mojid o mufakkir-043-053-mufakkir-josh malihabadi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

mojid o mufakkir is “inventor and thinker/philosopher” … josh makes an argument that technology has made life easier for human kind but the philosopher/thinker has raised mankind to new heights of an amorphous combination of “values, culture, ethics, humanity”.  The rigor of the argument aside, the language is so awesome, powerful and beautiful that (especially if you allow yourselves to be seduced by josh) you forget about the argument but simply get lost in admiring the composition.  I invite you to that journey …

tamaddun 1-10  In 10 stanzas josh describes how sophistication and culture developed among human beings.  Please remind yourselves that there is no anthropological rigour in this.  The development of civilization/settlements, of speech and writing, of social behaviour is described in the most lyrical and beautiful phrases.

iijadaat 11-18  In stanzas 11-18 josh describes the inventions of technology.  It is joyful to read his description of the timepiece or of the satellite or cinema/TV and of sentient machines.  The metaphors and the language are incomparably beautiful.  I have reordered a couple of stanza from josh’s original marsia to keep the keep the theme compatible in this set of stanzas.

shaa’estagi 19-29  In stanzas 19-29 humans become sensitive to inherited culture, indulge in archeological discoveries and refine culture further.

ehsaan 30-42 josh takes 13 stanzas to pay tribute to scientists and inventors in very beautiful and powerful language and then begins to wonder why humanity is not beholden to them.  He goes on to answer that it is one thing to take us to the “dome of the skies” but another to make us understand the meaning of life.

mufakkir  43-53  Explaining the meaning of life is what a mufakkir does and josh goes on to re-affirm why the mufakkir is foremost in human thought, not the mojid.

sifaat-e husain  54-60  Having described the qualities and contributions of the mufakkir josh proceeds to say that husain ibn-e ali is an exemplary mufakkir who rose to do all this for humanity … he rose carrying a flask of his own blood on his shoulder i.e., ready to sacrifice his own life.

haalaat-e daur-e yaziid  61-68   A few stanzas describing in musical language the changing order from principled governance to hubristic power grab and personal enrichment.

Khoon 69-74  These stanzas are an unadulterated, highly emotional praise of husain.  The terminology of “Khoon” is used not only to say that Husain was ready to sacrifice his own blood but also in the sense that in common parlance the word “Khoon” is used to imply character, heritage and the like.  Even if you are not inclined to shii belief, you will find this composition extremely enjoyable and emotionally charged.

karbala 75-84  josh uses these few stanzas to describe the prevailing conditions before the battle of karbala which led husain to lay down his life in principled resistance.

tarGheeb 85-90  This comes close to incitement and calls upon the audience to resist injustice.

Khiraaj 91-107  Unadulterated tribute to husain.  It is beautiful and powerful composition with rich metaphors.  Enjoyable even when read with a completely secular viewpoint.

almadad 108-116  A resounding call for help from the spirit of husain while calling upon the audience to act on the principles that impelled husain, to resist present day injustice.  His call on husain for water is a most dramatic and ironic climax to this marsia.

