
For word meanings and explanatory discussion in English click on the “English” or “Notes” tab.

مرثیہ۔پانی۔پانی کا کمال۔جوش ملیح آبادی

بند    ١٣

آلامِ تِشنگی کا گر یباں سیئے ہوے

مکھڑوں کو رشکِ صبح بہاراں کئے ہوے

جھونکوں میں شاخِ گلُ کو سہارا دئیے ہوے

خوابیدہ انکھڑیوں میں گھٹایئں لئے ہوے

لےَ میں پروے شور و شغب آبشار کے

خیمے اُٹھاے دوشِ خنک پر بہار کے

بند   ١٤

دامن میں آبِ گوہر و مرجاں لئے ہوے

جامِ رواں میں قطرہِ نیساں  لئے ہوے

موجِ دواں میں عشوہِ ترکاں لئے ہوے

کالی گھٹا میں زلفِ نگاراں لئے ہوے

کولھوں پہ ہاتھ طرفہ ادا سے دھرے ہوے

پھولوں سے مرغزار کی جھولی بھرے ہوے

بند    ١٥

پانی کا لوچ، ابر  کی رو، موتیوں کی آب

مٹیّ کی جان، گل کی مہک، بحر کا جواب

ساغر کی آگ، تیغ کا پانی، سمن کی دآب

کڑکے تو موجِ صاعقہ ،کھنچ جاے تو شراب

پرُوا میں ابرِ تیرہ کے لکےّ بنے ہوے

لیلائے بر شگال کی چندری چنے ہوے

بند    ١٦

بھنوروں کی گونج، نہر کی سیاّ ل راگنی

پیہو کی دھوم گونجتی سرشار دلکشی

شویندگی و شوخی و شنگی و شاعری

رنگینی و روانی و رقص و رُبودگی

کوئل کی کوک بوڑھ کی خوُ شبو  لئے ہوے

مدرا، پیالا، زمزمہ، دارو لئے ہوے

بند    ١٧

ٹپ ٹپ، شرر، تڑاتڑ، چھنن چھنن

دھمل، دھوم، دھام، دمادم، دھنن دھنن

گم کاو، روم جھوم ، جھما جھم، جھنن جھنن

گھن گھن، گرج، گھماوٰ، گھماگھم، گھنن گھنن

ہول و ہراس و ہیبت و ہیجاں لۓ ہوے

بجلی کی تیغ نوح کا طوفاں لۓ ہوے

بند     ١٨

خِسّت کرے تو قحط سے عالم ہو بیقرار

گرمِ سخا اگر ہو تو  رزّاقِ روزگار

دوڑے تو سازِ نور، جو بھاگے تو سوزِ نار

کڑکے تو برق ریز جوٹھٹھرے تو برق و بار

ٹپکائے بوندیاں تو چمن بولنے لگے

پتھراؤ پر جو  آئے تو رن بولنے  لگے

بند     ١٩

روپوش ہو تو دھوپ جما دے زمین پر

بگڑے تو فرش گرم بچھا دے زمین پر

تہیا کرے تو آنچ بسا دے زمین پر

منھ پھیر لے تو بھوک اُگا دے زمین پر

خوش ہو تو سر کو قشقہ کلائی کو بانک دے

لعل و گہر زمین کی چولی میں ٹانک دے

بند    ٢٠

آئے جو موج میں تو اُڑیں بوتلوں کے کاگ

افسردہ ہو تو کھیت میں رینگیں مہیب ناگ

چھیڑے جو آسمان پہ دریہ دِلی کا راگ

چولھوں کی سمت دوڑ پڑے گنگنا کے آگ

گرجے فقط تو کفر سے ڈسوائے دین کو

برسے تو تختِ زر  پہ بٹھا دے زمین کو

بند     ٢١

جھمکے فراز پر تو گھٹا جھومنے   لگے

مچلے نشیب میں تو فضا جھومنے لگے

چہکے تو کجریوں کی صدا جھومنے لگے

ناچے تو روحِ ارض و سما جھومنے لگے

کروٹ صبا میں لے تو چنبیلی مہک اُٹھے

پسِ جائے تو بتوں کی ہتیلی مہک اُٹھے

بند   ٢٢

مثلِ بخار اُٹھے تو گھٹائیں ہوں نغمہ گر

خم سے اُبل پڑے تو بہک جائیں بام و در

اُمنڈے تو رنگ و رقص ہوں گنگا کے گھاٹ پر

چھلکے جو گاگروں سے تو گھٹائیں ہوں تربتر

نہلائے الھڑوں کو تو پِنڈے بِکس پڑیں

ٹپکے جو گیسوؤں سے تو موتی برس پڑیں

بند    ٢٣

بادل کی چادروں میں جو اُلجھے تو کتھئی

