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نذرِ غالب ۔ عطاؔ کاکوی
واقفِ رازِ حقیقت تھی نِگاہِ غالب
رشکِ صد زہد تھا اندازِ گناہِ غالب
کچھ عجب رنگ کی تھی شام و پگاہِ غالب
مختصر یہ کہ جدا سب سے تھی راہِ غالب
اُس کا آہنگ جُدا، لحن جُدا، ساز جُدا
فکر کا ڈھنگ جُدا، کہنے کا انداز جُدا
اللہ اللہ رے تری شمعِ سخن کی تنویر
سارے اَسرار ترے دامِ تخیّل میں اسیر
مملکت دِل کی ہوئی تیرے قلم کی جاگیر
ہوئی ہم دوشِ فلک قصرِ سخن کی تعمیر
تیرا اندازِ سخن حُسن فزا کیا کہنا
ماہر ویانِ معانی کی ادا کیا کہنا
نغمۂ شادی بھی ہے لے میں تری اور غم بھی
سادگی بھی ترے اشعار میں پیچ و خم بھی
ایک ہی جام میں امرت بھی گھُلا ہے سم بھی
کچھ تری بزم میں محرم بھی ہیں نامحرم بھی
گو نہ سمجھیں ترے اشعار مگر سُنتے ہیں
جو سمجھ لیتے ہیں وہ وجد میں سر دھُنتے ہیں
اللہ اللہ رے تری فکرِ سخن کا اعجاز
تیرے مضراب سے بجنے لگا تکوین کا ساز
جلوۂ جُسنِ حقیقت بہ لبِ بامِ مجاز
کر دیا فاش سرا پردۂ تخلیق کا راز
دہر جُز جلوۂ یکتائیِ معشوق نہیں
ہم کہاں ہوتے اگر حسن نہ ہوتا خود بیں
کروٹیں لیتا ہے جب پیرِ فلک لاکھوں سال
پیدا ہوتا ہے کہیں دہر میں تب مردِ کمال
صرف ہو جاتی ہے مُدّت پئے تکمیلِ جمال
پھر ہو غالب کوئی، مشکل ہے، بہ قولِ اقبال
حفظِ اَسرار کا فِطرت کو ہے سودا ایسا
رازداں پھر نہ کریگی کوئی پیدا ایسا
اللہ اللہ ترے دریائے معانی کا یہ جوش
تیری آوازِ قلم زمزرۂ سازِ سروش
یہ تصوّف کے مسائل یہ بیاں جنّت گوش
سب ولی تجھ کو سمجھتے جو نہ ہوتا مئے نوش
کیوں نہ مقبول ہو دعویٰ تیری یکتائی کا
یہ پریشاں نظری جرم ہے بینائی کا
تیرا اندازِ سخن شانۂ زلفِ اِلہام
تیرا ہر شعر ہے رِندوں کو چھلکتا ہوا جام
مست ہیں تیرے سخن سے چہ خواس و چہ عوام
روز بڑھتی ہی چلی جاتی ہے توقیرِ کلام
موہ لیتا ہے جو ہر دل کو وہ ساحر ہے تو
پرورش پاتا ہے فن جس سے وہ ماہر ہے تو
حورِ معنی کا تبسّم ترے اشعار میں ہے
خندۂ گُل کی تجلّی تری گفتار میں ہے
جو ہے گفتار میں تیری وہی کردار میں ہے
مہر و اِخلاص کا سودا ترے بازار میں ہے
رفعتِ ذات تری ایک اِسی بات سے ہے
غالبِ خاک نشیں اہلِ خرابات سے ہے
کاکُلِ رنج و الم اور پریشاں ہوتی
زندگی اپنی مصائب سے گریزاں ہوتی
شِدّتِ یاس میں کیا حالتِ اِنساں ہوتی
تو نہ بتلاتا تو مشکل کبھی آساں ہوتی
عشرتِ قطرہ ہے دریا میں فنا ہو جانا
درد کا حد سے گذرنا ہے دوا ہو جانا
گرم ہے تجھ سے اسدؔ شعر و سخن کا بازار
حسنِ افکار کا ہر شعر ترا آئینہ دار
جام سے تیرے چھلکتی ہے شرابِ اَسرار
طائرِ سِدرہ نشیں تیرے تخیّل کا شکار
تھا پَرے سرحدِ اِدراک سے تیرا مسجود
تیرے مسلک نے کیا ترک رسوم اور قیود
شاہِ اِقلیمِ تخیّل ہے تُو بے شبہ و عدیل
گنجِ معنی سے ترا سینہ عمرو کی زنبیل
تیرے اجمال سے کرتی ہے تراوش تفصیل
تیری رفتارِ قلم جنبشِ بالِ جبریل
درخورِ اوجِ سخن جب کوئی تجھ سا نہ ہوا
پھر غلط کیا ہے کہ تجھ سا کوئی پیدا نہ ہوا