جوشؔ ملیح آبادی۔موجد و مفکّر۔۴۳۔۵۳۔مفکّر


کاہ  کی  رگ  میں  جو  دوڑاتا  ہے  خونِ  کہکشاں

کھولتا  ہے  خار  کے  دِل  میں  جو  بابِ  گلستاں

گونج  اُٹھتی  ہے  رگِ  گردن  میں  جس  کی  داستاں

نعرہ  بنتا  ہے  اُسی  کا  نام  زیرِ  آسماں

شمع  رکھتا  ہے  جو  وقتِ  پرفشاں  کے  تاق  میں

تا  قیامت  گونجتا  ہے  گنبدِ  آفاق  میں


سونپتا  ہے  جو  قلندر  کو  کلاہِ  قیصری

جو  بناتا  ہے  زمیں  کو  آسماں  کا  مشتری

چاکری  کے  سر  پہ  جو  رکھتا  ہے  تاجِ  سروری

بندگی  کو  جو  بخشتا  ہے  مزاجِ  داوری

کھولتا  ہے  بابِ  خودیابی  جو  یوں  اِنسان  پر

اِبنِ  آدم  جھومنے  لگتا  ہے  اپنی  شان  پر


جو  عمل  کے  طاق  میں  رکھتا  ہے  شمع  اعتدال

ڈالتا  ہے  خنجرِ  برّاں  پہ  جو  عکسِ  ہلال

بخشتا  ہے  عارضِ  احساس  کو  جو  خد  و  خال

جس  کے  دم  سے  سانس  لینا  سیکھ  جاتا  ہے  خیال

نور  برساتا  ہے  جو  یوں  عالمِ  ابصار  پر

صبح  ہو  جاتی  ہے  طالع  مطلعِ  افکار  پر


شامِ  بدنظمی  کو  جو  دیتا  ہے  صبح  انتظام

باغِ  دل  میں  نصب  کرتا  ہے  جو  دانش  کے  خیام

ڈالتا  ہے  دشتِ  فطرت  میں  جو  طرح  سقف  و  بام

بخشتا  ہے  جسمِ  حکمت  کو  جو  اعصابی  قوام

فکر  و  فعل  و  قول  پر  رہتا  ہے  جو  چھایا  ہوا

جاگ  اُٹھتا  ہے  جس  سے  قلب  گہنایا  ہوا


لطف  سے  جو  موڑتا  ہے  جادہ  ہائے  نفصیات

جو  بدل  دیتا  ہے  آب  و  رنگِ  تصویرِ  صفات

جس  سے  بن  جاتا  ہے  تعمیری  تصوّر  ذی  حیات

جس  سے  تنہائی  میں  روحِ  زندگی  کرتی  ہے  بات

محفلِ  آفاق  میں  تابندہ  رہتا  ہے  وہی

نفسِ  عالمگیر  بن  کر  زندہ  رہتا  ہے  وہی


جو  سمجھتا  ہے  محلّ  حکمِ  تعجیل  و  درنگ

جو  حکم  ہوتا  ہے  مابینِ  اُمورِ  صُلح  و  جنگ

جس  کو  چھو  کر  پنکھڑی  کا  روپ  بھر  لیتا  ہے  رنگ

بخشتا  ہے  جو  قوسِ  فکر  کو  ترتیبِ  رنگ

جھوم  کر  بادل  کی  صورت  خیمۂ  اخلاق  پر

پھول  برساتا  ہے  جو  تاریخ  کے  اوراق  پر


مرحمت  کرتا  ہے  سینوں  کو  دوبارہ  جو  بشر

وقتِ  سارق  سے  متاعِ  برُدۂ  دِل  چھین  کر

نوعِ  اِنساں  کو  عطا  کرتا  ہے  جو  بارِ  دگر

آدمی  کے  دیدۂ  باطن  کی  مسروقہ  نظر

اور  برامد  کر  کے  جیبِ  دُزد  سے  ایقان  کو

بخشتا  ہے  جاگتا  اِنسان  جو  اِنسان  کو


ڈھالتا  ہے  جو  نئے  سانچوں  میں  آئینِ  جہاں

جو  عطا  کرتا  ہے  فکرِ  تازہ  کو  چشم  و  زباں

جو  عمل  کے  کالبُد  میں  نفخ  کرتا  ہے  رواں

بخشتا  ہے  جو  تخیل  کے  بدن  کو  اُستخواں

دِن  بنا  کر  خود  پرستی  کی  اندھیری  رات  کو

جو  سکھاتا  ہے  خرِامِ  ناز  احساسات  کو


بخشتا  ہے  جو  سخن  سے  قلبِ  اِنساں  کو  دمک

جس  کے  لعلِ  نغز  گو  سینوں  میں  بنتے  ہیں  دھنک

سیکڑوں  ذی  ہوش  اِنسانوں  کو  وقتِ  مرگ  تک

ہر  نفس  آتی  ہے  اپنی  سانس  سے  جس  کی  مہک

اِنشراحِ  صدر  کی  مہندی  لگا  کر  پاؤں  میں

بیٹھتی  ہے  زندگی  جس  کی  نظر  کی  چھاوٗں  میں


ولولوں  کی  سطح  کو  دیتا  ہے  جو  آبِ  گہر

جس  کے  روشن  سائے  میں  پروان  چڑھتی  ہے  نظر

جس  کے  لہجے  میں  گندھے  ہوتے  ہیں  سو  شمس  و  قمر

جس  کے  لفظوں  کے  اُفق  پر  جگمگاتی  ہے  سحر

نام  رہتا  ہے  اُسی  کا  خاطرِ  ممنون  میں

جس  کے  فقرے  دوڑتے  ہیں  آدمی  کے  خون  میں


بخشتا  ہے  معتدل  فکر  و  عمل  کو  جو  وقار

آندھیوں  کو  جو  بناتا  ہے  نسیمِ  لالہ  زار

جس  کے  ابرِ  نطق  سے  پاتی  ہے  سیرت  برگ  و  بار

معنوی  آبائے  اِنسانی  میں  ہوتا  ہے  شمار

بارشیں  قرنوں  کی  اُس  کا  قصر  ڈھا  سکتی  نہیں

آندھیاں  اُس  کے  چراغوں  کو  بجھا  سکتی  نہیں

जोश मलीहाबादी-मोजिद ओ मुफ़क्किर-४३-५३-मुफ़क्किर


काह की रग में जो दौढाता है ख़ून-ए कहकशां