کرنوں کی زد پہ آکے جو چمکے تو چمپئی

موجوں کی مدّ و جزر  سے اُبھرے تو سردئی

لکوّں کی ظلمتوں میں جو ڈوبے تو اگرئی

گرجے جو ابر میں تو فلک چہچہا اُٹھے

انگڑائی لے تو سر پہ دھنک جگمگا اُٹھے

بند    ٢٤

برسے جو ٹوٹ کر تو جہاں ناچنے لگے

عشرت سرائے بادا کشاں ناچنے لگے

قُلقُل کی رو میں بانگِ اذاں ناچنے لگے

شمعوں کی لو، اگر کا دھواں ناچنے لگے

بوچھار میں جو بندِ قبا کھولنے لگے

مکھڑوں پہ رنگِ ماہ وشاں بولنے لگے

بند     ٢٥

برکھا کی راگ گائے تو ساغر چھلک اُٹھیں

چہکے جو دھوم سے تو خمستاں لہک اُٹھیں

رس بوندیاں گرائے تو پتےّ  کھنک اُٹھیں

کوثر میں گنگنائے تو حوریں تھرک اُٹھیں

پہنچے جو عرش پر تو ملک شست و شوُ کریں

زلفیں نچوڑ  دے تو  پیمبر وضو کریں

मर्सिया-पानी-पानी का कमाल-जोश मलीहाबादी

आलाम ए तिश्नगी का गरेबाँ सिए हुए
मुखड़ों को रश्क ए सुबह बहारां किए हुए
झोंकों में शाख़ ए गुल को सहारा दिए हुए
ख़्वाबीदा अंखडीयों में घटाएं लिए हुए
लै में पुरोए शोर ओ शोग़ब आबशार के

ख़ैमे उठाये दोश ए ख़ुनक पर बहार के


दामन में आब ए गौहर ओ मरजां लिए हुए
जाम ए रवां में क़तरा ए नीसां लिए हुए
मौज ए दवां में इशवा ए तुरकां लिए हुए
काली घटा में ज़ुल्फ़ ए निगाराँ लिए हुए
कूल्हों पे हाथ तुर्फ़ा अदा से धरे हुए

फूलों से मरग़ज़ार की झोली भरे हुए


पानी का लोच, अब्र की रौ, मोतियों की आब
मिटटी की जान, गुल की महक, बहर का जवाब
साग़र की आग, तेग़ का पानी, समन की दाब
कड़के तो मौज ए साएक़ा, खिंच जाए तो शराब
पुरवा में अब्र ए तीर के लक्के बने हुए

लैला ए बर शिगाल की चुंदरी चुने हुए


भवरों की गूँज, नहर की सय्याल रागिनी
पीहू की धूम गूंजती सरशार दिलकशी
शूएंदगी ओ शूख़ी ओ शंगी ओ शाएरी
रंगीनी ओ रवानी ओ रक़्स ओ रुबूदगी
कोएल की कूक, बूढ़ की ख़ुशबू लिए हुए

मदिरा, प्याला, ज़म्ज़मा, दारु लिए हुए


टप टप, शरर, तड़ातड़, छनन छनन
धमल, धूम, धाम , दमादम, धनन धनन
गुम काव, रूम झूम, झमा झम, झनन झनन
घन घन, गरज, घुमाओ, घमा घम घनन घनन
हौल ओ हिरास ओ हैबत ओ हेजां लिए हुए

बिजली की तेग़, नूह का तूफ़ां लिए हुए


ख़िस्सत करे तो क़हत से आलम हो बे क़रार
गर्म ए सक़ा अगर हो तो रज़्ज़ाक़ ए रोज़गार
दौड़े तो साज़ ए नूर, जो भागे तो सोज़ ए नार
कड़के तो बर्क़ रेज़, जो ठिठरे तो बर्क़ ओ बार
टपकाए बून्दियाँ तो चमन बोलने लगे

पथ्राओ पर जो आये तो रन बोलने लगे


रूपोश हो तो धूप जमा दे ज़मीन पर
बिगड़े तो फ़र्श ए गर्म बिछा दे ज़मीन पर
तहय्या करे तो आंच बसा दे ज़मीन पर
मुंह फेर ले तो भूक उगा दे ज़मीन पर
ख़ुश हो तो सर को क़श्क़ा कलाई को बांक दे

लाल ओ गुहर ज़मीन की चोली में टांक दे


आए जो मौज में तो उड़ें बोतलों के काग
अफ़्सुर्दा हो तो खेत में रेंगें मोहीब नाग
छेड़े जो आसमान पे दर्या दिली का राग
चूल्हों की सिम्त दौड़ पड़े गुनगुना के आग
गरजे फ़क़त तो कुफ़्र से दस्वाए दीन को

