michelangelo ke saath ek dua – vaheed aKhtar

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مائیکل انجلو كے ساتھ اک دعا  ۔ وحید اَخْتَر


اندھیری رات كے پُر ہول سنّاٹے سے
روشن دن كے ہیبت ناک شور و غُل کی گہرائی میں سوتی خامُشی کی بے کناری سے
کوئی آواز دیتا ہے


کوئی آواز میری روح كے خلوت کدے میں قطرہ قطرہ گر رہی ہے
زمستاں كے یخ آغشتہ دریچوں پر کسی کی اُنگلیوں کی گرم دستک پِھر رہی ہے


پچاس ادوار پورے ہو چکے ہیں ، تِین سو پینسٹھ دنوں كے
اور اُتنے ہی موسموں كے چاک کی گردش میں بس کر
جسم خستہ، ہڈیاں کمزور اور عضلات ڈھیلے پر گئے ہیں
اور تار اعصاب كےبرسوں تنے رہنے سے بس ٹوٹنے کو ہیں
ہمیشہ گھومتے محور كے اطراف اک ہی سی گردِشوں كے دائیرے میں
تن کا حیواں تھک چکا ہے ، ہانپتا ہے


کوئی آواز اِن سب گردشوں كے  دائیروں کی خامشی كے  ماوراسے آ رہی ہے
وہ آواز آج بھی اُ تنی ہی روشن اور جواں ہے
جس قدر اِن گردشوں کی اِبتدا میں روح کو محسوس ہوئی تھی


وہی آواز
یہ  فیضان ہے  جس کا، كہ خستہ ، ہانپتے حیواں بدن میں قید
میری روح اب بھی ، نوجوان، معصوم ہے
پیری و کہنہ سالگی سے نا شناسا ہے


یہی آواز نوّے سال سے بوڑھے بدن میں قید روحِ نو جوان کی قوتِ تخلیق بن کر
بطونِ سنگ میں خوابیدہ دست و پا و سَر کو اپنے تیشے سے جگاتی تھی
اُنہیں چشم و دماغ و گوش کی دولت عطا کرتی
تھکانے والے چاکِ وقت کی گردش سے دے کر حُرّیت
اِس اک زماں میں زندہ کرتی تھی
ازل سے تا ابد جو ایک ہے، ناقابلِ تقسیم ہے
تخلیق دَر تخلیق دَر تخلیق  ۔۔۔ کا لا انتہا اک سلسلہ ہے


یہی آواز اک چیپل كے چھت میں امرِ کُن كے اوّلین لمحے کی خلّاقی کی شاہد تھی
طلوع آفتابِ آفرینش كے مناظر نقش کرتی تھی
اِسی آواز کی اُنگلی پکڑ کر آدم و ہوّا كے کالبُد میں جان آئی
اِسی آواز کا تھا سرمدی نغمہ كہ جس كے سب سے اونچے سُر كے رنگوں سے
قیامت اور مابعدِ قیامت كے مناظر جاگ اُٹّھے تھے
جہنّم اور جنّت کو اِسی آواز کی آنکھوں سےخلّاق آدمی کی آنکھ نے دیکھا ، دکھایا تھا


اسی آواز نے اُقلیدسی شکلوں، خطوں، نقطوں کا ایسا جال بچھایا
كہ وہ گنبد جسے عمریں گنوا کر بھی مُہندِس گنبدِ گردوں  كے دامن میں نہ رکھ پائے
نوّد سالا لرزتی اُنگلیوں  نے رکھ دیا دوشِ فضا پر
خدایا  آفرینندہ!


ازل بھی آفریدہ ہے تیرا ہی اور ابد بھی حکم سے تیرے ہے پائیندہ
تیرے ہی امرِ کُن کی ہے صدا ، جو روح كے خلوت کدے میں گونجتی ہے
تیرے ہی امرِ کُن کا اک ادنیٰ سا کرشمہ تھا جو نوّے سال تک جاگا کسی کی اُنگلیوں میں
جو مرمر کی سِلوں کو بخشتا تھا کالبُد اور کالبُد کو روح
جو دیواروں اور چھتوں پر آفرینش كے مناظر کو جگاتا اور  دکھاتا تھا
خدایا آفرینندہ !
تیرے ہی امرِ کُن کی نغمگی سے روح ہے زندہ


یہ آواز اُن لبوں کو کیوں نہیں چھوتی جو تیرا نام لے لے کر فضا کو شور سے آلودہ کرتے ہیں
یہ آواز آج کیوں محراب و ممبر کی بَلَنْدی سے  چہکتے طوطیوں كے لب پہ آ کر سونے لگتی ہے ؟


یہ آوازوں كے بندے
حلق جن كے شور و شَر كے کارخانے، موت كے  پیغام بر اور قتل و غارت كے  پَیامی ہیں
کبھی اُن پر بھی ہو تخلیق کا کربِ خموشی  آشکارا
کبھی اُن كے شکم آسودہ  جسموں پر بھی نازل کر
وہ  ہیبت ناک سنّاٹا
كہ  جس کی ہولناکی میں نُزولِ حکمِ ” اِقرا” ہوا
خدایا ! آفرینندہ


یہ آخر کن گُناہوں کی سزا میں
تو نے مجھ کوکاغذی لفظوں کی بے معنی صداؤں كےسلاسل میں کیا بستہ
مجھے اِس شور کرتی کھوکھلی آواز كے زنداں سے دے حکمِ  رہائی
دہائی قوتِ تخلیقِ مطلق کی دہائی


اِن آوازوں  کی سنگین ، نعل بستہ ٹھوکروں  سے کان تو کر چکے ہیں
کہیں وہ روح بھی جو ناشُنیدہ نغمگی کی منتظر ہے کر  نہ ہو جائے
میرے اطراف ہر سو حلقہ دَر حلقہ کڑکتی اور  گرجتی  یہ صدائیں
ہوں کیسے آشْنا تخلیق کی رمزوں سے
کیسے جِسم اِن كے چیختے رہنے سے باز آئیں
اِنہیں تو جنگ کی بھٹّی کو دہکانا ہے اور شعلوں كے لب سے بات کَرنا ہے
خدایا ! خالقِ مطلق


بدن آشُفْتَہ آوازوں كے تیرا نام اِتنی بار اِتنی زور سے دہراتے رہتے  ہیں
كہ آوازوں کی تہہ دَر تہہ چھتوں میں قید روح و دِل
خموشی كے قدم کی چاپ اور آہستہ دستک سُن نہیں سکتے
عطا کر تو ، انہیں خاموش رہنے کی کبھی توفیق ، ائے خالق
كہ ان سے بھی کبھی کچھ کہہ سکے سرگوشیوں میں قوّتِ تخلیق ، ائے خالق !
خدایا! آفرینندہ!


