For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
mojid o mufakkir is “inventor and thinker/philosopher” … josh makes an argument that technology has made life easier for human kind but the philosopher/thinker has raised mankind to new heights of an amorphous combination of “values, culture, ethics, humanity”. The rigor of the argument aside, the language is so awesome, powerful and beautiful that (especially if you allow yourselves to be seduced by josh) you forget about the argument but simply get lost in admiring the composition. I invite you to that journey …
tamaddun 1-10 In 10 stanzas josh describes how sophistication and culture developed among human beings. Please remind yourselves that there is no anthropological rigour in this. The development of civilization/settlements, of speech and writing, of social behaviour is described in the most lyrical and beautiful phrases.
iijadaat 11-18 In stanzas 11-18 josh describes the inventions of technology. It is joyful to read his description of the timepiece or of the satellite or cinema/TV and of sentient machines. The metaphors and the language are incomparably beautiful. I have reordered a couple of stanza from josh’s original marsia to keep the keep the theme compatible in this set of stanzas.
shaa’estagi 19-29 In stanzas 19-29 humans become sensitive to inherited culture, indulge in archeological discoveries and refine culture further.
ehsaan 30-42 josh takes 13 stanzas to pay tribute to scientists and inventors in very beautiful and powerful language and then begins to wonder why humanity is not beholden to them. He goes on to answer that it is one thing to take us to the “dome of the skies” but another to make us understand the meaning of life.
mufakkir 43-53 Explaining the meaning of life is what a mufakkir does and josh goes on to re-affirm why the mufakkir is foremost in human thought, not the mojid.
sifaat-e husain 54-60 Having described the qualities and contributions of the mufakkir josh proceeds to say that husain ibn-e ali is an exemplary mufakkir who rose to do all this for humanity … he rose carrying a flask of his own blood on his shoulder i.e., ready to sacrifice his own life.
haalaat-e daur-e yaziid 61-68 A few stanzas describing in musical language the changing order from principled governance to hubristic power grab and personal enrichment.
Khoon 69-74 These stanzas are an unadulterated, highly emotional praise of husain. The terminology of “Khoon” is used not only to say that Husain was ready to sacrifice his own blood but also in the sense that in common parlance the word “Khoon” is used to imply character, heritage and the like. Even if you are not inclined to shii belief, you will find this composition extremely enjoyable and emotionally charged.
karbala 75-84 josh uses these few stanzas to describe the prevailing conditions before the battle of karbala which led husain to lay down his life in principled resistance.
tarGheeb 85-90 This comes close to incitement and calls upon the audience to resist injustice.
Khiraaj 91-107 Unadulterated tribute to husain. It is beautiful and powerful composition with rich metaphors. Enjoyable even when read with a completely secular viewpoint.
almadad 108-116 A resounding call for help from the spirit of husain while calling upon the audience to act on the principles that impelled husain, to resist present day injustice. His call on husain for water is a most dramatic and ironic climax to this marsia.
جوشؔ ملیح آبادی ۔ موجد و مفکّر۔۳۰۔۴۲۔احسان