बरसे तो तख़्त ए ज़र पे बिठा दे ज़मीन को


झमके फ़राज़ पर तो घटा झूमने लगे
मचले नशेब में तो फिज़ा झूमने लगे
चहके तो कजरियों की सदा झूमने लगे
नाचे तो रूह ए अर्ज़ ओ समा झूमने लगे
करवट सबा में ले तो चमेली महक उठे

पिस जाए तो बुतों की हथेली महक उठे


मिस्ल ए बुख़ार उठे तो घटाएं हों नग़मा गर
ख़ुम से उबल पड़े तो बहक जाएं बाम ओ दर
उमड़े तो रंग ओ रक़्स हों गंगा के घाट पर
छलके जो गागरों से तो घटाएं हो तरबतर
नहलाए अल्हड़ों को तो पिंडे बिकस पड़ें

टपके जो गेसुऔं से तो मोती बरस पड़ें


बादल की चादरों में जो उलझे तो कत्थई
किरनों की ज़द पर आ के जो चमके तो चम्पई
मौजों की मद्द ओ जज़र से उभरे तो सर्दई
लक्कौं की ज़ुल्मतों में जो डूबे तो अगरई
गर्जे जो अब्र में तो फ़लक चहचहा उठे

अंगडाई ले तो सर पे धनक जगमगा उठे


बरसे जो टूट कर तो जहाँ नाचने लगे
इश्रत सरा ए बादा कशां नाचने लगे
क़ुल्क़ुल की रौ में बांग ए अज़ाँ नाचने लगे
शमों की लौ, अगर का धुआं नाचने लगे
बोछार में जो बंद ए क़बा खोलने लगे

मुखड़ों पे रंग ए माह वशां बोलने लगे


बरखा कि राग गाए तो साग़र छलक उठें
चहके जो धूम से तो ख़ुमिस्तां लहक उठें
रस बून्दियाँ गिराए तो पत्ते खनक उठें
कौसर में गुनगुनाए तो हूरें थिरक उठें
पहुंचे जो अर्श पर तो मलक शुस्त ओ शू करें

जुल्फें निचोड़ दे तो पैअम्बर वुज़ू करें


Click here for background and on any passage for word meanings and explanatory discussion. josh’s sensuous pictorialization of the qualities of water continues, occasionally giving way to a description of what happens when water is benevolent and kind or when it withholds its benevolence.
aalaam-e-tishnagi1 ka garebaaN2 siye hue
mukhRon ko rashk3 e subah baharaaN kiye hue
jhoNkoN meN shaaKh e gul ko sahara diye hue
Khwabeeda4 aNkhRiyon meN ghaTaaeN liye hue
lai5 meN puroe shor-o-shuGhab6 aabshaar7 ke
Khaime8 uThaye dosh-e-Khunak9 par bahaar ke 
1.sorrows/difficulties of thirst 2.collar (to sew up a rent collar is to resolve a difficulty) 3.envy 4.dreamy 4.musical note 6.sounds and cries 7.waterfall, coming/arrival at a place shoulder
Repairing the collar (of the distraught lover) rent in sorrow and thirst. Washing beautiful faces, making them the envy of the brilliance of dawn. Supporting supple branches bearing flowers. Dreamy eyes like floating clouds. The roar of the waterfall woven into its music, carrying Spring on its moist shoulder.

daaman1 meN aab2 e gauhar3 o marjaaN4 liye hue
jaam-e-ravaaN5 meN qatra6 e neesaN7 liye hue
mauj-e-davaaN8 meN ishwa-e-turkaaN9 liye hue
kali ghaTa meN zulf10 e nigaaraaN11 liye hue
koolhoN12 pe haath turfa ada13 se dhare hue
phooloN se marGhzaar14 ki jholi bhare hue 
1.apron/hem (to have something in the apron is to possess it) 2.shine, brilliance 3.pearls 5.flowing water 6.drop/seed 7.rainy month 8.moving wave 9.coquetry of the eyes of Turks/Mongols (slanting eyes) – considered a sign of beauty 11.beauties 12.hips 13.tantalizing style/pose 14.meadow
The brilliance of pearls gathered in its fold and the seeds of rain in its flow. Its waves like the flirtatious glances of slanted eyes, black clouds like the beauty of fluffy dark dresses. The tantalizing pose of a dancing damsel, filling the apron of the green meadow with the grant of flowers.

