قربانی ۔ حفیظ جالندھری
بشارت خواب میں پائی کہ اُٹھ ہمت کا ساماں کر
پئے خوشنو دیٔ مولیٰ اِسی بیٹے کو قر باں کر
خلیل اللہ اُٹھے خواب سے دِل کو یقین آیا
کہ آخر اِمتحاں بندے کامالک نے ہے فرمایا
اُٹھامرسل اُسی عالم میں رسّی اور تبر لے کر
پئے تعمیل چل نکلا خدا کاپاک پیغمبر
پہاڑی پر سے دی آواز اِسمٰعیل اِدھر آؤ
اِدھر آؤ خدائے پاک کا اِرشاد سُن جاؤ
پدر کی یہ صدا سُن کر پسر دوڑا ہوا آیا
رُکا ہرگز نہ اِسمٰعیل گو شیطاں نے بہکایا
پدر بولاکہ بیٹا آج میں نے خواب دیکھا ہے
کتابِ زندگی کااِک نرالا باب دیکھاہے
یہ دیکھا ہے کہ میں خود آپ تجھ کو ذبح کرتا ہوں
خدا کے نام سے تیرے لہو میں ہاتھ بھرتا ہوں
سعادت مند بیٹا جھک گیا فرمانِ باری پر
زمین و آسماں حیراں تھے اس طاعت گزاری پر
رضا جوئی کی یہ صورت نظر آئی نہ تھی اب تک
یہ جرأت پیشتر انساں نے دکھلائی نہ تھی اب تک
عجب بشاش تھے دونوں رضائے ربِّ عزت پر
تآمل یا تذبذب کچھ نہ تھا دونوں کی صورت پر
کہا فرزند نے اے باپ اِسمٰعیل صابر ہے
خدا کے حکم پر بندہ پئے تعمیل حاضر ہے
مگر آنکھوں پر ا پنی آپ پٹّی باندھ لیجے گا
مرے ہاتھوں میں اور پیروں میں رسی باندھ دیجے گا
مبادا آپ کو صورت پہ میری رحم آ جائے
مبادا میں تڑپ کر چھوٹ جاؤں ہاتھ تھرائے
پسر کی بات سُن کر باپ نے تعریف فرمائی
یہ رسّی اور پٹّی باندھنی اُن کو پسند آئی
ہوئےاب ہر طرح تیار دونوں باپ اور بیٹا
چھری اسنے سنبھالی تو یہ جھٹ قدموں میں آلیٹا
پچھاڑا اور گھٹناسینۂ معصوم پر رکھا
چھری پتھر پہ رگڑی ہاتھ کو حلقوم پر رکھا
زمیں سہمی پڑی تھی آسماں ساکِن تھا بیچارہ
نہ اس سے پیشتر دیکھا تھا یہ حیرت کانظارہ
پدر تھامطمئن بیٹے کے چہرے پر بحالی تھی
چھری حلقوم اِسمٰعیل پر چلنے ہی والی تھی
مشیت کامگر دریائے رحمت جوش میں آیا
کہ اِسمٰعیل کااِک رونگٹا کٹنے نہیں پایا
ہوئے جبریل نازل اور تھاما ہاتھ حضرت کا
کہابس اِمتحاں مقصود تھاایثار و جرأت کا
یہ طاعت اور قربانی ہوئی منظورِ یزدانی
کہ جنّت سے یہ بَرّہ آ گیا ہے بہرِ قربانی
ہمیشہ کے لیے اس خوابِ صادق کا ثمر لیجے
اسی بَرّے کو بیٹے کے عوض قربان کر دیجے
غرض دُنبہ ہوا قربان اِسمٰعیل کے صدقے
ہوئی یہ سُنّت اس ایمان کی تکمیل کے صدقے
خطاب اُس دن سے اِسمٰعیل نے پایا ذبیح اللہ
خدا نے آپ اُن کے حق میں فرمایا ذبیح اللہ
क़ुरबानी – हफ़ीज़ जालंधरी
बशारत ख़्वाब में पाई के उठ हिम्मत का सामां कर
प’ए ख़ुशनूदी ए मौला इसी बेटे को क़ुरबां कर
ख़लील-उल-लाह उट्ठे ख़्वाब से दिल को यक़ीन आया
के आख़िर इम्तेहां बन्दे का मालिक ने है फ़रमाया
उठा मुर्सिल इसी आलम में रस्सी और तबर लेकर
पा’ए तामील चल निकला ख़ुदा का पाक पैग़म्बर
पहाड़ी पर से दी आवाज़, “इस्माईल इधर आओ”
इधर आओ, ख़ुदा ए पाक का इरशाद सुन जाओ
पिदर की ये सदा सुन कर पिसर दौड़ा हुआ आया
रुका हरगिज़ न इस्माईल गो शैतां ने भड़काया
पिदर बोला के बेटा आज मैं ने ख़्वाब देखा है