खोलता है ख़ार के दिल में जो बाब-ए गुल्सितां

गूँज उठती है रग-ए गर्दन में जिस की दास्ताँ

ना’रा बनता है उसी का नाम ज़ेर-ए आसमां

शम’अ रख्ता है जो वक़्त-ए पर-फ़शां के ताक़ में

ता क़यामत गूंजता है गुंबद-ए आफ़ाक़ में


सौंपता है जो क़लन्दर को कुलाह-ए क़ैसरी

जो बनाता है ज़मीं को आस्मां का मुश्तरी

चाकरी के सर पे जो रखता है ताज-ए सरवरी

बंदगी को जो बख़शता है मिज़ाज-ए दावरी

खोलता है बाब-ए ख़ुदयाबी जो यूँ इन्सान पर

इब्न-ए आदम झूमने लगता है अपनी शान पर


जो अमल के ताक़ में रख्ता है शम’अ-ए ए’तेदाल

डालता है ख़ंजर-ए बुर्रां पे जो अक्स-ए हिलाल

बख़्शता है आ’रेज़-ए एहसास को जो ख़द ओ ख़ाल

जिस के दम से सांस लेना सीख जाता है ख़याल

नूर बरसाता है जो यूँ आ’लम-ए अब्सार पर

सुबह हो जाती है ताला’अ मतला’अ-ए अफ़्कार पर


शाम-ए बद्नज़्मी को जो देता है सुबह-ए इंतेज़ाम

बाग़-ए दिल में नस्ब करता है जो दानिश के ख़याम

डालता है दश्त-ए फ़ित्रत में जो तरह सक़्फ़ ओ बाम

बख़्शता है जिस्म-ए हिकमत को जो अ’साबी क़वाम

फ़िक्र ओ फ़’अल ओ क़ौल पर रहता है जो छाया हुआ

जाग उठता है जिस से क़ल्ब गहनाया हुआ


लुत्फ़ से जो मोढता है जादा-हा-ए नफ़्सियात

जो बदल देता है आब ओ रंग-ए तस्वीर-ए सिफ़ात

जिस से बन जाता है ता’अमीरी तसव्वुर ज़ी-हयात

जिस से तन्हाई में रूह-ए ज़िन्दगी करती है बात

महफ़िल-ए आफ़ाक़ में ताबिंदा रहता है वही

नफ़्स-ए आलम-गीर बन कर ज़िन्दा रहता है वही


जो समझता है महल्ल-ए हकम ता’अजील ओ दरंग

जो हकम होता है माबैन-ए उमूर-ए सुलह ओ जंग

जिस को छू कर पंखढी का रूप भर लेता है रंग

बख़्शता है जो नुक़ूश-ए फ़िक्र को तर्तिब-ए रंग

झूम कर बादल की सूरत ख़ैमा-ए अख़्लाक़ पर

फूल बरसाता है जो तारीख़ के औराक़ पर


मरहमत करता है सीनों को दोबारा जो बशर

वक़्त-ए सारक़ से मता’अ-ए बुर्दा-ए दिल छीन कर

नौ-ए इन्सां को अता करता है जो बार-ए दिगर

आदमी के दीदा-ए बातिन की मस्रूक़ा नज़र

और बरामद कर के जेब-ए दुज़्द से ईक़ान को

बख़्शता है जागता इंसान जो इंसान को


ढालता है जो नऐ सांचों में आईन-ए जहाँ

जो अता करता है फ़िक्र-ए ताज़ा को चश्म ओ ज़बाँ

जो अमल के काल्बुद में नफ़ख़ करता है रवाँ

बख़्शता है जो तख़य्युल के बदन को उस्तख़्वाँ

दिन बना कर ख़ुद परस्ती की अँधेरी रात को

जो सिखाता है ख़राम-ए नाज़ एहसासात को


बख़्शता है जो सुख़न से क़ल्ब-ए इन्सां को दमक

जिस के ल’अल ओ नुग़ज़ गो सीनों में बनते हैं धनक

सैकढों ज़ी-होश इंसानों को वक़्त-ए मर्ग तक

हर नफ़स आती है अपनी साँस से जिस की महक

इन्शेराह-ए सदर की मेहँदी लगा कर पाऊँ में

बैठती है ज़िन्दगी जिस की नज़र की छाऊँ में


वल्वलों की सतह को देता है जो आब-ए गुहर

जिसके रौशन साए में परवान चढ़ती है नज़र

जिसके लहजे में गुंधे होते हैं सौ शम्स ओ क़मर

जिसके लफ़्ज़ों के उफ़क़ पर जगमगाती है सहर

नाम रहता है उसी का ख़ातेर-ए ममनून में

जिसके फ़िक़्रे दौढते हैं आदमी के ख़ून में


बख़्शता है मो’अतदिल फ़िक्र ओ अमल को जो वक़ार

आन्धिओं को जो बनाता है नसीम-ए लाला ज़ार

जिस के अब्र-ए नुत्क़ से पाती है सीरत बर्ग ओ बार

मा’अनवी आबा-ए इंसानी में होता है शुमार

बारिशें क़र्नों की इसका क़स्र ढा सकती नहीं

आंधियां इसके चिराग़ों को बुझा सकती नहीं


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
kaah ki rag1 meN jo dauRaata hai Khoon-e kahkashaaN2
kholta hai Khaar3 ke dil meN jo baab4-e gulsitaaN5
goonj uThti hai rag-e gardan meN jis ki dastaaN6
na’ara7 banta hai isi ka naam zer8-e aasmaaN
sham’a rakhta hai jo vaqt-e par-fashaaN9 ke taaq10 meN
ta qayamat11 goonjta hai gunbad12-e aafaq13 meN
