For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the tabs marked “Roman” or “Notes”.
mojid o mufakkir is “inventor and thinker/philosopher” … josh makes an argument that technology has made life easier for human kind but the philosopher/thinker has raised mankind to new heights of an amorphous combination of “values, culture, ethics, humanity”. The rigor of the argument aside, the language is so awesome, powerful and beautiful that (especially if you allow yourselves to be seduced by josh) you forget about the argument but simply get lost in admiring the composition. I invite you to that journey …
tamaddun 1-10 In 10 stanzas josh describes how sophistication and culture developed among human beings. Please remind yourselves that there is no anthropological rigour in this. The development of civilization/settlements, of speech and writing, of social behaviour is described in the most lyrical and beautiful phrases.
iijadaat 11-18 In stanzas 11-18 josh describes the inventions of technology. It is joyful to read his description of the timepiece or of the satellite or cinema/TV and of sentient machines. The metaphors and the language are incomparably beautiful. I have reordered a couple of stanza from josh’s original marsia to keep the keep the theme compatible in this set of stanzas.
shaa’estagi 19-29 In stanzas 19-29 humans become sensitive to inherited culture, indulge in archeological discoveries and refine culture further.
ehsaan 30-42 josh takes 13 stanzas to pay tribute to scientists and inventors in very beautiful and powerful language and then begins to wonder why humanity is not beholden to them. He goes on to answer that it is one thing to take us to the “dome of the skies” but another to make us understand the meaning of life.
mufakkir 43-53 Explaining the meaning of life is what a mufakkir does and josh goes on to re-affirm why the mufakkir is foremost in human thought, not the mojid.
sifaat-e husain 54-60 Having described the qualities and contributions of the mufakkir josh proceeds to say that husain ibn-e ali is an exemplary mufakkir who rose to do all this for humanity … he rose carrying a flask of his own blood on his shoulder i.e., ready to sacrifice his own life.
haalaat-e daur-e yaziid 61-68 A few stanzas describing in musical language the changing order from principled governance to hubristic power grab and personal enrichment.
Khoon 69-74 These stanzas are an unadulterated, highly emotional praise of husain. The terminology of “Khoon” is used not only to say that Husain was ready to sacrifice his own blood but also in the sense that in common parlance the word “Khoon” is used to imply character, heritage and the like. Even if you are not inclined to shii belief, you will find this composition extremely enjoyable and emotionally charged.
karbala 75-84 josh uses these few stanzas to describe the prevailing conditions before the battle of karbala which led husain to lay down his life in principled resistance.
tarGheeb 85-90 This comes close to incitement and calls upon the audience to resist injustice.
Khiraaj 91-107 Unadulterated tribute to husain. It is beautiful and powerful composition with rich metaphors. Enjoyable even when read with a completely secular viewpoint.
almadad 108-116 A resounding call for help from the spirit of husain while calling upon the audience to act on the principles that impelled husain, to resist present day injustice. His call on husain for water is a most dramatic and ironic climax to this marsia.
جوش ملیح آبادی ۔ موجد و مفکّر۔۰۹۱۔۱۰۷۔ خراج
اے حسین ابنِ علی اے خسروِ روحانیاں
اے دِماغِ پختہ کی آواز، اے دِل کی زباں
اے شہِ ملکِ ابد، اے راکبِ عصرِ دواں
موت سے تیری اُبلتی ہے حیاتِ جاوداں
تو ازل سے تا ابد پھیلا ہوا منشور ہے
اے کے تیرا وقت کے دونوں سِروں پر نور ہے
کر دیا تو نے یہ ثابت اے دلاور آدمی
زندگی کیا موت سے لیتا ہے ٹکر آدمی
کاٹ سکتا ہے رگِ گردن سے خنجر آدمی
لشکروں کو روند سکتے ہیں بہتر آدمی
ضعف ڈھا سکتا ہے قصرِ افسر و اورنگ کو
آبگینے توڑ سکتے ہیں حصارِ سنگ کو
پشت پر تیری ہیں اِتنی عظمتوں کے کارواں
سجدہ کرتی ہے زمیں کو صولتِ ہفت آسماں
یوں تیرے سر پر ہے گرداں چترِ عمرِ جاوداں
دنگ ہیں تاجِ مسیح و خضر کی تابانیاں
تو بشر کی حِمّتِ عالی کا وہ اعجاز ہے
جس پہ یزدان و بشر دونوں کو اب تک ناز ہے
تو صدا دے کر نہ پلٹاتا جو سُوئے آب جو
تشنہ لب اِنسان مر جاتا بھٹک کر کو بہ کو
اہلِ دُنیا بر بنائے آرزوئے رنگ و بو
اہرمن کی سمت مُڑ جاتا اگر ہوتا نہ تو
اِس زمیں پر کھینچ کر تو نے حدیں آئین کی
زلزلوں کی پشت پر رکھ دی بِنا تمکین کی
