mojid o mufakkir-054-060-sifaat-e husain-josh malihabadi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

mojid o mufakkir is “inventor and thinker/philosopher” … josh makes an argument that technology has made life easier for human kind but the philosopher/thinker has raised mankind to new heights of an amorphous combination of “values, culture, ethics, humanity”.  The rigor of the argument aside, the language is so awesome, powerful and beautiful that (especially if you allow yourselves to be seduced by josh) you forget about the argument but simply get lost in admiring the composition.  I invite you to that journey …

tamaddun 1-10  In 10 stanzas josh describes how sophistication and culture developed among human beings.  Please remind yourselves that there is no anthropological rigour in this.  The development of civilization/settlements, of speech and writing, of social behaviour is described in the most lyrical and beautiful phrases.

iijadaat 11-18  In stanzas 11-18 josh describes the inventions of technology.  It is joyful to read his description of the timepiece or of the satellite or cinema/TV and of sentient machines.  The metaphors and the language are incomparably beautiful.  I have reordered a couple of stanza from josh’s original marsia to keep the keep the theme compatible in this set of stanzas.

shaa’estagi 19-29  In stanzas 19-29 humans become sensitive to inherited culture, indulge in archeological discoveries and refine culture further.

ehsaan 30-42 josh takes 13 stanzas to pay tribute to scientists and inventors in very beautiful and powerful language and then begins to wonder why humanity is not beholden to them.  He goes on to answer that it is one thing to take us to the “dome of the skies” but another to make us understand the meaning of life.

mufakkir  43-53  Explaining the meaning of life is what a mufakkir does and josh goes on to re-affirm why the mufakkir is foremost in human thought, not the mojid.

sifaat-e husain  54-60  Having described the qualities and contributions of the mufakkir josh proceeds to say that husain ibn-e ali is an exemplary mufakkir who rose to do all this for humanity … he rose carrying a flask of his own blood on his shoulder i.e., ready to sacrifice his own life.

haalaat-e daur-e yaziid  61-68   A few stanzas describing in musical language the changing order from principled governance to hubristic power grab and personal enrichment.

Khoon 69-74  These stanzas are an unadulterated, highly emotional praise of husain.  The terminology of “Khoon” is used not only to say that Husain was ready to sacrifice his own blood but also in the sense that in common parlance the word “Khoon” is used to imply character, heritage and the like.  Even if you are not inclined to shii belief, you will find this composition extremely enjoyable and emotionally charged.

karbala 75-84  josh uses these few stanzas to describe the prevailing conditions before the battle of karbala which led husain to lay down his life in principled resistance.

tarGheeb 85-90  This comes close to incitement and calls upon the audience to resist injustice.

Khiraaj 91-107  Unadulterated tribute to husain.  It is beautiful and powerful composition with rich metaphors.  Enjoyable even when read with a completely secular viewpoint.

almadad 108-116  A resounding call for help from the spirit of husain while calling upon the audience to act on the principles that impelled husain, to resist present day injustice.  His call on husain for water is a most dramatic and ironic climax to this marsia.