paani ka loch1, abr2 ki rau3, motiyauN ki aab4
miTTi ki jaan, gul ki mahak5, bahr6 ka javaab7
saGhar ki aag8, teGh ka pani9, saman ki daab10
kaRke to mauj e saa’eqa11, khinch12 jaaye to sharaab
purva13 meN abr-e-teera14 ke lakke15 bane hue
laila-e-barshigal16 ki chundri chune hue 
1.suppleness, beauty 3.speed, anger, passion 4.brilliance 5.fragrance 6.sea 7.answer to (equal of) 8.the fire in the flask, wine 9.the shine/sharpness of the sword 10.weight/value of jasmine 11.wave of thunderbolt 12.squeezed/filtered (as in squeezing grapes) 13.rainy season 14.dark clouds 15.clusters 16.Laila of rain
The beauty of water is like the passion of clouds, the brilliance of pearls. It is the very life of the earth, fragrance of flowers, the equal of the seas. The fire (wine) in the flask, the sharpness of the sword, the beauty of jasmine. A wave of thunder one moment, pleasing wine the next. During season it turns into clusters of dark clouds, draped in the embroidered on the shawl of Laila.

bhavroN ki gooNj, nahr1 ki sayyaal2 raagini
peehoo3 ki dhoom gooNjti sarshaar4 dilkashi5
shooendagi6 o shookhi7 o shaNgi8 o sha’eri
raNgeeni o ravani9 o raqs10 o ruboodagi11
koel ki kook, booRh12 ki Khushoo liye hue
madira, pyaala, zamzama13, daaru liye hue 
1.brook, spring 2.beloved 3.birdsong 4.satiated, intoxicated 5.heart pleasing 6.cleanliness, purity 7.playfulness 8.flirtation 9.flow 11.nursing to health, healing 12.flowering vine 13.metaphorically used for music (the gurgling of a spring)
The buzzing of bees, the music of the brook, the song of the bulbul, its satiating delicacy, purity, playfulness, flirtation and poetry, colour, action, dance, healing. The song of the lark, the fragrance of vines. Ushering in wine and cup, song and drink.

Tap Tap, sharar1, taRaataR, chhanan chhanan
dhamal, dhoom, dhaam, damadam, dhanan dhanan
gum kav2, room jhoom, jhamaajham, jhanan jhanan
ghan ghan, garaj, ghumaao, ghamaagham, ghanan ghanan
haul3 o hiraas4 o haibat5 o hejaaN6 liye hue
bijli ki teGh7, nooh8 ka toofaaN9 liye hue 
1.sparks 2.lost in meditation 3.terror 4.longing 5.fear 6.excitement 7.sword 8.Noah 9.storm, flood
Gentle drip, lightning sparks, loud beat and gentle tinkle. Boom, echo, thunder and drumming. Dreamily lost in thought, swaying in pleasure, dancing for joy. Thunderclaps and roaring from all around the sky. Fear and longing, terror and excitement. The strike of lightning like a clean cut of the sword. Bringing on a flood like Noah’s.

Khissat1 kare to qahat2 se aalam3 ho be-qaraar4
garm-e-saqa5 agar ho to razzaq6 e rozgaar7
dauRe8 to saaz-e-noor9, jo bhaage to soz-e-naar10
kaRke to barq-rez11, jo ThiThre to barq o baar12
Tapkaae boondiyaaN to chaman bolne lage
pathraao13 par jo aaye to run14 bolne lage 
1.hold back, thrift 2.famine 4.restless 5.warmth in giving, philanthrope 6.giver of sustenance 7.daily living run, to flow of light 10.sorrow of fire 11.lightning strike 12.rain 13.stoning/hail 14.war
If it holds back the world suffers pains of famine. Inclined to generosity, it becomes the giver of daily sustenance. Its gentle run like a glowing lamp, its rapid flood like roaring flames. The anger of its thunder throwing down strikes of lightning, calming down to gentle rain. Should it drip and drop, gardens bloom. But if it throws hail like rocks, it is a declaration of war.

rooposh1 ho to dhoop jama de zameen par
bigRe2 to farsh-e-garm3 bichha de zameen par
tahayya4 kare to aaNch basa de zameen par
muNh pher le to bhook uga de zameen par
Khush ho to sar ko qashqa5 kalaai6 ko baank7 de
laal-o-guhar8 zameen ki choli men taank de 
1.disappear 2.get offended floor covering 4.decide 5.tilak, forehead mark (Hindu) 6.wrist 7.bracelet 8.rubies and pearls
A metaphorical description of what would happen if “water got offended” and if it were pleased. When it hides, it burns earth up in the sun. When offended it sets the floor of the earth on fire. If it is bent upon it, it can give fire a permanent home on earth, turning away and causing hunger and destitution. When pleased, it places a tilak and grants a bracelet to its bride and embroiders rubies (flowers) and pearls (dew drops) in her dress.