پرتوِ آیات ہے تیرے دلِ حساس پر
تو گہر افشاں قلم ہے کوثریں قرطاس پر
زندگی تلتی ہے تیرے خون کی مقیاس پر
کشتیِ ایثار چلتی ہے تیرے انفاس پر
کاروانِ اِرتقا کا رہبرِ کامل ہے تو
سینۂ گیتی و گردوں کا دھڑکتا دل ہے تو
تیری موجِ نطق میں ہے نغمۂ سازِ حیات
تیرا ہر خطِ جبیں ہے جادۂ ذات و صفات
تیری ہر موجِ نفس ہے اِنشراحِ کائنات
تیری مژگاں کی ہر اک لرزش ہے تفسیرِ حیات
جھومتے رہتے ہیں عرش و فرش تیرے ساز سے
زندگی جنبش میں آتی ہے تیری آواز سے
نصب تو نے کر دئے انساں کی عظمت کے خیام
مرحمت تو نے کیا توقیرِ آدم کو دوام
جھوم کر تونے شہادت کا پیا جس وقت جام
روحِ دوراں نے محمد کو کیا جھک کر سلام
مصطفے کی کشتیِ نازش کو کھینے کے لئے
انبیا آئے مبارکباد دینے کے لئے
تشنگی کو موجۂ یم نے مبارکباد دی
خاک داں کو عرشِ اعظم نے مبارکباد دی
فاتحِ خیبر کو آدم نے مبارکباد دی
فاطمہ زہرا کو مریم نے مبارکباد دی
فتح کے نغمات نکلے زندگی کے ساز سے
کبریا نے قُدسیوں کی سِمت دیکھا ناز سے
ذرّہ ذرّہ جلوہ گاہِ ماہِ کنعاں ہو گیا
حلقۂ خِشت و خزف گوہر بداماں ہو گیا
بارگاہِ آدمیت میں چراغاں ہو گیا
رشتہ بر پا ذہنِ اِنسانی خراماں ہو گیا
پیکرِ ہستی میں نبضِ مدّعا چلنے لگی
جس سے جی اُٹھتے ہیں مرُدے وہ ہوا چلنے لگی
اے حسین اب تک ترا نقشِ قدم تابندہ ہے
زندہ ہے، پائندہ ہے، نازندہ ہے رخشندہ ہے
روشن و پائندہ و بالندہ و بخشندہ ہے
گام زن تو جس پہ تھا وہ جادہ اب تک زندہ ہے
ضو فِگن ہے ذہن کی ہر بند پر ہر جوڑ پر
شمع جو تابندہ ہے تیری گلی کے موڑ پر
سیکڑوں قلزم ملا کرتے ہیں تیرے جام سے
سیکڑوں گردوں بٹا کرتے ہیں تیرے بام سے
کس غضب کی لو نکلتی ہے تیرے پیغام سے
زندگی کو جھرجھری آتی ہے تیرے نام سے
گونجتا ہے روح میں ہر نغمہ تیرے ساز کا
آج بھی کوندا لپکتا ہے تیری آواز کا
اے حسین ابنِ علی اے شہ یزداں صفات
نور سے تیرے جھمکتی ہے جبینِ کائنات
محو ہو جائیں اگر دُنیا سے تیرے واقعات
گنبدِ تاریخ پر چھا جائے ہیبت ناک رات
بھول سکتا ہی نہیں اِنسان قربانی تیری
حافظے کے فرق کا جھومر ہے پیشانی تیری
اے فضائے قدس کے ابرِ خراماں السلام
السلام اے شمعۂ ایوانِ عِرفاں السلام
السلام اے طرّہِ تاجِ شہیداں السلام
السلام اے ذولکلام و زندہ قرآں السلام
السلام اے سطوتِ محراب و مِنبر السلام
السلام اے خسروِ ناموسِ اکبر السلام
اے گلوئے زیرِ شمشیرِ عدو تجھ پر سلام
کربلا کی خاک پر بہتے لہو تجھ پر سلام
دودمانِ مصطفیٰ کی آبرو تجھ پر سلام
اے بہ خوں غلطیدہ زلفِ مشک بو تجھ پر سلام
دینِ اہلِ درد و جانِ اہلِ ماتم السلام
شانۂ ایمان کے اے گیسوئے برہم سلام
شاہِ غم کی شان، میرِ سوگواراں السلام
مشعلِ افسردۂ شامِ غریباں السلام
اے میرے ڈوبے ہوے مہرِ درخشاں السلام
اے دیارِ فاطمہ کے ماہِ کنعاں السلام
قلبِ تسلیم و رضا کے صبر و افسر السلام
السلام اے دشتِ غربت کے مسافر السلام
سینہ عباس کے سوزِ نہانی کو سلام
توسنِ ابنِ مظاہر کی روانی کو سلام
اصغرِ معصوم تیری بے زبانی کو سلام
اکبرِ نوخیز تیری نوجوانی کو سلام
مصطفےٰ کے لال کو حیدر کے پیارے کو سلام
فاطمہ زہرہ تیری آنکھوں کے تارے کو سلام
اے زمیں کی خسروی، گردوں کی شاہی کو سلام
اے مدینے کی نسیمِ صبح گاہی کو سلام
اے شہادت کی ادائے کج کلاہی کو سلام
اے اجل کے روندنے والے سپاہی کو سلام
اے مرے ساونت میرے جری تجھ پر سلام
ناخدائے کشتیِ پیغمبری تجھ پر سلام
जोश मलीहाबादी – मोजिद ओ मुफ़क्किर-०९१-१०७ – ख़िराज
अए हुसैन इब्न-ए अली अए ख़ुसरव-ए रूहानियाँ
अए दिमाग़-ए पुख़्ता की आवाज़, अए दिल की ज़बां
अए शह-ए मुल्क-ए अबद, अए राकिब-ए असर-ए दवां
मौत से तेरी उबलती है हयात-ए जाविदां
तू अज़ल से ता अबद फैला हुआ मंशुर है
अए के तेरा वक़्त के दोनों सिरों पर नूर है
कर दिया तू ने ये साबित अए दिलावर आदमी
ज़िन्दगी क्या मौत से लेता है टक्कर आदमी
काट सकता है रग-ए गर्दन से ख़ंजर आदमी
लश्करों को रौंद सकते हैं बहत्तर आदमी
ज़ो’फ़ ढा सकता है क़स्र-ए अफ़्सर ओ औरंग को
आबगीने तोढ सकते हैं हिसार-ए संग को
पुश्त पर तेरी हैं इतनी अज़मतों के कारवां
सजदा करती है ज़मीं को सूलत-ए हफ़्त-आसमां
यूँ तेरे सर पर है गरदां छत्र-ए उम्र-ए जाविदां
दंग हैं ताज-ए मसीह ओ ख़िज़्र की ताबानियाँ
तू बशर की हिम्मत-ए आली का वो एजाज़ है
जिस पे यज़्दान ओ बशर दोनों को अब तक नाज़ है
तू सदा देकर न पल्टाता जो सू-ए आब-जू
तिश्ना लब इन्सान मर जाता भटक कर कू-ब-कू
अहल-ए दुनिया बर बिना-ए आर्ज़ू-ए रंग ओ बू
अहरमन की सम्त मुढ जाता अगर होता न तू
इस ज़मीं पर खैंच कर तू ने हदें आईन की
ज़ल्ज़लों की पुश्त पर रख दी बिना तम्कीन की
परतव-ए आयात है तेरे दिल-ए हस्सास पर
तू गुहर अफ़्शां क़लम है कौसरीं क़िर्तास पर
ज़िन्दगी तुलती है तेरे ख़ून की मिक़्यास पर
कश्ती-ए ईसार चलती है तेरे अन्फ़ास पर
कारवान-ए इर्तेक़ा का रहबर-ए कामिल है तू
सीना-ए गेती ओ गर्दूं का धढकता दिल है तू
तेरी मौज-ए नुत्क़ में है नग़्मा-ए साज़-ए हयात
तेरा हर ख़त-ए जबीं है जादा-ए ज़ात ओ सिफ़ात
तेरी हर मौज-ए नफ़स है इन्शेराह-ए काएनात
तेरी मिज़्श्गां की हर एक लर्ज़िश है तफ़्सीर-ए हयात
झूमते रहते हैं अर्श ओ फ़र्श तेरे साज़ से
ज़िन्दगी जुम्बिश में आती है तेरी आवाज़ से
नस्ब तू ने कर दिए इन्सां की अज़्मत के ख़याम
मरहमत तू ने किया तौक़ीर-ए आदम को दवाम
झूम कर तू ने शहादत का पिया जिस वक़्त जाम