شکریہ کیونکر ادا ہو اہلِ ایجادات کا
ایک دریا بہہ رہا ہے طُرفہ مصنوعات کا
جگمگا اُٹھا ہے دن کی طرح مکھڑا رات کا
جسمِ آہن میں دواں ہے خون احساسات کا
یوں اُنھوں نے جزوِ خاک اپنا پسینہ کر دیا
دھات کے آلات کو دانا و بینا کر دیا
جو دُھرا ایجاد کرنے میں ہوا تھا کامیاب
عظمتیں غلطاں ہیں اُسک ے گِرد بے حد و حساب
پر فشاں پہیئے کی ہر گردش بہ فیضِ اِضطراب
جیب میں ڈالے ہوے ہے سو طوافوں کا سواب
وقت اِسکے زیر و بم سے حلقہِ جولاں میں ہے
سو سلیمانوں کی ضو اِس خاتمِ رقصاں میں ہے
صاحبانِ علم و فن ہیں محسنانِ زندگی
ورنہ اب تک ٹھوکروں کی زد پہ ہوتا آدمی
اِن کے ذوقِ جستجو پر جھلکیاں ہیں غیب کی
یہ وہ ماتھے ہیں نہیں اُٹھتے جو سجدوں سے کبھی
اِن میں سے ہر فرد اویسِ قرنی و حلاج ہے
سر کا زانو تک پہنچ جانا یہاں معراج ہے
اِن کے آگے موسموں کی سختیاں ہیں شرمسار
کھیلتے رہتے ہیں یہ وحشی عناصر کا شکار
ہاں اُنھیں کی کارسازی سے بصد عزّ و وقار
ہم ہیں آب و خاک کے مولا ہوا کے شہریار
رعب ہے اپنا مسلّط کشورِ اضداد پر
کاٹھیاں رکھی ہوئی ہیں پشتِ برق و بار پر
اِن کے حسبِ آرزو مظروف بن جاتا ہے ظرف
قطرہ بنتا ہے عجوبہ ذرّہ بنتا ہے شِگرف
آگ بن جاتا ہے پانی برق بن جاتی ہے برف
اِنکے دم سے دوڑتا ہے رشِتہ آہن پہ حرف
جب یہ اُڑتے ہیں دواں جلووں کا دامن تھامنے
کانپتے ہیں ثابت و سیار اِن کے سامنے
اِن میں کوئی خود نوازی کے لئے کوشاں نہیں
صرف اک خدمت کی دُھن ہے دوسرا ارماں نہیں
مانگ کھائیں کچھ عبادت سے یہ وہ اِنساں نہیں
یہ خدا یا آدمی سے اجر کے خواہاں نہیں
حسن کے خلّاق آب و رنگ کے بانی ہیں یہ
شہریارِ کشورِ اِجلالِ اِنسانی ہیں یہ
دِل کو لیکن سخت اِستعجاب ہے اے ہم نشیں
اتنے احسانات کے باوصف یہ روشن جبیں
بن نہ پائے زیرِ سقفِ آسماں صدرِ زمیں
اور تو اور آدمی کے حافظے تک میں نہیں
نام اِن کا دہر کے آفاق بینوں میں نہیں
یہ سفینوں میں تو ہیں موجود سینوں میں نہیں
یہ بظاہر ہے بڑی احساں فراموشی کی بات
حافظوں سے محو ہو جائیں دبیرانِ حیات
کون سلجھائے مگر خم ہائے زلفِ نفسیات
صرف اُسے اِنساں سمجھتا ہے امیرِ کائنات
موڑ کر ذہنِ بشر کو گلستانوں کی طرف
جو اُڑاتا ہے زمیں کو آسمانوں کی طرف
بے شک ایجادات و مصنوعات کی رخشندگی
خاک پر برسا چکی ہے بے نہایت روشنی
روشنی بھی وہ کہ جس کے وجد میں ہے زندگی
معنوی خدمت کی لیکن بات ہے کچھ اور ہی
گھر کو جو چمکائے وہ شمع شبستاں اور ہے
سر کو جو رخشندہ کردے وہ چراغاں اور ہے
آسمانِ زندگی پر دہنِ تاباں کا ہلال
مصر کے بازار میں جس طرح یوسف کا جمال
عقل اگر گل ہو تو شمعِ کشتہ ہے ماضی و حال
لاش ہے اِنساں اگر چلتی نہیں نبضِ خیال
دارو و درماں سے مرُدوں کا جِلانا اور ہے
زندہ اِنسانوں کو قبروں سے اُٹھانا اور ہے
دامنِ ہستی کا پھولوں میں بسانا اور ہے
ایک اک کانٹے کے دل میں ڈوب جانا اور ہے
نخلِ تن کا سرو بالا قد بنانا اور ہے
قامتِ دین و تخیل کا بڑھانا اور ہے
بعُدہائے بحر و بر کے پر کترنا اور ہے
اِرتقائی فاصلوں کا قطع کرنا اور ہے
گنبدِ افلاک پر اُڑنا اُڑانا اور ہے
زندگی کا کنمنا کر مسکرانا اور ہے
ثابت و سیّار کو قبضہ میں لانا اور ہے
آدمی میں آدمی کا چونک جانا اور ہے
گیتی و گردوں کی پنہائی پہ چھانا اور ہے
اِس گھنے جنگل میں خود اپنے کو پانا اور ہے
طبع اِنسانی کو دے سکتا نہیں جو روشنی
نوعِ اِنسانی کا آقا وہ نہیں بنتا کبھی
آدمی کو جو غذا دیتا نہیں اِخلاص کی
اُمتوں کا مقتدا بنتا نہیں وہ آدمی
قبلہ گاہ اُس شخص کو اِنساں بنا سکتا نہیں
جو بشر کے ذہن کو آگے بڑھا سکتا نہیں
जोश मलीहाबादी-मोजिद ओ मुफ़क्किर-३०-४२-एहसान
शुक्रिया क्यूँकर अदा हो अहल-ए ईजादात का
एक दर्या बह रहा है तुर्फ़ा मस्नू’आत का
जगमगा उठा है दिन की तरह मुखढा रात का
जिस्म-ए आहन में दवां है ख़ून एहसासात का
यूँ उन्हों ने जुज़्व-ए ख़ाक अपना पसीना कर दिया
धात के आलात को दाना ओ बीना कर दिया
जो धुरा ईजाद करने में हुआ था कामयाब
अज़्मतें ग़ल्तां हैं उसके गिर्द बे-हद ओ हिसाब
पर फ़शां पहिये की हर गर्दिश बा फ़ैज़-ए इज़्तेराब
जेब में डाले हुए है सौ तवाफ़ों का सवाब
वक़्त इसके ज़ेर ओ बम से हल्क़ा-ए जौलां में है
सौ सुलैमानों की ज़ौ इस ख़ातिम-ए रक़्सां में है