نکال اِس بندۂ عاصی کو گردابِ مواعظ کی ہلاکت سے
عذاب و دوزخ و سجّین كے  قعرِ مذلِّت سے
رہائی دے وصالِ حور كے وعدوں سے شہد و شیر کی نہروں کی کثرت سے
مجھے آزاد کر خوفِ جہنم ، حرصِ جنت سے


خدایا ! ائے مجیبِ ہر دعائے اوّل و آخر
ہے تو ہی عارفِ  ہر باطن و ظاہر
بس اتنی سی دعا ہے
مجھے اِن  نوّے سالا اُنگلیوں کی قوتِ تخلیق کا رمز آشْنا کر
وہ جن کی آخری جنبش میں بھی تخلیق کی حمد و ثنا تھی
کسی پتھر کو دِل ، دیوار کو جاں بخشنے کی اِلتجا تھی
مجھے بھی آفرینش كے کرشموں کا ہو عرفاں
میرے لفظوں میں روح کُن ہو پِھر اک بار رقصاں

मिकलआंजेलो के साथ एक दुआ – वहीद अख़्तर


अंधेरी रात के पुर-हौल सन्नाटे से

रौशन दिन के हैबत नाक शोर ओ ग़ुल की गहराई में सोती ख़ामुशी की बे-किनारी से

कोइ आवाज़ देता है


कोइ आवाज़ मेरी रूह के ख़िल्वत कदे में क़तरा क़तरा गिर रही है

ज़मिस्तां के यख़ आग़ुश्ता दरीचौं पर किसी की उंगलियों की गर्म दस्तक फिर रही है


पचास अद्वार पूरे हो चुके हैं, तीन सौ पैंसठ दिनौं के

और इतने ही मोसमौं के चाक की गर्दिश में बस कर

जिस्म ख़स्ता, हड्डियां कमज़ोर और उज़लात ढीले पड़ गऐ हैं

और तार आ’साब के बरसों तने रहने से बस टूट्ने को हैं

हमेशा घूमते महवर के अतराफ़ एक ही सी गर्दिशों के दा’एरे में

तन का हैवां थक चुका है, हांप्ता है


कोइ आवाज़ इन सब गर्दिशों के दा’एरौं की ख़ामुशी के मावरा से आ रही है

वो आवाज़ आज भी इतनी ही रौशन और जवां है

जिस क़दर इन गर्दिशों की इब्तेदा में रूह को महसूस हुई थी


वही आवाज़

— ये फ़ैज़ान है जिस का, के ख़स्ता, हांपते हैवां बदन में क़ैद

मेरी रूह अब भी नौजवान, मा’सूम है

पीरी ओ कोहना सालगी से नाशिनासा है


यही आवाज़ नव्वे साल से बूढ़े बदन में क़ैद रूह-ए नौ-जवां की क़ुव्वत-ए तख़लीक़ बन कर

बतून-ए संग में ख़्वाबीदा दस्त ओ पा ओ सर को अपने तीशे से जगाती थी

इन्हें चश्म ओ दिमाग़ ओ गोश की दौलत अता करती

थकाने वाले चाक-ए वक़्त की गर्दिश से दे कर हुर्रियत

इस एक ज़मां में ज़िंदा करती थी

अज़ल से ता अबद जो एक है, नाक़ाबिल-ए तक़्सीम है

तख़लीक़ दर तख़लीक़ दर तख़लीक़ … का ला-इंतेहा एक सिलसिला है


यही आवाज़ एक चैपल के छत में अम्र-ए कुन के अव्वलीं लम्हे की ख़ल्लाक़ि कि शाहेद थी

तूलू-ए आफ़्ताब-ए आफ़्रीनश के मनाज़िर नक़्श करती थी

इसी आवाज़ की उंगली पकड़ कर आदम ओ हव्वा के जामिद कालबुद में जान आई

इस आवाज़ का था सरमदी नग़्मा के जिस के सब से ऊंचे सुर के रंगों से

क़यामत और माबाद-ए क़यामत के मनाज़िर जाग उट्ठे थे

जहन्नुम और जन्नत को इसी आवाज़ कि आंखौं से ख़ल्लाक़ आदमी की आंखौं ने देखा, दिखाया था


इसी आवाज़ ने उक़लीदसी शक्लौं, क़तौं नुक़्तौं का ऐसा जाल फैलाया

के वो गुंबद जिसे उम्रें गंवा कर भी मोहन्दिस गुंबद-ए गरदूं के दामन में ना रख पाए

नव्वद साला लरज़ती उंगलियों ने रख दिया दोश-ए फ़िज़ा पर

ख़ुदाया! आफ़्रीनन्दा


अज़ल भी आफ़रीदा है तेरा ही और अबद भी हुक्म से तेरे है पा’इंदा

तेरे ही अम्र-ए कुन की है सदा, जो रूह के ख़िल्वत कदे में गूँजती है

तेरे ही अम्र-ए कुन का एक अदना सा करिश्मा था जो नव्वे साल तक जागा किसी की उंगलियों में

जो मरमर की सिलौं को बख़्शता था कालबुद और कालबुद को रूह-ए आसूदा

जो दीवारौं छतौं पर आफ़्रीनश के मनाज़िर को जगाता और दिखाता था

ख़ुदाया! आफ़्रीनन्दा

तेरे ही अम्र-ए कुन की नग़्मगी से रूह है ज़िंदा



ये आवाज़ उन लबौं को क्यूं नहीं छूती जो तेरा नाम ले ले कर फ़िज़ा को शोर से आलूदा करते हैं

ये आवाज़ आज क्यूं मेहराब ओ मिमबर की बलंदी से चहकते तूतियौं के लब पे आ कर सोने लगती है?