किताब ए ज़िन्दगी का एक निराला बाब देखा है
ये देखा है के मैं ख़ुद आप तुझ को ज़िबह करता हूँ
ख़ुदा के नाम से तेरे लहू में हाथ भरता हूँ
सा’अदत मंद बेटा झुक गया फ़र्मान ए बारी पर
ज़मीन ओ आसमां हैरां थे इस ता’अत गुज़ारी पर
रज़ा-जूई की ये सूरत नज़र आई न थी अब तक
ये जुर’अत पेश्तर इन्सां ने दिखलाई न थी अब तक
अजब बशाश थे दोनों रज़ा ए रब्ब ए इज़्ज़त पर
त’अमुल या तज़ब्ज़ुब कुछ न था दोनों की सूरत पर
कहा फ़र्ज़न्द ने ऐ बाप इस्माईल साबिर है
ख़ुदा के हुक्म पर बंदा प’ए त’आमिल हाज़िर है
मगर आँखों पर अपनी आप पट्टी बांध लिजेगा
मेरे हाथों में और पैरों में रस्सी बांध दिजेगा
मबादा आप को सूरत पे मेरी रहम आ जाए
मबादा मैं तड़प कर छूट जाऊं हाथ थर्राए
पिसर की बात सुन कर बाप ने तारीफ़ फ़रमाई
ये रस्सी और पट्टी बांधनी उन को पसंद आई
हुए अब हर तरह तैयार दोनों बाप और बेटा
छुरी इस ने संभाली तो ये झट क़दमों में आ लेटा
पछाड़ा और घुटना सीना ए मासूम पर रक्खा
छुरी पत्थर पे रगड़ी हाथ को हुल्क़ूम पर रक्खा
ज़मीं सहमी पड़ी थी आसमां साकिन था बेचारा
न इस से पेश्तर देखा था ये हैरत का नज़्ज़ारा
पिदर था मुतम’इन बेटे के चेहरे पर बहाली थी
छुरी हुल्क़ूम ए इस्माईल पर चलने ही वाली थी
मशिय्यत का मगर दर्या ए रहमत जोश में आया
के इस्माईल का एक रोंगटा कटने नहीं पाया
हुए जिब्रील नाज़िल और थामा हाथ हज़रत का
कहा बस इम्तेहां मक़्सूद था ईसार ओ जुर’अत का
ये ता’अत और क़ुरबानी हुई मंज़ूर ए यज़्दानी
के जन्नत से बर्रा आ गया है बहर ए क़ुरबानी
हमेशा के लिए इस ख़्वाब ए सादिक़ का समर लीजे
इसी बर्रे को बेटे के एवज़ क़ुरबान कर दीजे
ग़रज़ दुम्बा हुआ क़ुरबान इस्माईल के सदके़
हुई ये सुन्नत इस ईमान की तकमील के सदके़
ख़िताब उस दिन से इस्माईल ने पाया ज़बीह-उल-लाह
ख़ुदा ने आप उन के हक़ में फ़रमाया ज़बीह-उल-लाह
hafiz jaalandhari – qurbani
Click here for overall comments and on any she’r for word meanings and discussion.My comments are highly biased (towards rationality) and acerbic, but I do have a point. It is easy to get lost into discussing what is really in the qur’aan and what the real meaning of it is. It is also easy to get lost in arguments about the historicity and authenticity of this story. I hope we can get beyond that and see the real point – which is that a leader of public opinion, hafiz jaalandhari, is guilty of playing up dangerous emotions and promoting blind obedience (regardless of what is REALLY in the qur’aan). The focus of my comment is not what is “true” and “historical”, it is on developing this dangerous culture of unthinking obedience and cruelty. I have written several nazm myself on this same theme.
