mojid o mufakkir-069-074-Khoon-josh malihabadi

For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.

mojid o mufakkir is “inventor and thinker/philosopher” … josh makes an argument that technology has made life easier for human kind but the philosopher/thinker has raised mankind to new heights of an amorphous combination of “values, culture, ethics, humanity”.  The rigor of the argument aside, the language is so awesome, powerful and beautiful that (especially if you allow yourselves to be seduced by josh) you forget about the argument but simply get lost in admiring the composition.  I invite you to that journey …

tamaddun 1-10  In 10 stanzas josh describes how sophistication and culture developed among human beings.  Please remind yourselves that there is no anthropological rigour in this.  The development of civilization/settlements, of speech and writing, of social behaviour is described in the most lyrical and beautiful phrases.

iijadaat 11-18  In stanzas 11-18 josh describes the inventions of technology.  It is joyful to read his description of the timepiece or of the satellite or cinema/TV and of sentient machines.  The metaphors and the language are incomparably beautiful.  I have reordered a couple of stanza from josh’s original marsia to keep the keep the theme compatible in this set of stanzas.

shaa’estagi 19-29  In stanzas 19-29 humans become sensitive to inherited culture, indulge in archeological discoveries and refine culture further.

ehsaan 30-42 josh takes 13 stanzas to pay tribute to scientists and inventors in very beautiful and powerful language and then begins to wonder why humanity is not beholden to them.  He goes on to answer that it is one thing to take us to the “dome of the skies” but another to make us understand the meaning of life.

mufakkir  43-53  Explaining the meaning of life is what a mufakkir does and josh goes on to re-affirm why the mufakkir is foremost in human thought, not the mojid.

sifaat-e husain  54-60  Having described the qualities and contributions of the mufakkir josh proceeds to say that husain ibn-e ali is an exemplary mufakkir who rose to do all this for humanity … he rose carrying a flask of his own blood on his shoulder i.e., ready to sacrifice his own life.

haalaat-e daur-e yaziid  61-68   A few stanzas describing in musical language the changing order from principled governance to hubristic power grab and personal enrichment.

Khoon 69-74  These stanzas are an unadulterated, highly emotional praise of husain.  The terminology of “Khoon” is used not only to say that Husain was ready to sacrifice his own blood but also in the sense that in common parlance the word “Khoon” is used to imply character, heritage and the like.  Even if you are not inclined to shii belief, you will find this composition extremely enjoyable and emotionally charged.

karbala 75-84  josh uses these few stanzas to describe the prevailing conditions before the battle of karbala which led husain to lay down his life in principled resistance.

tarGheeb 85-90  This comes close to incitement and calls upon the audience to resist injustice.

Khiraaj 91-107  Unadulterated tribute to husain.  It is beautiful and powerful composition with rich metaphors.  Enjoyable even when read with a completely secular viewpoint.

almadad 108-116  A resounding call for help from the spirit of husain while calling upon the audience to act on the principles that impelled husain, to resist present day injustice.  His call on husain for water is a most dramatic and ironic climax to this marsia.