aaye jo mauj meN to uRen bautaloN ke kaag1
afsurda2 ho to khet men reNgeN moheeb3 naag
chheRe jo aasman pe darya dili4 ka raag
choolhoN ki simt dauR paRe gunguna ke aag
garje faqat5 to kufr6 se Dasvaae7 deen8 ko
barse to taKht-e-zar9 pe biTha de zameen ko 
1.cork 2.unhappy 3.fearsome 4.ocean heart i.e.generous 5.only 6.untruth 7.sting, deceive 8.truth 9.golden throne
When it is joyful, corks fly off bottles. When it is unhappy it is as if fearsome snakes crawl in fields. When it breaks out into its song of generosity in the sky kitchen fires light up and sing with joy. If it only thunders it spreads false hope, but if it rains it puts the earth up on a golden throne.

jhamke1 faraaz2 par to ghaTa jhoomne lage
machle nasheb3 meN to fiza4 jhoomne lage
chahke to kajriyauN5 ki sada6 jhoomne lage
naache to rooh7 e arz-o-samaa8 jhoomne lage
karvaT saba9 meN le to chameli mahak10 uThe
pis jaaye11 to butauN12 ki hatheli mahak uThe
1.sparkle 2.heights 3.valleys 4.ambience 5.folk song 6.sound 7.spirit and sky 9.morning breeze 10.fragrance 11.ground up (as herbal paste/henna) 12.idols, beauties
When it shines high above, clouds dance. When it flows in the valley the world rejoices. People break out into song when its flow makes music. The earth and the heavens join in when it dances. With every turn at dawn it brings the sweet fragrance of jasmine. With the crushing of henna it decorates beautiful palms.

misl-e-buKhaar1 uThe to ghaTaaen2 hoN naGhma-gar3
Khum4 se ubal-paRe5 to bahak6 jaaeN baam-o-dar7
umDe8 to raNg-o-raKhs9 hoN gaNga ke ghaaT par
chhalke10 jo gaagaroN11 se to ghaTaaeN12 ho tarbatar13
nahlaaye alhaRauN14 ko to pinDe15 bikas16 paReN
Tapke jo gesuauN17 se to moti baras paReN steam 2.clouds making 4.flask 5.overflow 6.intoxicated 7.(roofs and doors) everything 8.swell, rise and dance, celebration 10.spill over 11.pot (to fetch water from the river) 12.dark clouds used as a metaphor for the dark tresses of maidens carrying water pots 13.soaking wet 14.carefree youth/maiden (on the way back from the river bank) 15.bodies 16.bloom (like flowers) 17.tresses
When it rises like steam, clouds break into song. When it spills out of the flask the world gets drunk with joy. When it rises to a flow there is celebration on the banks/ When the “gagri” spills, damsels get soaking wet revealing the beauty of those carefree young bodies and dripping from tresses like pearls.

baadal ki chaadarauN meN jo uljhe1 to katthaii2
kirnauN ki zad3 par aa ke jo chamke to champaee4
maujauN5 ki madd-o-jazr6 se ubhre7 to sardaee8
lakkaun9 ki zulmatoN10 meN jo Doobe to agraee11
garje jo abr12 meN to falak13 chahchaha uThe
angRaaii le to sar pe dhanak14 jagmaga uThe 
1.entangled 2.dark 3.control, grip 4.silvery, bright 4.waves 6.rise and fall 7.emerge, rise 8.grey 9.clouds 10.darknesses 11.dark, heaven 14.rainbow
Entangled in the sheets of clouds, it takes on dark hues. In the grip of rays of the sun, it shines silvery. The rise and fall of waves of mist make it gray. Drowned in dark clouds, it becomes black. Should it roar, the sky rings out. Stretching as it wakes up, it wears a rainbow crown.

barse jo TooT kar1 to jahaaN naachne lage
ishrat-saraa2 e baada-kashaaN2 naachne lage
qulqul3 ki rau4 meN baaNg-e-azaaN5 naachne lage
shamaoN ki lau6, agar ka dhuaaN7 naachne lage
bochhaar8 meN jo band-e-qaba9 kholne lage
mukhRauN pe rang e mah-vashaaN10 bolne lage11  
1.heavy downpour of pleasure, tavern drinkers 3.gurgling (of a bottle of wine as it is poured) 4.flow 5.the call of azaan 6.flame of candle 7.smoke of incense 8.constant drizzle 9.ties of the robe/dress 10.moon faced, beautiful 11.(begin to speak/express itself) manifesting itself, becoming beautiful/overpowering
A heavy downpour and the world dances with joy. Revelers in taverns dance with joy. The call of azaan is reflected in the gurgle of wine being poured, the dancing flame of the lamp, the billowing smoke of incense. When it unties its robe to reveal itself as shower, beautiful faces light up with joy.