ये आवाजौं के बंदे

हलक़ जिन के शोर ओ शर के कारख़ाने, मौत के पैग़ामबर और क़त्ल ओ ग़ारत के पयामी हैं

कभी इन पर भी हो तख़लीक़ का कर्ब-ए ख़मोशी आश्कारा

कभी इन के शिकम आसूदा जिस्मौं पर भी नाज़िल कर

वो हैबत नाक सन्नाटा

के जिस की हौलनाकी में नुज़ूल-ए हुक्म-ए “इक़्रा” हो

ख़ुदाया! आफ़्रीनन्दा


ये आख़िर किन गुनाहौं की सज़ा में

तू ने मुझ को काग़ज़ी लफ़्ज़ों की बे मा’नी सदाऔं के सलासल में किया बस्ता

मुझे इस शोर करती खोखली आवाज़ के ज़िन्दां से दे हुक्म-ए रेहाई

दुहाई क़ुव्वत-ए तख़लीक़-ए मुत्लक़ की दुहाई


इन आवाज़ों की संगीन, ना’ल बस्ता ठोकरौं से कान तो कर चुके हैं

कहीं वो रूह भी जो नाशुनीदा नग़्मगी की मुन्तज़िर है कर ना हो जाए

मेरे अतराफ़ हर सू हल्क़ा दर हल्क़ा कड़कती और गरजती ये सदाऐं

हों कैसे आश्ना तख़लीक़ की रमजौं से

कैसे जिस्म इन के चीख़ते रहने से बाज़ आएं

इन्हें तो जंग की भट्टि को दहकाना है और शोलौं के लब से बात करना है

ख़ुदाया!  ख़ालिक़-ए मुत्लक़


बदन आशुफ़्ता आवाज़ों के तेरा नाम इतनी बार इतनी ज़ोर से दोहराते हैं

के आवाज़ों की तह दर तह छतौं में क़ैद रूह ओ दिल

ख़मोशी के क़दम की चाप और आहिस्ता दस्तक सुन नहीं सकते

अता कर तू, इन्हें ख़ामोश रहने की तौफ़ीक़, अए ख़ालिक़

के इन से भी कभी कुच्छ कह सके सरगोशियों में क़ुव्वत-ए तख़लीक़, अए ख़ालिक़!

ख़ुदाया! अफ़्रीनन्दा


निकाल इस बंदा-ए आ’सी को गिर्दाब-ए मवा’एज़ की हलाकत से

अज़ाब ओ दोज़ख़ ओ सिज्जीन के क़ा’र-ए मुज़्ज़लित से

रेहाई दे विसाल-ए हूर के वादौं से शहद ओ शीर की नहरों की कसरत से

मुझे आज़ाद कर ख़ौफ़-ए जहन्नुम, हिर्स-ए जन्नत से


ख़ुदाया! अए मुजीब-ए हर दुआ-ए अव्वल ओ आख़िर

है तू ही आरिफ़-ए हर बातिन ओ ज़ाहिर

बस इतनी सी दुआ है

मुझे इन नव्वे साला उंगलियों की क़ुव्वत-ए तख़लीक़ का रम्ज़-आशना कर

वो जिन की आख़िरी जुम्बिश में भी तख़लीक़ की हम्द ओ सना थी

किसी पत्थर को दिल, दीवार को जां बख़्शने की इल्तेजा थी

मुझे भी आफ़्रीनिश के करिश्मौं का हो इरफ़ां

मेरे लफ़्ज़ों में रूह-ए कुन हो फिर एक बार रक़्सां

michelangelo ke saath ek dua – vaheed aKhtar

Click here for overall comments and on any passage for meanings and discussion. vaheed aKhtar wrote this in Tehran in 1986, at 50 years of age, perhaps soon after a visit to Italy. He pays a tribute to the creativity and art of michelangelo (who lived to be 90) and compares it to the “first act of creation”. He uses creativity and creation in synonymous and overlapping ways. Silence (inspiration, listening) plays a big role in his verse and the noise and din of the religious order is much derided. There is likely to be some reflection of the post Iranian revolution and the depth of misery and war mongering of the Iran-Iraq war. There is a bit of introspection on his own 50 years and a beautiful prayer/wish that he may get a glimpse of the power of creativity of the 90 year old fingers of michelangelo but in a poetic sense. There is a continuum of creativity/inspiration from the first act of creation, to mohammed’s first inspiration (iqra) and michelangelo’s work to the poet’s verse.

andheri raat ke pur-haul1 sannaaTe2 se
raushan din ke haibat-naak3 shor o Ghul4 ki gahraaii5 meN soti Khaamushi ki be-kinaari6 se
koii aavaaz deta hai
1.deep, awe inspiring, mysterious (used here in a positive sense) 2.stillness, complete silence 3.terrifying 4.noise and din 5.depth 6.boundless
The poet experiences the existence of a deep and mysterious silence, both in the eerie stillness of the night and in the depths beyond the terrifying noise of the day. From the boundless depths of this silence, he hears someone calling …

koii aavaaz meri rooh1 ke Khilwat-kade2 meN qatra qatra gir rahi hai
zaminstaaN3 ke yaKh4 aaGhushta5 dareechauN6 par kisi ki uNgliyauN ki garm dastak phir rahi hai
1.spirit, soul 2.abode of privacy/seclusion 3.winter 4.ice, snow 5.smeared, covered with 6.windows
A (mysterious) voice (inspiration) drips, drop by drop into the depths of my solitude. It is as if I hear the taps of someone’s warm fingers (calling the poet to create) on the wintry, snow smeared windows.

pachaas advaar1 poore ho chuke haiN, teen sau paiNsaTh dinauN ke
aur itne hi mosamauN ke chaak2 ki gardish3 meN bas kar
jism Khasta4, haDDiyaN kamzor aur uzlaat5 Dheele paR gaye haiN
aur taar6 a’asaab7 ke barsauN tane`8 rahne se bas TooTne ko haiN
hamesha ghoomte mahvar9 ke atraaf10 ek hi si gardishauN ke da’are11 meN
tan ka haivaaN12 thak chuka hai, haaNpta13 hai
1.periods (of time) 2.potter’s wheel 3.turns, rotations 4.wounded, weak 5.muscles 6.fibers 7.nerves 8.taught, tight 9.axis (of rotation) 10.around 11.circle 12.animal body, biological 13.panting
Fifty periods of 365 days (i.e. fifty years) have gone by (the poet was 50 years old when he wrote this) and the same number of seasons have turned like the potter’s wheel. The body is tired, bones weak and muscles sagging. Nerve fibres, taut over the years are at the point of snapping. Constantly turning around its axis, in the same circle (of the struggle of living) the animal body is tired and out of breath.

koii aavaaz in sub gardishauN ke da’aerauN1 ki Khaamushi ke maavara2 se aa rahi hai
vo aavaaz aaj bhi itni hi raushan aur javaaN hai
jis qadar3 in gardishauN ki ibtedaa4 meN rooh5 ko mahsoos6 hui thi
1.circles 2.transcending, beyond 3.as much 4.beginning 5.soul 6.feel
The poet hears a (mysterious) voice (inspiration) from the stillness beyond the (constant) rotation/grinding of the turning (of the potter’s wheel – of life). That voice is still as bright and young/strong as it was at the beginning, which the soul felt before this grinding had started.