bashaarat1 Khwaab meN paii ke uTh himmat ka samaaN kar
pa’e2 Khushnoodi3 e maula4 isi beTe ko qurbaaN5 kar1.divine intuition (just short of revelation/message) 2.for the sake of 3.pleasing 4.lord 5.sacrifice, offering
ibrahim/Abraham receives “intuition” while sleeping (interpreted as a message from god) that in order to please god (what kind of a god is pleased to see a father slaughter his son and we have banned human sacrifice) sacrifice your son, says the dream! ibrahim/Abraham receives “intuition” while sleeping (interpreted as a message from god) that in order to please god, sacrifice your son, says the dream! (what kind of a god is pleased to see a father slaughter his son and we have banned human sacrifice). When we hear of kaali (durga) demanding human sacrifice, we are repulsed!
Khalilullah6 uTThe Khwaab se dil ko yaqeen7 aaya
ke aaKhir imtehaN bande ka maalik ne hai farmaaya86.another name for ibrahim 7.certainty 8.decreed
He wakes up from his dream certain that he is being tested by god.
uTha mursil1 isi aalam2 meN rassi aur tabar3 le kar
pa’e4 ta’amil5 chal nikla Khuda ka paak paiGambar61.messenger, prophet the same condition, immediately 3.hatchet 4.with the intention of 5.obeying 6.messenger, prophet
ibrahim is shown eager to proceed with the “hatchet job” – he rises immediately to obey an incomprehensible order that he himself dreamt up. The prophet (ibrahim) got up immediately and fetched a hatchet and rope and set out to obey god’s order.
pahaaRi par se di aavaaz, “ismail idhar aao”
idhar aao, Khuda e pak ka irshad1 sun jaao1.pronouncement, judgement, order
From a hill he called, “Ismail come here and listen to the word of god”.
pidar1 ki ye sada2 sun kar pisar3 dauRa hua aaya
ruka hargiz na ismail go4 shaitaaN ne bhaRkaya51.father 2.sound, voice, call 3.son 4.even though 5.led astray
As soon as he heard his father’s voice, the son came running. He did not hesitate one bit, even though Satan tried to lead him astray. Unquestioning filial obedience multiplied twice … Abraham obeying god and Ismail obeying his father. Eklavya also ended up getting tricked into sacrificing his thumb … in that case it was paying tribute to his teacher. My problem is with the reinforcing of the culture of “blind obedience”, a very important factor is suicide bombings.
pidar bola ke beTa aaj maiN ne Khwaab dekha hai
kitaab e zindagi ka ek niraala1 baab2 dekha hai1.unusual 2.chapter
The father said, O Son, I have seen a dream today. I have seen an unusual chapter of the book of life (at least he realizes that it is unusual, if not totally devoid of logic).
ye dekha hai ke maiN Khud aap tujh ko zibah1 karta huN
Khuda ke naam se tere lahu2 meN haath bharta huN1.sacrifice by slitting the throat 2.blood
I have seen that I myself am offering your sacrifice by slitting your throat. I am catching your blood in my hands in the name of god.
sa’adat-mand1 beTa jhuk gaya farmaan2 e baari3 par
zamin o aasmaN hairaN4 the is taa’at-guzaari5 par1.respectfully obedient 2.orders 3.god 4.puzzled (in admiration) 5.observing/following unquestioning obedience
The respectfully obedient son bowed to the order of god. Earth and sky (heaven and earth) were puzzled at this unquestioning observance of instructions.
