marsia bar qatl-e mahatma gandhi-JRPaul nadir shahjahaNpuri

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

مرثیہ بر قتلِ مہاتما گاندھی ۔ جان پال رابرٹ نادرؔ شاہجہاں پوری


گلشنِ عالم میں غم ہر رنگ سے ہے آشکار

چشمِ شبنم اشک افشاں سینۂ گُل داغدار

دیدنی ہے رونقِ خورشیدِ خاور صبح دم

شام ہوتے غم کی زردی اُس کے رُخ سے آشکار


کوہ و صحرا میں اُچھلتا کودتا ہے سارے دن

رات آتے ہی سکونِ مرگ میں ہے آبشار

کمسنی میں غنچہ صورت مسکراتا ہے بشر

عالمِ پیری میں روتا ہے وہی پھر زار زار


الغرض ایجاد کی ہر چیز ہے جب رفتنی

کس کو روئیں کس کو پیٹیں کس لئے ہوں سوگوار

لاکھ ضابط ہو مگر مجبورِ فطرت ہے بشر

پھر بھی غم ہوتا ہے جب مرتا ہے کوئی غمگسار


مرثیہ لکھنا پڑا ہے گاندھیِ مرحوم کا

جو شہِ بے تخت تھا بے تاج تھا جو تاجدار

جوش میں خود بخود دو تین مطلعٔ بندھ گئے

شاعرِ فطرت ہوں فطری شعر ہے میرا شِعار


پڑ گئی اُفتاد کیسی ہند پر پروردگار

جس کو دیکھو سینہ کوباں جس کو دیکھو اشکبار

گردشِ گردونِ گرداں اب ترا کیا اعتبار

تیرے ہاتھوں خاک میں مِل جائے گاندھی خاکسار


اے زمیں فریاد کر اے چرخ ہو خوں نابہ بار

رو رہی ہے ماتمِ گاندھی میں فطرت زار زار

خاک میں تو نے ملایا گاندھیِ مرحوم کو

کب کا پیرِ آسماں دل سے نکالا ہے غبار


جنوری کی تیس تھی اور اڑتالیس سن

جب کیا پستول سے گاندھی پہ اِک قاتل نے وار

قتل کر ڈالا خدا کے گھر میں ناتھو رام نے

پاس مذہب کا کیا مطلق نہ خوفِ کردگار


بے جگر ہو کر تڑاتڑ تین فائر کر دئے

جس سے چھلنی ہو گیا گاندھی کا سارا جسم زار

اہلِ عالم کے کلیجے چھید ڈالے ساتھ ہی

قلبِ عالم پر پڑا گویا دلِ گاندھی کا وار


ایسے محبوبِ خدا پر ہاتھ اُٹھایا ہائے ہائے

لعنت اے جلّاد لعنت شرم شرم اے نابکار

خونِ ناحق کی خبر پھیلی تو یہ گُل کِھل گیا

آبِ دریا منجمد تھا مُرتعش تھا کوہسار


اے مرے مرحوم باپو تجھ کو اس کی کیا خبر

ساری دنیا رو رہی ہے تیرے غم میں زار زار

تو ہے مُستغنی صفت میں کیا لکھوں تیری صفت

فہمِ انسانی سے بالا تر ہے تیرا اقتدار


تو نے دُنیا کو سکھایا خود نثاری کا سبق

حجّتِ ناطق میں اپنی جان تک کر دی نثار

اپنے لوگوں سے بھی ہمدردی کوئی کرتا نہیں

غیر کے دُکھ سے بھی تُو ہوتا تھا فوراً بیقرار


دامِ اِستبداد سے ہم کو جھڑانےکے لئے

اپنے ہاتھوں پابجولاں ہو گیا تُو بار بار

لشکروں کے منہ پھرائے تُو نے خالی ہاتھ ہی

موڑ دی تیرے خمِ گردن نے تلواروں کی دھار


درسِ قدرِ خودشناسی کا معلم تھا تُو ہی

ضعفِ مجبوری میں دیکھا جس نے زورِ اختیار

جیتے جی ہوگا نہ جانے کس قدر ہر دل عزیز

جب ترے مرتے پہ دنیا جان کرتی ہے نثار


بخش دیتی تھی سکوں دل کو تری موجودگی

تیری صورت دیکھ کر پارے کو آتا تھا قرار

کیوں نہ مِٹ جاتی جہاں سے ظلمتِ جنگ و جدل

قلبِ عالم کو جِلا دیتا تھا تیرا اِنکسار


چرخ سے ناہید اُتر کر حشر تک جنتی رہے

تیرا ثانی دہر میں پیدا نہ ہوگا زینہار

मर्सिया बर क़त्ल-ए महातमा गांधी – जॉन पॉल रॉबर्ट शाहजहांपूरी

गुल्शन-ए आलम में ग़म हर रंग से है आश्कार