جوشؔ  ملیح  آبادی۔موجد  و  مفکر۔۶۹۔۷۴۔خون


جِس  کے  ہر  قطرے  میں  تھی  قلزم  کی  طغیانی  وہ  خون

کاہ  جس  کی  راہ  میں  تھا  کوہِ  سُلطانی  وہ  خون

جس  کے  آگے  خسروی  کی  آگ  تھی  پانی  وہ  خون

غرق  ہوکر  رہ  گئی  جس  میں  جہانبانی  وہ  خون

جس  کی  موجوں  میں  خمِ  تیغ  و  مزاجِ  سنگ  تھا

نوح  کا  طوفان  جس  کے  دبدبے  سے  دنگ  تھا


جو  لوائے  عزم  و  اعلانِ  صداقت  تھا  وہ  خون

جو  چراغِ  حکمت  و  شمعِ  ہدایت  تھا  وہ  خون

خاک  پر  جو  آبشارِ  آدمیت  تھا  وہ  خون

جو  علیل  اِنسانیت  کا  غسلِ  صحت  تھا  وہ  خون

جس  نے  ظلمت  کو  خیابانِ  چراغاں  کر  دیا

کفر  پر  وہ  رنگ  برسایا  کہ  ایماں  کر  دیا


جو  طبیب  و  چارہ  سازِ  نوعِ  اِنساں  تھا  وہ  خون

گردنِ  قاتل  پہ  جو  شمشیرِ  بُرّاں  تھا  وہ  خون

ساغرِ  مقتول  میں  جو  آبِ  حیواں  تھا  وہ  خون

جو  نبوت  کے  اِدارے  کا  نگہباں  تھا  وہ  خون

عرصۂ  آفاق  جس  کی  وُسعتوں  پر  تنگ  تھا

جس  کی  پرتو  سے  رُخِ  پیغمبری  گل  رنگ  تھا


جس  میں  غلطیدہ  تھا  روحِ  اوجِ  اِنسانی  وہ  خون

جس  میں  تھی  روح  الامیں  کی  بال  جنبانی  وہ  خون

جس  میں  تھی  مہرِ  نبوت  کی  درخشانی  وہ  خون

دیکھتے  تھے  جس  میں  منہ  آیاتِ  قرآنی  وہ  خون

جس  کی  ہر  اک  بوند  میں  طوفانِ  صد  آہنگ  تھا

جس  میں  روئے  مرتضےٰ  و  مصطفےٰ  کا  رنگ  تھا


چرخ  پر  مانندِ  ابرِ  کعبہ  جو  چھایا  وہ  خون

جس  نے  روحِ  نوعِ  اِنسانی  کو  چونکایا  وہ  خون

ڈوبتے  قرآن  کو  ساحل  پہ  جو  لایا  وہ  خون

خود  مشیت  کے  جو  آڑے  وقت  کام  آیا  وہ  خون

کاٹ  کر  باطل  کا  سر  اپنی  انوکھی  دھار  سے

جس  نے  یزداں  کو  بچایا  احرمن  کے  وار  سے


بنتِ  پیغمر  کی  جس  میں  نوحہ  خوانی  تھی  وہ  خون

زینب  و  کلثوم  کی  جس  میں  کہانی  تھی  وہ  خون

پھول  سے  بچے  کی  جس  میں  بے  زبانی  تھی  وہ  خون

قاسم  و  اکبر  کی  جس  سے  نوجوانی  تھی  وہ  خون

جس  کی  ہر  اِک  بوند  میں  یادِ  علم  بردار  تھی

جس  سے  اِک  بیمار  کی  زنجیر  میں  جھنکار  تھی

जोश मलीहाबादी-मोजिद ओ मुफ़क्किर-६९-७४-ख़ून


जिस के हर क़त्रे में थी क़ुल्ज़ुम की तुग़ियानी वो ख़ून

काह जिस की राह में था कोह-ए सुल्तानी वो ख़ून

जिसके आगे ख़ुस्रवी की आग थी पानी वो ख़ून

ग़र्क़ हो कर रह गई जिस में जहांबानी वो ख़ून

जिसकी मोजों में ख़म-ए तेग़ ओ मिज़ाज-ए संग था

नूह का तूफ़ान जिस के दबदबे से दंग था


जो लिवा-ए अज़्म ओ ए’लान-ए सदाक़त था वो ख़ून
जो चिराग़-ए हिकमत ओ शमा’-ए हिदायत था वो ख़ून
ख़ाक पर जो आब्शार-ए आदमियत था वो ख़ून
जो अलील इंसानियत का ग़ुस्ल-ए सेहत था वो ख़ून
जिस ने ज़ुल्मत को ख़ियाबन-ए चिराग़ां कर दिया