साहिबान-ए इल्म ओ फ़न हैं मोह्सिनान-ए ज़िन्दगी
वरना अब तक ठोकरों की ज़द पे होता आदमी
इन के ज़ौक़-ए जुस्तजू पर झलकियाँ हैं ग़ैब की
ये वो माथे हैं नहीं उठते जो सिज्दों से कभी
इन में से हर फ़र्द उवैस-ए क़रनी ओ हल्लाज है
सर का ज़ानू तक पहुँच जाना यहाँ मेराज है
इनके आगे मोसमों की सख़्तीयाँ हैं शर्मसार
खेलते रहते हैं ये वहशी अनासिर का शिकार
हाँ उन्हीं की कारसाज़ी से बसद इज़्ज़ ओ वक़ार
हम हैं आब ओ ख़ाक के मौला, हवा के शहरियार
रो’अब है अपना मुसल्लत किश्वर-ए अज़्दाद पर
काठियां रखी हुई हैं पुश्त-ए बर्क़ ओ बार पर
इनके हिस्ब-ए आरज़ू मज़्रूफ़ बन जाता है ज़र्फ़
क़तरा बनता है अजूबा, ज़र्रा बनता है शिगर्फ़
आग बन जाता है पानी, बर्क़ बन जाती है बर्फ़
इनके दम से दौढता है रिश्ता-ए आहन में हर्फ़
जब ये उढते हैं दवां जलवों का दामन थामने
कांपते हैं साबित ओ सय्यार इनके सामने
इन में कोई ख़ुद नवाज़ी के लिए कोशां नहीं
सिर्फ़ एक ख़िद्मत की धुन है दूसरा अर्मां नहीं
मांग खाएं कुछ इबादत से ये वो इन्सां नहीं
ये ख़ुदा या आदमी से अज्र के ख़्वाहाँ नहीं
हुस्न के ख़ल्लाक़ आब ओ रंग के बानी हैं ये
शहरियार-ए किश्वर-ए इज्लाल-ए इंसानी हैं ये
दिल को लैकिन सख़्त इस्ते’जाब है अए हम नशीं
इतने एहसानात के बा-वस्फ़ ये रौशन जबीं
बन न पाए ज़ेर-ए सक़्फ़-ए आसमां सद्र-ए ज़मीं
और तो और आदमी के हाफ़ेज़े तक में नहीं
नाम इन का दहर के आफ़ाक़ बीनों में नहीं
ये सफ़ीनों में तो हैं मौजूद सीनों में नहीं
ये बज़ाहर है बढी एहसां-फ़रामोशी कि बात
हाफ़ेज़ों से महव हो जाएँ दबीरान-ए हयात
कौन सुलझाए मगर ख़म हा-ए ज़ुल्फ़-ए नफ़्सियात
सिर्फ़ उसे इन्सां समझता है अमीर-ए काएनात
मोढ कर ज़हन-ए बशर को गुल्सितानों की तरफ़
जो उढाता है ज़मीं को आस्मानों की तरफ़
बेशक ईजादात ओ मस्नू’आत की रख़्शंदगि
ख़ाक पर बरसा चुकी है बे नेहायत रौशनी
रौशनी भी वो के जिस के वज्द में है ज़िन्दगी
मा’अनवी ख़िदमत कि लैकिन बात है कुछ और ही
घर को जो चमकाए वो शम’अ-ए शबिस्तान और है
सर को जो रख़्शंदा कर दे वो चिराग़ां और है
आस्मान-ए ज़िन्दगी पर दहन-ए ताबां का हिलाल
मिस्र के बाज़ार में जिस तरह यूसुफ़ का जमाल
अक़्ल अगर गुल हो तो शम’अ-ए कुश्ता है माज़ी ओ हाल
लाश है इन्सां अगर चलती नहीं नब्ज़-ए ख़्याल
दारू ओ दरमाँ से मुर्दों का जिलाना और है
ज़िन्दा इंसानों को क़ब्रों से उठाना और है
दामन-ए हस्ती का फूलों में बसाना और है
एक एक कांटे के दिल में डूब जाना और है
नख़्ल-ए तन का सर्व बाला क़द बनाना और है
क़ामत-ए दीन ओ तख़य्युल का बढ़ाना और है
बो’अद हा-ए बहर ओ बर के पर कतरना और है
इर्तेक़ाई फ़ासलों का क़ता’अ करना और है
गुंबद-ए अफ़्लाक पर उढना उढाना और है
ज़िन्दगी का कुनमुना कर मुस्कुराना और है
साबित ओ सय्यार को क़ब्ज़े में लाना और है
आदमी में आदमी का चौंक जाना और है
गेती ओ गर्दूं की पहनाई पे छाना और है
इस घने जंगल में ख़ुद अपने को पाना और है
तब’अ इंसानी को दे सकता नहीं जो रौशनी
नौ-ए इंसानी का आक़ा वो नहीं बनता कभी
आदमी को जो ग़िज़ा देता नहीं एख़्लास की
उम्मतों का मुक़्तदा बनता नहीं वो आदमी
क़िब्ला-गह उस शख़्स को इन्सां बना सकता नहीं
जो बशर के ज़हन को आगे बढ़ा सकता नहीं
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
shukriya1 kyuNkar2 ada ho ahl-e eejadaat3 ka
ek darya bah raha hai turfa4 masnuaat5 ka
jagmaga uTha hai din ki tarah mukhRa raat ka
jism-e aahan6 meN davaN7 hai Khoon ehsasaat8 ka
yuN unhoN ne juzv-e Khaak9 apna pasiina kar diya
dhaat10 ke aalat11 ko dana12 o beena13 kar diya 1.thanks 3.inventors 4.fascinating, new 5.products/creativity 6.metal 7.running 8.feelings, sensation 9.part of the dust – to make one’s sweat a part of the dust is to work hard 10.metal 11.instruments, machines 12.knowing 13.seeing
How can we thank these inventors who have caused a constant river of creativity to flow. They have made the face of the night shine like day. They have made metallic machines sense and feel. They have worked so hard and sweated to make inanimate machines know and see.