جوشؔ  ملیح  آبادی۔موجد  و  مفکّر۔۵۴۔۶۰۔ صفاتِ  حسین


تھا  اُنھیں  آبائے  اِنسانی  میں  اک  مردِ  جلیل

قبلۂ  عالم،  امامِ  عصر،  امیرِ  بے  عدیل

اعتبارِ  موجِ  کوثر،  آبروئے  سلسبیل

فخرِ  اِسمعیل،  جانِ  مصطفےٰ،  نازِ  خلیل

محورِ  گیتی  و  گردوں،  مرکزِ  دنیا  و  دیں

مہبطِ  آوازِ  حق،  مخدومِ  جبریلِ  امیں


شاہِ  اربابِ  حوادث،  شارعِ  دینِ  وفا

مخزنِ  جنسِ  ہدایت،  مصدرِ  صدق  و  صفا

صاحبِ  امرِ  قدر،  سلطانِ  آئینِ  قضا

شاہدِ  گُل  پیرہن،  شہزادۂ  رنگیں  قبا

کردگارِ  عصرِ  عرفاں،  شہریارِ  زندگی

کشتہِ  حق،  فاتح  مرگ،  اِفتخارِ  زندگی


ماہِ  ایماں،  راہِ  عرفاں،  شاہِ  اِحساں،  جاہِ  دیں

شانِ  حق،  آنِ  کرم،  جانِ  صفا،  کانِ  یقیں

پورِ  حیدر،  صورِ  ہیجاں،  نورِ  جاں،  طورِ  مبیں

آبِ  ایقاں،  بابِ  ضو،  تابِ  فلک،  دابِ  زمیں

اَوجِ  بامِ  دِل  نوازی،  موجِ  بحرِ  الطفات

بدرِ  چرخِ  سرفروشی،  صدرِ  بزمِ  کائنات


عالِمِ  اَسرارِ  عالم،  عارفِ  ذات  و  صفات

ناظمِ  شہرِ  ثقافت،  ناشرِ  اخلاقیات

ناصرِ  حق،  پیکرِ  آئین،  دستورِ  نجات

نازشِ  تاریخ،  میرِ  وقت،  دارائے  حیات

حرفِ  دیں،  نطقِ  مبیں،  درسِ  عمل،  فخرِ  مِلل

بربطِ  دشتِ  مشیت،  نغمۂ  سازِ  ازل


مطلعِ  مہرِ  شہادت،  مشرقِ  ماہِ  شہود

مصلحِ  اوضاعِ  ہستی،  معنیِ  حرفِ  وجود

منزلِ  اشراق،  معراجِ  بشر،  موجِ  صعود

منبرِ  الطاف،  محرابِ  کرم،  میزانِ  جود

مظہرِ  حسنِ  عمل،  شمع  حریمِ  حیدری

مورثِ  اَقطابِ  عالم،  وارثِ  پیغمبری


منکسر،  خوددار،  شبنم  طبع،  صفدر،  بُردبار

صبر  پیماں،  شام  گستر،  روز  در  شب،  زندہ  دار

تاج  کوب،  اورنگ  سوز،  ایواں  شکن،  سلطاں  شکار

اوصیا  اجلال،  پیغمبر  حشم،  یزداں  وقار

جامع  اِبریق  و  سنداں،  صاحبِ  سیف  و  قلم

چترِ  حق،  بالائے  سرتاجِ  شہاں  زیرِ  قدم


شمعِ  عرفاں،  آفتابِ  رُشد،  قِندیلِ  اُصول

مشعلِ  بابِ  نبوت،  کعبہِ  حسنِ  قبول

بوستانِ  مرتضیٰ،  فردوسِ  آغوشِ  بتول

ز  ینتِ  اورنگِ  قدرت،  راکبِ  دوشِ  رسول

اِسم  اعظم  در  بغل،  گل  ہائے  عرفاں  در  کلاہ

خلد  برکف،  آسماں  بر  دوش،  کرُسی  بر  نگاہ

जोश मलीहाबादी-मोजिद ओ मुफ़क्किर-५४-६८- सिफ़ात-ए हुसैन


था उन्हीं आबा-ए इंसानी में एक मर्द-ए जलील

क़िब्ला-ए आलम, इमाम-ए अस्र, अमीर-ए बे अदील

ए’तेबार-ए मौज-ए कौसर, आब्रू-ए सल्सबील

फ़ख़्र-ए इस्माईल, जान-ए मुस्तफ़ा, नाज़-ए ख़लील

महवर-ए गेती ओ गर्दूं, मरकज़-ए दुनिया ओ दीं

महबत-ए आवाज़-ए हक़, मख़्दूम-ए जिब्रील-ए अमीं


शाह-ए अरबाब-ए हवादिस, शरा’-ए दीन-ए वफ़ा

मख़्ज़न-ए जिन्स-ए हिदायत, मस्दर-ए सिद्क़ ओ सफ़ा

साहब-ए अम्र-ए क़दर, सुल्तान-ए आईन-ए क़ज़ा

शाहेद-ए गुल पैरहन, शहज़ादा-ए रंगीं क़बा

किर्देगर-ए अस्र-ए इर्फ़ान, शहरियार-ए ज़िन्दगी

कुश्ता-ए हक़, फ़ातेह-ए मर्ग, इफ़्तेख़ार-ए ज़िन्दगी


माह-ए ईमां, राह-ए इर्फ़ां, शाह-ए एहसाँ, जाह-ए दीं

शान-ए हक़, आन-ए करम, जान-ए सफ़ा, कान-ए यक़ीं

पूर-ए हैदर, सूर-ए हेजां, नूर-ए जां, तूर-ए मुबीं

आब-ए ईक़ां, बाब-ए ज़ौ, ताब-ए फ़लक, दाब-ए ज़मीं

औज-ए बाम-ए दिल नवाज़ी, मौज-ए बहर-ए इल्तेफ़ात

बद्र-ए चर्ख़-ए सरफ़रोशी, सद्र-ए बज़्म-ए काएनात