raza-juui1 ki ye soorat2 nazar aayi na thi ab tak
ye jur’at3 peshtar4 insaaN ne dikhlaayi na thi ab tak1.agreement, harmony 2.face, display 3.daring 4.before this
Such a display of agreement/harmony (with the will of god) has never been displayed before. Man had not shown such courage before this.
ajab1 bashshaash2 the donoN raza3 e rabb-e-izzat4 par
ta’amul5 ya tazabzub6 kuch na tha donoN ki surat7 par1.unusual, cheer 3.will, pleasure, decree 4.lord of honour 5.thinking, deliberation 6.hesitation 7.face
Both were unusually at peace with the will of god. Their faces did not display any deep deliberation or hesitation (as if thinking and deliberating is evil!)
kaha farzand1 ne aye baap ismail saabir2 hai
Khuda ke hukm par banda3 pa’e4 ta’amil5 haazir6 hai1.son 2.patient, accepting 3.servant/creature 4.with the intention of 5.obedience 6.present/willing
The son said, O father, I accept god’s orders. I present myself to obey.
magar aaNkhauN par apni aap paTTi bandh lijega
mere haathoN meN aur pairoN meN rassi bandh dijegaThe son is ready to obey god’s commandment, helpfully suggesting that the father blindfold himself for fear that he might change his mind on seeing his son in pain. A further idea that his hands and feet be tied up so he does not thrash about in pain.
mabaada1 aap ko soorat pe meri rahm2 aa jaaye
mabaada maiN taRap kar chhooT jaauN haath tharraye31.lest, for fear that 2.pity 3.tremble
Tie a blindfold for fear that if you see me in pain you may stop because of pity and that if I were to thrash in pain, your hand may tremble.
pisar1 ki baat sun kar baap ne taareef2 farmaai3
ye rassi aur paTTi bandhni un ko pasand aaii1.son 2.praise 3.bestowed, pronounced
When the father heard his son’s suggestion, he praised him. He liked the idea of using rope and blindfold.
hue ab har tarah tayyaar1 donoN baap aur beTa
chhuri is ne sambhali2 to ye jhaT qadmauN meN aa leTa1.ready ready
Now both father and son got ready. One readied the knife and the other immediately lay down at the father’s feet.
pachhaaRa1 aur ghuTna seena e maasoom par rakkha
chhuri pathhar pe ragRi2 haath ko hulqoom3 par rakha1.throw down 2.rub (to sharp) 3.throat
(The father), threw his son down on the ground and lay his knee upon his chest. He sharpened the knife on a stone and held his throat. The imagery is strange … he throws his son down, puts his knee on his chest and sharpens the knife on a stone. There is an expression in urdu “raal Tapakna” … salivate when you see tasty food. This imagery makes me see ibrahim salivating as he gets ready to slit his son’s throat. All we need is kaali’s tongue to mop up the blood. It is the same relish that I have seen on Youtube postings of a crowd of people around a large camel or cow being slaughtered.
zamiN sahmi1 paRi thi asmaaN saakin2 tha bechaara
na is se peshtar3 dekha tha ye hairat4 ka nazzaara51.frightened 2.stunned, frozen 3.before this 4.amazement 5.sight
So it does seem that there is someone who thinks that this scene is strange … the earth and the sky are frightened, frozen and stunned. Such a scene has never been seen before. hafiz does not take this thought far enough, in fact it is diverted into an admiration of this act.
pidar1 tha mutma’in2 beTe ke chehre3 par bahaali4 thi
chhuri hulqoom5 e ismail par chalne hi vaali thi1.father peace, satisfied 3.face 4.satisfaction, contentment, resignation 5.throat
The father was at peace and there was contentment on the face of the son. The knife was about to do its work on ismail’s throat.
mashiyyat1 ka magar darya2 e rahmat3 josh4 meN aaya
ke ismail ka ek rongTa5 kaTne nahiN paaya1.god’s will 2.ocean of 3.kindness 4.overflow, fibre
But the ocean of kindness of god began to overflow. Not a fibre on ismail’s body was cut.