नज़्र-ए ग़ालिब – अता काकवी
वाक़फ़-ए राज़-ए हक़ीक़त थी निगाह-ए ग़ालिब
रश्क-ए सद ज़ोहद था अंदाज़-ए गुनाह-ए ग़ालिब
कुछ अजब रंग कि थी शाम ओ पगाह-ए ग़ालिब
मुख़्तसर ये के जुदा सब से थी राह-ए ग़ालिब
उस का आहंग जुदा, लहन जुदा, साज़ जुदा
फ़िक्र का ढंग जुदा, कहने का अंदाज़ जुदा
अल्लाह अल्लाह रे तेरी शम’अ-ए सुख़न की तनवीर
सारे अस्रार तेरे दाम-ए तख़य्युल में असीर
मुम्लकत दिल की हई तेरे क़लम की जागीर
हुई हमदोश-ए फ़लक क़स्र-ए सुख़न की ता’मीर
तेरा अंदाज़-ए सुख़न हुस्न फ़ज़ा क्या कहना
माहर ओ यान-ए मा’नी कि अदा क्या कहना
नग़्मा-ए शादी भी है लय में तेरि और ग़म भी
सादगी भी तेरे अश’आर में पेच ओ ख़म भी
एक हि जाम में अम्रत भी घुला है ग़म भी
कुछ तेरी बज़्म में महरम भी हैं ना-महरम भी
गो न समझें तेरे अश’आर मगर सुनते हैं
जो समझ लेते हैं वो वज्द में सर धुंते हैं
अल्लाह अल्लाह रे तेरी फ़िक्र-ए सुख़न का ऐ’जाज़
तेरे मिज़्राब से बजने लगा तक्वीन का साज़
जल्वा-ए हुस्न-ए हक़ीक़त ब लब-ए बाम-ए मजाज़
कर दिया फ़ाश सरा परदा-ए तख़्लीक़ का राज़
दहर जुज़ जल्वा-ए यक्ताई-ए मा’शूक़ नहीं
हम कहां होते अगर हुस्न न होता ख़ूद-बीं
करवटें लेता है जब पीर-ए फ़लक लाखौं साल
पैदा होता है कहीं दहर में तब मर्द-ए कमाल
सर्फ़ हो जाती है मुद्दत पैय-ए तक्मील-ए जमाल
फिर हो ग़ालिब कोई मुश्किल से, ब क़ौल-ए एक़्बाल
हिफ़्ज़-ए अस्रार का फ़ित्रत को है सौदा ऐसा
राज़्दां फिर न करेगी कोई पैदा ऐसा
अल्लाह अल्लाह तेरे दर्या-ए म’आनि का ये जोश
तेरी आवाज़-ए क़लम ज़मज़मा-ए साज़-ए सरोश
ये तसव्वुफ़ के मसा’एल ये बयां जन्नत गोश
सब वली तुझ को समझते जो न होता मय-नोश
क्यूं न मक़्बूल हो दावा तेरी यक्ताई का
ये परेशां नज़री जुर्म है बीनाई का
तेरा अंदाज़-ए सुख़न शाना-ए ज़ुल्फ़-ए इल्हाम
तेरा हर शे’र है रिंदौं को छलकता हुआ जाम
मस्त हैं तेरे सुख़न से चे ख़वास ओ चे अवाम
रोज़ बढ़ती हि चली जाती है तौक़ीर-ए कलाम
मोह लेता है जो हर दिल को वो साहर है तू
परवरिश पाता है फ़न जिस से वो माहर है तू
हूर-ए म’आनि का तबस्सुम तेरे अश’आर में है
ख़ंदा-ए गुल की तजल्ली तेरी गुफ़्तार में है
जो है गुफ़्तार में तेरी वही किर्दार में है
महर ओ इख़्लास का सौदा तेरे बाज़ार में है
रफ़’अत-ए ज़ात तेरी एक इसी बात से है
ग़ालिब-ए ख़ाक नशीं अहल-ए ख़राबात से है
काकुल-ए रंज ओ अलम और परेशां होती
ज़िंदगी अपनी मसा’एब से गुरेज़ां होती
शिद्दत-ए यास में क्या हालत-ए इंसां होती
तू न बतलाता तो मुश्किल कभी आसां होती
इश्रत-ए क़त्रा है दर्या में फ़ना हो जाना
दर्द का हद से गुज़रना है दवा हो जाना
गर्म है तुझ से असद शे’र ओ सुख़न का बाज़ार
हुस्न-ए अफ़्कार का हर शे’र तेरा आईना-दार
जाम से तेरे छलकती है शराब-ए अस्रार
ता’एर-ए सिद्रा नशीं तेरे तख़य्युल का शिकार
था परे सरहद-ए इद्राक से तेरा मस्जूद
तेरे मस्लक ने किया तर्क रुसूम और क़ुयूद
शाह-ए इक़्लीम-ए तख़य्युल है तू बे शुबह ओ अदील