रूह-ए दौरां ने मोहम्मद को किया झुक कर सलाम
मुस्तफ़ा की कश्ती-ए नाज़िश को खेने के लिये
अंबिया आए मुबारकबाद देने के लिये
तिश्नगी को मौजा-ए यम ने मुबारकबाद दी
ख़ाक दां को अर्श-ए आज़म ने मुबारकबाद दी
फ़ातेह-ए ख़ैबर को आदम ने मुबारकबाद दी
फ़ातिमा ज़हरा को मर्यिम ने मुबारकबाद दी
फ़तह के नग़मात निकले ज़िन्दगी के साज़ से
किब्रिया ने क़ुद्सियों की सम्त देखा नाज़ से
ज़र्रा ज़र्रा जलवा गाह-ए माह-ए कन’आं हो गया
हल्क़ा-ए ख़िश्त ओ ख़ज़फ़ गौहर बदामां हो गया
बारगाह-ए आदमियत में चिरागां हो गया
रिश्ता-बर-पा ज़हन-ए इंसानी ख़रामां हो गया
पैकर-ए हस्ती में नब्ज़-ए मुद्दुआ चलने लगी
जिस से जी उठते हैं मुर्दे वो हवा चलने लगी
अए हुसैन अबतक तेरा नक़्श-ए क़दम ताबिंदा है
ज़िन्दा है, पाइन्दा है, नाज़िन्दा है, रख़शिंदा है
रौशन ओ पाइन्दा ओ बालिंदा ओ बख़शिंदा है
गाम-ज़न तू जिस पे था वो जादा अबतक ज़िन्दा है
ज़ौ-फ़िगन है ज़हन की हर बंद पर हर जोढ पर
शम’अ जो ताबिंदा है तेरी गली के मोढ पर
सैकढों क़ुल्ज़ुम मिला करते हैं तेरे जाम से
सैकड़ों गर्दूं बटा करते हैं तेरे बाम से
किस ग़ज़ब की लौ निकलती है तेरे पैग़ाम से
ज़िन्दगी को झुरझुरी आती है तेरे नाम से
गूंजता है रूह में हर नग़्मा तेरे साज़ का
आज भी कौन्दा लपकता है तेरी आवाज़ का
अए हुसैन इब्न-ए अली अए शह-ए यज़्दां सिफ़ात
नूर से तेरे झमकती है जबीन-ए काएनात
महव हो जाएँ अगर दुनिया से तेरे वाक़े’आत
गुंबद-ए तारीख़ पे छा जाये हैबत नाक रात
भूल सकता ही नहीं इन्सान क़ुर्बानी तेरी
हाफ़िज़े के फ़र्क़ का झूमर है पेशानी तेरी
अए फ़िज़ा-ए क़ुद्स के अब्र-ए ख़रामां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए शमा-ए ऐयवान-ए उर्फ़ान अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए तुर्रा-ए ताज-ए शहीदां अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए ज़ुल्कलाम ओ ज़िन्दा क़ुर’आं अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए सितवत-ए मेहराब ओ मिम्बर अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए ख़ुस्रव-ए नामूस-ए अकबर अस्सलाम
अए गुलू-ए ज़ेर-ए शम्शीर-ए अदू तुझ पर सलाम
करबला की ख़ाक पर बहते लहू तुझ पर सलाम
दूदमान-ए मुस्तफ़ा की आबरू तुझ पर सलाम
अए ब ख़ूं ग़ल्तीदा ज़ुल्फ़-ए मुश्क बू तुझ पर सलाम
दीन-ए अहल-ए दर्द ओ जान-ए अहल-ए मातम अस्सलाम
शाना-ए ईमान के अए गेसू-ए बरहम सलाम
शाह-ए ग़म की शान, मीर-ए सोग्वारां अस्सलाम
मश’अल-ए अफ़्सुर्दा-ए शाम-ए ग़रीबां अस्सलाम
अए मेरे डूबे हुए महर-ए दरख़्शाँ अस्सलाम
अए दयार-ए फ़ातिमा के माह-ए कन’आं अस्सलाम
क़ल्ब-ए तस्लीम ओ रज़ा के सब्र ओ अफ़्सर अस्सलाम
अस्सलाम अए दश्त-ए ग़ुर्बत के मुसाफ़िर अस्सलाम
सीना-ए अब्बास के सोज़-ए निहानी को सलाम
तौसन-ए इब्न-ए मज़ाहिर की रवानी को सलाम
अस्ग़र-ए मा’सूम तेरी बेज़बानी को सलाम
अक्बर-ए नौख़ेज़ तेरी नौजवानी को सलाम
मुस्तफ़ा के लाल को, हैदर के प्यारे को सलाम
फ़ातिमा ज़हरा तेरी आँखों के तारे को सलाम
अए ज़मीं की ख़ुसरवी, गर्दूं की शाही को सलाम
अए मदीने की नसीम-ए सुबह-गाही को सलाम
अए शहादत की अदा-ए कज कुलाही को सलाम
अए अजल के रौंदने वाले सिपाही को सलाम
अए मेरे सावंत, मेरे जरी तुझ पर सलाम
नाख़ुदा-ए किश्ती-ए पैग़म्बरी तुझ पर सलाम
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
aye husain ibn-e ali1 aye Khusrav2-e ruhaaniyaaN3
aye dimaaGh-e puKhta4 ki avaaz, aye dil ki zabaaN
aye shah-e mulk-e abad5, aye raakib6-e asr-e davaaN7
maut se teri ubalti hai hayaat-e-javidaaN8
tu azal9 se ta abad10 phaila hua manshuur11 hai
aye ke tera vaqt ke donoN siroN par nuur hai 1.husain-son of ali 2.king 3.spirituality 4.mature mind, discriminating mind of eternity (paradise) 6. rider, one who holds the reins 7.present times or order 8.eternal life 9.beginning 10.end (also eternity) 11.manifesto
O husain, king of spirituality. O, voice of reason and the desire of the heart. O king of paradise, O holder of the reins of the world. Eternal life flows from your death. From the beginning to the end your manifesto covers all time. Your light shines on both ends of time (from creation to doomsday).
kar diya tu ne ye saabit1 aye dilaavar2 aadmi
zindagi kya maut se leta hai Takkar aadmi
kaaT sakta hai rag-e-gardan3 se Khanjar4 aadmi
lashkaroN ko raund5 sakte haiN bahattar6 aadmi
zo’f7 Dhaa sakta8 hai qasr9-e afsar o auraNg10 ko
aabgiine11 toR sakte haiN hisaar12-e sang13 ko prove 2.brave 3.jugular vein 4.dagger 5.trample, conquer 6. seventy two 7.weakness, old age 8. destroy 9.palace, castle 10.throne, king 11.crystals 12.parapet, wall 13.rock
You have proved, O brave man that man can overcome not only the difficulties of Life but also face down Death. You have proved that the jugular can cut through a dagger. You have proved that seventy two can prevail upon vast armies. Truth, even without arms can destroy castles and armies. You have proved that crystal can break walls of stone.
