For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
mojid o mufakkir is “inventor and thinker/philosopher” … josh makes an argument that technology has made life easier for human kind but the philosopher/thinker has raised mankind to new heights of an amorphous combination of “values, culture, ethics, humanity”. The rigor of the argument aside, the language is so awesome, powerful and beautiful that (especially if you allow yourselves to be seduced by josh) you forget about the argument but simply get lost in admiring the composition. I invite you to that journey …
tamaddun 1-10 In 10 stanzas josh describes how sophistication and culture developed among human beings. Please remind yourselves that there is no anthropological rigour in this. The development of civilization/settlements, of speech and writing, of social behaviour is described in the most lyrical and beautiful phrases.
iijadaat 11-18 In stanzas 11-18 josh describes the inventions of technology. It is joyful to read his description of the timepiece or of the satellite or cinema/TV and of sentient machines. The metaphors and the language are incomparably beautiful. I have reordered a couple of stanza from josh’s original marsia to keep the keep the theme compatible in this set of stanzas.
shaa’estagi 19-29 In stanzas 19-29 humans become sensitive to inherited culture, indulge in archeological discoveries and refine culture further.
ehsaan 30-42 josh takes 13 stanzas to pay tribute to scientists and inventors in very beautiful and powerful language and then begins to wonder why humanity is not beholden to them. He goes on to answer that it is one thing to take us to the “dome of the skies” but another to make us understand the meaning of life.
mufakkir 43-53 Explaining the meaning of life is what a mufakkir does and josh goes on to re-affirm why the mufakkir is foremost in human thought, not the mojid.
sifaat-e husain 54-60 Having described the qualities and contributions of the mufakkir josh proceeds to say that husain ibn-e ali is an exemplary mufakkir who rose to do all this for humanity … he rose carrying a flask of his own blood on his shoulder i.e., ready to sacrifice his own life.
haalaat-e daur-e yaziid 61-68 A few stanzas describing in musical language the changing order from principled governance to hubristic power grab and personal enrichment.
Khoon 69-74 These stanzas are an unadulterated, highly emotional praise of husain. The terminology of “Khoon” is used not only to say that Husain was ready to sacrifice his own blood but also in the sense that in common parlance the word “Khoon” is used to imply character, heritage and the like. Even if you are not inclined to shii belief, you will find this composition extremely enjoyable and emotionally charged.
karbala 75-84 josh uses these few stanzas to describe the prevailing conditions before the battle of karbala which led husain to lay down his life in principled resistance.
tarGheeb 85-90 This comes close to incitement and calls upon the audience to resist injustice.