चश्म-ए शब्नम अश्क अफ़्शां, सीना-ए गुल दाग़्दार

दीदनी है रौनक़-ए ख़ुर्शीद-ए ख़ावर सुबह-दम

शाम होते ग़म की ज़र्दी उस के रुख़ से आश्कार

कोह ओ सहरा में उछलता कूदता है सारे दिन

रात आते हि सुकून-ए मर्ग में है आबशार

कम-सिनी में ग़ुंचा सूरत मुस्कुराता है बशर

आलम-ए पीरी में रोता है वही फिर ज़ार ज़ार

अल्ग़रज़ ईजाद की हर चीज़ है जब रफ़्तनी

किस को रोएं, किस को पीटें, किस लिये हों सोग्वार

लाख ज़ाबत हो, मगर मज्बूर-ए फ़ित्रत है बशर

फिर भी ग़म होता है जब मरता है कोई ग़मगुसार

मर्सिया लिखना पड़ा है गांधी-ए मरहूम का

जो शह-ए बे-तख़्त था बे-ताज था जो ताज्दार

जोश में ख़ुद ब-ख़ुद दो तीन मत्ले बंध गए

शा’एर-ए फ़ित्रत हुं फ़ित्री शे’र है मेरा शे’शर

पड़ गई उफ़्ताद कैसी हिंद पर परवरदिगार

जिस को देखो सीना कूबां, जिस को देखो अश्कबार

गर्दिश-ए गर्दून-ए गर्दां, अब तेरा क्या ए’तबार

तेरे हाथौं ख़ाक में मिल जाए गांधी ख़ाक्सार

अए ज़मीं फ़र्याद कर, अए चर्ख़ हो ख़ूं-नाबा-बार

रो रही है मातम-ए गांधी में फ़ित्रत ज़ार ज़ार

ख़ाक में तू ने मिलाया गांधी-ए मरहूम को

कब का पीर-ए आसमां दिल से निकाला है ग़ुबार

जनवरी की तीस थी और अड़्तालीस सन

जब किया पिस्तौल से गांधी पे एक क़ातिल ने वार

क़त्ल कर डाला ख़ुदा के घर में नाथु राम ने

पास मज़हब का किया मुत्लक़ न ख़ौफ़-ए किर्दगार

बे-जिगर हो कर तड़ा-तड़ तीन फ़ा’एर कर दिये

जिस से छलनी हो गया गांधी का सारा जिस्म-ए ज़ार

अहल-ए आलम के कलेजे छेद डाले साथ ही

क़ल्ब-ए आलम पर पड़ा गोया दिल-ए गांघी का वार

ऐसे महबूब-ए ख़ुदा पर हाथ उठाया हाए हाए

ला’नत अए जल्लाद ला’नत शर्म शर्म अए नाबकार

ख़ून-ए नाहक़ की ख़बर फैली तो ये गुल खिल गया

आब-ए दर्या मुंजमिद था, मुर्त’एश था कोहसार


अए मेरे मरहूम बापू तुझ को इस की क्या ख़बर

सारी दुनिया रो रही है तेरे ग़म में ज़ार ज़ार

तू है मुस्तग़्नी-सिफ़त मैं क्या लिखूं तेरी सिफ़त

फ़हम-ए इंसानी से बालातर है तेरा एक़्तदार


तू ने दुनिया को सिखाया ख़ुद-निसारी का सबक़

हुज्जत-ए नातक़ में अपनी जान तक कर दी निसार

अपने लोगौं से भी हमदर्दी कोई करता नहीं

ग़ैर के दुख से भी तू होता था फ़ौरन बेक़रार


दाम-ए इस्तब्दाद से हम को छड़ाने के लिये

अपने हाथौं पा-ब-जौलां हो गया तू बार बार

लश्करौं के मुंह फिराये तू ने ख़ाली हाथ ही

मोड़ दी तेरे ख़म-ए गर्दन ने तल्वारौं कि धार


दर्स-ए क़द्र-ए ख़ुद शनासी का मो’अल्लिम था तु ही

ज़ो’फ़-ए मज्बूरी में देखा जिस ने ज़ोर-ए एख़्तियार

जीते जी होगा न जाने किस क़दर हर दिल अज़ीज़

जब तेरे मरने पे दुनिया जान करती है निसार


बख़्श देती थी सुकूं दिल को तेरी मौजूदगी

तेरी सूरत देख कर पारे को आता था क़रार

क्यूं न मिट जाती जहां से ज़ुल्मत-ए जंग ओ जदल

क़ल्ब-ए आलम को जिला देता था तेरा इन्कसार


चर्ख़ से नाहीद उतर कर हश्र तक जनती रहे

तेरा सानी दहर में पैदा न होगा ज़ीनहार