pusht1 par teri haiN itni azmatoN2 ke kaarvaaN
sajda3 karti hai zamiN ko sulat4-e haft-asmaaN5
yuN tere sar par hai gardaaN6 chatr7-e umr-e javidaaN8
daNg9 haiN taj-e Masih10 o Khizr12 ki tabaaniyaaN12
tu bashar13 ki himmat-e aali14 ka vo ejaaz15 hai
jis pe yazdaan16 o bashar donoN ko abtak naaz hai 1.back 2.greatnesses 3.obeisance 4.respect, dignity skies
6.circulating, hovering 7.umbrella, aura 8.eternal life, immortality 9.amazed 10.Jesus 11.legendary prophet who discovered the water of life, drank it and so has eternal life 12.brilliances, greatness 13.human 14.highest courage 15.miracle, epitome 16.god
On your back you carry such greatness that all seven heavens pay obeisance to the earth. The aura of immortality hovers over your head such that the grandeur of the crowns of Jesus and Khizr are amazed. josh by mentioning Jesus and Khizr (one raised the dead and the other achieved immortality) is saying husain gave up his own life to give eternal life to righteousness. You are the epitome of the highest courage of man. You make both god and man are forever proud.
tu sada1 dekar na palTaata jo su-e-aab-e-ju2
tishna-lab3 insaan mar jaata bhaTak4 kar ku-ba-ku5
ahl-e duniya bar bina6-e aarzu7-e rang o bu8
ahrman9 ki samt muR jaata agar hota na tu
is zamiN par khainch kar tu ne hadeN10 aaiin11 ki
zalzaloN12 ki pusht13 par rakh di bina14 tamkiin15 ki 2.towards the river water 3.thirsty lips 4.wandering, lost 5.street by street i.e.aimless wandering 6.on the basis of the ( philosophy) 7.desire, temptation 8.color and fragrance i.e.carnal pleasures, worldly gains
9.Zoroastrian name for Satan 10.boundaries 11.culture, code of conduct
12.earthquake, here instability, aimlessness 13.back
15.peace and tranquility
If you had not called humanity to the river of Truth, human being would have wandered thirsty of virtue. The people of this world, based simply on worldly pleasures would have turned towards Satan, had you not been there. You ‘drew lines’ explaining the culture of morality. You built a solid peace on the back of the earthquake.
partav1-e aayaat2 hai tere dil-e hassaas3 par
tu guhar4 afshaN5 qalam hai KausariN6 qirtaas7 par
zindagi tulti8 hai tere Khun ki miqyaas9 par
kashti-e eesaar10 chalti hai tere anfaas11 par
karvaan-e irteqa12 ka rahbar13-e kaamil14 hai tu
siina-e geti or garduN15 ka dhaRakta dil hai tu 1.shadow, reflection 2.verses (of the qur’aan) 3.sensitive, loving 4.pearls 5.scatter, shower Kausar (river in paradise) 8.gets weighed, evaluated 9.balance 10.sacrifice, consideration of others 11.breath
12.progress, betterment 14.perfect and sky
The verses of the qur’aan are reflected in your loving heart. You are the pen that scatters pearls on the heavenly page. Life is measured against the standard that you set with your blood. The boat of sacrifice moves because of the strength of your breath. You are the perfect guide for the betterment of humanity. You are the heart that throbs in this earth and the sky.
teri mauj-e nutq1 meN hai naGhma-e saaz-e-hayaat2
tera har Khat-e jabiN3 hai jada4-e zaat o sifaat5
teri har mauj-e nafas6 hai insherah7-e ka’enaat8
teri mizhgaN9 ki har ek larzish10 hai tafsir11-e hayaat12
jhoomte rahte haiN arsh o farsh13 tere saaz14 se
zindagi jumbish15 meN aati hai teri avaaz se 1.wave of your voice/call and song of life 3.wrinkle on the brow 4.pathway 5.the being and attributes of god 6.wave of breath 7.explanation 8.creation, universe 9.eyelashes 10.movement 11.commentary and earth 15.movement, activity
The sound of your call is the song and tune of life. Every wrinkle on your brow is a pathway to god. Every breath of yours explains the purpose of creation. The movements of your eyelashes explain the spirit of life. The earth and sky dance to your tune. Life moves/steps forward and answers when you call.
nasb1 tu ne kar diye insaaN ki azmat2 ke Khayaam3
marhamat4 tu ne kiya tauqir-e aadam5 ko davaam6
jhoom kar tu ne shahadat ka piya jis vaqt jaam7
rooh-e dauraN8 ne mohammed ko kiya jhuk kar salaam
mustafa9 ki kashti-e nazish10 ko khene ke liye
anbiya11 aaye mubarakbad dene ke liye 1.establish 2.greatness 3.tents, place 4.bestow 5.dignity of aadam (of man) 6.permanence, dependability, credibility 7.cup 8.spirit of present times, spirit of creation 9.another name of mohammed 10.pride 11.prophets
You proved the greatness of man in the scheme of the Universe. You bestowed credibility to the dignity of man. When you happily drank of the cup of martyrdom, the spirit of creation bowed low and paid respects to mohammed. To row the boat of pride of mohammed all the (past) prophets came to felicitate him.
tishnagi1 ko mauj-e yam2 ne mubarakbad di
Khaak daaN3 ko arsh-e aazam4 ne mubarakbad di
faateh-e-Khyber5 ko aadam ne mubarkbad di
fatima zahra6 ko maryam ne mubarakbad di
fateh7 ke naGhmaat8 nikle zindagi ke saz9 se
kibriya10 ne qudsiyoN11 ki samt12 dekha naaz13 se 1.thirst 2.waves of the river 3.container of dust (earth) 4.great sky,heavens 5.conqueror of Khyber, ali, father of husain 6.mother of husain 7.victory 8.songs 9.from the music of life 10.god 11.angels 12. towards 13.pride
Thirst felicitated the waves of the river. Heavens felicitated the earth. Adam felicitated ali and Mary felicitated faatima zahra. Mary the mother of Jesus who also underwent tortuous killing felicitating faatima zahra, the mother of husain. Life began to sing songs of victory and god glanced at his angels with pride.