गंज-ए म’आनि से तेरा सीना उमरू की ज़ंबील
तेरे अज्माल से करती है तरावश तफ़्सील
तेरी रफ़्रार-ए क़लम जुंबिश-ए बाल-ए जिब्रील
दर्ख़ुर-ए औज-ए सुख़न जब कोई तुझ सा न हुआ
फिर ग़लत क्या है के तुझ सा कोई पैदा न हुआ
Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. syed shah ata-ur-rahman – ata kaakavi (1904-????). I do not know much more about the poet. I found this in the 1987 issue of the urdu magazine ‘aaj kal’ – a Govt of India publication. josh malihabadi was the editor of this magazine followed by baalmukund arsh malsiani. This issue was one of several dedicated to Ghalib. I also found a booklet, ‘nazr-e Ghalib’ produced by ata kaakavi himself which has this musaddas and several other nazm and Ghazal as a tribute to Ghalib.
vaaqaf1-e raaz2-e haqeeqat3 thi nigaah4-e Ghalib
rashk5-e sad-zohd6 tha andaaz7-e gunaah-e Ghalib
kuchh ajab raNg ki thi shaam o pagaah8-e Ghalib
muKhtasar9 ye ke juda10 sub se thi raah11-e Ghalib
us ka aahaNg12 juda, lahn13 juda, saaz14 juda
fikr15 ka DhaNg juda, kahne ka andaaz7 juda 1.aware, knowledgable 2.secret, mystery 3.truth, reality 4.sight, eyes 5.envy 6.hundred virtues 8.dawn, morning brief 10.separate, different 11.path 12.harmony 13.melody 15.reasoning, logic
The eyes/observation of Ghalib was knowledgable of the secret/mystery of reality. Ghalib’s vices are the envy of a hundred virtues. His day and night (lifestyle) had an unusual/intriguing colour/style. In short, his path was different from that of others. His harmony, melody and music were all different from others. His way of thinking, his style were unique.
allaah allah re teri sham’a-e suKhan1 ki tanviir2
saare asraar3 tere daam4-e taKhayyul5 meN asiir6
mumlakat7 dil ki hui tere qalam8 ki jaagiir9
hui hamdosh10-e falak11 qasr12-e suKhan1 ki t’aamiir13
tera andaaz14-e suKhan1 husn-faza15 kya kahna
maahir16 o yaan17-e m’aani ki ada kya kahna 1.verse 2.brilliance 3.mysteries, trap 5.imagination 6.captive 7.domain 8.pen 9.exclusive, monopoly 10.equal, heaven 12.castle, palace, building spreading 17.carriage, chariot, palanquin
By god, the brilliance of the candle of your verse! All mysteries (of life and death) were captured/caught in the net of your imagination/thinking. The domain of the heart (love) became the monopoly of your pen. The palace of your verse was high, reaching/touching the sky. What can I say about the beauty scattering style of your verse. How can I describe the expertise and the carriage in which meaning is conveyed with style.