कुफ़्र पर वो रंग बरसाया के ईमां कर दिया


जो तबीब ओ चारा साज़-ए नौ-ए इन्सां था वो ख़ून

गर्दन-ए क़ातिल पे जो शम्शीर-ए बुर्रां था वो ख़ून

साग़र-ए मक़्तूल में जो आब-ए हैवां था वो ख़ून

जो नुबुव्वत के इदारे का निगहबां था वो ख़ून

अर्सा-ए आफ़ाक़ जिस की वुस’अतों पर तंग था

जिस के परतौ से रुख़-ए पैग़म्बरी गुल रंग था


जिस में ग़ल्तीदा था औज-ए रूह-ए इंसानी वो ख़ून

जिस में थी रूह-उल-अमीं की बाल जुन्बानी वो ख़ून

जिस में थी महर-ए नुबुव्वत की दरख़्शानी वो ख़ून

देखते थे जिस में मुंह आयात-ए क़ुर’आनी वो ख़ून

जिस की हर एक बूँद में तूफ़ान-ए सद आहंग था

जिस में रू-ए मुर्तुज़ा ओ मुस्तफ़ा का रंग था


चर्ख़ पर मानिंद-ए अब्र-ए काबा जो छाया वो ख़ून

जिस ने रूह-ए नौ-ए इंसानी को चौंकाया वो ख़ून

डूबते क़ुर’आन को साहिल पे जो लाया वो ख़ून

ख़ुद मशियत के जो आढे वक़्त काम आया वो ख़ून

काट कर बातिल का सर अपनी अनोखी धार से

जिस ने यज़्दां को बचाया अहरमन के वार से


बिन्त-ए पैग़म्बर की जिस में नौहा-ख़्वानी थी वो ख़ून

ज़ैनब ओ कुल्सूम की जिस में कहानी थी वो ख़ून

फूल से बच्चे की जिस में बेज़बानी थी वो ख़ून

क़ासिम ओ अक्बर की जिस से नौजवानी थी वो ख़ून

जिस की हर एक बूँद में याद-ए अलमबरदार थी

जिस से एक बीमार की ज़ंजीर में झंकार थी


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
jis ke har qatre1 meN thi qulzum2 ki 3 tuGhiyaani vo Khoon
kaah4 jis ki raah meN tha koh5-e sultaani6 vo Khoon
jiske aage Khusravi7 ki aag thi paani vo Khoon
Gharq8 ho kar rah gayi jis meN jahaNbaani9 vo Khoon
jiski maujoN meN Kham-e teGh10 o mizaaj-e saNg11 tha
nooh12 ka toofan13 jis ke dabdabe14 se daNg15 tha
1.drop 2.ocean 3.flood, flow 4.level plain (low status) 5.mountain 6.monarchy 7.royalty 8.drowned to worldly needs 10.curve of a sword 11.determination like a rock 12.Noah 13.storm 14.majesty, greatness 15.amazed
‘Blood’ is also used metaphorically to mean heritage. Thus, husain was literally offering his blood but also carrying with him the heritage received from ali and mohammed. The attributes of this blood so poetically described are to be viewed in that light. The blood every drop of which had the power of stormy seas. The blood which could reduce the grand mountain of royalty to a dusty plain. The blood which could douse the fire of royalty into extinction. The blood which could drown worldly hedonism. Blood with waves rippling like a curved sword and determination like a rock. Blood whose power amazed even Noah’s storm.

jo livaa1-e azm2 o e’lan3-e sadaqat4 tha vo Khoon
jo chiraaGh-e hikmat5 o shama-e hidaayat6 tha vo Khoon
Khaak par jo abshaar7-e aadmiyat8 tha vo Khoon
jo alil9 insaaniyat ka Ghusl-e sehat10 tha vo Khoon
jis ne zulmat11 ko Khiyabaan-e chiraGhaaN12 kar diya
kufr13 par vo raNg barsaaya ke imaaN14 kar diya
1.flag, banner 2.determination, resolve 3.declaration 4.truth, righteousness 5.lamp of wisdom 6.light of teaching 7.waterfall, rain 8.quality of being human – humanness 9.sick 10.bath of wellness recovery (traditionally in India that sick don’t bath until they are well and it is celebrated) 11.darkness, evil 12. garden of lights (virtue) 13.non-belief, evil, virtue
Blood that was the banner of resolve and the declaration of truth. Blood which was the light of wisdom and the lamp of teaching. Blood which rained on earth like a blessing of humanness. Blood which brought sick humanity back to health. Blood that changed evil into a garden of virtue. Blood that rained such color/beauty/brilliance on evil that it turned into virtue.