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. John Robert Paul nadir shahjahaaNpuri (1890-1963) was born in a Christian missionary family. He chose to continue to live in India and composed extensively in urdu with a full-fledged divan of nearly 400 Ghazal to his name. Also see his hamd and n’aat-e maseehi posted on this site. This his tribute to gandhi.
gulshan-e-aalam1 meN Gham2 har raNg3 se hai aashkaar4
chashm5-e shabnam6 ashk-afshaaN7, siina-e gul daaGhdaar8
diidni9 hai raunaq10-e Khurshiid11-e Khaavar12 subah-dam13
shaam hote Gham2 ki zardi14 us ke ruKh15 se aashkaar4 of the world, world 2.pain, sorrow 3.colour, shape, form 4.apparent, manifest 5.eye 6.dew 7.tear dripping 8.stained 9.worth seeing 10.glory 11.sun 12.east 13.dawn 14.pale 15.face
Pain and sorrow appears in every shape and form in this world. The eye of Dew drips tears, the heart of the rose is stained dark. The brilliance of the eastern sun is worth seeing at dawn but in the evening its face turns pale in sorrow.

koh1 o sahra2 meN uchhalta koodta hai saare din
raat aate hi sukoon3-e marg4 meN hai aabshaar5
kam-sini6 meN Ghucha-suurat7 muskuraata hai bashar8
aalam-e-piiri9 meN rota hai vahi phir zaar-zaar10    
1.hill 2.wilderness 3.quiet 4.death 5.spring, brook 6.young age a bud 8.human old age 10.profusely
Here ‘din’ and ‘raat’ probably should be interpreted metaphorically as rain and drought. Thus, the brook flows over rocks in the hills and in the wilderness during rains and goes quiet as if dead, during drought. During youth, humans smile like a bud about to bloom, but in old age they weep profusely.

alGharaz1 eejaad2 ki har cheez hai jab raftani3
kis ko ro’eN, kis ko peeTeN, kis liye hoN sogvaar4
laakh zaabit5 ho, magar majboor6-e fitrat7 hai bashar8
phir bhi Gham hota hai jab marta hai koii Ghamgusaar9    
1.after all 2.used here in the sense of creation 3.transitory 4.mournful control 6.bound by 7.nature, character 8.human 9.sympathizer, friend
After all, everything in this material world is transitory. Why cry, beat our chests or be mournful for anyone. But however much humans may try to control themselves, they are bound by their nature and are pained when a friend dies.

marsia1 likhna paRa hai gandhi-e marhoom2 ka
jo shah3-e be-taKht4 tha be-taaj tha jo taajdaar
josh5 meN Khud ba-Khud6 do tiin matle7 bandh8 gaye
shaa’er-e fitrat9 huN fitri she’r hai mera she’aar10    
1.elegy 2.dead, assassinated 3.king 4.without throne 5.passion themselves 7.opening ash’aar composed 9.nature, emotion 10.character, nature
I am having to compose an elegy to the assassinated gandhi, who was a king without a throne, crowned with a crown. Because of my passion, a few opening ash’aar came to mind on their own. I am a poet of emotion and sentimental nature.