naGhma1-e shaadi2 bhi hai lai3 meN teri aur Gham bhi
saadagi4 bhi tere ash’aar meN pech-o-Kham5 bhi
ek hi jaam6 meN amrit bhi ghula hai Gham bhi
kuchh teri bazm7 meN mahram8 bhi hai na-mahram9 bhi
go10 na samjheN tere ash’aar magar sunte haiN
jo samajh lete haiN vo vajd11 meN sar dhunte haiN 2.celebration 3.melody 4.simple, straightforward 5.twists and turns, complicated 6.cup 7.gathering 8.intimate, familiar 9.stranger, outsider 10.even though 11.trance, ecstasy
The song of celebration and of sorrow are layered in your verse. It is straightforward as well as loaded with hidden meanings in its twists and turns. Sweet nectar and sorrow are stirred together in the same cup. Some in your gatherings are familiar with your verse, others not. Even though they don’t understand, they listen and those who understand are enraptured in ecstasy.
allaah allaah re teri fikr1-e suKhan2 ka e’jaaz3
tere mizraab4 se bajne laga takveen5 ka saaz6
jalva7-e husn8-e haqeeqat9 ba lab10-e baam11-e majaaz12
kar diya faash13 sira parda-e taKhleeq14 ka raaz15
dahr16 meN juz17 jalva7-e yaktaaii18-e maa’shooq19 nahiN
ham kahaaN hote agar husn na hota Khud-biiN20 1.reasoning, logic 2.verse, words 3.miracle 4.finger pluck to play strings 5.creation 6.musical instrument (say) harp 7.manifestation, revelation 9.truth, reality 10.lip, edge 11.roof 12.illusion, material world 13.revealed 14.creation 15.secret 17.except for 19.beloved/god 20.self regarding
By god, the miracle of the thought/reason in your words. Your finger plucked the strings of the harp of creation. Your words revealed the beauty of truth/reality/god from the rooftop of this world of illusion. You lifted the veil of the secret of creation, saying – ‘there is nothing else in the universe except for the manifestation of the one-ness of the creator and the created. We would not have existed if the creator/beauty were not self-regarding i.e. wishing to see its own reflection” i.e. creation is a reflection of the creator.
karvaTeN leta hai jab piir1-e falak2 laakhoN saal
paida hota hai kahiN dahr3 meN tab mard-e-kamaal4
sarf5 ho jaati hai muddat6 pai7-e takmiil8-e jamaal9
phir ho Ghalib koii mushkil se, ba-qaul10-e iqbaal
hifz11-e asraar12 ka fitrat13 ko hai sauda aisa
raazdaaN14 phir na karegi koii paida aisa 1.elder 4.perfect/highly skilled man 5.spend 6.ages 7.for the sake of 8.completion, glory the words of 12.secrets, mysteries 13.nature, god 14.confidant, sharing secrets
The elders of the sky/heavens twist and turn for thousands of years only then is a man of such talents born. It takes ages to complete/perfect beauty, so it is difficult for there to be another Ghalib, quoting iqbaal. Nature is so concerned about protecting its mysteries then it will not create another confidant (like Ghalib).
allaah allah tere dariya-e mu’aani ka ye josh1
teri aavaaz-e qalam2 zamzama3-e saaz4-e sarosh5
ye tasavvuf6 ke masaa’el7 ye bayaaN8 jannat-gosh9
sub vali10 tujh ko samajhte jo na hota mai-nosh11
kyuN na maqbool12 ho daava13 teri yaktaaii14 ka
ye pareshaaN-nazari15 jurm16 hai beenaaii17 ka 1.enthusiasm, flow 2.pen 3.gurgling sound of spring near k’aaba, symbolic of music 5.angel 6.mysticism 7.puzzles, mysteries 8.description, explication 9.heavenly voice 10.saint lover 12.popular, widely accepted 13.claim 14.uniqueness 15.puzzled look 16.crime, mistake 17.sight, ability to see
By god, the flow of the river of meaning in your verse. The sound of your pen (scraping on paper) is the divine music (flapping wings) of angels. See Ghalib . These puzzles of mysticism and your heavenly explication, everyone would have considered you a saint, had you not been a wine lover. See Why should your claim of uniqueness not be widely accepted. If this claim is not understood it is because of the mistake of our sight. See
tera andaaz-e-suKhan1 shaana2-e zulf3-e ilhaam4
tera har she’r hai rindoN5 ko chhalakta hua jaam6
mast haiN tere suKhan se che7 Khavaas8 o che7 avaam9
roz baRhti hi chali jaati hai tauqeer-e-kalaam10
moh leta hai jo har dil ko vo saahir11 hai tuu
parvarish12 paata hai fun13 jis se vo maahir14 hai tuu of verse 2.comb (in faarsi) 4.divine inspiration lovers 6.cup 7.whether 8.special, elite 9.commoners, public 10.dignity of speech/verse 11.magician 12.nourishment 13.skill/art (of poetry)
The style of your verse is the comb of the hair of divine inspiration i.e. it smooths the tangles, explains complicated divine principles. Every couplet of yours is like an overflowing cup for wine lovers. Your verse intoxicates everyone, whether they are elite of commoner. The glory of your verse keeps increasing day by day. You are the magician that wins over every heart. You are the expert who nourishes the art of poetry.