barkha ki raag gaaye to saGhar1 chhalak uTheN
chahke jo dhoom se to KhumistaN2 lahak3 uTheN
ras boondiyaN giraye to patte khanak uTheN
kausar4 meN gungunaye to hooreN thirak uTheN
pahunche jo arsh5 par to malak6 shust-o-shoo7 kareN
zulfeN8 nichoR de to paiambar9 vuzoo10 kareN 
1.flask 2.tavern 3.meander, stumble 4.legendary river/spring in paradise 5.heaven 6.angels 7.shust o shoo=wash and clean, tresses 9.messenger (of god) 10.ritual washing (ablution) before prayers
The flask of wine overflows with joy at the song of spring showers. The tavern stumbles and sways in joyous dance. Juicy drops fall and make leaves tinkle. The gurgle and hum of the flow of Kauser make hoories dance. Angels in heaven wash and clean with water.
As tresses are wrung, water drops for prophets to do ablution. This reminds me of mohammed rafi sauda …
tar-daamani pe shaiKh hamaari na jaaiyo
daaman nichoR deN to farishte vuzoo kareN

josh’s sensuous pictorialization of the qualities of water continues, occasionally giving way to a description of what happens when water is benevolent and kind or when it withholds its benevolence.

Stanza 13
aalaam-e-tishnagi1 ka garebaaN2 siye hue
mukhRon ko rashk3 e subah baharaaN kiye hue
jhoNkoN meN shaaKh e gul ko sahara diye hue
Khwabeeda4 aNkhRiyon meN ghaTaaeN liye hue
lai5 meN puroe shor-o-shuGhab6 aabshaar7 ke
Khaime8 uThaye dosh-e-Khunak9 par bahaar ke

1.sorrows/difficulties of thirst 2.collar (to sew up a rent collar is to resolve a difficulty) 3.envy 4.dreamy 4.musical note 6.sounds and cries 7.waterfall, coming/arrival at a place shoulder

Repairing the collar (of the distraught lover) rent in sorrow and thirst.  Washing beautiful faces, making them the envy of the brilliance of dawn.  Supporting supple branches bearing flowers.  Dreamy eyes like floating clouds.  The roar of the waterfall woven into its music, carrying Spring on its moist shoulder.

Stanza 14
daaman1 meN aab2 e gauhar3 o marjaaN4 liye hue
jaam-e-ravaaN5 meN qatra6 e neesaN7 liye hue
mauj-e-davaaN8 meN ishwa-e-turkaaN9 liye hue
kali ghaTa meN zulf10 e nigaaraaN11 liye hue
koolhoN12 pe haath turfa ada13 se dhare hue
phooloN se marGhzaar14 ki jholi bhare hue

1.apron/hem (to have something in the apron is to possess it) 2.shine, brilliance 3.pearls 5.flowing water 6.drop/seed 7.rainy month 8.moving wave 9.coquetry of the eyes of Turks/Mongols (slanting eyes) – considered a sign of beauty 11.beauties 12.hips 13.tantalizing style/pose 14.meadow

The brilliance of pearls gathered in its fold and the seeds of rain in its flow.  Its waves like the flirtatious glances of slanted eyes, black clouds like the beauty of fluffy dark dresses.  The tantalizing pose of a dancing damsel, filling the apron of the green meadow with the grant of flowers.

Stanza 15
paani ka loch1, abr2 ki rau3, motiyauN ki aab4
miTTi ki jaan, gul ki mahak5, bahr6 ka javaab7
saGhar ki aag8, teGh ka pani9, saman ki daab10
kaRke to mauj e saa’eqa11, khinch12 jaaye to sharaab
purva13 meN abr-e-teera14 ke lakke15 bane hue
laila-e-barshigal16 ki chundri chune hue

1.suppleness, beauty 3.speed, anger, passion 4.brilliance 5.fragrance 6.sea 7.answer to (equal of) 8.the fire in the flask, wine 9.the shine/sharpness of the sword 10.weight/value of jasmine 11.wave of thunderbolt 12.squeezed/filtered (as in squeezing grapes) 13.rainy season 14.dark clouds 15.clusters 16.Laila of rain

The beauty of water is like the passion of clouds, the brilliance of pearls.  It is the very life of the earth, fragrance of flowers, the equal of the seas.  The fire (wine) in the flask, the sharpness of the sword, the beauty of jasmine.  A wave of thunder one moment, pleasing wine the next.  During season it turns into clusters of dark clouds, draped in the embroidered on the shawl of Laila.