Khiraaj 91-107 Unadulterated tribute to husain. It is beautiful and powerful composition with rich metaphors. Enjoyable even when read with a completely secular viewpoint.
almadad 108-116 A resounding call for help from the spirit of husain while calling upon the audience to act on the principles that impelled husain, to resist present day injustice. His call on husain for water is a most dramatic and ironic climax to this marsia.
موجد و مفکر – ایجادات ۔۱۱۔۱۸۔جوشؔ ملیح آبادی
ساعتوں کو کوک بھرتے ہی روانی مل گئی
ہر دقیقے کو منظم پرفشانی مل گئی
گنگ لحظوں کو گجر کی نغمہ خوانی مل گئی
عمر کے دھارے کو لوہے کی کمانی مل گئی
سوئیوں کی رو میں لمحوں کو چٹکنا آ گیا
وقت کو آغوشِ آہن میں چہکنا آ گیا
ناز سے جزوِ مکاں بن کر زماں گانے لگا
طائروں کا ذکر کیا خود آشیاں گانے لگا
زمزمے چھیڑے زمیں نے آسماں گانے لگا
چمنیوں میں کارخانوں کا دھواں گانے لگا
حوصلے نوعِ بشر کے ناز فرمانے لگے
ہات باندھے آب و آتش کے خواس آنے لگے
دیدہ و رُخسار اور گوش و زباں کے درمیاں
فاصلوں کی چُھٹ گئیں نبضیں بہ ایں بُعدِ مکاں
ایک دریائے ہم آغوشی ہوا گویا رواں
آ گیا کھنچ کر بالآخر ایک مرکز پہ جہاں
اور یوں آواز محوِ قطعِ منزل ہو گئی
عکس کو بھی قوتِ پرواز حاصل ہو گئی
آتشیں پوشاک پہنی عالمِ ایجاد نے
موم کی گردن میں باہیں ڈال دیں فولاد نے
برف لپکی سرد کاندھے پر شرارے لادنے
ٹوپیاں بدلی بصد اِخلاص برق و باد نے
دوڑتے آئے یکایک باہمی اِمداد کو
یوں اِکائی نے پکارا منتشر اعداد کو
شعلگی کے نقطہ ہائے شور تک اولے گئے
سطح بینائی پہ تاروں کے گہر رولے گئے
سائے تک ناپے گئے اور عکس تک تولے گئے
انجم و ذرّات کے بندِ قبا کھو لے گئے
عرش تک فرشِ زمیں کی ہمتِ عالی گئی
شعلہ و شبنم میں بل دیکر گرہ ڈالی گئی
ذوق نکھرا کہکشانی بام و در بننے لگے
سنگریزے آئینے، قطرے گہر بننے لگے
برق پارے مرغ ہائے نامہ بر بننے لگے
آہنی اعصاب ڈھل کر بال و پر بننے لگے
زندگی روحِ ثریا کی طرف جانے لگی
قلبِ انجم کے دھڑکنے کی صدا آنے لگی
پھر درخشاں فکر کی یوں خاک پر برسی شراب
ظلمتوں کی کوکھ سے پیدا ہوے سو ماہ تاب
پھر اُڑایا عِلم نے وہ کوکبِ اجرام یاب
جسکی رو میں اُٹھ رہی ہے ماہِ تاباں کی نقاب
شور برپا ہے کہ میرِ آگہی آنے کو ہے
آسماں پر غلغلے ہیں آدمی آنے کو ہے
جیبِ قدرت صید میں بھر کر قوائے کائنات
اہلِ غرق و برق نے دم کر دیا روئے حیات
ایک اک قطرے کے عقدے سے نچوڑے سو نکات
ایک اک ذرّے کے حلقے سے اُبھارے سو جہات
ایک اک گوشے سے پہناور جہاں پیدا کئے
کائی کے پلّو سے لاکھوں گُلسِتاں پیدا کئے
मोजिद ओ मुफ़क्किर-११-१८-ईजादात-जोश मलीहाबादी
सा’अतों को कूक भरते ही रवानी मिल गई
हर दक़ीक़े को मुनज़्ज़िम पर फ़शानी मिल गई
गुंग लह्ज़ों को गजर की नग़्मा-ख़्वानी मिल गई
उम्र के धारे को लोहे की कमानी मिल गई
सूईओं की रौ में लम्हों को चिटकना आ गया
वक़्त को आग़ोश-ए आहन में चहकना आ गया
नाज़ से जुज़्व-ए मकां बन कर ज़मां गाने लगा
ता’एरों का ज़िक्र क्या ख़ुद आशियाँ गाने लगा
ज़मज़मे छेढे ज़मीं ने आसमां गाने लगा
चिम्नियों में कारख़ानों का धुआं गाने लगा
हौसले नौ-ए बशर के नाज़ फ़रमाने लगे
हाथ बांधे आब ओ आतिश के ख़वास आने लगे
दीदा ओ रुख़्सार और गोश ओ ज़बां के दरमियाँ
फ़ासलों की छुट गईं नब्ज़ें बा ईं बोद-ए मकां
एक दर्या-ए हम आग़ोशी हुआ गोया रवां
आ गया खिंच कर बिलआख़िर एक मरकज़ पर जहाँ
और यूँ आवाज़ महव-ए क़त’अ-ए मंज़िल हो गई
अक्स को भी क़ुव्वत-ए परवाज़ हासिल हो गई
आतिशीं पोशाक पहनी आलम-ए ईजाद ने
मोम की गर्दन में बाहें डाल दीं फ़ौलाद ने
बर्फ़ लपकी सर्द कांधे पर शरारे लादने
टोपियाँ बदलीं बसद एख़्लास बर्क़ ओ बाद ने
दौढते आए एकाएक बाहमी इम्दाद को
यूँ एकाई ने पुकारा मुन्तशिर आदाद को