huur1-e m’aani ka tabassum2 tere ash’aar3 meN hai
Khanda4-e gul5 ki tajalli6 teri guftaar7 meN hai
jo hai guftaar meN teri vahi kirdaar8 meN hai
mahr9 o iKhlaas10 ka sauda tere bazaar meN hai
raf’at11-e zaat12 teri ek is baat se hai
Ghalib-e Khaak-nashiN13 ahl-e-Kharaabaat14 se hai 1.angel 3.couplets 5.rose 6.brilliance, beauty 7.words 8.character 9.generosity 10.polite consideration 11.elevation 12.personal dignity 13.down to earth 14.people of the tavern (tavern is symbolic of liberal thinking)
Your couplets reflect the smile of the angel of meaning/deep thought. The beauty of a smiling/blooming rose is reflected in your verse. Whatever is in your verse is also in your character. You deal in generosity and politeness. The elevation of your personality is in this one feature – the down to earth Ghalib is of the people of the tavern/liberals.
kaakul1-e ranj-o-alam2 aur pareshaaN3 hoti
zindagi apni masaa’eb4 se gurezaaN5 hoti
shiddat-e-yaas6 meN kya haalat-e-insaaN7 hoti
tuu na batlaata to mushkil kabhi aasaaN hoti
ishrat8-e qatra9 hai darya10 meN fana11 ho jaana
dard ka hadd12 se guzarna13 hai davaa14 ho jaana 1.curly hair, forelocks 2.pain and sorrow 3.scattered, tangled 4.troubles, problems away 6.excess of longing 7.condition of humanity 9.drop 10.sea, ocean 11.annihilate, lose oneself 12.limits, boundaries 13.go beyond 14.remedy
The curly hair of pain and sorrow would have gotten even more tangled. Life would have run away from all its trials and tribulations. The condition of humanity would have been indescribable with excess of yearning (for base material goods). If you had not shown us, these problems would have been solved. But you explained that the joy/salvation of the drop is in losing itself in the ocean (individual with the multitude or the soul with god). Excess of pain can itself become a cure. This last she’r is a direct quote of Ghalib’s own she’r.
garm1 hai tujh se asad2 she’r-o-suKhan3 ka bazaar
husn4-e afkaar5 ka har she’r tera aaiina-daar6
jaam7 se tere chhalakti hai sharaab-e-asraar8
taa’er9-e sidra-nashiN10 tere taKhayyul11 ka shikaar12
tha pare13 sarhad14-e idraak15 se tera masjood16
tere maslak17 ne kiya tark18 rusoom19 aur quyood20 2.asad-ul-laah KhaaN Ghalib 3.couplets and verse 5.thinking, reasoning 6.mirror bearer, reflection 7.cup of mysteries (of nature) 9.bird on sidra (legendary tree in paradise) 11.imagination 12.captive 13.beyond 14.boundaries 15.knowledge (of the material world) 16.object of worship 17.ways, method 18.quit 19.tradition 20.rules
O asad, the realm of verse is active because of you. Every couplet of yours is reflection of the beauty of thought. Your cup overflows with the wine of mysteries. Your imagination captures the legendary bird of heaven. The object of your veneration is/was beyond the boundaries of material knowledge. Your method was to quit tradition and rules.