vahi aavaaz
— ye faizaan1 hai jis ka ke Khasta2, haaNpte3 haivaaN-badan4 meN qaid5
meri rooh6 abbhi naujavaaN, ma’asoom7 hai
peeri8 o kohna-saalagi9 se naa-shinaasa10 hai
1.abundance, generosity 2.weak 3.panting, out of breath 4.animal body 5.imprisoned 6.spirit/soul 7.innoncent, trusting, hopeful 8.old age 9.ancient (many) years 10.unaware
It is the benevolence of that same voice (inspiration of creativity) that imprisoned in this old, weak, out of breath animal body is a spirit that is still young and hopeful, oblivious to aging.

yahi aavaaz navve1 saal se booRhe badan meN qaid2 rooh3-e nau javaaN4 ki quvvat-e taKhleeq5 ban kar
batoon-e saNg6 meN Khwaabeeda7 dast8 o paa9 o sar10 ko apne teeshe11 se jagaati thi
inheN chashm12 o dimaaGh o gosh13 ki daulat ata14 karti
thakaane vaale chaak15-e vaqt ki gardish16 se de kar hurriyat17
is ek zamaaN18 meN zinda karti thi
azal19 se taa20 abad21 jo ek hai naaqaabil22-e taqsiim23 hai
taKhliq24 dar25 taKhliq dar taKhliq … ka la-inteha26 ek silsila27 hai
1.ninety 2.imprisoned 3.spirit/soul 4.youthful 5.power of creation/creativity 6.inside the stone 7.sleeping 8.hands 9.feet 10.head 11.pick axe, chisel 12.eyes 13.ears 14.grant, bestow 15.potter’s wheel (of time) 16.turning 17.freedom 18.time-period, era, epoch 19.beginning (of creation) 20.until 21.the end (of creation/time) 22.incapable of (cannot be) 23.divided 24.creation, creativity 25.within 26.limitless 27.continuity
The same voice (inspiration of creativity/creation) trapped in a ninety year old body remained youthful in its power of creativity and made hands, feet and faces, hidden inside, to emerge from the body of stone with its chisel. It bestowed upon them the spirit of seeing eyes, hearing ears and thinking heads. It freed them from the energy sapping grinding wheel of time and brought them to life in this epoch (rennaisance) and for eternity. It is an indivisible whole from beginning to end – creativity within creativity within creativity, an infinite continuity.

yahi aavaaz ek chapel ke chhat meN amr-e kun1 ke avvaleeN2 lamhe3 ki Khallaaqi4 ki shahed5 thi
tuloo6-e aaftaab7-e aafreenash8 ke manaazir9 naqsh10 karti thi
isi aavaaz ki uNgli pakaR kar aadam o havva11 ke jaamid12 kaalbud13 meN jaan aaii
is aavaaz ka tha sarmadi naGhma14 ke jis ke sub se ooNche sur ke raNgauN se
qayaamat15 aur maabad16-e qayaamat ke manaazir9 jaag uTThe the
jahannum17 aur jannat18 ko isi aavaaz ki aaNkhauN se Khallaaq19 aadmi ki aaNkhauN ne dekha, dikhaaya tha
1.act of creation 2.very first 3.moment 4.creativity, act of creation 5.witness, bear witness/testimony 6.emergence, dawn 7.sun 8.that which has been created 9.scenes 10.sketches, paintings 11.Adam and Eve 12.frozen, motionless 13.bodies 14.song of eternity 15.doomsday 16.that which comes after 17.hell 18.paradise 19.creator/creative
This very same voice (inspiration), on the ceiling of a chapel bears testimony, to the first moments of the very first act of creation. It sketched scenes of the dawn of creation. Holding the finger of this very same voice the lifeless bodies of Adam and Eve acquired life. From the many colours of the highest notes of the song of eternity of this voice the scenes of doomsday and that which comes after doomsday came to life. The creativity of man could see and show the scenes of heaven and hell through the eyes of this very voice.

isi aavaaz ne uqleedasi1 shaklauN2, qatauN3, nuqtauN4 ka aisa jaal phailaaya
ke vo gumbad5 jise umreN6 gaNvaaN kar bhi mohandis7 gunbad-e garduN8 ke daaman9 meN na rakh paae
navvad saala larazti10 uNgliyauN ne rakh diya dosh11-e fiza par
Khudaaya!  afreenanda12 
1.of Euclid, Euclidian 2.shapes 3.lines 4.points 5.dome 6.many lifetimes 7.mathematicians, engineers 8.dome of the sky 9.apron, lap 10.trembling 11.back, shoulder 12.creator
This same voice (inspiration) spread such a web of Euclidian shapes, lines and points that the dome which mathematicians/engineers failed to design (place in the lap of the dome of the sky i.e. place on earth) even after spending many lifetimes, the trembling fingers of 90 years, designed and floated on air (placed high up). This has reference to the dome of St. Peter’s, which many architects tried to design but failed. The project went on unsuccessfully for 40+ years. Finally, Michelangelo, at 90 years of age, was given the commision and succeeded in designing the dome.

azal1 bhi aafreeda2 hai tera hi aur abad3 bhi hukm se tere hai paa’inda4
tere hi amr-e kun5 ki hai sada6, jo rooh ke Khilwat-kade7 meN goonjti hai
tere hi amr-e kun ka ek adna8 sa karishma9 tha jo navve saal tak jaaga kisi ki uNgliyauN meN
jo marmar ki silauN10 ko baKhshta11 tha kaalbud12 aur kaalbud ko rooh-e aasuda13
jo deevaarauN chhatauN par aafreenash14 ke manaazir15 ko jagaata aur dikhaata tha
Khudaaya! aafreenanda
tere hi amr-e kun5 ki naGhmagi16 se rooh hai zinda
1.eternity (past) 2.creation 3.forever (future) 4.firm, stable, credible 5.act of creation 6.sound 7.chamber of solitude/seclusion 8.low, ordinary 9.miracle 10.slabs 11.grant, bestow 12.body 13.tranquil spirit 14.creation 15.scenes 16.song, musicality
The eternal past was created by you, the eternal future too is credible because of you. It is the sound of your act of creation that echoes in the soul’s chamber of seclusion. Your own (grand) act of creation/creativity was reflected in a minor way through 90 year old fingers which gave marble slabs bodies and granted those bodies the tranquility of souls. They made walls and ceilings come alive with scenes of creation. O, god, O creator, the spirit of the music of your act of creation lives on.