jo dhura1 eejaad2 karne meN hua tha kaamyaab3
azmateN4 GhaltaaN5 haiN uske gird6 be hadd o hisaab7
par fashaaN pahiye8 ki har gardish9 ba faiz10-e izteraab11
jeb meN Daale hue hai sau tavaafauN12 ka savaab13
vaqt iske zer o bam14 se halqa15-e jaulaaN16 meN hai
sau suleimanoN ki zau17 is Khaatim18-e raqsaaN19 meN hai 1.axis of rotation, wheel 3.successful 4.greatness 5.bowed down 6.around 7.without limit or count 8.flying (rotating) wheel 9.revolution 10.benevolence 11.restlessness 12.circumambulation (of the Kaaba) 13.reward 14.ripples 16.frenzy 17.brilliance 18.the seal of David/Solomon’s ring 19.dancing
He who succeeded in inventing the wheel and rotation, Greatness prostrates herself towards him. With every rotation of the wheel, by the benevolence of its restlessness, he has been able to put in his pocket the virtue of a hundred circumambulations. Time itself is caught up in a circle of joyous frenzy because of him. He possesses a brightness greater than the seal of Solomon.
sahibaan1-e ilm o fun2 haiN mohsinaan3-e zindagi
varna ab tak ThokaroN ki zad4 pe hota aadmi
in ke zauq5-e justuju6 par jhalkiyaaN7 haiN Ghaib8 ki
yeh voh maathe9 haiN nahiN uThte jo sijdoN10 se kabhi
in meN se har fard11 uwais-e qarani o hallaaj12 hai
sar ka zaanu tak pahuNch13 jaana yahaaN me’raaj14 hai 1.owner, lord 2.knowledge and talent 3.benefactor 4.hurt by 5.desire 7.reflections 8.unseen, godliness 9.foreheads 10.bowing down in prayer 11.individual 12. rebel philosophers who were put to death 13.head cut off and fell in the lap 14.climax, honor
These owners of knowledge and talent are benefactors of humanity. But for them man would still be stumbling around. Their passion for knowledge has reflections of godliness. These are people who never raise their heads from ‘sijda’ (devotion to work)/ Every one of them is like Uwais-e Qarani and Hallaj. Being beheaded is an ultimate honor for them. uwais-e qarani and mansoor hallaj (sufi philosophers) were considered to have committed ‘kufr’, refused to recant, and were put to death. Likewise, inventors/scientists are even prepared to be beheaded but will not give up the search for truth. (‘sar ka zanu tak pahunchna’ is an expression used to imply head getting cut off and falling into the lap).
inke aage mosamoN ki saKhtiyaaN1 haiN sharmsaar2
khelte rahte haiN ye vahshi3 anaasir4 ka shikaar
haN unhiN ki kaarsaazi5 se basad6 izz-o-vaqaar7
hum haiN aab-o-Khaak8 ke maula9, hava ke shahriyaar10
ro’ab11 hai apna musallat12 kishvar13-e-azdaad14 par
kaaThiyaN15 rakhi hui haiN pusht16-e-barq-o-bar17 par 1.hardships 2.ashamed 3.wild, untamed 4.elements 5.workmanship 6.with a hundred 7.respect and dignity 8.water and clay, nature, elements 9.lord 10.king 11.influence 12.overpowering 13.domain 14.opposites, struggle (for survival) 15.bodies 16.back 17.lightning and rain, forces of nature
Before them the power of (inclement) seasons is shamefaced. They constantly hunt down untamed elements. Because of their work, with great pomp and glory, we are the lords of Water and Earth and the kings of Air. Our influence reigns over the elements in the struggle for existence. The forces of nature are now forced to carry us on their backs.
inke hisb1-e aarzu2 mazroof3 ban jata hai zarf4
qatra banta hai ajooba5, zarra banta hai shigarf6
aag ban jata hai pani, barq7 ban jati hai barf
inke dam se dauRta hai rishta-e aahan8 meN harf9
jab ye uRte haiN davaaN7 jalvauN8 ka daaman9 thamne
kaaNpte haiN saabit-o-sayyaar10 inke saamne 1.on the side of, in agreement with 2.wish 3.fulfilled, satisfied 4.capability 5.wonder, wondrous 6.surprisingly beautiful 7.thunder 8.string/thread of steel 9.words 7.flowing, running 8.beauties 9.apron 10.stars and planets
Bowing to their wishes all capabilities of nature are fully realized. Even a drop becomes wondrous, and dust becomes beautiful. They can get fire from water and make ice from lightning. Because of their power words fly through metal wires. When they fly to catch hold of the apron of celestial beauties, stars and planets tremble in anticipation
in meN koi Khud nawaazi1 ke liye koshaaN2 nahiN
sirf ek Khidmat3 ki dhun hai doosra armaaN4 nahiN
maaNg khaaeN kuchh ibaadat5 se ye vo insaaN nahiN
ye Khuda ya aadmi se ajr6 ke KhwaahaaN7 nahiN
husn8 ke Khallaaq9 aab-o-rang10 ke baani11 haiN ye
shahryar12-e kishvar13-e ijlaal14-e insaani haiN ye 1.recognition, reward 2.trying for 3.service 4.desire 5.service, effort 6.compensation 7.desirous 9.creator 10.grandeur, pomp 11.source, author 12.lord 13.domain 14.majesty
None among them seeks egotistical recognition. Only the desire for service, nothing else drives them. These are not the people who ask for anything for their service. They desire no recompense from either god or man. They are the creators of beauty and authors of grandeur. They are the lords of the realm of human majesty.