shaah1-e iqleem2-e taKhayyul3 hai tu be-shub’h4 o adeel5
ganj6-e m’aani se tera seena umaruu-ki-zanbeel7
tere ijmaal8 se karti hai taraavash9 tafseel10
teri raftaar11-e qalam12 jumbish13-e baal14-e jibriil15
darKhur16-e auj-e-suKhan17 jab koii tujh sa na hua
phir Ghalat kya hai ke tujh sa koii paida na hua 1.emperor 2.realm 3.imagination 4.doubt 5.example, equal 6.treasure house 7.character in fables of Arabian Nights whose magical sack contained answers to all questions 8.layered meanings 9.dripping 10.detailed explanation 11.pace 12.pen 13.movement 14.feathers, wings 15.archangel Gabriel 16.deserving of 17.peak of versification
You were the emperor of the realm of imagination without a doubt, without an equal. Your bosom was such a treasure house of meaning that it was like the magical sack of umaruu. Detailed explanation dripped from the subtle artistry of your layered meanings. When there was no other like you, deserving of the peak position of versification, then why should be we surprised that on other like you has been born.
syed shah ata-ur-rahman – ata kaakavi (1904-????). I do not know much more about the poet. I found this in the 1987 issue of the urdu magazine ‘aaj kal’ – a Govt of India publication. josh malihabadi was the editor of this magazine followed by baalmukund arsh malsiani. This issue was one of several dedicated to Ghalib. I also found a booklet, ‘nazr-e Ghalib’ produced by ata kaakavi himself which has this musaddas and several other nazm and Ghazal as a tribute to Ghalib.
vaaqaf1-e raaz2-e haqeeqat3 thi nigaah4-e Ghalib
rashk5-e sad-zohd6 tha andaaz7-e gunaah-e Ghalib
kuchh ajab raNg ki thi shaam o pagaah8-e Ghalib
muKhtasar9 ye ke juda10 sub se thi raah11-e Ghalib
us ka aahaNg12 juda, lahn13 juda, saaz14 juda
fikr15 ka DhaNg juda, kahne ka andaaz7 juda
1.aware, knowledgable 2.secret, mystery 3.truth, reality 4.sight, eyes 5.envy 6.hundred virtues 8.dawn, morning brief 10.separate, different 11.path 12.harmony 13.melody 15.reasoning, logic
The eyes/observation of Ghalib was knowledgable of the secret/mystery of reality. Ghalib’s vices are the envy of a hundred virtues. His day and night (lifestyle) had an unusual/intriguing colour/style. In short, his path was different from that of others. His harmony, melody and music were all different from others. His way of thinking, his style were unique.
allaah allah re teri sham’a-e suKhan1 ki tanviir2
saare asraar3 tere daam4-e taKhayyul5 meN asiir6
mumlakat7 dil ki hui tere qalam8 ki jaagiir9
hui hamdosh10-e falak11 qasr12-e suKhan1 ki t’aamiir13
tera andaaz14-e suKhan1 husn-faza15 kya kahna
maahir16 o yaan17-e m’aani ki ada kya kahna
1.verse 2.brilliance 3.mysteries, trap 5.imagination 6.captive 7.domain 8.pen 9.exclusive, monopoly 10.equal, heaven 12.castle, palace, building spreading 17.carriage, chariot, palanquin
By god, the brilliance of the candle of your verse! All mysteries (of life and death) were captured/caught in the net of your imagination/thinking. The domain of the heart (love) became the monopoly of your pen. The palace of your verse was high, reaching/touching the sky. What can I say about the beauty scattering style of your verse. How can I describe the expertise and the carriage in which meaning is conveyed with style.
naGhma1-e shaadi2 bhi hai lai3 meN teri aur Gham bhi
saadagi4 bhi tere ash’aar meN pech-o-Kham5 bhi
ek hi jaam6 meN amrit bhi ghula hai Gham bhi
kuchh teri bazm7 meN mahram8 bhi hai na-mahram9 bhi
go10 na samjheN tere ash’aar magar sunte haiN
jo samajh lete haiN vo vajd11 meN sar dhunte haiN 2.celebration 3.melody 4.simple, straightforward 5.twists and turns, complicated 6.cup 7.gathering 8.intimate, familiar 9.stranger, outsider 10.even though 11.trance, ecstasy
The song of celebration and of sorrow are layered in your verse. It is straightforward as well as loaded with hidden meanings in its twists and turns. Sweet nectar and sorrow are stirred together in the same cup. Some in your gatherings are familiar with your verse, others not. Even though they don’t understand, they listen and those who understand are enraptured in ecstasy.