ye aavaaz un labauN ko kyuN nahiN chhooti jo tera naam le le kar fiza1 ko shor se aalooda2 karte haiN
ye aavaaz aaj kyuN mehraab3 o mimbar4 ki balandi5 se chahakte tootiyauN6 ke lab pe aa kar soney lagti hai?
1.atmosphere, air 2.pollute 3.central arch of the masjid 4.pulpit 5.height, elevation 6.parrots
Why does this voice (of creativity/creation) not touch those lips that take your name constantly and pollute the air. Why does this voice (inspiration of creativity/wonder) go to sleep as soon as it comes out of the lips of mullahs on pulpits who spout noisy sermons like noisily cackling parrots.

ye aavaazauN1 ke bande2
halaq3 jin ke shor o shar4 ke kaarKhaane, maut ke paiGhaam-bar5 aur qatl o Ghaarat6 ke payaami7 haiN
kabhi in par bhi ho taKhleeq8 ka karb-e Khamoshi9 aashkaara10
kabhi in ke shikam-aasooda11 jismauN12 par bhi naazil13 kar
vo haibat-naak14 sannaaTa15
ke jis ki haulnaaki16 meN nuzool17-e hukm-e “iqraa”18 ho
Khudaaya! aafreenanda19 
1.voices, noise, din 2.servants/slaves 3.throat 4.noise and mischief 5.message bearer 6.murder and mayhem 7.messenger 8.creation/creativity 9.pain/restlessness of silence 10.revealed 11.satiated/full bellies 12.bodies 13.revealed 14.terrifying 15.stillness 16.mysterious, awe inspiring 17.descent, revelation 18.command to “read” 19.creator
These slaves of noise whose throats are factories of din and mischief, bearers of the message of death, messengers of murder and mayhem, sometime, perhaps to them too will be revealed the restlessness of the silence/tranquility of creativity. Perhaps sometime on their full bellied bodies will descend that mysterious silence, in the stillness of which descended the command – “read”, O god, creator. This has reference to the Islamic belief that the first Quranic inspiration/revelation to mohammed was a command – “read”.

ye aaKhir kin gunaahauN ki saza meN
tu ne mujh ko kaaGhazi1 lafzauN ki be ma’ani sadaauN ke salasaal2 meN kiya basta3
mujhe is shor karti khokhli aavaaz ke zindaaN4 se de hukm-e rehaaii5
duhaaii6 quvvat7-e taKhleeq8-e mutlaq9 ki duhaaii6 
1.paper/superficial, lifeless 2.chain, shackles 3.imprisoned 4.prison 5.release 6.(I raise my hands in) prayer 7.power 8.creativity 9.absolute/perfect
What sins have I committed that you punish me thus. You have chained me in the shackles of these lifeless words and meaningless noises. Issue orders of my release, I pray you, O power of perfect creativity.

in aavaazauN ki sangeeN1, na’al2 basta3 ThokarauN4 se kaan to kar5 chuke haiN
kahiN vo rooh bhi jo naashuneeda6 naGhmagi7 ki muntazir8 hai kar5 na ho jaae
mere atraaf6 har soo7 halqa dar halqa kaRakti aur garajti ye sadaaeN8
hoN kaise aashna9 taKhleeq10 ki ramzauN11 se
kaise jism in ke cheeKhte rahne se baaz12 aaeN
inheN to juNg ki bhaTTi13 ko dahkaana14 hai aur sholauN15 ke lab16 se baat karna hai
Khudaaya!  Khaaliq-e mutlaq17 
1.stony, hard (harsh) 2.shoe 3.enclosed 4.kick (blows) 5.deaf (faarsi) 6.around 7.direction 8.voices/noises 9.aware 10.creation/creativity 11.mysteries, enigma 12.to quit, to cease and desist 13.oven 14.set on fire, burn 15.flames 16.lips 17.perfect creator/creativity
My ears have gone deaf with the harsh blows of this (loud) noise. I fear that all around me, circling me from every direction, these thundering noises, will never let me sense/feel the mysteries/enigma of creativity/creation. I don’t know how they will cease and desist from (constantly) shouting. All they seem to know how to do, is to set aflame the cauldron of war, and to talk with the lips/tongues of flames. O god, O perfect creator.

badan aashufta1 aavaazauN2 ke tera naam itni baar3 itni zor4 se dohraate5 haiN
ke aavaazauN2 ki tah dar tah6 chhatauN meN qaid7 rooh o dil8
Khamoshi9 ke qadam ki chaap10 aur aahista dastak11 sun nahiN sakte
ata12 kar tu, inheN Khaamosh rahne ki taufeeq13, aye Khaaliq
ke in se bhi kabhi kuchh kah sake sargoshiyauN14 meN quvvat-e taKhleeq15, aye Khaaliq!
Khudaaya! afreenanda16 
1.raving mad 2.sounds/noises 3.so many times 4.with such force 5.repeat 6.layer upon layer 7.imprisoned, hidden 8.heart and soul 9.silence 10.sound of footsteps 11.gentle knocking 12.grant, bestow 13.strength, ability 14.whispers 15.power of creativity 16.creator
The poet uses “noise” as the anti-thesis of silence/thoughtfulness/inspiration. The stark raving mad bodies (personalities) of these noises who repeat your name so often and so loudly that layers upon layers of this noise cover up the soul of the ceilings and walls (that could have become many more Cistine Chapels) such that they are unable to hear the gentle footsteps and soft knock of Silence (inspiration/creativity). Grant them the ability to be quiet and listen, o creator, so that the power of creativity may be able to whisper something to them too, O, creator. O god, O creator.

nikaal is banda-e a’asi1 ko girdaab2-e mava’az3 ki halaakat4 se
azaab5 o dozaKh6 o sijjiin7 ke qa’ar-e muzzalit8 se
rehaaii9 de visaal10-e hoor ke vaadauN11 se shahd12 o shiir13 ki nahrauN14 ki kasrat15 se
mujhe aazad kar Khauf16 ke jahannum, hirs17 ki jannat se
1.sinful slave 2.whirlpool 3.sermonizing 4.killing 5.torture 6.hell 7.particularly gruesome valley in hell 8.depth of indignity 9.release, freedom 10.union 11.promises 12.honey 13.milk 14.streams, rivers 15.abundance 16.fear 17.greed, lust
Release this sinning slave from this killing circle of sermonizing, from this torturous hell and hellish trap and depth of indignity. Release me from the promises of union with hoories and abundance of rivers of milk and honey. Free me from the hell of fear and heaven of lust. Said Ghalib …
ta’at meN taa rahe na mae-o-aNgabeeN ki laag
dozaKh meN Daal do koii le kar behisht ko
So that there be no temptation of wine and honey in prayer
Will someone please take heaven and throw it in hell