jo tabiib1 o chaara saaz2-e nau-e insaaN3 tha vo Khoon
gardan-e qaatil4 pe jo shamshiir-e burraN5 tha vo Khoon
saaGhar6-e maqtuul7 meN jo aab-e haivaaN8 tha vo Khoon
jo nubuvvat9 ke idaare10 ka nigahbaaN11 tha vo Khoon
arsa-e aafaaq12 jis ki vus’atoN13 par taNg14 tha
jis ki partau15 se ruKh-e paiGhambari16 gul-raNg17 tha
1.physician, hakiim 2.healer 3.humanity 4.killer sword 6.flask 7.victim, murdered 8. water of life 9. prophethood, particularly of mohammed, institution, system 11.protector, guide, savior 12.spread of the horizons 13.expanse 14.narrow 15.reflection 16.prophethood 17.colour of rose, beautiful
Blood, which healed and nurtured humanity (Shia’s believe that ‘Khaak-e shifa’ – clay of Karbala – has curative powers). Blood which became a sword for the throat of the killer (husain’s throat was slit and his head was cut off, so the shamshiir (sword) prevailed over the gardan (neck, throat), josh turns this on its head to say that the spilled blood of husain prevailed over the power of the killer i.e. the message of husain prevailed over the evil actions of yazid). Blood that was the water/elixir of life carried in the flask of the martyr. Blood that was the savior of the message/institution mohammed. Blood with a message more vast that the expanse of the horizons. Blood in whose reflection the face of mohammed shone bright.

jis meN Ghaltiida1 tha auj2-e rooh-e insaani3 vo Khoon
jis meN thi rooh-ul-amiN4 ki baal junbaani5 vo Khoon
jis meN thi mehr-e nubuvvat6 ki daraKhshani7 vo Khoon
dekhte the jis meN muNh8 ayaat-e qur’aani9 vo Khoon
jis ki har ek boond10 meN toofaan-e sad-aahaNg11 tha
jis meN roo12-e murtuza13 o mustafa14 ka raNg tha
1.dissolved 2.epitome 3.human spirit, soul 4.jibril (Gabriel –carries god’s message to prophets) 5.fluttering of the wings (Jibril has wings and flies to convey messages) 6. sun of prophethood 7.brilliance 8. to look at their reflections, to find their own meaning 9.quranic verses 10.every drop 11.storms of a hundred melodies 12.face 13.another name of ali (husain’s father) 14.another name of mohammed
Blood which had the epitome of the human spirit dissolved in it. Blood which gave strength to jibriil’s wings to flutter. Is josh saying that the message of god which jibreel carried derives its strength from the blood (the character) of husain? Blood which reflects the brightness of the sun of prophethood. Reflecting the brightness of prophethood (of mohammed) means carrying his message forward. husain’s blood is the legacy of mohammed. Blood which reflects the verses of the qur’aan. The blood every drop of which contains storms of a hundred melodies. The blood that carries the color of the face of murtuza and mustafa.

charKh1 par maanind2-e abr-e k’aaba3 jo chhaaya vo Khoon
jis ne rooh4-e nau-e insaani5 ko chauNkaaya6 vo Khoon
Doobte qur’aan ko saahil7 pe jo laaya vo Khoon
Khud mashiat8 ke jo aaRe vaqt9 kaam aaya vo Khoon
kaaT kar baatil10 ka sar apni anokhi12 dhaar12 se
jis ne yazdaaN13 ko bachaaya ahrman13 ke vaar se (protection) of Kaaba 4.spirit, soul 5.humanity 6.alerted 7.shore 8.god’s will, intention 9.difficult time 10.evil, injustice 11.unusual, uncommon 12.jet, edge (as of a sword) 13. Zoroastrian terms for god and satan, good and evil
Blood which provides shade/protection like a blessed cloud over kaaba. Blood
which woke the human spirit from its stupor. Blood which brought to shore (from stormy seas) the message of the qur’aan. Blood which rose to serve god in a time of need. The blood which, with its uniqe sharp edge slit the throat of evil. ‘dhaar’ is the sharp edge of a sword that cut husain’s throat, and metaphorically this ‘sharp edge of blood’ cut the head of evil off … it was victorious in its defeat. The blood which saved righteousness from the forces of evil.

bint-e paiGhambar1 ki jis meN nauha Khwaani2 thi vo Khoon
zainab o kulsum3 ki jis meN kahaani thi vo Khoon
phool se bachche ki jis meN bezabaani thi vo Khoon
qaasim o akbar4 ki jis se naujavani thi vo Khoon
jis ki har ek boond meN yaad-e alambardaar5 thi
jis se ek bimaar6 ki zanjiir7 meN jhankaar thi
1.mohammed’s daughter (fatima) 2. mourning 3.sisters of husain 4.husain’s young nephew and son 5.standard bearer-abbas, husain’s half brother 6.sick 7.chain
The Blood which carried the echoes of the wails of fatima. Blood which also contained the stories of zainab and kulsum (husain’s sisters were taken prisoner and subjected to public humiliation). The blood that showed the innocence of an infant in spite of being mute (this refers to refers to ali asGhar, the six month old infant son of husain, who was also killed on the battlefield). The blood which endowed youth to qaasim and akbar (husain’s nephew and son – both young men killed in battle). The blood that carried memories of abbas in its every drop (husain’s half-brother who was also the commander in battle). The blood that carried the jangling of the fetters of abid (husain’s oldest son who was too sick to fight, but was taken prisoner and put in chains and public display).

josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution.  His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy.  His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good.  He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy.  He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long.  Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
jis ke har qatre1 meN thi qulzum2 ki 3 tuGhiyaani vo Khoon
kaah4 jis ki raah meN tha koh5-e sultaani6 vo Khoon
jiske aage Khusravi7 ki aag thi paani vo Khoon
Gharq8 ho kar rah gayi jis meN jahaNbaani9 vo Khoon
jiski maujoN meN Kham-e teGh10 o mizaaj-e saNg11 tha
nooh12 ka toofan13 jis ke dabdabe14 se daNg15 tha

1.drop 2.ocean 3.flood, flow 4.level plain (low status) 5.mountain 6.monarchy 7.royalty 8.drowned to worldly needs 10.curve of a sword 11.determination like a rock 12.Noah 13.storm 14.majesty, greatness 15.amazed

‘Blood’ is also used metaphorically to mean heritage.  Thus, husain was literally offering his blood but also carrying with him the heritage received from ali and mohammed.  The attributes of this blood so poetically described are to be viewed in that light.  The blood every drop of which had the power of stormy seas.  The blood which could reduce the grand mountain of royalty to a dusty plain. The blood which could douse the fire of royalty into extinction.  The blood which could drown worldly hedonism.  Blood with waves rippling like a curved sword and determination like a rock.  Blood whose power amazed even Noah’s storm.
jo livaa1-e azm2 o e’lan3-e sadaqat4 tha vo Khoon
jo chiraaGh-e hikmat5 o shama-e hidaayat6 tha vo Khoon
Khaak par jo abshaar7-e aadmiyat8 tha vo Khoon
jo alil9 insaaniyat ka Ghusl-e sehat10 tha vo Khoon
jis ne zulmat11 ko Khiyabaan-e chiraGhaaN12 kar diya
kufr13 par vo raNg barsaaya ke imaaN14 kar diya

1.flag, banner 2.determination, resolve 3.declaration 4.truth, righteousness 5.lamp of wisdom 6.light of teaching 7.waterfall, rain 8.quality of being human – humanness 9.sick 10.bath of wellness recovery (traditionally in India that sick don’t bath until they are well and it is celebrated) 11.darkness, evil 12. garden of lights (virtue) 13.non-belief, evil, virtue

Blood that was the banner of resolve and the declaration of truth.  Blood which was the light of wisdom and the lamp of teaching.  Blood which rained on earth like a blessing of humanness.  Blood which brought sick humanity back to health.  Blood that changed evil into a garden of virtue.  Blood that rained such color/beauty/brilliance on evil that it turned into virtue.
jo tabiib1 o chaara saaz2-e nau-e insaaN3 tha vo Khoon
gardan-e qaatil4 pe jo shamshiir-e burraN5 tha vo Khoon
saaGhar6-e maqtuul7 meN jo aab-e haivaaN8 tha vo Khoon
jo nubuvvat9 ke idaare10 ka nigahbaaN11 tha vo Khoon
arsa-e aafaaq12 jis ki vus’atoN13 par taNg14 tha
jis ki partau15 se ruKh-e paiGhambari16 gul-raNg17 tha

1.physician, hakiim 2.healer 3.humanity 4.killer sword 6.flask 7.victim, murdered 8. water of life 9. prophethood, particularly of mohammed, institution, system 11.protector, guide, savior 12.spread of the horizons 13.expanse 14.narrow 15.reflection 16.prophethood 17.colour of rose, beautiful