आलेम-ए अस्रार-ए आलम, आ’रेफ़-ए ज़ात ओ सिफ़ात

नाज़िम-ए शहर-ए सक़ाफ़त, नाशिर-ए अख़्लाक़ियात

नासिर-ए हक़, पैकर-ए आईन, दस्तूर-ए नजात

नाज़िश-ए तारीख़, मीर-ए वक़्त, दारा-ए हयात

हर्फ़-ए दीं, नुत्क़-ए मुबीं, दरस-ए अमल, फ़ख़्र-ए मिलल

बर्बत-ए दश्त-ए मशियत, नग़्मा-ए साज़-ए अज़ल


मत्ला-ए महर-ए शहादत, मश्रिक़-ए माह-ए शहूद

मसलह-ए औज़ा-ए हस्ती, मा’अनि-ए हर्फ़-ए वुजूद

मंज़िल-ए अश्राक़, मे’राज-ए बशर, मौज-ए सा’ऊद

मिम्बर-ए अल्ताफ़, मेहराब-ए करम, मीज़ान-ए जूद

मज़हर-ए हुस्न-ए अमल, शम’अ-ए हरीम-ए हैदरी

मोरिस-ए अक़्ताब-ए आ’लम, वारिस-ए पैग़म्बरी


मुन्कसिर, ख़ुददार, शब्नम तबा’अ, सफ़्दर, बुर्दबार

सब्र पैमां, शाम गुस्तर, रोज़ दर शब, ज़िन्दा-दार

ताज कूब, औरंग सोज़, ऐवां शिकन, सुल्तां शिकार

औसिया, इज्लाल, पैग़म्बर हषम, यज़्दां वेक़ार

जामा’अ-ए इब्रीक़ ओ सिन्दां, साहब-ए सैफ़ ओ क़लम

चत्र-ए हक़, बाला-ए सरताज-ए शहाँ ज़ेर-ए क़दम


शमा-ए इर्फ़ान, आफ़्ताब-ए रुश्द, क़िन्दिल-ए उसूल

मश’अल-ए बाब-ए नुबुव्वत, का’बा-ए हुस्न-ए क़ुबूल

बोस्तान-ए मुर्तुज़ा, फ़िर्दौस-ए आग़ोश-ए बतूल

ज़ीनत-ए औरंग-ए क़ुद्रत, राकिब-ए दोश-ए रसूल

इस्म-ए आज़म दर बग़ल, गुल हा-ए इर्फ़ां दर कुलाह

ख़ुल्द बर कफ़, आस्मां बर दोश, कुर्सी बर निगाह


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
thaa unhiN aaba-e insaani1 meN ek mard-e jaleel2
qibla-e a’alam3, imaam-e asr4, amiir-e be adeel5
e’tebar-e mauj-e kausar6, aabroo-e salsabeel7
faKhr8-e ismail, jan9-e mustafa, naaz10-e Khaleel
mahvar11-e geti o garduN12, markaz13-e duniya o diiN14
mahbat15-e aavaaz-e haq16, maKhdoom17-e jibriil-e amiiN18   
1.ancestors of humanity/humanism of high status 3.focus of the world 4.leader of all times 5. leader without equal 6.waves of kauser depend on him 7.honor of salsabiil – kausar and salsabiil are springs in paradise 8.pride 9.beloved 10.pride 11.axis of rotation and sky 15.origin 16.voice of truth 17.served by 18.Gabriel
Among the leading lights of humanism was a man of high status. The qibla/focal point of the world, leader of all time, lord without equal. The basis of the waves of kausar, the honor of salsabiil. The pride of ismail, the beloved of mohammed, the joy of ibrahim. The axis of rotation of the earth and sky, the centre of the universe. The author of the word of truth, righteousness, served by jibra’iil. husain, in karbala was denied access to water. Legend has it that to illustrate principles he intentionally did not force his way to water. josh implies that by giving up water in karbala, husain is the lord of the water (kauser and salsabiil) in paradise. ismail, mustafa and Khaliil (ibrahim) are all prophets in the Judeo-Islamic tradition. josh choses these three because, (and I speculate) – the ‘beloved of mustafa’ is obvious, both as grandson and the ‘consolidator of mustafa’s message’. The pride of ismail- because ismail agreed to be ‘sacrificed’ by his father following god‘s command, and husain sacrificed himself to ‘consolidate’ mohammed’s message. ‘pride of Khaliil/ibrahim’ probably because ibrahim sacrificed his son and husain sent out his son to battle and certain death.