paR gaii uftaad1 kaisi hind par parvardigaar2
jis ko dekho siina koobaaN3, jis ko dekho ashkbaar4
gardish5-e gardoon6-e gardaaN7, ab tera kya e’tebaar8
tere haathoN Khaak meN jaaye gandhi Khaaksaar9   
1.befallen, as in calamity 2.god 3.beating 4.shedding tears 5.struggle, fate 7.rolling 9.humble/gentle
What calamity has fallen on hindustan, O, god. Whoever we see is beating their bosom, shedding tears. O, fate that is given to us by this rolling sky, how can we trust you anymore. At your hands, the humble/gentle gandhi laid into the dust!

aye zamiN faryaad1 kar, aye charKh2 ho KhooN-naaba-baar3
ro rahi hai maatam4-e gandhi meN fitrat5 zaar-zaar6
Khaak meN tu ne milaaya gandhi-e marhoom7 ko
kab ka piir-e-aasmaaN8 dil se nikaala hai Ghubaar9    
1.appeal, cry out 2.wheel, sky 3.rain tears of blood 4.mourning 5.nature 6.profusely 7.dead, assassinated 8.ancient sky 9.fog, ill-will, anger
O, earth, cry out. O, sky, rain tears of blood. Nature herself is mourning gandhi. O, ancient sky (fate) who old anger are you visiting on us today, by felling assassinated gandhi into the dust.

janvari ki tees1 thi aur aRtaalees2 san3
jab kiya pistol se gandhi ek qaatil4 ne vaar5
qatl kar Daala Khuda ke ghar meN naathu raam ne
paas6 mazhab ka kiya mutlaq7 na Khauf8-e kirdegaar9    
1.thirty 2.forty eight 3.year 4.killer 5.strike 6.concern, respect 7.absolutely 8.fear 9.god
It was the thirtieth of January, year forty-eight, when a killer struck/shot gandhi with a pistol. nathu raam killed him in the house of god (at a prayer meeting) with absolutely no regard for faith, nor any fear of god.

be-jigar1 ho kar taRa-taR tiin faa’er kar diye
jis se chhalni ho gaya gandhi ka saara jism-e-zaar2
ahl-e-aalam3 ke kaleje4 chhed Daale saath hi
qalb-e-aalam5 par paRa goya6 dil-e gandhi ka vaar7    
1.used here to mean without feeling/pity 2.frail body 3.people of the world 4.liver/heart 5.hearts of the world if 7.strike, blow
He fired three shots without feeling any pity. Gandhi’s frail body was riddled like a sieve immediately. Along with this, the hearts of the people of the world were drilled, as if the blow on gandhi was a blow on them.

aise mahboob1-e Khuda par haath uThaaya haaye haaye
l’aanat2 aye jallaad3-e l’aanat sharm sharm
Khoon4-e naahaq5 ki Khabar6 phaili to ye gul-khil-gaya7
aab8-e darya9 munjamid10 tha, murta’esh11 that kohsaar12   
1.beloved 2.curse 3.executioner, killer 4.blood, killing 5.unjustifiable became apparent 8.water 9.river 10.frozen, stilled 11.tremble 12.hills
He raised his against against him who was the beloved of god. Curse on you, O, killer, shame on you. When the news of this unjustifiable killing spread it was as if waters in rivers had stopped flowing, that the very hills were trembling in fear.

aye mere marhoom1 baapu tujh ko is ki kya Khabar2
saari duniya ro rahi hai tere Gham meN zaar-zaar3
tu hai mustaGhni-sifat4 maiN kya likhuN teri sifat
fahm5-e insaani is baala-tar6 hai tera eqtedaar7      
1.dead, assassinated 2.knowledge 3.profusely 4.of a nature that does not want/need anything 5.understanding 6.higher than, beyond 7.influence, power
O, my murdered baapu, how can you know that the whole world is crying profusely in sorrow. How can I write about your nature – a nature that has given up all worldly possessions, and worldly power. Still you have an influence over minds that is beyond human understanding.

tu ne duniya ko sikhaaya Khud-nisaari1 ka sabaq2
hujjat3-e naatiq4 meN apni jaan tak kar dii nisaar5
apne logoN se bhi hamdardi6 koii karta nahiN
Ghair7 ke dukh8 se bhi tu hota tha fauran9 be-qaraar10  