zarra zarra1 jalva gaah2-e maah-e kan’aaN3 ho gaya
halqa-e Khisht o Khazaf4 gauhar badamaaN5 ho gaya
bargaah-e-aadmiyat6 meN chiraGhaaN7 ho gaya
rishta-bar-paa8 zahn-e insani KharamaN9 ho gaya
paikar-e hasti10 meN nabz-e muddua11 chalne lagi
jis se jii uThte haiN murde vo hava chalne lagi 1.particle where you can see, reflection of 3.moon of the Kanaan tribe yusuf/Joseph, who was extremely handsome, beauty personfied of bricks and pebbles 5.full of pearls 6.abode of humanity, earth 7.illumination, festivities 8.rope/chain on feet 9.graceful walk 10.of existence (life) 11.pulse of desire (for deliverance)
Every insignificant particle relected the beauty of the moon. Brick bats and pebbles changed to pearls. The earth dazzled in festive lights. The bound/chained mind of man acquired a graceful gait. In the body of life began to throb the pulse of desire for deliverance. It was as if a life-giving breeze was blowing.
aye husain abtak tera naqsh-e qadam1 taabinda2 hai
zinda hai, paainda3 hai, naazinda4 hai, raKhshinda5 hai
raushan o paainda o baalinda6 o baKhshinda7 hai
gaam zan8 tu jis pe tha vo jaada9 abtak zinda hai
zau-figan10 hai zahn ki kar band11 par har joR12 par
sham’a jo taabinda2 hai teri gali ke moR par 1.foot print, example 2.bright 3.firm, strong 4.source of pride 5.brilliant 6.every increasing (in strength) 7. granting deliverance 8.walked 9.pathway 10.shining a light on 11.fold 12.connection
O husain, to this day, your footprints shine brightly. They are alive, firm, a source of pride and lustrous. Bright, firm, ever increasing in strength and granting deliverance. The path that you took, that path still beckons. Every fold and every connection in the mind is lit by the lamp that shines at the head of your path.
saikRoN1 qulzum2 mila karte haiN tere jaam3 se
saikroN garduN4 baTa karte haiN tere baam5 se
kis Ghazab6 ki lau7 nikalti hai tere paiGhaam8 se
zindagi ko jhurjhuri aati hai tere naam se
guunjta9 hai rooh10 meN har naGhma11 tere saaz12 ka
aaj bhi kaunda lapakta13 hai teri avaaz ka 1.thousands 2.oceans 3.cup 4.skies 5.roof,house 6.awe inspiring
7.brilliant flame 8.message 9.echoes 10.spirit, soul
13.lightning strike
Benevolence flows from your cup like a thousand oceans. Gifts given from your door are vast like a thousand skies. What an awe-inspiring flame it is that leaps from your message. The mention of your name sends tingling excitement through life. The melody of your song echoes through the human spirit. To this day your message has the impact of a thunderbolt.
aye husain ibn-e ali aye shah1-e yazdaaN2 sifaat3
nuur4 se tere jhamakti5 hai jabiin6-e kaa’enaat7
mahv8 ho jaa’eN agar duniya se tere vaqe’aat9
guNbad-e tariiKh10 pe chhaa jaa’e haibatnaak11 raat
bhool sakta hi nahiN insaan qurbaani teri
hafize12 ke farq13 ka jhoomar hai peshaani14 teri 1.king 2.god 3.qualities (shah-e yazdaaN sifat – king with godlike/divine qualities) 4.light 5.sparkles 6.forehead 7.creation 8.forget 9.legends 10.history 11.fearsome 12.memory, history 13.face 14. forehead
O husain, king among great ones with divine qualities, it is with your light that the brow of creation sparkles. If your story were to disappear from this earth a dark fearsome night will descend on the dome of history. Man cannot forget your sacrifice. Your memory is the ornament on the brow of history.
aye fiza1-e quds2 ke abr-e KharamaaN3 assalam
assalam aye shama-e aivan-e irfaaN4 assalam
assalam aye turra5-e taj-e shaheedaaN assalam
assalam aye zulkalam6 o zinda Qura’aN7 assalam
assalam aye sitwat8-e mehrab9 o mimbar10 assalam
asslam aye Khusro11-e namuus-e akbar12 assalam 1.breeze 2.pure, holy 3.gentle cloud 4.assembly of mystics ornament of a cap/crown 6.lord (protector) of speech/word/qur’aan qur’aan
8.grandeur 9.central arch in a mosque 10.pulpit 11.king (protector) 12.greatest respect (respect for god)
O holy breeze and blessed cloud, peace on you. O light of the assembly of mystics, peace on you. O crown of the crown of martyrs, peace on you. O protector and personification of the qur’aan, peace on you. O grandeur of the arch and pulpit, peace on you. O protector of the dignity/respect for god, peace on you.
aye gulu1-e zer2-e shamshir-e adu3 tujh par salam
karbala ki Khaak par bahte lahu tujh par salam
dudman4-e mustafa5 ki aabru6 tujh par salam
aye ba KhuN Ghaltida7 zulf-e mushk8 bu tujh par salam
deen-e ahl-e dard9 o jaan-e ahle maatam10 assalam
shaana-e imaaN11 ke aye gesu-e barham12 salam 1.throat 2.under 3.sword of evil, family 5.mohammed 6.pride 7.drenched in blood 8. tress of musk trees of the ‘people of pain’ –referring to the shia who mourn in pain recalling the pain of husain10.the life (center) of shia people of mourning 11.comb (shaana, in faarsi, is comb) of faith 12.scattered/tangled tresses
O throat that was slit by the sword of evil, salutations. O blood that flowed in the dust of karbala, salutations. O pride of the house of mohammed, salutations. O musky fragrant hair drenched in blood, salutations. O faith of the people who know pain and mourning, salutations. O you who comb and and straighten the tangled tresses of faith, salutations
shaah-e Gham1 ki shaan2, miir3-e sogwaaraaN4 assalam
mash’al5-e afsurda6-e shaam-e GharibaaN assalam
aye mere Doobe hue mahr-e daraKhshaaN7 assalam
aye dayaar-e faatima8 ke maah-e kan’aaN9 assalam
qalb10-e taslim o raza11 ke sabr12 o afsar13 assalam
assalam aye dasht-e Ghurbat14 ke musafir assalam 1.climax of mourning 2.glory 3.leader 4.mourner 5.torch 6.extinguished
7.brilliant sun 8.(door) house of faatima 9.moon of the tribe of Kan’aN (Joseph) 10.heart, centre 11.acceptance and agreement (with the will of god) 12.steadfast, accepting 13.leader, used here as ‘exemplar’ 14.wilderness away from home
The shia community while mourning for husain – is both sad and proud of his suffering and of his followers. josh calls husain the ‘pride of the climax/best of mourning’ and a ‘leader of mourners’ and offers his tribute (assalam). O, pride of the best of mourning, O leader of mourners, salutations. O extinguished lamp of ‘shaam-e GharibaaN’, salutations. O, sun that has set, yet shines brightly, salutations. O, moon of kan’aN of the house of faatima, salutations. O, exemplar of the acceptance of the will of god, salutations. Salutations O traveler in the desert of homelessness, salutations
siina-e abbas1 ke soz2-e nihaani3 ko salam
tausan4-e ibn-e mazahir5 ki ravaani6 ko salam
asGhar7-e maa’sum8 teri bezabaani9 ko salam
akbar10-e nauKhez11 teri naujavaani12 ko salam
mustafa ke lal13 ko, haider ke pyaare ko salam
fatima zahra14 teri aaNkhoN ke taare15 ko salam 1.husain’s half brother and commander of his force 2.sorrow 3.hidden, steed 5.a 70 year old follower of husain who is reputed to have fought bravely 6.flow, speed 7.husain’s infant son killed in Karbala 8.innocent 9.inability to speak 10.husain’s 18 year old son who fought and killed in Karbala adult 12.youth 13.ruby, loved one 14. mohammed’s daughter and husain’s mother of the eyes … intensely loved
My tribute to abbas who hid his sorrows in his bosom. To the courage with which ibn-e-mazaahir rode his steed, to the innocence of the infant asGhar and to the new adult youth, akbar. My tribute to the beloved of mustafa and to haider’s beloved. My tribute to the loved one of faatima zahra.