1.vein of a sapling i.e., the vein of life 2.blood of constellations i.e., the spirit of the universe 3.thorn 4.door 6.story 7.cry, slogan 8.under 9.flying time 10.alcove 11.doomsday 12.dome 13.skies
He who makes the spirit of the universe flow through the vein of life. He who opens the heart of sharp thorns to the garden of love. He whose story reverberates through the jugular vein i.e., through the essence of life. Only his name becomes a rallying cry for humanity. He who places the lamp of spirituality in the alcove of time. His name reverberates under the dome of the sky until doomsday.

sauNpta1 hai jo qalandar2 ko kulaah-e qaisari3
jo banaata hai zamiN ko aasmaaN ka mushtari4
chaakri ke sar pe jo rakhta hai taaj-e sarvari5
bandagi6 ko jo baKhashta7 hai mizaaj-e daavari8
kholta hai baab9-e Khudyaabi10 jo yuN insaan par
ibn-e aadam11 jhoomne lagta hai apni shaan par entrust, to give 2.beggar 3.Caesar’s cap (metaphor for high status) 4.buyer 5.leader/lord 6.slavery 7.grants of kingship 9. door 10.understanding one’s inner self 11.son of Adam i.e., man
He who entrusts the cap of Caesar to the beggar i.e., monarchy/power to the destitue/powerless. He who makes the lowly earth the buyer the high-placed sky. He who places the crown of royalty on the head of the servant. He who treats the slave like a king. He who opens the door to an understanding of one’s inner self. He makes man sway with ecstasy at his own grandeur.

jo amal1 ke taaq2 meN rakhta hai sham’a-e e’tedaal3
Daalta hai Khanjar-e burraaN4 pe jo aks-e hilaal5
baKhshta hai a’ariz-e ehsaas6 ko jo Khad o Khaal7
jis ke dam se saaNs lena seekh jaata hai Khayaal
noor barsaata hai jo yuN aa’lam-e absaar8 par
subah ho jaati hai tala’a9 matla’-e afkaar10 par
1.action 2.alcove 3.light of evenhandedness, justice dagger 5.image of the new moon-the dagger is changed into an object of peace and joy 6.face of feeling/love 7.cheek and beauty spot, face/beauty and features that we can see (as opposed to spiritual) 9.emerge 10.horizon of thought/reason
He who places the lamp of justice in the alcove of action and turns the dagger into an object of peace and joy (symbolized by the new moon). He grants beauty to the face of love whose life’s work blows a fresh breath into Thought/Reason. He brightens up this sentient world bringing dawn to the horizon of reason.

shaam-e badnazmi1 ko jo deta hai subah-e intezaam2
baaGh-e dil meN nasb3 karta hai jo daanish4 ke Khayaam5
Daalta hai dasht6-e fitrat7 meN jo tarah saqf o baam8
baKhshta hai jism-e hikmat9 ko jo aa’sabi qawaam10
fikr11 o fa’al12 o qaul13 par rahta hai jo chhaaya hua
jaag uThta hai jis se qalb14 gahnaaya15 hua
1.confusion 2. organization 3.establish 4. wisdom 5.tent/place 6.wilderness 7.nature; 8. foundations of a roof and shelter 9.knowledge 10. muscular strength 11.thought 12.action 13.word, principle 14. heart, soul 15.eclipsed
He who turns the night of confusion to the dawn of clarity. He who plants/erects tents of wisdom in the garden of the soul. He who makes foundations for a shelter in the wilderness of nature. He who gives great strength to the body of wisdom. He who is consistent in thought, word and action. It is because of him that the eclipsed soul awakens to life.