1.self-sacrifice 2.lesson 3.voice, argument 4.reason 5.sacrifice 6.sympathy 7.other, unrelated 8.pain, sorrow 9.immediately 10.restless, pained
You taught/gave the world the lesson of self-sacrifice. You sacrificed you life but stayed with the voice of reason (without taking up arms). No one cares much even for their own kith and kin, but you were pained by the pain of others.

daam1-e istebdaad2 se hum ko chhuRaane ke liye
apne haathoN paa-ba-jaulaaN3 ho gaya tu baar-baar4
lashkaron5 ke muNh phiraaye tu ne Khaali haath hi
moR dii tere Kham6-e gardan ne talwaaroN ki dhaar, web 2.oppression 3.manacled feet, imprisoned 4.repeatedly 5.armies 6.bend, bowed
To free us from the web of oppression you (at your hands) voluntarily went to prison again and again. With your bare hands you turned armies. Your bowed head (non-violence) turned away the sharp edge of swords.

dars1-e qadr2-e Khud-shanaasi3 ka mo’allim4 tha tu hi
z’auf5-e majboori6 meN dekha jis ne zor7-e eKhtiyaar8
jiite ji hoga na jaane kis qadar9 har-dil-aziiz10
jab tere marne pe duniya jaan karti hai nisaar11   
1.lesson 2.respect, value 3.self-awareness, self-reflection 4.teacher 5.weakness 6.powerlessness 7.power 8.will, self-control, self-determination 9.this much 10.beloved of all 11.offer in homage
You alone were a teacher of the lesson of the value of self-reflection. In the weakness of powerlessness you saw the power of self-determination. How much beloved of all you must have been during your life, that upon your death people are ready to make an offering/tribute with their life.

baKhsh1 deti thi sukooN2 dil ko teri maujoodagi3
teri suurat dekh kar paare4 ko aata tha qaraar5
kyuN na miT jaati jahaaN se zulmat6-e jaNg-o-jadal7
qalb8-e aalam9 ko jilaa10 deta tha tera inkesaar11    
1.granted 2.comfort 3.presence 4.mercury 5.peace of mind 6.darkness 7.war and conflict 8.heart 10.brilliance, light 11.humility, consideration for the other
Your presence granted comfort to every heart. Looking at you, even restless mercury finds peace of mind. Why should the darkness of war and conflict not be banished from the world. Your humility and consideration of others gives the light of love to the hearts of the world.

charKh1 se naahiid2 utar kar hashr3 tak janti4 rahe
tera saani5 dahr6 meN paida na hoga ziinhaar7 2.Venus 3.doomsday birth 5.example, equal 7.never
Venus herself may descend from the skies and give birth till doomsday, but she will not be able to produce your equal.

John Robert Paul nadir shahjahaaNpuri (1890-1963) was born in a Christian missionary family.  He chose to continue to live in India and composed extensively in urdu with a full-fledged divan of nearly 400 Ghazal to his name.  Also see his hamd and n’aat-e maseehi posted on this site.  This his tribute to gandhi.
gulshan-e-aalam1 meN Gham2 har raNg3 se hai aashkaar4
chashm5-e shabnam6 ashk-afshaaN7, siina-e gul daaGhdaar8
diidni9 hai raunaq10-e Khurshiid11-e Khaavar12 subah-dam13
shaam hote Gham2 ki zardi14 us ke ruKh15 se aashkaar4 of the world, world 2.pain, sorrow 3.colour, shape, form 4.apparent, manifest 5.eye 6.dew 7.tear dripping 8.stained 9.worth seeing 10.glory 11.sun 12.east 13.dawn 14.pale 15.face

Pain and sorrow appears in every shape and form in this world.  The eye of Dew drips tears, the heart of the rose is stained dark.  The brilliance of the eastern sun is worth seeing at dawn but in the evening its face turns pale in sorrow.
koh1 o sahra2 meN uchhalta koodta hai saare din
raat aate hi sukoon3-e marg4 meN hai aabshaar5
kam-sini6 meN Ghucha-suurat7 muskuraata hai bashar8
aalam-e-piiri9 meN rota hai vahi phir zaar-zaar10

1.hill 2.wilderness 3.quiet 4.death 5.spring, brook 6.young age a bud 8.human old age 10.profusely