dil ko laikin saKht1 iste’jaab2 hai aye ham-nashiN3
itne ehsaanaat4 ke ba-vasf5 ye raushan-jabiN6
ban na paaye zer7-e saqf8-e aasmaN sadr9-e zamiN
aur to aur aadmi ke haafeze10 tak meN nahiN
naam in ka dahr11 ke aafaaq-binoN12 meN nahiN
ye safiinoN13 meN to haiN maujood14 siinoN15 meN nahiN 1.strong, much 2.amazement 3.contempararies, friends 4.beneficence, kindnesses spite of 6.bright faced 7.under 8.roof 9.leader 10.memory 12.horizon seeing, farsighted 14.present 15.bosom, heart
I am full of amazememt, O my contemporaries, that in spite of all their beneficence, these brilliant ones have not been recognized as lords of the earth. And not just that, they are not even in the forefront of memory. They are not counted among the far seeing. They may be with us (in our minds) but are not in our hearts. ‘Far seeing’ needs further qualification – ‘aafaq biiN=looking beyond the horizon – presumably josh means looking beyond this world into the next – ‘spirituality’. He is not accusing scientists of being shortsighted, only of being focused on the ‘here’ not the ‘hereafter’.
ye bazaahir1 hai baRi ehsaaN-faraamoshi2 ki baat
haafezoN3 se mahv4 ho jaaeN dabiraan5-e hayaat6
kaun suljhaae7 magar Kham-ha8-e zulf-e nafsiyaat9
sirf use insaaN samajhta hai amir-e kaa’enaat10
moR kar zahn-e-bashar11 ko gulsitaanoN12 ki taraf13
jo uRaata hai zamiN ko aasmaanoN ki taraf appearance 2.ingratitude.forgetting favours 3.memories 4.forgotten 5.writers, authors, fate 7.solve 8.tangles, curls of the soul 10.lord of the universe 11.human mind 12.gardens 13.towards
On the surface this appears to be an act of ingratitude that the authors of the secrets of life disappear from memory. But the one who can resolve the tangles of the soul man considers only him to be the leader of all Creation. Only he who turns the mind towards garden of spirituality and gets the earth to fly towards the skies.
beshak1 eejadat2 o masnu’aat3 ki raKhshandagi4
Khaak5 par barsa chuki hai be-nehaayat6 raushni
raushni bhi vo keh jis ke vajd7 meN hai zindagi
ma’anavi8 Khidmat9 ki laikin baat hai kuchh aur hi
ghar ko jo chamkaaye vo sham’a-shabistaaN10 aur hai
sar ko jo raKhshanda4 kar de vo chiraGhaaN aur hai 1.without doubt 2.inventions 3.products 4.brilliance 5.dust, earth 6.without limit 7.trance 8.meaningful, real 9.service 10.night lamp
Without a doubt, the brilliance of inventions and products has rained unlimited light on the earth. And such light that life has been enchanted, as if in a trance. But real/spiritual service is something else. The light that lights up the home is one thing, but that which brightens the soul is something else.
aasmaan-e zindagi par dahn-e-tabaaN1 ka hilaal2
misr3 ke baazaar meN jis tarah yusuf ka jamaal4
aql agar gul5 ho to sham’a-e-kushta6 hai maazi-o-haal7
laash8 hai insaaN agar chalti nahiN nabz-e Khayaal9
daar-o-darmaaN10 se murdoN ka jilaana11 aur hai
zinda insaanoN ko qabroN se uThaana aur hai 1.shining face 2.rising moon 3.Egypt 4.face, beauty (yusuf-Joseph is legendary for his good looks – everyone looked at him when he walked into the bazaar of Egypt) 5.extinguished, shut 6.extinguished lamp 7.past and present 8.corpse 9.pulse of thought 10.pills and potions 11.bring back to life
He (the mufakkir/thinker/philosopher) shines like a brilliant moon in the sky of life like the face of yusuf in the bazaar of Egypt. If the spirit is not lit then life is like an extinguished lamp. Man is like a walking corpse if the pulse of thought is not throbbing. It is one thing to cure ailments with pills and potions. It is quite another to raise men out of their mindlessness.