Stanza 16
bhavroN ki gooNj, nahr1 ki sayyaal2 raagini
peehoo3 ki dhoom gooNjti sarshaar4 dilkashi5
shooendagi6 o shookhi7 o shaNgi8 o sha’eri
raNgeeni o ravani9 o raqs10 o ruboodagi11
koel ki kook, booRh12 ki Khushoo liye hue
madira, pyaala, zamzama13, daaru liye hue

1.brook, spring 2.beloved 3.birdsong 4.satiated, intoxicated 5.heart pleasing 6.cleanliness, purity 7.playfulness 8.flirtation 9.flow 11.nursing to health, healing 12.flowering vine 13.metaphorically used for music (the gurgling of a spring)

The buzzing of bees, the music of the brook, the song of the bulbul, its satiating delicacy, purity, playfulness, flirtation and poetry, colour, action, dance, healing.  The song of the lark, the fragrance of vines.  Ushering in wine and cup, song and drink.

Stanza 17
Tap Tap, sharar1, taRaataR, chhanan chhanan
dhamal, dhoom, dhaam, damadam, dhanan dhanan
gum kav2, room jhoom, jhamaajham, jhanan jhanan
ghan ghan, garaj, ghumaao, ghamaagham, ghanan ghanan
haul3 o hiraas4 o haibat5 o hejaaN6 liye hue
bijli ki teGh7, nooh8 ka toofaaN9 liye hue

1.sparks 2.lost in meditation 3.terror 4.longing 5.fear 6.excitement 7.sword 8.Noah 9.storm, flood

Gentle drip, lightning sparks, loud beat and gentle tinkle.  Boom, echo, thunder and drumming.  Dreamily lost in thought, swaying in pleasure, dancing for joy.  Thunderclaps and roaring from all around the sky.  Fear and longing, terror and excitement.  The strike of lightning like a clean cut of the sword.  Bringing on a flood like Noah’s.

Stanza 18
Khissat1 kare to qahat2 se aalam3 ho be-qaraar4
garm-e-saqa5 agar ho to razzaq6 e rozgaar7
dauRe8 to saaz-e-noor9, jo bhaage to soz-e-naar10
kaRke to barq-rez11, jo ThiThre to barq o baar12
Tapkaae boondiyaaN to chaman bolne lage
pathraao13 par jo aaye to run14 bolne lage

1.hold back, thrift 2.famine 4.restless 5.warmth in giving, philanthrope 6.giver of sustenance 7.daily living run, to flow of light 10.sorrow of fire 11.lightning strike 12.rain 13.stoning/hail 14.war

If it holds back the world suffers pains of famine.  Inclined to generosity, it becomes the giver of daily sustenance.  Its gentle run like a glowing lamp, its rapid flood like roaring flames.  The anger of its thunder throwing down strikes of lightning, calming down to gentle rain.  Should it drip and drop, gardens bloom.  But if it throws hail like rocks, it is a declaration of war.

Stanza 19
rooposh1 ho to dhoop jama de zameen par
bigRe2 to farsh-e-garm3 bichha de zameen par
tahayya4 kare to aaNch basa de zameen par
muNh pher le to bhook uga de zameen par
Khush ho to sar ko qashqa5 kalaai6 ko baank7 de
laal-o-guhar8 zameen ki choli men taank de

1.disappear 2.get offended floor covering 4.decide 5.tilak, forehead mark (Hindu) 6.wrist 7.bracelet 8.rubies and pearls

A metaphorical description of what would happen if “water got offended” and if it were pleased.   When it hides, it burns earth up in the sun.  When offended it sets the floor of the earth on fire.  If it is bent upon it, it can give fire a permanent home on earth, turning away and causing hunger and destitution.  When pleased, it places a tilak and grants a bracelet to its bride and embroiders rubies (flowers) and pearls (dew drops) in her dress.

Stanza 20
aaye jo mauj meN to uRen bautaloN ke kaag1
afsurda2 ho to khet men reNgeN moheeb3 naag
chheRe jo aasman pe darya dili4 ka raag
choolhoN ki simt dauR paRe gunguna ke aag
garje faqat5 to kufr6 se Dasvaae7 deen8 ko
barse to taKht-e-zar9 pe biTha de zameen ko

1.cork 2.unhappy 3.fearsome 4.ocean heart i.e.generous 5.only 6.untruth 7.sting, deceive 8.truth 9.golden throne

When it is joyful, corks fly off bottles.  When it is unhappy it is as if fearsome snakes crawl in fields.  When it breaks out into its song of generosity in the sky kitchen fires light up and sing with joy.  If it only thunders it spreads false hope, but if it rains it puts the earth up on a golden throne.

Stanza 21
jhamke1 faraaz2 par to ghaTa jhoomne lage
machle nasheb3 meN to fiza4 jhoomne lage
chahke to kajriyauN5 ki sada6 jhoomne lage
naache to rooh7 e arz-o-samaa8 jhoomne lage
karvaT saba9 meN le to chameli mahak10 uThe
pis jaaye11 to butauN12 ki hatheli mahak uThe

1.sparkle 2.heights 3.valleys 4.ambience 5.folk song 6.sound 7.spirit and sky 9.morning breeze 10.fragrance 11.ground up (as herbal paste/henna) 12.idols, beauties

When it shines high above, clouds dance.  When it flows in the valley the world rejoices.  People break out into song when its flow makes music.  The earth and the heavens join in when it dances.  With every turn at dawn it brings the sweet fragrance of jasmine.  With the crushing of henna it decorates beautiful palms.

