3 jaati thi
vahiiN hasrat4 ke KhwaaboN ko bhaTakta5 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.narrow 2.village in UP 3.village in UP 4.hasrat mohaani (1878-1951) 5.wandering

hasrat mohaani was a well recognized urdu poet, publisher and journalist as well as a freedom fighter who served many years in jail.  He wrote many odes to krishn and attended janmashTami festivals in mathura many times.  He worked hard for communal harmony.  Thus, the narrow road that leads from unnaau to mohaan, that is where we left behind the dreams of hasrat and came away.
hamiiN Ghalib se naadim1 haiN, hamiiN tulsi2 se sharminda3
hamiiN ne miir ko chhoRa hai, miiraa4 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.regret 2.tulsidas 3.ashamed 4.mirabaai

We ourselves regret leaving Ghalib, we ourselves are ashamed to tulsidas.  We have left mir taqi mir and come away leaving mirabaai behind.
jise likkha gaya tha aaNsuoN1 ki raushnaaii2 se
majaaz3-e be-navaa4 ka voh taraana5 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.tears (of blood) ink 3.asraar-ul-haq majaaz (1911-1955) 4.voiceless 5.anthem

majaaz was a well liked urdu poet who wrote romantic Ghazal as well as anthems of resistance/struggle of workers and for independence.  Here the poet suggests that they were written with tears of blood/red ink.  Thus, we have left behind the anthems of majaaz.
hameN hijrat1 ki iss andhi2 gupha3 meN yaad aata hai
ajanta chhoR aa’e haiN, elora chhoR aa’e haiN

1.exile, away from home 2.blind, dark 3.cave

In this dark cave of exile, we are reminded that we have left behind the caves of ajanta and ellora.
Ghazal yeh na-mukammil1 hi rahegi umr-bhar2 raana3
keh ham sarhad4 se piichhe iss ka maqta5 chhoR aa’e haiN

1.incomplete 3.pen-name of the poet 4.boundary, border she’r of a Ghazal

O raana, this Ghazal will remain incomplete all my life, because I have left the final/closing she’r behind the border.