daaman-e hasti1 ka phuloN meN basaana aur hai
aek ek kaaNTe ke dil meN Doob jana aur hai
naKhl2-e tan3 ka sarv4 bala-qad5 banaana aur hai
qaamat6-e deen7 o taKhayyul8 ka baRhaana aur hai
bo’ad-ha9-e bahr o bar10 ke par katarna11 aur hai
irteqaaii12 faasloN13 ka qata’a14 karna aur hai 1.apron of life 2.tree 3.body 4.cypress (symbol of tall and slender beauty) 5.tall stature 6.stature 8.thought, reason 9.distances, expanse and sky 11.clip wings, control, tame 12.progress (spiritual) 13.distances 14.cut, reduce, overcome
It is one thing to fill the apron of life with pleasant flowers. It is another to make a home in hard-hearted thorns. It is one thing to make the material body tall and beautiful. It is another to increase the stature of the spirit and thought
It is one thing to tame and clip the wings of the earth and sky. It is another to overcome the distance to the heights of spirituality.
gunbad1-e aflaak2 par uRna uRaana aur hai
zindagi ka kunmuna3 kar muskurana aur hai
saabit-o-sayyaar4 ko qabze5 meN laana aur hai
aadmi meN aadmi ka chauNk6 jaana aur hai
geti o garduN7 ki pahnaai8 pe chhaana aur hai
is ghane jangal meN Khud apne ko paana aur hai 1.dome 2.skies 3.infant gurgling 4.stars and planets 5.possession, control 6.startle, become aware, get to know and sky 8.expanse
It is one thing to fly around in this dome of the sky. It is another to awaken the spirit of childlike man. It is one thing to conquer stars and planets. It is another to awaken humanity in man. It is one thing to dominate the expanse of the earth and sky. It is another to find your true self in this thick forest.
tab’a1 insaani ko de sakta nahiN jo raushni
nau-e-insaani2 ka aaqa3 vo nahiN banta kabhi
aadmi ko jo Ghiza4 deta nahiN iKhlaas5 ki
ummatoN6 ka muqtada7 banta nahiN vo aadmi
qibla-gah8 us shaKhs9 ko insaaN bana sakta nahiN
jo bashar10 ke zahn ko aage baRha sakta nahiN 1.nature, spirit 2.humanity 3.leader 4.nourishment of the other 6.communities 7.leader of worship, respected 9.person
He who cannot give light to (awaken) the human spirit, cannot become a leader of humanity. He who cannot nourish love of the other in human beings, cannot become a leader of communities. He cannot be given the place of leadership, who cannot strengthen the human spirit.
josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
shukriya1 kyuNkar2 ada ho ahl-e eejadaat3 ka
ek darya bah raha hai turfa4 masnuaat5 ka
jagmaga uTha hai din ki tarah mukhRa raat ka
jism-e aahan6 meN davaN7 hai Khoon ehsasaat8 ka
yuN unhoN ne juzv-e Khaak9 apna pasiina kar diya
dhaat10 ke aalat11 ko dana12 o beena13 kar diya
1.thanks 3.inventors 4.fascinating, new 5.products/creativity 6.metal 7.running 8.feelings, sensation 9.part of the dust – to make one’s sweat a part of the dust is to work hard 10.metal 11.instruments, machines 12.knowing 13.seeing
How can we thank these inventors who have caused a constant river of creativity to flow. They have made the face of the night shine like day. They have made metallic machines sense and feel. They have worked so hard and sweated to make inanimate machines know and see.
jo dhura1 eejaad2 karne meN hua tha kaamyaab3
azmateN4 GhaltaaN5 haiN uske gird6 be hadd o hisaab7
par fashaaN pahiye8 ki har gardish9 ba faiz10-e izteraab11
jeb meN Daale hue hai sau tavaafauN12 ka savaab13
vaqt iske zer o bam14 se halqa15-e jaulaaN16 meN hai
sau suleimanoN ki zau17 is Khaatim18-e raqsaaN19 meN hai
1.axis of rotation, wheel 3.successful 4.greatness 5.bowed down 6.around 7.without limit or count 8.flying (rotating) wheel 9.revolution 10.benevolence 11.restlessness 12.circumambulation (of the Kaaba) 13.reward 14.ripples 16.frenzy 17.brilliance 18.the seal of David/Solomon’s ring 19.dancing
He who succeeded in inventing the wheel and rotation, Greatness prostrates herself towards him. With every rotation of the wheel, by the benevolence of its restlessness, he has been able to put in his pocket the virtue of a hundred circumambulations. Time itself is caught up in a circle of joyous frenzy because of him. He possesses a brightness greater than the seal of Solomon.
sahibaan1-e ilm o fun2 haiN mohsinaan3-e zindagi
varna ab tak ThokaroN ki zad4 pe hota aadmi
in ke zauq5-e justuju6 par jhalkiyaaN7 haiN Ghaib8 ki
yeh voh maathe9 haiN nahiN uThte jo sijdoN10 se kabhi
in meN se har fard11 uwais-e qarani o hallaaj12 hai
sar ka zaanu tak pahuNch13 jaana yahaaN me’raaj14 hai
1.owner, lord 2.knowledge and talent 3.benefactor 4.hurt by 5.desire 7.reflections 8.unseen, godliness 9.foreheads 10.bowing down in prayer 11.individual 12. rebel philosophers who were put to death 13.head cut off and fell in the lap 14.climax, honor
These owners of knowledge and talent are benefactors of humanity. But for them man would still be stumbling around. Their passion for knowledge has reflections of godliness. These are people who never raise their heads from ‘sijda’ (devotion to work)/ Every one of them is like Uwais-e Qarani and Hallaj. Being beheaded is an ultimate honor for them. uwais-e qarani and mansoor hallaj (sufi philosophers) were considered to have committed ‘kufr’, refused to recant, and were put to death. Likewise, inventors/scientists are even prepared to be beheaded but will not give up the search for truth. (‘sar ka zanu tak pahunchna’ is an expression used to imply head getting cut off and falling into the lap).