शोलगी के नुक़्ता-हा-ए शोर तक ओले गए
सतह बीनाई पे तारों के गोहर रोले गए
साए तक नापे गए और अक्स तक तोले गए
अंजुम ओ ज़र्रात के बंद-ए क़बा खोले गए
अर्श तक फ़र्श-ए ज़मीं की हिम्मत-ए आली गई
शोला ओ शबनम में बल देकर गिरह डाली गई
ज़ौक़ निखरा कह्कशानी बाम ओ दर बन’ने लगे
संग्रेज़े आईने, क़तरे गुहर बन’ने लगे
बर्क़ पारे मुर्ग़-हा-ए नामा-बर बन’ने लगे
आहनी आसाब ढल कर बाल ओ पर बन’ने लगे
ज़िन्दगी रूह-ए सुरय्या की तरफ़ जाने लगी
क़ल्ब-ए अंजुम के धढकने की सदा आने लगी
फिर दरख़्शां फ़िक्र की यूँ ख़ाक पर बरसी शराब
ज़ुल्मतों की कोख से पैदा हुए सौ महताब
फिर उढाया इल्म ने वो कौकब-ए अज्राम याब
जिसकी रौ में उठ रही है माह-ए ताबां की नक़ाब
शोर बरपा है के मीर-ए आगाही आने को है
आसमां पर ग़ुलग़ुले हैं आदमी आने को है
जेब क़ुद्रत सेद में भर कर क़वा-ए काएनात
अहल-ए ग़र्क़ ओ बर्क़ ने दम कर दिया रू-ए हयात
एक एक क़तरे के उक़्दे से निचोड़े सौ नुकात
एक एक ज़र्रे के हल्क़े से उभारे सौ जेहात
एक एक गोशे से पहनावर जहाँ पैदा हुए
काई के पल्लू से लाखों गुल्सितां पैदा हुए
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
saa’atoN1 ko kook bharte2 hi ravaani mil gayi
har daqiiqe3 ko munazzim4 par fashaani5 mil gayi
gung6 lahzoN7 ko gajar8 ki naGhma Khwaani9 mil gayi
umr ke dhaare ko lohe ki kamaani10 mil gayi
suyioN ki11 rau meN lamhoN12 ko chiTakna13 aa gaya
vaqt ko aGhosh-e aahan14 meN chahakna15 aa gaya 1.time, moment 2.wind a spring 3.moment 4.organized fly 6. silent, dumb 7.moment 8.chime 9.singing 10. steel spring 11.movement of needles (pointers) 12.second 13.bloom 14.metallic lap 15.twitter
Describing the invention of time-keeping. Time acquired the ability to flow as the spring (of the clock) was wound up. Every moment began to fly/flow in an organized way. Dumb/silent moments acquired the song of chimes. The flow of life acquired a bow of steel. Steel bow is used as a stand-in for the clock spring and as a metaphor for a strong back which is an expression of human strength. And so in this delicate and subtle way the flow of life is described as acquiring great strength. With the movement of pointers, moments learnt to blossom. Time learnt to twitter in the lap of iron. “chiTakna” is the gentle sound when the bud blooms. The movement of the needles is the blooming (chiTakna) of minutes with its “tick tock”, hence the twittering of time in the lap or iron.
naaz1 se juzv2-e makaaN3 ban kar zamaaN4 gaane laga
taa’eroN5 ka zikr kya Khud aashiyaaN6 gaane laga
zamzame7 chheRe zamiN ne, aasmaaN gaane laga
chimniyoN meN kaarKhaanoN ka dhuaN8 gaane laga
hausle9 nau-e bashar10 ke naaz farmaane lage
hath bandhe aab o aatish11 ke Khawaas12 aane lage (coquettish) 2.component 4.time 5.birds 6.nests 8.smoke 9.courage, daring 10.human species, humanity 11.water and fire 12.specialties, special qualities
Describing industrialization and the control of the elements – fire, water, air. Time joined with Space and burst into joyous song. Not only birds but also their nests began to sing with joy. The earth played music and the sky burst into song. The very smoke of factories sang as it rose through chimneys. Humanity expressed its daring in great style. Water/Fire came hands folded, their powers at the disposal of man.