lutf1 se jo moRta hai jaada2-ha-e nafsiyaat3
jo badal deta hai aab o rang4-e tasviir-e sifaat5
jis se ban jaata hai ta’amiri-tasavvur6 zi-hayaat7
jis se tanhaai8 meN rooh-e zindagi9 karti hai baat
mahfil-e aafaq10  meN taabinda11 rahta hai vahi
nafs-e aalamgir12 ban kar zinda rahta hai vahi
1.pleasure 2.path 3.spirit, soul 4.shine and color 5.natural capabilities 6.concept of progress 7.with life 8.alone 9.the spirit of existence 10.assembly of horizons i.e., sky 11.brilliant 12.spirit of the conqueror of the world
He who turns us to the spiritual path with ease. He who gives luster to the picture of the capabilities of man. He who gives life to the concept of peace and progress. He who can converse on equal terms with the very spirit of existence. He alone shines brilliantly in the skies. He alone lives on like the conqueror of the spiritual world.

jo samajhta hai mahall-e hakm1-e ta’ajiil2 o daraNg3
jo hakam4 hota hai mabain5-e umoor6-e sulh7 o jaNg
jis ko chhoo kar paNkhaRi ka roop bhar leta hai raNg
baKhshta8 hai jo nuqoosh-e fikr9 ko tartiib-e raNg10
jhoom kar baadal ki surat Khaima11-e aKhlaaq12 par
phool barsaata hai jo taariiKh13 ke auraaq14 par
1.wisdom 2.prompt 3.delay 4.wise, understanding 5.between 6.principles 7.peace 8.grants 9.manifestations of thinking 10.patterns of colour, understanding 11. place 12.ethics, empathy 13.history 14.pages
He who can act wisely between prompt decision and compromise. He who is an expert at balancing the principles of war and peace. His colours have the delicacy of a rose petal. He who is able to paint Reason in full colour for all to see. He who protects the house of Empathy like a blessed cloud, his story scatters rose petals on the pages of history.

marhamat1 karta hai seenauN ko dobaara2 jo bashar3
vaqt-e saaraq4 se mata’a-e burda5-e dil chheen kar
nau-e insaaN6 ko a’ta karta7 hai jo baar-e digar8
aadmi ke deeda-e baatin9 ki masrooqa10 nazar
aur baraamad kar ke jeb-e duzd11 se eeqaan12 ko
baKshta13 hai jaagta insaan jo insaan ko bestow 2.again 3.human 4.time the thief 5.stolen wealth 6.humankind grant 8.once again 9.spiritual eye 10.stolen, lost 11.pocket of the thief 12.certainty, faith 13.grants, bestows
He who grants once again to the hearts of men the treasure of faith which Time has stolen from them and bestows once again to humanity the spiritual eye of man which was stolen. And retrieving faith from the pocket of the thief restores the human spirit to humanity.

Dhaalta hai jo naye saaNchoN meN aaiin1-e jahaaN
jo a’ta2 karta hai fikr-e taaza3 ko chashm4 o zabaaN
jo amal5 ke kaalbud6 meN nafaKh7 karta hai ravaaN
baKhshta8 hai jo taKhayyul9 ke badan ko ustaKhwaaN10
din bana kar Khud parasti11 ki andheri raat ko
jo sikhaata hai Khiraam-e naaz12 ehsasaat13 ko
1.traditions 2.bestow thinking 4.eye 5.action 6.body 7.breath grant 9.thought 10. skeleton 11.self-indulgence 12.graceful gait 13.emotions, feelings
He who casts the traditions/rules of (righteous) living into a new mould. He who grants the ability to see and discuss New Thought. He who blows a fresh breath of life into the body of action. And gives the body of thought a structure (skeleton). He changes the dark night of self-indulgence into a new dawn and teaches a new graceful gait to Love (of humanity).

baKhshta1 hai jo suKhan2 se qalb3-e insaaN ko damak4
jis ke l’al5 o naGhz6 go7 seenoN meN bante haiN dhanak8
saikRoN zi-hosh9 insanoN ko vaqt-e marg tak10
har nafas11 aati hai apni saNs se jis ki mahak12
insheraah13-e sadr14 ki mehndi laga kar paauN meN
baiThti hai zindagi jis ki nazar ki chhaauN meN
1.bestows 2.word, speech 3.heart, soul 4.brilliance 5.ruby 6.high value if 8.rainbow 9.aware, alive 10.until death 11.every moment 12. fragrance 14.chest, heart
He whose words grant brilliance to the soul. His words, pure and precious like rubies give beauty like a colourful rainbow to the soul. Thousands of men, right up to the moment of their death feel his fragrance in every breath. He who opens the heart of people to a new message such that they spend their lives in the shadow of his Thought. For the fifth misra, Islamic tradition says that god sent jibreel to open mohammed’s chest, cleanse his heart and pour knowledge and wisdom into it. josh inserts a new twist … and makes use of another common saying, ‘paaoN meN mehndi lagaana’ … a person with henna on his feet does not go anwhere, stays put. Opening of the chest involves bleeding, and this blood is applied to the feet as ‘mehndi’ thus causing mufakkir’s followers to stay put in his shadow. Using metaphors, Islamic lore josh combines to say that the mufakkir pours knowledge/wisdom/faith into the hearts of his followers and they stay close to him.