inke aage mosamoN ki saKhtiyaaN1 haiN sharmsaar2
khelte rahte haiN ye vahshi3 anaasir4 ka shikaar
haN unhiN ki kaarsaazi5 se basad6 izz-o-vaqaar7
hum haiN aab-o-Khaak8 ke maula9, hava ke shahriyaar10
ro’ab11 hai apna musallat12 kishvar13-e-azdaad14 par
kaaThiyaN15 rakhi hui haiN pusht16-e-barq-o-bar17 par
1.hardships 2.ashamed 3.wild, untamed 4.elements 5.workmanship 6.with a hundred 7.respect and dignity 8.water and clay, nature, elements 9.lord 10.king 11.influence 12.overpowering 13.domain 14.opposites, struggle (for survival) 15.bodies 16.back 17.lightning and rain, forces of nature
Before them the power of (inclement) seasons is shamefaced. They constantly hunt down untamed elements. Because of their work, with great pomp and glory, we are the lords of Water and Earth and the kings of Air. Our influence reigns over the elements in the struggle for existence. The forces of nature are now forced to carry us on their backs.
inke hisb1-e aarzu2 mazroof3 ban jata hai zarf4
qatra banta hai ajooba5, zarra banta hai shigarf6
aag ban jata hai pani, barq7 ban jati hai barf
inke dam se dauRta hai rishta-e aahan8 meN harf9
jab ye uRte haiN davaaN7 jalvauN8 ka daaman9 thamne
kaaNpte haiN saabit-o-sayyaar10 inke saamne
1.on the side of, in agreement with 2.wish 3.fulfilled, satisfied 4.capability 5.wonder, wondrous 6.surprisingly beautiful 7.thunder 8.string/thread of steel 9.words 7.flowing, running 8.beauties 9.apron 10.stars and planets
Bowing to their wishes all capabilities of nature are fully realized. Even a drop becomes wondrous, and dust becomes beautiful. They can get fire from water and make ice from lightning. Because of their power words fly through metal wires. When they fly to catch hold of the apron of celestial beauties, stars and planets tremble in anticipation
in meN koi Khud nawaazi1 ke liye koshaaN2 nahiN
sirf ek Khidmat3 ki dhun hai doosra armaaN4 nahiN
maaNg khaaeN kuchh ibaadat5 se ye vo insaaN nahiN
ye Khuda ya aadmi se ajr6 ke KhwaahaaN7 nahiN
husn8 ke Khallaaq9 aab-o-rang10 ke baani11 haiN ye
shahryar12-e kishvar13-e ijlaal14-e insaani haiN ye
1.recognition, reward 2.trying for 3.service 4.desire 5.service, effort 6.compensation 7.desirous 9.creator 10.grandeur, pomp 11.source, author 12.lord 13.domain 14.majesty
None among them seeks egotistical recognition. Only the desire for service, nothing else drives them. These are not the people who ask for anything for their service. They desire no recompense from either god or man. They are the creators of beauty and authors of grandeur. They are the lords of the realm of human majesty.
dil ko laikin saKht1 iste’jaab2 hai aye ham-nashiN3
itne ehsaanaat4 ke ba-vasf5 ye raushan-jabiN6
ban na paaye zer7-e saqf8-e aasmaN sadr9-e zamiN
aur to aur aadmi ke haafeze10 tak meN nahiN
naam in ka dahr11 ke aafaaq-binoN12 meN nahiN
ye safiinoN13 meN to haiN maujood14 siinoN15 meN nahiN
1.strong, much 2.amazement 3.contempararies, friends 4.beneficence, kindnesses spite of 6.bright faced 7.under 8.roof 9.leader 10.memory 12.horizon seeing, farsighted 14.present 15.bosom, heart
I am full of amazememt, O my contemporaries, that in spite of all their beneficence, these brilliant ones have not been recognized as lords of the earth. And not just that, they are not even in the forefront of memory. They are not counted among the far seeing. They may be with us (in our minds) but are not in our hearts. ‘Far seeing’ needs further qualification – ‘aafaq biiN=looking beyond the horizon – presumably josh means looking beyond this world into the next – ‘spirituality’. He is not accusing scientists of being shortsighted, only of being focused on the ‘here’ not the ‘hereafter’.