Khudaaya!  aye mujeeb1-e har dua2-e avval o aaKhir3
hai tu hi aarif4-e har baatin o zaahir5
bas itni si dua2 hai
mujhe in navve saala uNgliyauN ki quvvat-e taKhleeq6 ka ramz-aashna7 kar
vo jin ki aaKhri jumbish8 meN bhi taKhliq ki hamd o sana9 thi
kisi patthar ko dil, deevar ko jaaN baKhshne10 ki ilteja11 thi
mujhe bhi aafreenish12 ke karishmauN13 ka ho irfaaN14
mere lafzauN15 meN rooh-e kun16 ho phir ek baar raqsaaN17 
1.one who hears/listens 2.prayer, supplication 3.first and last, all 4.wise, knowledgeable 5.seen and unseen, hidden and apparent 6.power of creation/creativity 7.familiar with the secrets/mysteries 8.movement 9.hymn (in praise of god) and admiration 10.grant 11.appeal 12.creation/creativity 13.miracles 14.knowledge 15.words, verse 16.spirit of creation/creativity 17.dancing
O god who listens to/receives all supplications, who knows all that is explicit and implicit, seen and unseen, I have but this one favour to beg of you. Grant me a glimpse of the power of creativity of those 90 year old fingers which even to their last movement were singing hymns of praise of your creativity, which sought to give a beating heart to lifeless stone and a brilliant life to plain walls. May I get to experience the same inspiration. May my words dance with the spirit of creativity.


michelangelo ke saath ek dua – vaheed aKhtar

vaheed aKhtar wrote this in Tehran in 1986, at 50 years of age, perhaps soon after a visit to Italy.  He pays a tribute to the creativity and art of michelangelo (who lived to be 90) and compares it to the “first act of creation”.  He uses creativity and creation in synonymous and overlapping ways.  Silence (inspiration, listening) plays a big role in his verse and the noise and din of the religious order is much derided.  There is likely to be some reflection of the post Iranian revolution and the depth of misery and war mongering of the Iran-Iraq war.  There is a bit of introspection on his own 50 years and a beautiful prayer/wish that he may get a glimpse of the power of creativity of the 90 year old fingers of michelangelo but in a poetic sense.  There is a continuum of creativity/inspiration from the first act of creation, to mohammed’s first inspiration (iqra) and michelangelo’s work to the poet’s verse.

andheri raat ke pur-haul1 sannaaTe2 se
raushan din ke haibat-naak3 shor o Ghul4 ki gahraaii5 meN soti Khaamushi ki be-kinaari6 se
koii aavaaz deta hai

1.deep, awe inspiring, mysterious (used here in a positive sense) 2.stillness, complete silence 3.terrifying 4.noise and din 5.depth 6.boundless

The poet experiences the existence of a deep and mysterious silence, both in the eerie stillness of the night and in the depths beyond the terrifying noise of the day.  From the boundless depths of this silence, he hears someone calling …

koii aavaaz meri rooh1 ke Khilwat-kade2 meN qatra qatra gir rahi hai
zaminstaaN3 ke yaKh4 aaGhushta5 dareechauN6 par kisi ki uNgliyauN ki garm dastak phir rahi hai

1.spirit, soul 2.abode of privacy/seclusion 3.winter 4.ice, snow 5.smeared, covered with 6.windows

A (mysterious) voice (inspiration) drips, drop by drop into the depths of my solitude.  It is as if I hear the taps of someone’s warm fingers (calling the poet to create) on the wintry, snow smeared windows.

pachaas advaar1 poore ho chuke haiN, teen sau paiNsaTh dinauN ke
aur itne hi mosamauN ke chaak2 ki gardish3 meN bas kar
jism Khasta4, haDDiyaN kamzor aur uzlaat5 Dheele paR gaye haiN
aur taar6 a’asaab7 ke barsauN tane`8 rahne se bas TooTne ko haiN
hamesha ghoomte mahvar9 ke atraaf10 ek hi si gardishauN ke da’are11 meN
tan ka haivaaN12 thak chuka hai, haaNpta13 hai

1.periods (of time) 2.potter’s wheel 3.turns, rotations 4.wounded, weak 5.muscles 6.fibers 7.nerves 8.taught, tight 9.axis (of rotation) 10.around 11.circle 12.animal body, biological 13.panting

Fifty periods of 365 days (i.e. fifty years) have gone by (the poet was 50 years old when he wrote this) and the same number of seasons have turned like the potter’s wheel.  The body is tired, bones weak and muscles sagging.  Nerve fibres, taut over the years are at the point of snapping.  Constantly turning around its axis, in the same circle (of the struggle of living) the animal body is tired and out of breath.

koii aavaaz in sub gardishauN ke da’aerauN1 ki Khaamushi ke maavara2 se aa rahi hai
vo aavaaz aaj bhi itni hi raushan aur javaaN hai
jis qadar3 in gardishauN ki ibtedaa4 meN rooh5 ko mahsoos6 hui thi

1.circles 2.transcending, beyond 3.as much 4.beginning 5.soul 6.feel

The poet hears a (mysterious) voice (inspiration) from the stillness beyond the (constant) rotation/grinding of the turning (of the potter’s wheel – of life).  That voice is still as bright and young/strong as it was at the beginning, which the soul felt before this grinding had started.

vahi aavaaz
— ye faizaan1 hai jis ka ke Khasta2, haaNpte3 haivaaN-badan4 meN qaid5
meri rooh6 abbhi naujavaaN, ma’asoom7 hai
peeri8 o kohna-saalagi9 se naa-shinaasa10 hai

1.abundance, generosity 2.weak 3.panting, out of breath 4.animal body 5.imprisoned 6.spirit/soul 7.innoncent, trusting, hopeful 8.old age 9.ancient (many) years 10.unaware

It is the benevolence of that same voice (inspiration of creativity) that imprisoned in this old, weak, out of breath animal body is a spirit that is still young and hopeful, oblivious to aging.

yahi aavaaz navve1 saal se booRhe badan meN qaid2 rooh3-e nau javaaN4 ki quvvat-e taKhleeq5 ban kar
batoon-e saNg6 meN Khwaabeeda7 dast8 o paa9 o sar10 ko apne teeshe11 se jagaati thi
inheN chashm12 o dimaaGh o gosh13 ki daulat ata14 karti
thakaane vaale chaak15-e vaqt ki gardish16 se de kar hurriyat17
is ek zamaaN18 meN zinda karti thi
azal19 se taa20 abad21 jo ek hai naaqaabil22-e taqsiim23 hai
taKhliq24 dar25 taKhliq dar taKhliq … ka la-inteha26 ek silsila27 hai