valvaloN1 ki satah2 ko deta hai jo aab-e guhar3
jiske raushan saa’e4 meN parvaan chaRhti5 hai nazar6
jiske lahje7 meN gundhe hote hain sau shams o qamar8
jiske lafzoN ke ufaq9 par jagmagaati hai sahr10
naam rahta hai usi ka Khaatir11-e mamnoon12 meN
jiske fiqre13 dauRte haiN aadmi ke Khoon meN
1.passions 2.surface, face 3.the brilliance of pearls (literally, shadow) come to fruition, climax 6.sight, ability to see (right from wrong) 7.accent, words 8.suns and moons 9.horizon 10.dawn, hope 11.heart 12.grateful 13.sayings
He who gives the brilliance of pearls to the face of passion (for righteousness), under whose protection/teaching the discerning eye (between right and wrong) reaches its climax, in whose words is woven the brilliance of a hundred suns and moons, on the horizon of whose words there is the brightness of dawn – it is his name that resides in the hearts of the grateful. It is his words that flow through the veins of humanity.

baKhshta1 hai mu’atadil2 fikr o amal3 ko jo vaqaar4
aandhiyoN ko jo banaata hai nasiim-e laala zaar5
jis ke abr-e nutq6 se paati hai siirat7 barg o baar8
ma’anavi10 aaba-e insaani11 meN hota hai shumaar12
barisheN qarnoN13 ki iska qasr Dha14 sakti nahiN
aandhiyaaN iske chiraaGhauN ko bujha sakti nahiN
1.bestows 2.balanced, ordinary 3.thought and action 4.respect 5.breeze of the flower garden 6.blessed rain of words 7.good natur, character 8.trees and vegetation, garden 10.real, genuine 11.ancestors of humanity 12.count 13.for millennia 14.destroy the house
He who bestows respect to balanced thought and action; he who changes storms of injustice to a fragrant garden breeze; whose blessed rain of words nurture human character like a garden; he who can be counted as the real progenitor of humanity – millenia of rains of distortion cannot destroy his House of Truth; storms cannot blow away the lamps he has lit.

josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution.  His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy.  His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good.  He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy.  He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long.  Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
kaah ki rag1 meN jo dauRaata hai Khoon-e kahkashaaN2
kholta hai Khaar3 ke dil meN jo baab4-e gulsitaaN5
goonj uThti hai rag-e gardan meN jis ki dastaaN6
na’ara7 banta hai isi ka naam zer8-e aasmaaN
sham’a rakhta hai jo vaqt-e par-fashaaN9 ke taaq10 meN
ta qayamat11 goonjta hai gunbad12-e aafaq13 meN

1.vein of a sapling i.e., the vein of life 2.blood of constellations i.e., the spirit of the universe 3.thorn 4.door 6.story 7.cry, slogan 8.under 9.flying time 10.alcove 11.doomsday 12.dome 13.skies

He who makes the spirit of the universe flow through the vein of life.  He who opens the heart of sharp thorns to the garden of love.  He whose story reverberates through the jugular vein i.e., through the essence of life.  Only his name becomes a rallying cry for humanity.  He who places the lamp of spirituality in the alcove of time.  His name reverberates under the dome of the sky until doomsday.
sauNpta1 hai jo qalandar2 ko kulaah-e qaisari3
jo banaata hai zamiN ko aasmaaN ka mushtari4
chaakri ke sar pe jo rakhta hai taaj-e sarvari5
bandagi6 ko jo baKhashta7 hai mizaaj-e daavari8
kholta hai baab9-e Khudyaabi10 jo yuN insaan par
ibn-e aadam11 jhoomne lagta hai apni shaan par entrust, to give 2.beggar 3.Caesar’s cap (metaphor for high status) 4.buyer 5.leader/lord 6.slavery 7.grants of kingship 9. door 10.understanding one’s inner self 11.son of Adam i.e., man