shaah1-e arbaab-e havaadis2, shaara’e3 diin4 o vafa5
maKhzan6-e jins-e hidaayat7, masdar8-e sidq9 o safa10
saahib-e amr-e qadar11, sultaan-e aaiin12-e qaza13
shahed14-e gul pairahan15, shahzaada-e rangiN qaba16
kirdegaar17-e asr18-e irfaN19, shahriyar20-e zindagi
kushta21-e haq22, faateh23-e marg24, ifteKhaar25-e zindagi
1.king 2.owners of happenings, people of action 3.path 4.religion 5. keeping your word 6.treasure 7.instrument of instruction 8. leader 9.truth 10.purity 11.decree of destiny 12.rules, traditions 13.death 15. flower robed 16.colored robe 17.lord 18.period, times 19. mystic knowledge 20.lord 21.killed 22.righteousness 23.conqueror 24.death 25.pride
King of righteous action, the pathway to faith. Treasure house of learning, paragon of Truth and Purity. Shaper of destiny, exemplar of ‘aaiin-e qaza’ (traditions of death/fate – the tradition that husain exemplified – dying with dignity rather than live with untruth/injustice). Flower bodied beauty, the prince of colorful robe (reference to his robe colored in blood as he was injured in battle and killed). Harbinger of mystic enlightenment, the king of Righteous Life. Killed for righteousness, conqueror of death, pride of life.

maah1-e imaaN, raah-e irfaaN2, shaah-e ehsaaN, jaah3-e diiN
shaan-e haq4, aan5-e karam6, jaan-e safa7, kaan8-e yaqiiN
puur9-e Hyder, suur10-e hejaN11, noor-e jaaN, toor12-e mubiiN13
aab-e eeqaN14, baab-e zau15, taab-e falak16, daab-e zamiiN17
auj18-e baam19-e dil navaazi20, mauj21-e bahr22-e iltefaat23
badr24-e charKh25-e sarfaroshi26, sadr27-e bazm28-e ka’enaat29
1.full moon 2.mystic knowledge 3.honor 4.Truth 5.pride 6.benevolence 7.purity 8.mine (as in gold mine), treasure house 9.son 10. trumpet 11.declaration, defiance 12.Mt.Sinai, where Moses saw divine light 13.explication, clear 14.glory of faith 15.door to enlightenment 16.brilliance of the sky 17.weight (substance, dignity) of the earth 18.climax 19.roof 20.making (others) happy 21.wave 22.ocean 23.kindness 24.full moon 26.sacrificing head (life), martyrdom 27.head 28.assembly 29.creation
Moon of Faith, pathway to Spirituality, king of Benevolence, glory of Belief. The grandeur of Truth, pride of Kindness, essence of Purity, treasure of Faith. Son of Hyder, trumpet of Defiance, lustre of Life, light of Divinity. Lustre of faith3, pathway to god, brilliance of Heaven, dignity of Earth. Epitomy of Empathy, swell of the ocean of Kindness. Moon of the sky of martyrdom, the center of Creation.