Here ‘din’ and ‘raat’ probably should be interpreted metaphorically as rain and drought.  Thus, the brook flows over rocks in the hills and in the wilderness during rains and goes quiet as if dead, during drought.  During youth, humans smile like a bud about to bloom, but in old age they weep profusely.
alGharaz1 eejaad2 ki har cheez hai jab raftani3
kis ko ro’eN, kis ko peeTeN, kis liye hoN sogvaar4
laakh zaabit5 ho, magar majboor6-e fitrat7 hai bashar8
phir bhi Gham hota hai jab marta hai koii Ghamgusaar9

1.after all 2.used here in the sense of creation 3.transitory 4.mournful control 6.bound by 7.nature, character 8.human 9.sympathizer, friend

After all, everything in this material world is transitory.  Why cry, beat our chests or be mournful for anyone.  But however much humans may try to control themselves, they are bound by their nature and are pained when a friend dies.
marsia1 likhna paRa hai gandhi-e marhoom2 ka
jo shah3-e be-taKht4 tha be-taaj tha jo taajdaar
josh5 meN Khud ba-Khud6 do tiin matle7 bandh8 gaye
shaa’er-e fitrat9 huN fitri she’r hai mera she’aar10

1.elegy 2.dead, assassinated 3.king 4.without throne 5.passion themselves 7.opening ash’aar composed 9.nature, emotion 10.character, nature

I am having to compose an elegy to the assassinated gandhi, who was a king without a throne, crowned with a crown.  Because of my passion, a few opening ash’aar came to mind on their own.  I am a poet of emotion and sentimental nature.
paR gaii uftaad1 kaisi hind par parvardigaar2
jis ko dekho siina koobaaN3, jis ko dekho ashkbaar4
gardish5-e gardoon6-e gardaaN7, ab tera kya e’tebaar8
tere haathoN Khaak meN jaaye gandhi Khaaksaar9

1.befallen, as in calamity 2.god 3.beating 4.shedding tears 5.struggle, fate 7.rolling 9.humble/gentle

What calamity has fallen on hindustan, O, god.  Whoever we see is beating their bosom, shedding tears.  O, fate that is given to us by this rolling sky, how can we trust you anymore.  At your hands, the humble/gentle gandhi laid into the dust!
aye zamiN faryaad1 kar, aye charKh2 ho KhooN-naaba-baar3
ro rahi hai maatam4-e gandhi meN fitrat5 zaar-zaar6
Khaak meN tu ne milaaya gandhi-e marhoom7 ko
kab ka piir-e-aasmaaN8 dil se nikaala hai Ghubaar9

1.appeal, cry out 2.wheel, sky 3.rain tears of blood 4.mourning 5.nature 6.profusely 7.dead, assassinated 8.ancient sky 9.fog, ill-will, anger

O, earth, cry out.  O, sky, rain tears of blood.  Nature herself is mourning gandhi.  O, ancient sky (fate) who old anger are you visiting on us today, by felling assassinated gandhi into the dust.
janvari ki tees1 thi aur aRtaalees2 san3
jab kiya pistol se gandhi ek qaatil4 ne vaar5
qatl kar Daala Khuda ke ghar meN naathu raam ne
paas6 mazhab ka kiya mutlaq7 na Khauf8-e kirdegaar9

1.thirty 2.forty eight 3.year 4.killer 5.strike 6.concern, respect 7.absolutely 8.fear 9.god

It was the thirtieth of January, year forty-eight, when a killer struck/shot gandhi with a pistol.  nathu raam killed him in the house of god (at a prayer meeting) with absolutely no regard for faith, nor any fear of god.
be-jigar1 ho kar taRa-taR tiin faa’er kar diye
jis se chhalni ho gaya gandhi ka saara jism-e-zaar2
ahl-e-aalam3 ke kaleje4 chhed Daale saath hi
qalb-e-aalam5 par paRa goya6 dil-e gandhi ka vaar7

1.used here to mean without feeling/pity 2.frail body 3.people of the world 4.liver/heart 5.hearts of the world if 7.strike, blow

He fired three shots without feeling any pity.  Gandhi’s frail body was riddled like a sieve immediately.  Along with this, the hearts of the people of the world were drilled, as if the blow on gandhi was a blow on them.
aise mahboob1-e Khuda par haath uThaaya haaye haaye
l’aanat2 aye jallaad3-e l’aanat sharm sharm
Khoon4-e naahaq5 ki Khabar6 phaili to ye gul-khil-gaya7
aab8-e darya9 munjamid10 tha, murta’esh11 that kohsaar12