1.ninety 2.imprisoned 3.spirit/soul 4.youthful 5.power of creation/creativity 6.inside the stone 7.sleeping 8.hands 9.feet 10.head 11.pick axe, chisel 12.eyes 13.ears 14.grant, bestow 15.potter’s wheel (of time) 16.turning 17.freedom 18.time-period, era, epoch 19.beginning (of creation) 20.until 21.the end (of creation/time) 22.incapable of (cannot be) 23.divided 24.creation, creativity 25.within 26.limitless 27.continuity

The same voice (inspiration of creativity/creation) trapped in a ninety year old body remained youthful in its power of creativity and made hands, feet and faces, hidden inside, to emerge from the body of stone with its chisel.  It bestowed upon them the spirit of seeing eyes, hearing ears and thinking heads.  It freed them from the energy sapping grinding wheel of time and brought them to life in this epoch (rennaisance) and for eternity.  It is an indivisible whole from beginning to end – creativity within creativity within creativity, an infinite continuity.

yahi aavaaz ek chapel ke chhat meN amr-e kun1 ke avvaleeN2 lamhe3 ki Khallaaqi4 ki shahed5 thi
tuloo6-e aaftaab7-e aafreenash8 ke manaazir9 naqsh10 karti thi
isi aavaaz ki uNgli pakaR kar aadam o havva11 ke jaamid12 kaalbud13 meN jaan aaii
is aavaaz ka tha sarmadi naGhma14 ke jis ke sub se ooNche sur ke raNgauN se
qayaamat15 aur maabad16-e qayaamat ke manaazir9 jaag uTThe the
jahannum17 aur jannat18 ko isi aavaaz ki aaNkhauN se Khallaaq19 aadmi ki aaNkhauN ne dekha, dikhaaya tha

1.act of creation 2.very first 3.moment 4.creativity, act of creation 5.witness, bear witness/testimony 6.emergence, dawn 7.sun 8.that which has been created 9.scenes 10.sketches, paintings 11.Adam and Eve 12.frozen, motionless 13.bodies 14.song of eternity 15.doomsday 16.that which comes after 17.hell 18.paradise 19.creator/creative

This very same voice (inspiration), on the ceiling of a chapel bears testimony, to the first moments of the very first act of creation.  It sketched scenes of the dawn of creation.  Holding the finger of this very same voice the lifeless bodies of Adam and Eve acquired life.  From the many colours of the highest notes of the song of eternity of this voice the scenes of doomsday and that which comes after doomsday came to life.  The creativity of man could see and show the scenes of heaven and hell through the eyes of this very voice.

isi aavaaz ne uqleedasi1 shaklauN2, qatauN3, nuqtauN4 ka aisa jaal phailaaya
ke vo gumbad5 jise umreN6 gaNvaaN kar bhi mohandis7 gunbad-e garduN8 ke daaman9 meN na rakh paae
navvad saala larazti10 uNgliyauN ne rakh diya dosh11-e fiza par
Khudaaya!  afreenanda12

1.of Euclid, Euclidian 2.shapes 3.lines 4.points 5.dome 6.many lifetimes 7.mathematicians, engineers 8.dome of the sky 9.apron, lap 10.trembling 11.back, shoulder 12.creator

This same voice (inspiration) spread such a web of Euclidian shapes, lines and points that the dome which mathematicians/engineers failed to design (place in the lap of the dome of the sky i.e. place on earth) even after spending many lifetimes, the trembling fingers of 90 years, designed and floated on air (placed high up).  This has reference to the dome of St. Peter’s, which many architects tried to design but failed.  The project went on unsuccessfully for 40+ years.  Finally, Michelangelo, at 90 years of age, was given the commision and succeeded in designing the dome.

azal1 bhi aafreeda2 hai tera hi aur abad3 bhi hukm se tere hai paa’inda4
tere hi amr-e kun5 ki hai sada6, jo rooh ke Khilwat-kade7 meN goonjti hai
tere hi amr-e kun ka ek adna8 sa karishma9 tha jo navve saal tak jaaga kisi ki uNgliyauN meN
jo marmar ki silauN10 ko baKhshta11 tha kaalbud12 aur kaalbud ko rooh-e aasuda13
jo deevaarauN chhatauN par aafreenash14 ke manaazir15 ko jagaata aur dikhaata tha
Khudaaya! aafreenanda
tere hi amr-e kun5 ki naGhmagi16 se rooh hai zinda

1.eternity (past) 2.creation 3.forever (future) 4.firm, stable, credible 5.act of creation 6.sound 7.chamber of solitude/seclusion 8.low, ordinary 9.miracle 10.slabs 11.grant, bestow 12.body 13.tranquil spirit 14.creation 15.scenes 16.song, musicality

The eternal past was created by you, the eternal future too is credible because of you.  It is the sound of your act of creation that echoes in the soul’s chamber of seclusion.  Your own (grand) act of creation/creativity was reflected in a minor way through 90 year old fingers which gave marble slabs bodies and granted those bodies the tranquility of souls.  They made walls and ceilings come alive with scenes of creation.  O, god, O creator, the spirit of the music of your act of creation lives on.

ye aavaaz un labauN ko kyuN nahiN chhooti jo tera naam le le kar fiza1 ko shor se aalooda2 karte haiN
ye aavaaz aaj kyuN mehraab3 o mimbar4 ki balandi5 se chahakte tootiyauN6 ke lab pe aa kar soney lagti hai?

1.atmosphere, air 2.pollute 3.central arch of the masjid 4.pulpit 5.height, elevation 6.parrots

Why does this voice (of creativity/creation) not touch those lips that take your name constantly and pollute the air.  Why does this voice (inspiration of creativity/wonder) go to sleep as soon as it comes out of the lips of mullahs on pulpits who spout noisy sermons like noisily cackling parrots.

ye aavaazauN1 ke bande2
halaq3 jin ke shor o shar4 ke kaarKhaane, maut ke paiGhaam-bar5 aur qatl o Ghaarat6 ke payaami7 haiN
kabhi in par bhi ho taKhleeq8 ka karb-e Khamoshi9 aashkaara10
kabhi in ke shikam-aasooda11 jismauN12 par bhi naazil13 kar
vo haibat-naak14 sannaaTa15
ke jis ki haulnaaki16 meN nuzool17-e hukm-e “iqraa”18 ho
Khudaaya! aafreenanda19

1.voices, noise, din 2.servants/slaves 3.throat 4.noise and mischief 5.message bearer 6.murder and mayhem 7.messenger 8.creation/creativity 9.pain/restlessness of silence 10.revealed 11.satiated/full bellies 12.bodies 13.revealed 14.terrifying 15.stillness 16.mysterious, awe inspiring 17.descent, revelation 18.command to “read” 19.creator