aalim1-e asraar2-e aalam3, a’arif4-e zaat o sifaat5
naazim6-e shahr-e saqaafat7, naashir8-e aKhlaaqiyaat9
naasir10-e haq11, paikar12-e aaiin13, dastur14-e najaat15
nazish16-e tariiKh17, mir-e vaqt18, daara19-e hayaat20
harf-e diN, nutq-e mubiiN21, dars-e amal22, faKhr-e milal23
barbat24-e dasht25-e mashiyat26, naGhma27-e saaz-e azal28
1.knower 2.secrets 3.universe 4.knower 5.instinct and nature 6.administrator 7.culture 8.publisher/writer 9.rules of behavior 10.helper 11.Truth 12.embodiment 13. canon, rule, principles 14.traditions, ways 15. deliverance 16.pride 17.history 18.lord of time (forever 19.king 21. clear voice 22.lesson of action 23.pride of communities (all) 25.forest, mystery 26.will of god 28.eternal music
Scholar of the mysteries of Creation, knowing the attributes of god. King of the city of Culture, the writer of the rules of Conduct. Helper of Truth, Embodiment of Principles, exemplar of Deliverance. Pride of History, lord of Time, captain of Life. Word of Faith, clarity of Word, lesson of Action, pride of Nations. Music of the word of god, song of Eternity. Just a powerful and musical torrent of adjectives and descriptors.

matla1-e mahr2-e shahaadat3, mashriq4-e maah5-e shahud6
maslah7-e auza-e hasti8, ma’ani-e harf-e vujud9
manzil-e ashraq10, me’eraj11-e bashar12, mauj13-e sa’ud14
mimbar15-e altaaf16, mehraab17-e karam18, mizaan19-e jud20
mazhar21-e husn-e amal22, sham’a-e harim23-e haidari
moris24-e aqtaab25-e a’alam, vaaris26-e paiGhambari27
1.emergence, rise 2.sun 3.martyrdom 4.east, rising 5.moon 6.martyrs 7.reformer 8.ways of life 9.existence 10.brightness, sunrise 11.apex 12. human 13.wave 14.sublime 15.platform, pulpit 16.kindnesses 17.centre piece 18.forgiveness 19. balance, measure 20.benevolence 21.manifestation of action 24.basis 25.north and south poles 26.helper 27.prophethood
Rising sun of martyrdom, glowing moon of martyrs. Teacher of the way of living, of the meaning of existence. Basis of Dawn, apex of Humanity, wave of Sublimity. Pulpit of Grace, arch of forgivenesses, standard of Benevolence. Exemplar of right action, light of the house of Ali. Axis of the world, keeper of the message of Mohammed.

munkasir1, Khuddaar2, shabnam taba’a3, safdar4, burdbaar5
sabr paimaaN6, shaam gustar7, roz dar shab8, zinda daar9
taj kob10, auraNg11 soz12, aiwaaN13 shikan14, sultaN shikaar15
ausia16 ijlaal17, paiGhambar hasham18, yazdaN viqaar19
jama’a-e ibriiq o sindaaN20, saahib21-e saif22 o qalam
chatr23-e haq24, baala-e sartaaj25-e shaahaaN26 zer-e qadam27   
1.humble 2.self-respecting 3.nature of dew (soft, pleasing) 4.breaker of lines of battle, brave 5.dignified 6.committed to steadfastness 7.spreading coolness of the evening up the dark night giving 10.destroy 11.throne 12.burn 13.halls 14.break 15.hunt down kings 16.inheritor (of mohammed’s legacy) 17.grandeur 18.dignity of paiGhamber 19.high status (like god’s) 20.brings together sword and arrow, arms 21.owner 22.sword 23.umbrella, protection 24.righteousness 25.apex of the crown 26.kings 27.under foot
Self effacing, self-respecting, kind, brave and noble. Steadfast, dispenser of comfort, lighting up darkness, life giving. Breaking crowns, burning thrones, smashing halls of power, hunting kings. Heir to mohammed’s legacy and dignity, godlike status. Ready for war, if necessary, but weilding a pen to make peace too. Protector of Truth, trampling the royal crown.