Stanza 22
misl-e-buKhaar1 uThe to ghaTaaen2 hoN naGhma-gar3
Khum4 se ubal-paRe5 to bahak6 jaaeN baam-o-dar7
umDe8 to raNg-o-raKhs9 hoN gaNga ke ghaaT par
chhalke10 jo gaagaroN11 se to ghaTaaeN12 ho tarbatar13
nahlaaye alhaRauN14 ko to pinDe15 bikas16 paReN
Tapke jo gesuauN17 se to moti baras paReN steam 2.clouds making 4.flask 5.overflow 6.intoxicated 7.(roofs and doors) everything 8.swell, rise and dance, celebration 10.spill over 11.pot (to fetch water from the river) 12.dark clouds used as a metaphor for the dark tresses of maidens carrying water pots 13.soaking wet 14.carefree youth/maiden (on the way back from the river bank) 15.bodies 16.bloom (like flowers) 17.tresses

When it rises like steam, clouds break into song.  When it spills out of the flask the world gets drunk with joy.  When it rises to a flow there is celebration on the banks/  When the “gagri” spills, damsels get soaking wet revealing the beauty of those carefree young bodies and dripping from tresses like pearls.

Stanza 23
baadal ki chaadarauN meN jo uljhe1 to katthaii2
kirnauN ki zad3 par aa ke jo chamke to champaee4
maujauN5 ki madd-o-jazr6 se ubhre7 to sardaee8
lakkaun9 ki zulmatoN10 meN jo Doobe to agraee11
garje jo abr12 meN to falak13 chahchaha uThe
angRaaii le to sar pe dhanak14 jagmaga uThe

1.entangled 2.dark 3.control, grip 4.silvery, bright 4.waves 6.rise and fall 7.emerge, rise 8.grey 9.clouds 10.darknesses 11.dark, heaven 14.rainbow

Entangled in the sheets of clouds, it takes on dark hues.  In the grip of rays of the sun, it shines silvery.  The rise and fall of waves of mist make it gray.  Drowned in dark clouds, it becomes black.  Should it roar, the sky rings out.  Stretching as it wakes up, it wears a rainbow crown.

Stanza 24
barse jo TooT kar1 to jahaaN naachne lage
ishrat-saraa2 e baada-kashaaN2 naachne lage
qulqul3 ki rau4 meN baaNg-e-azaaN5 naachne lage
shamaoN ki lau6, agar ka dhuaaN7 naachne lage
bochhaar8 meN jo band-e-qaba9 kholne lage
mukhRauN pe rang e mah-vashaaN10 bolne lage11

1.heavy downpour of pleasure, tavern drinkers 3.gurgling (of a bottle of wine as it is poured) 4.flow 5.the call of azaan 6.flame of candle 7.smoke of incense 8.constant drizzle 9.ties of the robe/dress 10.moon faced, beautiful 11.(begin to speak/express itself) manifesting itself, becoming beautiful/overpowering

A heavy downpour and the world dances with joy.  Revelers in taverns dance with joy.  The call of azaan is reflected in the gurgle of wine being poured, the dancing flame of the lamp, the billowing smoke of incense.  When it unties its robe to reveal itself as shower, beautiful faces light up with joy.

Stanza 25
barkha ki raag gaaye to saGhar1 chhalak uTheN
chahke jo dhoom se to KhumistaN2 lahak3 uTheN
ras boondiyaN giraye to patte khanak uTheN
kausar4 meN gungunaye to hooreN thirak uTheN
pahunche jo arsh5 par to malak6 shust-o-shoo7 kareN
zulfeN8 nichoR de to paiambar9 vuzoo10 kareN

1.flask 2.tavern 3.meander, stumble 4.legendary river/spring in paradise 5.heaven 6.angels 7.shust o shoo=wash and clean, tresses 9.messenger (of god) 10.ritual washing (ablution) before prayers

The flask of wine overflows with joy at the song of spring showers.  The tavern stumbles and sways in joyous dance.  Juicy drops fall and make leaves tinkle.  The gurgle and hum of the flow of Kauser make hoories dance.  Angels in heaven wash and clean with water.
As tresses are wrung, water drops for prophets to do ablution.  This reminds me of mohammed rafi sauda …
tar-daamani pe shaiKh hamaari na jaaiyo
daaman nichoR deN to farishte vuzoo kareN

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