aye zamiN ki Khusravi1, garduN2 ki shaahi3 ko salam
aye madine ki nasim-e subah gaahi4 ko salam
aye shahaadat5 ki ada6-e kaj kulaahi7 ko salam
aye ajal8 ke raundne9 vaale sipaahi ko salam
aye mere saavant10, mere jari11 tujh par salam
naKhuda12-e kishti-e paiGhambari tujh par salam 1.kingship 2.skies 3.kingship 4.breeze that brings tidings of dawn/aza’an
5.martyrdom 7. crooked cap metaphor for rebellion against tradition and power 8.eternity 9.trample (here-overcome eternity become immortal) 10.brave 11.brave 12.helmsman
My tribute to the kings of the earth, the emperor of the skies. O, call of the az’aan in the morning of madina, salutations. O, great one, rebellious even in the face of death, salutations. O, immortal soldier of righteousness, salutations. O brave soldier, fearless fighter, my salutations. O, helmsman of the boat of mohammed, my salutations.
josh malihabadi (1898-1982) is known as – shaa’er-e inqelaab – poet of revolution. His nazm are fiery, passionate, and full of energy. His Ghazal and rubaaii are equally good. He was a secular humanist writing sharply and irreverently against colonialism, abuse of power, injustice and orthodoxy. He composed several marsia, which are traditionally long. Please see the ‘Overview’ tab for a description of the full marsia.
aye husain ibn-e ali1 aye Khusrav2-e ruhaaniyaaN3
aye dimaaGh-e puKhta4 ki avaaz, aye dil ki zabaaN
aye shah-e mulk-e abad5, aye raakib6-e asr-e davaaN7
maut se teri ubalti hai hayaat-e-javidaaN8
tu azal9 se ta abad10 phaila hua manshuur11 hai
aye ke tera vaqt ke donoN siroN par nuur hai
1.husain-son of ali 2.king 3.spirituality 4.mature mind, discriminating mind of eternity (paradise) 6. rider, one who holds the reins 7.present times or order 8.eternal life 9.beginning 10.end (also eternity) 11.manifesto
O husain, king of spirituality. O, voice of reason and the desire of the heart. O king of paradise, O holder of the reins of the world. Eternal life flows from your death. From the beginning to the end your manifesto covers all time. Your light shines on both ends of time (from creation to doomsday).
kar diya tu ne ye saabit1 aye dilaavar2 aadmi
zindagi kya maut se leta hai Takkar aadmi
kaaT sakta hai rag-e-gardan3 se Khanjar4 aadmi
lashkaroN ko raund5 sakte haiN bahattar6 aadmi
zo’f7 Dhaa sakta8 hai qasr9-e afsar o auraNg10 ko
aabgiine11 toR sakte haiN hisaar12-e sang13 ko prove 2.brave 3.jugular vein 4.dagger 5.trample, conquer 6. seventy two 7.weakness, old age 8. destroy 9.palace, castle 10.throne, king 11.crystals 12.parapet, wall 13.rock
You have proved, O brave man that man can overcome not only the difficulties of Life but also face down Death. You have proved that the jugular can cut through a dagger. You have proved that seventy two can prevail upon vast armies. Truth, even without arms can destroy castles and armies. You have proved that crystal can break walls of stone.
pusht1 par teri haiN itni azmatoN2 ke kaarvaaN
sajda3 karti hai zamiN ko sulat4-e haft-asmaaN5
yuN tere sar par hai gardaaN6 chatr7-e umr-e javidaaN8
daNg9 haiN taj-e Masih10 o Khizr12 ki tabaaniyaaN12
tu bashar13 ki himmat-e aali14 ka vo ejaaz15 hai
jis pe yazdaan16 o bashar donoN ko abtak naaz hai
1.back 2.greatnesses 3.obeisance 4.respect, dignity skies
6.circulating, hovering 7.umbrella, aura 8.eternal life, immortality 9.amazed 10.Jesus 11.legendary prophet who discovered the water of life, drank it and so has eternal life 12.brilliances, greatness 13.human 14.highest courage 15.miracle, epitome 16.god
On your back you carry such greatness that all seven heavens pay obeisance to the earth. The aura of immortality hovers over your head such that the grandeur of the crowns of Jesus and Khizr are amazed. josh by mentioning Jesus and Khizr (one raised the dead and the other achieved immortality) is saying husain gave up his own life to give eternal life to righteousness. You are the epitome of the highest courage of man. You make both god and man are forever proud.
tu sada1 dekar na palTaata jo su-e-aab-e-ju2
tishna-lab3 insaan mar jaata bhaTak4 kar ku-ba-ku5
ahl-e duniya bar bina6-e aarzu7-e rang o bu8
ahrman9 ki samt muR jaata agar hota na tu
is zamiN par khainch kar tu ne hadeN10 aaiin11 ki
zalzaloN12 ki pusht13 par rakh di bina14 tamkiin15 ki 2.towards the river water 3.thirsty lips 4.wandering, lost 5.street by street i.e.aimless wandering 6.on the basis of the ( philosophy) 7.desire, temptation 8.color and fragrance i.e.carnal pleasures, worldly gains
9.Zoroastrian name for Satan 10.boundaries 11.culture, code of conduct
12.earthquake, here instability, aimlessness 13.back
15.peace and tranquility
If you had not called humanity to the river of Truth, human being would have wandered thirsty of virtue. The people of this world, based simply on worldly pleasures would have turned towards Satan, had you not been there. You ‘drew lines’ explaining the culture of morality. You built a solid peace on the back of the earthquake.