Sahir wrote in a poem celebrating the launch of the Sputnik.
vo junuN jo aab o aatish ko asiir kar chuka thha
vo Khalaa ki vusa’atoN se bhi Khiraaj le raha hai
The passion that had enslaved Fire and Water
Now demands homage from the vastness of space
deeda1 o ruKhsaar2 aur gosh3 o zabaaN4 ke darmiyaaN5
faasloN6 ki chhuT gayiiN nabzeN7 ba eeN8 bod9-e makaaN10
ek darya11-e ham aaGhoshi12 hua goya ravaaN13
aa gaya khiNch kar bil-aaKhir14 ek markaz15 par jahaaN16
aur yuN aavaaz mahv17-e qat’e manzil18 ho ga’ii
aks19 ko bhi quvvat-e parvaaz20 haasil21 ho ga’ii 1.eye, sight 2.face, image 3. ear, hearing 4.tongue, speech 5.between 6.distances lose nerve 8.with this 9.separation, space 11.river 12.togetherness 13.flow last, focus 17.obsessed, engrossed 18.cut (the distance to) the goal 19.image; 20.power to fly 21.obtain
josh composed this marsia in 1956 and this stanza is applicable to both TV and cinema. Between eye and image and between ear and tongue/sound; distance lost its nerve for fear, because in spite of separation, a river of togetherness began to flow and gather everything. At last the world shrank and came to a focus, because sound was obsessed with cutting the distance to its goal (radio and telephone) and image achieved the power of flight (television).
aatishiiN1 poshaak2 pahni aalam-e eejad3 ne
mom4 ki gardan meN baaheN5 Daal diiN faulaad6 ne
barf lapki7 sard8 kaandhe par shaarare9 laadne
topiyaaN10 badliiN11 basad12 eKhlaas13 barq14 o baad15 ne
dauRte aa’e ekaa’ek16 baahami17 imdaad18 ko
yuN ekaai19 ne pukaara muntashir20 aa’daad21 ko 1.fiery 2.dress of ingenuity 4.wax 5.arms 6.steel 7.leapt 8.cold 9. sparks, flames 10.cap 11.exchanged – topiyaaN badalna is an act courtesy 12.with a hundred 13.courtesies 14.lightning 15.clear breeze (opposite of cloud and thunder) 16.suddenly 19.unity 20.scattered 21.numbers/parts
Ingenuity donned a fiery dress. Soft wax and hard steel embraced each other to serve humanity. Ice leapt up to carry fire on its frozen shoulders. Lightning and Breeze exchanged caps with a hundred courtesies (like players exchange shirts after a friendly game as a sign of sportsmanship). They all came running to help each other because unity of purpose brought all scattered elements together (to serve human needs).
sholagi1 ke nuqta haa-e shor2 tak ole3 gaye
satah binaii4 pe taaroN ke gohar5 role6 gaye
saaye tak naape gaye aur aks7 tak tole8 gaye
anjum9 o zarraat10 ke band-e qaba11 khole gaye
arsh12 tak farsh13-e zamiiN ki himmat-e aali14 gayi
shola15 o shabnam16 meN bal17 dekar girah18 Daali gayi 1.act of creating flames 2.tip of the flame, points of smoke 3.hail, ice 4.limits of sight 5.pearls select or search 7.image weigh 9.stars 10.particle 11.ties of the robe 13.floor 14.high, great 15.flame 16.dew 17.twist 18.knot
Icy hailstones traveled through flames all the way to the tip. The search for stars reached the limits of sight. Even shadows were measured and images were weighed. Taking the measure of shadows and images is to measure that which cannot be directly apprehended. The robes of stars, even of tiny particles of dust were undone. To understand the inner workings of elements and stars is described as a sensuous ‘disrobing’ of stars and elements. The daring courage of the lowly earth reached to the sky. Flame and dew were woven and intertwined into knots. Thus opposites are made to work together.