He who entrusts the cap of Caesar to the beggar i.e., monarchy/power to the destitue/powerless.  He who makes the lowly earth the buyer the high-placed sky.  He who places the crown of royalty on the head of the servant.  He who treats the slave like a king.  He who opens the door to an understanding of one’s inner self.  He makes man sway with ecstasy at his own grandeur.
jo amal1 ke taaq2 meN rakhta hai sham’a-e e’tedaal3
Daalta hai Khanjar-e burraaN4 pe jo aks-e hilaal5
baKhshta hai a’ariz-e ehsaas6 ko jo Khad o Khaal7
jis ke dam se saaNs lena seekh jaata hai Khayaal
noor barsaata hai jo yuN aa’lam-e absaar8 par
subah ho jaati hai tala’a9 matla’-e afkaar10 par

1.action 2.alcove 3.light of evenhandedness, justice dagger 5.image of the new moon-the dagger is changed into an object of peace and joy 6.face of feeling/love 7.cheek and beauty spot, face/beauty and features that we can see (as opposed to spiritual) 9.emerge 10.horizon of thought/reason

He who places the lamp of justice in the alcove of action and turns the dagger into an object of peace and joy (symbolized by the new moon).  He grants beauty to the face of love whose life’s work blows a fresh breath into Thought/Reason.  He brightens up this sentient world bringing dawn to the horizon of reason.
shaam-e badnazmi1 ko jo deta hai subah-e intezaam2
baaGh-e dil meN nasb3 karta hai jo daanish4 ke Khayaam5
Daalta hai dasht6-e fitrat7 meN jo tarah saqf o baam8
baKhshta hai jism-e hikmat9 ko jo aa’sabi qawaam10
fikr11 o fa’al12 o qaul13 par rahta hai jo chhaaya hua
jaag uThta hai jis se qalb14 gahnaaya15 hua

1.confusion 2. organization 3.establish 4. wisdom 5.tent/place 6.wilderness 7.nature; 8. foundations of a roof and shelter 9.knowledge 10. muscular strength 11.thought 12.action 13.word, principle 14. heart, soul 15.eclipsed

He who turns the night of confusion to the dawn of clarity.  He who plants/erects tents of wisdom in the garden of the soul.  He who makes foundations for a shelter in the wilderness of nature.  He who gives great strength to the body of wisdom.  He who is consistent in thought, word and action.  It is because of him that the eclipsed soul awakens to life.
lutf1 se jo moRta hai jaada2-ha-e nafsiyaat3
jo badal deta hai aab o rang4-e tasviir-e sifaat5
jis se ban jaata hai ta’amiri-tasavvur6 zi-hayaat7
jis se tanhaai8 meN rooh-e zindagi9 karti hai baat
mahfil-e aafaq10  meN taabinda11 rahta hai vahi
nafs-e aalamgir12 ban kar zinda rahta hai vahi

1.pleasure 2.path 3.spirit, soul 4.shine and color 5.natural capabilities 6.concept of progress 7.with life 8.alone 9.the spirit of existence 10.assembly of horizons i.e., sky 11.brilliant 12.spirit of the conqueror of the world

He who turns us to the spiritual path with ease.  He who gives luster to the picture of the capabilities of man.  He who gives life to the concept of peace and progress.  He who can converse on equal terms with the very spirit of existence.  He alone shines brilliantly in the skies.  He alone lives on like the conqueror of the spiritual world.
jo samajhta hai mahall-e hakm1-e ta’ajiil2 o daraNg3
jo hakam4 hota hai mabain5-e umoor6-e sulh7 o jaNg
jis ko chhoo kar paNkhaRi ka roop bhar leta hai raNg
baKhshta8 hai jo nuqoosh-e fikr9 ko tartiib-e raNg10
jhoom kar baadal ki surat Khaima11-e aKhlaaq12 par
phool barsaata hai jo taariiKh13 ke auraaq14 par

1.wisdom 2.prompt 3.delay 4.wise, understanding 5.between 6.principles 7.peace 8.grants 9.manifestations of thinking 10.patterns of colour, understanding 11. place 12.ethics, empathy 13.history 14.pages

He who can act wisely between prompt decision and compromise.  He who is an expert at balancing the principles of war and peace.  His colours have the delicacy of a rose petal.  He who is able to paint Reason in full colour for all to see.  He who protects the house of Empathy like a blessed cloud, his story scatters rose petals on the pages of history.
marhamat1 karta hai seenauN ko dobaara2 jo bashar3
vaqt-e saaraq4 se mata’a-e burda5-e dil chheen kar
nau-e insaaN6 ko a’ta karta7 hai jo baar-e digar8
aadmi ke deeda-e baatin9 ki masrooqa10 nazar
aur baraamad kar ke jeb-e duzd11 se eeqaan12 ko
baKshta13 hai jaagta insaan jo insaan ko bestow 2.again 3.human 4.time the thief 5.stolen wealth 6.humankind grant 8.once again 9.spiritual eye 10.stolen, lost 11.pocket of the thief 12.certainty, faith 13.grants, bestows