ye bazaahir1 hai baRi ehsaaN-faraamoshi2 ki baat
haafezoN3 se mahv4 ho jaaeN dabiraan5-e hayaat6
kaun suljhaae7 magar Kham-ha8-e zulf-e nafsiyaat9
sirf use insaaN samajhta hai amir-e kaa’enaat10
moR kar zahn-e-bashar11 ko gulsitaanoN12 ki taraf13
jo uRaata hai zamiN ko aasmaanoN ki taraf appearance 2.ingratitude.forgetting favours 3.memories 4.forgotten 5.writers, authors, fate 7.solve 8.tangles, curls of the soul 10.lord of the universe 11.human mind 12.gardens 13.towards
On the surface this appears to be an act of ingratitude that the authors of the secrets of life disappear from memory. But the one who can resolve the tangles of the soul man considers only him to be the leader of all Creation. Only he who turns the mind towards garden of spirituality and gets the earth to fly towards the skies.
beshak1 eejadat2 o masnu’aat3 ki raKhshandagi4
Khaak5 par barsa chuki hai be-nehaayat6 raushni
raushni bhi vo keh jis ke vajd7 meN hai zindagi
ma’anavi8 Khidmat9 ki laikin baat hai kuchh aur hi
ghar ko jo chamkaaye vo sham’a-shabistaaN10 aur hai
sar ko jo raKhshanda4 kar de vo chiraGhaaN aur hai
1.without doubt 2.inventions 3.products 4.brilliance 5.dust, earth 6.without limit 7.trance 8.meaningful, real 9.service 10.night lamp
Without a doubt, the brilliance of inventions and products has rained unlimited light on the earth. And such light that life has been enchanted, as if in a trance. But real/spiritual service is something else. The light that lights up the home is one thing, but that which brightens the soul is something else.
aasmaan-e zindagi par dahn-e-tabaaN1 ka hilaal2
misr3 ke baazaar meN jis tarah yusuf ka jamaal4
aql agar gul5 ho to sham’a-e-kushta6 hai maazi-o-haal7
laash8 hai insaaN agar chalti nahiN nabz-e Khayaal9
daar-o-darmaaN10 se murdoN ka jilaana11 aur hai
zinda insaanoN ko qabroN se uThaana aur hai
1.shining face 2.rising moon 3.Egypt 4.face, beauty (yusuf-Joseph is legendary for his good looks – everyone looked at him when he walked into the bazaar of Egypt) 5.extinguished, shut 6.extinguished lamp 7.past and present 8.corpse 9.pulse of thought 10.pills and potions 11.bring back to life
He (the mufakkir/thinker/philosopher) shines like a brilliant moon in the sky of life like the face of yusuf in the bazaar of Egypt. If the spirit is not lit then life is like an extinguished lamp. Man is like a walking corpse if the pulse of thought is not throbbing. It is one thing to cure ailments with pills and potions. It is quite another to raise men out of their mindlessness.
daaman-e hasti1 ka phuloN meN basaana aur hai
aek ek kaaNTe ke dil meN Doob jana aur hai
naKhl2-e tan3 ka sarv4 bala-qad5 banaana aur hai
qaamat6-e deen7 o taKhayyul8 ka baRhaana aur hai
bo’ad-ha9-e bahr o bar10 ke par katarna11 aur hai
irteqaaii12 faasloN13 ka qata’a14 karna aur hai
1.apron of life 2.tree 3.body 4.cypress (symbol of tall and slender beauty) 5.tall stature 6.stature 8.thought, reason 9.distances, expanse and sky 11.clip wings, control, tame 12.progress (spiritual) 13.distances 14.cut, reduce, overcome
It is one thing to fill the apron of life with pleasant flowers. It is another to make a home in hard-hearted thorns. It is one thing to make the material body tall and beautiful. It is another to increase the stature of the spirit and thought
It is one thing to tame and clip the wings of the earth and sky. It is another to overcome the distance to the heights of spirituality.
gunbad1-e aflaak2 par uRna uRaana aur hai
zindagi ka kunmuna3 kar muskurana aur hai
saabit-o-sayyaar4 ko qabze5 meN laana aur hai
aadmi meN aadmi ka chauNk6 jaana aur hai
geti o garduN7 ki pahnaai8 pe chhaana aur hai
is ghane jangal meN Khud apne ko paana aur hai
1.dome 2.skies 3.infant gurgling 4.stars and planets 5.possession, control 6.startle, become aware, get to know and sky 8.expanse
It is one thing to fly around in this dome of the sky. It is another to awaken the spirit of childlike man. It is one thing to conquer stars and planets. It is another to awaken humanity in man. It is one thing to dominate the expanse of the earth and sky. It is another to find your true self in this thick forest.
tab’a1 insaani ko de sakta nahiN jo raushni
nau-e-insaani2 ka aaqa3 vo nahiN banta kabhi
aadmi ko jo Ghiza4 deta nahiN iKhlaas5 ki
ummatoN6 ka muqtada7 banta nahiN vo aadmi
qibla-gah8 us shaKhs9 ko insaaN bana sakta nahiN
jo bashar10 ke zahn ko aage baRha sakta nahiN
1.nature, spirit 2.humanity 3.leader 4.nourishment of the other 6.communities 7.leader of worship, respected 9.person
He who cannot give light to (awaken) the human spirit, cannot become a leader of humanity. He who cannot nourish love of the other in human beings, cannot become a leader of communities. He cannot be given the place of leadership, who cannot strengthen the human spirit.