zauq1 nikhra2 kahkashaani3 baam o dar4 ban’ne lage
saNgreze5 aaiine, qatre6 guhar7 ban’ne lage
barq paare8 murGh-ha-e naama-bar9 ban’ne lage
aahani10 aasab11 Dhal12 kar baal o par13 ban’ne lage
zindagi rooh-e surayya14 ki taraf jaane lagi
qalb-e anjum15 ke dhaRakne ki sada aane lag 1.taste 2.became refined 3.constellations 4.roof and door, home 5.pebbles 6.drops 7.pearl 8.particles of lightning 9.messenger pigeons 10.metallic 11.nerves and muscles 12.cast 13.feathers and wings 14.spirit of constellations 15.heart of stars
Tastes got refined (increased desires) making stations/homes beyond the stars. Pebbles were ground into mirrors and droplets into pearls. Bits of electricity were fashioned into messenger pigeons (telegraph). Metallic nerves/muscles got cast into feathers and wings (airplane). Life began to fly towards the constellations and the heartbeat of stars began to be heard. The first misra reminds me of Ghalib …
manzar ek balandi par aur ham bana lete
arsh se udhar hota kash ke makaN apna
We could have created a vision at even greater heights
O that our station had been on the other side of heavens.
phir daraKhshaaN1 fikr2 ki yuN Khaak par barsi sharaab
zulmatoN3 ki kokh4 se paida hue sau mahtaab5
phir uRaaya ilm ne vo kaukab-e-ajraam-yaab6
jiski rau meN uTh rahi hai maah-e taabaN7 ki naqaab
shor barpa hai ke mir8-e aagahi9 aane ko hai
aasmaN par GhulGhule10 haiN aadmi aane ko ha 1.bright 2.reason 3.darkness, ignorance 4.womb 5.full moon 6. star that discovers celestial bodies 7.full moon 8.leader, lord 9.knowledge 10.chatter, talk of the town
josh composed this marsia in 1956 celebrating the emergence of knowledge then modified it to celebrate launch of Sputnik in 1957. Brightness of Knowledge shone on earth like blessed rain of wine and from the womb of ignorance were born hundreds of bright moons. Knowledge launched forth a star – discoverer of celestial bodies which removed the veil from the face of many bright moons. The chatter in heaven speaks of arrival of the lord of knowledge. They are preparing a tumultuous welcome for the arrival of man.
jeb-e qudrat1 saed2 meN bhar kar qava3-e kaaenaat4
ahl5-e Gharq o barq6 ne dam kar7 diya roo-e hayaat8
ek ek qatre9 ke aqde10 se nichoRe sau nukaat11
ek ek zarre12 ke halqe13 se ubhare sau jehaat14
ek ek goshe15 se pahnavar16 jahaaN paida hue
kaai17 ke pallu18 se laakhoN gulsitaaN paida hu 1.nature 2.prey 3.strengths 4.universe 5.owners 6.below and above give life to 8.face of life 9.drop 10.knot, puzzle 11.points 12.particle, sphere 14.sides, facets 15.corner 16.vast 17.moss 18.skirt
Filling their pockets with the powers of vanquished Nature, masters of land and water gave new vigour to the face of life. They squeezed hundreds of fine points out of each drop, and looked at hundreds of facets of each particle. In every corner they discovered vast worlds and thousands of gardens in the most ordinary spread of moss.
josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
saa’atoN1 ko kook bharte2 hi ravaani mil gayi
har daqiiqe3 ko munazzim4 par fashaani5 mil gayi
gung6 lahzoN7 ko gajar8 ki naGhma Khwaani9 mil gayi
umr ke dhaare ko lohe ki kamaani10 mil gayi
suyioN ki11 rau meN lamhoN12 ko chiTakna13 aa gaya
vaqt ko aGhosh-e aahan14 meN chahakna15 aa gaya
1.time, moment 2.wind a spring 3.moment 4.organized fly 6. silent, dumb 7.moment 8.chime 9.singing 10. steel spring 11.movement of needles (pointers) 12.second 13.bloom 14.metallic lap 15.twitter
Describing the invention of time-keeping. Time acquired the ability to flow as the spring (of the clock) was wound up. Every moment began to fly/flow in an organized way. Dumb/silent moments acquired the song of chimes. The flow of life acquired a bow of steel. Steel bow is used as a stand-in for the clock spring and as a metaphor for a strong back which is an expression of human strength. And so in this delicate and subtle way the flow of life is described as acquiring great strength. With the movement of pointers, moments learnt to blossom. Time learnt to twitter in the lap of iron. “chiTakna” is the gentle sound when the bud blooms. The movement of the needles is the blooming (chiTakna) of minutes with its “tick tock”, hence the twittering of time in the lap or iron.