He who grants once again to the hearts of men the treasure of faith which Time has stolen from them and bestows once again to humanity the spiritual eye of man which was stolen.  And retrieving faith from the pocket of the thief restores the human spirit to humanity.
Dhaalta hai jo naye saaNchoN meN aaiin1-e jahaaN
jo a’ta2 karta hai fikr-e taaza3 ko chashm4 o zabaaN
jo amal5 ke kaalbud6 meN nafaKh7 karta hai ravaaN
baKhshta8 hai jo taKhayyul9 ke badan ko ustaKhwaaN10
din bana kar Khud parasti11 ki andheri raat ko
jo sikhaata hai Khiraam-e naaz12 ehsasaat13 ko

1.traditions 2.bestow thinking 4.eye 5.action 6.body 7.breath grant 9.thought 10. skeleton 11.self-indulgence 12.graceful gait 13.emotions, feelings

He who casts the traditions/rules of (righteous) living into a new mould.  He who grants the ability to see and discuss New Thought.  He who blows a fresh breath of life into the body of action.  And gives the body of thought a structure (skeleton).  He changes the dark night of self-indulgence into a new dawn and teaches a new graceful gait to Love (of humanity).
baKhshta1 hai jo suKhan2 se qalb3-e insaaN ko damak4
jis ke l’al5 o naGhz6 go7 seenoN meN bante haiN dhanak8
saikRoN zi-hosh9 insanoN ko vaqt-e marg tak10
har nafas11 aati hai apni saNs se jis ki mahak12
insheraah13-e sadr14 ki mehndi laga kar paauN meN
baiThti hai zindagi jis ki nazar ki chhaauN meN

1.bestows 2.word, speech 3.heart, soul 4.brilliance 5.ruby 6.high value if 8.rainbow 9.aware, alive 10.until death 11.every moment 12. fragrance 14.chest, heart

He whose words grant brilliance to the soul.  His words, pure and precious like rubies give beauty like a colourful rainbow to the soul.  Thousands of men, right up to the moment of their death feel his fragrance in every breath.  He who opens the heart of people to a new message such that they spend their lives in the shadow of his Thought.  For the fifth misra, Islamic tradition says that god sent jibreel to open mohammed’s chest, cleanse his heart and pour knowledge and wisdom into it.  josh inserts a new twist … and makes use of another common saying, ‘paaoN meN mehndi lagaana’ … a person with henna on his feet does not go anwhere, stays put.  Opening of the chest involves bleeding, and this blood is applied to the feet as ‘mehndi’ thus causing mufakkir’s followers to stay put in his shadow.  Using metaphors, Islamic lore josh  combines to say that the mufakkir pours knowledge/wisdom/faith into the hearts of his followers and they stay close to him.
valvaloN1 ki satah2 ko deta hai jo aab-e guhar3
jiske raushan saa’e4 meN parvaan chaRhti5 hai nazar6
jiske lahje7 meN gundhe hote hain sau shams o qamar8
jiske lafzoN ke ufaq9 par jagmagaati hai sahr10
naam rahta hai usi ka Khaatir11-e mamnoon12 meN
jiske fiqre13 dauRte haiN aadmi ke Khoon meN

1.passions 2.surface, face 3.the brilliance of pearls (literally, shadow) come to fruition, climax 6.sight, ability to see (right from wrong) 7.accent, words 8.suns and moons 9.horizon 10.dawn, hope 11.heart 12.grateful 13.sayings

He who gives the brilliance of pearls to the face of passion (for righteousness), under whose protection/teaching the discerning eye (between right and wrong) reaches its climax, in whose words is woven the brilliance of a hundred suns and moons, on the horizon of whose words there is the brightness of dawn – it is his name that resides in the hearts of the grateful.  It is his words that flow through the veins of humanity.
baKhshta1 hai mu’atadil2 fikr o amal3 ko jo vaqaar4
aandhiyoN ko jo banaata hai nasiim-e laala zaar5
jis ke abr-e nutq6 se paati hai siirat7 barg o baar8
ma’anavi10 aaba-e insaani11 meN hota hai shumaar12
barisheN qarnoN13 ki iska qasr Dha14 sakti nahiN
aandhiyaaN iske chiraaGhauN ko bujha sakti nahiN

1.bestows 2.balanced, ordinary 3.thought and action 4.respect 5.breeze of the flower garden 6.blessed rain of words 7.good natur, character 8.trees and vegetation, garden 10.real, genuine 11.ancestors of humanity 12.count 13.for millennia 14.destroy the house

He who bestows respect to balanced thought and action; he who changes storms of injustice to a fragrant garden breeze; whose blessed rain of words nurture human character like a garden; he who can be counted as the real progenitor of humanity – millenia of rains of distortion cannot destroy his House of Truth; storms cannot blow away the lamps he has lit.