allaah allaah re teri fikr1-e suKhan2 ka e’jaaz3
tere mizraab4 se bajne laga takveen5 ka saaz6
jalva7-e husn8-e haqeeqat9 ba lab10-e baam11-e majaaz12
kar diya faash13 sira parda-e taKhleeq14 ka raaz15
dahr16 meN juz17 jalva7-e yaktaaii18-e maa’shooq19 nahiN
ham kahaaN hote agar husn na hota Khud-biiN20
1.reasoning, logic 2.verse, words 3.miracle 4.finger pluck to play strings 5.creation 6.musical instrument (say) harp 7.manifestation, revelation 9.truth, reality 10.lip, edge 11.roof 12.illusion, material world 13.revealed 14.creation 15.secret 17.except for 19.beloved/god 20.self regarding
By god, the miracle of the thought/reason in your words. Your finger plucked the strings of the harp of creation. Your words revealed the beauty of truth/reality/god from the rooftop of this world of illusion. You lifted the veil of the secret of creation, saying – ‘there is nothing else in the universe except for the manifestation of the one-ness of the creator and the created. We would not have existed if the creator/beauty were not self-regarding i.e. wishing to see its own reflection” i.e. creation is a reflection of the creator.
karvaTeN leta hai jab piir1-e falak2 laakhoN saal
paida hota hai kahiN dahr3 meN tab mard-e-kamaal4
sarf5 ho jaati hai muddat6 pai7-e takmiil8-e jamaal9
phir ho Ghalib koii mushkil se, ba-qaul10-e iqbaal
hifz11-e asraar12 ka fitrat13 ko hai sauda aisa
raazdaaN14 phir na karegi koii paida aisa
1.elder 4.perfect/highly skilled man 5.spend 6.ages 7.for the sake of 8.completion, glory the words of 12.secrets, mysteries 13.nature, god 14.confidant, sharing secrets
The elders of the sky/heavens twist and turn for thousands of years only then is a man of such talents born. It takes ages to complete/perfect beauty, so it is difficult for there to be another Ghalib, quoting iqbaal. Nature is so concerned about protecting its mysteries then it will not create another confidant (like Ghalib).
allaah allah tere dariya-e mu’aani ka ye josh1
teri aavaaz-e qalam2 zamzama3-e saaz4-e sarosh5
ye tasavvuf6 ke masaa’el7 ye bayaaN8 jannat-gosh9
sub vali10 tujh ko samajhte jo na hota mai-nosh11
kyuN na maqbool12 ho daava13 teri yaktaaii14 ka
ye pareshaaN-nazari15 jurm16 hai beenaaii17 ka
1.enthusiasm, flow 2.pen 3.gurgling sound of spring near k’aaba, symbolic of music 5.angel 6.mysticism 7.puzzles, mysteries 8.description, explication 9.heavenly voice 10.saint lover 12.popular, widely accepted 13.claim 14.uniqueness 15.puzzled look 16.crime, mistake 17.sight, ability to see
By god, the flow of the river of meaning in your verse. The sound of your pen (scraping on paper) is the divine music (flapping wings) of angels. See Ghalib . These puzzles of mysticism and your heavenly explication, everyone would have considered you a saint, had you not been a wine lover. See Why should your claim of uniqueness not be widely accepted. If this claim is not understood it is because of the mistake of our sight. See
tera andaaz-e-suKhan1 shaana2-e zulf3-e ilhaam4
tera har she’r hai rindoN5 ko chhalakta hua jaam6
mast haiN tere suKhan se che7 Khavaas8 o che7 avaam9
roz baRhti hi chali jaati hai tauqeer-e-kalaam10
moh leta hai jo har dil ko vo saahir11 hai tuu
parvarish12 paata hai fun13 jis se vo maahir14 hai tuu of verse 2.comb (in faarsi) 4.divine inspiration lovers 6.cup 7.whether 8.special, elite 9.commoners, public 10.dignity of speech/verse 11.magician 12.nourishment 13.skill/art (of poetry)
The style of your verse is the comb of the hair of divine inspiration i.e. it smooths the tangles, explains complicated divine principles. Every couplet of yours is like an overflowing cup for wine lovers. Your verse intoxicates everyone, whether they are elite of commoner. The glory of your verse keeps increasing day by day. You are the magician that wins over every heart. You are the expert who nourishes the art of poetry.