naaz1 se juzv2-e makaaN3 ban kar zamaaN4 gaane laga
taa’eroN5 ka zikr kya Khud aashiyaaN6 gaane laga
zamzame7 chheRe zamiN ne, aasmaaN gaane laga
chimniyoN meN kaarKhaanoN ka dhuaN8 gaane laga
hausle9 nau-e bashar10 ke naaz farmaane lage
hath bandhe aab o aatish11 ke Khawaas12 aane lage (coquettish) 2.component 4.time 5.birds 6.nests 8.smoke 9.courage, daring 10.human species, humanity 11.water and fire 12.specialties, special qualities
Describing industrialization and the control of the elements – fire, water, air. Time joined with Space and burst into joyous song. Not only birds but also their nests began to sing with joy. The earth played music and the sky burst into song. The very smoke of factories sang as it rose through chimneys. Humanity expressed its daring in great style. Water/Fire came hands folded, their powers at the disposal of man.
Sahir wrote in a poem celebrating the launch of the Sputnik.
vo junuN jo aab o aatish ko asiir kar chuka thha
vo Khalaa ki vusa’atoN se bhi Khiraaj le raha hai
The passion that had enslaved Fire and Water
Now demands homage from the vastness of space
deeda1 o ruKhsaar2 aur gosh3 o zabaaN4 ke darmiyaaN5
faasloN6 ki chhuT gayiiN nabzeN7 ba eeN8 bod9-e makaaN10
ek darya11-e ham aaGhoshi12 hua goya ravaaN13
aa gaya khiNch kar bil-aaKhir14 ek markaz15 par jahaaN16
aur yuN aavaaz mahv17-e qat’e manzil18 ho ga’ii
aks19 ko bhi quvvat-e parvaaz20 haasil21 ho ga’ii
1.eye, sight 2.face, image 3. ear, hearing 4.tongue, speech 5.between 6.distances lose nerve 8.with this 9.separation, space 11.river 12.togetherness 13.flow last, focus 17.obsessed, engrossed 18.cut (the distance to) the goal 19.image; 20.power to fly 21.obtain
josh composed this marsia in 1956 and this stanza is applicable to both TV and cinema. Between eye and image and between ear and tongue/sound; distance lost its nerve for fear, because in spite of separation, a river of togetherness began to flow and gather everything. At last the world shrank and came to a focus, because sound was obsessed with cutting the distance to its goal (radio and telephone) and image achieved the power of flight (television).
aatishiiN1 poshaak2 pahni aalam-e eejad3 ne
mom4 ki gardan meN baaheN5 Daal diiN faulaad6 ne
barf lapki7 sard8 kaandhe par shaarare9 laadne
topiyaaN10 badliiN11 basad12 eKhlaas13 barq14 o baad15 ne
dauRte aa’e ekaa’ek16 baahami17 imdaad18 ko
yuN ekaai19 ne pukaara muntashir20 aa’daad21 ko
1.fiery 2.dress of ingenuity 4.wax 5.arms 6.steel 7.leapt 8.cold 9. sparks, flames 10.cap 11.exchanged – topiyaaN badalna is an act courtesy 12.with a hundred 13.courtesies 14.lightning 15.clear breeze (opposite of cloud and thunder) 16.suddenly 19.unity 20.scattered 21.numbers/parts
Ingenuity donned a fiery dress. Soft wax and hard steel embraced each other to serve humanity. Ice leapt up to carry fire on its frozen shoulders. Lightning and Breeze exchanged caps with a hundred courtesies (like players exchange shirts after a friendly game as a sign of sportsmanship). They all came running to help each other because unity of purpose brought all scattered elements together (to serve human needs).