hue jibreel1 naazil2 aur thaama haath hazrat ka
kaha bas imtehaN3 maqsood4 tha eesar5 o jur’at6 ka1.archangel Gabriel 2.descend 3.test 4.intented 5.sacrifice, consideration of others 6.courage
Gabriel descended and held his (ibrahim’s) hand. He said, enough/stop, the intention was only to test your selflessness and courage.
ye taa’at1 aur qurbaani2 hui manzoor3 e yazdaani4
ke jannat se ye barra5 aa gaya hai bahr6 e qurbaani21.absolute obedience 2.sacrifice/offering 3.accepted god 5.goat/lamb 6.intended for
This absolute obedience and sacrificial offering is accepted by god. This goat has been sent from heaven intended for sacrifice.
hamesha ke liye is Khwaab e saadiq1 ka samar2 lije
isi barre3 ko beTe ke ewaz4 qurbaan5 kar deeje1.genuine, true 2.fruit, reward 3.goat/lamb 4.instead of 5.offering
Forever reap the reward of this genuine/divine dream/intuition. Make an offering of this lamb instead of your son’s.
Gharaz1 dumba2 hua qurbaan3 ismail ke sadqe4
hui ye sunnat5 is eeman6 ki takmil7 ke sadqe1.finally 2.sheep 3.sacrificed, offered 4.used in the sense of transferring the calamity/misfortune from ismail to the goat 5.accepted practice 7.completion, fulfilment
Finally, the sheep was offered in place of ismail. This (sacrificing a sheep/goat) has now become a sanctioned/sanctified practice as a fulfilment of faith, thanks to ismail.
Khitaab1 us din se ismail ne paaya zabih-ul-lah2
Khuda ne aap un ke haq3 meN farmaaya4 zabih-ul-lah1.title 2.sacrifice to god (zabeeh has a more specific meaning – sacrificed by slitting the throat) 3.bestow a right/privilege 4.pronounced From that day on ismail acquired the title, zabih-ul-lah. God himself conferred this title on him.
hafiz jaalandhari – qurbani
My comments are highly biased (towards rationality) and acerbic, but I do have a point. It is easy to get lost into discussing what is really in the qur’aan and what the real meaning of it is. It is also easy to get lost in arguments about the historicity and authenticity of this story. I hope we can get beyond that and see the real point – which is that a leader of public opinion, hafiz jaalandhari, is guilty of playing up dangerous emotions and promoting blind obedience (regardless of what is REALLY in the qur’aan). The focus of my comment is not what is “true” and “historical”, it is on developing this dangerous culture of unthinking obedience and cruelty. I have written several nazm myself on this same theme.
bashaarat1 Khwaab meN paii ke uTh himmat ka samaaN kar
pa’e2 Khushnoodi3 e maula4 isi beTe ko qurbaaN5 kar
1.divine intuition (just short of revelation/message) 2.for the sake of 3.pleasing 4.lord 5.sacrifice, offering
ibrahim/Abraham receives “intuition” while sleeping (interpreted as a message from god) that in order to please god (what kind of a god is pleased to see a father slaughter his son and we have banned human sacrifice) sacrifice your son, says the dream! ibrahim/Abraham receives “intuition” while sleeping (interpreted as a message from god) that in order to please god, sacrifice your son, says the dream! (what kind of a god is pleased to see a father slaughter his son and we have banned human sacrifice). When we hear of kaali (durga) demanding human sacrifice, we are repulsed!
Khalilullah6 uTThe Khwaab se dil ko yaqeen7 aaya
ke aaKhir imtehaN bande ka maalik ne hai farmaaya8
6.another name for ibrahim 7.certainty 8.decreed
He wakes up from his dream certain that he is being tested by god.
uTha mursil1 isi aalam2 meN rassi aur tabar3 le kar
pa’e4 ta’amil5 chal nikla Khuda ka paak paiGambar6
1.messenger, prophet the same condition, immediately 3.hatchet 4.with the intention of 5.obeying 6.messenger, prophet
ibrahim is shown eager to proceed with the “hatchet job” – he rises immediately to obey an incomprehensible order that he himself dreamt up. The prophet (ibrahim) got up immediately and fetched a hatchet and rope and set out to obey god’s order.