shama’-e irfaaN1, aaftaab-e rushd2, qindil3-e usool4
mash’al-e baab5-e nubuvvat6, ka’aba7-e husn-e qubool8
bostan9-e murtuza, firdaus10-e aaGhosh-e batool11
ziinat12-e auraNg13-e qudrat14, raakib15-e dosh16-e rasool17
ism-e aazam18 dar baGhal19, gul-haa-e irfaaN20 dar kulaah21
Khuld22 bar kaf23, aasmaaN bar dosh24, kursi25 bar nigaah26
1.mystics 2.wise leader 3.lamp 4.rules (righteous) 5.door 6.prophethood (of mohammed) 7. focus, center 8. acceptable, right 10. paradise 11.parents of Husain 13. throne 14. god 15.rider 16.shoulder 17.Mohammed 18. great name 19.under arm (knowledge) of the mystics 21.under his cap 22. paradise the fist 24.on the shoulder 25. (of god) sight
The light of mystics, the sun of wisdom, the lamp of rectitude. The torch of the door of mohammed’s message, the focus of the beauty of Truth. The garden of murtuza, the paradise of the womb of batool. The beauty of the throne of god, the rider on the shoulders of mohammed. The name of god under his arm, the knowledge of mystics in his grip. Paradise in his hand, heavens on his shoulders, mindful of the seat of god.

josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution.  His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy.  His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good.  He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy.  He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long.  Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
thaa unhiN aaba-e insaani1 meN ek mard-e jaleel2
qibla-e a’alam3, imaam-e asr4, amiir-e be adeel5
e’tebar-e mauj-e kausar6, aabroo-e salsabeel7
faKhr8-e ismail, jan9-e mustafa, naaz10-e Khaleel
mahvar11-e geti o garduN12, markaz13-e duniya o diiN14
mahbat15-e aavaaz-e haq16, maKhdoom17-e jibriil-e amiiN18

1.ancestors of humanity/humanism of high status 3.focus of the world 4.leader of all times 5. leader without equal 6.waves of kauser depend on him 7.honor of salsabiil – kausar and salsabiil are springs in paradise 8.pride 9.beloved 10.pride 11.axis of rotation and sky 15.origin 16.voice of truth 17.served by 18.Gabriel

Among the leading lights of humanism was a man of high status.  The qibla/focal point of the world, leader of all time, lord without equal.  The basis of the waves of kausar, the honor of salsabiil.  The pride of ismail, the beloved of mohammed, the joy of ibrahim.  The axis of rotation of the earth and sky, the centre of the universe.  The author of the word of truth, righteousness, served by jibra’iil.  husain, in karbala was denied access to water.  Legend has it that to illustrate principles he intentionally did not force his way to water.  josh implies that by giving up water in karbala, husain is the lord of the water (kauser and salsabiil) in paradise. ismail, mustafa and Khaliil (ibrahim) are all prophets in the Judeo-Islamic tradition.  josh choses these three because, (and I speculate) – the ‘beloved of mustafa’ is obvious, both as grandson and the ‘consolidator of mustafa’s message’.  The pride of ismail- because ismail agreed to be ‘sacrificed’ by his father following god‘s command, and husain sacrificed himself to ‘consolidate’ mohammed’s message.  ‘pride of Khaliil/ibrahim’ probably because ibrahim sacrificed his son and husain sent out his son to battle and certain death.
shaah1-e arbaab-e havaadis2, shaara’e3 diin4 o vafa5
maKhzan6-e jins-e hidaayat7, masdar8-e sidq9 o safa10
saahib-e amr-e qadar11, sultaan-e aaiin12-e qaza13
shahed14-e gul pairahan15, shahzaada-e rangiN qaba16
kirdegaar17-e asr18-e irfaN19, shahriyar20-e zindagi
kushta21-e haq22, faateh23-e marg24, ifteKhaar25-e zindagi