sholagi1 ke nuqta haa-e shor2 tak ole3 gaye
satah binaii4 pe taaroN ke gohar5 role6 gaye
saaye tak naape gaye aur aks7 tak tole8 gaye
anjum9 o zarraat10 ke band-e qaba11 khole gaye
arsh12 tak farsh13-e zamiiN ki himmat-e aali14 gayi
shola15 o shabnam16 meN bal17 dekar girah18 Daali gayi
1.act of creating flames 2.tip of the flame, points of smoke 3.hail, ice 4.limits of sight 5.pearls select or search 7.image weigh 9.stars 10.particle 11.ties of the robe 13.floor 14.high, great 15.flame 16.dew 17.twist 18.knot
Icy hailstones traveled through flames all the way to the tip. The search for stars reached the limits of sight. Even shadows were measured and images were weighed. Taking the measure of shadows and images is to measure that which cannot be directly apprehended. The robes of stars, even of tiny particles of dust were undone. To understand the inner workings of elements and stars is described as a sensuous ‘disrobing’ of stars and elements. The daring courage of the lowly earth reached to the sky. Flame and dew were woven and intertwined into knots. Thus opposites are made to work together.
zauq1 nikhra2 kahkashaani3 baam o dar4 ban’ne lage
saNgreze5 aaiine, qatre6 guhar7 ban’ne lage
barq paare8 murGh-ha-e naama-bar9 ban’ne lage
aahani10 aasab11 Dhal12 kar baal o par13 ban’ne lage
zindagi rooh-e surayya14 ki taraf jaane lagi
qalb-e anjum15 ke dhaRakne ki sada aane lagi
1.taste 2.became refined 3.constellations 4.roof and door, home 5.pebbles 6.drops 7.pearl 8.particles of lightning 9.messenger pigeons 10.metallic 11.nerves and muscles 12.cast 13.feathers and wings 14.spirit of constellations 15.heart of stars
Tastes got refined (increased desires) making stations/homes beyond the stars. Pebbles were ground into mirrors and droplets into pearls. Bits of electricity were fashioned into messenger pigeons (telegraph). Metallic nerves/muscles got cast into feathers and wings (airplane). Life began to fly towards the constellations and the heartbeat of stars began to be heard. The first misra reminds me of Ghalib …
manzar ek balandi par aur ham bana lete
arsh se udhar hota kash ke makaN apna
We could have created a vision at even greater heights
O that our station had been on the other side of heavens.
phir daraKhshaaN1 fikr2 ki yuN Khaak par barsi sharaab
zulmatoN3 ki kokh4 se paida hue sau mahtaab5
phir uRaaya ilm ne vo kaukab-e-ajraam-yaab6
jiski rau meN uTh rahi hai maah-e taabaN7 ki naqaab
shor barpa hai ke mir8-e aagahi9 aane ko hai
aasmaN par GhulGhule10 haiN aadmi aane ko hai
1.bright 2.reason 3.darkness, ignorance 4.womb 5.full moon 6. star that discovers celestial bodies 7.full moon 8.leader, lord 9.knowledge 10.chatter, talk of the town
josh composed this marsia in 1956 celebrating the emergence of knowledge then modified it to celebrate launch of Sputnik in 1957. Brightness of Knowledge shone on earth like blessed rain of wine and from the womb of ignorance were born hundreds of bright moons. Knowledge launched forth a star – discoverer of celestial bodies which removed the veil from the face of many bright moons. The chatter in heaven speaks of arrival of the lord of knowledge. They are preparing a tumultuous welcome for the arrival of man.
jeb-e qudrat1 saed2 meN bhar kar qava3-e kaaenaat4
ahl5-e Gharq o barq6 ne dam kar7 diya roo-e hayaat8
ek ek qatre9 ke aqde10 se nichoRe sau nukaat11
ek ek zarre12 ke halqe13 se ubhare sau jehaat14
ek ek goshe15 se pahnavar16 jahaaN paida hue
kaai17 ke pallu18 se laakhoN gulsitaaN paida hue
1.nature 2.prey 3.strengths 4.universe 5.owners 6.below and above give life to 8.face of life 9.drop 10.knot, puzzle 11.points 12.particle, sphere 14.sides, facets 15.corner 16.vast 17.moss 18.skirt
Filling their pockets with the powers of vanquished Nature, masters of land and water gave new vigour to the face of life. They squeezed hundreds of fine points out of each drop, and looked at hundreds of facets of each particle. In every corner they discovered vast worlds and thousands of gardens in the most ordinary spread of moss.