pahaaRi par se di aavaaz, “ismail idhar aao”
idhar aao, Khuda e pak ka irshad1 sun jaao
1.pronouncement, judgement, order
From a hill he called, “Ismail come here and listen to the word of god”.
pidar1 ki ye sada2 sun kar pisar3 dauRa hua aaya
ruka hargiz na ismail go4 shaitaaN ne bhaRkaya5
1.father 2.sound, voice, call 3.son 4.even though 5.led astray
As soon as he heard his father’s voice, the son came running. He did not hesitate one bit, even though Satan tried to lead him astray. Unquestioning filial obedience multiplied twice … Abraham obeying god and Ismail obeying his father. Eklavya also ended up getting tricked into sacrificing his thumb … in that case it was paying tribute to his teacher. My problem is with the reinforcing of the culture of “blind obedience”, a very important factor is suicide bombings.
pidar bola ke beTa aaj maiN ne Khwaab dekha hai
kitaab e zindagi ka ek niraala1 baab2 dekha hai
1.unusual 2.chapter
The father said, O Son, I have seen a dream today. I have seen an unusual chapter of the book of life (at least he realizes that it is unusual, if not totally devoid of logic).
ye dekha hai ke maiN Khud aap tujh ko zibah1 karta huN
Khuda ke naam se tere lahu2 meN haath bharta huN
1.sacrifice by slitting the throat 2.blood
I have seen that I myself am offering your sacrifice by slitting your throat. I am catching your blood in my hands in the name of god.
sa’adat-mand1 beTa jhuk gaya farmaan2 e baari3 par
zamin o aasmaN hairaN4 the is taa’at-guzaari5 par
1.respectfully obedient 2.orders 3.god 4.puzzled (in admiration) 5.observing/following unquestioning obedience
The respectfully obedient son bowed to the order of god. Earth and sky (heaven and earth) were puzzled at this unquestioning observance of instructions.
raza-juui1 ki ye soorat2 nazar aayi na thi ab tak
ye jur’at3 peshtar4 insaaN ne dikhlaayi na thi ab tak
1.agreement, harmony 2.face, display 3.daring 4.before this
Such a display of agreement/harmony (with the will of god) has never been displayed before. Man had not shown such courage before this.
ajab1 bashshaash2 the donoN raza3 e rabb-e-izzat4 par
ta’amul5 ya tazabzub6 kuch na tha donoN ki surat7 par
1.unusual, cheer 3.will, pleasure, decree 4.lord of honour 5.thinking, deliberation 6.hesitation 7.face
Both were unusually at peace with the will of god. Their faces did not display any deep deliberation or hesitation (as if thinking and deliberating is evil!)
kaha farzand1 ne aye baap ismail saabir2 hai
Khuda ke hukm par banda3 pa’e4 ta’amil5 haazir6 hai
1.son 2.patient, accepting 3.servant/creature 4.with the intention of 5.obedience 6.present/willing
The son said, O father, I accept god’s orders. I present myself to obey.
magar aaNkhauN par apni aap paTTi bandh lijega
mere haathoN meN aur pairoN meN rassi bandh dijega
The son is ready to obey god’s commandment, helpfully suggesting that the father blindfold himself for fear that he might change his mind on seeing his son in pain. A further idea that his hands and feet be tied up so he does not thrash about in pain.
mabaada1 aap ko soorat pe meri rahm2 aa jaaye
mabaada maiN taRap kar chhooT jaauN haath tharraye3
1.lest, for fear that 2.pity 3.tremble
Tie a blindfold for fear that you may see in pain and stop because of pity and that if I were to thrash in pain, your hand may tremble.
pisar1 ki baat sun kar baap ne taareef2 farmaai3
ye rassi aur paTTi bandhni un ko pasand aaii
1.son 2.praise 3.bestowed, pronounced
When the father heard his son’s suggestion, he praised him. He liked the idea of using rope and blindfold.