partav1-e aayaat2 hai tere dil-e hassaas3 par
tu guhar4 afshaN5 qalam hai KausariN6 qirtaas7 par
zindagi tulti8 hai tere Khun ki miqyaas9 par
kashti-e eesaar10 chalti hai tere anfaas11 par
karvaan-e irteqa12 ka rahbar13-e kaamil14 hai tu
siina-e geti or garduN15 ka dhaRakta dil hai tu
1.shadow, reflection 2.verses (of the qur’aan) 3.sensitive, loving 4.pearls 5.scatter, shower Kausar (river in paradise) 8.gets weighed, evaluated 9.balance 10.sacrifice, consideration of others 11.breath
12.progress, betterment 14.perfect and sky
The verses of the qur’aan are reflected in your loving heart. You are the pen that scatters pearls on the heavenly page. Life is measured against the standard that you set with your blood. The boat of sacrifice moves because of the strength of your breath. You are the perfect guide for the betterment of humanity. You are the heart that throbs in this earth and the sky.
teri mauj-e nutq1 meN hai naGhma-e saaz-e-hayaat2
tera har Khat-e jabiN3 hai jada4-e zaat o sifaat5
teri har mauj-e nafas6 hai insherah7-e ka’enaat8
teri mizhgaN9 ki har ek larzish10 hai tafsir11-e hayaat12
jhoomte rahte haiN arsh o farsh13 tere saaz14 se
zindagi jumbish15 meN aati hai teri avaaz se
1.wave of your voice/call and song of life 3.wrinkle on the brow 4.pathway 5.the being and attributes of god 6.wave of breath 7.explanation 8.creation, universe 9.eyelashes 10.movement 11.commentary and earth 15.movement, activity
The sound of your call is the song and tune of life. Every wrinkle on your brow is a pathway to god. Every breath of yours explains the purpose of creation. The movements of your eyelashes explain the spirit of life. The earth and sky dance to your tune. Life moves/steps forward and answers when you call.
nasb1 tu ne kar diye insaaN ki azmat2 ke Khayaam3
marhamat4 tu ne kiya tauqir-e aadam5 ko davaam6
jhoom kar tu ne shahadat ka piya jis vaqt jaam7
rooh-e dauraN8 ne mohammed ko kiya jhuk kar salaam
mustafa9 ki kashti-e nazish10 ko khene ke liye
anbiya11 aaye mubarakbad dene ke liye
1.establish 2.greatness 3.tents, place 4.bestow 5.dignity of aadam (of man) 6.permanence, dependability, credibility 7.cup 8.spirit of present times, spirit of creation 9.another name of mohammed 10.pride 11.prophets
You proved the greatness of man in the scheme of the Universe. You bestowed credibility to the dignity of man. When you happily drank of the cup of martyrdom, the spirit of creation bowed low and paid respects to mohammed. To row the boat of pride of mohammed all the (past) prophets came to felicitate him.
tishnagi1 ko mauj-e yam2 ne mubarakbad di
Khaak daaN3 ko arsh-e aazam4 ne mubarakbad di
faateh-e-Khyber5 ko aadam ne mubarkbad di
fatima zahra6 ko maryam ne mubarakbad di
fateh7 ke naGhmaat8 nikle zindagi ke saz9 se
kibriya10 ne qudsiyoN11 ki samt12 dekha naaz13 se
1.thirst 2.waves of the river 3.container of dust (earth) 4.great sky,heavens 5.conqueror of Khyber, ali, father of husain 6.mother of husain 7.victory 8.songs 9.from the music of life 10.god 11.angels 12. towards 13.pride
Thirst felicitated the waves of the river. Heavens felicitated the earth. Adam felicitated ali and Mary felicitated faatima zahra. Mary the mother of Jesus who also underwent tortuous killing felicitating faatima zahra, the mother of husain. Life began to sing songs of victory and god glanced at his angels with pride.
zarra zarra1 jalva gaah2-e maah-e kan’aaN3 ho gaya
halqa-e Khisht o Khazaf4 gauhar badamaaN5 ho gaya
bargaah-e-aadmiyat6 meN chiraGhaaN7 ho gaya
rishta-bar-paa8 zahn-e insani KharamaN9 ho gaya
paikar-e hasti10 meN nabz-e muddua11 chalne lagi
jis se jii uThte haiN murde vo hava chalne lagi
1.particle where you can see, reflection of 3.moon of the Kanaan tribe yusuf/Joseph, who was extremely handsome, beauty personfied of bricks and pebbles 5.full of pearls 6.abode of humanity, earth 7.illumination, festivities 8.rope/chain on feet 9.graceful walk 10.of existence (life) 11.pulse of desire (for deliverance)
Every insignificant particle relected the beauty of the moon. Brick bats and pebbles changed to pearls. The earth dazzled in festive lights. The bound/chained mind of man acquired a graceful gait. In the body of life began to throb the pulse of desire for deliverance. It was as if a life-giving breeze was blowing.
aye husain abtak tera naqsh-e qadam1 taabinda2 hai
zinda hai, paainda3 hai, naazinda4 hai, raKhshinda5 hai
raushan o paainda o baalinda6 o baKhshinda7 hai
gaam zan8 tu jis pe tha vo jaada9 abtak zinda hai
zau-figan10 hai zahn ki kar band11 par har joR12 par
sham’a jo taabinda2 hai teri gali ke moR par
1.foot print, example 2.bright 3.firm, strong 4.source of pride 5.brilliant 6.every increasing (in strength) 7. granting deliverance 8.walked 9.pathway 10.shining a light on 11.fold 12.connection
O husain, to this day, your footprints shine brightly. They are alive, firm, a source of pride and lustrous. Bright, firm, ever increasing in strength and granting deliverance. The path that you took, that path still beckons. Every fold and every connection in the mind is lit by the lamp that shines at the head of your path.
saikRoN1 qulzum2 mila karte haiN tere jaam3 se
saikroN garduN4 baTa karte haiN tere baam5 se
kis Ghazab6 ki lau7 nikalti hai tere paiGhaam8 se
zindagi ko jhurjhuri aati hai tere naam se
guunjta9 hai rooh10 meN har naGhma11 tere saaz12 ka
aaj bhi kaunda lapakta13 hai teri avaaz ka
1.thousands 2.oceans 3.cup 4.skies 5.roof,house 6.awe inspiring
7.brilliant flame 8.message 9.echoes 10.spirit, soul
13.lightning strike
Benevolence flows from your cup like a thousand oceans. Gifts given from your door are vast like a thousand skies. What an awe-inspiring flame it is that leaps from your message. The mention of your name sends tingling excitement through life. The melody of your song echoes through the human spirit. To this day your message has the impact of a thunderbolt.