Blood, which healed and nurtured humanity (Shia’s believe that ‘Khaak-e shifa’ – clay of Karbala – has curative powers).  Blood which became a sword for the throat of the killer (husain’s throat was slit and his head was cut off,  so the shamshiir (sword) prevailed over the gardan (neck, throat), josh turns this on its head to say that the spilled blood of husain prevailed over the power of the killer i.e. the message of husain prevailed over the evil actions of yazid).  Blood that was the water/elixir of life carried in the flask of the martyr.  Blood that was the savior of the message/institution mohammed.  Blood with a message more vast that the expanse of the horizons.  Blood in whose reflection the face of mohammed shone bright.
jis meN Ghaltiida1 tha auj2-e rooh-e insaani3 vo Khoon
jis meN thi rooh-ul-amiN4 ki baal junbaani5 vo Khoon
jis meN thi mehr-e nubuvvat6 ki daraKhshani7 vo Khoon
dekhte the jis meN muNh8 ayaat-e qur’aani9 vo Khoon
jis ki har ek boond10 meN toofaan-e sad-aahaNg11 tha
jis meN roo12-e murtuza13 o mustafa14 ka raNg tha

1.dissolved 2.epitome 3.human spirit, soul 4.jibril (Gabriel –carries god’s message to prophets) 5.fluttering of the wings (Jibril has wings and flies to convey messages) 6. sun of prophethood 7.brilliance 8. to look at their reflections, to find their own meaning 9.quranic verses 10.every drop 11.storms of a hundred melodies 12.face 13.another name of ali (husain’s father) 14.another name of mohammed

Blood which had the epitome of the human spirit dissolved in it.  Blood which gave strength to jibriil’s wings to flutter.  Is josh saying that the message of god which jibreel carried derives its strength from the blood (the character) of husain?  Blood which reflects the brightness of the sun of prophethood.  Reflecting the brightness of prophethood (of mohammed) means carrying his message forward.  husain’s blood is the legacy of mohammed.  Blood which reflects the verses of the qur’aan.  The blood every drop of which contains storms of a hundred melodies.  The blood that carries the color of the face of murtuza and mustafa.
charKh1 par maanind2-e abr-e k’aaba3 jo chhaaya vo Khoon
jis ne rooh4-e nau-e insaani5 ko chauNkaaya6 vo Khoon
Doobte qur’aan ko saahil7 pe jo laaya vo Khoon
Khud mashiat8 ke jo aaRe vaqt9 kaam aaya vo Khoon
kaaT kar baatil10 ka sar apni anokhi12 dhaar12 se
jis ne yazdaaN13 ko bachaaya ahrman13 ke vaar se (protection) of Kaaba 4.spirit, soul 5.humanity 6.alerted 7.shore 8.god’s will, intention 9.difficult time 10.evil, injustice 11.unusual, uncommon 12.jet, edge (as of a sword) 13. Zoroastrian terms for god and satan, good and evil

Blood which provides shade/protection like a blessed cloud over kaaba.  Blood
which woke the human spirit from its stupor.  Blood which brought to shore (from stormy seas) the message of the qur’aan.  Blood which rose to serve god in a time of need.  The blood which, with its uniqe sharp edge slit the throat of evil.  ‘dhaar’ is the sharp edge of a sword that cut husain’s throat,  and metaphorically this ‘sharp edge of blood’ cut the head of evil off … it was victorious in its defeat.  The blood which saved righteousness from the forces of evil.
bint-e paiGhambar1 ki jis meN nauha Khwaani2 thi vo Khoon
zainab o kulsum3 ki jis meN kahaani thi vo Khoon
phool se bachche ki jis meN bezabaani thi vo Khoon
qaasim o akbar4 ki jis se naujavani thi vo Khoon
jis ki har ek boond meN yaad-e alambardaar5 thi
jis se ek bimaar6 ki zanjiir7 meN jhankaar thi

1.mohammed’s daughter (fatima) 2. mourning 3.sisters of husain 4.husain’s young nephew and son 5.standard bearer-abbas, husain’s half brother 6.sick 7.chain

The Blood which carried the echoes of the wails of fatima.  Blood which also contained the stories of zainab and kulsum (husain’s sisters were taken prisoner and subjected to public humiliation).  The blood that showed the innocence of an infant in spite of being mute (this refers to refers to ali asGhar, the six month old infant son of husain, who was also killed on the battlefield).  The blood which endowed youth to qaasim and akbar (husain’s nephew and son – both young men killed in battle).  The blood that carried memories of abbas in its every drop (husain’s half-brother who was also the commander in battle).  The blood that carried the jangling of the fetters of abid (husain’s oldest son who was too sick to fight, but was taken prisoner and put in chains and public display).