1.king 2.owners of happenings, people of action 3.path 4.religion 5. keeping your word 6.treasure 7.instrument of instruction 8. leader 9.truth 10.purity 11.decree of destiny 12.rules, traditions 13.death 15. flower robed 16.colored robe 17.lord 18.period, times 19. mystic knowledge 20.lord 21.killed 22.righteousness 23.conqueror 24.death 25.pride

King of righteous action, the pathway to faith.  Treasure house of learning, paragon of Truth and Purity.  Shaper of destiny, exemplar of ‘aaiin-e qaza’ (traditions of death/fate – the tradition that husain exemplified – dying with dignity rather than live with untruth/injustice).  Flower bodied beauty, the prince of colorful robe (reference to his robe colored in blood as he was injured in battle and killed).  Harbinger of mystic enlightenment, the king of Righteous Life.  Killed for righteousness, conqueror of death, pride of life.
maah1-e imaaN, raah-e irfaaN2, shaah-e ehsaaN, jaah3-e diiN
shaan-e haq4, aan5-e karam6, jaan-e safa7, kaan8-e yaqiiN
puur9-e Hyder, suur10-e hejaN11, noor-e jaaN, toor12-e mubiiN13
aab-e eeqaN14, baab-e zau15, taab-e falak16, daab-e zamiiN17
auj18-e baam19-e dil navaazi20, mauj21-e bahr22-e iltefaat23
badr24-e charKh25-e sarfaroshi26, sadr27-e bazm28-e ka’enaat29

1.full moon 2.mystic knowledge 3.honor 4.Truth 5.pride 6.benevolence 7.purity 8.mine (as in gold mine), treasure house 9.son 10. trumpet 11.declaration, defiance 12.Mt.Sinai, where Moses saw divine light 13.explication, clear 14.glory of faith 15.door to enlightenment 16.brilliance of the sky 17.weight (substance, dignity) of the earth 18.climax 19.roof 20.making (others) happy 21.wave 22.ocean 23.kindness 24.full moon 26.sacrificing head (life), martyrdom 27.head 28.assembly 29.creation

Moon of Faith, pathway to Spirituality, king of Benevolence, glory of Belief.  The grandeur of Truth, pride of Kindness, essence of Purity, treasure of Faith.  Son of Hyder, trumpet of Defiance, lustre of Life, light of Divinity.  Lustre of faith3, pathway to god, brilliance of Heaven, dignity of Earth.  Epitomy of Empathy, swell of the ocean of Kindness.  Moon of the sky of martyrdom, the center of Creation.
aalim1-e asraar2-e aalam3, a’arif4-e zaat o sifaat5
naazim6-e shahr-e saqaafat7, naashir8-e aKhlaaqiyaat9
naasir10-e haq11, paikar12-e aaiin13, dastur14-e najaat15
nazish16-e tariiKh17, mir-e vaqt18, daara19-e hayaat20
harf-e diN, nutq-e mubiiN21, dars-e amal22, faKhr-e milal23
barbat24-e dasht25-e mashiyat26, naGhma27-e saaz-e azal28

1.knower 2.secrets 3.universe 4.knower 5.instinct and nature 6.administrator 7.culture 8.publisher/writer 9.rules of behavior 10.helper 11.Truth 12.embodiment 13. canon, rule, principles 14.traditions, ways 15. deliverance 16.pride 17.history 18.lord of time (forever 19.king 21. clear voice 22.lesson of action 23.pride of communities (all) 25.forest, mystery 26.will of god 28.eternal music