aye husain ibn-e ali aye shah1-e yazdaaN2 sifaat3
nuur4 se tere jhamakti5 hai jabiin6-e kaa’enaat7
mahv8 ho jaa’eN agar duniya se tere vaqe’aat9
guNbad-e tariiKh10 pe chhaa jaa’e haibatnaak11 raat
bhool sakta hi nahiN insaan qurbaani teri
hafize12 ke farq13 ka jhoomar hai peshaani14 teri
1.king 2.god 3.qualities (shah-e yazdaaN sifat – king with godlike/divine qualities) 4.light 5.sparkles 6.forehead 7.creation 8.forget 9.legends 10.history 11.fearsome 12.memory, history 13.face 14. forehead
O husain, king among great ones with divine qualities, it is with your light that the brow of creation sparkles. If your story were to disappear from this earth a dark fearsome night will descend on the dome of history. Man cannot forget your sacrifice. Your memory is the ornament on the brow of history.
aye fiza1-e quds2 ke abr-e KharamaaN3 assalam
assalam aye shama-e aivan-e irfaaN4 assalam
assalam aye turra5-e taj-e shaheedaaN assalam
assalam aye zulkalam6 o zinda Qura’aN7 assalam
assalam aye sitwat8-e mehrab9 o mimbar10 assalam
asslam aye Khusro11-e namuus-e akbar12 assalam
1.breeze 2.pure, holy 3.gentle cloud 4.assembly of mystics ornament of a cap/crown 6.lord (protector) of speech/word/qur’aan qur’aan
8.grandeur 9.central arch in a mosque 10.pulpit 11.king (protector) 12.greatest respect (respect for god)
O holy breeze and blessed cloud, peace on you. O light of the assembly of mystics, peace on you. O crown of the crown of martyrs, peace on you. O protector and personification of the qur’aan, peace on you. O grandeur of the arch and pulpit, peace on you. O protector of the dignity/respect for god, peace on you.
aye gulu1-e zer2-e shamshir-e adu3 tujh par salam
karbala ki Khaak par bahte lahu tujh par salam
dudman4-e mustafa5 ki aabru6 tujh par salam
aye ba KhuN Ghaltida7 zulf-e mushk8 bu tujh par salam
deen-e ahl-e dard9 o jaan-e ahle maatam10 assalam
shaana-e imaaN11 ke aye gesu-e barham12 salam
1.throat 2.under 3.sword of evil, family 5.mohammed 6.pride 7.drenched in blood 8. tress of musk trees of the ‘people of pain’ –referring to the shia who mourn in pain recalling the pain of husain10.the life (center) of shia people of mourning 11.comb (shaana, in faarsi, is comb) of faith 12.scattered/tangled tresses
O throat that was slit by the sword of evil, salutations. O blood that flowed in the dust of karbala, salutations. O pride of the house of mohammed, salutations. O musky fragrant hair drenched in blood, salutations. O faith of the people who know pain and mourning, salutations. O you who comb and and straighten the tangled tresses of faith, salutations
shaah-e Gham1 ki shaan2, miir3-e sogwaaraaN4 assalam
mash’al5-e afsurda6-e shaam-e GharibaaN assalam
aye mere Doobe hue mahr-e daraKhshaaN7 assalam
aye dayaar-e faatima8 ke maah-e kan’aaN9 assalam
qalb10-e taslim o raza11 ke sabr12 o afsar13 assalam
assalam aye dasht-e Ghurbat14 ke musafir assalam
1.climax of mourning 2.glory 3.leader 4.mourner 5.torch 6.extinguished
7.brilliant sun 8.(door) house of faatima 9.moon of the tribe of Kan’aN (Joseph) 10.heart, centre 11.acceptance and agreement (with the will of god) 12.steadfast, accepting 13.leader, used here as ‘exemplar’ 14.wilderness away from home
The shia community while mourning for husain – is both sad and proud of his suffering and of his followers. josh calls husain the ‘pride of the climax/best of mourning’ and a ‘leader of mourners’ and offers his tribute (assalam). O, pride of the best of mourning, O leader of mourners, salutations. O extinguished lamp of ‘shaam-e GharibaaN’, salutations. O, sun that has set, yet shines brightly, salutations. O, moon of kan’aN of the house of faatima, salutations. O, exemplar of the acceptance of the will of god, salutations. Salutations O traveler in the desert of homelessness, salutations
siina-e abbas1 ke soz2-e nihaani3 ko salam
tausan4-e ibn-e mazahir5 ki ravaani6 ko salam
asGhar7-e maa’sum8 teri bezabaani9 ko salam
akbar10-e nauKhez11 teri naujavaani12 ko salam
mustafa ke lal13 ko, haider ke pyaare ko salam
fatima zahra14 teri aaNkhoN ke taare15 ko salam
1.husain’s half brother and commander of his force 2.sorrow 3.hidden, steed 5.a 70 year old follower of husain who is reputed to have fought bravely 6.flow, speed 7.husain’s infant son killed in Karbala 8.innocent 9.inability to speak 10.husain’s 18 year old son who fought and killed in Karbala adult 12.youth 13.ruby, loved one 14. mohammed’s daughter and husain’s mother of the eyes … intensely loved
My tribute to abbas who hid his sorrows in his bosom. To the courage with which ibn-e-mazaahir rode his steed, to the innocence of the infant asGhar and to the new adult youth, akbar. My tribute to the beloved of mustafa and to haider’s beloved. My tribute to the loved one of faatima zahra.
aye zamiN ki Khusravi1, garduN2 ki shaahi3 ko salam
aye madine ki nasim-e subah gaahi4 ko salam
aye shahaadat5 ki ada6-e kaj kulaahi7 ko salam
aye ajal8 ke raundne9 vaale sipaahi ko salam
aye mere saavant10, mere jari11 tujh par salam
naKhuda12-e kishti-e paiGhambari tujh par salam
1.kingship 2.skies 3.kingship 4.breeze that brings tidings of dawn/aza’an
5.martyrdom 7. crooked cap metaphor for rebellion against tradition and power 8.eternity 9.trample (here-overcome eternity become immortal) 10.brave 11.brave 12.helmsman
My tribute to the kings of the earth, the emperor of the skies. O, call of the az’aan in the morning of madina, salutations. O, great one, rebellious even in the face of death, salutations. O, immortal soldier of righteousness, salutations. O brave soldier, fearless fighter, my salutations. O, helmsman of the boat of mohammed, my salutations.