These slaves of noise whose throats are factories of din and mischief, bearers of the message of death, messengers of murder and mayhem, sometime, perhaps to them too will be revealed the restlessness of the silence/tranquility of creativity.  Perhaps sometime on their full bellied bodies will descend that mysterious silence, in the stillness of which descended the command – “read”, O god, creator.  This has reference to the Islamic belief that the first Quranic inspiration/revelation to mohammed was a command – “read”.

ye aaKhir kin gunaahauN ki saza meN
tu ne mujh ko kaaGhazi1 lafzauN ki be ma’ani sadaauN ke salasaal2 meN kiya basta3
mujhe is shor karti khokhli aavaaz ke zindaaN4 se de hukm-e rehaaii5
duhaaii6 quvvat7-e taKhleeq8-e mutlaq9 ki duhaaii6

1.paper/superficial, lifeless 2.chain, shackles 3.imprisoned 4.prison 5.release 6.(I raise my hands in) prayer 7.power 8.creativity 9.absolute/perfect

What sins have I committed that you punish me thus.  You have chained me in the shackles of these lifeless words and meaningless noises.  Issue orders of my release, I pray you, O power of perfect creativity.

in aavaazauN ki sangeeN1, na’al2 basta3 ThokarauN4 se kaan to kar5 chuke haiN
kahiN vo rooh bhi jo naashuneeda6 naGhmagi7 ki muntazir8 hai kar5 na ho jaae
mere atraaf6 har soo7 halqa dar halqa kaRakti aur garajti ye sadaaeN8
hoN kaise aashna9 taKhleeq10 ki ramzauN11 se
kaise jism in ke cheeKhte rahne se baaz12 aaeN
inheN to juNg ki bhaTTi13 ko dahkaana14 hai aur sholauN15 ke lab16 se baat karna hai
Khudaaya!  Khaaliq-e mutlaq17

1.stony, hard (harsh) 2.shoe 3.enclosed 4.kick (blows) 5.deaf (faarsi) 6.around 7.direction 8.voices/noises 9.aware 10.creation/creativity 11.mysteries, enigma 12.to quit, to cease and desist 13.oven 14.set on fire, burn 15.flames 16.lips 17.perfect creator/creativity

My ears have gone deaf with the harsh blows of this (loud) noise.  I fear that all around me, circling me from every direction, these thundering noises, will never let me sense/feel the mysteries/enigma of creativity/creation.  I don’t know how they will cease and desist from (constantly) shouting.  All they seem to know how to do, is to set aflame the cauldron of war, and to talk with the lips/tongues of flames.  O god, O perfect creator.

badan aashufta1 aavaazauN2 ke tera naam itni baar3 itni zor4 se dohraate5 haiN
ke aavaazauN2 ki tah dar tah6 chhatauN meN qaid7 rooh o dil8
Khamoshi9 ke qadam ki chaap10 aur aahista dastak11 sun nahiN sakte
ata12 kar tu, inheN Khaamosh rahne ki taufeeq13, aye Khaaliq
ke in se bhi kabhi kuchh kah sake sargoshiyauN14 meN quvvat-e taKhleeq15, aye Khaaliq!
Khudaaya! afreenanda16

1.raving mad 2.sounds/noises 3.so many times 4.with such force 5.repeat 6.layer upon layer 7.imprisoned, hidden 8.heart and soul 9.silence 10.sound of footsteps 11.gentle knocking 12.grant, bestow 13.strength, ability 14.whispers 15.power of creativity 16.creator

The poet uses “noise” as the anti-thesis of silence/thoughtfulness/inspiration.  The stark raving mad bodies (personalities) of these noises who repeat your name so often and so loudly that layers upon layers of this noise cover up the soul of the ceilings and walls (that could have become many more Cistine Chapels) such that they are unable to hear the gentle footsteps and soft knock of Silence (inspiration/creativity).  Grant them the ability to be quiet and listen, o creator, so that the power of creativity may be able to whisper something to them too, O, creator.  O god, O creator.

nikaal is banda-e a’asi1 ko girdaab2-e mava’az3 ki halaakat4 se
azaab5 o dozaKh6 o sijjiin7 ke qa’ar-e muzzalit8 se
rehaaii9 de visaal10-e hoor ke vaadauN11 se shahd12 o shiir13 ki nahrauN14 ki kasrat15 se
mujhe aazad kar Khauf16 ke jahannum, hirs17 ki jannat se

1.sinful slave 2.whirlpool 3.sermonizing 4.killing 5.torture 6.hell 7.particularly gruesome valley in hell 8.depth of indignity 9.release, freedom 10.union 11.promises 12.honey 13.milk 14.streams, rivers 15.abundance 16.fear 17.greed, lust

Release this sinning slave from this killing circle of sermonizing, from this torturous hell and hellish trap and depth of indignity.  Release me from the promises of union with hoories and abundance of rivers of milk and honey.  Free me from the hell of fear and heaven of lust.  Said Ghalib …

ta’at meN taa rahe na mae-o-aNgabeeN ki laag
dozaKh meN Daal do koii le kar behisht ko

So that there be no temptation of wine and honey in prayer
Will someone please take heaven and throw it in hell

Khudaaya!  aye mujeeb1-e har dua2-e avval o aaKhir3
hai tu hi aarif4-e har baatin o zaahir5
bas itni si dua2 hai
mujhe in navve saala uNgliyauN ki quvvat-e taKhleeq6 ka ramz-aashna7 kar
vo jin ki aaKhri jumbish8 meN bhi taKhliq ki hamd o sana9 thi
kisi patthar ko dil, deevar ko jaaN baKhshne10 ki ilteja11 thi
mujhe bhi aafreenish12 ke karishmauN13 ka ho irfaaN14
mere lafzauN15 meN rooh-e kun16 ho phir ek baar raqsaaN17

1.one who hears/listens 2.prayer, supplication 3.first and last, all 4.wise, knowledgeable 5.seen and unseen, hidden and apparent 6.power of creation/creativity 7.familiar with the secrets/mysteries 8.movement 9.hymn (in praise of god) and admiration 10.grant 11.appeal 12.creation/creativity 13.miracles 14.knowledge 15.words, verse 16.spirit of creation/creativity 17.dancing

O god who listens to/receives all supplications, who knows all that is explicit and implicit, seen and unseen, I have but this one favour to beg of you. Grant me a glimpse of the power of creativity of those 90 year old fingers which even to their last movement were singing hymns of praise of your creativity, which sought to give a beating heart to lifeless stone and a brilliant life to plain walls.  May I get to experience the same inspiration.  May my words dance with the spirit of creativity.