Scholar of the mysteries of Creation, knowing the attributes of god.  King of the city of Culture, the writer of the rules of Conduct.  Helper of Truth, Embodiment of Principles,  exemplar of Deliverance.  Pride of History, lord of Time, captain of Life.  Word of Faith, clarity of Word, lesson of Action, pride of Nations.  Music of the word of god, song of Eternity.  Just a powerful and musical torrent of adjectives and descriptors.
matla1-e mahr2-e shahaadat3, mashriq4-e maah5-e shahud6
maslah7-e auza-e hasti8, ma’ani-e harf-e vujud9
manzil-e ashraq10, me’eraj11-e bashar12, mauj13-e sa’ud14
mimbar15-e altaaf16, mehraab17-e karam18, mizaan19-e jud20
mazhar21-e husn-e amal22, sham’a-e harim23-e haidari
moris24-e aqtaab25-e a’alam, vaaris26-e paiGhambari27

1.emergence, rise 2.sun 3.martyrdom 4.east, rising 5.moon 6.martyrs 7.reformer 8.ways of life 9.existence 10.brightness, sunrise 11.apex 12. human 13.wave 14.sublime 15.platform, pulpit 16.kindnesses 17.centre piece 18.forgiveness 19. balance, measure 20.benevolence 21.manifestation of action 24.basis 25.north and south poles 26.helper 27.prophethood

Rising sun of martyrdom, glowing moon of martyrs.  Teacher of the way of living, of the meaning of existence.  Basis of Dawn, apex of Humanity, wave of Sublimity.  Pulpit of Grace, arch of forgivenesses, standard of Benevolence.  Exemplar of right action, light of the house of Ali.  Axis of the world, keeper of the message of Mohammed.
munkasir1, Khuddaar2, shabnam taba’a3, safdar4, burdbaar5
sabr paimaaN6, shaam gustar7, roz dar shab8, zinda daar9
taj kob10, auraNg11 soz12, aiwaaN13 shikan14, sultaN shikaar15
ausia16 ijlaal17, paiGhambar hasham18, yazdaN viqaar19
jama’a-e ibriiq o sindaaN20, saahib21-e saif22 o qalam
chatr23-e haq24, baala-e sartaaj25-e shaahaaN26 zer-e qadam27

1.humble 2.self-respecting 3.nature of dew (soft, pleasing) 4.breaker of lines of battle, brave  5.dignified 6.committed to steadfastness 7.spreading coolness of the evening up the dark night giving 10.destroy 11.throne 12.burn 13.halls 14.break 15.hunt down kings 16.inheritor (of mohammed’s legacy) 17.grandeur 18.dignity of paiGhamber 19.high status (like god’s) 20.brings together sword and arrow, arms 21.owner 22.sword 23.umbrella, protection 24.righteousness 25.apex of the crown 26.kings 27.under foot

Self effacing, self-respecting, kind, brave and noble.  Steadfast, dispenser of comfort, lighting up darkness, life giving.  Breaking crowns, burning thrones, smashing halls of power, hunting kings.  Heir to mohammed’s legacy and dignity, godlike status.  Ready for war, if necessary, but weilding a pen to make peace too.  Protector of Truth, trampling the royal crown.
shama’-e irfaaN1, aaftaab-e rushd2, qindil3-e usool4
mash’al-e baab5-e nubuvvat6, ka’aba7-e husn-e qubool8
bostan9-e murtuza, firdaus10-e aaGhosh-e batool11
ziinat12-e auraNg13-e qudrat14, raakib15-e dosh16-e rasool17
ism-e aazam18 dar baGhal19, gul-haa-e irfaaN20 dar kulaah21
Khuld22 bar kaf23, aasmaaN bar dosh24, kursi25 bar nigaah26

1.mystics 2.wise leader 3.lamp 4.rules (righteous) 5.door 6.prophethood (of mohammed) 7. focus, center 8. acceptable, right 10. paradise 11.parents of Husain 13. throne 14. god 15.rider 16.shoulder 17.Mohammed 18. great name 19.under arm (knowledge) of the mystics 21.under his cap 22. paradise the fist 24.on the shoulder 25. (of god) sight

The light of mystics, the sun of wisdom, the lamp of rectitude.  The torch of the door of mohammed’s message, the focus of the beauty of Truth.  The garden of murtuza, the paradise of the womb of batool.  The beauty of the throne of god, the rider on the shoulders of mohammed.  The name of god under his arm, the knowledge of mystics in his grip.  Paradise in his hand, heavens on his shoulders, mindful of the seat of god.