1.beloved 2.curse 3.executioner, killer 4.blood, killing 5.unjustifiable became apparent 8.water 9.river 10.frozen, stilled 11.tremble 12.hills

He raised his against against him who was the beloved of god.  Curse on you, O, killer, shame on you.  When the news of this unjustifiable killing spread it was as if waters in rivers had stopped flowing, that the very hills were trembling in fear.
aye mere marhoom1 baapu tujh ko is ki kya Khabar2
saari duniya ro rahi hai tere Gham meN zaar-zaar3
tu hai mustaGhni-sifat4 maiN kya likhuN teri sifat
fahm5-e insaani is baala-tar6 hai tera eqtedaar7

1.dead, assassinated 2.knowledge 3.profusely 4.of a nature that does not want/need anything 5.understanding 6.higher than, beyond 7.influence, power

O, my murdered baapu, how can you know that the whole world is crying profusely in sorrow.  How can I write about your nature – a nature that has given up all worldly possessions, and worldly power.  Still you have an influence over minds that is beyond human understanding.
tu ne duniya ko sikhaaya Khud-nisaari1 ka sabaq2
hujjat3-e naatiq4 meN apni jaan tak kar dii nisaar5
apne logoN se bhi hamdardi6 koii karta nahiN
Ghair7 ke dukh8 se bhi tu hota tha fauran9 be-qaraar10

1.self-sacrifice 2.lesson 3.voice, argument 4.reason 5.sacrifice 6.sympathy 7.other, unrelated 8.pain, sorrow 9.immediately 10.restless, pained

You taught/gave the world the lesson of self-sacrifice.  You sacrificed you life but stayed with the voice of reason (without taking up arms).  No one cares much even for their own kith and kin, but you were pained by the pain of others.
daam1-e istebdaad2 se hum ko chhuRaane ke liye
apne haathoN paa-ba-jaulaaN3 ho gaya tu baar-baar4
lashkaron5 ke muNh phiraaye tu ne Khaali haath hi
moR dii tere Kham6-e gardan ne talwaaroN ki dhaar, web 2.oppression 3.manacled feet, imprisoned 4.repeatedly 5.armies 6.bend, bowed

To free us from the web of oppression you (at your hands) voluntarily went to prison again and again.  With your bare hands you turned armies.  Your bowed head (non-violence) turned away the sharp edge of swords.
dars1-e qadr2-e Khud-shanaasi3 ka mo’allim4 tha tu hi
z’auf5-e majboori6 meN dekha jis ne zor7-e eKhtiyaar8
jiite ji hoga na jaane kis qadar9 har-dil-aziiz10
jab tere marne pe duniya jaan karti hai nisaar11

1.lesson 2.respect, value 3.self-awareness, self-reflection 4.teacher 5.weakness 6.powerlessness 7.power 8.will, self-control, self-determination 9.this much 10.beloved of all 11.offer in homage

You alone were a teacher of the lesson of the value of self-reflection.  In the weakness of powerlessness you saw the power of self-determination.  How much beloved of all you must have been during your life, that upon your death people are ready to make an offering/tribute with their life.
baKhsh1 deti thi sukooN2 dil ko teri maujoodagi3
teri suurat dekh kar paare4 ko aata tha qaraar5
kyuN na miT jaati jahaaN se zulmat6-e jaNg-o-jadal7
qalb8-e aalam9 ko jilaa10 deta tha tera inkesaar11

1.granted 2.comfort 3.presence 4.mercury 5.peace of mind 6.darkness 7.war and conflict 8.heart 10.brilliance, light 11.humility, consideration for the other

Your presence granted comfort to every heart.  Looking at you, even restless mercury finds peace of mind.  Why should the darkness of war and conflict not be banished from the world.  Your humility and consideration of others gives the light of love to the hearts of the world.
charKh1 se naahiid2 utar kar hashr3 tak janti4 rahe
tera saani5 dahr6 meN paida na hoga ziinhaar7 2.Venus 3.doomsday birth 5.example, equal 7.never

Venus herself may descend from the skies and give birth till doomsday, but she will not be able to produce your equal.