hue ab har tarah tayyaar1 donoN baap aur beTa
chhuri is ne sambhali2 to ye jhaT qadmauN meN aa leTa
1.ready ready
Now both father and son got ready. One readied the knife and the other immediately lay down at the father’s feet.
pachhaaRa1 aur ghuTna seena e maasoom par rakkha
chhuri pathhar pe ragRi2 haath ko hulqoom3 par rakha
1.throw down 2.rub (to sharp) 3.throat
(The father), threw his son down on the ground and lay his knee upon his chest. He sharpened the knife on a stone and held his throat. The imagery is strange … he throws his son down, puts his knee on his chest and sharpens the knife on a stone. There is an expression in urdu “raal Tapakna” … salivate when you see tasty food. This imagery makes me see ibrahim salivating as he gets ready to slit his son’s throat. All we need is kaali’s tongue to mop up the blood. It is the same relish that I have seen on Youtube postings of a crowd of people around a large camel or cow being slaughtered.
zamiN sahmi1 paRi thi asmaaN saakin2 tha bechaara
na is se peshtar3 dekha tha ye hairat4 ka nazzaara5
1.frightened 2.stunned, frozen 3.before this 4.amazement 5.sight
So it does seem that there is someone who thinks that this scene is strange … the earth and the sky are frightened, frozen and stunned. Such a scene has never been seen before. hafiz does not take this thought far enough, in fact it is diverted into an admiration of this act.
pidar1 tha mutma’in2 beTe ke chehre3 par bahaali4 thi
chhuri hulqoom5 e ismail par chalne hi vaali thi
1.father peace, satisfied 3.face 4.satisfaction, contentment, resignation 5.throat
The father was at peace and there was contentment on the face of the son. The knife was about to do its work on ismail’s throat.
mashiyyat1 ka magar darya2 e rahmat3 josh4 meN aaya
ke ismail ka ek rongTa5 kaTne nahiN paaya
1.god’s will 2.ocean of 3.kindness 4.overflow, fibre
But the ocean of kindness of god began to overflow. Not a fibre on ismail’s body was cut.
hue jibreel1 naazil2 aur thaama haath hazrat ka
kaha bas imtehaN3 maqsood4 tha eesar5 o jur’at6 ka
1.archangel Gabriel 2.descend 3.test 4.intented 5.sacrifice, consideration of others 6.courage
Gabriel descended and held his (ibrahim’s) hand. He said, enough/stop, the intention was only to test your selflessness and courage.
ye taa’at1 aur qurbaani2 hui manzoor3 e yazdaani4
ke jannat se ye barra5 aa gaya hai bahr6 e qurbaani2
1.absolute obedience 2.sacrifice/offering 3.accepted god 5.goat/lamb 6.intended for
This absolute obedience and sacrificial offering is accepted by god. This goat has been sent from heaven intended for sacrifice.
hamesha ke liye is Khwaab e saadiq1 ka samar2 lije
isi barre3 ko beTe ke ewaz4 qurbaan5 kar deeje
1.genuine, true 2.fruit, reward 3.goat/lamb 4.instead of 5.offering
Forever reap the reward of this genuine/divine dream/intuition. Make an offering of this lamb instead of your son’s.
Gharaz1 dumba2 hua qurbaan3 ismail ke sadqe4
hui ye sunnat5 is eeman6 ki takmil7 ke sadqe
1.finally 2.sheep 3.sacrificed, offered 4.used in the sense of transferring the calamity/misfortune from ismail to the goat 5.accepted practice 7.completion, fulfilment
Finally, the sheep was offered in place of ismail. This (sacrificing a sheep/goat) has now become a sanctioned/sanctified practice as a fulfilment of faith, thanks to ismail.
Khitaab1 us din se ismail ne paaya zabih-ul-lah2
Khuda ne aap un ke haq3 meN farmaaya4 zabih-ul-lah
1.title 2.sacrifice to god (zabeeh has a more specific meaning – sacrificed by slitting the throat) 3.bestow a right/privilege 4.pronounced
From that day on ismail acquired the title, zabih-ul-lah. God himself conferred this title on him.
Key Search Words: hypocrisy faith conventional religious irrational