huur1-e m’aani ka tabassum2 tere ash’aar3 meN hai
Khanda4-e gul5 ki tajalli6 teri guftaar7 meN hai
jo hai guftaar meN teri vahi kirdaar8 meN hai
mahr9 o iKhlaas10 ka sauda tere bazaar meN hai
raf’at11-e zaat12 teri ek is baat se hai
Ghalib-e Khaak-nashiN13 ahl-e-Kharaabaat14 se hai
1.angel 3.couplets 5.rose 6.brilliance, beauty 7.words 8.character 9.generosity 10.polite consideration 11.elevation 12.personal dignity 13.down to earth 14.people of the tavern (tavern is symbolic of liberal thinking)
Your couplets reflect the smile of the angel of meaning/deep thought. The beauty of a smiling/blooming rose is reflected in your verse. Whatever is in your verse is also in your character. You deal in generosity and politeness. The elevation of your personality is in this one feature – the down to earth Ghalib is of the people of the tavern/liberals.
kaakul1-e ranj-o-alam2 aur pareshaaN3 hoti
zindagi apni masaa’eb4 se gurezaaN5 hoti
shiddat-e-yaas6 meN kya haalat-e-insaaN7 hoti
tuu na batlaata to mushkil kabhi aasaaN hoti
ishrat8-e qatra9 hai darya10 meN fana11 ho jaana
dard ka hadd12 se guzarna13 hai davaa14 ho jaana
1.curly hair, forelocks 2.pain and sorrow 3.scattered, tangled 4.troubles, problems away 6.excess of longing 7.condition of humanity 9.drop 10.sea, ocean 11.annihilate, lose oneself 12.limits, boundaries 13.go beyond 14.remedy
The curly hair of pain and sorrow would have gotten even more tangled. Life would have run away from all its trials and tribulations. The condition of humanity would have been indescribable with excess of yearning (for base material goods). If you had not shown us, these problems would have been solved. But you explained that the joy/salvation of the drop is in losing itself in the ocean (individual with the multitude or the soul with god). Excess of pain can itself become a cure. This last she’r is a direct quote of Ghalib’s own she’r.
garm1 hai tujh se asad2 she’r-o-suKhan3 ka bazaar
husn4-e afkaar5 ka har she’r tera aaiina-daar6
jaam7 se tere chhalakti hai sharaab-e-asraar8
taa’er9-e sidra-nashiN10 tere taKhayyul11 ka shikaar12
tha pare13 sarhad14-e idraak15 se tera masjood16
tere maslak17 ne kiya tark18 rusoom19 aur quyood20 2.asad-ul-laah KhaaN Ghalib 3.couplets and verse 5.thinking, reasoning 6.mirror bearer, reflection 7.cup of mysteries (of nature) 9.bird on sidra (legendary tree in paradise) 11.imagination 12.captive 13.beyond 14.boundaries 15.knowledge (of the material world) 16.object of worship 17.ways, method 18.quit 19.tradition 20.rules
O asad, the realm of verse is active because of you. Every couplet of yours is reflection of the beauty of thought. Your cup overflows with the wine of mysteries. Your imagination captures the legendary bird of heaven. The object of your veneration is/was beyond the boundaries of material knowledge. Your method was to quit tradition and rules.
shaah1-e iqleem2-e taKhayyul3 hai tu be-shub’h4 o adeel5
ganj6-e m’aani se tera seena umaruu-ki-zanbeel7
tere ijmaal8 se karti hai taraavash9 tafseel10
teri raftaar11-e qalam12 jumbish13-e baal14-e jibriil15
darKhur16-e auj-e-suKhan17 jab koii tujh sa na hua
phir Ghalat kya hai ke tujh sa koii paida na hua
1.emperor 2.realm 3.imagination 4.doubt 5.example, equal 6.treasure house 7.character in fables of Arabian Nights whose magical sack contained answers to all questions 8.layered meanings 9.dripping 10.detailed explanation 11.pace 12.pen 13.movement 14.feathers, wings 15.archangel Gabriel 16.deserving of 17.peak of versification
You were the emperor of the realm of imagination without a doubt, without an equal. Your bosom was such a treasure house of meaning that it was like the magical sack of umaruu. Detailed explanation dripped from the subtle artistry of your layered meanings. When there was no other like you, deserving of the peak position of versification, then why should be we surprised that on other like you has been born.
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